Newspaper Page Text
r VEATHft 1 LAMflflN y EDITION . Partly cloudy tonight and tomor. Volume XXX No. 130. MAYSVILLE, KY, THURSDAY, AUGUST 31. 1922. rWS ONE COri TWO CKJfT f LOOK AFTER YOUR CHILD'S HEALTH IS THE ADVICE GIVEN Health Department Urges reople of Mason County to Attend to Little Physical Detect In Their Child, ren Before School Opens. The folowlng bullulin has been Is uod by the Mason County Health Do part inont: If your boy or girl, In the Inspection last year, was found to have tome de tect easily remcdlod, why hot have It attended to now? If this dofoct hus not been corrected during the summer va cation, It may still b edone, although the time lu Bhort. Your child will lose time from scbool it this la not done- ooioro vuca- tlon Is over. If the teeth need attention, go to your douUst and prcvout Buffering and lose of time during the school year. Enlarged and diseased tonsils and adenolda aro resDonslblo for uiuuy a backward child. For that near-Hlghted child have him fitted with proper rIubhcs. How can you expect him to keep pace with the children with normal vision, unless you get him glasses. We boast of this country as one of equal apportunity, but the physically strong and perfect have much the best chance to get on In the world. Do not let your child swITor under a handicap which could bo easily removed. And of course have your children vaccinated against small pox, if they have not been successfully vaccinated within five years. The state lnw re quires vaccination for school children NOTICE Policy holders of the Faftners Mu tual Insurance Company, of Mason County, are horeby notified that ac cording to section 3, paragraph No. 7, Restrictions, reads as Hollows: ln caae of loss under this policy the In sured shall give Immediate notice to the company of such loss, and falluro to give such notice within twenty (20) days after a loss has occurred will forfeit the Insured's right to recover from tho company." All parsons holding a policy and who baa sustained a loss are urgently requested to report such loss Immedl atoly. JAMES B. KEY, 29Aug3t Soc-etary, Bl'RLET ASSOCIATION MASS MEETING Members of tho nurley Tobacco Growers Co-operative Association are callod tq meet at the Court House, Maysville, Ky., Saturday, September 2 1922. at 2 p. m., for the purpose of selecting tho names of then members to go upon the ballot for the election of five dologatea at the election to be held Saturday, September 16, 1922. STANLEY REED. Chairman for Mason County The Presbyterian prayer meeting Thursday night will be led by tho pas tor, who has returned home. B. KUPPENHEIMER & COMPANY 415 So. Franklin Street Chicago, C. 8, A. August 15, 1922. Geo. B. Frank Co, MaySTllle, Ky.i Gentlemen t f Only regular cutomors are customers. It will therefore be readily seen that making customers Is much more Important thai making sales. How are regular customers made! ' Certainly not with bargain prices or Inferior merchandise. A regular customer Is a satisfied customer, aad nothing la the jrorld takes a satisfied customer but rood quality, fair prices aad Intelligent service. ThaU a fundamental law of human nature. It Is true always, during hard times and good times, when prices are low or high. Very truly yours, B. KIJPPENHEIBEE A COMPANY. PicMiim Vlmie r WE OFFER YOU HEINZ WHITE VTNXQAR, THE KIND USED BY HEINZ IN PREPARING ALL THEIR PRODUCTS. TRY IT AND YOU WILL NOT SUFFER LOSS BY( SPOILAGE. DINGER BROS, LEADXNO COLLINS WILL NOT BE REKOYEMAYS HAYNES ProMMtloa CoMiissioner Haynes Pays High Tribute to Kentucky ProhlbttJoa 0 nicer. Cincinnati, Aug. 80. "State Pro hibition Officer Sam Collins, of Ken tucky, has my support 100 per cent.," was the comment of Prohibition Com missioner Roy Haynes when his at tention was called to a message that efforts were being made to have Col lins removed, according to a special dispatch to the Cincinnati Times Star today. "Mr. Collins, who Is one of the high est paid prohibition officers in me country," continued Major Haynes, has had the opposition of the forces that favor law violation ever since he assumed the office. He will not be re moved, and his resignation. It tender ed, would not be accepted." Commlsloner Haynes statement was prompted by action taken at a meet