Newspaper Page Text
TO PWfiFfSW on '1' ' ' ,iyV . "v'i && Sv, '" Wf rw ro : wT s i ;r' ZSZaSSS MWWW 'rj m w aa-iMigMn JimillliimiMIIIIISIIBCIIllllllQBEIHM l Cream Frappei m Something new. Can be used on iello g or fruits of any kind. Sells forllOc. Order m m one today. I DINGER BROS., ,MlS? f IIIIIIIUiniHIIHUNUlI PUBLIC "71' 'V! ., ..A,i 4XHbf.MOA -vr f.4iX. fOUUOI.KIIMt-lM MAYSVILLE, KENTUCKY, THURSDAY, AUGUST 27, 1914. ONE COPY ONE CENT. w .iii jv, - i.-L v. .? IF- : 4 &. 1 T"f I Know a Man I know n man who's always got A (juipk ami oortniii I'Uie For ovory ill ami ailment that A mortal can cmlure. TIt always wants to try it out Wlion'er his frioinU nre sick, But when lie's fooling punk himself Ho oalls a doctor quiok. CHARLESJ CALVERT rromlncnt Maysvillo Citizen and Busi ness Man Died Suddenly Loiit Nisht. The hows of the death of Air. Charles T. Culvert at liii home in West Third atroot last night of apoplexy comes as a shock to his thousands of friends in this city and county. Jlr. Culvert attended the Herman town Fair with Mr. Stanton Clift yes terday ami came home about 10 o'clock, seemingly in the best of health. Ho suffered "a stroke of apoplexy a short time later ami died about lli.'to. Ik was about 5j years of age. Mr. Calvert is survived by bis wife r.iiil six children Misses Anna and Lliznbetli, Messrs. Clint, doe and Her man, all of this city, and Mr. Hairy .Calvert, of Bracken county. Mr. Calvert Has a director of the OermnntoWii Fair Co. , The funeral arrangements have not be oil nuiiotiHci'd. MISS ELIZABETH BARBOUR'S Artistic Pliying Attracting Attention of Cincinnati Public. (WeliH d'iy V l'miior.) Miss Klirabetli ihrbour, solo pianiste at the Zoological Harden last night, vvil' lepeat her rendition of II r leg's Com-erte in A minor, assisted by the Cinciiiii.tti Summer Orchestra, this evening, as the inclement weather of lasi ni'ht kepf iwiny away who had especially desired to hear this well-known artist. Those nho nttended the concert last iiiuht felt moro than repaid for the discomfort of the dampness they encountered. MUs Barbour plnytd with genuine apprecia tion of her selection and faultless technique enabled lu-r to gie full play to her truly artistic temperament. NOTICE TO THE TUBLIC. Having sold our bnsiiio-s and desiring to wind up all accounts by Septembei 1st, wo ask all our pations to call and sottlo accounts on or before that date. All thoso having accounts against the firm, will present same for payment. suiiWAiny. a. sov. Master .lolin Hordon Cobiiru of the county is spending the week with his aunt, Mr-, i S rdon (lilmore. Wall paper, rugs and paint at HEN DRICKSON'S. lllllllIllRllIllMllllIllllllllllliailllll FLIER NO. 1 WE MUST HAVE MONEY In order to get h, we are going to offer our entire stock of goods to you at such prices that you will be COMPELLED to buy. Each week we are going to announce some "Flier," and dur ing tlutt week, any article advertised, you can have at your own price, practically, for we are dettr miutd to make the goods move. This week, be ginning Monday, the 17th, every piece of Enamel Ware, Tin Ware and Aluminum Ware in our M m M H store MUST BE SOLD S Ladies, here's a chance to replenish your kitchen supply at your own price, and don't for- get that with every $1 cash purchased you get a B ticket entitling you to a chance on a five passen- J ger Touring Car, fully equipped, with Eledtric Starter, Elettric Lights, Eledtric Generator, 3 speeds, etc.. and also, an Up-to-Date Runabout Automo- h 1 m m 1 8 g bile, both to be given away some time during the g Bj year 1915, as announced in our Big Ad. MIKE BROWN, THE J B SQUARE DEAL MAN. 5 iMMHMlWMMHMIIHillliHlMIIMMi BABBXEY'S ?1.00 SALE, Fop Friday nml Saturday wo will put on salo Moil's and Women's $3, $4, $a nml 40 Oxford, for $1.00! . LTJNOHEON SPECIALTIES You wU And HRR13 more nice things nml wholesome Uiftntonywhere. . IfvoTi are t'oinp to take an Ontlnc vfre jM,-.5'X - ' ' " '- - ' - PJMWt'J ,:,V ' 2k -' ','-' " lT- .iiWii.iT.j.. v -jw la-Mj THIRD DAY'SKEEDINGS Of tlio Mason and Floming County Col ored Toaclicrs' Instltuto In Session At Maysvillo. The session opened with devotional exercises conducted by Dr. I;. M. 11a good of the Scott's Chapel M. K. Church. Teachers responded to roll call by quotations from Negro authors. After brief leniarks by I'rofs. Wood ami Humphrey culling attention to Ne gro authors and their works (he insti tute proceeded to take tip the program as oilHine-d by tho syllabus. l'rof. Wood in a clear and forceful manner discussed the subjects of Character and Mind Training. Wxery teaclicer could see clearly from tho instructor's argu ment, to build up strong, moral and menial chaiacters in children, the teachers must possess qualities' along these lines themselves. The following subjects were discussed by the teach eis: Third tirade Arithmetic, Miss Hertha Brown; Klementary Heography, .Miss Annie Williams and l'rof. Mar tin; Third Hrado Heading, Mrs. Ida Ho's; Third and Fourth Hrado. Lan guage, Miss Susie Taylor; Primary History, l'rof. A. V. Travis; Agricul lure Tho Plant, l'rof. II. K. Ilum mons. All these subjects were discuss ed according to the latest methods of teaching and can not fail to Inspire the young teacher with simple and practical ideas of how each subject should be taught. l'rof. Martin gavi an excellent bio giaphy of Booker T. Washington. He emphasized the importance of teaching the children to point with pride to th great men and women of our race. The nstruetor would chime in as each sub ject was discussed, giving some of the latest approved methods of how tliev should be taught. He shows clearly that lie has the situation in lemd and is master of his calling us an Institute In ' tractor. We are glad to note some of the citizens present at those seiiui but would be proud to see more. F. isu. ti.ijKlt, Keportor. TONIGHFSIPROGRAM To Bo Rendered at The ethcl Baptist Church at 7:30 O'clock. l'raver K'ev. It. .Jackson. Solo Miss Susie Taylor Select Heading .nss Kva McConico lnstrumenta'. M.nio 1'iof. .1. Tiivlnr Address Dr. L. M. Ilagood. Quartette MUscs Irene Hello, Pearl Perkins, Beatrice .lackson and Mr. Itob- ert Itobinson. Address Hon. K. Solo Miss Marv Address l'rof. i', W. Lane. Ilagood. M. t.ood, Institute lii'truetor. Prof. Wood is an :ble sp" and i.r one should fail to hear him. PHOF. W. 11. IllJ'MPIIIJHV. Master of Ceremonies MASS FOR POPE. Solemn requiem high mass for I'ope Pius X. was celebrated at M. Patrick s Itoiuau Cathclic Church this morniii" at S o'clock. Hreat bargains It 's 11.00 Sale, in low shoes at Mark Friday and Saturday. M m n c if 1 a 8J m Mr. Clyde Butcher, who has been at tending the Deaf and Dumb institute at Danville, Ky., is here Hpendlng his vn cation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, James Butchor o tho West Eud. to make your Picnic launch nrpetiziug will be L'lad to lmve you cull. ., '!.: Ll':- ::' 3BABISBCS " CONRADfei euro'' iffiowfibfifg. X' . r jnm ui.r . MtarMUKWu - '!. DEATH GRAPPLE Between Allies and Germany News Conflicting, Both Claiming Vic tory Russians Sweeping on Through Kaiser's Domain LATEST WAR BULLETINS ranlc Reported Imminent In Berlin and Wealthy Cltlzons Said to Bo Flee ing By Way of Copenhagen. - London, J-higland, Aug. 20, 12:11) p. 111 Despite the Merman efforts to min imi 0 the extent mid importance of the I usjian victories," says the Standard's Copenhagen correspondent, "the Mer man public is liy 110 means satisfied of tleir security. A panic seems iiniuiiion in Berlin. Wealthy Germans are leav ing the city and hastening toward -Scandinavia by way of Copenhagen. A num ber of these already have passed through tho city." The following ofllclal statement has been issued at Antwerp, according to the Keuter correspondent there. ' "The Belgium operations have sue 1 ceded in the double object of dimin ishing the Merman entrenchments and drawing the troops on the line between Maliues and 'Brussels and thus reducing pressure on the French positions. We liae