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Newspaper Page Text
ftta lUTiviLti J uViio ilLa ii-iak triA. At the Big Fair KY.STATE Louisville Sept. 11 to 17 that $10,000 saddle horse stakej $50,000 fir fcpectacle, "Heart of China;" great Midway full of fun; big aud good races every day; Pop Geers and Senardo, great pacer; four big bands aud plenty of mnsic; the iudustrial exposition; great night horse show; hippodrome with 10 circus acts; Ken tucky log cabin exhibit; KENTUCKY CARDINAL BAND, the real music makers; and hundreds of wonderful sights to see. OUR. MOTTO m.J I lj lULJ by Lucy Jeanne Price i New York. Coney Island felt like the exhibitor o fllie girnffo, the other day. You remember the oll story of the man wth fifteen children who In quired how much It would cost to take them all la to see the circus animal. The tlckot seller surveyed the mob in amasement, and then said, "Com on In free, and let the Rlrnffo look nt you!" Well, delenatton or HtBhnrm In knee breeches making the rounds of Coney Island was as curious and tlntrlpuluK sight to the barkers aud crowds of Coney as the "shoot the chutes" and "roly poly" wero to tho IllBiions. Tho Most Reverend Edward Hutson of tho Island of Antigua, Archbishop of tho W'oet Indies," adjourned the synod of the hlorarchy of tho Proylnce of the West Indlesfl which Is holding a six day's session hero, nnd ho and tho BiBhops made the excursion to Coney They made a completo round of nmuse ments, ate "hot dogs" and threw b.ise balls at the dummy figures, all In their knee breeches with loggings, clerical coats with black silk nprons, and low round fett bats with three tassels dangling from three separate corners. NY Wooden shoes! One never thinks of their bolng worn any more, certainly not on Manhattan Island. Hut there Is an excellent market here for thorn, according to tho mistress of a French Shop. The tops are of leather, to bo sure, but the soles are thick and heavy carved out of chunks of wood by the Jack knives of peasants somcwhero In Franco. "They are worn In kitchens, that's all I know," the uncommunica tive Frenchwoman declared. NT It was a Joy to see Wilton Lackaye in "The Monster," 'not only because he gives an Interpretation of an al most Incredible character In this thriller or thrillers, but because It was no delightfully reminiscent of his por trayal of Svcngall, In his old success, "Trilby." Ho Is the same suave mystic except that he threatens to cut with the surgeon's knife and electric cur rent this time, rather than pierce with his eyes ,ns ho then did. McKay Morris, on eof our best actors of tho "natural ist lc" school. Is also In tho cast. It seems a long way from his part In "Main Street" last yenr but as alwayB, ho gives a finished performance. I wondered Just what would have hap pened if a match had been struck in tho nudlonce during the performance so tensely wa severy one In witnessing tho events on the stage. Forunately, VANCEBURG FAIR 6, 7, 8 and 9 HIGHER WAGES AT PL AM WHERE STRIKE WAGED. Newport. Wages of laborers em ployed by the AndrewB Steel Company ere Increased 20 per cent, effective September 1. Other departments of the steel plant and the Newport Rolling Mill will be adjusted accordingly, ex cept the tonnage men, whose wages aro regulated by a sliding scale based on the selling price of steel. Sept. The State National Bank, in further ance of a thrift campaign, will likely Install a miniature bank in the Mays- ville High School this season. The same plan of saving by school child ren will also be introduced in the county schools and the Aberdeen school. WOULD CONNECT CHICAGO WITH NEW YORK FINEST DISPLAY OF STOCK FERRIS WHEEL CARNIVAL MERRY-GO-ROUND and UP-TO-DATE ATTRACTIONS SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO FLORAL HALL AND POULTRY EXHIBITS BIGGER AND BETTER IN EVERY WAY Xbe Type Used In One Tear to Publish Endorsements of Dean's Kidney Pills. no one did. -NY- The Liberty Warehouse Will most certainlj be opened to receive, handle and Bell your 1922 non-pooled crop of tobacco. CASH will be PAID for every crop sold. WATCH for the opening date to be announced soon in the Public Ledger. Representatives of all the big dealers and manufacturers will be on our sales. The Liberty Warehouse 0. M. JONES, Sales Manager. New York photographers are about to rise en masse nnd bless the new law requiring every motorist to have his photograph made a part of his driver's