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y - "W,;- .ufw.l: O RIVER A IT X R. M.THARMSON & 1 . SON OH 500000000000000000000 1 Toilet Water and Perrumeg Q O o o o c o o JASMINE Toilet Water Perfume QUELQUES FLEUES Toilet Water Perfume Talcum Powder DJERKISS Toilet Water Perfume Talcum Powder Finaud's Lilac Toilet Water WE DO NOT CHARGE FOR DELIVERY. o n f. KILGUS Sotiiiieest Coiner Third Across From M. C. f CVUUIECdl UUUICI IIIIIU Across From M. C. RUSSELL CO. J O "ft O -TELEPHONE 91 f 000&QCOOQOOOGOO003 RETAIL COST OK FOOIt IMMVX TWO PEK (EM. Washington, Sept. 2o. The retail cost of food to the average family In the lulled States decreased two per cent, in the mouth ending August 15, according to figures made public to day by the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the Department of Labor, based on reports from 61 cities. Among the cities shewing a decrease in the price level vara Columbus. In dianapolis and St. Louis, 4 per cent.; Chicago, 3 per oent.; Baltimore, New York, Savannah and Washington 2 per cent. Decreases in 22 articles of food ranged from 28 !er cent, for potatoes to one per cent, for sirloin steak and rib roast, while of eleveu articles showing an increase, granulated sui.r i led with 7 per cent. COVIXGT STA11TS 01!K C0XSJ1U C I10 OK WHAKK Covington, Kv Sent. 19. Work of constructing a permanent wharf cn the Ohio River at this point was begun today. The landing is tp be at. the foot of Scott street.' Citizens regard this movement as the initial step toward the development of this city as an im portant river terminal. The work of clearing the snot for actual construc tion work was finished today. Mayor Douelly himself setting fire to the debris. City olllcials are as enthusi astic about the project as are the citi zens, and all feel that Covington will come into its own as a river terminal. "BETSY ROSS" COFFEE Did you wit liave a real good drink of coffee? Our "BETSY BOSS" Brand Is the best and only Coffee In town Unit will give jou perfect satisfac tion. It's fresh roasted and fresh ground every day and put In one-pound air tight sealed packages no as to retain Its strength and rich iluvor. 4 list try a pound and convince yourself. 1'er pound 85 Cents. !a-I'onnd raikage, ground BLACK PEPPEB Per Puckage Hie. Ground Cloves, package 10c Ground Xutmeg, package 10c Buy Leaves, package 10c Celery Seed, puckage Klc Paurika. ua' kuire .."'.'!"!!.'.'" ilOc Cinnamon; whole, package 10c j Cinnamon; ground, package 10c Mixed Pickling SPICES Per Package 10 Cents. The National Tea & Coffee Co. 220 MARKET 'PH0E 640 .Fall Hats To Let Any Size, Any Price Just In Brady-Bouldin Co. Nelson Building Might Q L 'ORIGAN Toilet Water Perfume Compact Powder Face Powder Talcum Powder AZUREA Toilet Water Perfume Talcum Powder Face Powder c PHARMACY c-r.d Market Mrtsls RUSSELL CO. CliU UICIIVGI tlllwld CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING VII .ivilii uuuer tllta itttuo J . n 'wanted WANTED To buy a large gas heat ing stcve. Call Ledger Ollice. l'.lSep6t t OK RLN'l FOR KENT Furnished rooui3. '1'hcne No. 692. 2USept-tf FOR KENT Oocd four-room cottage" in Eastland. To rem for $1.50 per week. W. T. Berry, 221 Wood street. 'Phone 25a-W. lUSept3t FOR RENT Flat, apply to Mrs Geo. Sliiplcy, East Second street. SStpi-tf FOR RENT 5-room rlat, all conven iences, corner Second and Walnut stroeu Call B53 or see Dr. Crowell. FOR SALE I FOR SALE Pure bred Pointer Pups cheap If sold at once. Apply to M. J. Hendrickson, Mint Cola Bottling Co. 153ept6t LOST LOST An Eastern Star pin, Sunday between my homo on Forest avenue and Colored Methdlst church, Find ' er please return to Mrs. Sudie Mor ton, 1221 Forest avenue Mace, package 10c Allspice, package -..10o Sage, .package 10c Mustard Seed, imckuge 10c STREET FREE DELIVERY TOM MOORE MITCH CRAIN NO OTHERS j DEFENDANTS IN BIG SUIT i ! Widuni of Democrat Killed in Clny j hole Political Battle Seek Largo j DuniitgVH From Itepiihllcitiis. Wliluwa of the three Democrats ' killed In the election fight in Clayhole ' precinct, Ilreathttt county, November ,8, 1921. have file! suit in (he Fayette cinnty circuit court at Lexington against Mitchell S. Crain. u Repub lican lender of Breathitt country, and 14 other citizens of Breathitt county, lacking $100,000 in each of three petl ;tkns v.ltich charge that the men named as defendants conspired to pre I vent and destroy the election and to kill end murder such persons. Includ ! Ing the husbands of the vomM who : filed the suit, as was necessary to car ( ry out their purpose. 