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September 22d and 23d o 0 mourxav. ok OFFICER AVVU. CAMS ASiNOUNl'ED TIiIn IHntrlrt Hun Xt Killed Its Quota of Applicants (or Arnijr Jobs. Thin letter Is Bclf-cxiilnimtory : Louisville, Ky., September U, 1922. I'tibllc lPKilfr, Maysvlllo, Ky., Sir: Tlio t'omiminiling General of the Fifth I'urtis Aieq, which comprises the four HtnioH of Kontmkly, Indiana, Ohio, mid Wi-Ht Virginia, Informs mo that the number of applientlons from this ana to take tho examination us Second Lieutenant In the Hogular Army, Is inui-11 belo wtlio number re ceived In other torps areas. While this may be due, In some meu- , sure, to the greater bin Iness netlvity hero. It is also duo In part, no doubt, a laek of publicity regarding this ripportunlty fur tho militarily Inclined Lmng tntu of this section. (Will you not kindly assist the War 'partment, and ut the same ltne con- a favor on ninny possible appli es, by Rlvlnn this n;atter all the Mlclty possible? i ho (unlificntioas are, In general, to between the apes of 21 and 30 years .nut January 1. ll'L'n, and to be able Ppor.s the mental and physical cxain- Itioii, Information cnuecrnlnc which II bo furnished upon application, J her In person or ty ma! iB, l'ostofllco lluildliiK, Ccntucky. J Tho Initial pay of n Secot ant a ll.r.nrt, a year, with flier In person or by mall to Hoom Ixiulsvlllo. econd Ieluten- nllowancos for rations and quarters. This is, of course, subject to inrreaso for length of service, and for promotion. Aa about nlno hundred (Ann) vacan T1 JT The modern wav. the quick and easy way of doing your washing. Come in and look at the real Washing Machine. ELECTRIC SHOP Of MAYSVILLE GAS CO. SOOO00000000000000060C03000000000 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Men's Overall Jackets $1.25. Men's Overalls 98c. Men's Blue Work Shirts 59c. -Kahki Shirts 98c. Shirtings in stripes and checks 20c per yard. o I OfiaysvillB o O 'Phone 674. o ooo?ooaoooooooooooooooooooooooooo2 Q Have Just Received a cies are to be filled, the chance of ap pointment for those making a moder atoly high grade in tho examination, la considered good. The examination will be hold on Oc tober 23, 1922. Application blandB, full Information, etc., will bo furnished on request by this oITlce. Thanking you for your assistance and cooperation, I am, Yours very trulyq, W. W. WALKER. Chief of Staff. WOMEN ORGANIZE TO PROMT E MOTION PK'Tl'RES. The production and releasing of mo tion pictures synchronized with music In the most ambitious business enter prise as yet under taken by any group of women. Dramus Produslnfl and Re leasing Company Inc., with offices at 1425 Uradway, has been gformed In New York, and Is officers and controll ed by women, who Intend to make It a substantial business project as well as nn educational force. Among them aro Mrs. David Allen Campbell, pres ident, who Is editor o fthe Musical Monitor and chairman of the music de partment of the National Council of Women; Mrs. Nugene Furst, vice pres ident, co-worker and wife of the well known composor, William FurBt; Mrs. Esther It. Abbott, secretary and trcaa, urcr, founder of tho Children's Hos pital of Denver; and Mrs. Sydney Far- rar,' mother of the famous opera singer, who Is chairman of the Board of Governors. . Through the cxporlence and stand ing of these women and othor women stockholders women's groups through out the country have become interest ed in the potentialities of the project, mm QUI Suit a Dry . .Incorporated) v Managed by Mr. J. E. West Second Street Car of not only for practical purposes, but for tho placing of motion pictures on a sound, artistic plane, and as a part of the "better music" education. All of tho pictures produced by thlB company will be actual dramas set to music, equal attention being given to the accompaniment and the story. They will not bo pictures with merely appropriate accompaniments, but In terpretations with music as an essen tial part o fthe entire story. It is from the adulations pf the two art forms that the title "Dramus" Is made; the first syllables of "drama" and "music" One particular type of production which the Dramus will undertake Is the "Film Symphony", In which facts of the story binge upon the history of the music as developed In the accom paniment The first production will be such a film symphony, entitled "The Soul of tho Violin." It Is a complete feature In the form of an epic written around tradition of the Stradivarlous violin, Tho musical arrangements are to be gauged to fit a full symphony orchestra down to music available In the smallest communities. This new aim for tho motion picture Industry was reached by the organiz ers o ftho Dramus company through the thought that since women and children form the majority in motion picture audiences, women known most nearly what will be welcomed by those audiences. I'nder the producing and releasing plan of tho company women wil be enabled to get what they pre fer In their own communities, through th