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THE ItAYiVULI PUBLIO LEDQiiU&Adi J0U1. .-A COOLING TIP Air-Q-Weaves A (cllow In a cool, smart Alr-O-TVeate Is a soothing sight to make any officer stop on hU beat and cool off. An Alr-O-Weave beats the torrid day ol Its sticky, "baked" feeling. Ton not only (eel breeie-cooled and comfort able bat yon make others feel so who see yon. An Afr-tMYeaie InYites Breeies It wards off the sun's piercing rays It fits without clinging It holds Its smart shape and does not wrinkle. Alr.(MVeaTes are not "gunny.sack" summer clothes. Seed little pressing and giro lots of wear, Geo. H. Frank & Go. Maysvilla'g Foremost Clothiers. MATSTILLE MAX HITS HOMES AT RU'I.EY. The Ripley baseball club defeated Fleck's Specials, a Cincinnati team, at Ripley on last Sunday by a score of 10 to 3. Several Maysvllle men played on the Ripley team and Jos. Huffman, third base, made a wonderful showing. In regard to his home run the Ripley Bee says: "Huffman's borne run was a hard hit liner which hit Just Inside the third base line and bounded into deep left. Huff was near third when Hugle's re turn throw went Into an auto, so Huff game on home. It was the first home run ever made on these grounds. "Huffman's homer won him a $3.50 silk tie and a fine silk shirt offered to the first player making a circuit blow." STATE PROHIBITION LAW BECOMES EFFECTITE TODAY. State, county and municipal officials are added to the forces of the federal government for the enforcement of the prohibition law under the state law, which becomes effective today. The law was passed at the recent General Assembly and makes it the duty of civil authorities in cities and counties of the state to enforce the federal pro hibition act. The police force and the members of the sheriff's office are thus added to the force of Chief Prohibition Agent Paul Williams to aid in the search for violations of the law. COLORED CITIZENS. Don't forget the "Moonlinght Fete" to be given tonight from 8 until 11 at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Grandl son, Flemingsburg pike, under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid Society of Scott M. E. church. All members and friends are invited. TEBIE LEWIS. President. Pastime Today Triangle presents DOROTHY DALTON and WILLIAM DESMOND IN A GAMBLE IN SOULS A Thomas H. Ince production. This is a picture that is cram med full of thrills. Just one sensation after the other. Dorothy Dal ton and Wm. Desmond's greatest and most thrilling picture. Daring death-defying stunts will hold you breathless. Punch and pep that is the keynote of this picture. Don't miss it. ADMISSION ONLY 10 AND 15 CENTS. TOMORRO W Ruth Roland in "THE ADVENTURES OF EUTH." See the mystery of the Tliirteen Keys. "THE LAW OP THE WEST." An old-fashioned western play. "HOW SHE HATED MEN," Some comedy. Just Received A NEW SHIPMENT OF VACATION LUGGAGE, AUTOMOBILE CASES t SUIT CASES. .1 TRAVELING BAGS, T WARDROBE TRUNKS. , STEAMER TRUNKS, ETC. SEE OUR PRICES. Squires-Brady Co. Second and Market Streets ' in HOJDS OF HART, ECHAFFNER & MARX, Fin PP 1 ', -if- ,',- W ..