Newspaper Page Text
! WEATHIiR i AffiMiOOS fc EDITION 5 f FJV aach wanner tonight. Volume XXX No. 152. MAY8VTLXJE, XY, WEDNESDAY, SEPT, 27, 1922. "BI ONE COPY TWO CENTS o 0 CONTRIBUTIONS TO FINANCE BOYS BAUD COMIHGJ.IBERALLY Manna-Ins; Hoard of Maysvllle Boys' Hands Hwt With ApnUase and Support From Loral Baslnest Mm In Finance CanpahrB. Members of tlie Munncnpt Board of the Mnyivllle Iloy's Hands started their anuuul financial campaign Wed nesday morning and most every busi ness bouse vihitod met them with open arms, loud praise for the great worlt the baud Is doiii for Maysvllle and libel al cuiuri bullous to finance these two organizations. No organisation In Maygvlle Is doing more to put tlio city on the map titan the Cardinal Hand. The Horseshoe Hand is serving its purpose well iu bringing on youngsters in music to tnke the places of thosa In the Card inal band who drop out when they be come old enough to take positions. Maysvllle people have a prtdo In the bonyn' bands that tbjy have in noth ing else representing Maysvllle. Not only are those who have their sons or daughters In the bands, but every real ly true Maysvillinn has a certain amount of prldo in the bands that eclipses most any other purely public organisation. The campaign lx-gun Wednesday will be continued until sufficient funds have been contributed to the bands' treasury to assure It a financial suc cess for another year and as soon as such an amount brs been reached the campaign will be rinsed and the peo ple of Maysvllle will not be asked to contribute for this purpose again for a year. It Is a pleasure to serve on a canvassing committee for so popular an organization and the people of MarsTilJe consider It a pleasure and privilege to contribute to such an organization. MIGIIIiOltllOOIt I'lllYEU SEBTIf E. Another very successful neighbor hood prayer meeting In the Interest of the approaching revival at the First Baptist church was held Tuesday eve ning at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jess Gallher in YVet Second street. The thtrd such meeting will be held 'Wed nesday evening at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. C. X. Ilollncer !n Forest avenue All In that neighborhood Interested are Invited to attend this meeting. Mrs. A. G. Cru'rh.-r, of Frankfort, Is vsltlng her mother. Mrs. John W. Wat son of Wt FYot t-Mt WORKING ON CHECK OFLEAF DELIVERY Field Service ef Barley G re wen Will Seep Tab Issoaat Pledged and Sold TbreagkreoperaUTO. An accurate checking of the tobacco pledged to the Burley Tobacco Grow ers' Cooperative Association with the amount delivered by growers, not only for the crop year of 1922-1923. but for the previous year, la being worked out by the executive committee of the As sociation and Assistant Chief of the Field Service Division. William Col lins. President James C. Stone, ' Vice Presldenta. James K. Kehoe. and Bush W. Allin and John B. Winn were in session at Lexington Tuesday consid ering the details. I In a few cases last year landlords are said to have sold In their name the . tobacco of tenants who were members 'of the Burley Association, and in a few leases tenants sold In their name to I bacco which their landlords had pledg ed to the association, it Is claimed. Every such violation of contract will be prosecuted, it was said at the As sociation offices, and one of the chief duties of the field service division for the future will be the protection of the grower who abides by his contract. from the grower who may be tempted to break his contract for Immediate profits. THE MCHT WATCH. A telephone In your home is a pro tection against fire .and sickness. Res idence service Main Line, two-party line, and fonr-partr line. MAY8VILLE TELEPHONE COM PANY. (Incorporated! J. P. MOORE. Manager. S7Spt6t TO THE PrBLIC. The new plumbing shop on Lime stone street between Second and Third streets, owned and run by Martin & Martin. Is prepared to do all kinds of repair work. Gas 8tove and Furnace Work. Plumbing, Heating and Gas Fitting and general repair work. We also hive a few of the Horoar Pipe less Furnaces for sale now, better give tis a call. We can save you money on time and material, 'Phone 62. 