ing of the congregation o fthe First Baptist church In Newport Sunday night. A telogram waa sent to Wash ington protesting against attempts to remove Collins. Tho tolegram slated that liquor In terests were back of the movement to have him ousted. "At present Mr. Collins and other prohibition enforcement officers undor his Jurisdiction are doing their utmost to make the law and constitution su preme," the telegram read. "We thank you for your services In the past and pray you to defeat this effort to oust these men from office." MANY CRIMINAL CASES ON CIRCUITJOURT DOCKET Although Court Docket Is Loaded With Criminal Actions, It Is Not Likely That Many Will Be Tried. Fall term of the Mason Circuit Court will bo opened on next Monday morn ing by Judge C. D. Newell. As a usual thing the fall term of court ia a very busy one but Indications at present are that there will bo very little busi ness attended to this terra as there are few cases of any Importance on the dockets although there are many small ones. '. The dockot shows a total of 78 crim inal cases many of which taavo been hanging fire for months but Indica tions aro that only a few of these cases will come to trial. Of the total ot 78 cases, nine of the indictments are against the City of Maysville and six against tho Maysville Water Com pany charging them with maintaining a nuisance. A total of 84 civil actions were filed during the past recess between courts, ot which 43 are equity coses, 38 com mon law cases and threo appeals. CARDS SIGN BLAKEFIELD. Pitcher Wakefield, who has boon released by Manager Wills ot the Paris Mammoths, has been signed by Presi dent Watklns. Blakerield beat Miner In a pitching duel In the last game Parla played the Cards. IRIUXU 7 1 jIJ gair CITY SCHOOL HEAD III STATEMENT TO PARENTSOH OPENING City Superintendent Capllnger Issues Statement to Parents of School Children on the Opening on Next Tuesday. Prof. W. J. Capllnger, Superintend ent of City Schools, makes this state ment on the opening of schools The schools will open Tucsdny morning September 6th. All children are to report at the building in the dis trict In which they live. If any rooms are too crowded .some children who desire to change, to another building will bo permitted to do so If conditions warrant such change. We haven't but one desire and that is to make the schools of the greatest possible serv ice to the city and its children, this is not to be interpreted however, to mean that it Is possible or even best to allow each parent to rule arbltrnr lly concerning his or her private In terest as schools nro conducted on the general principle of "the greatest good for the greatest number." The principal of the High School and I will be Jn the office Saturday to assist In arranging tho studies of any students desiring such help. Children who attended the summer school should call at tho office Satur day or Tuesday afteruon If they nre uncertain as to their classification. The buildings have been In a course of cleaning for the past five weeks and parents may rest assured that we are going to do all within our power to keep them sanitary and attractive tho entire year. We should like to urge that every child bo on hand Tuesday morning. Do not start the school year making apologies for unperformed duties. Thero will be a teachers' meeting at the High School building at 9 a. m Monday. Consequently it will be Im possible to see parents betwen that hour and 4 p. m. W. J. CAPLIXGEK, Superintendent Profits so small on school books, we ask our friends to pay cash. 81-3t J. T. KACKLEV & CO. DE NVZ1E HOOK STORE SHOWALTER ADDS TWO MORE GAMES TO WIN Former Mason County .11 an Defeat Western Champion First Time He Has Keen Defeated In Fhe Years. Louisville, Ky., Aug. 31. Contin uing the brilliant playing which marked his games during tho first two days of tho Western Chess Association turnament, Jackson W. Showalter, of Georgetown, Ky., former national champion, yesterday added two nioro victories to his list, making him tie with N, T. Whltaker for first lionors. Showalter defeated Edward Lasker of Chicago, present champion, in the adjourned game which was played yea terday morning. Lasker resigned when he saw he had no chance to win. Tho Kentucky mas ter had two pawnB, one of which was offered as a sacrifico. Had Lasker taken this pawn, Showalter would have made a queen with the other. After the ganio was tlnlnshed, Show aitor showed that LaBkor lost through an error of judgment, whore In the middle of the contest be moved queen to a knight's four Instead of to a bishop's five. This was LaBker's first defeat in five yoars. Last night Sho walter added his fourth victory when he defeated Palmer. He played his usual brilliant game, winning on king-side attack. Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth Owens and daughter, Loualne. are visiting her mother, Mrs. Arthur Hayes, of West Second street. BLUE GRASS LEAGUE LOOKS YERY PROSPEROUS The best Indication of the prosper ity of an Individual ts by his dress. The Paris Mammoths arrived Thursday morning by train, tho entire team be ing diked out in handsome black sweaters decorated with the Initial "P" which they wear with their street at tire as well as on the field. The Cardinals for tho first time this year will break In a new set ot 'uni forms In the Paris game Thursday. Their former equipment was haud-mo-dowua from the Cincinnati Reds. Following the Paris game Is tho taxlngton sorlos ot three games ptart Ing Saturday and ending Monday with a holiday game on Labor Day. The Horseshoe Band wit give a concert at the ball park prior to tho game. BSBBMSMMSMBMSMiaSBM Women dig tbelr graves with their teeth, Constipation la the greatest ours of the day, Stagnant, dsoaytd matter In the stomsoh and bowtls may oauia serious trouble. Take HOLUH TEH'S ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA for constipation Results guaranteed Especially recommended for womso and children. J, J. Wood Son, HREE STRIKERS ARE GIVEN 45-DAY JAIL SENTENCES Shopmen, Owning tJullt To Violation Of Injunction Are Sentenced. Louisville, Ky , Aug. 31. Judge A. M. J. Cochran. In the United States District Court, yesterday sentenced three striking railroad shopmen to serve forty-five days In the Jefferson county Jail, after thoy had pleaded guilty to charges of violating the Fed eral Injunction restraining strikers from acts of Intimidation. The throe prisoners, William 3kaggs, William Munt, and John Spiers, all of Louisville, were immedi ately taken to Jail. They were charged with attempting to Intimidate Ray Hendricks, 17 years old, an employee of tho Louisville & Nashville Railroad, by abducting him In an automobile from Highland Park August 7. The first trial of their cases last week re sulted In a hung Jury. Judge Cochran reprimanded the de fendants for not entering please of guilty at the frst trial. He stated that lie dealt leniently with the men be cause he understood the strong temp tation to violate the Injunction. Cases of ten other strikers charged with similar violations are set for Sep temper 10 In the Federal Court. Eight Bchool tablets for 25 cents at I. T. Kockley & Co. PICNIC LABOR DAY Members of the Third Street M. E. Sunday school are asked to keep in mind the big Labor Day picnic next Monday in Lee's woods on the Flem ing piko. The committee on transpor tation will havo autos a.t the church at i. m. enongh to haul all who desire tq go. Bring plenty of lunch, croquet sets, horse shoes, swing roDes. vollev balls In fact anything in the way of outdoor games. If the weather man is real good it will be the one big day of fun of the year for tho Behool. You cannot afford to miss it. METHODIST PRAYER MEETING. Prayer meeting Thursday evening at Third Street M. E. church. Miss Vir ginia Mae Hurd will be In 'charge. This Is the last "vacation" prayer meeting oa the pastor Rev. Peters, will return this week and resume all regular serv ices Sunday. All members and friends invited to the sorvlce this evening. BOOSTING LEWIS COINTV FAIR. Colonel C. L. Tannian, of Vanceburg, was in Maysvile Thursday boosting the big Lewis County Fair soon to be held at Vanceburg. The Colonel reports prospects for the best fair in the his tory of the Lewis county association and is expecting many Mason coun tians to attend. LABOR DAY AT BEECIOVOOD. The management of Beech wood park announces an extra special program at the park for Labor Day. In addition to nn extra program of pictures, there will be a special dance