Newspaper Page Text
. i WEATHER J , Fair tonight and tomorrow. i, EDfTION I Volume XXX No. 148. MAYSVILLE, XY., FREDAY, SEPT. 22, 1922. Vt8t"! VST iSjg OXE rOPT-TWO CENTS WHARF CHARGES ARE EXCESSIVE, COUNCIL IS TOLD Policeman Simpson Itcslgns and Mr. James Morgan In Elected lo Sue. reed Mini on Local Forru. City CouiicH'h regular semi-monthly meetliiK Thursday evening was a very uneventful affair. itatrolman Murray Simpson's reBlB nution wns reported and was accepted by Council, Mr. James Morsan, who has served as a spoclul policeman, was eloctad to succeed Mr. Simpson as a member of the local force. Vice Mayor Hudson reported that there had bcu considerable complaint on charges being niado by the CJroon Line for whnrfuKO at the local wharf boat, sonio of those charge being high er than the prices fixed by franchise and he requested that tl-.o wharfage ratos as adopted b' the city be pub lished In local newspapers that ship pers might bo advised as to the official rates to bo charged. It wns ordered that Chief of Police James Mackey, now disqualified be csuso of Illness, bo paid a patrolman's salary and that the chief of police's salary bo paid to Acting Chief of Police Corl CHrpenter. Tho Laws and Ordlnanco Committee was authorised to draw and offer nn ordinance fixing a tlmo limit for the payment of salaries to officers who were off duty, temporarily. Attend tho salo of City Property commencing at 1 o'clock Saturday the 23rd. With tho It. L. Harney house on Commorco street. Col. H. C. Hawkins will start the snlo promptly at 1 o'clock. All three of the pieces of prop erty offered In this salo are well lo cated and desirable. 21Sept2t THOMAS L. EWAN & CO. Every one Interested In tho Sunday school methods should attend the dls trlct convention Frlduy evening In the First M. R. Church, South. The service will begin at 7:30. The principal ad dress will bo given by Dr. Barbour nn Sunday school music. Others who will have part will be Miss Hilda Tnrei keld. Prof. H. S. Calkins and a malo quartet- Everyone Invited. Captain and Mrs. C. F. Stalder en tertained a few of their friends Thurs day evening In honor of their guests, Mrs. W. F. Staldor and Mrs. Jamoe George, of Virginia.' ' Sam Middloman wants beef hides. will pay the highest cash prca JOJl-tf To the Tune Victor Records! These new records have been selected by right of popularity for spocial net that will cheer up the family and mid-month release. Tboy'ra lively tu set ereiy body's feet a-movlng. Strutln' at the Strutters' Ball Fox Trot . Zcz Confrey and His Orchestra The French Trot Fox Trot Tba French Trot-Fox Trot All-Star Trio Why Should I Cry Over Tout Fox Trot Virginians Blue Fox Trot Virginians Saty It While Dancing Fox Trot Benson Orchestra Tm Just Wild About Harry Fox Trot .. Whlteman Murphy's Jewelry Store 15 WEST SECOND STREET. oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 'HOME-COMING AT EBENEZER CHURCH ONMXT SUNDAY lU-OpenJng of Old Charch Near Aber deen to be Occasion f Grand ' Home Coming. After ronovatlon of the Interior of Ebenezer M. E. church, Aberdeen cir cuit, this old church on the bill, the re-openlng services wll be bold on Sunday next, September 24. 1922. The services will be of a distinctly special character, and will serve as a big reunion or home-coming celebra tion ,to which nllld members and ctl izena of the Ebenezer community are Invited. All are requested to bring baskot dinner along with thorn, to be servod in the old-fashioned picnic stylo. This is to be a great day In the his tory of this old church and community and everybody should try to be there. program. 