Newspaper Page Text
1 j I ..--, - i ----M' iMMMIWIII II I . ,, , ?Z PiT,K utrTnmcj ' ' " " " ' " .. " mi i ., , i ii r- : - . : : : V-..WT.4 ies'- . ' -. . --,. . . " i iie--v. r v. PUBLIC LEDGER 1YM t S ORLEANS -: m Pure Open Kettr see in Mayal : DINGER BR bu MAYSVILLE, KENTUCKY. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1914. ONE COPY ONE CENT. :..' - ,m.. -s Tn.uiiVN . n.YAi..B T: .4wrnA.vrj" vwxi4Jjuicv 'riM44AAKiv Tl -V iw NaAvilBfl''Vli II'WCTwTm "KvAmlfl "k-rt.T'.i O rJ l 1 tU: " ' .vl H ii e $jLtf- Don't laugh about tho women, boys, And poko fun at their stylos; Just pipo tlioso now fall hats of men That can bo heard for miles. PAIR WARNING. TO ILLEGAL HUNTERS. MaysvlMe, Ky., Nov. 10, t!)l. . Editor Public Ledger: Wo wish tn inform tho public through tho columns of your paper that Dis trict Game Warden II. E. Porter, with litst deputies arc aUoliug this coun ty in search of game and fish law vio- i..i i ,i.. ... i i i ii... pfo-- Htiors, nun ino jut iiuiui're, itiui iin- lio person tliat will have to pay tho penalty. II. E. POKTER, ,. j District (lamo Warden. NO MORE FOR YOURS TRULY. SK Revenue collectors and postmaster! who apply for freo spaco to advertiso business for the government are noti fied that so long as they do not give f heir "services free wo shnll refuse to bo "worked" for freo "advertising. This does not refer to our locnl post master. Klein ingsburg Democrat. Undo Sam is able to pay, Same here VC" !'',ou',' lmy !""' Wl" "!ivc t I'o'up across boreal tor, or there 's nothing doing. ALMOST EQUALS "THE PERILS OF m ' PAULINE." Tills morning wjth the mercury down - to 10 abovo zero, C'rano & Shafer's jniuting crew were engkigcil In' the ptirllous work of painting tho M. C. lOissell building, corner Third and Alarket streets. j V t Dangling from a swinging scaffold HI) ;".ileot from the cement pavement is not ."a safo or pleasant job at any time, anil rfP. it's doubly dangerous when the cold is iiumoiu". t TO HAVE CHRISTMAS SALE. a. Tho Ladies' Aid Societv of the For est Avenue M. E. church, at a meeting , yesterday afternoon, decided to have ". jtheir Christinas sale at Uvder's imint ' ' .'. --si ore. t t, - . Tho Ladies' Aid Society of the Third Street -M. E. church will have n V Thanksgiving bazaar all day Saturday .!.'.. nf Mrs lnu-nr' atnvn stfirn in Vijt ' Second street. . . ' ' ' Called meeting of Maysville Chapter No. 0 fir 7 nVlnclf. Wnrlc in Mm plinti. V.J i .1 T. I 1 lv- icr iiegrues. nvery iiieniuer is urgeii to attend, especially tho officers. GORDON' Sl'LSER. II. P. MORROW F0RG0VERN0R Federal Attorney Announces For Re publican Nomination. Edwin P, Morrow of Somerset, for mer United Htatcs Attorney for tho Eastern District of Kentucky, said: "I have decided to offer for governor of Kentucky subject to tho action of tho Republican party- nt tho primary election next August) and from this timo I may bo considered as an actlvo' candidate. "My action is prompted by dcslro for tho ollico and tho honor, and it is supported by tho belief, based upon tho expressions that have been made to mo, that, the people want me for their gov ernor SOMETHING DECISIVE EXPECTED C.C00 TURKEYS SLAUGHTERED AT FLEMINGSBURG. (Times-Democrat.) Tho IDrent & Lynch turkey slaughter hotiso closed for Thanksgiving market Wednesday, having killed C,500. Tho birds are reported a little off in weight this year and those who are holding for tho Christmas market aro advised to feed up well between now and tho opening, about the first week in Do comber. A LITTLE TOUCH OF WINTER. This morning was tho coldest of the TelisouT'fho goTcrMiiont thermometer showing 10 degrees above zero. On tho hilltops it was 4 degrees colder. However, these nro bright, crisp, sun shiny days, and thero is oodles of fresh, line air on tap out of doors. FOUR DIE WHEN TRAIN HITS AUTO. Ft. Wayne, Intl., November 1!. Four persons were instantly killed at Convoy, Ohio, Q miles east of this