Newspaper Page Text
CJ5 WSu . fjftfi K v .i" y . , tf& ca&rf Me 1L t j4- u 1 -af ,Lifa&.. J& L,U,J '' si. BP '. MlMRrtMMmMlNMIHMHMMIHMIMMil NEW 5 ORLEANS MOLASSES, PUBLIC m in rif. Pure Open Kettle, the best you will see in Maysville this year. DINGER BROS., $&$$ Sti SfS i jn,K,; MAYSVILLE, KENTUCKY, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1914. ONE, COPY ONE CENT. a rmuo i.ntxwit-m i ledgM i Jail1 vHkKjr c? JlCwMfV 7HrtJr 5 snsi Tfitfif' HB&J f PORTABLE TRESSES. Thoro vns a giddy girl And she had a giddy curl Bight In tho nilddlo of hor fore head; But when sho went to bed, I've often heard it said, Sho hung it up by tho bedstead. Portsmouth Times. ILLITERACY. L 4 n Ignoraa'o is truly to bo loprecatcl. Too niufli prnUo nnd encouragement tan not bo given to tho'io who arc Making h concerted offort to dispel tho Oloud of Illiteracy and bring joy and Minshiiip to so many. Illiteracy is tho bane nt 'li0 ucfulurs of tho world, f tho mind is cultivated, instructed oven in tho rudiments (reading, writ ing anil dimple arithmetic) of an edu cation, -he foundation is laid for n "highqr'iidacfilion. With all tho present avenues to acquire information and knowledge it is unpardonable in any 1me; with the corner stone laid, that they do not build well. Some of the brizhtost h iiid and intellects have started life with a meager education. But with laudable ambition, honesty, .sobriety and industry, hao risen to positions of honor, trust and respond 'bility, doing honor to the God that created them with a mind. They have boon IoiuIts of men and powor for good. There noor lias been In any nge such a demand "for men and women , who know something not necessarilv :i college cuucntion, but tlio-e who know their simple lessons well stud were de term in oil to loam more. The absence of illfternoj olevates mankind. It puts fjio on a higher pliuio of usefulness. In any business, socially, politically or religiously. To those who have beei. specialty faorod, let tliem realize the i03ponibility of their blessings. Not -njy as they hnve opportunity to do fu good but let them seek opportunity. .1. J. WOOD. FIRE DESTROYS CENTRAL COL. LEGE LIBRARY BUILDING. AT ANY COST Danville, Ky., November 2.1. Plro originating in tho bnsoment of tho now nhimni gymi-nsium nt 5 o'clock this morning destroyed tho commodius build ing, which wns erected at n cost of $40,000. The Sayro library was nlso destroyed. Thero was no fire iu the basement and tho origin is not known. Tho otd ju-yio iiumphroy gymnasium f(ussjans Routed n Poland and Prospects was ucsireyuu uy nru nireo years ($" Kaiser Says Calias Must Be Taken Tho building would hnvo been occupied today. The total loss exceeds $70,000. THOMAS LONG DROPS DEAD. NO LEDGER ! !- ON THANKSGIVING DAY. ? As is our usual custom, thoro will ' bo-no Public Ledger on nct Thursday, ' Thanks! viiig'Dnv. k All tlio cmjiloyeos will tnko the en tire day oft with full pay, to enjoy their Thanksgiving turkey and all the good things going with it. We issue, an .S-page illustrated Thanksgiving number tomorrow. It is reported that Charley Gates, "who lost lis legs under a train and now at Hi'jswood Hospital, can not survive n.tnj hours. When Cashier Thomas W. Long of the First Xitionnl Bank of llopklnsville, was shown n telegram Saturday an nouncing the death iu Boston of his only sisto", Mrs. .1. A. Young, he sud denly expired from heart disease. Mr. Long hid been ill with the grip and was thought to lie recuperating. Ho was recently left tho incomo on .ISo.OOO liv liis lato friend. W. A. Wil- gus, but thi monoy now goes for play grounds at Ilopkinsiillc. Agin look Dark For Allies MASTER COMMISSIONER SALES. Master Commissioner A. G. Sulser sold nt the courthouse door, Saturday afternoon Iho following proporty of the Trisler state: Tho house nnd lot in Wood st'eet to Mrs. Hcttic Trisler for $(""; lots 74 and "o in E.istlaml to John WelK for $lfi!U0; lots fiS, ."