Newspaper Page Text
m WITHOUT A DOUBT WE HAVE THE 1 5 BEST 25c COFFEE IN I I MIWSVILLE 8 TELEPHONE 20. AhuS PUBLIC LEDGER m -. -, --j-ri - -i.-u-ij-ij-L-i.n.ri.i-L-iri n ruunn r ii- i - - i xw wm o ii iW -i in n. .j MAYSVILLE, KENTUCKY, SATURDAY, AUGUST 29, 1914. i'-' Muni (iffl.ll.01-lW ONE COPY ONE CENT. IN 1 Mt Efcol 1 Hvt. 2- HHSp V ' " lac Tho Hunting Soason. Tho hunter will soon jjet in line, Their turn will soon be hero; l . Anil ovorv cow will wenr n siirn: "DON'T SHOOT MR, I'M NO DMKKI" Luke. J. N. ihilo 1 ostmastcr at in the new falmouth. Democratic Mr. h. M. Cuvenrilsh leaves Monday for New York Citv on business. BIG EVENT The Mason County Teachers' Institute Convenes at Maysville High School Building Next Monday Morning it. .las 'altli Tho Mason County Teachers' Insti tuto'wlll begin a week's cession next Monday morning at the Maysville High School Auditorium. Monday '8 Program. MOKNIXG 0:00. Singing. ifoll Call. Organization of the Institute. Introduction of Instructors. "Health by Indirection," Prof. 1. raulkner. The teachers will visit the II car in a body. A PTCIfXOON 1 :.!(). "Public School Music," Prof. 15. II. ss- I'roxton, Supervisor of Music, Lexing- ton. Address Mrs. Cora Wilson Stewart. vr Discussion. Adjournment. Tho State Tuberculosis Commission will send its Health Car to Ma..svillo for tho Teachers' Institute August HI. Professor James P. Pnulkner, who is in charge, will talk before tho institute nt tho Iljgh School Dunilding at 10 a. m. Monday, on " Health by Indirection." Any interested will lie welcomed to Mr. C. L. Dudley of iMemlngsburg ns in Maysvillo calling on his friends. Mr. and Mrs. William Jones and ehil dien have returned from it visit to rela tives in Huntington. Mr. Louis I Schatmnii, City Ed itor of the D.tily Independent, is in Cin einnati on business today. Rev. Dr. J. C. Malloy, wifo and fam ily of Columbia, Tcnn., wcro guests of tl.o Now Central Hotel yesterday, Mrs. liosa Scli.itniaun and Mrs. Charles Itnnioy left this morning for Cincinnati where they will spend sev eral days. Mrs. II. N. Craycraft has returned tt her home in Ma slick after nu e tended visit tq relaties in Dallas and other Texas cities. Mr. Hnllip Custor, the Market street tonsorial specialist, has gone, to Park ersburg, W. .Va., his old hunie, for a Msit of siv weeks. Mossrs. Elmer Shelton and Everett Bullock of Georgetown, Ky., aro the f,uists of their cousins, the Misnes Por ter of tho Hill Houso. Mr. Ellsworth .Nicholson returned to iiis Inline in Clinton, Ohio, this morning after a isit to his grandmother, Mrs Nicholson, of Limestone street. Mrs, John C. Wood and diughter, Miss Catherine hno returned to their 'homo in Mt. Sterling after a visit to HORRIBLE Are Conditions In War Stricken Europe Battling Fierce and 500,000 Already Killed or Wounded OIKOUIT COURT. hear Mr. Pnulkner. This lecture his! t,u''r rel.itites, Mrs. Anna Peed and Mr. been given with great success at i number of institutes. T'io exhibit c'ir will be onen to the teachers nt 11:00 a. m. It has been re-equipped sinco its visit to Ma.s ville. Its pictures under glass, its inn I els and electric devices show Import tut lessons on tho prinention of tuberva lesis, typhoid fever, hookworm, nnd t'i caro of children. - In 'Squiro Dresel's Court yesterday the following enses were disposed of: Lou Pristoe, breach of peace, i'J and Cfsts; Luko Jones, breach or peace, 2 Piid are taking iu the (jerinantowu Fair 1 hos. L. Ewau of East Fourth street. i Mr. Hurgess Newcomb of The Uipley Hep ollico was in Mavsvillo yesterday iisiting his uncle, Mr. Clarence Mathews. Hurgess is following in the footsteps of 'his fnhter, J. ( New comb, editor of Tho Hce, and will ii ake a worthy successor of a good 1 rinter I Col. and Mrs. Hoffman Wood of M Sterling aro the pleasant guests of Mr. 