2Septt MARTIN MARTIN. Mr. W. S. Wilson, of Frankfort, field man for the Kentucky State Tax Com mission, bss been in Maysvllle for the '.ast couple of days In conference with County Tax Commissioner W'. K. Steele DEMANDED MONEY FOR KISS REQUEST; FACES COURT CHARGE nhrtinsport Glrl-WIfe Demanded ISiOO For Bequest for Kiss Using; Halls to Defraud Is Charge. Cincinnati, Ohio, Sept 27. Because she placed a value of $2,600 on what she said was a request for "Just one kiss." and attempted to collect the amount through the mail, Mrs. Elva Taylor, 17 years old, was arrested yes terday at her home In Higginsport, O., by Tom Donovan, Deputy United States Marshal, and brought to Cincin nati to answer charges of blackmail preferred by postal Inspectors after they had Investigated a complaint made by J. B. Wright. 917 East Mc Millan street, Cincinnati, agent for the Singer Sewing Machine Company. According to the evidence submitted by Mr. Wright. Mrs. Taylor, who was accompanied here by her husband and five-months-old baby, recently sent him letters demanding $2,600 from him and threatening exposure and prose cution that would humiliate him and cause domestic troubles ns an alterna tive. Tho letters, the Inspectors said were to the effect that Wright, while try ing to sell Mrs. Taylor a sewing ma chine, asked her to kiss him. The first letter, dated on August 26, was Ignored Mr. Wright said, and a second, dated September 6. was received, the latter containing a demand for $1,500 in stead of the original sum. Mr. Wright then submitted both letters to the au thorities. When arraigned before Cnited States Commissioner Gregory. Mrs. Taylor admitted she had written the notes, but entered a plea of not guilty. Friends furnished bond and she re turned home with ber husband and child. Mr. Taylor said he knew nothing about the case until after bis wife was arrested. RETIYAL PBOGBESSIG WITH GBEAT INTEREST, Another large audience gathered at th. i.ittla Rrirk Church" Tuesday evening to hear Evangelist Butler. He U a very forceful preacher ana mucn interest is being shown in the series of meetings. The music Is one or me iea tures of the revival. Meetings con tinue d'ally and the public is cordially invited to all. e Mrs. G. H. Leobker. of Covington. Is 'visiting her daughter. Mrs. Philip 21 O W.Woo worth Co. 5c and lOc Store MAYSVILLE, KY. WILL OPEN FOR INSPECTION Friday, September 29th. 2 to 5 P. M. and 7 to 8:30 P. M. NO GOODS SOLD ON FRIDAY We extend a most cordial invitation to the general public to visit our beautiful new store and examine our lines of 5 and 10c merchandise and remember OUR 1161 PRICE 10c Open For Business Saturday, September 30, FROM 9 A. M. TO 9 P. M. In addition to a Complete Line of Regular Merchandise we will offer Big Bargains on Saturday Only of tlje following items : i Boys' and Mens Caps 10c Ladies Vests 10 Boys' Sweaters 10c Aluminum Kettles 10c Enamel Dish Pans, each '. lOo Enamel Kettles, each 10a Enamel Sauce Pans, each 10o Child's Underwear . 10c Infant's Kubber Pants 10c Aluminum Sauce Pans 10c Ladies' Hose, pair 10c Glass Vases 10c Table Oil Cloth, i. yard 10c Galvanized Pails 1 Glass Butter Dishes 10c Large Kubber Balls 10c Glass Water Jugs 10c Chocolate Drops, pound 10c Glass Molasses Pitchers 10c Complete line of Blue Bird Crockery Each item 10c SALE STARTS AT 9 O'CLOCK SATURDAY, SEPT. 30 DONT TAIL TO BE HERE PRESBYTERIAN DRIVE FOR EDUCATION GOES ON Liberal Support Given to Campaign To Raise Finds for Prettbr. terian Colleges. Hearty suDDOrt Is beina elven the Kentucky Presbyterian movement for Christian education In which $1,000, 000 will be raised for nine institutions under the control of the Northern and Southern Presbyterian churches, ac cording to reports from headquarters in Louicviiie. campaigns have already been held In number of cities and iu each instance the quotas set by the local Presbyterians have been exceed ed. Paris Presbyterians gave over $25,000; Henderson, after voluntarily Increasing their quota from $30,000 to $35,000 over-sulscrlbed the