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V Gil THE TRACK. MucH Lower Price Than Have Been. TUT A Mil) Ml 1M H If . , YOU GET THE BENEFIT Of next spring's lower prices right now. We've revised our prices on new falTsuits and over coats to meet jour desire for good CLOTHES AT LOWER COST ALL SUITS AND OVERCOATS Reduced 25 Geo. H. Frank & Co. Maysville ' Foremost Clothiers. SIXTEEN-YEAR-OLD BOY MISSING FROM HOME Boy Left For Sindaj- School Sunday Morning Has Not Since Been Seen Police asked To Help Search. Allie Downs, MaysviUe school boy, 16 years of age, son of Mr. and Mrs. - Benjamin Downs of West Third street, has- been mysteriously missing from his home since 9 o'clock Sunday morning and efforts of the parents and police to locate the young man have thus far been futile. Young Downs, who attended Sunday school at the First Baptist church quite regularly, left his home Sunday morning at about 9 o'clock telling his mother that he was going to Sunday school. He failed to reach the Baptist church and has not since been home. It Is thought that he might have gone away on a trip with other school boys, not telling his parents, but all boys of his age and with whom he was chummy are either at school today or have been accounted for by the Truant Officer. The young man was greatly taken with the dog and pony show at the Corn and Tobacco Fair last week and officers think he might have left Mays viUe with that show. The show, how- ever did not leave Maysville until Sunday afternoon and young Downs was not seen about the car at the time oi leaving. The young man's father Is in the revenne service and has been located at one of the local distilleries for sev ' eral months. The police will make every possible effort to locate the miss ing boy before he gets too far from Maysville. FORMER WIFE SUES LOCAL JLO FOB CHILDREN. The suit In Adams county, of Mrs. Elizabeth .Berry, of Bellevue, against her former husband, Mr. Ell Berry, of this city, for the possession of their children, Is creating considerable In terest Some twenty odd iwitnesses are being heard in the case. Mr. Berry and bis first wife are divorced and he has married the second time. The wife seeks possessions of their infant chil dren. the hearing of a breach of the peace case in which a couple of col ored -women of Washington were In volved, was dismissed by Judge Pur nell this morning. Loner Priced Clothes FOR EVERYBODY THERE ARE ONLY TWO WAYS TO MAKE LOWER PRICES ON CLOTHES EITHER LOWER THE QUALITY STANDARDS OR TAKE LESS THAN A NORMAL PROFIT ON FINE GOODS. WE WONT SELL CHEAP QUALITY SO WE;VE LOWERED PRICES ON HART SCHAFFNER '& MARX 'FINE SUITS AND OVERCOATS. REMARKABLE VALUES AT - $44.75 : ."" . YOU GET YOUR MONEY BACK D7 YOU'RE NOT SATISFIED THE HOME OF HART SCHAFFNER & MARX CLOTHES. Squires-Brady Co. Second and Market Streets t ' HOME OF HAST SCHAFFNER & MARX CLOTHES. tTT. "0 I 111 I CONSIDERABLE FALLING OFF IN S. S. ATTENDANCE Fair Week Cuts Down Sunday School Attendance To Yery Small v Figures. Sunday School Attendance Secre tary Richardson reports attendance at local Sunday schools Sunday as fol lows: Christian '. 198 First Presbyterian 124 Third Street M. E 103 First ,Bapttst .; 93 Sedden M. E 80 "Little Brick" M. E., South "4 First M. E., South 61 City MiBslon 60 Scott M. E. (colored) 78 Bethel Baptist (colored) 74 County. Hilldale '. 71 Mill .Creek Christian 66 Mayslick Christian 47 Sardis M. E 44 Dover Christian 36 Washington Presbyterian 27 Orangeburg Christian 26 Hebron M. E., South 21 Dover M. E., South ' 20 Washington M. E., South 20 Minerva Christian 19 Minerva M. E., South 18 Forman's Chapel M. E., South .....18 Adult Bible Classes. - Loyal Men, Christian ....".38 Brotherhood, Third Street M. E. ...25 Baracas, First Baptist ' 23 Wesley Brotherhood 16 Loyal Women, Christian ...47 Hilldale Hustlers, (mixed) 23 Alethean, Mill Creek Christian ....19 Berry, First Baptist 16 Willing Workers, First M. E., South 15 Epworth, Third Street M. E. . . .. . . .15 Phllathca, First Baptist 11 Loyal Workers, "Little