Newspaper Page Text
' 1 MUM r WEATHER : , . Unsettled, probably showers tonight A and tomorrow. AFTERNOON 8 fir' L EDITION 1 Volume XXX No. 162. MAT8VZLLE, KY,' MONDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1922. ' n mh copt TWO r.tnm 1 l U II 0 11 J HEALTH LEAGUE YORK FOR MONTH ISJEPORTED County Health Ofilrer tilves Report of Work Done 11 j- die Depart, emnt During Month of September. The report of the Mason County Health Department for the month of September, by Dr. V. D. Guittard, Di rector, follow: Lectures or talks ou health given 26 Health bulletins distributed 92 Newspaper articles published .... 20 Private 'premises Inspected 20 Schools Inspected 12 Food product plnrca Inspected ....238 Visits to cases of contusions disease 6 Cases quarantined 1 Curative treatments for venereal disease 60 Antityphoid Inoculations ......... S Scool children examined 498 Number found defective 226 Dofecta found 396 Blood examined for typhoid 3 Blood examined for syphilis 4 Smears for diphtheria 7 Specimens drinking water exiim. . 14 K. S. closets constructed S K. S. closots repaired 16 Sewer connections made 4 Nuisances abated 38 Dofects in school children corrected 12 Nursing Sen lee No. cases under enro first of month 216 Number new coses during month . 30 Number cases readmitted 0 Total number cases during month .249 Number cases dlsmisRcd 15 Cases rocovorcd 8 Cases Improved 4 Cases died 3 Record of VMIs Made. Nursing visit 55 Infant welfare visits CO Prenatal visits 10 Tuberculosis visits 13 Visits to schools IS Homo visits ro school children 66 Office treatments 13 Attendance at cllntcs 11 Sanitary Inspection visits 10 Other Tlslts 45 Total visits made 298 Talks ghren 14 Calls for Metropolitan Ins. Co 34 mrs. WEiDixrs funeral HELD MONDAY AFTERNOON The funeral of Mrs. Charlus Wed' ding was held from the late homo In Limestone street Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock and burial was made In the Maysvllle cemetery. Mrs. Sam Huggnrd, of Norfolk. V is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. McAtee Case, of Bast Second street. VIC OR THE VIOTROLA GIVES YOU THE VERY MUSIC YOU WANT, SUNG OB PLAYED BY ABTISTS WHO HAVE BECOME FAMOUS BECAUSE OF THEIR ABILITY TO BRING OUT THE BEAUTIES OF EACH INDIVIDUAL COMPOSITION. ITS WONDERFUL FI DELITY OF REPRODUCTION HAS ATTRACTED TO THE VICTROLA THE GREATEST SINGERS, INSRUMENTA LISTS, ORCHESTRAS, BANDS AND ENTERTAINERS OF ALL THE WORLD. NO MATTER WHAT YOUR FAVORITE MUSIC MAY BE THE VIOTROLA COMPLETELY SATISFIES YOUR EVERY MUSICAL LONGING, WE WILL GLADLY PLAY YOUR FAVORITE MUSIC FOR YOU. , NEW VICTOR RECORDS ON THE 12TH OF EACH MONTH. B h. a w. Snd si APPROVES HIGH SCHOOL COURSES Department of Education Fixe teen Cnlts as Reqolremnt For Graduation. Six- Frankfort, Ky., Oct 9. Announce ment vu made by the State Depart ment of Education that the accredit ing committee of th eKentucky Col lege Asoclatlon, which met here Fri day night, had approved the courses of study outlined for high school of Ken tucky. The Department of Education submitted the courses to deans of the various Kentucky colleges who were present at the meeting. The committee also announced that sixteen units hereafter will be re quired for graduation In any accredit ed high Bchoo) in the state. Interpretation of tho word "equiva lent" as related to college courses was given by the committee, the decision, according to the finally disposing of tho mooted question as to what Is the equivalent of a college course. "A college course," the decision adopted reads, "covers certain gener ally accepted subjects. A teacher may has mastered these subjects without having attended an approved Institu tion. Any teacher who has not at tended an approved Institution and who seeks credits on a subject In the prescribed course of an approved In stitution, may establish these credits on presentation of proof that he ac tually did this work In some school or schools, or upon examination." October 16th is the last da$ to dis count your telephone bill. 90ct7t ENGAGEMENT IS ANNOtNCED. Toledo newspapers announce the marriage of Mr. Clay Sulser Smith, eldoat son of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Smith of this city, and Miss Esther M. Hinde. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Hlndo, of Toledo, at the home of the parents. No. 2047 dreenwood avenue, Toledo, Tuesday of this week. Mrs. W. R. Smith, mother of the groom, left Sunday for Toledo to attend the wed ding. BIO WILL CASE BEING TRIED AT TANTEBURG. The attempt tx break the will of the William Glllfllllan In tho Lewis Cir cuit Court which has been In progress during the past several days and in continued today. The deceased left his entire estate to a nephew and his sis ter is attempting to break the will. At torney Jas. M. Collins, of this city, is representing tho plalntlc and Attorney A. D. Cole and others represent the defendant. Sam Middleman wants beef hides, will pay the highest cash price 20Jl-tf VICTR01A THE rU.HilTURE Hill PRESBYTERIANS WILL RAISE LARGE . FUND FOREDUCATIOII Sixteen Thousand Dollars Accepted as Local Church's Quota In Great Drive for a Million Dollars For Education. Large audlonces heard Dr. John C. Acheson, president of tho Kentucky College for Women, of Danville, apeak both morning and evening at the First Presbyterian church Sunday. Dr Acheson Is one of the greatest pulpit orators in tho state of Kentucky and both of his addresses Sunday were great. Sunday launched the great educa tional campaign to raise a million dol lars for Presbyterian colleges, In the local church and there was great in terest manifest throughout the day. In the afternoon the officers of the church held a meeting In which they acceptod the local church's quota of sixteen thousand dollars ($16,000). This amount of money will be contrib uted by the membership of the local church through the noxt four years, an executive committee was chosen composed of Messrs. It. A. Cochran, chairman, J. B. Wood. Clarence Mathews and Charles F. Wright. A complete canvass of the member ship of the church will be made Imme diately and the accepted quota raised In as short time as possible. THE "V SHOP Menu October 10th. Choice of Old Ham or Fried Chicken, Cream Gravy. Creole Potatoes Corn Pudding Hot Holl Tea or Coffee Head Lettuce with Thousand Island Dressing. Fruit Salad Meringue with Whipped Cream Banana Pie with Whipped Cream Caramel Fudge Sundae Chocolate Fudge Sundae Tomato Sandwiches ' Olive Sandwiches. HIGH SCHOOL I.TCEUM COURSE. Princejg Nadonis Indians Company, consisting of Princess Nadonis, poet snd writer, and three other Indians will be on the local High School plat form Tuesday evening, October 10th Get your tickets reserved at Kllgus Pharmacy. If you have no season ticket you may pet reserved seat ticket for 50 cents, children 35 cents. Tickets on sale Monday and Tuesday at Kllgus Pharmacv. Entertainment begins at 8 p. m. IMSM, n. I m SSL IU l.iEU lit NtltrUHl Invitation May Be Extended to Ken tucky Bakers to Meet la Mayiville Next Tear Loeal Baker Officer. . The annual convention of the Ken tucky Master Bakers' Association, opened at Newport Monday morning. It is expected that mora than 150 dele gates from various parts of the Blue Grass state will be in attendance. The headquarters will be at Hohmelster's Hotel on Monmouth street Anton Roth, Newport baker and chairman of the committee on ar rangements, announced that the prin cipal speakers will be Lawrence Van Matre, Manager of the industrial de partment of the Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce; E. C. Baum of New York City, and Gerald Billings, of Cleve land. There will be no afternoon ses sions as the delegates will attend the races at Latonla. Mayor Joseph Hermann or Bena min Sharpless, president of the New port Chamber of Commerce, will de liver the address of welcome. Jacob Hill, of Louisville, president of the state association, will respond. . Ar rangements have-been made to enter tain the women at the convention. Mr. W. H. Traxel, of the F. H. Traxel company, this city, is Treasurer of the state organization. It Is under, stood that the organization will be in vited to Maysvllle for their convention next year. FORMER RESIDENT DIES. Relatives here were advised of the death Sunday afternoon