!) nnd 00 weio sold to Joseph My or for $210; lot 70 in L'jstland was bought by John Wells for $100. SCHOOLS TO CLOSE FOR THANKS GIVING. Tho M.i.vsiillo public schools, St. Patrick's (Jirochial school and all the t ounty schools will close tomorrow, Woduo'ihiy afternoon, for the Thanks giving holiday season, and will reopen next Moiidjy, November HO. BANKS WILL BE CLOSED THURS. DAY. The ficn banks of this city and the Union Trust Company vill be closed all day Tn-uikiving l)a. BANKER ALEXANDER ON TRIAL. Paris, K , November 23. The trial of George Alexander on tho first charge preferred against him in connection with the failure of the bank of George Alexander & Company, began in Cir cuit Couit hero this morning. MORE KILLINGS IN JACKSON. London, November 23. Desperate fighting iii Russian Poland,' but with out details as to the outcomo, nnd n re sumption of similar activity in West Danders, ar the outstanding features today in tho areas of military opera tiou. Tho flarry caused by tho attack of British aviators on tho Zeppolin head quarters "it Priedrichshafen has not yot subsided, and tho amount of comment on this incident appearing in both the German and tho English press scorns to bo out of all proportion to tho real damago inflicted. From Germany thor6 eonie reports of fovorish activity in tho construc tion of w.uships, as woll as in tho man ufacture of Zeppolin airships. Tho opinion prevails thnt Germany is not ablo to compete with Great Brit ain in the construction of battleships. Consequently sho is devoting greater energy to tho building of an air fleet. Naval constiuctiou takes relatively sec ond place. Both jides continue to be silent con cerning tho progress of the great bat tie in Poland, but Berlin is confident that Gen. Von llindenbtirg will justify his reputation as tho most successful of the Go-man generals. Coal, West Virginia Lump Coal It has been the General Opinion that GOOD COAL could not be had from the Railroads. You can get any grade of COAL you want by Rail. We have started with the BEST that can be had from the MINES and we will always sell the BEST GRADES. We guarantee your Satisfaction. Remember, you can get the BEST from us just as CHEAP as you can get a cheaper grads from others. A Trial ORDER will convince YOU. And Remember, we are leaders in LUMBER AND BUILDING MATERIAL and we have the Largest and Best Equipped Planing MILL in North eastern Kentucky. Your Satisfaction Guaranteed on every Purchase made from us. The Mason Lumber Co. m Cor. Second and Limostono Sis. Phone 519. MAYSVILLE, KY. A. A. MoLauqulin'. L. N. Bkuan. AMERICANS EVACUATE MEXICO Emperor William to Roturn to Berlin. London A dispatch to the Exchange Tclcgnnk Company from The Hague, snys Emperoi AVilliam has decided to return t. Berlin shortly to be present when th'i Reichstag opens. The corre spondent nilds that instructions hnve been issued to tho olliciols of tho em peror's Porliu castle to prepare it for a long sojourn thero by him. On Good Officers and 887 Men Lost Hopo. London. A casualty list giving the names of men lost on board the British cruiser Good Hope, which was sunk Novombe- 1 l it tho battle oft' Chile with Gormnii eroirers, shows that tho crow, exclusive of ofiiecrs, aggregated h87 men. Jackson, Ky., November 23. When Dud Strong tried to keep Sheriff James Mcintosh from arresting his son Sun day, Mcintosh shot and killed Strong. A stray shot killed (Mcintosh's wife in her home near by. i HUNTERS! Don't forget that we are headquar ters for GUNS Remington, Winchester, Parker, L. i 0. Smith, La Fewer, Stevens and all well-known makes. SHELLS All gauges, 10, 12, 16 and 22's. Hunting Coats, Leggings, Gun Cases and all hunting accessories. Z M t MIKE BROWN J :THE: . s i. i p SQUARE DEAL MAN. Don't forget, too, that with every $i cash purchase you stand a chance of getting either that Touring Car or Runabout that we are going to give away next year. Get in line. iiffva : s I i m EDAM AND PINEAPPLE CHEESE LHt New Mincemeat, New Plum Puddini?, New Raisins, New Nuts, New E-I-. -! - -. . - I L,Cirou, New Currants. We invite you to try our Oysters. Quality lili4tr tnd kent better flinn thiv are in most nlnnpM. ' 40,000 Must Leave Homos. London, No ember 23 (1:3."