ecoopcrntlon with other producers. The corporation Is capitalized at JSOO.OOO and giving over any of tho feminine control, has men of profes sional and financial experience on Its advisory board In orde rto be as cer tain of Its ground technically as it Is atlstlcijlly and psychologically. WHEAT YIELDS ABE BOOSTED WITH CABE 0 FOCB POINTS. Lexington, Ky. Despite the fact that the average wheat yields in Ken tucky during recent years have been low, a few progressive farmers have ' demonstrated that yields aa high as I 30 or 35 bushels an acre can be ob- tained. TIiobo who have obtained these profitable yields usually are farmers I w ho give atentlon to about four main ' factors, such as seed bed preparation fertilization, the use of good seed and proper planting dates, soils and crops j specialists at tho College of Rgrlcul- . tare say. "One of the first things to which j the successful farmer gives atentlon in making plans for his wheat crop Is thp preparation of the seed bed. Wheat demands a soil that Is firm and fine. I A loose soil means almost certain fall ; nr.! while clods contribute toward re duel nt; yields. In cases, where It Is necessary to plow land for wheat, this operation should be performed In an plo time to allow for thorough prep, aratlon of the seed bed. "The fertilizer most commonly used for wheat In Kentucky is avid phog. phate, this material being applied with limestone and sometimes with a light application of stable manure. The best farmers use 200 pounds or more of acid phosphate an acre. On poor soils o o o o o o o o o o o Boons Co. o o o o o o o McCOED. 2 ii ii GUI fVC dlinps. The Liberty Warehouse Will most certainly be opened to receive, handle and sell your 1922 non-pooled crop of tobacco. CASH will be PAID for every WATCH for the opening date Ledger. Representatives of all the big on our tales. The Liberty- Warehouse 0. M. JONES, Sales Manager. about 300 pounds of acid phosphate with a light application of manure give good results When clover is seeded In the wheat, better results are obtained by using limestone with the acid phosphate and manure. "Experience has shown thai farmers who get the highest yields in their communities also give considerable at- tion to their seed wheat, using not only clean, plump seed but also a va riety that Is adapted to their soils. In view of tho fact that there is a wider; diorence in the way different varieties yield under different conditions, it is important to seloct a suitable variety. Many farmers prefer bearded wheat on thin, wet soils. Probable Injury from the Hessslan fly makes it Important that the wheat is seeded after the recommended dates . for various sections of the state. I Wheat sown after October Ii in East- ( em Kentucky, October 5 to 10 in Cen-' tray Kentucky and October 10 to 14 In Western Kentucky, is net apt to be damaged by tho fly." SOYBEANS PROVE WOBTIf to morgan corvrv w:n. Lexington, Ky. Soybcv.3 have proved their worth to farmeii in an other Kentucky county, according I R. E. Stephenson, soils and crops spe cialist of the College of Agriculture, who recently returned from Morgan county where the beans were grown for the first time this summer. 1.. view o fthe good showing which the i beans have made as sol limprovers and a hay crop it Is probable that the acreage seeded in the county will b increased next year. A few Morgan county farmers plant ed the soys In their corn for soil lm- f-provement purposes while others seed ed the beans broadcast for hay. Good results were obtained in both cases. Large numbers of nodules, that con tain the bacteria capable of drawing nitrogen from the air, were found on the roots ot the plans indicating that a considerable amount of this valuable plant food will he added to the soils of the county by the soybeans. Cowpeas formerly constituted the chief legume crop grown In the county but In many cases the beans have given better results this year than the peas. eDsplte the fact that most of both the beans and peas were grown on good bottom land, the soys demon strated that they were hotter able to withstand the drought experienced throughout the state this year. One skeptical farmer In the county who was growing the beans and peas side by sldo to determine which was beet suited for his land produced about 3, 000 pounds of peas and 4,000 pounds of beans an acre. rienns being grown In the same row with corn are probably giving the greatest satisfaction since farmers of the county have found that htis Is an economical method of supplying humus and nitrogen to Improve their depleted soils. A large part of the bot tom lands of the county must be seed' ed to corn year after year. By growing beans with the corn and cowing a cov er crop in the fall to prevent erosion and leaching. and lo furnish a croy to plow under in the spring, the fertility of the Morgan county lands can bo more effectively maintained than In any other way. No mau can possibly Improve in any company for which he has not respect enough (o be under osmo dogrco of rostralnt. snH