Newspaper Page Text
' '$ 't I"-. r.f. .' aps-r ! " ?-,. W& i y i. ". - - "SivW. 'jEM-l' ' '" ' '- - 3 s . f J w a, - W TTin HITDI IiT UV'L'U jnc.ruDUVj uRUAuaaiu iiaili mcmt sumiut, rejourn vt ivtj, TBAjntiorriHci AKD OnniiTXAI. .J: .CURRAN, orriat oblio mount building, TjuistiUjC KT. IJ1 . . ; a s i " KotertiJ at the MaysviUe, Ky., roitolTlce m iceond-clm mall matter. "t v ' i ' w jT, I 'v'"" -ivi u Long .-t JMrthtiB rillbone No. 40. i auuauuiriiuAuuil ma.Ii. .. Yiuir.... ')' nun I lik. .. i ao . . 70 UXLlYKKtCU JiY UJ Mil All, Ier ffloulli.. ..... J. ...............US Cenn jvyabl4to Collector at id ot Month. l. joaoLKiruUHS L.16H iV AUr ANLh. A TOUCH OF SUNSHINE. The London Times pauses in the midst of its war reports to record two schooiboy witticisms uncon scious products of the exa'uunution. period. Tho iirst shows the rCsVilt of the modern craze for explaining everything that happens upon the theory thut somcbodyclsJ is more "efllcient" than ourselves. It follows: A great deal of butter Isf imported from Dunmnrk be causo Danish cows aro mote enterprising than ours and liavo received a technical elucntlou superior to that gicn them, in Eugland. I One can not help believing that this schoolboy had heard so much of. the technical education of Germany that he grow to believe that technical education explains everything. The companion picjee is evidently the reflect ions of a lad who has mused deeply upon the doings of the militant suffragettes. Tliis deep thinker says: Tho courage of tho Ijttrk is explained by tho fact that a man who has several vivos is more dUpocd to face death brnvely than ho who Had only one. It is well for thjc English that they are able to sec a little humor in the world in these dark days. The German schoolboys, we are told, spend all their snare time in 'Irilliner as soldiers. Louisville Post. THE WAR INiijvVINTER.. The "White Enemy which is now descending upon all the warring camps of Europe will bring unspeakable horrors in its wake. Snow has fallen in the Vosges land in the Carpathians. It already lies deep upoi the Itusshm frontier. Ice, accord ing to the dispatches, has formed in the trenches ' in stricken Bilgium, and the suffering of the oppos. ing armies is' intense. The ngonu-s which must bo endured during the .coming months will shock the world. With want and hunger! disease and insufficient shelter, the hardships it the fighting and non-fighting mil lions will be beyond words to describe. The contemplation of these things should in spire in tlhe American heart a new interpretation of our National Day of Thanksgiving. It should also induce us to share our abundance with those wlicTnceu it most. What we waste and wantonly throw ayay would go far in bringing relief to the needy in Europe. Times-Star. THEY DON'T KNOW THAT GEORGE WASH INGTON IS DEAD. "Writing of Woodson May's definition of the first , kiss oi love, Old Bachelor James M. Allen, who probably never kissed a woman in his life, says: "Woodson's wires are crossed. Nobody ever .heard of a first kiss lasting like a pumpkin pie. It is absurd. As a matter of fact, the first kiss jdoesn't taste at all. You feel an electric thrill run ning up and down the backbone, but you dou'l " ''it. That thrill is for once only; after that all over. Subsequent kisses are merely per jory and produce no more effect than pressing face into a half-baked biscuit." Lexington 4ld. WENTIETH CENTURY QUESTION. Am Court of Appeals has again been wrestling th the question, "What Is Whisky?" Here in merset, since the saloons passed out a few Aveeks o, the problem which the thirsty ones have been niggling with is not so much what