compelled the Fourth Merman di i "ion, which was advancing south waids, to retrace its steps. The fourth Belgian division at Namiir has fulfilled its task, arresting the Merurin column and allowing tho Belgians to retire on .ho French line, 'The Xnmur forts are still holding Otll " Germans In Eastern Prussia Fleeing Be foro Aclyanco of Russian Soldiers Wlio Have Captured 3 Towns. St. Petersburg, via Loudon, Aug. 2". I he Mermans in the Libing District ot K'ist Prussia, near the Vistula Kior, are fleeing westward before the Hus sion advance. The Russian troops in Prussia hn,ve occupied the towns of Nordenburg, Sensburg and Bischofsburg and the rail road station at Itothfliess and the Bus siau advance continues. In eastern Malicia the Russians have driven back the ...tstiiuns beyond the uer which runs about thiee miles west ol Taruopol. Announcement is made from Berlin Lieut. Men. Prince Frederick of aNe Meiniugeu was killed by a shell Miud.iy at ..unur. Another airship raid by the Mermans op Antwerp has been repuUed b the itelgiaus without loss. An Austrian Mctorv over the l!us siaus at Ki.isnik is claimed in wiielcss nllicial reports from Berlin. Losses of the Austrians on the Driu.i aie declared in telegrams ftom the Sei m.iii capital to be I.", 000 killed, :iO,00ll wounded and l.'.OOO prisoners. Russian decorations have been with liawu from Mermiin and Austrian sov ereigns and princes and the latter have bi 011 dismissed from Russian ro'timeiiU. 'Ibis has never been done beiore. The bomb-dropping episode at Ant - v erp, may cause an international in iiirj, as 'Belgium claims it is in viola- inii'of Article "0 o. the Fourth Hague convent inn. The Belgian roval family has abaa doned the palace at Antwerp and gone ii to hiding, as the aerial bombardments were directed at the poison of the king. Secretary Bryan has denied that Brand Whitlock, U. S. minister to Bel !j1um, has. protested ngahibt dropping fuinlie.s on, the city of Autwery, but says that the Belgian minister to the United States has made a protest. Dispatches from tho general stall' at St. Petersburg announce that Bus'ian roops occupy all the eastern and south em half of Hasteru Prussia. The Uus- ians are declared to be continuing tho oflenslve. The Italian government has rece'ved advices from Menoral Conrad, chief of the Austrian stuff, declaring without foundation reports saying that Austria Hungary Iris aggressive iutentlous against Italy. A dispatch from Antwerp says all Merman troops nro believed to have lift Brussels and that the Belgians ex pect to re occupy the city immediately. This news, however, lacks confirmation 1 1 ttiu any oflicinl source. A dispatch received in Rome from Vienna declares that Austria-Hungary has declared war 011 Japan. A nows dispatch from Paris says that in Lorraino tho allied armies have taken lip a combined offensive movement, and that the situation in the Vosges is un cl.auged. Tho battlo continues in the region of Luneville, and the French trnoiis nro said to be making progress. Dispatches from Antwerp bay that twenty-six lives wero lost, 000 hoine Flightiy damaged and sixty houses nearly' destroyed by tho Zeppelin l nib's. GOODNESS GRACIOUS" AT THE GEM TOMORROW Everyone- In Mnysvillo nnd vicinity wants to see tho Stnr Vitagrnph com edy, "Goodness Mrncious", at the Mem tomorrow afternoon and night. Master Albert ShoUon of Munches tor, Ohio, Is visiting his aunts, Missus. Dora Kdgintgtou and Mrs. H. J. D. Mar shall. Mr, Lud Mills has accepted n posi tain as chauffeur for Mr. Crenshotv Slack of tho county. Rev, Athortoa purchased the auto of Mr. A. E. Daniels and motored to 1.1s homo. Arr. Jainen LDowiilujfHvl Ukiug thd- an - - njMwrTMft-. - ii . .- ( &Z Mr. Nelson Breee w-ns in Augusta on business Tuesday. Mr. Howard Key tool; in tho Merman town Fnir yesterday. Mr. William 'fronts has returned from a visit to Lola ud, Mich. ' Mr. T. I. Peggs of Milman, 111., h visiting relatives in Charleston bottom. Mr. Paris lluddleston of Ripley is visiting his parents on Tuckahoo Ridge. Mbs Kliziilii'lli Adaiiison has returned from 1 visit with friends in Lcviugtoti. Mis Vivian Louderbaek of Miirnus- liurg is visiting relatives in Covington. Mrs.