'J hos. L. Hwan of EaSt Fourth street. Readers Must Judge For Themselves of Accuracy of War Reports LATESTWAR BULLETINS 'Pleats of Hritain and nor mally at last havo come to n death grip and according to tho reports from Lon don victory lay with the British. In a battle off the island of Helgo land in the North Sea yesterday the Uerm.uis aro reported to have lost two misers and two torpedo boats were i link while another of their cruisers nnd many of their destroyers were bidlj battered in a tight with British ships Tho British claimed not to haic suf fered itho loss of n single essol and declared there wero few fatalities on board the essels of their fleet. and costs; Horace Mincer, using pro fane and abusive language, 2 and cists; George Dile, breich of peace, $1 nnd costs; Mrs. Julia Mincer, using nlniMio langmge, dismissed; Mary Green, same clinrg,o dismissed. today. Mr. Wood is Secretary of tho Montgomery County Fair Co., and is an uitlliisiastic hustler nnd booster of all such igricultur.'ii ontfcrprises. Ho do clares ho is ready to help us along in this lino nt any time. M I FLIER NO. 1 1 WE MUST HAVE MONEY Losses Declared to be Appalling But Armies Said to bo in Practically Same Position as on Thursday. Paris, Prance, August 2S, 11 p. m An official communication issued by the war odico says: "The situation on our front, from the department of Soiiuue (Northwest Pra'ice) to tho osges, remained tin same today as. yesterday. The Get mnii forces nppear to have slackenel their march." The app'ircnt inaction of the arnn is indicnted in tho ollleial statements is i plained by the frightful exhaustion of both sides who for days havo been fig ting furiously. 'I ho losses of both armies are appall in-.', parttculirly those of the. Germans Yesterday tho Gilbert Grocery Co., of Portsmouth filed silit ngninst Alonx.oMJ. Brnmel. for flSlMM .with Interest from Juno 7, 1011m Amount is alleged due for goods, furnished. John L, Chnmberlaiu nnd Garrett S Wall filed suit against tho estate of J. B. Daniels, deceased, for the sum of $80 with interest from Sopt. 20, 1001, stibject to credit of $15. Amount is (lnlmed duo as balance on n note. J. II. Clarke and J. M. Pinch of tho linn of Clarko & Finch filed suit against tho C & O. for 1-202.5:1. This is nl leged to be duo for tho death of 10 hogs which wero killed while in a c'ar on the way to Cincinnati. DEATH ANOEL VIsfTS HOMEOF REV. J. M. IIA-VwORB.' - Friends of Rev. J. M. H-aymore,"for r"er pastor of tho First Baptist Church, of this city but now of Moultrie, Ga. aro in receipt of n telegram announc ing the sad news of tho death of theii joungest daughter, Bosalie, at that inco yesterday afternoon. Kev. Hayiuore and family made nmiv warm friends during their residence in Maysvlllo who deeply sympathize with them in their loss. TODAY'SPROGRAM Of tho Farmer's Chautauqua at The " Oormantown Fair Dr. Mutclilor Tho Foaturo. and Prof. Hen the Chautuuinia i Dr. Fred Mutclilor (irick will speak in Tent on Pair grounds Saturday betweo 12.:i0 p. m. and 1:110 p. m. Bo sliro to attend this meeting. Dr. Mutehler