! a. m..) Telegraphing from Rotterdam today, tho Daily Telegraph's correspondent says: "Tho military authorities hae ordered nil the inhabitants, aggregat ing nearly 40,000, of St. Nicholas, an important n.ilwny junction southwest of Antwerp, to leave the city forth with, affording them accommodations i'i empty houses in Antwerp." Vera Cruz, November 2.1. Tho Amer ican forces of occupation, General Fred erick Fuiiston's expeditionary brigade, numbering soniothlng over 0,000 men, oacuatcd Vera Cruz in four hours' time. Tho first outpost wn9 with drawn from Los Cocos nt 10 o'clock. At 2 p 'clock in tho afternoon tho last of tho Transports loaded with the American coldiers cast off its lino nt tho wharf. On tho heels of the Anioricnn troops tho Carranzista army of occupation, under Generals Aguilar and Mngncs en tered the town 8,000 strong. CENTRAL PRESBYTERIAN BAZAAR Tho Central Presbyterian Bazaar will bo held on Wednesday and Friday of this woeit, November 23 and 27, at the Hondricksoa paint store. Appetizing dishes for tho Thanksgiving dinnor a specialty. Doors open at 9:30 a. m. 2t LADIES' AID. Tho Ladies' Aid Society of tho Third Street M. K. church will moot Wednes day afternoon at 2 o'clock with Mrs. Charles Fist on East Sixth street. Mrs. Tillic Cooper has returned to her homo at Ilyattsville, O., after a visit with nor sister, Mrs N. Kichard son of Jersey Uidge. RIOHARDSON-FRBDERIGK. L Mr. Uurr Richardson of Dayton, O., but formerly of this city, was married Saturday in (Dayton to Mis Irene Frederick of this city. Miss Frederick is a daughter of tho lato Harry and Mary Frederick and has been r "siding in West Second streets The marriage of this young couple wns a surprise to thoir many friends in this city. Tho happy couple will visit tho groom's parents, Mr and Mrs. N. C. Richardson of the county in the iiuar future. NOTICE, ADVERTISERS I All poisons desiring to iluugo their .ids for Frilay MUST havo their copy in at this tdlco by 10 o'clock Wednes day morning, Thursday boing Thanksgiving. Dressed chickens, turkeys, oysters, cranberries nnd celery. J. C. CAB L1SII & IJ1U). 3t THANSQIVINa PLAY LICK. AT MAI Attend "Mayslick High School Bo efit' Thnnsgiving Day. Bazar, basko ball game", two plays ,ono at 15, flf other at 23 cents admission. Boun ful dinner served for 23 cents. tlr MISS HOLLIDAY'S SALE AT TRAXEL'S. CANDY ON FREE FREE FREE $6 Worth Edison Records With Horn Typo Phonographs. Seo our catalog fur fu pr w tnagjiziDes. L T. KiGKLEV & CO. Wo dye slippers, hose, gloves and feathers to match. BARKLKY'S SHOKl STORE. 3t I WILLIAMS' COUGH SYRUP A pleasant nnd reliable remedy for Coughp, (Jolds, Croup, Hoarseness, Whooping Cough, I) fficult Breathing, Asthma, Bronchitis, Sure Throat and nil affections of t he pulmonary organs. An absolutely anfo remedy for old nnd young. W. F. WILLIAMS th,kSrug "tore D. HEGMNGER & CO. Maysville's Biggest and Best Clothing and Snoe Store Have you noticed the handsome Boys' and Girls' Mackinaw Coats we soil at $4 nnd $.5? Our $12.fU Bn'macnnn Coats are the wonder of those that buy them. In fact, Clothing Men are loth to believe that we bought these Coats at a price that enables ns lo sell them at $12 f)U. Another big lot of them on the way. Will be here by Satur day. Rare Bargains iu Chinchilla Overcoats. Some with military collars, others with shawl collar?. Our lino of $15, 18, 20 and $2f Suits are splendid values. To do yourself justice come in and tnko a ioik :tr ibetn, when iu quest of a suit. Our Children's aui B lya' Suits aro moving rapidly. Our $3.50, $4 and $5 Suits are tho best, values Rvnr shown in r.hiq nnrkot. Finer up to $10. B1! liHSCtiXiSTGS-ESR, &, CO. Calais Mud bo Taken Regardless of N Life. Flamler, November 23. An assem bling of Oerman forces is under way for n filial despornto attack on tho Calais defenses. The kaisor