9:30 a. m. Sunday school, led by Miss Eftlo I'orter. 10:30 a. m. Preaching service, spe cial sermon by Rev. Calvin W. Horn, of Hamilton. Rev. Horn Is one of the former pastors and Is now one of the leading ministers In the west unio Conference, ., 11:30 a, m. Gasket dinner picnic. 1:30 p. m Testimony meeting. 2:30 p. m. Great evangelistic serr Ice. Addresses by Rev. Calvin Horn and Rev. F. Riley. Sovernl letters will be read from old members of the Eb enezer church by the pastor. All tho old-time friends of the Eh enezor, Bradysville and Fitch's chapel are asked to come out to Ebenezer church that day and meet Rev. Calvin Horn. Ho Is ono of our very busy men In the Methodist church, and It Is ex tremely kind and generous of him to come, and give us the day. Rov. Calvin W. Horn will preach in the Aberdeen M. E. church at the night service 7:30 o'clock. TWO "WISH FST1TFS PAY INHERITANCE TAX. Frankfort Ky.. Sept 21. Inherit snco taxes reported from August 1 to September 1 Kentucky totaled M3.46H. according to figures complied in the office or the State Tax commissioner today. The largest tax assesed was against the estate of Henry Glover of Jefferson county, who died November 7, 1921, the amount being $8,450.97. Two Mason county estate are listed for the month of August, Almar nod son's estate paid $1,341.63, and Mrs. Kate M. Walllngford's estate paid $2,276.37; Officers and teachers of the First naptlst Sunday school enjoyed a very delightful banquet and get-together meeting at the church Thursday eve iiing when plans for the winter season in the school were Wirt. of the New CARDINALS LOSE TO PARIS IN THE GAME PLAYED THURSDAY Locals Go Bnck Another Peg In Their Bunding for the second Hall oi be Blue Grass League Season. Paris, Ky., Sept. 21. In a hard- fought game here today, Paris came from bcblnd In the eighth Inning to win from Moysvllle, 8 to 7. Rummage started the game for Parla but was re placed by Cotter after five runs had been made off his dollvery. The hit ting of Wunker for Paris, who drove out four hits, was tbe feature of the game. The Bcore: Maysville . AB R H PO A E Former, cf 3 0 Harding, lb 6 2 Class, rf 6 1 12 2 2 7 0 2 2 2 3 3 2 1 1 2 0 0 7 0 0 2 0 Slayback, 2b 6 1 Kresser, ss 4 2 Hurst, 3b 4 0 Margerum, It 4 0 Connolly, c 4 0 niakoflold, p 2 0 Boskon, p 2 1 Totals 38 7 IS 24 13 8 Paris AB R H PO A E Helleman, ss 6 0 0 3 1 1 Clcona. cf 4 1 3 3 1 0 Winger, 3b 3 0 0 1 3 0 Maples, rf 3 0 1 1 0 0 Engle, o 3 2 1 6 1 0 Nlppert If 0 1 0 1 1 0 Wunker, 2b 3 4 2 1 3 0 Brockman, lb 4 0 2 11 0 0 Rummage, p 1 0 0 0 1 1 Conor, p 3 0 2 0 2 0 Totals 29 8 11 27 13 2 Sore by innings: R. Maysville 3020001107 Paris 01120202 x 8 Summaries Two-base hits, Wunker Kresoer, Hurst; Three-base hits, Cl cona; Stolen bases, Clnse, Bosken; Sacrifice hits, Nlppert 2, Former; Double plays, Fortner to Kresser to Harding; Hits, off Rummage 2 in Z'ai innings; off Blakofleld, 4 In 4Vs in nings; Struck out by Cotter 1, by Bos ken 2; Base on balls, off Rummage 1, off Wakefield 3; Hit batsman, by Blukofield (Winger), by Bosken (En glo); Wild pitch, Blnkefield. Tlmo of gamo 1:60. Umpire, Cooker. BLUE GRASS LEAGUE. Club Won Lost Pet. Cynthlana 20 12 .625 Paris 20 12 .625 Lexington 16 16 .600 MAYSVILLE 15 17 .469 Mt Sterling 14 17 .453 Winchester 11 21 .344 Yesterisy's Results. Cynthlana, 9; Winchester, 2. Parts, 8; Maysville, 7. Mt Sterling, 8; Lexington, 6. FOB