and a fire works display giving tho people of this vlculty an opportunity to spend Labor Day in a pleasing manner. POLICEMAN ILL. Officer Arch Boley Is confined to his home in Prospect street with a severe cold. Mrs. Louella Hampton and daughter Miss Mildred, o. Cincinnati, are the guests of Mrs. Hamptons parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Brown, of Center street. Messrs. Charles and Teddy Vehlein, of Cincinnati, are the guests of Miss Anna Farrow and Miss Burna Darnoll of West Second street. ftOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQQOOOC&OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGOOQQOOO ft ' o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o FA TAKE A PEEP AT THESE New Fall Models in Trieotine nnd Canton Grcpti Dresses. New Sport Models in English Tweed Cloth, tho latest in Coats, with plaid and plain back linings. New Fall Tailored Suits, Values are wonderful. RUSSIAN BLOUSE Sweaters, the very newest from New York. Domino Vanity Cases, mirror top, brass box, puff and compact. A $1.00 value for 50 cents. FALL ARRIVALS IN HATS Even before tliey don Fall Costumes most women enjoy wearing a new lint. It gives to tlieir whole appearance tho smart gest fulness of the AUTUMN SEASON. Jaunty scratch ed felt turbans, Lyons velvet soft hats they are hero along with many others. $0.00 to $15.00, o gS3a (fbooooooooooooooooooooooiooooooooooooooooooooooo GOVERNMENT CON TROL EXTENDED TO WEST0FMIS,SISSIPP Intercalate Conierce Commission De- rlnreg Emergency Existing West of the Mississippi and Issues Priority Orders. ' Washington, Aug. 31. The Inter state Commerce Commission declared today an emergency existed on the railroads west of the Mississippi and extonded its priority orders to that veBt territory, effective September 1. Under a previous emergency dec laration, the priority system was or dered only for territory east of the Mississippi, although all railroads were ordered to expedite shipments of essential commodities. Declaring that, "in the opinion of the commission, an emergency, which requires Immediate action, exists upon the lines of each and all the common carriers by railroad subject to the Interstate Commission act west of the Mississippi," the commission Issued Service Order No. 24, which promul gated rules for the movement of all freight traffic In the west. Priority in the movement of food, fuel, livestock and perishable prod ucts is ordered by the commission. Priority in the movement; exchange, interchange and return of empty cays to be used for transporting these com modities, also was ordered. This was taken to mean that equipment on the western lines Is deteriorating rapidly. EASTERN STAR TO INSTALL OFFICERS FRIDAY NIGHT. A very Important meeting of the .Maysville Chapter Order of Eastern Star will be held at the Masonic Tem ple on Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock. The newly elected officers will be for mally installed in their offices and tho meeting will be followed by a social hour. All members are urged to at tend. MISS DU PONT. The Pastime present Miss Du Pont Thursday in a big feature "A Wonder ful Wife." Miss Du Pont Is a MayS' villo girl and sure has made good as a big star in the movies. She has ap peared in -Special casts In super fea tures, she was the star in Von Stro hoim's "Foolish Wives." We are giv ing our patrons a big treat Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Royse and two sons have returned to their home In Cincinnati after a three-weeks visit with relatives In Maysville and the county. gQOQOQQOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOO THE HOME 9 O O o o o o o o o o o o o SHOES Hanan Nettleton Walkover o gD. Hechinser (Incorporated) OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCIOOOOOOOOOOOU Kl SS INTERMEDIATE CONFERENCE ! OF CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR First Annual District Conference of Intermediate Societies In this Sec tion to Be Held at Carlisle. The program of the first annual dis trict Intermediate Conference Chris tian Endeavor to be held at Carlisle, September 16th, folows: 2:20 p. m. Song: "Dwelling In Beulah Land." 2:25 Sentence Prayers. 