llconsc. "We always knew that men delighted in portraits of themselves," a photographer told me, "and now wo at last can reap tho benefits of that vanity. The average man refused ever to have his plcturo taken. That was jfc? jL .Tomorrow f Alright I if 19 tbU A Ity 111 apartent, adds 1?,! J traa and vigor to 1 tha dtge.tiva and I allmlnativa ayatem, JSMml tmpiovea tha appa- !m tita, rallavaa Sick fr H.adacha and Bil- f yiwajw- ou,na, cor r acta CooatipaUoa. Pt i-3Ji?cJ for over J imioR -U 3rfis One-third tha regular doia. B'r3r iftaw Made of tame Infredl f2SAfT enta, than c a n d y I aary eoated. For children I tZ2JeieieiejeeBeew J. Jas. Wood Sen. Druggists ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooecg oil U II s ana presses Nfiw rj gFall O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Mil Everything new and charming in Frock Fashion ia represented from the plain straight line model to the more elaborately beaded nnd embroidery effect. Suits in Poiret Twill, Tricotine and Velour in man tailored effect, lined with Crepe de Chine and Satin. WINTEK COATS Never before in the history of our store have such Coat values been offered. Every new style and trimming included. It is beyond doubt the greatest Coat offering at these prloes. EUaysvillG Suit & Dry Goods Co. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Just shyness, a pretense of Indifference to a showing of vanity. Now the mo torist doesn't do it voluntarily; the law makes him; that's a good enough alibi for anyone. And when he gets out of the door without falling for the temptation of having a dozen or so fin Ished than he could refuse to be seen In his brand new motr car." NY It desn't look as if this coming sea' son would be a dull one. The mood of the people toward prosperity is reflect ed wdith considerable accuracy In the expenditures or our merchants. They are too wary to go n heavily for Eu ropean bulying i fthe prospects of sales are dim. And when the Olympic arrived in port the other day, she car ried 4,000 trunks, most of them be longing to buyers, and some of them pietty nearly as big as a beach bun galow. NY- Why must thrilling moments be so often spoiled? I was In a broker's of' fice tho other day between two-thirty and ture o'clock and I never had every tick o fthe clock seem so portentuous I Pour tolephones were in the small pri vote odlce where I sat and the broker was dropping one receiver to pick up miother with a moment's pause. "It nineteen minutes to three," he would say, "I'll wait Just three minutes for your order." "Two forty eight," nlto antohor 'phone. "Wnat about cancel! ng that 'sell at 32 1-8'?" Orders to buy and sell, queries to customers, oh everything that made seconds seem like thousands of dollars! I JuBt glowed in the Importance of it. Then ho Jerked a "phone, "Get Charlie he told tho private wire operator, "Hello, Charlie" It was now two- fifty-one, with nine minutes before the market's close "Say, that friend of mtno got back this morning and he wants two cases of that mineral wa ter." The whole rush and tremendous. ness of the minutes had been inter rupted to order mineral water, They didn't seem nearl yso important any more. FIFTY-TWO CHEATING CAS PUMPS FOUND TO DATE, Louisville. Activities in the gaso. line war, started by Louisville Auto mobile Club against proprietors filling stations where gasoline is al leged to be short measured, resulted in the issuance of six more warrants. bringing the number of warrenta is' sued to fifty-two. An average shortage of C6 cubic inches to five gallons of gasollno was found at the stations where pumps were Incorrect Of the many kidney remedies on the market today, none othe is recommend- like Doan's Kidney Pills. Fifty- thousand benefited people gladly tes tify in the newspapers of the own towns. Forty-five hundred American newspapers publish this homo proof of Doan's merit. The type used in one year to tell this wonderful story would make a solid column of metal twice as high as the world's highest mountain. Placed end to end the lines of type would reach from New York to Chi cago. These miles or good words told by 50,000 tongues sound glad tidings to any Maysvllle sufferer who wants relief from kidney and bladder ills, Here's a Maysvllle case. Don't experi ment. Use the remedy endorsed by people you know. E. S. Lee, proprietor grocery store, 2 Market street, says: "I think Doan's Kidney Pills are a fine remedy and gladly recommend them. I use them every now and then when my kidneys get out of order or my back gets to hurting and the ysoon relieve the trouble. Doan's tone up my ays tem and give me better health general ly ever time I use them. Price 60 cents, at au dealers, uon i simply as for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Fills tne same tnai Mr. Lee bad. FoBter-MIlburn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo. N. Y. X Incorporated) Managed by Mr. J. E. MoCORD. 