SALE Reo Touring Car. Cheap. J. A. Simp son, 31 Market street ANOTHER DIRECTOR COMI'LLMEXTS BA5D. This letter Is Just received from R. J. Bossett president of the Grayson County Bank, Leltchficid, Ky., a di rector of the State Fair: "J. Barbour Russell, Maysville, Ky., "Dear Sir: I agre with you that you kept every promise and did more. Was delighted with tbe whole outfit I know when the Governor and Mrs. Morrow backed you so strong we need have no fears. Yours truly, "R. J. BASSETT." BISHOP-COOCE. Mr. William Gounce, aged 21 and Miss Adrian Bishop, aged 19, both of Bowdon Station, Ky., were married by County Judge H. P. Purnell late Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Morgan and Mm. Edith R. Sparks, of Hillsboro, Obio, are visiting friends In Maysville. GOLF TOURNAMENT PARTNERS SELECTED Mr. Engene Mcri Offers Prizes for Golf Tourney to be Held Beginning Next Week Teams Are Chosen. Partners for golf tournament to be given by Mr. Eugene Merz were drawn at the dance Thursday night. The following parties will piny either on September 29th, September 30th or uctober 1st. prizes will be awarded to the two lowest net Bcoros, ladles and men, for eighteen boles: Foursome No. 1. Mrs. J. B. Russell and LoWright Browning vs. Miss Ria Ross and Maurice Kirk. Foursome No. 2. Miss Nancyo Glas cock and J. C. Rogers vs. Miss Lucy Baldwin and J. It. Kirk. No. 3. Mrs. Slanley Reed and Eneas Myall vs. Mrs. Lyda Fee and Juno Clark. No. 4 Mrs. S. P. Browning and W. H. Rees vs. Mrs. LeWright Browning and Geo. Ballou. No. 6 Mrs. G. R. Champlaln and Mr. D. E. Fee vs. Miss Luck K. Brown ing and W. W. Ball, Jr. No. 6 M1b8 Florence Rogers and S. Roll vs. Miss Dorothy Hockaday and Dr. Qulgley. No. 7. Mrs. M. C. Kirk and Rosc- crans Murphy vs. Mrs. E. Merz and Myron Merz. No. 8 Mrs. W. H. Roes and J. B. Hanloy vs. Miss Elizabeth Peed and E. Merz. No. 9 Miss Frances Cochran and Stanley Reed vs Miss Mary Lee Glas cock and S. P, Browning. No. 10 Mrs. Elmer Downing and Dr. A. O. Taylor vs. Miss Pattle Hunt er and Elmer Downing. REYEA'CE MEN FID LOCAL DISTILLERY 0. K. Representatives of tho Internal Revenue Department, who have been here checking up the government warehouse at the J. H. Rogers & Co. plant, at the request of the owners completed their work Thursday. All packages as shown on the government records were found In tact WORK ON COUNTY BUILDING WAS BEGUN FRIDAY Messrs. Hardymon & Moore's force of workmen began work Friday morn ing on the county building at Third and Sutton streets where they will build an additional room on tbe ssc- ond floor to take the place of a porch to enlarge the office space of the Coun ty Tax Commissioner. Mr. r.nd Mrs. Louis Hcnsker. of Co lumbus, Ohio, Mrs. Robert Hall and daughter, Lillian, of Bellevue, Ky., and Mrs. H. N. Carrlcoffee and Mr. Arthur Brubaker, of Huntington, W. Va. who were here to attend the funeral of Miss Maud Lillcston Knight, have re turned home. REVIVAL Hear DR. C. W. BUTLER DETROIT'S TABERNACLE PREACHER At Little Brick TONIGHT GOOD MUSIC Church Thursday, Friday and Saturday, September 21, 22 and 23, 1922 You are cordially invited to attend. A complete representation of authentic styles for the coming: Fall Season. MILLINERY, DRESSES, COATS, SUITS, SKIRTS, SHOES and DRESS ACCESSORIES. Included in this display will be some original French Model Dresses, some very handsome sample Fur-Trimmed Coats, some Lace Evening Dresses that we shall offer at about half their origi nal prices. An opportunity that will