1 The ch'ildren left orphans by the 1 dor.' lis vl the three men killed are also named in the netition as joint phiin j tlf.'s. j Thost who filed suit are Mrs. I'mi! I in Coribs. widow cf Cleveland Combs, i MtiJ five children: Mrs. Lizzie Allen, j widow of Ethan Allen. Jr., and seven I children. :nd .Mrs. Pflila Combs, wid I ?w of .;btr. v Combs and s'x children, i Vitrei with MiUh-11 S. Crain sis . r'i!t (!;' m1nn:s are Ed Davis. Chester IPavls. W'lllp Pavis. Arnie Davis. Will I Barrett, Marlon Barrett. Airblv Bur i vett. Alfred Barrett, Will Caiupbell FA Combs. Green T. Stums. Clarence ' '.'naatc. Jar.vs Kilburn md Tom Mil- GREEKS FLEE CONSTANTI NOPLE AS TURKS DRAW NEAR !:rcnt KmmIos of Cliristians From the ; F rmei Heir City of Turks as Kein. allsts Are Bejxirtcd Near City. j constintinople, Sept. 20. Chrls il:!iia .fiar iig a repetition of the hor . -O'-s of Smyrna, fled bv the thousands I today as Kenialists were reported drawing near their former holy city, j freek? hastily gntliered their pos j ?! slons and besieged the embassy for j t; iworts. Thev left the city by eve: , available means. ! Mustapha Kemal. according to reli ! Me reports received here from j Smyrna. Iris left that stricken city and i 's now in Nicomedja. near Ismdt. Bo j miles from Constantinople. . Turkish cavalrv. according to word 'rc-Mved here, has reached the out sk,, of Bieha. on the edce of the ' nottiral zone. Kemalists are known to ibe on di!y near Chanak, where the , Brlti.-'i are Intrenched. I Grefks and other Christian believe l--v ii;ivp onlv two plternritives ' d.'n'h or dvarture. N'o amount of re I .I'ri'i' from the allied forces here T-iiij s'av the exodus. Tn nii.l to the copfns'rn. thousand' l -f refneees from outlying trri- j ,-.tertd Constantinenle B3 other? i f!"d. Pnitrynders cf the Oreek forces ''e were none too sure of the lovnltv - ' their troons. There were frennent -ersirts of mutinies. HEARST DEFEATED I EW YORK PRIMARIES 1 A'.hany. N. Y.. Sept. 20. Most of "i- cand'date for deleeate to the D'-mocratle state eonventirn who were deiirod to vote for W. R. Hearst for governor, were defeated In yestordny's rrlmnry. In Erie county (Buffalo) where Wll "am .1. Conners sotiaht the election of I'eTsf f'elofntes four r.t them .were -nrreosfnl. Thlrtv-fcur of the thirty--'r';t "lerates are classed ns punnort- j of William H. Fitzpatrick. (rintv n'rman. and thev have declared for 'Ifred V. Smith for the Gubernatorial "nlnn'ion. In lb;:nv eovntv. where Patrlrk E T.pbe former TVmf-r.Hn V"der ho-Ved te Hearst rjnloc"'tns. thev were r -it"il iv 20 to 1. N effert wn-i rondo -loet deleeates tilnH-red to Henrst tn --'or counties tesides Erie and Al- lnnv Rn In Mnvfeltl n CHEER UP IT'S TIME To have your fall clothes repaired, cleaned and nretised for' the present season. How about letting us clean and itore your Spring and Summer rarmeuts? Prompt service and highest class of worlf guaranteed. Work called for and delivered. ara Maker of Clothes that Repeat. 6i2 W. Front St. 'Phone 337-W P. S. We arc now displaying Fall and Winlcr swatches of tlm famous lines of Ed. V. Prine & Co., Chicago, and Kahii Hros., of Indi anapolis. AT OPERA HOUSE To the Tune of the New Victor Records! These new records have been selected by right of popularity fof special nes that will cheer up the family and release. They're lively tu Bet eveiybody's feet a-movlng. Slrutin' at the Strutters' Hull Fox Trot Conl'rey and His Orchestra The French Trot Fox Trot The Erencli Trot Fox Trot All-Star Trio Why Should I Cry Oicr You J Fox Trot Virginians Bine Fox Trot Virginians Suly It While Diinrlnp Fox Trot Reason Orchestra I'm Just Wild About Harry Fox TTot Whltcman Murphy's Jewelry Store lf WEST SfXOND STREET. THE IMlEPEMIEYf WDM A is one of the briiihest jewels which adorns our modern, economic system. Hut too often this independence is .sained at the cost of health, and the wnsf - earning nomaii struggles Iti lotirti her duties a jirey to nervous aess baekueiie and des;ioiicleney. Does not her lndeprn.i.nce then become nu. re of a Imulen I'tan Joy? I.ydia K. rinkliai:t's Veu ifMo has iielid inan -ik'.i women