'Phone 674. 24nWest Second Street O QOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQQOOOQQft o o o o TO ASYLUM AFTER REPEATED TEUMS IX SCOTT JAIL, Georgetown. Frank Johnson, Ne gro, was tried for lunacy and adjudged insane. Ho was sent to the Eastern Kentucky state hospltul at Loxiugton The Ncuro has served a numbor of successive terms In the Jull, commit' ting tho same eriina as toon as freed Each time he was tried on charge of dniukoiincst and dUordorly conduct. I. miner Br!c rcmnlency Buy In Maysvllle. It pay. Ledger Service Efficiency. PILES! PILES! PILES! WILLIAMS' PILE OINTMENT For Blind, Bleeding and Itching Pilei. For ule by all drugguu, mail 50c and $1.00. WILLIAMS MFG. CO.. rnaa. Clerelaad. Ohio C. F. KUGCS, Pharmacist. GEO. P. LAMBERT Chiropractor Mbifi Mini Markit Stint MAYSVIUE KY. La4f AtslsUiL 'Psoas IH-B. .SATISFACTION We think yoi will concede that there Is superiority about eerj trade of ROOKWOOD not usiinllj found In other brand of COFFEE. One pound packets, fresh roasted nd steel cat. ASK TOUR GROCER file E. R. WEBSTER CO. "83? ESTABLISHED OYER 40 TEAKS Use Webster's ORANGE PEKOE IEA 1 DELCO -LIGHT RJMJI MIsWLJi if our Easy Payment Plan C. L. MAIXS Si CO, Agents Miners a, Ky. Will of lams Guts the Price 30c. Coffee, steel cut, pound 20c 75c Tea, pound 40c 12 Pounds Best Flour you ever used 45c Strip Bacon, pound 15c Sugar Corn, can 10c 35c Can Fine Cherries 25c Red Top Malt, box 65c Pure Cane Sugar, 25 pounds $2.00 THESE PRICES ARE FOR CASH ONLY Lee Williams Wood and Third Street Sixth Ward. Furniture Upholstering Refinishing and Crating Everything Guaranteed E. TAYLOR Lta Orders at U. U. Kboi A Co. PIIONK M. Dr.W. H. Hicks Osteopath c Physician ! Triitaents Giria tki Dim Si Charles Hotel Geo. C. Devine OPTOMETRIST. Eyes Examined Glasses Scientifically Fitted. MAYSVILLE, KY. O'Keefe Bldg. UP STAIRS. Send the little ones to bed healthy and happy-give them i supper of delicious bread and milk. Traxei's Bread That's th3 kind. Higgins & Slattery i NDEarAlU.&3 raj SMUALJUBS When the tad hour reachw jom aorae yon ca-t cbout tor tha ncd of t'uat hour. Yiu ant to pay tha fullaat rjepect to the departed one. Ton nat urally want the beet there In the Us dertaker't line to meet the demand! oi the occaitoa. We InTite jour atieiuloa to oar line. 1TJT0 AND H3BSS-DBAWM FC9K&ALS. Caili Aaiwered Any Hear. Fnone th 101 Mark Street Attention, FARMERS OF MASON COUNTY Do You Need FARM LOANS? Arrangements have been made with the Louisville Joint Stock Land Bank, organized and operating under the pro visions of the Federal Farm Loan Act, to lend you In amounts up to $35,000 on improved farm lands in Kentucky. Interest rate 6. Term 33 years. Payments on the amortization plan. No commission to pay. Small applica fee charged. Ample funds. Quick service. For full particulars address or call at FARMERS k TRADERS BANK MAYSVILLp. KY. Maysville's New Music Store OPP. THE CENTRAL HOTEL, MARKET STREET Factory Representatives for Player Grand Pianos, Hordmann Peck Co., Ludwig, Brinkenhoff, Chickering, Jose French & Sou, and other leading makes. .. Phonographs, Pathe, Crystola, Victor and the latu Strand Console Cabinet Phonographs. We handle the latent Records. O. K. Red Seal (plays on both sides), Oennett and Victor.. ALL kinds of Phonograph Needles at pre-war prices. - ,p gj Our small instruments department is most complete, Violins, Bows, Cases, Strings, Etc., Banjos, Guitar", and all sundries. We have the Repeat-o-graph and other Phonograph Repeaters. We handle the Ceer Repeater, $1.75 for a limited tiiuo only. RICHARD SPANIARD CO. Located with A. Clooney, Jeweler. Fine line of Watchoi and Jewelry. Fitting Glasses a specialty. For three years White Plume Flourhas taken the premium in J. C. EVERETT , - . . J tv i . a r f.ivp it a frlnl and vnn will uever doubt its 0 00 Give it a trial and you will ueyer doubt its Oait KlSing DieaU ai UeniiaiUUWll I da. superior quality. Ask your grocer. Qi