will S oak on live stock management and kindred matters. Prof. Hondiick will scak on alfalfa and soil building. Hear him. HEAVY RAIN THIS MORNING. There is no lack of rain in this sec Won now. A dozen or more shower l.nvo fnllcn this week nnd the ground i thoroughly soaked, ponds aro full and all stock nnd crops aro enjoying their abundant portion of moisture, and big yields aro in sight. WOMAN'S OL"UB MEETING. T1US BUNCH IS HAVING SOME GOOD TIME. County Clerk James J. Oivnes, Peirce Calvert, Thomas A. Davis, "Col." Geo Wood, master of tho joko foundry, wnto tliey are enjoying themsels nnd improving in health at Iletl Hoilim,' Springs, Tenn. "Col." Wood says ho may stay until Chrlstmns, hoiiic of tin others will arrive homo next Monday. Bulletin. OLD SOLDIERS CALLED TO THE FRONT. H : m E 1 I 8 : a In order to get if, we are going to offer our entire stock of goods to you at such prices that you will be COMPELLED to buy. Each week we are going to announce some "Flier," and dur ing that week, any article advertised, you can have at your own price, practically, for we are deter mined to make the goods move. This week, be ginning Monday, the 17th, every piece of Enamel Ware, Tin Ware and Aluminum Ware in our store MUST BE SOLD Ladies, here's a chance to replenish your kitchen supply at your own price, and don't for get that with every $1 cash purchased you get a ticket entitling you to a chance on a five passen ger Touring Car, fully equipped with Eledlric Starter, Eleclric Lights, Electric Generator, 3 speeds, etc., and also, an Up-to-Date Runabout Automo bile, both to be given away some time during the year 191 5, as announced in our Big Ad. a War Ncwb in Tabloid. Berlin ollicially announces defeat of British in Franco and general reW'it of tho allied forces. Field Marshal Sir John Fronchr Brit ish commander iu the western field of the oiierations. reports beinu attacked l.v Mo German army corps and -ax airy witu resultant heavy cuusalHo. English correspondent at Lillij r.eyjttj tho German ndvance guard .south of Lille. , Dispatch from Boulogno reports that tho Germans broke tho French lines nei.r Arras, but that the Freiiih luxe tho situation well in hand. 'British marines aro in force 'it 0-.-tend. A press dispatch from tint town any that tho Gormans are vitlun 20 miles of tho place. A British destroyer has sunk an Aus trian destroyer off Corfu, according to a uows dispatch from Brindisi, Italy. Gorman troops are reportea as taking tho oucnsivo in iiolginu 'Jongo. Tho Hussinn military atr.iclio at Paris Is credited with the statement th it ml o'ioiial Russian armies are about to in wide Western Prusii.i with the inten tioi. of mnrchiug on Borlin. Comrndes John M. Shcphard anil Htnr.v C. Dieterich left this morning foi Detroit, .Mich., to attend the an uiril G. A. It. Cncampmcnt which irrets in that betutiful city next week These two old eterans heard the mar of battle 50 years ago and know wl at real war is. POLICE COURT. In Police Court yesterday Neal Hunt nnd John Holland, charged with breach of the peace, wero fined $5.i)() each. Thoro will he a meeting of the Worn nil's Club ne.t Monday morning nt 10 o'clock nt tho Public Library. A full nttendanco is desired. MHS. ABNRH 1IOIJD. Pros. CAMPBELL MEYERS. Mr. Benjamin Campbell, 22, of Mays lick, and Miss Emily Myers, also of Maysliek, were granted license to wed yesterday morning mid were mnrried by Judge W. II. Bice. niNHPR RPO Leading Retailers