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7V - '' ' 1 i ' V.. V. , -j. MINOflH h EDITION 4 . MJS 'i Continued fair tonight and toiuor. nn . U 1 'J j.ul MAY8VTLJJ5, XY WEDNESDAY, OCT. 4, 1922. Volume XXX No. 158. ?$S 0E COPY TWO CENTS SMALL THEFTS OF MANY YEARS ARE THOUGHT SOLVED Arrests 91 ado By C. A 0. Special Agent May Solve Mj titer jr of Disappear anre or Much Freight Ofer Many Yean. C. ft O. Detective Urown, of this city .thinks Ire tins solved a myitery which has baffled tho C. & O. authori ties for sevoral yean and three men have been arrested In connection with tho theft of morcliandlae freight at the South Manchester station of the com pany. For aoine four or five years nier chandlBe shipped to Manchester, Ohio, over tho C. & O. railroad has been missing but small articles have dls appeared frequently und nil attempts to locate this merchanldso has been unfruitful until on Juno Dth last when Detective P.rown arrested Frank Huff, of Manchester, then tho driver or a transfer wagon which transferred freight from tho South Manchester station to tho Manchester freight de pot Huff wus charged with taking several bags of sugar and the mer chandise was recovered. Huff, this week. Implicated James Scott, foreman of the Manchester Transfer Company and tho officer In vostlgated, finding many missing art! cles such as hats, caps, ralu coats, etc., In Scotfs home. This man. according to iho olllccr. admitted having stolon roods from tho railroad company in making tho transfer to tho Ohio side during a period of three and a half vpari. Scott also Implicated Corliss Hlmos. a clerk In tho South Manchos ter or Trinity depot and all throe mon wero arrested and Indicted by the Lewis county grand Jury. Their trials h.v hoon set for October 12th. The railroad company has lost several hundred dollars worth of freight In this manner In tho.mwt sovoral years. Officer Urown also uncovered tho theft of a number of automobile tires at the Concord ststlon. In this case he has Impllcatod W. H. HUI. of Silver rove, a brakeman on tho railroad who Is charged with having conspired with William nuglns. Jamee Kirk, Martin McUaln and William Men, all of Concord. I'art of this merchandise has been recovered and tho men are all under arrest. SALE KMS SATl'HOAY, OCT. 7. lUn Urocerr Stork below cost. (let vonr supply now. 40Crtt IKKI) A DIE5ER, 1 East Second Street. Open at night LARGE AUDIENCE HEARS EVANGELIST'S FIRST SERMON Dr. John Vines Captures Large Audi ence In Flo to Church Membership Made Tuesday Evening. Using Peter's dellvorance from prison as basis for his first sermon, at the. Baptist revival Tuesday eve ning, Dr. JoTin P. Vinos, of Roanoke, Va made great plea for an active church membership. The church or Christian who Is pit ted in warfare against Iniquity is cor tain to be persecuted, said the evan gelist Persecution brings one to his kneos and prayer brings power, he emphasised In a sermon studded with Interesting Illustrations. His plea was for active warfare against aln such as Poter wsged but he warned that such activity was certain to bring persecu' tlon Just aa Herod heapod upon the disciple. He then recalled the prayer meeting of Christian's at Mary's home pleading for tho dlsclplo's delivennce and the miraculous striking oft of bis bonds and breaking down or Iron gates which released the prisoner. Evangelist Vines is one of tho most Interesting speakers heard here in re vival services for a long time and his sermons are so plain and so clinched with Interesting Illustrations that his hearen carry his thought away with them. Dr. Vines' subject for Wednesday evening will be "Open Your Eyes." Services each day at 2:30 and 7:30 p. m. AUGUSTA YOUTH LOSES LEG WHEN STRUCKBY TRAIN L4 Run Over By C. 0. Freight Train At August Late Tuesday Leg Amputated nt Local Hos. pltal Tuesday Evening. Charles Workman, fourteen-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Scott Workman, of Augusta, was rushed to the Hayswood Hospital hero Tuesday evening fol lowing his being run down by a C. & O. freight train near the Augusta sta tion late Tuesday afternoon. Amputa tion was necessary and surgeons per formed the operation after his arrival, amputating tho left leg between the knee and ankle. It is understood that young Work man with several boy friends were playing "shlnney" near the railroad crossing. One of tho boys knocked a tin can onto the track and young Wai.Viyi.ii tMin tnr f. Tint neplnfr tho fiD- proach of eastbound extra freight flf Qf gjf )$R ft train NO. lUUO. ine irain bii uun