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Image provided by: University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY
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iZSLk. -...M. .ii Mini 4 - jL; " ' iT 3 THE DAILY PUBLIC LEDGER . -of' VCtW Tboi. 'U Uhitir ll R. G. KNOX & CO. incorporated FCXEEAL BUECIOBS AND BSSU Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday By " THE LEDGER PUBLISHING COMPANY At the Public Ledger Building, East Third Street. ULARENCE MATHEWS Editor and Manager KATES IN ADVANCE: By Carrier or Mail, $3 per year; $1.75, Su Months ; 40 Cents per monin. nteredat the Postofflce, MayaTille, Ky, as Second Class Mail Mattel OUR POLICY: To support such measures as are unquesuouably for the good oi .Viasoii County as an entire community, rutner tnun sucn proposition as are in favor cf the individual interest, or of one section as ngainsi another.. And likewise to earnestly and consistently oppose an ming ,hat are not for the good of the county as a whole. A r,rm,.in..nt Democratic paper remarks thnt "the fact that Western farmers are not rushing their wheat to market this summer indicates that they are in stronger financial position than generaiij supposed." Undoubtedly, and they are in better financial condition because of the changed policies of the Government under a Repub lican administration. The Democratic regime seemed to do every thing possible to embarrass the farmer. Judging by the way the Democratic press is jumping on the "wool glowers o fthe Senate," they must think that if a man is a wool grower he thereby becomes disqualified for a scat in a legislative bodv. But if a wool grower is disqualified because of his occupation whv not also a wheat grower, a cotton grower, a corn grower, a cattle grower or an orchardist? The Democrats are driving all kinds of producers away from their ranks. That same unchallenged freedom which permits you and your associates to decline to work is no less the heritage of the free Amer ican who chooses to accept employment under the terms proposed. President Harding. Sealed Bids Wanted During the recent windstorm which visited this city, the buildiug known as the Hunter Warehouse was blown down. The wreck of this frame building is located on the east side of Mulberry Alley, Between Third and Fourth Sts. in the City of Maysville, Ky. This building will be sold as is a:.d where is, to the person submitting, in writing, the highest and best bid. All bids must be in writing and in the hands of the undersigned by 2 o'clock p. m.. Thurs day, September 14, 1922, at its banking house in the City of Maysville, Ky., at which time and place the successful bidder will be announced. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids. The succesbful bidder shall pay cash to the amount of his bid for the property to be sold, at the time his bid is ac cepted. All bids shall be addressed to N'. S. Calhoun, Vice-President, Bank of Maysville, Maysville, Ky. All material to be removed by purchaser as soon as possible. The property to be sold consists of all the lumber, including large timbers used as supports, a lot of heavy joists, flooring, siding, and all ma terial of which the building was constructed, excepting the limestone founda tion. Also all the machinery formerly used in the Hunter Flour Mill and which was stored in said building, but not including the property of any ten ants of said building which may still be in said wreck. -. ' Contractors, lumber dealers, farmers and others desiring good lu. "er for building purposes have an opportunity to get a real bargain in this sale. Property may be inspected on the premises at any time. BANK OF MAYSVILLE AGE.M FOR THE HEIBS OF MRS. E. T. X. HlTiTEK. iv A Ah 81 Iffi The bell has rung and that means the ushering in of another school year. Despite expecta tions parents always find that n ot enough wearables are always available. Here are interesting specials that are suggestive all are low priced. Supply yourselves for the future. B07S' SCHOOL SUITS $5.98 and $7.98 Elegant knicker suits of all wool cassimeres at $3.!)S, new styles and full lined pants. All wool blue serges made tit top of style, douhle sewed and lined nt $7,98. These values are beyond compare anywhere. BOTS PANTS 98c and $1.48 Dark colors, some lined, others unlined all have taped seams and are full cut. BOYS' WAISTS 69 CENTS. BOYS' UNION SUITS 48 CENTS. BOYS' LEATHER SHOES $1.98 Made of gnu metal and Unssin Cnlf. Lace style, stitched soles. ' BOYS' AND YOUTHS' SHOES Sizes 10 to 2 Sizes 2' to 5i2 gt $3.48 $3.98 Dress shoes of Stellar style and quality. Made of solid leather, lace style and English or Rluehes patterns. Kvery pair perfect and worth $4.f)0. Pastime Today JAMES OLIVER CUR WOOD'S MASTERPIECE JAN OF THE B IG S NOW Human story of the Hudson Bay country. ADMISSION 15 AND 25 CENTS (War Tax Included) STRAW HATS Any Size, $4 and $5 Hats V While They Last Brady-Bouldin Go. Nelson Building Full Width Percales - 15c, 17c 18c Yd. 10c. Chambray Ginghams, plain and plaids 19c Yard 19c and 27c Dress Ginghams 15c and 23c Yard Plaid Dark Poplins 14c and 18c Yard GIRLS' SCHOOL DRESSES 98c and $1.39 Pretty styles in plain tan and blue also plaid Galatea Cloth and Ginghams, Sizes up to 12 years. These are extra special values. GIRLS' SCHOOL MIDDIES 98c and $1.39 Made of splendid white middy cloth and trimmed with red or blue collars, puffs and sleeve insignia. Also ('open and Red Middies. Misses' and Children's School Shoes $1.69 $1.89 $1.98 Sturdy and dressy s'hoes of nice Viei Kid, Kussia Calf and Patent leathers. Sies 8U. to 1 1 nnd 1 1 1 to 2. Excellent values. $2.25 STRAP SANDALS $1.79 For misses and childr en, of elegant Kussia eulf leather on comfort lasts. Size 8V? to 11 and IP L to 2. Quantities limited. 