WhMf Mirl- crop sold to be unnonm-.ed soon in the Public dealers and nianui act mors will be ARROWHEAD, SKIX CAP ARE CAVLARY IXS1GMA. Louisville. A design for shoulder insignia that celebrates the early pio neer days of Kentucky has been ap proved by tho War Department and all cilieera and men of the 64th Cavalry dlviBiort will wear on their shoulders tho coonskin cap and arrow head, sym bolical of pioneer life, and the cavalry tabre, according to Ltteutienant Col onel R. V. Walker, commander. IIEL PTIIE OLD FOLKS A Helping Hand Extended to Many Old People In .llaysvllle. The infirmities of age are many. Most old people have a bad back. The kidneys are often weak Or worn out with years 'of work. Backache means days of misery , Urinary troubles, nights of unrest. Donn's Kidney Pills have helped to make life easier for many. The yat-e doing no for old and young. Maytville people are learning this. Read t lie following local endorse ment: Charles Kennan, retired farmer, 81 Wood street. Maysville, says: "I have rsed Dean's Kidney Pills several dif ferent ( within thu last few year3 :id never had them fail to do me good. My kidneys were in bad shape. The p retions were unnatural and burned "rribly in passage. My back kept me in misery during the time the attack lssted and I was feeling generally run down. I went to Wood & Son's Drug Atore and got a couple of boxes of 'nan's Kidney Pills and began using Miem. Doan's reached my case at once !'id cured me up in god shape. 1 have . livays relied upon Doan's since and i few now and then regulate my kld loys and keep them in good condition" Price 60 cents, at all dealers. Don't imply wi for a kidney remedy get 'loan's Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Kennan had. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfrs.. Buffalo. N. Y Guts the Price 30e. Coffee, steel cut, pound 20c 75c Tea, pound 40c 12 Pounds Best Flour you ever used 45c Strip Bacon, pound 15c Sugar Corn, can 10c 35c Can Fine Cherries 25c Red Top Malt, box 65c Pure Cane Sugar, 25 pounds $2.00 THESE PRICES ARE FOR CASH ONLY Lee Williams Wood and Third Street Sixth Ward. Furniture Upholstering Refinishbg and Crating Everything Guaranteed L TAYLOR (,. Orders at U. 0. Knoi A Co. I'nONK CM. Williams Askfnrnrices Rr WILLIAMS' SXEJH PILLS Have yon overworked ymr nervm nyatffm xnA caused trouble wtih our Kidneys and livnr? Have you pains in lo1n,rldand buck. Ilavpynu a flabby appearancenf the fat.nnd undtr theyw7 If no, nse Williams' Kidney w and Liver i'tlli. For sale byalldrucffiats. PHci fcOc. WHAMS MFC. CO., Prep. Clue I mi), Ohfo C. F. KILGTS, Pharmacist. GEO. P. LAMBERT Chiropractor (TKtefe Building, Market Street MAYSVILLE KY. SATISFACTION We think jou will ciinccile (hat (here li a niiieriiir!t Mtmni rrj grade of KIMIKWilf'H hmiuIU found In other brand of roKKKi:. One pound pnekptx, frpxli roo.sted nd steel cat. ASK Yd fit r.ItOI'KK The E. R, WEBSTER CO gj ESTABLISHED OVER l YK.WtS Tse 1Vebf)terR ORANGE PEKOE TEA Dr.W. H. Hicks Osteacath c Pftysicisn Treatments Given n the Heme Sv Charles Hotel Attention, OF MASON DoWou Need FARM LOANS? Arrangements have been Stock Land Bank, organized and operating under the pro visions of the Federal Farm Loan Act, tc (end you , In amounts up to $35,000 on improvedAfarm lands in Kentucky. Interest rate 6. Term 33 years. Payments on the amortization plan. No commission to pay. Small applica fee charged. Ample funds. Quick service. For fuSI particulars address or call at FARMERS & TRADERS BANK MAYSVILLE, KY. Maysville OPP. THE CENTRAL HOTEL, MARKET STREET Factory Representatives for Player Grand Pianos, Hardmann Peck Co., Ludwig, Brinkenhoff, Chickering, Jose lixiich 4 Sons, and other leading make. jtfciWl8l Phonographs Pathe, Crystola, Victor and the latest Strand Console Cabinet Phonographs. We handle the latest Records. O. II. Red Seal (plays on both sides), Gennett and Victor.. ALL kinds of Phonograph Needles at pre-war prices. Our small instruments department is most complete, Violins, Bows, Cases, Strings, Etc., Banjos, Guitars, and all sundries. We have the Repeat-o-graph and other Phonograph Repeaters. Ve handlo the Geer Repeater, $1.75 for a limited time only. RICHARD SPANIARD GO. Located with A. Clooney, Jeweler. Fine line of Watches and Jewelry. Fitting Classes a specialty. . (TV U7VR!2I?TT Geo. C. Devine OPTOMETRIST. Eyed Examined Glasses Scientifically Fitted. MAYSVILLE, KY. O'Keofe Bldg. UP STAIRS Send the little ones to bed healthy and happy-give them a ; supper of delicious bread and milk. , Traxel's Bread That's the kind. Higgins & Slattery I'.NIIEKTAK IKS ud tJtiui When the tad hour reaoher your 'tome you ttut anout for the needs ot tlat hour. You w&nt to pa; the tuileet rjspect to the departed ou You nat xally want the best there In the C dcrtaker's line to meet the demands ot 'bo occaalua. e InTlte your our llae. ifJTO AND HOKSE-DBArlSI FUNERALS. Calls Aasworei Abj Hoar. 'Paoue II. Ml Market tttreei COUNTY made with the Louisville Joint FARMERS s NewJusic Store CO.