not be offered very soon again. "we skc--XjIj expect "srerer MRS. RENAKER IN DICTED WITH TWO FOR HUSBAND'S MURDER Joint Indictment Returned Thursday By Clark County Grand Jury Charges Her With Complicity In Husband's Murder, Winchester. Kv.. Sent 22. "find knows I'm not guilty in any way in this horrible crime!" cried M-s. Nancy Kntherine Rennker when she was in formed late Thursday afternoon that a grand jury had returned n Joint in dictment charging Mrs. Renakcr, Sco- dco ttaruman and Keese Fox with con spiracy and murder in connection with the death of her htiHband, Leon Ren aker, wealthy "turkey king." Judge Shackleford had adjourned court for the day when the Indictment wns filed with the clerk, and no bench warrant was Issued for Mrs. Itcnaker. It Is expected that she will be taken Into custody today. Mrs. Renaker is represented by James M. Benton, for mcr circuit Judge, and Stephen T. Davis. Hardman now is In Jail and Fox Is free on $5,000 bail. Tho date of the murder was fixed In the intllctnient as July 25. Renaker's body was found July 25 by Mrs. Ren aker when she returned from a visit In Cincinnati. Renaker carried more than $50,000 'nsuranco in favor of Mrs. Renaker. The indictment was sighed by Wil liam T. Baxter, Commonwealth's At torney, and contained a list of the nnmen of 50 witnesses. One of the chief witnesses before the irrrtnd lurv wns Ora Slater, Cln 'rinnti. prhntc detective, who had 'men hero since the Renaker murder. HEMLOCK BARN SIDING All lengths. Limestone 'Lumber Company. 20Sept4t CITY COURT. In City Court Friday morning En neas Travis, colored, was fined $10 and costs on a chargo of drunk and disorderly by Acting Judge Donald Wood. INFIRMARY INMATE DIES. Henry Brooks, colored, inmate of the County Infirmary, died Thursday at 4; 30 p. m., at that Institution. Bur ial Friday afternoon at the infirmary burial grounds. WANTED Clothing of all kinds. Especially ihoes and coats. CITY MISSION. JOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOSOOOOO o THE HOME o o o o o o o o o o o FALL JUST AS SURELY AS CRISP FALL DAYS CALL FORTH THE VIGOROUS SPIRIT OF YOUTH, SO SURELY DOES A STETSON OR KNOX EMBODY THE CORRECT STYLE. COME IN AND TAKE ONE OF THE NEW FALL HAI3 IN YOUR FINGERS. YOU WILL FEEL THE RICH QUALITY THAT KEEPS A STETSON OR KNOX LOOKLNK SO WELL SO LONG. SHIRTS IN HANDSOME PATTERNS, AND IN YOUR FAVORITE FABRICS. EVERYTHING YOU NEED, FROM SPORTS TO FORMAL WEAR. AJT EXCEPTION ALLY FINE DISPLAY FOR YOU TO SELECT FROM. o o o o D. Hechinger 3 Tn.MM4.J OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGOOOOQatOOGQ&QOOOOOO OpQDiD(3 MRS. POULIN DEFENDS HER HUSBAND ON WITNESS STAND Merchant's Wife Furnishes AUbl for Her Husband Charged With Being the Father of llernan Child. South Bend, Ind., Sept. 22.1 Mrs. Mae Poulin, wife of Harry poul.n, who Is charged by Mrs. Augusta Tiernan with being the fclher of her ten-months-old child, is expected to resume the stand when bearings in the case are taken up here today. Taking the Btaud Immediately after the stato closed its case, Mrs. Poulin disputed previous testimony given by Mrs. Tiernan regarding the alleged re lations between the latter and Mr. Poulin. Mrs. Poulin testified that on all of the occasions, with the exception of one, in which Mrs. Tiernan said Poulin was In her company, Mr. Poulin had accompanied her (Mrs. Poulin) to church. On that occasion, the witness saia, Mr. .poulin was Hi and had re mained at homo. The witness added that, contrary to Mrs. "Woman's