-1-L,-t,.ft)' 25 DAYS IS LENGTH OF MARRIED LIFESEEKS DIVORCE Mrs. Frances Melneke Brings Suit for Divorce From Her Husband Charg ing Abandonment. Mrs. Frances Melneke filed suit In the Mason Circuit Court this after noon for a divoroe from her husband, Ernest L. Melneke. They were mar ried In this state on June 6th, 1919, and for a cause of action, the wife sets out that without any or like fault on her part, he abandoned her on June 30th, 1919, and has been away for more than a year. Sho also sots out as a further cause of action cruel and in human treatment. The wife asks for an absolute di vorce from the bonds of matrimony with the defendant and tor restoration to her maiden name. The attorney In the case leaves the family name of the wife blank In asking for her maiden name, Frances . Before her marriage Mrs. Melneke was Miss Frances Thomas, of this city. In a request for a Warning Order Attorney, the plaintiff says that the last address of the defendant was San Francisco, Calif. Attorney H. W. Cole was named by the Clerk as Warning Order Attorney In the case. GOTIIERMAX IS ARRAIGNED. Hillsboro, Ohio, July 1. Russell E. Gotherman, 25 years old, who was ar rested In Dayton, was arraigned here Wednesday before Mayor Davles and charged with the murder of his father, James Gotherman. Gotherman admit ted, the authorities say, that when he was struggling with his father his re volver was discharged aud the bullet killed htm. Buy In Maysvllle. It pays. Dandruff was killing my hair S My head itched unbearably and my 3 S hair was com ins out by the handful. - 3 A fewapphcationsofWildroot loosened : - and removed quantities of dandruff 3 2 the itching stopped. Today it ia thicker 3 q and more beautiful than ever." 3 WiJdroot Liquid Shampoo or Wtldroot 3 tftiampoo Soap, uted la onnnecttoa with 5 3 Wlldroot Hair Tunic, will hwtw Uw 3 3 truluust. - 5 THE GUARANTEED HAIR TONIC 3 For salt hot under a mentfback gmsmte$ J. J. Wood & Son, Maysvllle, Ky. ""SS i, ON WITH THE DANCE SUMMER SCHOOL III CITIZENSHIP ATJNIVERSITY Women of the State Will Be Given Op. port unity to Study Citizenship at Kentucky University. The Kentucky Federation of Wom en's Clubs of the State at the annual meeting in Madlsonvllle in May passed resolutions requesting the University of Kentucky to offer courses In citizen ship and to outline a program of edu cational work along this line. The University in response to that resolu tton has announced a course in citizen ship In Us Summer School for the week beginning July 19. The course is open to all women of the State and Is given free. The University has also announced that In response to the request from the women's clubs a general confer ence on citizenship, under the auspices of the Department of University Ex tension, will be held In the early fall, Perhaps In October. The program- for the week's course In the Summer Session Is as follows: .Monday Afternoon, July 19. Address, What Is Citizenship? President Frank L. McVey. City and County Government; Its structure and organization. Dr. Ed ward Tuthill, head of the Department of History and Political Science. General Discussion Led by Dr. Tuthill. Tuesday Afternoon, July 20. Slate Government In Kentucky Dr. Edward Tuthill. Taxation In Kentucky Dr. Edward Wlest, of the Department of Eco nomics and Sociology. General Discussion; Question Box conducted by Dr. Tuthill. Wednesday Afternoon, July SI. Political Parties; their methods and Organization, Dr. J. S. Cleland, De partment of Economics and Sociology. National government; Its structure and organization. Dr. Tuthill. Nominations and elections. Miss Mary Scrugham. Thursday Afternoon, July 22. Alms and Purposes of the League of Women Voters. Mrs. Frank L. Mc Vey, chairman, Fayette County League of Women Voters. National Elections Dr. Edward Tuthill. General Discussion aud Question Box conducted by Dr. Tuthill. Friday Afternoou, July 23. Problems of the School System In Kentucky and Recent Legislation Professor George M. Baker, General election conducted by Miss Mary Scrugham. Question Box conducted by Dr. Tut hill. WO.HEX ARE BLAMED. Lexington, Ky., July 1. Women, and not