boy and badly cut his left ankle but he pulled himself from the track and ran quite a distance before falling uncon sclous to the ground. The accident happoned at about 6 clock Tuesday afternoon and the lad was brought to the local hospital at :30. He Is Wednesday reported as doing quite satisfactorily. Ah-h-h, We Meet Again!! , LA -iJ-'-iiiM -s. VWM NO REACTORS FOUND IN i COUNTY IN SEPTEMBER! ' County Dairy Inspector Gives Mason A Clean Bill for the Month of Sep. tember 570 Cattle Inspected. The following In the report of Dr, W. W. Reuter, Federal veterinarlon on tubreculln testing of cattle during the month of September, as given the County Commissioners through Dr. V. D. Guittard, County Health Officer: Following is a report of my work in Mason county on the tuberculin test Ing of cattle during the month of Sep. tember: Number herds tested 159 Number of cattle tested 570 Number of reactors found none Total number cattle so far ex amined 1267 Number of reactors found 7 DR. W. W. RENTER. Hugglna of the Yanks greets McGraw of the Giinr.. f200 REWARD. For Information loading to the ar rest and conviction of party or parties who, on Saturday night, September 30, broke the lock and stole tho wheel with new Goodyonr Diamond Tread Tiro, also extra Inner tube from Ford machine sotting on Maysvlllo and Ger- mantown pike, betweon Fern laf and the Franklin school house. 20ct3t THEODORE POWER, Route 4, Maysvtlle, Ky. KOTICE, ELECTIOX OFFICERS. Offlcen of election having ballot box keys in their possession, will ploaso return same at once, by mall or otherwise to my office. SOct3t A. M. JANUARY County Clerk. Now Is the time to begin making those holiday gifts. Attractive now lUmped good arriving dally at the Art and Gift Shop. OctZt TO ADDRESS WOMAVS CLUB. Miss Ada May Cromwell, chairman of education of tho Kentucky Fedora tlon of Women, will be the speaker at the Woman's Club Friday afternon. She will speak on "Federation Ideals Miss Cromwell Is true product of Kentucky soil. Lyrical by Instinct, she has written poetry of some merit She has been identified with the work of the Kentucky Fedentton of Women for a number ot year. Each member of the Woman s Club Is entitled to bring tnree gueeis w ItMa meeting oa Friday Afternoon, at t AmnrtAin Lesion rooms at 2:15 o'clock. COLLEGE HEAD TO SPEAK HERE, Dr. John C. Acbeson, president of th Kentnekr College for women Danville, will speak at the Presbyter (an church Sunday In the statewide campaign for college endowment Dr. Acheson was recently president ol Pennsylvania Women's College but has returned to the institution ne wa formerly with In Kentucky. He Is an attractive and forceful speaker, much nnirht for nubile addresses. All who hear him may be assured an Intelec tual treat Mrs. A. G. Crutcher, who has been visiting her mother, Mn. John Watson accompanied by Mrs. Clarence Ma thews, left Wednesday afternoon for her home near Frankfort. The Ladles' Aid Society ot the Sec ond M. E. Church, will meet Thunday afternoon at 8:30 at the church. Tho Mason county grand Jury ! session at the court bouse Wednesday. EDGEFIELD GOLFERS AGAIN TIE FOR THE MERZ CUP Attempt lo Ploy off Tie at Country Club Tuesday Again Results In Tie With Exactly the Same Score. GOLDEN APPLES Look ia our west window and see the finest and clean est GOLDEN PIPPIN APPLES you ever gazed upon, fine for EATING, COOKINO or BAKING, NONE BETTER CHARGED ASJOOTLEGGER Russell Hall's Wife Is Arrested On Liquor Charge In Fleming County. An attempt to play off the tie for the beautiful prize offered by Mr. Eugene Men at the Edgefield Country Club her husband, Russell Hall, who It is The Fleming Gazette says: Thunday Mrs. Russell Hall, nine teen year old wife of the man now In jail bore for the killing of his half brother and serious wounding of his step-father, Wall Cook, was arrested at her home at Colfax and brought to Flemtngaburg to answer an Indict ment returned by tho last grand Jury charging her with- violation of the liquor laws. It Is claimed by the man who Indict ed her that she. delivered to him whisky which he had engaged from GIAN i S TAKE FIRST GAME OF SERIES Nationals Defeat Americans in First Game of World Series Played This Afternoon at New Tork City. Tuesday afternoon resulted In another tie and tho peculiar feature of this contest was that exactly the same score of 69 was made by both couples In the play-off. Mrs. J. Barbour Russell and Mr. Le- Wrlght Browning as partners and Mn. W. H. Rees and Mr. Bernard Hanley as partners made the lowest net score In the tournament proper