Newspaper Page Text
W v 1 ' . 'I,1 Sfe. aw,'.fl':;;?T:aSj.' 'yy'flgiy &. i Cream PUBLIC LEDGER Something new. or fruits of any hind, one today. Can be used on ielio Sella for 10c. Order MAYSVILLE, KENTUCKY, THURSDAY, AUGUST 13, 1914. ONE COPY ONE CENT. j'Xv pacua i.KMF.n-um IIIIRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIii A Frappel i inuli M f M I I M f 1 frr e.v i-Ok V R J" i. 5: .. iV rmk M'1- " --- & The II. 0. of L. ( ' Old times wiro clicap. Hut these times ' You can 't nmko money Inst; A dollar won't go half as far, -. Hut it goes twice as fast, Luke. COLORED INSTITUTE To Bo Hold August 24th to the 28tli in Tho Maysvillo Colored High School Building. Tho Colored Teachers' Institute will 1)0 held in the Colored High School Building August -4th to UStli. Prof. P. N. Woods of Paris, president of tho Statu Association will bo the In structor. Tho law requires all teachers expect ing to teach to attend the full session. JESSIE 0. YANCEY, Supt. OFF ON A PLEASURE TRIP. Mr. V. V. Mcllvain, accompanied by his sister, Miss Hcttio Mcllvain and his thrco nieces, Misses Florence Tog gle, Edith and Martha Mcllvain, left, yesterday for pleasure trip in Mr. Me Ilvaiu's tinning car, through Central Kontucky. WOMAN'S CLUB CALLED TO MEET FRIDAY AFTERNOON. There will be a called meeting of the Woman's Club l'ridax afternoon at 2::S0 o'clock at the Public Library. Tho members, heads of departments and officers nre urged to be present, as business of importance, connected with tlio work of the coming year is to be attended to. MOTORED TO HIGH BRIDGE Mr. and Mrs. Frank Eitel, aeeompan- led by Miss Mamie Archdeacon and 'Harold Robinson, lait Sunday motored over to High Bridge in Mr. Intel's linndsomo touring cnr. They covered tho distance of 187 miles without a mis- hap and spent a most delightful day en- joying tho natural beauty surrounding tho bridge. B. P. O. E. MEETING. Regular meeting of the H. P. O. Elks this evening at 7:110. Full attendance desired. P. 0. SMOOT, E. R. W. R. SMITH, Sec. Tho C. & O. pay car will reach Mays tIHo next Thursday, July L'Otli. Wall paper, rugs and paint at HEN-DRIOKSON'S. HIIIIHMH1IHIIHHHHHIMM Watch For Our Big . Ad. There's a Sensation in It. m a E I MIKE BROWN, THF jj SQUARE DEAL MAN. Sugar fur sale at $1.1)0 per 23 pound pack. CORYELL & DAVIS, 13-3t . Fourth Street LUNCHEON SPECIALTIES You wijl find IIIJRB more nice things I ton ole some tlinn anvwbere. -TTI.,A',. ,A ,... t Jr.!,- ., -..ltr. ... ' vj,j1 utc bwl,tm w "n- w vwmk, L- Wi . , r-w REPUBLICANS TO MEET Saturday In Louisville Full List of Republican Nominees at Primary Election. Louisville, Ky., August 12. There will bo u meeting of the ltoullican Stiito Central committeo and all the senatorial and congressional nominees nt liunulilic.iu headquarters in the Halt House in Louisville Saturday afternoon nt 1 o'clock, for the purpose of select ing si Campaign committeo to take charge of the party fight before the No vemlier election. The State committee and tho Republican candidates will con- fcr over tho personnel of tho Campaign committeo and formulato the plans of tho partyfight. Republican leaders miy tho party is getting in splendid shape all over tho State and that they expect to hae it in its old-time trim early in tho campaign. Tho Republican ticket follows: For IT. S. Senator, full term Augustus E. Willson. For U. S. Senator, short term -Hon. -Hon. William Marshall Bullitt. FOIt CONGRESS First District Edwin' Farley, Pndii call. Second District A. II. Clark, Hop kiusville. Thii.l District W. S. Hall, llnrdins burg. Fifth District Roy Wilhoit, Louis villi-. Seventh District J, Georgetown. Eighth District.!. P. rodsburg. Ninth District.!. (!, Hill. Tenth District John Ii. Hristow, Spillmun, liar- Ireland, Olive W. L-mgley I'ikeville. Eleventh District Caleb Powers, Harbourville J lDO E COURT OF APPEALS. Third District .lames Denton, Som erset. HOME