whisky, were responsible for the two murders committed In the City of Lexington during the first year of prohibition, Chief of Police Jerry Reagan said. THE PEOPLE'S BUILDING ASSOCIATION'. Will ooen Its books for subscriptions to its 62nd series of Btock, on July 1st, 1920. Anyone desiring to become a member of the Association, by sub scribing for any number of shares of stock, from one (1) to one hundred (100), in this new series, 1b invited to apply to E. A. Robinson, President, C. C. Dobyns, Vice-President, A. G. Sul ser, Secretary, W. A. Munzing, Treas urer, W. H. Rees, Attorney, or Direc tors S. P. Browning, Jno M. Hunt, Wm. Trouts, W. L. Traxel, W. T. Cummins, A. H. Thompson, Chas. B. Holstein, or James M. Riley. No Initiation Fee will he ( hnrged In connection with such new stock; and, on and after July 1st, 19-0. the monthly charge of five cents per Bhare, heretofore made for the purpose of defraying the expenses of the Association, will no longer be col. leclcd from any member. This new ar rangement affords an unexcelled op portunity for saving and Investment, at no expense whatever to the stock 28June-10t medicine bc$t Tor only 35 eeim With it Ton Can Instantly Believe Pain Caused by Burns, Scald, Cuts and Bruises. A jar of San Cura Ointment costs but 30 cents and If It doesat do every thing this newspaper article says It will do J. Jas Wood & Son will give you your money back. It relieves bleeding, itching and pro. truding piles, it helps chronic, running and fever sores, no matter how stub born or hopeless. It Is an antiseptic ointment that begins to beat the min ute It Is applied. It's one of the finest remedies ever compounded for bolls, carbuncles, ul cers, eczema, tetter, chilblains, chap ped hands or face. Price only 86c, 65c, and 11.25 a jar. For the baby, for rough, tender skin and to quickly ac quire a fine complexion, use San Cura Soap (26 cents.) Thompson Medical Co., Tltusvllle, Pa. AT OPERA HOUSE Selling GOOD FOOD IS A HABIT WITH US NOW SELLING SPRING VEGE- TABLES Spring Onions Green Beans Butter Beans Cabbage Radishes Greens Lettuce Tomatoes AND GOOD FRESH BUTTERMILK Home Made Pies Peach Cobbler RESTAURANT JAMES FROST. Jr. FRANK ROOSTER HAUCXE Special Sale On Fancy 25c Sugar-Cured Breakfast Bacon ... 33c Pound Hams ..... 35c Pound Bean Bacon . . 22c Pound THIS 18 FOB WHOLE PIECES AND FOR CASH. Lee Williams TUB PRICE WRECKER Corner Wood aud Third Sin-flu, No Advance in Prices Ladles' Suits Dry Cleaned and Pressed $1.25 Ladies' Dresses Dry Cleaned and Pressed $1.25 Ladles' Waists Dry Cleaned and Pressed .50 Lndles' Skirts Dry Cleaned and Pressed .60 Ladles' Long Coats Dry Cleaued and Pressed $145 Gents' Snlts Dry Cleaued and Pressed $1.25 GenU' Otercoals Dry Cleaned and Pressed $1.25 Gent's Trousers Dry Cleaned and Fressed .50 Gents' Coats Dry Cleaned and Pressed .75 Coats rellned $30 Ladles' Suits Pressed M Gents' Suits Pressed 50 AH winter garments stored free of charge. FRENCH DRY CLEANERS MBS. CABBIE BRKEZE, Proprietress. Side Meat 20 Reduction Sale ! All instruments in our store are now being offered at the start ling figure of 20 per cent under war prices. Delayed shipments and rail tie-up permit us to offer exceptional values in this general reduction sale closing July 10th. All of the standard and most popular brands, including Smith & Nixon, Weaver, Jacob Doll, Brinkerhoff and Ludwig. Let us show you our beautiful insrtuments and give you a demonstration. Richard Spaniard Piano So. Nelson Second Street. Monty back without qoMtloo If HUNT'S S.It. f!U In th IrHtmint of ITCH, BCZBMA, RINGWORM. TSTTBR ot ether Itchlnc tkin diMam, Try 7 oral bos t our ritk, At