of Miss Ella Spencer, aged 56 years, at her home at Buena Vista, Ohio. The deceased was. a cousin of Mr. Frank Spencer, of this city. About 18 years ago Miss Spencer was a resident of Maysvllle but has re. cently been making her home with her cousin, Mr. G. W. Spencer at Beuna Vista. ATTENDS NATIONAL CONTENTION, Mr. George Kelsey, local manufac turer of rugs and flynets, left Sunday for New York City where he will at tend the national convention of rug and carpet, manufacturers being held there this week. MARY MORELAND. Tuesday the Pastime presents a big star, Marjorle Rambeau In the big special feature attraction "Marv More. land," a picture that will pleaie all, well acted. If you have read the story you will want to Bee the picture, special attraction for ladies. MR..CL6AMANPVE PURITY IS PARAMOUNT, OUR SERVICE SATES The sanitary equipment of our cleaning and pressing departments should make you feel confident of sat isfaction when you send a garment or a suit to us. We pay particular at tention to restoring the freshness of the clothes you send us. The Modern Laundry and Dry Cleaning Co. 81 East Second Street. Thone 163 W" nHSl GAME IN CHAMPION SERIES RESULTS IN TIE Darkness Stops Game Between Cyn thiana and Maysiille Sunday In Determining the Blue Grass League Champions. Cynthiana, Ky., Oct. 8. Cynthiana fought an uphill fight in the first game of the Blue Grass championship series here today and tied the score in the eighth inning, the game being called at the end of the ninth on account of darkness with the score 6 to 6. Bosken pitched good ball for Mays vllle until the eighth when he weak- ende, and this, coupled with errors, netted Cynthiana four runs. Monhol- len strengthened as the game pro gressed but was aided in the ninth by a running catch of Linden's with three on and two out, Connelley had a hard day. Rorer ran over him in the fourth inning when he blocked the plate and Seltz spiked him In the eighth, when he slip home. They got up fighting but were separated by the umpires and players. Cynthiana AB R H PO A E Brsmel, cf.... 5 1 1 2 0 0 Rorer, 2b 6 1 2 6 3 0 Seltz, fas 3 0 2 2 6 0 Schumnker, lb 5 0 2 8 0 0 Linden, rf 4 0 0 3 0 0 Barker, c 5.1 2 6 1 0 Reno, If 4 1 0 0 0 0 Farley, 3b 4 1 1 0 0 0 Monhollen, p 4 1 1 0 3 0 Totals 39 6 11 27 12 Maysvllle AB R H PO A Fortncr, cf 5 0 2 5 0 Harding, lb 5 1 1 10 0 Class, rf 3 2 3 1 0 Slayback, 2b. 3 1 0 3 2 Hurst, ss 1 0 0 0 0 Krcs8er, ss 3 0 0 2 3 Burman, 3b 5 1 3 2 1 Margerum, If 4 1 1 0 1 Connolley. c 3 0 1 4 1 Bosken. p. 3 0 1 0 2 Totals 35 6 12 27 10 3 Score by innings: R, Cynthiana 000110040 6 Maysvllle 30100200 0 6 Sacrifice hits, Linden, Slayback. Bosken; Two-base hits, Barker, Schu makor, Rorer; Base on balls, off Mon hollen 2, off Bosken 1; Struck out, by Monhollen 5, by Bosken 2; Left on bases, Maysvllle 9, Cynthiana 10; Oocuble play, Rorer to Schumaker; W'ld pitch, Monhollen; Hit by pitcher. hy Monhollen (Slayback, Kresser), by tiosKen ttieno) ; Time, 2. umpires, ells and Heber. ooeo$)0oooaoopoooooooooooooeooooo 0 THE HOME OFQUALITY CLOTHES g 1 Postpone All V10THFRS g Engagements 1 VI V- I 1 ILJaUo o o o o o o o o o o o o THE NEW SCHOOL SUITS ARE IN! AHEAD OF THE RUSH AND AHEAD OF THE REST A HEAD TALLER LECTION THAN WE'VE EVER BEEN FAMED FOR. NEW MODELS, NEW MATERIALS, AND HERE'S GOOD NEWS FOR FALL OUR BOYS' SUITS, WITH TWO PAIRS PANTS, ARE RIGHT HERE LET US SAY THAT NO STORE EVER PULLED HARDER OF VALUE TO BRING YO U THESE PRICES. D. Hechirififer 000000000000000000000001000006000000 There Is No Smarter Fall Cos tume Thao a Wool Street Frock YOU MAY SLIP INTO A ONE-PIECE FROCK AT A MOMENT'S NOTICE AND YET g IT COSTUMES YOU APPROPRIATELY FOR MOST ANY OCCASION FROM A MORN- q IN 0 SHOPPING TOUR TO A WEEK-END TRIP. ' O COAT DRESSES ARE CHARACTERIZED BY A SIDE FASTENING THAT PRO- O DUCES THE FASHIONABLE CROSS WISE DRAPE AND BLACK OF POIRET TWILLS, THESE STYLES ARE A GREAT FAVORITE OOOOOOOOOOOOIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOq SUNDAY WAS BIG DAY i AT BAPTIST REVIVAL ' Local Church Greatly Revived by Special Meetings Great Sermons By Evangelist on Sunday. Sunday was a great day at the Bap- j tis trevival