Brick" ....10 BOOXE COCSTY FARMER KILLS PARTNER. Henry Souther, 35, farmer, BulllttB ville, Boone county, Ky., about eight miles from Covingtonr who shot and killed William Balue, 30, his partner, was at liberty on $5,000 bonds Mon day. Souther claims self-defense. Bond was furnished by his father. Souther called L. A. Conner, sher iff, Burlington, Ky., on the 'phone Sunday and told blm he had killed Balue and that he wonld surrender. The shooting accurred In Souther's barn at 4 a. m. Sunday. Balue had part Interest in livestock and the men argued, oyer division of it, Souther said. Souther said Balue attempted to run a pitch ford through his back and attacked him with a blackjack. A blackjack was found in Balue's pocket Souther used a shotgun. . Mr. and Mrs. John Welsh had as their guests for Thanksgiving week, Mr. Earl Welsh and bride, of Conners vllle, Ind., and Mr. Nelson Coons, of Pittsburgh. J THE MOST REFRESHING w DRINK IN THE WORLD BOTTLED AT ALL GROCERY STORES CAFES AND STANDS. T - - JAUUkl L ' W ell W lULi WOMEN VOTERS CF THIS STATE TO HOLD MEETING Women Leaders of State to Meet In Lexington to Organize League, -Of Women Voters. A call for a convention of prom inent women voters to meet In Lexing ton, December 15, for the purpose of completing the organization of the Kentucky , League of Women Voters, was Issued by the Joint meeting of the executive board of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association, and the or ganization commitee of the Kentucky League of Women voters' at Lexington Saturday morning and afternoon. The convention will be for the pur pose of organizing the' women voters of the state tor the purpose of passing legislation tending to equalization of the political, economic and commer cial status of the sex. The work of the organization will be the principal bus iness of the convention, and during the next year the energies of the body will be devoted to starting local or ganizations throughout the state for purpose of carrying on the movement. Mrs. Herbert Mengel, of Louisville, presided at the meeting Saturday af ternoon, with Miss Mary Bronaugh. Five cities and seven congressional districts . were represented by the members of the two boards present. Members of the Organization Com mittee of the Kentucky League of Women Voters are Mrs, Herbert W. Mengel, of Louisville; Mrs. Samuel M. Wilson and Mrs. A. M. Harrison, of Lexington. Members of the Equal Rights Board are Mrs. John Q. Smith, Frankfort; Mrs Samuel T. Castleman, Mrs. James A. Leech, Mrs. Herbert Firth, Covington; Mrs. Henry Offutt, Frankfort; Mrs. Joseph Alderson, Middlesboro. Chairmen of the stand ing committees of the Kentucky League of Women Voters are Mrs. R. P. Halleck, Mrs. Edwin P. Glossop, Louisville; Miss Frances Jewell. Miss Mary. Scrugham," Lexington; Miss Alice Lloyd. Maysville; MIsb Mary Bronaugh, HopkinBVlllo; Mrs. Ed mund M. Post, of Paducah; Mrs. J. E. Judah, of Louisville. ENGLISH TOWNS GUARDED BY SOLDIERS. London, November 29. All Eng land today Is virtually under mili tary rule, with an army of troops on guard in an attempt to check the wave of shootings and incendiary fires which are ascribed to Sinn Fein ter rorists. Warehouses in a score of Irish and English cities have been burned, shots fired Into police stations, and two offi cers killed. The Parliament buildings In London remain closed to the pub lic and no one Is allowed Jo pass the barricades In Downing and St Charles streets without a military permit. ICE BREAKS IN ' MISSOURI BITER. Is- Bismarck, N. D., Nov. 29. The Ice broke in the Missouri River here Sun day within an hour the stream had risen five feet, eight IncheB, carrying out a large proportion of a temporary bridge. O. W. Roberts, weather observer, said It was the. first time in the hiB tory of the local bureau that ice bad broken up at this time of the year. The maximum thickness was about nine inches until a week ago. . EARTHQUAKE ON PACIFIC COAST ROCKS HOUSES. Spokane, Wash., November 29. An earthquake, which rocked houses and awakened