33c Yard wide Black Sateens 23c Yard . X. T. Cotton Thread 2 Spools 9c Argo and Acorn Snaps 4c and 7c Pearl Muttons 5c and 9c Card Mei'otjri.ed Thread all colors 7c Spool Boys' Heavy Khaki Overalls 89c Boys' Stifel Blue Overalls 69c Boys' light or dark Waists 69c Boys' All Wool Caps . . ,98c Misses Pull-Ova Sweaters $1.79 and $2.69 MSIMIIIIIIIIIIMiilllllMMM Children's Rain Umbrellas 98c Always One Price and Always the Lowest 49 WEST SECOND STREET, MATSVILLE HIKBAT IS SITE - OF EW .0KMAL. Frankfort, Ky., Sept. 1. Murray won out in the selection ot the site for the new Western Kctucky State Normal School at the meeting of the commission held In Judge E. C. O'Rear's office here today. The vote .ttood five to three. Chairman O'Rear, Sherman Good paster, secretary ot the Kentucky Jockey Club;, former Senator Thomas A. Combs, of Lexington, County Judge E. W. Senff, of Mt Sterlng, and Rep resentative W. Swallen of Prestons- burg, the commissioners apolnted by Speaker James H. Thompson, voted for Murray. The three commissioners appointed by Lieut Gov. S. Thruston Ballard, Ale? G. Barrett and Judge Arthur Peter of Louisville, and J. L. Harnian of Bowling Green voted for Mayfield. l'OU'CIL COJiVEXTIOJi IS MADE EXEd'TIVE. Delegates who attend the Council of the General Federation to be hold at Atlanta, Georgia in May, 1923, shall have the right to vote on all questions except for the election of officers and on amendments to the by-laws of the General Federation .according to a resolution recently adopted by the board o fdirectors. "The voting body of the Biennial Council shall consist of the Board of Directors, past presidents of the Gen eral Federation, state presidents, chairmen of Federation Committees In territories where no Federation exists, chairmen of departments and chair- The Liberty Warehouse Will moat certainly be opened to receive, handle' and sell your 1922 non-pooled crop' of tobacco. CASH will be PAID for every crop sold. WATCH for the opening date to be announced soon in the Public Ledger. Representatives of all the big dealers and manufacturer! will be on oar sales. , The Liberty Warehouse 0. M. J0NE1, leJei Muuger. men of standing committees having di rect membership in tho General Fed eration. In caao a president is unable to attend a meeting of the Council, her alternate shall be appointed by her club or division." An Invitation from the National Good Roads Association to send 25 delegates to the association's conven tion in North Carolina next spring has been received by the Geenral Federa tion and was referred to Mrs. John D. Sherman, chairman of the department of applied education. It Is expected that a number of G. F. W. C. members will attend the meeting. Buy In MayiTllls. It para I MXAIMill MAIL. I'nclnimed letters In the Maysville postofflco week ending September 6th: Applegate, Ira Burke, G. L. Bnrbortgee, L. Chaudlor, Mrs. Lizzie Donaldson, Miss Clarle Green, MIfs Frances Gleason, . bn Hoops, Is c (2) Ilicockson, Mrs Merry Herry, Cecil Shades, Miss Ida Lee Navey, Martin One cent due on above letters; per sons calling for same will please say "AdvertUcd." M. F. KEHOE. P. M. EE The modern way, the quick and easy way of doing your washing. Come in and look at the real Washing Machine. ELECTRIC SHOP Of MAYSVILLE GAS CO. EMBALM EES. 80 and 82 East Seeoad St. MAYSVILLE, KY. Hare dded T-pssseoger Sedaa te oar equipment. Utdy Attendant. THE MOST REFRESHING " DRINK IN THE WORLD BOTTLED AT ALL GROCERY STORES CAFES AND STANDS.. Patronize Your Home Creamery The Traxcl Glascock plant was, equipped and furnished under the supervision of the State Dairy and Food Inspectors and met all their requirements as to health and sanitation. It is a home industry. T-0 brand Creamery Butter,, scores high in the great markets'"""" of the country, and is gaining friends where ever used. T-0 Ice Cream is mnde under the supervision of Mr. W. L. Trax- . el who has a national reputation as an Ice Cream manufacturer. T-0 Ice Cream is a superior prod uct finished by an artist in his line- JttfJ Traxel Glascock Co. (Incorporated.) THE HOME FOLKS Phone 325 ROOF PA MT id Now is the time to look aftor that roof of yours and we have the' material. Give us a call Liquid fibre Cement r r v. m t a i L ii r Applied with kBRUSH AM Metal Composition. f-SHiNsuRobft 3101(16 PLATES STRUCTURES 0(b4lMiiof.ll of kll Hoof Paint! OUARANTtED TOrt Sut YtAR The Pioneer Mfg. Ox. CLEVELAND Pictures, Oils, Glass, PUTTY RYDER PAINT STORE iOUX FAKHLItB, ProprlsUr. g H-. ,.jgtwc ui JOHN W, PORTER & SO! FUNERAL DIRECTOR! Offloa 'Phone 87 Uom$ 'Phone 91 17 Cut Seoond Etrett MAVIVJLLE, .,. KENTUCKY t