city, when the Pennsylvania Flyer struck an automobile. KAPPA SIGivm PI. Regular monthly meeting of Mays ville chapter, Kappa Sigma Pi tonight at Third Street M. B. church. Every member requested to bo present, ns there will bo seeral initiations. MAYBE IT'S ED7 Richard Schwartz of Maysville was shaking hands with his many friends here Sunday. Vanceburg Sun. BASKET LaLL TONIGHT. Basketball game tonight nt 7:0 at tho high school, Augusta High School vs. Maysville High School. A veteran reservo army to augment the national defense was suggested by tho Army of the Philippines in session ii Chicago. ll HUNTERS! ! ters for Don't forget that we are headquar- m R GUNS it. Remington, Winchester, Parker, L. C. Smith, La Fewer, Stevens and all well-known makes. SHELLS All gauges, 10, 12, 16 and 22's. Hunting Goats, Leggings, Gun Cases and all hunting accessories. MIKE BROWN, THE SQUARE DEAL MAft: Don't forget, too, that with every $i cash purchase you stand a chance of getting either that Touring Car or Runabout that we are going to give away next year. Get in line. H i TEDAM AND PINEAPPLE CHEESE New Mhicemeat, New Plum Pudding, New Raisins, New Nuts, New ; Citron, New Currents, We invite ypUto tty our Oysters. Quality ' MU KtyV UCUUl, U1UU lUUy UTC III 'JUOSl pjHUCSj ( :- . - ', .. ':- London, November 10. Violent fight ing has been resumed within a two-hour motor ride of tho gates of Paris. At TVacy-Le-Val, where tho main battlo lino from tho north swings to tho eastward ut tho point nearest Paris, a German advance led to n violent en counter. Tho Germans attempted to recapture tho town, won by tho nllies n few days ago, but according 1o ihe French war ollico statement today, they woro ro pulsed with heavy losses. In Flanders, tho artillery duel de scribed during -tho last few days as of furioiis intensity, has become still more violent, on tho part of tho Germans at least, but here, as elsewhere, the oppos ing forces are holding fast to their main positions, A Germaa official communication states that heavy fighting has been re sumed in tho Argonno forest, around which some of tho most severe en counters of tho war have raged from timo to timo during tho last two months. A heavy loss, it U said, was indicted on tho enemy. -In a battlo between two squadrons of aeroplanes, it is said ono airship of tho allies and ono of the Germans were lost. "THE DEST LUMBER I EVER USED" This from n satisfied customer means a great deal to us. It proves that we are serving this community with the best LUMBER that can be produced. We are prepared to furnish you in auy kind of Lumber or other Building Material. We sell to some exacting customers atpl satisfy tlietn. We can satisfy yon. We think we can save you money. Let us know your needs today. Come in and talk it over or phone your order. Prices guatanteed. The Mason Lumber Go. "- Cor. Second and Limestono Sts. Phono 519. MAYSVILLE, KY. A. A. McLaughlin, L, N. Bkhan. FORMER RESIDENT DEAD Mrs. Margaret Franklin Dougherty Passod Away Monday At Buffalo, Now York. London, November 10. Tho situation on tho eastern battlefront has reached the critical stage. The outcome of two despernto battles now proceeding in Prussia and Poland, will determine uhcthcr the Hussions are to overflow German territory from the Haltic to the Carpathians, or whether tho Germans will hummer tho czar's masses back to tho Vistula. BERLIN CELEBRATING BIG VIC TORY OVER RUSSIANS. London, November 10 (12:07 p. m.). Tho unexpected blow delivered on the Russian center by General von Himlen burg with the German army, which had lctreated from before Warsaw', was tho predominant feature of the news reaching London today from the east ern arena of war. FIGHTING IN FLOOD DISTRICTS BEING CARRIED ON IN FLAT BOTTOMED BOATS. Bruges, Belgium, November 1!. Fighting between the German and allied forcen in the inundateji territory be tweeu Dixmudo and Nicuport on the North Sea coast isnow