sleepers was experienced here at 3:30 to 8:40 yesterday morn ing. All the district between this city and Porland, Ore., was affected. PROMINENT ABERDEEN COUPLE WEDS HERE. Mr. Lafayette W. Fulton, prominent business man and land owner of Ab erdeen, and Mrs. Dladema B. Purdon, also of Aberdeen, were quietly mar ried here Saturday evening. . SENATOR STOLLS ..HOME IS ROBBED. r 1 Central Kentucky police were on the lookout Monday for thieves who stole Jewelry valued at $3,000 from the Home of William Stoll, state senator, Lexington, Ky. ' ' CITY SCHOOL BOARD MEETS ON TUESDAY. . The Clty Board of Education will hold Its regular monthly meeting at the High School building Tuesday eve ning. Business of importance Is to come before the body. A Dew relnklng device renews the life In pale typewriter ribbons with out removal from machines. J . . J AT OPERA HOUSE SPECIAL SESSION MAY . FOLLOW CONGRESS MEET Special Session of Kentucky Legisla ture May Be Called Following Ac tion By Congress In December Washington, Nov. 29. An extra session of the Kentucky Legislature this winter Is forecast here. Governor Morrow Is expected to Issue the call for the extraordinary session as soon as Congress passes' the bill establish ing the unit of apportionment under the census of 1920. This legislation is to, be rushed through Congress as soon as possible during the coming short session. - Upon the size of the unit estab lished will depend the number of Ren- resentatlves 1ft Congress which tbeH State of Kentucky will have during the next decennial period, or until an other, census is taken. There 1b every Indication now that the number of Kentucky Representatives In Congress will remain the same as at present, but this will not prevent a new appar tionment of the state for Congression al purposes. The purpose of the extra session which Governor Morrow has decided to call will be t ) reapportion the state of Kentucky Into Congressional dis tricts. Mrs. J. Watt LawBon and daughter, Mary Lewis, Mrs. Rollle Kendall and Mrs. Laura Todd, of Flemlngsburg, were here Sunday to see Dr. J. J. Dickey. , A rattlesnake killed by a colored man on the Hunsicker coal property at East Second and Union streets, was being displayed on the streets here Saturday. ' Monty back without qnaation If HUNT'S Salve falla In tha traatramt of ITCH, ECZEMA, RINGWORM, TETTER or otbar Itohlor akin diaeaaaa. Try 75 oant boa al our rlak. At M. A. Swift. Drug Store. Music Instructions I MILL TAKE PUPILS ON THE TIOLDf, TIOLA, CELLO, STRING BASS, AND ALL BRASS ISSTBC MEMS, BEGINNING NOVEMBER 1. GEO. D. BARNARD, DIreotor Maysville Bays' Band. 'PHONE 788. GEO, P. LAMBERT Chiropractor ' O'Ktafa Building, Market Street MAYSVIUE KY. Lady AstiktauL 'Phone CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING All Items under this head 1 cent a word. Minimum charge 10 cents. WANTED WANTED Furnished house or apart ment. .Address Box 653. 24.Nov3t FOE KENT FOR RENT House of 4 rooms, and five acres of land on Mt Carmel pike. Rent reasonable to small fam ily. Address Mrs. Jennie McLaugh lin, 308 Elm street, Newport, Ky 2t FOR RENT Two rooms; gas and .water and other conveniences. Ap ply at 1217 Forest avenue. 26Nov6t FOR RENT Five room house, newly furnished, wJth water and gas, to couple with no children. Apply at 1225 East Second street 'Phone 468-W. fNovtf FOR SALE Two counters; a gaso line light plant and fixtures, at 301 East Fpurth street. 24Nov3t FOR SALE Four 32x4 tires, with rims, and one Willard battery. 226 Commerce street. 24Nov6t - FOR BALE "City property. 'Phone 71L W. S. Antle, Maysville Ky. 9tl FOR SALE Goldfish. See Dr. J. A. 6Novtf. Dodson. J.OIT LOST Bunch of Keys; return to this office and oblige. 29Nov3t LOST Purse containing about $11 In money on street car line or be tween car line and Liberty ware house. Return to Omar Dodson's and receive reward. 