n UI1UCK tSKUO., 107 W. Second St IBBMlff BUILD YOUR HOUSE NOW! If you ore contemplating building a home or n bouse for an imestincnf, now ;s tlie Utile to place your order. We have the largest stock of nil kinds of build ing nintcnal that can be found iu Northeastern Kentucky nnd have large con tracts with the timber men for still greater supply. We contracted this large Mipplv nt n price erv near cost of production and we arc in position to give vou the ndvantnge of this good purchase. Place your order now or let us give you" an estimate on your requirements; you will then leave your order with Maysville's l'oremost Lumber Yard. The Mason Lumber Co. "- Cor. Second and Limestono Sts. Phono 519. MAYSVILLE, KY. A. A. nloLAUOUMN. L. N. Bkhan. llMllIIIlllllllIllllllllIllllllllllllHI M CASH, PEOPLE! REMEMBER! 3 Our cash register cost us $450 and gives you 24 per cent, off for cash purchases. It issues a coupon for every sale. Good for school books and school supplies. & I J. T. KACKLEY & CO. M Room Moulding at a Special Price. MMMlBMlBlMlMli t SODALIOIOUS if That's what they all say about our Soda and Ice Cream. For Ice Cream Sodas and Sundres a superior quality of cream is used. Our nlenu consists of about seventy-five beveraires od fnrll rmn 10 n fnnrttf titilli chmia rC .-.i..- tmAo. 1J r..A . vpr' your share. IT'S S0DALICI0US. M. F. WILLIAMS & CO. TIICDTSoSRTr '"""""" D. HECH1NGER & CO. Maysville's Best Clothing and Shoe Store. OUR ENTIRE FALL STOCK NOW READY FOR INSPECTION We bcliee In the selection of our Fall Stock we will please the most fastidious dressers in our community. Our Suits nnd over garments are the productions of flic most cclusie Wholesale Merchant Tailors in America consequently, many of the styles and fabrics are "exclusively" confined to us. We devoted special attention to Young Men's apparel. "In this department we are particularly strong." We promise you that wearing one of our Suits or Overcoats will stamp you "a well costumed person." We hae already in stock the latest fall btyle Hats from the celebrated Manufacturers J. II. Stetson Co. and Knox Hat Co. Our Shoe Department is replete with the newest fall productions of Ilnnan, Xeltleton, Walk-Over, W. L. Douglas and Harker-Hrow 11. Uery p dr warrented to give reasonable satisfaction. HKM cv 44:I-l4i4ii4ii4iii-:H-i$ii 444444444444444444444444444444 h " H'H H'H For Summery Dresses you can find nothiiTg prcltier than these Yoilcs and Seco Silks that are re-priced 19c instead of 40c yard. Their quaint designs, lovely colors, and soft cool text ure make them the most desirable of hot weather dress fabrics. And their new pricing gives them to you at Half Cost. Moro German Shipa Taken. Chofoo, China, Aug. 'J8. Threo (Jernian ships, tho steamers bright, Jlan.imclal and Paklat, havo boon enptiii'ed by tho British fleet and taken to Wei llni-Wei m f jif VfHhT I MIKE BROWN, S SQUARE DRAL MAN. H MISS HELEN UAE BEUNA DEAD ftVer, on Thursday evening. Word was reeoived hero last Friday Sbo was tho daughter of Mr. and announcing tho death nt Columbus, O., Mrs. Y. A. Beuna, fonnorly of this place Miss Helen Ilao Beuna, or typhoid i nil wni 18 yoarti of ago. RIploy Bee, IjUNOHEON SPECIALTIES . YH vlll f Hil HKRE mere nice tilings to make your Flcnlc Lunch appetizing wno)owe immii RHywHere. ym r mHli U tke an Outinir. we will be vhwl to lavo vetfcall. '3imiBi&s:JBrrf raj-v. s ; -i-yaaB,i.. 