test! mony, the latter had told her that there had been no break In the matri monial happiness between Prof. Tiern an and herself. KENTUCKIAN NAMED HIGH OFFICER BY BED MEN. At the session of the Great Council of Red Men held this week at Boston, Past Grand Sachem Robert T. Crowe, of La Grange, Ky., was elected to the office of Great Junior Sagamore which put him in line for the highest office in Redmanship in the world. MBS. CATRON'S FUNERAL TO BE HELD SATURDAY. The funeral of Mrs. W. R. Catron, who died at her home In Washington, will bo held from the homo Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock and burial will be made in the Baptist cemetery at Washington. ' A physical culture devotee gave a demonstration of the power of the control of muscles on the streets here Thursday afternoon by freeng him self after having been locked in chains from head to foot in five minutes time. Those who failed to see "The Old Nest'" at the Washington and Gem on Thursday should not fail to Bee this wonderful picture Friday. It is a pic ture worth while and tells the true story of the American home. Tho funeral of Mr. James Mains, father of C. L. Mains, the progressive Minerva merchant, will be held Friday afternoon. Burial will be made in the Germantown cemetery. OF QUALITY CLOTHES g HATS BRITISH READY FOR TURKS' RUSH ON NEUTRAL ZONE English Mobilize Aircraft, Tanks and All Equipment to Stop Rush of Turkish Nationalists For . tho Straits. Constantinople, Sept 22.' Aircraft attacks probably will mark outbreak ' of actual hostilities betwen the British and Turks. While the Turks are renorted hrlnir- fhg up heavy artillery and hurrying shock troops from Syrna toward tho new front, the BritiBh have assembled powerful aircraft squadrons behind their lines and are ready to loose them the minute Mustapha Kemal's Nation alist forces cross the border of tho neutral zone. Tanks, armored cars and other fighting machines, developed In the World War are being rushed to tho near east. The Moslems are assembling ' in great strength along the dead line, ao cording to report;: filtering back. Brit ish troops, backed by the guns of tho fleet, are ready for any eventuality. The British strength has been placed in three sectors, as follows: Chanak, Ismlc' Peninsula and at Con stantinople. MISSING EXPRESS MAN FOUND IN DAY COACH. There was considerable excitement on the Maysville-Ashland local Friday morning when the train reached South Manchester. The express messenger was not in bis car nor could he be found. He was last seen at Concord and the crew so reported. They were ordered to back the -train to Concord and look for the missing man, It being thought that he had probably fallen , from the car. The train had backed but a short distance when the Conduc tor discovei-e.i the express messen ger sitting in tho day coach wearing his citizens clothing and reading a newspaper. It was the messenger's first run. COUNTY COURT. ' In tho Mr.ion County Court Friday , the inventory end appraisement of the.' estate of Kuiherlne Jolly, deceased was produced, tiled and recorded. The Maysvile Cardinals will tour to Flemingshurg Monday, which Is coun ty court day of Fleming county, and stage an exhibition game with a club of that town. Their Saturday and Sun day games are w:th Cynthlana:- O O u O O O O O o o o o o o o o o & Co. o o w o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o n MERZ oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooociooooooooooooooa Mi '"" At r-'rn-m '