Newspaper Page Text
qr f?" .w . ?- v ' fr- .V' - -ps- -i- - . 7 W ." 1 s. Adfc& - . i,- , o 'jL.i y ' t. '.' iVfiarfpt, A 20c COFFEE I PUBLIC LEDGER -1 I m m a-ffll& Special for a 15c Per Pound -p nia mi pk.1 itvbi - Few Days Only jJ"F 9$ i I,' v S DINGER BROS., fcS'sf JF. M5b XliT HibKl.lCMA-M MAYSVILLE, KENTUCKY, MONDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1914. ONE COPY ONE CENT. IIIIIIHIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIll far rOBlia r.KiaKU-isn WH&Y Tmnmn" , ? , $gf :t Wr SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION Wold at tho City Mission Rooms "a ester. day Ofllccrs Elected for tlio En- suing Year. &V Royal Raiment. Is autumn queen of seasons, now? Wllor blandishments allure. Slio lias some claims, wo mint allow; . flho wears the urilo sure. Courier-Journal. "Mi. T. F. Kilgoro lias purachsod the 'fifty-four aero farm of Mrs. Jennie Vicroy on tlio Oermnntown. pike. iCasliler llninUtt U. Sharp of the Lt'tato Xatioiinl Hank, left Saturday !jQLmglit for llichmond, Va., where ho will ;, attend tho-Hankers' Convention. i. " f Ilarry Huron, aged XI, a bartender, "of Aberdeen, and Louiso Itcnner, aged '.- ?.t of 550 Hopkins streot, Cincinnati, j,- Wore granted a license to vvod in Cin cinnati Saturday. Mr. Ualph Tolle and two children if icit yesiornay lor vjiitcmmiii, mine Mrs. Tollo will visit her mother, aftei which she will leave, for Houston, Tex., to spend the winter with relatives. EXONERATION DAY. Persons having reason to believe thnt they have been overtaxed or have com 'plaint to make should present their Claims to County Judge Hire, who will "bo, at the Shorifl 's olliee on Saturday, Octob.-r 17th. APPROACHING NUPTIALS. Invitations have been 'received here by relatives nnnouneiiig tlio approach Lring marriage of Mr. Sol 11. Kinsler, of SCovlngton, to Miss Uertrude Mullel ot Cincinnati, at St. Paul's Cathedral, Cincinnati, on Tuesday, October 20th. DEATH OF MISS EDITH R. WORTHINGTON. Miss Edith Reed Worthington, daugh- icr 01 -Mrs. i. it, t oriniugiuii, 01 near SMaysliek, died Sunday morning at .'l:.'IO 'o'clock. Ago -l years, runeral from residence Tuesday morning at iltUO. Burial in Maysliek Cemetery. -Tho young lady was one of Mason county's brightest and sweetest girls and was a granddaughter of Mr. Prank Clift. The-Clty Sunday School Convention of Superintendents and teachers was held in tho City Mission rooms yester day afternoon, about fifty Sunday School workers being present. PROGRAM. Song. Reading of Scripture Lesson and Praye. , Song. Appointing of Committees. Short talks on "Tho One Best Thing in (My School" by tho following Su peiintendentb and Sunday School work ers: Superintendent James S. Dawsflu of tlio Second M. E. Shurch, South. Miss Nannie Tully of tho Central Prc'bterian Church. Rev. A. P. Stnhl of the Christian Church. Ron Superintendent Ben II. Orccnleo of tho Baptist Church. Assistant Superintendent Mary Wil son of the Pirst Prosbvtnrim Church Superintendent I. M. Lane of the Third Streot M. 13. Church. Mrs. Moody of the Pirst M. E. Church South. Superintendent .Tames S. Dawson of the Mission School. City Superintendent T. J. Currey gave a ten minutes' talk on his past year's work. Tlio Nominating Committee reported that they had nominated all the old of liccrs with the exception of the seero tary, Miss Violet Graham, who could not serve