M. A. Swift. Drug Store. CllieillllATI MARKETS CLCLJiATI MARKETS. Thursday, July 1. Cattle 1100, slow and weak; steers dull; cbalce butchers, steady; Cows, weak; Bulls, weak, moBtly 2550 cents lower. Hogs 4686, closing weak, poor clearance; Heavy, Mixed and Medium, S17; Light, $16; Pigs, $12.50; Roughs, $13; Stags, $9.50. Sheep 6750, close slow $7 down; Lambs, $16 down; Seconds, $U12. Officer P. Ryan Is again on the job after a fifteen days vacation spent In visiting relatives in Ohio and in tend ing his crop of tobacco in the Hunter bottoms. USE THE OLD 'MARSHALL'S 4f ft I1 Drmndrf or Mot pr.pld b? iU WlUJAMMFa,CO, CLCVflAMO.OHIO . . For Sale by M. T. Williams ft Co. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING All Items under this head 1 cent a word. Minimum charge 10 cents. WANTED WANTED Old false teeth. Good prices paid. Gus Sorrles. 1 6t FOB KENT FOR RENT Flat. Apply at No. 25 East Third street. 29-tf FOR RENT Office In Court street See Dr. W. C. Crowell, 'Phone 085. roi.siu FOR SALE One oak sideboard, chenp if sold at once. Call on Mrs. E. F. Cabllsli, Collins Flats 30-6t. FOR SALE Hudson Roadster, in good condition. Dr. W. S. Yazell, Sutton street. 28June-6t FOR SALE Capt. John Small resi dence in Aberdeen. Large corner lot. Brick residence, 14 rooms, Im mediate possession. J. M. Collins YES Canning Season is Here And if you are looking for Mason jars, in any sizes, Mason jar caps, jar rubbers, sealing wax, or para- wax, We can supply you at the minimum price. If you are in need of any of the above mentioned artioles, favor us with a call W. I. NAUMAN & BRO. "THE HOME OF GOOD EATS" 117-119 W. SiCHd St. Pftini 619 Building, Maysvllle, Ky. L REALIZING THAT IT WAS IMPOSSIBLE TO CONTINUE BUSINESS IN BUILDING NOW 00 CUPLED, WITHOUT EXTENSIVE REPAIRS, I HAVE SOLD MY STOCK OP GOODS. I WANT TO THANK THE GOOD PEOPLE OF MAYSVLLLE AND NEIGHBORHOOD FOR THEIR PATRONAGE AND IF POSSIBLE WILL OPEN A DRY GOODS STORE LATER. YOURS TRULY, R. L, HOEFLICH. n i: ii ii 8 II II II II II II II II II II a ii ii ii u SSSSS5SSXHSaMUlBSXS8ZSBS&SrSa Mr. E. a Bates, of Cleveland, Ohio, Is the guest ot Mr. and Mrs. James B. Key, of Walnut street. GEO. P. LAMBERT Chiropractor O'Kiefi Buildiof, MartetStnet MAVSVILLE KY. Lady Assistant. 'Phone 692-R. 9 orange TEA 1 14 Pound yy rue tea tnat nas aeiigntea nunareas ot famines nere every1 () summer for years, for making delicious Iced Tea. Has a rich ( jp red color, ana a navor au its $ TRY IT IT'S m IMavsville Tea, Coffee & Spice Co. cf) Gash and Carry ft 202 MARKET STREET $ PHONE The Kind You've Been Hankering Fori HERE IT IS Federal Bread is a FULL, BODY to it that MOTHER used Does it go down EASY I Better BELIEVE it does! & world and your grocer has it, or Send for Some TODAY. Federal System of Bakeries: East Third Street Splendid Brick Residence For Sale Six Room modern brick residence with new bath and and all modern improvements, (formerly Hel- mer House), located on West Second street, right in the heart of the city, this is a splendid home and in ; a good neighborhood, the price is right, possession at onoe. j i Sherman Am WILL SELL THE EARTH. , jj 8QCAEE DE AL SQUARE -No. 8 East Second Street. MAYIVILLE, KY. At the GEM Only Sty JTry a Ledger Want ii. ' It F,. TODS ETES For quality, service aud satlsfactloa see os. Broken lenses duplicated. GEO. C. DEYINS Optometrist and Opticlaa O'Keefe Building, Market Street Tpstalrs oTer DeNusle. i rexoe 25 Cents own. DELICIOUS. Pure Fiod Store NEXT D03R SWIFT DRUG STORE 656. PLUMP loaf, with the same to make I Greateat domestic bread in the 1 should have. and Market Street in Sovonth Epioodo O i o X