26Nov3t LOST One 21-jewel Waltham watcli, gold case, size 18. Has Masonlo em blem and Initials "W. B. L," on back. Reward of $10 paid If returned to W. B. Lemyter, 42 East Fourth street 23N'ot6L In "JACK STRAW" A special meeting of the Mason Fis cal Court was held at the court house this morning. No business of Impor tance was transacted. - Two counterfeiters, caught In the act of printing counterfeit paper mon ey were arrested by Cincinnati police Sunday afternoon. In the days 0 fthe Pharoahs some of the most sacred religious offices were held by women. ' MISS BESSIE HIGGIIIS 1 Maker of Ladies' Garments Millinery and Mei's Shirts Phone 715 117 West Fourtt Street Anything You Want to Eat Go to the : Mod. RESTAURANT Just Like Going Home JAMES FROST, ir. FRANK ROOSTER RAUCKE JUST A complete assortment of all the necessary ingredients to go ta that FRUIT CAKE you are going to bake for Christmas. Also a new stock of PAT-A-CAKE that we are selling at 30 cents per package. And, have you tried our BAB EEL KRAUT? Well, if you have not, you are missing a rare treat. W. I. NAUMAN & BRO. "THE HOME OF GOOD EATS" 117-119 W. Secend St. ' Pbam 619 The (lew Citizens Auto REPAIR Shop ON BUIDGE STREET It now open ready to receive your car with Its trouble. Drfre In and let us get acquainted, me with youf car and you with my work. For it the work that tells you who I am. With Fair Price and Honest Work. Lest than wholesale. Dont forget when yon need COFFEE I liae cut the price just half All Can Goods, nearly half. Buy NOW. Goods wont remain al these prices! It costs far more to pack (hem. , LEE WILLIAMS Wood Street. HAVE T0CB ETES EXAMINED AND GLASSES f ITTED BY GEO. C DETIKK Optometrist and Optician. O'leefe Bonding, Market Street, Upstairs Oyer DeNuile. LooM - sf ARRIVED Pure Lard 25c Pound Tomorrow At. Gem and Opera House Motet Hcniing fesSy hJ-L Tongs terminating in curved plates have been invented for carrying Ice cream cans by gripping, them below their top flanges,. Pastime .Today JOE "SHOESTRING" RYAN and JEAN PAIGE in the Aral episode J , of the sensational mystery serial HIDDEN DANGERS A Dr. J ekyl and Mr. Hyde serial. Three big thrills in each epi sode. See a man change his whole physical being right before your own eyes. He breaks a steer's neck with his bare hands. You don't believe it? It can't be done? Then it's up to you to go and se it. Also the world's funniest man CTTAT? fiffiPTtw 4. ... . - his best comedies. Also INTERNATIONAL NEWS. ADMISSION 10 AND 15 CENTS. . TOMORROW WLLLIA MRUSSELL as a bed-blooded man of the mountains in "THE VALLEY OF TOMORROW." Russell as a moonshiner in a great feud picture. Prison bars could no hold a .nan who had sworn to avenge his sister's dishonor. Could you mar- iy ine sister 01 tne man wno bad own little sister? Suspense every ty in every scene. A wonderful picture. 1 . V ta Cane SUGAR Per Pound v.., 25 Pounds .. 100 Pounds Note We do not deliver WHICH DO YOU THINK FROM THE ROASTER, OR l AND CARRIED IN STOCK , CUP THE FRESH OASTED Mavsville Tea, Coffee & Spice Co.: j-uaiTiDiuors. PURE FOOD STORE 202 MARKET STREET PHONE FRUIT . CAM .-' 75c -Pound - Federal System of bakeries East Third Street Mr . Robt. Bra's FOR EIGHT-ROOM RESIDENCE, WITH SATH AND ALL MODERN IMPROVEMENTS; EVERY' ROOM IS PIPED FOR NATURAL GAS: GAS v GRATES IN EVERY ROOM, AND ALL IN FIRST CLASS CONDITION. LARGE LOT 104 BY ' ABOUT 200 FEET; GARAGE, STABLE AND ALL NECESSARY OUTBIHLDINGS ; LARGE PLACE FOR GARDEN, GOOD CHICKEN RUN AND CHICKEN HOUSE. -THIS SPLENDID PLACE IS LOCATED ON EAST FOURTH STREET, ONLY FIVE MINUTES WALK TO BUSDSESS PART OF OF THE TOWN. POSSESSION NOVEMBER FIRST, AND IT'S PRICES TO SELL. Sherman Arn WILL SELL SQCIBE DEU8QCAJH No. East ieconi Itmt. The wine production of Madeira this year is estimated in excess of 1.320,000 gallons, a thirty per cent increase from last year. . . vuv wl brought shame and death to your minute : action everv second : Wn. . nc $2.75 $10.75 less than 100 pounds at this price; BEST COFFEE, FRESH COFFEE, ROASTED, GROUND, I FOR MONTHS, TRY HONEY ( COFFEE, THE TASTE TELLS. I NEXT D9QR SWIFT DRUG STORE ( 656. v ' t$& and Market Street 1 ... 1 j - THE EARTH. M1Y1VILLE, IY i - o . I ( ( 1 I t v O 1 H M ' ! -1 'IV r i a. r