amount; In Paducah and Owensboro. the sub scriptions exceeded $30,000 in each city. Work Is now being closed up in Covington and It Is expected that $50, 000 at least, will be subscribed there. Intensive work will be opened un in Lexington. Frankfort, Bowling Green, uanvuie and Harrodsbure within the next few days. It Is reported that the resnonse in the smaller churches has been most generous and church leaders are now certain that the movement will be closed by the end of the year. The money is to be distributed as follows: Centre College, Danville. $200,000: Kentucky College for women, Dan ville, $200,000; Presbyterian theolog ical seminary. Louisville, $300,000; Pikevllle College at Plkeville and withcrspoon College at Burkhorn S50.000 each, while $100,000 will be ap portions to rresbyterlan Orphanage at Anchorage. Sayro School, Lexington. iees conegiate institute, Jackson, and Matthew T. Scott, Jr., Academy. rneips. LOCAL TVOMUT fl ST. MART'S COMMITTEE. Members of the official nmiui committee in the St. Mary's College building fund campaign in Lexington have reported to headquarters that so licitation has met with generous re sponses on every hand. No amounts, however, will be announced, until the compaicn onena next Momiav ninht with a public mass meeting in the La fayette hotel. In the meantime tne women's organization Is rapidly rounding Into shape and not only will there bo twenty committees but a number of ladies will operate as "free lance division. Among the new cap tains are Miss Gertrude Scott. Gros- venor avenue; Mrs. Roger Devine. 649 North Broadway, and Mrs. G. Clark 714 Euclid avenue. Names able for selection at 422 Lafayette hotel at any hour during the day." The cunipaipn coinmuice or the men s di vision will meet at a dinner Thursday evening at 7 o'clock to report progres HATSWOOII HOSPITAL XOTES. Mr. C. H. Keene. or Germantown who recently underwent a sc-rious op eration, has returned home. Mrs. J. L. Markwell underwent a serious operation Tuesday mo-Ming. Miss Bethel nf tncidn who was operated upon rc--:i:lv for appendicitis, is doing nlccH Mrs. W. S. Tully. of Springdalc. who underwent an operation for thrta trouble, has returned home Miss Jewell Dickson, little dauehter or air. Henry Dickson, or Fern Leaf, recently underwent a throat opera- uun, Mrs. Geo. Clephane is improving steadily. Mrs. A. H. Chapln, or Washington, is doing nicely. Miss Lucille Lyons, or Sharpsburg. Ky., who underwent a serious opera tion, Saturday, Is improving. BARBECUE AT OLD MASONS' HOME OX OCTOBER 17. Invitations have ben received here for a greet Masonic reunion to he given on Tuesday, October 17th, at the Kentucky Old Masons' Home at Shel byrllle. There will be an old-fasbion-ed barbecue and burgoo feast. Several local Masons are planning to attend. This picnic will be held while the Ma sonic Grand Lodge is In session at Louisville and the Louisville Automo bile Club will carry all visiting Ma sons from Louisville to Shelbyville. WERE TOP "KISSED"! She stood, hungry for romance, glancln covertly through vines of the veranda at couples here and there who talked in soft tones In the moonlight; one couple dare a kiss with the bild ness of those In love. She almost sob bed. Then, suddenly well, see Marie Prevost at the Pastime Thursday and you will know the rest NEW W00LW0RTH STORE TO OPEN HERE OH FRIDAY Beautiful Aew Five and Ten Cent Store To Be Opened for Inspection I'lrday First Sale Held on Saturday. For many weeks wnrkmnn him been engaged in making extensive lin- luuveiueuiH 10 tue uablisb & Weis building in West Second street fop tho occupancy of that building by the F. . nuoiwonn company as a Five and Ten Cent Btore. This wot It u at about completed and a force of experts in uus Dusiness trrim npiiri.i- s.itioo where this large concern haa im.oi stores, hus lust a hunt display of the company's merchandise. Auuuuucemeni Wednesday is made that the local store will be opened for insDOction on next FYMnv n.,rin this day there will be nothing sold but me puoiic is cordially invited to make a thorough inspection of tho new store and its stock. The