frequently be ing carried on in boats. THE SITUATION UNCHANGED. Berlin, November 10 (Via Marconi Wireless Telegraphy to London). A German official communication given out iu Borlin today iayi: "Tho situation in West Flanders and in the north of Franco is unchanged." MOST TERRIBLE PUNISHMENT IN THE WORLD. Political offenders in parts of Mon golia aro punished by lifctimo immola tion iu coflin-liko boxes stored away in dark dungeons. Tho horrors of this punishment nro graphically portrayed iu tho cover design of tho December Popular Mechanics Magazine. The boxes are only largo enough to con tain ono man. Thero is but one nper tu re, nnd that no larger than his head. His hands aro manacled and twlco a day attendants bring food nnd drink, which are placed in tho shackled hand3 outstretched through these round win dows, which aro his only communication with tho world. Many highly educated Chinese, it is said, aro imprisoned hero. HOUSE PARTY AT BELLEVUE. Mrs. A. F. Currau loft yesterday afternoon for n week's visit with her cousin, Mrs. John A". Earnshaw- at Bellovue, Ky. Sho was joined on tho train tit Dover, Ky., by Dr. F. M. Smith and (laughter, Miss Ethlocn Smith, Mrs. W. B. McMillan, Miss Lyilia Earnshaw nnd Miss Boulah Mooro and all will form a merry houso party at tho Earn shaw home, ami also at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar llanna, former res idents of Dover. GEN. ROBERTS AT REST. London, November ID. "Taps" souiulcd today for England's bolovod "Bob." Field Marshal Lord Roborts was laid at rest in St. Paul's Cathodrnl with a public funeral that was impressive. Tho; export of foodstuffs for iho month of October showed a tremendous gain over tho samo month in 1013, Tho total exports for tho month, however, fell off somewhat, Mis Oarrio (Wand wll loavo thl morning for Cincinnati wborofor thp1 ubitBOVcrinioitiisho wjlll tudy". (Special to Public Ledger.) Buffalo, N. V., Novontber 10. Mrs. Margarot Franklin Dougherty, Co years old, who -was born in Maysvillo, Ky., and resided thero for twenty years, died early Monday, following a brief illness nt the hoioo horo of her brother-in-law, C. II, Dougherty, l":i Highland avenue. Deceased leaves one son, Forbos F. Dougherty of Buffalo, and one sister, Mrs. Frank M. Ludlow of St. Louis, Mo. Funeral services were held Wednes day aftomoon, tho Bev. A. V. V. Bay mond of 'Buffalo officiating. Tho bear ers wero E. G. Felthousen, G. 1). Barr, Thomas It. Stone, William Deinnrest, J. It. Wold, Jr., and Fred D. Bussell. In terment was in Holy Cross Cemetery, Buffalo. ATTENTIOMARHERS BRING YOUR TURKEYS DIRECT TO US. PUT PLENTY OF STRAW IN YOUR WAGONS. OUR PRICE WILL BE lie DELIVERED, FOR GOOD, FAT TURKEYS, FROM NOW UNTIL SATURDAY, NOV. 21st WEIUHTS GUARANTEED. THE E. L. MANCHESTER PRODUCE COMPANY. SOCIAL POSTPONED. jl SOCIAL it j EVENTS I At ono of tho most charming parties of the season, Miss Ella McClanahan entertained a company of friends last night. Music, dancing and progressive ctichro wero enjoyed by tho guests. Mr. Albert Caproni was tho recipient of the prize, a beautiful hand-painted picture by tho hostess. A Thanksgiv ing luncheon wns served. Mis McClan ahau was assisted by her mother, Mrs. B. P. McClanahan, and her sister, Miss Margaret. Tho question of admitting state banks to reserve membership was taken up by tho Federal Beservo Board. THANSGIVING PLAY AT MAYS-LICK. Attond "Maysllck High School Ben efit" Thansglvlng Day. Bazar, baskot ball game, two plays ,ono at 15, tho other at 2o cents admission. Bounti ful dinner served for 25 conts. Old papers 5 conts a hundred at Tfet Ledger office. 