is whisky as -here is whisky? Somerset Journal. THOSE OHIO GIRLS. Feminists point with pride to the fact that an Ohio girl is the first human to contract tho foot and mouth disease. Cleveland Plain Dealer. THE NEW CHIEF OF STAFF, Tl'ieTnew Chief of Staff, Gcnoral iVugh b. Scott, is a Kcntuakian, as is General J. Franklin Bell, who was tlto first to fill that post, (the highest in honor and responsibility that the rcfgulnr army of the United ,States has to offer. Geicral Scott en ters on his new duties with a rccorl of varied and efficiently performed service. Appointed originally to tho cavalry, ho knows from practical experienco the wordings of the de partments now grouped undor that of subsistence. Ho has had his full share of fighting, on the plains, in Cuba and tho Philippines. Hi has shown a marked capacity for civil, gQyernmcnl nnd a gift for commanding the confidence hi savage peoples that has stood his country in (rood stead in its dealings with the Indians and 1'ilipinos. He suc ceeds, in Bell, Wood and-Wotierspoon, some of the ablest officers that the ni'lny has produced. That hc'will prove a worthy Uuoce'ssor is a pre diction that may bo safely ventured. Louisville Times. j j IT DON'T SAY WHAT IT-MESANS. The ambiguity of the Ohio yiiomo rule" amend ment has resulted in the bringing of a suit for its interpretation by tho courtsj Legislators, under pain of fine and imprisonmen't fought to be forced to write their measures in (hun English. Hunt ington Herald Dispatch. THE INNOCENT LITTLE FLY. If the common house fly Were subject to foot and mouth disease, he would srtend all his time trying to give it to somebody else instead of dying of it. The Ohio State Journal. j. THE CANAL AND WAR The Panama Canal has cost $353,000,000 ten days' cost of the great wtfr. Now York World. GERMAN APHORISMS. Heavy work in youth is tfwect ropoio in old age. Trust not too much in a new friend and an old house i Hotter go to bed withoul supper than rise with dobts. Honor tho old, instruct (0 young, consult tho wis0 and bear with tho toolish. Towns and countries nfto nover moro ruined than when counsel is tnken from fojeignors, THE DAILY NQVELETTE. Tia Beer Case. "But how do you ljnow I am not a vegetarian?" mar veled the slender woijmn in Mohawk green. ' "Hecauso it is meet that you shouldn't bo," explained tho great detective. "Oh, meet, ineat,'T SCe!" she explained. "How per fectly outln,ndishly. Sample, now that 1 know it. I trust you will find my jpoklo and pretzol mystery, as simple, but I doubt it. Eviliy morning for tho past week, 1 have found, upon arisini that my bedroom floor is littered with pickles, little round pretzels, and sometimes ari ous sorts of ornckp'rs. They ar0 not there at night when r retire, and my husband denios all knowledge- of them I feel that it is some omen of evil, some sign of the bltrck hand or something. If you are ablo to explain this delicatessen visitation, as I might call it, I am willing to pay you .15." i Tho great dete,tivo pondered. "What is your telephono number?" IK) asked suddenly. "WhyTricing 1311." "Thank you.'1! And tho great detective, oxcusing him self, disappenre'i into his tolcphono booth nnd cnllecl Friday 3311. Ijfiij visitor's husband answered tho phone. "Your wife, ling informed mo of , tho pickles and pret zels," said tho I great detective. "What do you olTcr if I keep tho neivs from her that you have been confing homo soused oyery night?" "Twcnty-fiv) bones," camo tho prompt answer. . "Send it in; stamps," said tho great detective, and re turned to hisi-isitor, remarking, "Very sorry, mudnm, but I can not do Jmything for you. Your caso is unsolvable." Louisville A'imes. Hill I iir I' lb geTa " ' -. MJa i"'". tJ'41Wt', 111 SPECIAL A Cook Book With Each ?4-Pound gpg of j GOLD MEDAL FLOUR For Sale at ihe Following Groceries: SESTII WAED OROOEEY CO. T. O. OABLISII It SON. T. T. EYDER. W. A. TOLI.E. THOS. BLANOHAED. OORYEUj & DAVIS. COUaiUilN SISTERS. J. 0. OABLI8H It BRO. DINOER BROS. OEISEL & OOITRAD. MISS KATE MILLER. IIENRY BIERLEY. TRY A BAG AND SEE THE GLORIOUS RESULTS Sventuallt GOLD MEDAL FLOUR Why Not.N' M. Cf RUSSEfr 1 am-. T ii f 'sMjji .