2:30 Address: "The Importance of Intermediate Societies," Miss Mary Wilson, State Junior Su;;t. 2:45 Address: "The Work of Inter mediate Societies," Miss Georgia Dunn Field Secretary. 3:00 Reports from the Societies. 3:15 Question Boxl (Be sure to have one or more questions.) 3:30 Song, "Blest Be the Tie That Binds." 3:35 Prayer. 3:40 Address: "What Makes a Good C. E. Meeting." District Inter mediate Superintendent. 3:50 Christian Endeavor Benedic tion. LARGE CLUSTER OF TOMATOES. Mr. M. T. McClahahan, who Is not only a careful and accommodating street car m'otorman but an expert gardener as well, brought to Ledger office Thursday morning five large tomatoes which had grown in a cluster from one stem. All of the five toma toes are perfect and ripe and very large. The entire cluster weighs three and three quarters pounds. ANDY CRAIG'S FUNERAL HELD THURSDAY. The funeral of Andrew Craig was held Thursday afternon from the homo of his niece, Mrs. James Frost, Jr., in West Second street, with services by Rev. John A. Davis, pastor of the First Baptist church. Burial was niado in the Maysville cemetery. BAPTIST PRAYER MEETING. The regular weekly prayer service will be hold at First BaptlBt church Thursday evening at the usual hour. As the pastor has returned from his vacation, he will be In charge of the service. TO THE MEMBERS OF THE COUNTRY CLUB. You are cordially invited to meet Mr. and Mrs. Gill Smoot on Friday evening from 8:30 to 11:30 at Edge field Club. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Russell. Dancing. OP QUALITY CLOTHES o Well made Shoes are the best investment in foot-comfort and foot-looks that you can make. They wear so much longer than tho mediocre kind, and they always look stylish. We have th9 kind of footwear you will like. The prices, too, will loog good to you. ARRIVALS FOX IS VERY GOOD FOR FALL And there is no smarter compliment to one's costume than a FOX SCARF. We offer an exceptional value in SILVER FOX HARDING BLUE FOX PLATINUM FOX BROWN FOX DOVE GRAY FOX AT $20.00 A small Squirrel Choker t $3.00, IISEKICSD FRANCE IS DETER MINED TO ENFORCE GERMAN PAYMENT French Trops Reedy to Occupy TerrL tory Should Derision Be Adverse German Propositions "Unacceptable." Paris, Aug. 31. Grim determina tion to oblai l repr rations from Gor- many, seize guarantees and enforce such payments In the event that the reparations commission's decision to morrow should grant a moratorium to Germany without exacting the securi ties demanded by France Is every where evident in . .-ench official cir cles tonight. While official announcement Is withheld, In order not to Interfere with the work of the commission and owing to the desire of the French gov ernment to allow the. German dele gates every possible opportunity to make a final proposal which might he acceptable to Franco, French officers talk and act as If the plan were adopt ed and France's decision to take co ercive measures against Germany al ready had been decided upon. The war. office also Is very busy and Is in constant communication with General Degeutte's headquarters at Mayence. Large movements cf troons were reported from Nancy, Metz and the Rhine and ther seemed to be no doubt in the minds of officials general ly that the occupation of the Ruhr was a foregone conclusion, should the com-, mission's decision go against France. Herr Schroeder's propositions to the commission are described as "abso lutely unacceptable." '. MR. SCRCGG'S WILL IS PROBATED. In the Mason County Court late Wednesday a paper bearing date of May 31, 1922, and purporting to be the last will and testament of J. W. Scruggs, deceased, was produced. The due execution ot the paper was proven by the testimony of J. B. Durrett and J. N. Kehoe, tho attesting witnesses, and was admitted to probate. The Bank of Maysville was appoint ed Trustee of James T. Scruggs and qualified as such by its Vice Presi dent, N. S. Calhoun, with its capital stock as Burety. ADKINS-SABTATN. Marriage license was issued here Thursday to James Sartaln, age 60, and Haster Adkins, ago 44, both of this city. They were later married by Rev. Cole, pastor of tho Forest Avenue M. E. church. This was the second ven ture for both contracting parties. o o o o o o o O o o o Justwrmht Shoes 2 o o & Co. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o A