AOAIN AFTER 22 YEARS. Mr. J. H. Nicliolson arrived home fioin Cripple Creek, Colorado, after 22 years' absence, lie married a Miss (Juaintance and left for Colorado on ac count of his wife's health. Mr. Nich olson came to attend the Eagle's con- ention at Kansas City, Mo., and came homo to see his brother, W. ('. Nich olsOII. PRAYER MEETING AT FIRST M. E CHURCH, SOUTH. On account of the lecture at the Courthouse by Mr. Pickett, which be gins nt 8 o'clock, we will begin the prayer meeting nt 7:15 tonight, and close in time for tho lecture. M. S. CLARK, Pastor. Mr. and Mrs. X S. Calhoun gave Beach Party Wednesday evening. m t e I Mr. F. It, Overloy, coroner of Robert son county is n business visitor in this city today,. ' to make your Picnic Lunch aj petizing ...Ill 4.. ,.!o,1 . 1.n.-.wou onll 1 riv rvt. mw I4"1" w .v jr .h... , ,GEISEL k, CONRAD ROUTED French Said to Have Defeated Kaiser's Soldiers in Alsace Russians Drive Austrian Cavalry Back With Great Slaughter LATEST WAR BULLETINS London, England, Aug. 12. The Ex change's Hiussels correspondent, tele giiiphii'g, Wednesday, says: "The Belgians hnve routed the Ger mans in a fierce encounter between the Belgian left wing and the massed Ger man cavalry, infantry and artillery. The Belgians displayed wonderful control under the fierce lire and their victory has iirnused the gieatest enthusiasm along the whole line of the allied troops." The Daily Mail says it learned that on Monday, after the fruitless assault by the Germans on the Liege forts, tlu German government again ap piaoched Belgium, through Holland as intermediary, pointing out that Ger . . 1 1 1 had no tpiancl with Belgium, and asked the Belgian government to re consider its refusal to allow the German army to traverse Belgium in order tt sau vast expenditures in blood ami treasures. The Belgium government, accoidiug to the paper, made reply again let using tlio request. Tho Mail says it understands Turkey bad assured the British government that tho German cruisers, Goebeu and Breslau, which nre now in the Darda iicIIim, would be disarmed, but that them is no reason to believe Turke.v has purchased and intends to put the two cruisers in coiiimi.ssinn. A dispatch from Bislc, Switzerland states that two German infantry reit incuts were annihilated Wednesday h tho French at Mulhausen. The dis patch adils that an Austrian cavaln brigade was etcnninatel Wednesday on tho Russian frontier. The Austrian cavalry, repulsed, tried to get buck the frontier, but were caught in n.aisliv ground and not a man escaped A Berlin dispatch to the DaiU Tele graph says the German army has met heavy losses on the Russian fioutier. Forfci Around Liogo Still Holding Out And Belgian Troops Take The Offensive. Paris, France, Aug. 12. It is stated that the forts around Liege are still holding out against the Germans and that the troops which defended tho citv have reformed to the west and resiim ed the offensive. It is said that the Belgians have blown up tho bridges and destroyed tho railroads in the rear ot tho Germans, cutting off their supplies Germans Bombarding French Town. Tho bombardment by the Gvrmnus nl Pont-u Mousson, in tlio department ot Muurthaet Moselle, about twenty mile northwest of Nancy, commenced yostor day. A hundred shells of large calibei fell in the town, killing tind wounding a number of citizens, and demolish iuv buildings. A dispatch from St. Peters burg says: "The Austrian have suffered a elleek on tho Meistor river. Four regi incuts of Austrian infantry and eight regiments of Uhlans were routed. The approaching big battle will probably be a decisive ona." Tho following ollicial statement wrw issued tonight: "A wounded French cavalryman at Me.ieres declared ho saw German eav nlrymen shoot n wounded Frenchman lie heard fivo or six other shots. "The Gormaiis aro carrying uniforms tnkeu from Belgians killed in battle." Gorman Cavalry Falls