Maysvllle- store is to be desig nated as No. 1175, it being tho one uiuusund one nundred and seventy fifth store owned by this one hundred million dollar cornorarinn tho of its kind in the whole, of the world and operating stores in all parts of the United States and Canada. Mr. v. woolworth, who until his death a few years ago, was the presi dent of this great corporation, was the founder of the Five and Ten Cent bus iness, the first store having been established by him in tho city of Lan caster. Pa., in 1879. Tha hiiRinnoa hnu been a decided success from the open ing oi inis nrst store, thirty per cent, of the store's entire stock helnc nlH on the opening day. The concern to day owns the largest building in America, the famom Wcolworth build ing in New York fitv unit la una nf llii wealthiest concerns iu tho world, all anving Deen made from five and ten coin suies. The stores sell nothing rwaw fan Dents. Manv other similar syndicates armed higher triced lines during the vioria ar but woolworth alone held to the nickle and dime business. The local store is a beauty. It is to bo managed by Mr. .t. P. Doyle, of Louisville, who has been with the firm for three years. One of the secrets of the company's success is that every local manager must have served an ipprenticeshlp and learned the busi ness from the ground up. how she ronrp orT. "I never knew I had such a lovely shape." said a lady who was looking in the mirror, after being ftted with a "Stylish Stout" corset by Miss Mary Darling or New York. Maysville ladies are certainly to be congratulated In having a chance to be rittcd with a .corset by a New York luthority on corset fitting. Miss Danjintr will be nt Merz Bros.' store until Saturday night. She would like to meet all the ladles, whether hey are "Stylish Stouts" or "Stylish Slenders." She can make you com fortable and make your figure as it should be! BANK TO FURNISH STOCK MARKETS BY RADIO Farmers & Traders Bank Installs Radio Receiving outfit for the Ac commodatlon of Its Customers. Along with Its manv nher slve steps for the accommodation of Its pau-ons ana mends, the Farmers & Traders Bank has made arrangements to havt installed in their attractive new banking house a high powered ttaaio receiving station. The Fifth-Third National Bank of Cincinnati, Is dally broadcasting to banks throughout thlB district stock market reports on all sorts of stocks. it win also be possible for the Farm ers & Traders to receive all the live stock market renorti nrmm.tlv mil this information will be gludlv given Dy tne Dann to those interected. It Is the purpose of. the ofllclals of the bank to also give radio concerts for the public throughout tho day. RESIDENTS ASKTHAT . POOL BE ENJOINED ON REDRYING PLANT Residents Living- Xeur Central Ware, bouse Express Protest Against the Proposed Redrvlng Plant In Filing Smt. R. L. Turner, W. E. Wells, Robert wells. J. J. Owens, James Riley, W H. Jones, George Kirk, Mrs. Rosa Schatzmann, Mrs. Martha J. Collins Mrs. Anna B. Murray and Mrs. C. H Bland, thrniieh At' UesSCV. filed suit In th Mnsnn Clit Court Wednesday afternoon against . 1 Ti , m . . iuu curiey loDacco urowers co-oper atiVe Asportation nnH thn Pnotarn nia trlct Warehousing Corporation, asking that the defendants be enjoined from maKing tne central warehouse, which Is located near tho homes of the nlafntifTs. into n rerirvtner nlnnr They Bet out in their petition that the defendants are about to install and operate in the Contral warehouse a redrylng plant and they cl.argo that in the process of re-drying loose leaf luuucco mere is caused to be emitted and diSCharCPrl n nnianmn nnvlnim nauseating and unhealthy odor and the an iwr mure mail uu jeet in each and every direction from the warehouse will be contaminated. The plaintiffs cnarge mat u tne defendants are per mitted to operate this rodrying plant iubso piaiuuns win sutler great and irreparable injury and damage. The prayer Is that the defendants be restrained and enjoined from in stalling and operating said redrying system In the said Central warehouse by any process that will cause noxolus, noisome and