last week bv making the entire coune In 69 not. In their play-off Tuesday afternoon they made exactly the same score and another contest must bo played to de termine the winners. This contest will be played Friday or Saturday and the nrize will be awarded at the cluD dance next week. More Interest Is chown In this tourn ament than In any held at the Country Club this year. SCHOOL GIRL KNOCKED DOWX BY AUTOMOBILE. Jennie Margaret Roush, fourteen- year-old daughter of Mr. and Mn. Reuben Roush, of Aberdeen, was knocked down by an automobile driv en by Mr. Elmer Pangburn, of Man chester, while playing in front of the Aberdeen school building Tuesday af ternoon. The young lady was not in jured but was badly frightened. JiOTICE K. OF C Regular monthly meting of Mays- vllle Council, No. 1377, Knights of Co lumbus Wednesday evening at 7:30. Past State Deputy J. J. Donovan and District Deputy Chas. D. Purdy will be here to install officers for the ensuing year. All members requested to be nreeent. T. A. HIGGINS, G. K. R. B. WILLOCKS, Secretary. said got the liquor In Rowan county, After being brought here, the young woman who is not unattractive was Interrogated by tho officials and later allowed to go back home on her own recognizance. Wall Cook, the aged step-father of Russell Hall, is said not to be recov ering from the gunshot wounds made by Hall and there Is a possibility .that his Injuries may yet prove fatal. John McG raw's ew York Giants, winners of the National League pen nant, defeated the New York Yankees, winners of the American League pen nant, In the the first game of the world series nt New York City Wed nesday afternoon by a score of 3 to 2. Xehf pitched for the Giants until the eighth Inning when he was replaced by Ryan, and Bush pitched for the Yankees until the eighth when he was replaced by Hoyt. Until the sixth Inning the score was nothing to nothing. The Yankees scored one run In the sixth and one In the seventh. In the eighth Inning the Giants scored three runs and neither side scored In the ninth C. P. Vawter, who was shaking hands with his many friends In Mason county a week ago, is now seriously ill at his home In Montgomery county. Miss Lettie Green, of Danville, the guest of Miss Bessie Joburon, West Fourth street MR..CUEANANDVE grows. 5c .Pound EROS. lxadino metahmh ' 50c Peck or DINGER V WHERE Wilt y8tt .BE AT 65? Out of 100 average men, at the aga 64 will be dependent on others. 36 will bo dead; V . . . 5 will be working for a bare living; 4 will bo well to do; 1 will bo rich. You may bo ono of tho hundred todaj, bnt W at 65? Jt depend on how you can answer tho following ARE YOU SAVING SYSTEMATICALLY? Begin today by opening an aooount with vbe ".1 1 BABY DIES. Nora Oullett, the nlno-months-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Gul- lett, died at the home ot the parents on the Lexington road Tuesday after noon. Funeral will bs held Thursday afternoon and burial will be in the Maysvtlle cemotory. NOTICE ODD FELLOWS. Regular weekly meeting of Ringgold Lodge, No. 27, I. O. O. F., will be held at the Odd Fellows' Temple In Market street Wednesday evening at the usual hour. All members are urged to at tend and visitors are made weloome. MASONIC COUNCIL NOTICE. . Thore will be a special meeting of Maysvtlle Council, No. 86, R. & S. M.. on Thursday evonlng at the usual hour. Masters are urged to attend. Messrs. Harlan Foster. Bernlce Shrivers, Charles Murry, of Manches ter, Ohio, wero the guests Sunday ot Misses Dorothy Stewart and Marie Simpson at Flomlngsburg. The party motored Sunday afternoon to Midway SJto be guests of Miss Clara Kinney i, fard, of Mr. Jim rarriah, and pay a to Mrs. Rhodes slstor, also of y. PURITY IS PARAMOUNT, OUR SERYICE SATES The sanitary equipment ot our cleaning and pressing departments should make you feel confident of sat isfaction when you send a garment or a suit to us. We pay particular at tentlon to restoring the freshness of the clothes you send us. The Modern Laundry and Dry Cleaning Co. 81 East Second Street. Thone 163 DAMAGE SUIT BEING f BIED- The case of Day vs. The Cincinnati Gas and Transportation Company which the plaintiff asks damages the Bum of $2,000 from the defendant corporation for alleged damages done to the plaintiff's farm by the running of a natural gas nlpe line through the same, is being tried in Circuit Court Wednesday. HATSWOOD HOSPITAL NOTES. Mrs. Nelson Breeze, whose condition has been serious, Is improving. Mr. Oscar Jesse, of Flemingsburg, who underwent an operation Tuesday, is doing