during the ensuing year. The ollicers as elected were: President T. J. Currey. Vice President James linden, Secretary Madeline Aldrich. Treasurer Mrs. James Wells. Superintendent of Temperance 'Mrs O. J. Womble. The benediction was pronounced by Dr. Maurice Waller. Out of the ton scliools in the Aso elation eight were represented at the meeting. Mr. .lames Ileircrinun, one of R. P. Lovel's popular clerks, is spending his vacation this week with friends and relatives in Hisou Valley, in Bracken county. BRITISH LION Menaced By Claws of German Eagle Great Conflict Yet to Come LATEST WAR BULLETINS CENSORSHIP VEIL IS DRAWN. London, England, Oct. 11. With the conclusion of that phase of tho war of the nations which camo with tho full of Antwerp, tho censorship lias again drawn a veil over the righting in the greater part of tho conflict. $100,000,000 INDEMNITY IMPOSED ON ANTWERP. London, Uet. 12, 1:15 a. in. Germany has imposed a fine of 20,000,000 pounds sterling $100,000,000) on Antwery as a war indemnity. BOMBS DROPPED IN PARIS. To remind Parisians that they are still in France, two German aeroplanes, which seem to choose Sunday for their visits, ilow over the Trench capital to day. They dropped a score of bombs, which killed three persons nnd wounded twenty, but did no material damage to tlio citv. Mr. Harry Sweet will fill Mr. nyro.. Rudy's place on route 5 while he is ab sent in Frankfort attending the,-nniiua' scsinn of the Grand Lodge I. O. O, F, MAYSVILLEDELEGATES. Leave Tomorrow Morning for Frankfort To Attend Grand Lodge I. O. O. F. ot Kentucky. Allen I). Cole, P. G. M., Byron Rtid.v. P. (i. Ph., Harry L. W.iMi, Bernard Pollilt and Young, delegates from DeKalb Lodge Ko. 12, I. O. O. P., and W. 13. Stulleup and Glorgo Crow ell, delegates from Ringgold Lodge No. 27, I. O. O. P., leave tomorrow morning oi tho earlv L. & X. train to attend Hie annual session of the Grand Lodge ot Kentucky, which convenes in Frankfor! tliis niorniii'' at 10 o'clock. BUILD YOUR HOUSE NOW! If you are contemplating building a home or a hquse for nn investment, now is the time to place your order. We nave the largest stock of all kinds of build ing material that can be found in Northeastern Kentucky and have lurjje con tracts with the timber men for still greater suddIv. We contracted this lurire supply at a price very near cost of production mid we are in position to give you the ml van age of this good purchase. Place your order now or let us iiive you" nu estimate on jour requirements; you will then Foremost Lumber Yard. The Mason Lumber Go. '- Cor. Socond and Limestone Sts. Phone 519. MAYSVILLE, K. A. A, MoLauohun. L. N. Human. leave your order with Maysville'!. Smoko La Tosca No. G, made by the Geo. W. OhlUls Cigar Co., in Maysvillo. It's a smoko 20Stf Mrs. C. 'M. Fowler nnd daughter of Cynthinua are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Montgomery of Second and Commerce streets. TO PIONIO TODAY. Mrs. Lula Ingram, teacher, will take the girl's primary class of the First M. K. Church, South, for n picnic on the Reservoir Bill toil ly, it being Coliim- bus Day, and a holiday. FURNITURE FOR SALE. For sale immediately, all my house hold and kitchen furniture of every do 'cription, nlso books, pictures, carpets, etc. Call at Market street residence. 