'iLWiBBwaHUr' ".rYSi-s, ., UBian. Ton Million Russians Enioll Borlin, Aug. .28. Teh million ltus sian soldiers havo bo an o:irolhd under tho standard of Dmponr Nicholas, ae cor. ling to staff otiiiers of the Rmsiin anuv who havo nrrnoJ uc ro from St. Poteif'Jnrg. Oc.nians Kill Two Boi Cresii Nurses Washington, Aug. 23. Friuea has ii.binitted to tho l'nitrt.1 Stato nn othor noutral goveriuuents a sivorn statoiuont that after on riigii.Tim nt at Mouecl a flerinan ollieor fired on tluee Red Cross nurses, killing two and wouuding tho third. MRS. ARMOUR TO SPEAK HERE Tho Mnysvlllo poojilo will bo glad to hear that Mrs. Mary Harris Armour, tho eloquont advocnto of Prohibition will speak again next Tuesday even ing at tho Court Houso, 'Mrs, Josephino LaMur Occer of Gov ington Ky., is visiting lior sister, Mri U. W. Coodmnn, of West Third street. Constablo Jamea MeKomafn return cd last night from liouisvllle. H'H H!h H H'H H'H H'H H'H H'H H'H H'H H'H H H'H H'H H'H HH HH H'H 'H H'H H 1! H'H H-H H'H Hli H'H H'H V-H H H'H H'H 'H H'H M'U s COOL SHIRTWAISTS 39c, 50c Can you buy for so Utile a blouso good enough to wear anywhere? You will asfuredly find an aflinnativo answer in these pretty whito lawns, ilaxon and voile blouses. PRETTY HOUSE AND PORCH DRESSES At OSc from $2. At 2 from $0. At $!y2 from $7. 1-rotty effects in Jawn, liuono, voile, crepo and batiste. As this is a clear away, of course you won't find a complete eizo range but you may fidd just the dross you'io looking for, so come in promptly. No Reduced Goods Charged, Reserved, Exchanged or Sent on Approval. 1852 XTTTTxTnn JtmJLm -J JLrW hJL 3 O HH HH HK HH fH Hib HH HH H'H Hi Hrfl Hrh H KH HH KHi H9 P K'Hl HH ;:: ton' H'H KH n n ss HH 10.14 Htfe .llllllllllllliiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillllilllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiili! j Saturday Is Red Letter Day s Double Stamps! It's Good Bye To All Odds and Ends. EAGLE SHIRTS One lot of "Eagle" Silk Seconds just received, worth up to Ji. Saturday's price $ 1.98. One lot of "Eagle" Shirts, just received soft cufls and woven madras worth $2. Saturday's price Si. Every one guaranteed perfect. "ROYAL" WAISTS Big selection of "Royal Waists, low neck and short sleeves, 98c. Sixes 34 to 64. ' LINGERIE DRESSES Mostly white. 14 price. Take your choice at LADIES' HATS Choice of any Summer Hat in our store 75c. IMPORTED ROBE SJust seven of them are' left. They were worth up to 815, Saturday's price $3.98. This is some oargaui. SHOES First showing of the new "Queen Quality Shoes" and our Special School Shoes a perfect fit for every foot. "HIRSCHEELD WORKING SHOES" The vShoes that is made iu Maysville. Guaranteed by the factory. 3 Pair. One lot of Shirtwaists worth up to $1, Saturday's price 35c One lot of Silks, some fancy, some are plain, some are a yard wide. They go Saturday at 50c yard. Que lot of odds and ends of Silks 39c yard. Good Bleach Cotton, yard wide. Saturday is the last day to buy it at 7c yard. Only six Ladies' Bathing Suits, worth up to 3, choice $1.490. w . - .v,.. li bMJKML -EJflH ,ttEWto HJi B Emi kP r?HP .. 1 ttiui ii 111. twrjo wnKpimi,.! "";ia ' "" . w . i . ' '; i n - immjsjTiKA.uyTfiBmmymsmiiM mwmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmiimmmaammMmmmmmm 1 : 4 rk y m 4i yM VM ft -M -ii 1 m r 4R n XC "'u-" ,ji . J. y"i rt? niMt'Jfl" JIT T'i'i 'nffnWIClL TTtHKH: jAr JaBUVfU .IWWi lIV.n'lV'vJtjKSWnn '.-n. VH. -- " . 1 . j , &, . r,ji - una -,. v i ti. j . jriuuit . t V. A