Back Except At Ouo Point and Army Enters Belgium. Brussols, Belgium, Aug. 12. (Via Lou don 8::i0 P. M.) Tho Gorman em airy which on Monday and Tuesdny spread Itself out on a front extending from St Trend to I In nu ut, at the sumo time Honding detachments In the direction of Tirlomont, Uougnurde ami Jodoiguo have fallen buck except nt one point, whero thoy aro keeping In contact near Tirlomont, where a thousand Gorman cavalry, with quick firing guns mountod n.. u., ntfnntn.i n nt Tti V" ","vi' "-" h "v v gian-lancors. v Tho latter retired iwiug "! ifijrUj: BWMrkUjr, Tho glans lost two ollieors and a small nmn her of men in killed and wounded. Tho Germans aro erecting fortillca tlons ill the streets of Liege with a view to resisting n possible Belgian at tuck on the right flank. . WAR BULLETINS Belgium is again the scene of outpost fighting between Helginns and French and tho Germans. German commander nt Liege denies loss of 20,000. Says Kaiser stopped the attack on forts to prevent sacrifice 61 life. French foreign minister declares all Liogo forts intact and only a small force of Germans entered the town it self under cover of darkness. Brussels dispatch says bulk of Ger man army is leaving Liege and mlvniie ing toward French frontier thiough heart of Belgium. French foreign minister describes French position in Alsace as good, as tho troops occupy the crests of the Vos ges mountains. Belgium expects attempt by Ger many to cross Dutch territory. Ger lnnuy has requested Holland to state her intentions. Sveaborg, great Russian fortress in Finland, awaits a bombardment or a battle. Paris reports Montenegrin troops oc eupying Tarabosch, overlooking Scutari Albania. Considerable sums of Knglish gold art deposited in Ottawa, Canada, to facih tale pavnients without running risk of shipping money across the Atlantic. COL. ANDREW JACKSON BOYD SOME GRANDPA. Horn to Mr. ami Mrs. Samuel P Boyd of Sutton street a tine y'uu.ig baby girl, vesterday afternoon. Tins makes a grandpa of Col. A. .!. Bov.l. one of the C. O.'s boss telegraphers P. S. They are both bahlheided. Oflieial returns show the election ot Sam C. Williams for the remainder ot the unevpired term of United States Senator John K. Shields on the Ten nessee Supreme bench. Everybody in Mason county expected to attend the Vancebiifg Fair on MASOX COUNTY DAV, Friday. An gust llth, IIHI. See ad on fourth page. The Pope is reported prostrated ovei tho horror of the present war. H H'H HH Down down in jiriee wo moan, in ordor that thoy may f,'o AT GREAT REDUCTIONS up quickly in doorways and windows of houses in White and colored silkotto and linono and about Maysvillo. 7Iil' ""isols fiOe. $1.2.") Parasols 7fe. :f.1 Parasols 7oo. $l.f)0 Parasols $1. Yardage Curtains. Plain with tapo edge. Hlook $2.50 Parasols $1.30. eonlors with hemstitched border. Plain centers with CIIIbDHHN'S figured border. All-over laeo with tape edge. At 2."e Parasols Inc. fiOc Parasols Ilae. least fifty different patterns at 12 l-2c to f0c yd. 7.rc; Parasols fiOe. $1 Parasols 7;'):. The following aro siieeials wo offer to stimulate gILR REMNANTS midsiiiiiinoi' trade Snowv scrim with strikintr wr at i i wr i n -u nv-inii vvuii hii living Wonder Values! We aro closing out all silk floral border in blue, rose or buff, 19e yd., reduced remnants. The newest, most beautiful silks repre- from 2fc. seated. All desirable shades. If you can use a silk At 12 1.2c reduced from 20c Heme Scrim with (,n'ss Pft'r" r waist k"th .vou "'e il to yo"r" doublo floral border. self to see the bargains offered hero. iifie Kern Nets 2jc. :i!)c Ecru Nets 2!)c. r0e No Reduced Goods Charged, Reserved, Ex- Kerne Nets .'fie. changed or Sent on Approval. HH H'H HH HH 1S52 jjffjjjjyjjfUmUjfTfxf liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ( Now Is the Time to Buy Next Summer's Oxfords S $3.50 and $3.75 grades are $2.85 $3 grades are $3.48 S $2.50 grades are $1.85 S HIRSCHFELD WORKING SHOE FOR MEN Madoiu Maysville by givo rei8onablo wear. It in r ho best shoo that M All Summer Drosses 'I KIMMED 1 ATS I EWKbC mHBB Jitfc SBpS BK mMMmmmmmmuumnmwtwmmmwmmmmHmmmmm KILLS WIFE AND SELF Will Taylor Shoots Wifo and Ends His Life at Augusta Both From Dovor (Dover News.) Thursday evening at Augusta Will Taylor, colored, shot nml killed his wife and then killed himself. Lou Dickinson, brother of Mrs. Tay lor, was there ami the family had just partaken of a watermelon, and no trouble had been thought of. Bo went down town after the mail and when he returned his sister and her husband were both dead. Mrs. Taylor had dressed to come to Dover to stay nil night with her sister. Mollio Dickinson, expecting to attend tho Ripley fair next day. It nppear? that her husband objected to her going to Ripley, ami in a dispute which fol lowed shot her and then killed himself. Tho .shooting occurred just before the arrival of tho train on which Mrs. Tay lor expected to come to Dover. Her sister was at South Ripley waiting for the down train, evpeeting to meet her sister here when she was apprised of her sister's death. Mrs. Taylor was a daughter of Aman da I)ickiii!on, formerly of Mover, now of Covington, and a sister of Lou and Clarence Dickinson of Dover. SHOE FLYER FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. All our white canvas high shoes $1.7."i to value at f 1.00. HARKLHVS SHON STORK. D. HECH1NGER & CO. Maysville's Best Clothing and Shoe Store. For the noxt ten da)" ami "fr cash ouly" all of our Spring weight $2f) $27.f0 and $30 Suits fr20. All of our Spr'tig weight $22 .r() $20 and 18 Suits $lf). All of our Spring weight $10f)0 and l.r Suits now $12 including absolutely pure worsted blue Serge Suits. All of our $12 Suits $!) .00. Many of rhee suits pullieieutly heavy for late fall wear. Our on' ire line of Children's Spiing and summer Suits 25 off the price. Our entire Hue of fall shntn aro now in stock. Needless to say anything about quality and style. The best tnaili! in tho world, every pair wananted to give rcason tihln aat"-f'ictiMii 33 tlEJCKtinSTG-EIK, & OO. Come tho LlirHcufold Shoe Factory. wo havo e'or sold muHt go. Tako your pick at one Not nmuy nre 1 .ft. Choice of KCTjrisrT HTNnFR RRO Leading Retailers m U11NODK I3KUO., 107 W. Second St BMMM11BMB BUILD YOUR HOUSE NOW! If you are contemplating building n lioine or n house for an investment, now is the time to place your order. We have the largest stock of all kind3 of build ing tnaterinl that can be found in Northeastern Kentucky and have Inrge con tracts with the timber men for still greater supply. We contracted this large supply at a price very near cost of production and we are in position to giv jo i the advantage of this good purchase. I'lnce your order now or let us give you an estimate on your requirements; you will then leave your order with Masvillc's Foremost Lumber Yard. J fan Mason Lumber Co. '- Cor. Socond and Limostono Sts. Phone 519. MAVSVILLE. KY. A. A. iMoLauohlin. l BJniucuiQniVtaii Tic VMOTrunuuwznn J- T- KZ A OKLEY &; OO- ii SODALICIOUS" That's what they all say about our Soda and Ice Cream. For Ice Cream Sodas and Sundaes a superior quality of cream is used. Our menu consists of about seventy-five beverages and each one is a favorite with some of our trade. Be sure to get your share. IT'S SODALICIOUS. M. F. WILLIAMS CURT A INS 3 .4"Jl-i;--Fxxx.;xj.Tfxxxxxxxxxxxx5:xxxxxf jxxjjjjxj. Each pair guaranteed to be solid - half price thorn 98c. L. N. Bkhan. THE EYES OP THE WORLD" A REAL LOVE STORY Greatest novel by Harold Hell Wright, author of "Their Yesterday," "The Winning of Barbara Worth," etc. ON SALE AUGUST Stli.f TCKH Over 500,000 sold before published largest sale ever made by any author. Look in our show window. & CO. THE THIRD STREET DRUGSTORE. H m Hrl Hth Hik H.H its: 19.14 leather and to $31 'M tt ti 7 A in I . "st- rA'