12-:it MRS. CHAS. B. POYNTZ. MAYSVILLE PEOPLE AT LEXINGTON. (Sunday's Lexington Leader.) J. Foster Barbour, president of the Bank of Majsville, was a visitor in the city yesterday. Other Miysville ooplo in town were John Marshall, Mrs. Darlington Fee, Mrs, Siidduth C'.il lioiin and Miss Florence Rogers, TEXAS OIL MAGNATE HERE. M T Sweater Sales! Beyond factory delivery; see our stock and prices. Footballs and Supporters. Webster's New Dictionary, 1914 Edition, $1.29. One Pound of Paper and 25 Envelopes 19c. JL J. KAGKLEV & CO. j FLIER NO. 2 j For the next fifteen days we are derermined to sell every Buggy and set of Harness in our house, I if prices will do it. Read this list: All Columbus Buggies, regular price $140, sale price, 127.85, Cash. All Brockway Buggies, regular price $135, sale price $120, Cash. All $125 Buggies, during this sale $110, Cash. All $100 Buggies, during this sale $87.50, Cash. All $24 Harness, during this sale $20.50, Cash. All $22 Harness, during this sale $18.25, Cash. All $20 Harness, during this sale $16.25, Cash. Now's your time to get your Buggy and Har- C ness, for the cash is what we want. We are deter mined to sell every article in our house for cost in order to turn them into; money. Don't f Jrget, too! that with every $1 Cash Purchase you are entitled to a chance on the Two Automobiles to be given away next year. PI m MIKE BROWN, S THF S SQUARE DEAL MAN. SB (MM ARTHURJJEE WINTER Death Angol Darkoua Homo of Mr. and Mrs. John I. Winter and Claims Their Only Child. Arthur Le? Winter, only son of Mr and Mrs. John Isaac Winter, died at the homo of his parents in Fort Worth. Texas, Sunday morning after a briet illness of typhoid fever, in his 120th year. The news was received yesterday afternoon by his aunt, Mrs. L. T. Kirk Arthur Lee was the light of his pa rent's home and was bom in Augusta, he being u grandson of Mrs. S. S. Wiu te Mr. and Mrs. John 1. Winter, former popular residents of Maysville, have tho heart felt sympathy of all in this, their first great grief. Tho burial of Arthur Leo will take place at Fort Worth tomorrow after- I'OOII. HEALTHNURSE Ono of tho Most Important County Of llccs and It Demands Time and Monoy. 'TOKA V (3RAPFM i , VKNUMNmi IWljIfKAJW iMXTKJMjUVl'J'JU 0 1,1V IK KKIjISII " ms i... mm ih-M m m h r iM iks & alHlutM JTMJmlM mMMMjMjKVtaVTTM . -j. . ij. s. .r .." -Tvr - ' : .., j-iht!Bbi m, f.'nuain ru - ivji RLVyniwu C -. i . u " - ' .- '..i.HF' .. i if, 'r i v- .Tft.fATsaa.' l t ct-- ' Mi , ' r ,ui. TL'f v"r. jr'WfcZLtiM'.fcacr . . r..'- , . ? Suppose free delivery of tho mail were lemoved from the city and county, there would go up from tho' whole cit iensliip u protest, and if it were a question of paying for tlio service each taxpayer would coino forward with the amount necessary to maintain this .splendid service. It has never been n luxury, but always a necessity, and yet tho .Mason County and Maysvillo free nilrse is Htibjoet to the enll of every one needing theoretical or practical aid li case tho necessity arises. Sanitation mill hygiene are just as important to tho eitUoiijhip as freo mail delivory. Tho point vvt want to make is that the citizens of Maysville and Mason County should give of their monoy to sustain this institution. Now is tlio timo to givo what you will, either to Mr. Prank 11. Clarke, Mr. Win slow Hall or cither of tho three news papers in Maysvillo. A resume of tho activities of the Health Nurse, Miss