nauseating odors to con taminate the air about the houses of the plaintiffs. No temporary ln'"nctIon is asked in the petition and the case will not he for trial until the next December term of Circuit Court. Mrs. Amanda Campbell has returned to her home in Covington after a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Al Maddox and family, of East Second street. TRINITY WOMAN WOUNDED BY SHOT DURING ARGUMENT Argument Over Line Fence Ends 81. ously for Widow Who May Yet Die From Pistol Shot Wounds Arrest Is Made. Mrs. Nanev Hnnjnr nrl.inn . i - , niUUl, VI 1111, Thomas Hoover, who lives in tho Tin- ltv nclchhorlinnrl seriously wounded Tuesday evening at ur mrni in an argument with a neigh bor over a line fence between the two farms. Full a id enmnntn riotollo n t V, a shooting could not be obtained Wed- . ncsuay out Air. John Cox, a neighbor, was placed under .arrest and taken to Vancebure. whern ha n-oa in h, - J .w " IV uw KMUH a hearing. t here appears to be some consider able difference of nninion no tn h fired the thot which wounded Mrs. Hoover but Lewis county officers are making a very careful investigation into the affair. Dr. W. H. Taulboe, local surgeon, was called to Mrs. Hoover's home late Tuesday evening to locate the bulllet and dress the wpunds. Tho woman was shot through tho right arm and the bullet also insied through the right lung. Sho i, !n a very critical condition. T0BAXTO BROKER DIES. Louisville, Ky., Seut 26. Henry B. (King) GoriLi, 60 years old, well known tobacco broker and one of the most prominent fgures In the tobacco market, was found dead at Lancaster, Ky., whither he had gone to. purchase a crop this morning. He was born In Louisville and had been In the tobacco business all his life. Cardiac involvmi-nts were said to have caused his death. When found the body was in an automobile. HICC0CG1I TICTIM GAINS. Louisville, Ky., Sept. 2C. Mrs. Vir ginia Tatum, who has been suffering from hiccoughs for almost three weeks aradually is impioving, Dr. J. D. Stroud, her physician, said today. The hiccoughs, which were continuous for more than two weeks nro aiihuiriine- and come at longer intervals. COXSTASTISE ABDICATES. Rebellion Is sprecding In Greece fol- luwmg ine aercr.t cr the Greek armies by the Turks. It was officially an nounced In Athens Wednesday that King Constantino had abdicated the throne in favor of Crown Prince George. WHISKY TAX 10WERED. Frankfort, Ky., Sept. 26 The tax on whisky in bonded warehouses was fixed at S40 a harrel fcr ttio tnt t- Commission today, these figures be- "5 reuucnuu or $2u rrom the tax levied in 1S51 Cnfa In tho. h nf bonded whisky was given as the cause of the reduction. Buy in Maysville. it pays OOOQQOOOOOOaOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOO o THE HOME; OF QUALITY CLOTHES g 9 O o 9 O O O O O O o o o o o o o o o FALL HAT JUST AS SURELY AS CRISP FALL DATS CALL FORTH THE VIGOROUS SPIRIT OF YOUTH, SO SURELY DOES A STETSON OR KNOX EMBODY THE CORRECT STYLE. COME m AND TAKE ONE OF THE NEW FALL HATS IN YOUR FINGERS. YOU WILL FEEL THE RICH QUALITY THAT KEEPS A STETSON OR KNOX LOOKINK SO WELL SO LONG. SHIRTS IN HANDSOME PATTERNS, AND IN YOUR FAVORITE FABRICS EVERYTHING YOU NEED, FROM SPORTS TO FORMAL WEAR. AN EXCEPTION ALLY FINE DISPLAY FOR YOU TO SELECT FROM. D. Hechinger Co. (Incorporated) o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o OOOOOOOOQQOOOOQOOOOeQOQ&OOOO-QQflOOQQ Your Is All Figure Right IT'S YOUR CORSET THAT IS WRONG. MISS MARY DARLING Of New York, an AUTHORITY ON CORSET FIT TING will be at our store ALL WEEK She will FIT YOU FREE OF CHARGE iu Corsets from $3.50 and up. We are introducing the famous 'StylishStout'' I Corsets ' The Corwti that muko figures as they should Canton At Crepe Dresses $14.95 000000OOOOOO0OOOOOO0OOOOOOOO0Q00Oe0$OGGQt5$0 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Some very good Models at this price. SOME BETTER ONES AT $25.00. Poiret Twill Wool Navy, Browu, black, $10.95 to O O o o o o o o o TV uresses s $49! A w. IwoitSi C be. o o o Jz 3,.SLi SLvri 5ZSQ CO o CooooooooooGoooooooooooofrocoaooooooooooooooooooo - I ' n