hns issued orders that CulaiH mast be taken without regard to loss of life. For political as well as strategical reasons, it lias been de termined tho German positions in Bel gium and tho north of Franco can not willingly bo surrondored. Tho spirits of the Hermans, it is declared, oulcl fail too low iu such an ovent and oven j evolution might follow. THREE CHILDREN LOSE LIVES IN FLAMES. ' Houstonville, Ky., November 23. Tho homo of B. B. Watklns, in Casoy county, wua burned today, ami two children cremated. Dies of Bums. Taris, Ky., November 23. Mason Bayiess Adair, 5-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Bruco Adnlr, died last night of injuries rocolvod ubout ton days ago when tho little fellow's clothing bo en mo ignited from an open grate. IT WAS A LITTLE BABY PIO. "This iittlo pig wont to tho Fastime market." Last night at tho Fastimo theater thero was n jamming nnd jolly crowd, drawn tho?o by tho "reiil, livo baby" advertised to bo given away. It was given away, all right, and tho lucky ticket was held by Miss Lucy Willctt, who had to sign a bond n yard long, full of promises to "love, honor, keep, cherish and provide well for said baby." It proved to bo a Iittlo black porker and tUo kids yqllodtQ boat the band. iiiii444fi44iii444i444444id 4444444444444444444444444444444444d If WELL CHOSEN CHRISTMAS GIFTS If ARE BOUGHT EARLY I HH Haphazard, indiscriminate, "last hour" buying makes Christmas giving burdensome and Christmas gifts as in appropriate as laughter at a funeral. Begin now, shop leisurely, avoid the worry and fatigue. Daintiness in neckwear is so essential no woman ever has too many changes. If you are seeking inexpensive gifts as pretty as they are useful come here. TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY - we will have on display a large line of neckwear from New York at 25c, 50c, 75c. Collars, Sets and Vestees in charm ing variety. It is an unusual stock in quantity, quality and low price. JUST FROM NEW YORK Inexpensive but smart little coats for children, 2 to 14 year sizes. Serviceable all-wool fabrics carefully tailored, cleverly designed. $2 to $10. ' - '4444444444444444444444444444444444! ci ft 4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444' KIMONAS AT SPECIAL PRICES I These snappy mornings make a soft fleecy kimona a welcome garment. See our east window for attractive bargains. MORE OF THE $2.50 SILK BLOUSES If you were disappointed in securing one of the first lot, here is another chance. White crepe de chine and tub silk blouses in semi-tailored designs. SWEATERS $1 TO $5 Snappy styles, zibeliue weaves, all colors, surpassed garment for comfort and service. The un- 1852 l z INTERESTING PRICE READJUSTMENT on Women's Suits at $5 and $7. Children's Coats $i.qS. Women's Coats $2 to $5. Separate Skirts $2.98 to $4.98. Marked far below COST because newer styles have re placed them. 1914 IMMItMMMMMHtfflltHMHIftaiMriHIUI I I H m m m Me Bimo., I - Maysville, Ky. , D a r Buys: I I am sending yon by today's express 150 samples of our finest Ostrich stock.- Every piece is mndo of 1 he finest male bird, and tho goods eontaiued iu this lot retail from $1.50 to $7 each. This will give you au opportunity of making the most sensational sale of higU'gnfdo Ostrich Featheis that has ever taken place in Mn)8vi le. Lot tho Maysville ladies see that although I nralin Philadelphia, I am still thinking of them. With regards to all in tho stoife, 1 am, Your alieetiouate brotuer, Millakd Mboz. m Rcad what our Mr. Millard Merz has to say and then dome and see the goods. We have three prices, as folows: FEATHERS WORTH $1.50 TO $3.00 $ .98 FEATHERS WORTH $3.50 TO $5.00 . . V $1.49 FEATHERS WORTH $5.50 TO $7.00 . .'. $1.98 There are only 150 pieces in the lot and we ' only enough for seventy-five ladies in Mays1 ost ladies will buy two or more, so there will be is sufficient M kent placed. Order your Thanksgiving turljoys JLWK 3E1 if Sxto.J .! 1 -?d oMeriJrctW, . "? . 2 :4. t MltMlM B0MBM9 yp?y AUfRKBT .