nicely. Mrs. J. L. Markwell is Improving steadily. Mr. Robert Scott, ot Fern Leaf, will return home Thursday. Mrs. Geo. Clephane will retun home Thursday. Charley Workman, fourteen years of age, of Augusta, whose leg was ampu tated by a train, is doing nicely. REGISTRATION GN TUESDAY SHOWS A L0SS OF 1207 Only 1C2 Voters Are Registered at Regular Registration Women Show Practically No Interest. Both the Republican and the Demo-, cratic parties showed heavy losses In the general registration held Tuesday in the city of Maysvllle. The total registration shows a loss of 1207 from the first day's regular registration in 1921. This loss is explained by the regis tration officers b the general lack of interest and In tho failure of the women voters to list themselves as they did In 1921. In that year there was iruch to create interest and to brins i ut the vote. The approach of a county election caused the leaders ot both parties to have their complete or ganization working and every voter was ui jed to come out but this year neither party had its organization working. The official retfstratlon follows: . Dem. Rep. Ind. Total HOLINESS CHURCH TO HOLD CONVENTION HERE. The annual convention of the In ternational Holiness ckvrches of Ken tucky district will be held at the Holi ness church in this city, October 10-15. The first business session will open at 10 a. m. There will be an afternoon meeting given to foreign missions, homes mis sions "and Kingswood college each. Evangelistic services at night. Every one cordially Invited. First Ward 14S 62 13 223 Second Ward 88 73 6 168 Second A 40 91 3 134 Thrd Ward 127 62 14 204 Fourth Ward .... 89 73 5 167 Four A 82 49 7 138 Fifth Ward 97 76 6 179 Five A 52 86 4 142 Sixth Ward 77 132 6 .15 Stxe A 65 56 1 112 POLICE CHIEF IMPROVES. Chief of Police James Mackey, who has been very 111 for several weeks, continues to Improve satisfactorily. The chief is now enabled to get about some and was up .town again Monday for an automobile ride. H is gaining his strength steadily but slowly. Total 855 760 64 1682 Prohibitionists, 2 In Second Ward.. Progressive, 1 In Third Ward. These figures as compared with last year follows: Democrats: 1922, 855; 1921, 1452; loss 697. Republicans: 1K22, 760; 1921. 131 loss, 542. Indepandents: 1922, 67; 1921, 1351 loss 68. . Total: 1922, 1632; 1921, 2889; tot loss 1207. Mr. Vincent Ellis left Wednesday morning for Los Angeles, Calif, where he will spend the balance of his vacation. I ctttu trinn tit i rrA MEET ON THURSDAY. 1 On account of the M. H. S.-FJen ingsburg foot ball game, the Sliui ward Parent-Teiichers' Association will hold Its regular meeting Thurs day, October 5th. Mrs. Robs who has had much experience in P-T. A. work will give a talk. Come and hear her. Mr. R. A. Carr has returned to this city from Lexington where he attend ed the funeral of Mrs. J. Embry Allen. Christian Science meeting Wednes day evening at Masonic Temple, 7:30 o'clock. oooooooaooooooooooaQoeeooQQ, First Chance at New Fall Things! 0 w x r zz o o o o o o o o o o o o. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o O (Incorporated) q ooooooooooooooocooooooo&oooooeoooooo WE'RE FLASHING THE NEW FALL CLOTHES IN OUR INITIAL DISPLAY; SHOWING YOU THE LATEST IDEAS; DEMONSTRATING HOW CLOSELY MAYS VTLLE IS LINKED WITH THE STYLE OF THE BOULEVARDS. WHAT METROPOLITAN MEN ARE WEARING NOW AND WILL WEAR ALL SEA SON, IS OFFERED SIMULTANEOUSLY IN THIS SHOWING AT .CLOSELY MARGINED PRICINGS. - YOU CANNOT HELP RUT LIKE THESE FALL STYLES. WE INVITE YOU TO COME NOW AND VIEW WITHOUT BEING URGED TO PURCHASE. D. Hechinger k Co. vl Mldw ' Hon. D. Cols has arrived boms af- several weeks at Port- 1 1 Jk. X ftOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOQOOQOOOOOOOC$COOC o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o "Peggy Page" Dresses Have Arrived Very attractive and exclusive styles. They are totally different and moderately priced. $29.75 to $49 We are also featuring sorao nifty dresses for tho flappers. Have You Seen the New Figures in Town? They are not really new figures but are tho fgures as they should be; mado so by "STYLISH STOUT" CORSETS. We feel gratified at the fine responso to our "STYLISH STOUT" Corset demonstration. Our corsetierro can fit you. $9.50 and $9 o o o o G o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o t ' tsr spsndt O 1 "Si era be attended the Ki TESTATE HATIOiJAL BANK land, Ore, th t Episcopal church tlonal msstlug o of lottirest to Ui and oilier point West fbooooooooooooooooooooooiooooooooooooooooooooooo f ! wssmi m,' 1