-Maurice D. Aitkin of Flemings burg is the guest of fi lends in this city. "Mr. Ray Feltcainp of Cincinnati it visitieg the F.ruost family of Moiaus burg. Miss Mary Flanders of Millersburf U visiting Mrs. Mary Morau of Jersey Ridge. t Mbs Eva Mason of Millersburg is itdting Miss S.illie Morun of .lersev Ridge. Mrr. Bettie Smart of the West End has returned from a visit at Winches tor, Ky. ' Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Hopper have leturned from their summer home in the oMiuty. Mis iiael Kerr of Millersburg, i visiting her sister, Miss .losie Kerr of Tuckiihoe. 'x .Mr. Tom Zwicgart returned home thi tuorniii'r aftc a week's, camping trip, near Louisville. Mr Fugles of Louisville, is the pleasant guest of the Keith family ol Charleston bottom. Mis Tlielma Payne of Varis, is vis iting the family of Mr. Sam Roser of Charleston bottom. Mis Gertrude Downey is the pleasant guest of her cousin, Mrs. Mary Foley f Tuckahoo Ridge. Mr W. O. S'dwell returned to his home in the countv after a week's busi uess trip in Cincinnati. Mr. .1. .1. Coughlin of Augusta, a stn dent at Kentucky State FniversiU, was 11 tlii city vostorday on his way to Li Mutton 011 a short business trip. CJffW 'Xr?PfSri"vMl Pis ii - iiiiiiiifi - l:ii:ii - i:iiiii - i-h u'h H "2 H ffl HHt H HH HH HH HH H HH HH HH 4fH H H-H HH H-H H Hf Hh M H H4t HH H H-H Httl Lingerie Embroidered to Look 'to Like French Handwork 50c to $1.25 One of the wonders of this Twentieth Cen tury is the machine that makes embroidered scallops and eyelets like the handwork of French needlewomen. There is also a machine that embroiders motifs after French designs. These new devices enable us to offer copies of high priced underwear at these modest prices: NIGHTGOWNS $1, $1.25. PETTICOATS $1. DRAWERS 50c. All above garments are neatly scalloped or have embroidered designs. Some have both em broidered scallop and design. No Reduced Goods Charged, Reserved, Exchanged or Sent on Approval. 1852 ix.7.ixxxxxxxxxxTXiixi.TlPCT.TS.T.TT.T.TT.TTTTTTTTTTTT?Ti:T?TTTI;5-TT-T-TTTl:TT-TTTT?TTT?T xxxxxxxxxxjixxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx .MiUIIHHM Saturday Is Red Letter Day Double Stamps! It's Good Bye To All Odds and Ends. : EAGLE SHIRTS One lot of "Kagle" Silk Seconds just received, worth up to j5.. S Saturday's price $1.98. m One lot of "Kagle" Shirts, just received soft cuffs and woven madras worth 82. Saturday's price 1. Kvery one guaranteed S perfect. 5 "ROYAL," WAISTS Big selection of "Royal Waists, low m neck and short sleeves, 98c. Sizes 34 to 64. ' LINGERIE DRESSES Mostly white. Take your choice at JS Y Price. 5 LADIES' HATS Choice of any Summer Hat in our store 75c. H " IMPORTED ROBE SJust seven of them are left. They were worth up to Si 5. Saturday's price $5.98. This is some bargain. ! ..- im hmha rmm : 3WKSSScaBi si's. " Mr. Elmer Kirk of the Mint Cola Company returned from 11 visit with the homo folks near ..ui., Ky, Mr. Win. Vieroy of the B. & O. rail road force is spending his vacation with his mother, Mrs. M. .1. Vicrov. Mr. J. H. Stafford and wife nre Fpendlug the summer with Mrs. M. B. McCormack of the West End. Mrs. D. II. Brock of Richmond," Ky., is spending several weeks with Rev. W. W. Hall and wife of Moraiisburg. 