Casey, shown as toiiishing results. Sho is constantly go lug into tho homo of those needing serv ices, gratis. You havo but to notify her that you need hor sorvicos and she will como any timo. Kv'eu this vvee'e she has boon going over the couuty giving health talks, demonstrating hor abil itles nnd administering to tho needs of tho sick. It requires monoy" Wo neotV$U00d; $000 oOvhiclr isAnbJlit.; ,0omo for. LwnJtjAnii nail tA un'.tr?.' 111 y WhrlkVj !r:mjB?FMmwmm2 Mr. C. K. Douglas, former Mason county boy, now ono of the oil magnates of Texas, arrived in Maysville last even ing for a visit to his old friends. Mr Douglas is now rccoguied as ono of the leading oil well producers in the Lone Star State and counts his wealth in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. Mrs. Douglas is visiting her relatives at HilUbnro, Ohio. They will spend some time visiting in Ohio and Kentucky be fore returning to Texas. "OLD HOST SALE Of tho Adams Express Company Held in This City Saturday Good Prices and Fair Crowds. The Adams Lvprcss Company held their "Old IIoss" sale here Saturday in which they disposed of all the unclaim cd goods scut through their company in this division during tho past year. Although the weather was very un cot tain their salesroom at the corner of Front nnd Market streets was crowd ed throughout the day. Almost every thing form a bottle of patent medicine to a bed was placed on sale and verj good prices prevailed especially or lampiign literature, patent medicine almanacs and old broken down suit cases. Mr. and Mrs. Klwood Davidson, Miss Stella Davis, Mr. IioborE Davis and Mr. James Frost nutoed to Cincinnati yes terday. Thev will return homo todav. Mrs. Lmina Harrison and Mrs I eoiin Jordan of Kast Second street, lelt this iiioruing for Vanceburg, where they will visit Mrs. Harrison's sistw, ;Irs. Marv K. Carrington for two weeks. KINDLING FOR SALE. Ono largo two-horso wagon load for 11.00 at our mill. Not delivered. TI1L MASON LUM11HK CO. ORACRAFT GIFFORD. Llovd Cracraft, aged 10, and Miss Oolia (lilfoid, nged 17, both of Sardis were united in marriage by Judge W. II. Pice Saturday. Both parties had the consent of their parents. Edison D.w October 21 a-aSyJ Wlro ymit house now w )ou cati join In crlebtatlnd Mr. Charles J. Short was a visitor In Cincinnati yesterday. CALLED MEETING OF W. C. T. U. There will bo a called meeting of tlio W. C. T. U. tonight at the Third Street M. K. Church at 7:30. Gverj man and woman interested in the tem perance cause is requested to bo pres ent. The report of the Stato Conven tion nt Winchester, will bo read. MltS. JOS. II. DODSON, Pres. BARACCA ELECTS OFFICERS. Tlio Uiir.iecn Class of the Pirst Bap tist Church elected t' following officers .at the regular mooting Sunday morn ing: President W. A, Munvlng. Vice President A. 12. Daniels. Secretary K. M. (laither. Assistant Secretary Nace Brady. Treasurer C A. Davis. Teacher C M. Bolinger. Do You Speak German? We have employes who speak German and we can fill your German prescription or recipes as easily as Knglish. At our store you are assured cour teous and competent service and reliable goods at right prices. ::::;;::;;::': M. F. WILLIAMS & CO. T,,E,osrT ! II MfWHIlUnFtt Ab nn Mavsvmes Best Clothing mw 9ma-wjFmmmimma-vm m mjry awtf Shoe Stort We Lay Special Stress on Our Boys' $3.50 $5 School Suits "We