- .i-. . Jjaf9!rtZfn r ruti!mAs csw UneedarQJscuit Nourishment fine fla vor purity crl8pness wholcsomcncss. All for 5 cents, in the moisture-proofpackage. Graham Crackers A food for every day. Crisp, delicious and .strengthening. Fresh baked and fresh de livered. 10 cents. SNAPARNS A delightful new bis cuit, with a rich and delicious cocoanut fla vor. Crisp and always fresh, xo cents. Buy biscuit baked by hlATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY Always look for that Name 11" I ninji'yfcHifw iflimi't 'nf --, -"f- -v'-i '-' ' :! ! BITS OF BYPLAY. .J Advico. Ho sllont, son, and mend your ways, Tor gabbing makes folks sore; Tho fellow who sings his own prniso Will not get an encore. WfHVIIW.. W 1i.l. avKuows Everything. Willie J'nw, whnt is a fnshionablo resort J l'nw A place 'whore you can obtain tho least comfort nnd tho most stylo for tho most monoy, my son. Tact. Hero is a good tip you can take, So grnb it whilo you can; Bad habit aro real hard to break, But they can break tho man. No Joko. "There aro just as good fUli in the sea as were over caught," said tho Op t'inist. "Maybe," replied tho Tishorman. "But thoro aro none as big as the ones that got away." -- Hustlo! Cheer up! Don't join tho hopeless flock Of those who moan and groan; Tor you can turn a stumbling block J 11 to :i .topping stone. THE BRITISH EMPIRE. WEAK KIDNEYS JJAKEtf EAK BODIES Kidney PUieases Cause Mny Aches and Ills qt MiyaviUe People. As ono wojUc link weakens a chain, so may weak kidneys weaken the' whole body and hastc'a tho final broaking down. Overwork, strains, colds and other causos injuro tho kidnoys, and general ly when their activity is lessoned tho whole- body sudors-. Aches and pains and languor and urinary ills frequently come, nttd thoro is an over-Increasing tendency towards dropsy, gravel or fatal Bright 'a dis oaso. When tho kidnoys fall thoro is no real help for tho sufferer except kid ney liolp. Doan's Kidney Pills act directly on tho kidneys. Maysvlllo testimony is proof of their effectiveness. Mrs. A'anie McOlellan, 541 W. Second St., Mnysvillo, Ky., says: "I was of ton dizzy and norvous and my head achod. I had pain in my, back and my kidneys woro weak. Poan's Kduoy Pills stop ped tho complaint immediately and niado wo well and strong." Mrs. McGJelJan. Is only, ono of rna'ay Mnysvillo people 'who have gratefully ixiorsca JJoan:s ixwney i'liis. xi your atljea II your kidneys bothorN simply asK ror a icianoy istnotiy for upan's au 1 tnat Airs. Mcuioimn acked by homo tostl- f .mf&.s l;'ose&UDnrB Thcro is no more striking feature of tlie war in Europe than tho effect it has had upon tho British l'mpirc, Tho tierman hopo that tho political troubles between England and Ireland would placo Great Britain in nn nwk ward position and possibly jiroont har fiom undertaking a foroign war seomed ill grounded here in America, but in America, as eNewhere, it seemed prob nblp that India and Egypt would take advantage of nn opportunity to carry out seditious plans long fostered, and tho German view that tho Boers in South Africa, if not tho Australians, would provo disloyal or lukewarm did not