'Mrs. Harry Owens and son, Perrine. nre spending several days with Mr. .1. R. Beagles and wifo ofthe county. Bev. M. R. Athertou and wite return ed to their home at llodgenvillo, after spending tho summer at Moransburg. Mrs, neorge dimes and little child of Millersburg are visiting the Misses Riohcson at their Hat over the Library. Miss ElialwHi Rudy ot the IMP Poii'o has returned Iroin a visit to her flint, Mrs. John Anderson, in Cincin unti. m Misses Josle Reynolds of Dover and Marie Conrad of Rushvillo, I ml., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Osborne of Tuckahoo. Mrs. Clyde Crawford of Pittsdeld, Peiui., is spending a few weeks with her laither. Mr. Coleman Wilson of tho West End. Mrs. John B. Holton, after spending a few days with Miss Martha Holton of Tuckahoo returned to her homo in In dinuapolis. Don't forget Barkloy's 1 Sale of Low shoes Friduv ami Saturdav. D. HECHINGER & CO. Maysville's Best Clothing and Shoe Store. OUR ENTIRE FALL STOCK NOW READY FOR INSPECTION We believe in the selection of our Fall Stock we will please the most fastidious dressers in our community. Our Suits and over gnrtnents are the productions of tho most exclusive Wholesale Merchant Tailors in Americai consequently, many of the styles nml fabrics arc 'exclusively" confined to us. We devoted special attention to Voting Men's apparel. "In this department we are particularly strong." We promise you that wearing one of oar Suits or Overcoats will stamp you "a well costumed person." We have already in stock the latest fall style Hats from the celebrated Manufacturers J. II. Stetson Co. and Knox Hat Co. Our Shoe Department Is replete witit the newest fall productions of Ilatian, Nettletou, Walk-Over, W. L. Douglas and Barker-Brown. Bvery p dr w irreuted to give reasonable satisfaction. ZX HEC iHl I3NTG-ESR. A, CO. JE-3L K-J JLI JL BUILD YOUR HOUSE NOW! If you nre contemplating building a home or n house for an investment, now" js the time to place your order. We have the largest Mock of all kinds of build ing material that can be found in Northeastern Kentucky nnd have large con tracts with the timber men for still greater supply. We contracted tills large supply at a price very nenr cost of production nnd we are in position to give you tlw advantage of Ibis good purchase. Place your order now or let us give you an estimate on your requirements; you will then leaye your order with Maysville's Foremost Lumber Yard. The Mason Cor. Socontl and Llmostono Sts. Phono 519. MAVSVILLE, KV. A. A, MoLauahun. L. N. Bkiian. 3 CASH, PEOPLE! REMEMBER! a M Our cash register cost us $450 and gives you 2j per cent. off for cash purchases. It issues a coupon for every sale. Good B M for school books and school supplies. B : J. T. KACKLEY & CO. i H Room Moulding at a Special Price. IMH it SODALIOIOUS That's what they all say about our Soda and Ice Crea"in. For Ice Cream Sodas and Sunrises a superior quality of cream is used. Our menu consists of about seventy-five beverages and each one is a favorite with some of our trade. Be sure to get your share. IT'S S0DALICI0US. M. F WILLIAMS iri - iiiiiiiii Good News of Special purchase of two-ynrd-wido Irish taMo linen of smell umitMial and satisfactory (piality we nro proud to oflVr it fras little as $1 yard. CMiartn intr part rn vat' e y. Match Napkins $2 J dozen. Satisfied Shoppers are our rmutmut buyers. W mark our dress goods very close. That ineanH when we cut the price of rcmtinntti we lose money on every jard, but, because tho gain is yours is not ihenly reason so many take advantage of the offer. Another nason is because the lvinnants are from our best and prettiest silke ttud tluty atfoid a chance for now dresses, hlnusn, kimonaa at a fraction of regular price?. See for oui'Helf. 1? t...FT? - F?T - T?T - T? SHOES Eir,st showing of the new "Queen Quality Shoes" and our Special School Shoes a perfect fit for every foot. "HIRSCHEELD WORKING SHOES" The Shoes that is made in Maysville. Guaranteed by the factory. $3 Pair. One lot of Shirtwaists worth up to $1. Saturday's price 35c. One lot of Silks, some faucy, some are plain, some are a yard B wide. They go Saturday at 50c yard. B One lot of odds and ends of Silks 39c yard. jj Good Bleach Cotton, yard wide. Saturday is the last day to S bliv it at 7c yard. ( Ouly six Ladies' Bathing Suits, Lumber Co. Inc. MLIMH tt & CO. THE THIRD STREET DRUGSTORE. rprp HK Good Linen H H" - H H Krt its n 19-14 - T:?3 - a - - I;5: - I - - I;'i - - i - - f - I - - I - .J.ixx5 worth up to 3, choice $ 1.49c. , V n I 1 H 1 I i;Ma .!.' -