believe no Clothing House in the Slato will give you the values we do in this line "When the temperature suggests it we want you to'see the beautiful line of Sweaters, Alack inaws and Balmncaana we have provided for the little ones tis well as the big ones. You will be agreeably surprised at the moderate price we have marked them. Look in our shirt window and you will see the best line of Men's shirts in the country among them the "ECLIPSE", the best $1.00 shirt in the world. Hundreds that wear them testify to this. &, OC P. S. Get yotr tickets on the presents we are going to give away. 4iiiiii44iiiiiii444i44ii4i44i4 44444444444444444444444iii44444444444i1 It i 3 nil fi H 3 HH H'H HH HH HH H 1i HH H HH H HH H-h H 'H HH Mil 1! H-H $2i Handles on $1.25 Umbrellas Tim covering it. taped rdgo black tnffotine. Tlie frames are paragon with .itrong steel ferules. The handles aro tho jierfcction of good taste. For women, slim, straight handles in malacca and other woods. For men substantial crooks in Phony and many dark, rich woods. 2G and 28 inch sbes. Price $1.25. Desirable Trinkets Ono's Autumn Toilet, Slipper Buckles, Sautoirs, Beads, Van ity Cases. V Pins, Broaches, Bar Pins, Neck Chains, Mesh 'Bags, Bow Pins. 25c and fiOp. Women's Coats that will prove welcome companions on cold days. Peal service coats cut on careful lines for hard knock-about wear. Warm all wool fabrics, tailored exceedingly well. Price $7.50 to $25 Plain or fancj materials, black and colois. Velvet Rugs from ono of the best nulls in America. Saudard quality, soft tol ors, attractive Oriental designs. At $22.50 they aro cheaper than Itugs at ,)15 for thev will five many times more wear and service. Si 1 "ft u. Mi "': I H ' J51 .1 u. -. rr 4fH HH 1852 JraL LJ JLM J- O 19-14 ES ?TTTTII-I-T! &J9?f X$ttttffftt1rjrv-r-t-rTT-tr-r-rY-r-tr-v-r-r-r-tr-rTT TTTTTTTitirrt"j"rTTTTTTTTTTTTTtT'ftttti--rtMtHfff5 &f ""imu ! OUR STORE IS FULL TO OVERFLOWING WITH ALL THE NEW THIN6S n 9V "3P Shown in jtfew York and each day adds something in addition to what we have. Our Mr. E. Merz is now in tho East and will see that any novelties coming-out will be added to our splendid assortment. Lots of goods that come from foreign countries are-getting scarce, such as D. M. C. col ton, hair nets, dress fasteners, in fact others too numerous to mention, but you can get them at the Bee Hive and all we ask of you is to call for them at : M-i ! . - I COUK. QUBBfL2"IY tiiAisWfflOT .J B U U ti D ' .?. Tlio. Latest Nove'tles. ! 4. . . , !' jfAtffttf- l ftfHpiMl e'vntli ETOPACW KGtrA nfjfiL tfwt LEADS V-l SSttYSVlUtZ SlVfV.T )S UK. J ' I l I I II I I I I I I . NEW J. .J. BUTTERIOK FASHIONS . I JUST OUT. . . . . m. ttMf4tt' r. ym .. iwii' ' Mn u f n iun-u;7n.r &iiLr. L:.irru. ma, immmmtmamimMmtm rz. lu -! i iTTTii-iiiwwiWTT r iiimiiJiwi tw btw rrrrM n m rriMirowT i i i i i n irnn-Ti n mBsmsJKmsMtmwk'mmmmSti mmmmmj,x::?" ,; ; inamm1' ( - .-WiVX ff.'t'sfc r'Kixjir ,." a: wsK.iraMBEaBBiBBai i.AmNmi&Mammmimnmmr.i wameMmnnraffiis rovr i., .v.; v ..v. .' - ,. .aArfF i j . "v5..j ? w3, kttir. MZ3mimt:Lr T?t . r 'vvc vai .. tw -i .Avni''.i. J' Minu val' r w.i wimMtMwwg r-i mi.rfnMi:ijM.BiH Km n qK.fk4w., i or iMt i.v . . ' m .a ih; '.r. ' iir . tv..j - ft 'awbuhvl v v. tn - '-TjJU? h MifwwrMSa - ymmmmm- iiiffiifrii m 4m m kit 1 :" "wm: HI ' JmiHI , v. LP fV1 .. -"Jr-JBKllH s"JHfflB .?, aA Hr iMhhgl3