seem wholly fantastic. The Ucrmnn plan, loudly nlleged and seemingly real, to stir up troublo for die British in Egypt and among tho In Kan Mohammedans does not appear to huo prospered. Indian princes aro Hc-nding men and money to tho empiro's aid. Tho Boers aro ready to invade, if r.ot already invading, Gorman South west Africa to enpturo it for Great Britain, and native African chieftains hnvo sent littlo gifts from scnuty hoards and expressed, ns one of them is quoted, .1 desiro to "throw a few stones for the King-Emperor." "That n country conquered within n dozen years should not only need ito gnrrlson, but by its own freo will maku war against tho enemies of its into victor," says Sir Hider Haggard in 1111 article upon tho sympathy of South Africa with Eugland, "is something jf which tho British muy well feel proud." Ho accounts for tho nttitudo of the Ooers by saying that thoy profcr Brit ish dominnnco to tho German mennvo. Ho thinks that tho froo grant of full solf-govornmont to tho Transvaal nnd tho Orange lllvor Colonies, after the British had whipped tho Boers nt a cost of 20,000 lives ami $1,500,000,000, itn pressed tho vanquished with tho good intontlons of tho victor and won thorn lo loyalty which could not otherwlso havo been oxpectod. Assuredly hp present political con ditions of tho British Emplro nro with outparallel In history. The signal for the revolt of depeudouoias lias usually been war which loft tho Imperial Gov eminent u 11 ablo to copo with revolu tion in distnut parts of tho empire. Thli war has welded tho units of the British Empire, ami there is u ast dillererico botween tho fighting ofll cleney of Great Britain- and whnt it would havo been if it hnd been neces sary to combat Asian and Africnn up risings. The test of loyalty is 0110 that must indeed bo n solaco to Britons in tjjno of stross, Courlor Journnl. 0. St o. RAILWAY TO SANTA. ACT AS The C. & O. railway has joined tho CStpres companies in carrying ChNht mas gifts for tho children of Kun,cl froo of charge, All tho packages w IJr J. . .1 . . ( 1 r ' . sit DOcarrieci, iiirectio now.n.oric- wt Betchal "Memory is n wonderful friend,'' ob served the Sage. "That's right," replied tho Pool. "It enables us to forget our debts and re member our debtors." Bix- Aw, Gwanl (Uesncrate Artillery Battlo at schoote. War News.) The battle at Bixschooto was hot, Machino guns shot, and shot, and shot Tho struggle wasn't any fun, Tor thcro was somo hixschootlng dono. Saturday, Nov. 21,'s Sale Day at the N. Y. Store Special in evory Department. Present given with your purchase New Coats, New Suits, Now Hats just in nnd will bo sold way under tho regular jirice. Special No. 1 Children's Coats, $3 quality. 1.17". Special No. 2 f8 Coats, just in, $1.08. Special No. 8 Ladies' $15 Coats $t'.0S, beautiful goods. Special No. 4 Ladles ' $3.08 Suits, worth $12 and $15. Special No. 5 Ladles' Suits $14.0S( worth $20 nnd $25. Sam ples only, Special No. G Trimmed JTnta, $1.4f, worth $3. Special No. 7 Pino quality Dress Goods, 25c and 49c yard. Special No. 8 Now Sweaters in for Ladles and Children, 23c, 49c nnd 08c. Spocini No. 0 Extra heavy White Blankets, $1.75 quality, 08c. This is a great bargain. Special No. 10 Ladles' and Children's Underwear, 'iDc and 25c. Best for the money in town. Special No. 11 Extra heavy Comforts, 9Sc. Special No. 12 Ladies' .