with intense Interest being shown in all departments of the local church. Tho Sunday school attend ance was the largest In months and In every department of the school which has recently been graded, interest was high. Two very large audiences heard Evangelist Vines. The evening audi ence taxed the large church audi torium and it became necessary to open the gallery and place chairs in the aisles. The evangelist's sermons were powerful pleas for renewed in terest on the part of the church mem bership and for non-church members to accept salvation and align them selves with some church. Song leader Carter delighted his great audience Sunday morning with "The Prodigal Son" and Sunday eve ning with "The Lost Sheep." Mr. Car ter greatly pleased a large audience Saturday evening with the old fashion, ed "Bound for the Promised Land.' His delightful solos are winning for him a reputation among those who aro attending the revival. Services are continued this week at 2:30 and 7:30 o'clock and the public is invited to all services. ODD FELLOWS OFF TO ATTEND GRAND LODGE, Messrs. James Farrell, E. W. Hutch ison, Dr. S. R. Harover and Dr. J. A. Dodson, representing DeKalb Lodge, and Messrs. D. H. Harrison, I. M. Childs and R. M. Gaither, represent ing Ringgold Lodge of Odd Fellows left Monday afternoon for Richmond, Ky., to attend the Grand Lodge cf Odd Fellows which is opening for Its an nual session in that city Tuesday. MASONIC NOTICE. Stated communication of Maysvllle Lodge, Xo. 62, F. & A. M., will meet Monday evening at 7 o'clock at Ma sonic Temple. All brothers are urged to be present as there is business of improtance. Vlcltlng brethren will be made welcome. Work in M. M. degree. ERNEST GARDNER. W. M. C. P. RASP, Secretary. POLICE COURT. In City Court Saturday afternoon Charles Sera and William Darnall were each fined one dollar and costs ' by Judge Harry C. Curran on charges of permitting stock to run at large on the public highway. NEW FRIGES (Incorporated) $10.95 to $49.75 MERZ BROS. h KENTUCKY BANKER FOUND A SUICIDE . INJSMALL LAKE Business pressure Thought to Have Been the Cause of the Suicide of William A. Stinnett Sunday Afternoon. Madisonville, Ky., Out. 9. The body of William A. Stlnnr't, 50 years old, millionaire banker and lumberman of Whitesburg, was found floating on the Earlington Lake, Sunday afternoon by M. L. Locke, of Madisonville, member of a duck-hunting party. Stinnett went to Earlington Friday morning with R. T. Davis, manager of the Madisonville branch of the Stand ard Oil Company. He asked the direc tion to the lake and loit Davis. So far as is known, Davis was the last man to see him alive. A verdict of - suicide was rendered by a coroner's Jury. Examination of the body showed that it had been In the water for two or three days. Stinnett was president of the Stin nett Motor Company of Madisonville, vice president of the Bank of Whites burg, and a large stockholder in the Mengel Box Company of Louisville. He owned 7,500 acres of timber lands In Mississippi and a $30,000 home In Whitesburg. Associates attributed his suicide to, business worries. He had been a part ner of Berry Evans in business ven tures since early youth. Mr. Evans has been in poor health for the last year, and the burden of the business fell on Stinnett's shoulders. A $250 diamond stud, a diamond ring, and S200 found on the body, to gether with lack Tf any signs of vio lence, strengthen the suicide theory, police here say. Clyde Bell, of Owensboro, brother in-law of Stinnett, arrived here to night and will accompany the body to Whitesburg. Stinnett is survived by his widow and two small daughters. MB. ANDERSON IMPROVES. Reports from the bedside of Mr. Langhorn Tabb Anderson, who is a patient at the Jewish Hospital Cin cinnati, are to the effect that he 1b now improving. This will bo very good news to his many local friends who hope for his speedy and complete re covery. BOARD TO MEET. The City Mission Board will meet at the Mission rooms on Tuesday, Oc- tober 10 at 3 o'clock MISS PRATHER, Supt, o SELEO- O o o o o UP, AND $ THE OATS O o $8, ON o & CoJ f o o o o o o o o o o IN NAVY, COCOA, BROWN,