1 a H gnsti) FREE FRE' $6 Worth Edison With Horn Typo Phonogrnpbe.1 for cut price magazii . r. KfXCKLE ; 4 Bargi With every tweutj-five cent tu Ideal Toothpaste we will give you any 10c tooth brush we sell. Af only a limited stock of tooth pa earlv. AV. JF. WILLIAMS """Si i The social of the Epworth League of J tho First M. E. Church, South, which was to have been held tonight, has been postponed on account of the Maysvillo High School basketball game. II 4JTirrft f JlJirCP JC tf 1 Maysville's Biggest 3 M rnxmBBmimmMM-am w tft Clothing andl Have you noticed tho handsome Bo)8'and Girls' Mackinaw Coats we sell at Our $12.50 Balmacaan Una's are the wonder of those that buy them Clothing Men are loth to belief that wo bought theso Coats nt a price that to rp11 them at $12 Jit). Another big lot of them on the way. Will bo here day. Kare bargains in Uuincuilla Uvercoats. home with military collars, oil shawl collars. . Our lino of 15, $18, $20 and $25 Suits are splendid values. To do yours come in and take a look nt them, when'iu onest of a fnit. Our Children's and Boys' Suits aro moving rapidly. Our $3.50, $4 ancl are the best values nvfir shown in thn mirkofc. Finer up to $10. D. KEOPJIISTQ-ESIR. &, C3 y mft y y -$ $ y y y f y $ $ y y y y TTTTTxTTxTTTTTTTTTxTTxxxT,rxTT T T 4i r 14 iii4i44444i44iiiii4ii4ii44444i4iii;I 4444444444444444444444444444444444444: nil H H Begin Christinas Shopping Nowli H'fl ""3 H First for the unselfish satisfaction of making things easier for the sales people, the delivery, tho entire store service. Second for the personal satisfaction of'leisurely selectiou from full, fresh stocks. Tho trend this season is toward useful gifts, therefore to further this practical movement and to oucouiage early shopping, from now until Christmas wo will have a special display of some useful gift line three times a week. Saturday and Monday wo prosenton the second floor Corset Covers and Nightgowne specially selected lor hojiday gifts. A. dt.-jn different designs, some lace trimmed, others daintily embroidered, all with a satin ribbon runner at tho neck. Eich nightgown and corset, cover is neatly .folded in a pretty holly decorated box and the snowv garments with their dainty embroidery, lacps H H2 a H'H ! H'H and ribbon look "Christmassy" enough to satisfy tbo most exacting Santa Claus. Nightgowns $1. Corset Covers 50c. See this attractive assortment whether you are ready to buy or not. It is a charming combination of the pretty ami practical. REGENT NEW YORK ARRIVALS Women's Fur Sets $5 to $30. Muffs $2.50 to $17.50. Children's Sets $1.25 to $5. Women's tain Coats $5 to $15. Children's $2 98 to $5. Children's Coats 2 to 4 year sizes $2.50 to $12.50. Neckwear in every conceivable style, 25c to $1.50. Jewelry of all sorts neatly boxed 25c, 50c, 75c, Handbags in groat variety 50c to $5. Coats, Suits nnd Blouses aro still arriving. 1852 HTJNTT 3 1914 HHMIMn1IHHIIMiaiii m M at H LADIES MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S COATS This is lloal Coat weather and tho Real Coats are to be found here. Every model wo show is correct. Ladies' Conts $0 95 to $25. Children's Coats $1 98 to $10, all S:Z98. Ladies' Suits "Kitty Bess" writes that long poats for suits are "it" in New York, though a few of the mauufadlurers are trying to create a demand for short ones. "All the big buyers ore looking at the short ones and buying the long ones," says "Kitty" and she certoiuly knows, suits $ to $ao. fflEft MILLINERY We aro busy selling hats, trimming hats and mnk ing hats over. We can dd anything to a hat that any manufacturer could do. Wo have tho best milliners in Kentucky. Thoy nro courteous, accommodating and awfully anxious to pleaso you. Try us for your "head troubles." SHOES r Wo can fit any foot in Koutncky. "We have tjr 'vory style thdt you want. It is a cloth top, gre" black, plain patent button and only $3 Wo carry "Regalb" and "Bari nro none better made. $4to I m kb n. as m r IB..", 'j'------ , , .T'. "''---- -. -M-i : ? - . - '' "wA-crliV-,f-t jyeju'w m m -V v? .!la'D.ViNwnHniin i I Jn iiilllWbillliWiili'iliiili lUl I l ' HI i mil Milili'iiWililll b ' i:JJlii'iiWiHWMIlll,ill iliiil il iiM!ijy -tit . . lisisy-' .- jti ."fit! ,..v v FM-1 Tn'fi ..' . ' LVJftl(."4WtaKV tf