$1 and $1.50 Sample Waists, 50c. NEW YORK STORE s' "E2 Proprietor -PnOHE 571- GOUGHLIN & COMPANY LIVERY, FEED AND SALE SSTABLE. Undertakers, Embalmers, Automobiles, For Hire. Phono 31. EDWIN MATTHEWS DENTIST Suite 4, First National Bank Building, MAYSVILLE, KY. Local ami Long Distanco Phonos: I Offlco No. 555. Residence No. 127 Thoy Aro Almost Vz off UP Here. (Ad, in Templo (Tex.) Telegram.) IjADTBS' DRESSES Vi OPF. Names Is Names. Early "Rier is a stock dealer In Ilills boro, Ohio. Things To Worry About It is unhealthy to fly upsido clown in an aeroplane, ns the position assumed causes nn irritation of tho spino near the base of tho brain. Our Daily Spoclal. Hard Luck Is A Pet Namo Laziness. For We Are Continually Receivirg NEW GOODS that are all that can he desired in the way of material, design and workman ship, and you will find our prices acceptable to your ideas of economy. MclLVAIN, HUMPHREYS & KNOX, Funeral Directors and Embalmers. Furniture Dealers. 207 Sulton Street. Phone 250. MaysviUe, Ky. Smoko La Tosca No. 5, made by the Geo. W. Childs Cigar Couin MaysviUe. It's a smoke. 29Stf RAILROAD TIME TABLES g ii in in i mi Lew Irrv ts:30 pn t9:nm .SilRD" AH Dally Except hntulay Time card eflectic Sunday, October 18, 1811. 11. b. KLLIU, Agent. Chesapeake & Ohio Railway. Sobedula effeotrre Nov. 30,1913. 8abect to oh wltnout notice fifto FARM FOR SALE We havo a farm of SO acres located about live miles from Majsviile on good pike. There is on this farm a five room house, stable, good tobacco barn, and necessary out-buildings. About twenty acres of bluo grass, balance of place is in grass, with the ex ception of about twelve acres that will bo plowed next senson. If you want a fnrm close to town that Is priced right you will buy this farm at $00.00 per acre. Nf TRAINS LEAVE MAYSVILLE, KT "HThos L.Ewan&Co WttUeard fl:sy a.m.) 8:47 a.m., S:13p. m.,dlly. 5:S0 a.m., 8:16 a. m., eelc-dayi loon. 3'00p.mdallslcoal. Katttoard 1:40 p. m., 8:(8 p. m I 10:47p.m. dally. I t:l,oi. 6:30 p.m. I 8 1. m.,f eelc-dy. W. W, WIKORW Anl . FARMRRS and TRAOKRR' BANK. REAL ESTATE AND- LOAN AGENTS MAYSVILLE, KY. Graduation AND Wedding Presents! Our stock consists of the most elabo rate assortment of exquisite articles. Your inspection is solicited. : : : : : CHAS. W. TRAXEL & C" PHONE 395. Rl DO YOU KNOW? I ' Do you realize what is great magnet that attracts the ahop S pers of Mason and adjoining counties to Dan Cohen's? It is not only that all that is new in footwear is shown here first, but at a great price reduction and that absolute satisfaction guarantees every pair. I Shop Here Tomorrow and you will understand what real economy is H M B- el I eol l xy 1 &ji I By lf' MEN'S FOOTVEAR BARGAINS Wondorful values in Men's Latest Stjlo Shoes, made of genulno Gun Met al, Patent Colt and Hox Calf. Genulno oak soles, in button and lace. Worth $3. Our prico $1.99 A special offorlng this week Men's Gun Metal and Hok Calf Shoes, bdtton nnd laco. $2 aluo. Our prico. .$1.40 Men's Bench-mado Shoes that com. bino stylo and service, iu nil loathors and styles. Worth n dollar more. Our ..prico ,..$2.90 Boys' $2 Gun Metal, Button and Laco Shoes, nil sUos. Our spoclal... $1.10 Ladies rich quality, new style Boots mado In cloth and kid tops, high and in Patent and Gun Metal. Values up to $3.50. Our price.... ?2.-lD Ladies' new stylo Pall Shoes, a great assortment of up-to-date styles in all leathers. $3 values. Our special .$1.90 Ladies' Comfort Shoes made of soft kid and rubber heels, fl ."0 values Onr price 09c Our Work Shoes Can Be Beat. We Save You Money on Every Pair. DAN COHEN :XND too Button Shoes. Our g n 40C K Ullsscs' and Children's Shoes in all leathers, latest style. Worth 2. Our prico $1.21 Infant's special .. 1 I 5 9F SI ? i V JK ----4Br rmi w E 'wJE' ? l 2JtY., Xr. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmj! JB vaHBHSHRSBWj"" . i iaif-'x, .,'ifrH , ! P-" ' :ii ISMl' , PMimmki T ' .PJBHHtHlMPS