U regain ihoir 7est in I'fe .and will help many mere. CLEns lIUMi l MITES. New llrunsv. irk. . .1.. Seit. ;o. Six leiters. alleged to have been writ ten by Mrs. Elinor .M'lls to Rev. Ed ward W. Hall, were found by police in the rwcttr's studv. li developed today, uid furnished clews which may lead a their murderer 1n1es rf persons who mey have had ,v hand in Killing the clergyman nni :he wife of his ,'evton were d'seovemd n thr" letters, 't w:n hinted. A detective was on guard today in h" nbnml"!!! frrmhouso neir the Pickling WE OFFER YOU HEINZ WHITE VINEGAR. THE KIND USED BY HEINZ IN PREPARING ALL THEIR PRODUCTS. TRY IT AND YOU WILL NOT SUFFER LOSS BY SPOILAGE. 0 DINGER BROS, LEADING RETAILER FOR Three Desirable Residence Lots of the old Ball Park Property. : : : : : Tn STATE NATIONAL BANK MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM astime Today r MB Millard IN THE STRANGER A thrilling Story of Plains and Hills of the Far West ADMISSION 10 AND 15 CENTS (War Tax Included) TOMORROW TOM MIX In BEATING THE GAA1E and Movie Chats place where the two bodies were found. Author. tits believe the mur ders may have been committed In the old uiansH.ii. I MSTAI. CASE CO I Mi TO A KM). South Uend, Ind . Sept. 20. The closing scenes of the l'oulin-Tlcruan paternity case were enacted here to day, with Professor John P. Tlernan in the leading role. As on the previous days, crowds jammed the court room early nnd hundreds congregated In the corridors outside. The point at issue was whether the court would allow Professor Tlernan to corroborate hU wiles testimony thnt they had net lived together before the baby was hern Mrs. Clement Freiuh nnd Hon. Stan ley F. Heed motored to Lexington Wednesday to attend the races Sara Middleman wnm h-ef hides, will pay the luehest rn-li p'-ee 20Jl-tf Vinegar SAL Wilson THAT BIG ONE E VALUE Not only in the items listed below but in our entire line. No. 1 POTATOES, full peck SOo MOTHERS OATS, package .777777... 12o HEINZ SWEET PICKLES, per dozen 25o 12 pound sack GOOD FLOUR 450 Our best COFFEE, the one that makes you smile, pound 35c 3 pounds for $1.00 D I TIIDMCD 9. COM 509-11 East III Li iuiiiilh Telephone tit. "WE StAHD HCIt OF !l!ltIIH6 WE SIT 01 S!lf .1 IT MAKES EVERYBODY HAPPY Whatt Wliy your confection ery, of course. Why don't you take a box to your girl tonight and see what a smiling greeting you receive. ALL THE CANDY YOU WANT won't hurt you, if it's our candy you buy and eat. It's pure, whole some nnd nourishing, nnd even the prices will please you. ite Confectionery PvROCERIES V j , Wi IJS, Well! It is school time again. We have learned our lesson. We have figured it out that the only way to succeed in this grocery busi ness is to give you HIGH QUALITY Groceries at the LOWEST PRICES, so you will be satisfied and trade regularly with us. We are doing this every day. Come, see. Lots of nice things for school lunches. Fresh Groceries; Priced Low. J. C. CABUSH Phone 83 OF T. W. RAY'S FARM ON THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1922 AT 2 O'CLOCK P.M. 118 3-4 acres, located about l ull way between Mayaville and Klemingsburg, in Lewisburg precinct, Y miles west of the half way bouse. Farm has Good Six-room House i Jam, 44x97, Good Stock Barn or .Stable) largo enough for 12 head of norses, Two Corn Cribs, and all other necessary out-buildinga. The farm is well fenced, plenty of good never failing water, all ;;ood strong Limestone Tobacco laud, and is located right in the cen er of the garden spot of Mason county. This farm is located in the new Lewisburg High School District. riace will bo sold on liberal terms, Ono-third cash March first, lulance in 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 years. Pull possession March 1, 1023. i T. W. BAY, Owner. .1. C. HAWKINS, Aucitono-r. SHERMAN ARN, Sales Agent Tomorrow At Gem and Opera !'OLD Is Outstanding! 00 ouii Second Street DR. ROY GIEHLS Chiropractor 104 Went Mcriini Wtreet 11r riilrnprartor ortrd la Mini ('uontj. MA YSVILLF., UX. Iluu 'I'hoDe iil y. tldire 'l'hua t7L Lad; AtU-ndauU oooococoooooooooo O O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o CLIFT-CAK SHOP ADDoanrea Their FALL Ol'EMXU TIIIKSDAV, K1UDAT, AD SATl'IlDAY SEI'TEMBtB o o O 21, 22, 2S. O ooooocooooooooooo 1 The Leading Grocer V with good cellar, Large Tobacco House. NEST" r" D 9 i .