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fpig Weather Unsettled with ahowera tonight ana tomorrow. EDITION i Volume XXX No. 168. MAYSVXLXJS, XY MONDAY, OCT. 16, 1922. TSi COPT TWO CKKTt I BAND AND MASTER COMPLIMENTED BY WESTERN PAPER Paper PubUsbed In Former Home of Mr. Barnard, Praises Cardinal Hand and Their Leader. ,The Dally Ardmorlte, October 7th, 1922, of Ardmore, Okla., lays: Thoie who take Interest In things musical In Ardmore, may be Interested In learning that a former bond master who worked here for some time, has been doing great things In orgunislng a band of nation wldo reputation, since leaving Ardmoro and from press notices the organization has recolvcd It Is evidently a wonderful musical aggregation. The band In question Is the Ken tucky Cardinal Hand of Maysvlllo, Ky., composed of 45 boys under the direc tion of George D. llurnard. an aggre gation that Is recognized ns the best of its kind In the I'nlted States. The band has Jut completed en gagements at tho Ohio State Fair at Columbus. Ohio, and at tho Blue Grass Fair at Islington, Ky., and press notices from papers In both places are extremoly flattering. Mr. Barnard w ho is rated as a com poser and arranger with Sousa, Pryor, King, Vundor Cook, and other of like calibre, has Just composed a new march dedicated to Governor Morrow of Kentucky that Is bolug wldoly played throughout the country, A recent program rendered by the band shows that it has developed the A. R. C. class, as nothing but the best standard overtures and selections were Included. Mr. Barnard has many friends Ardmore who will rejoice at the sue cets he has achieved In putting Mays vlllo on tho musical map. October 16 Is tbe last day to discount yoor telephone bllL 90ct7t oooocoooo o ooooooooo o CALORIC H-KAtS USE GAS O O o o o o o o o o o o o The Caloric Plpeless Furn aces ar adapted (or uaeotO gas. Tboy bare a gas burner built In tbe fire bowL Ton don't bate to make any changes to use either gas or cost. We ran make prompt dcllt- n. C. L. MAINS CO. OOOOOOOOO O OOOOOOOOO FLEMING (IKCl'IT HURT. OPENS TEIIM TODAY. Circuit Judge C. D. Newell went to Flemlngsburg Monday morning open the fall term of the Fleming Clr cult Court. There Is a very large dock et for this term and the criminal dock' et Includes two murder cases. BAPTISMAL SERVICE CLOSES REVIVAL, Tho revival at the First Baptist church which has been in progress for tho past two weeks was brought to close Spnday evening with baptismal service. The ordinance was admlnls terod by the pastor, llcv. John A. Dnvls before a largo audience. CARDS TAKE FIRST TWO IN CONTEST OVER JAGUE RAG Maysville Gets Out In Front In Race for Championship By Winning Both Saturday and Sunday From Cynthlana. In I H. S.L0GES AGAIN TOJLHGSBURG Local GHddera Unable to Cross Fleas- ingsburg's Line and Jnst as Unable To Hold Their Squad. Beef again triumphed over pluck Saturday when the Maysvllle High School grldders went down to defeat 31 to 0 at the hands of the big "Red" eleven representing Flemlngsburg High. The local are still handicapped by the absence of several of their biggest men and were unable to hold the line plunging of their opponents Tbe local pulled off several long gains by means of their open game and at the end of the first half were In the hndows of the goal posts. Scoro: 1 2 3 4 T. Flemlngsburg 7 6 6 1231 Maysvlllo 0 0 0 0 0 Officials: Referee, Jim 8erver, Lex ington; Umpire Dudley, Flemlngs burg; Head linesman, Dudley Flem lngsburg. TONIGHT AT THE WASHINGTON THEATER. Harry Shannon's Players, that good old excellent show will open their en gagement for a three-night stand at our playhouse and feel sure that a packed house will greet them. The opening play, "The Marriage of Oeraldlne" has been their opening play all season, and It's been proven on of the best plays In tbe Shannon reper toire. It affords all the members of the cast a wonderful chance to get woven Into the good will of the the ater lovers, It having a strong story, good fast comedy, with plenty of claasy costumes. Tbe vaudeville between the acta Is a little above the average. The Shan non orchestra, along Is strong enough to feature as a headline act. They play from the latest Jazz music to opera. Many of your old favorites are still with the Shannons and the new faces with the show are sure to make them selves solid with you. WASTED Second-hand books for City Mission night school. Grades from first to six. call or leave at Mission rooms. tf MISS SADIE T. PRXTHER, 8upt FEDERAl'COrBT' OPENS AT COVINGTON TO DAT, The District Federal Court for the Eastern district of Kentucky opened at Covington for tho regular fall term Monday morning with Judge A. M. J. Cochran, of this city, presiding. This promises to be the busiest session of Fedoral court held in Covington for many a day because of the large num ber of criminal cases, the most of which are for Infractions of tho prohi bltlon laws. Mr. J. C. Rains, of this city, Is a member of the Federal grand Inrv At thlfl term. J-. V BUTS MORGAN RES- r-yv After defeating Cynthlana, winners of the last half of tho Blue Grass league season, by a score of 7 to 6, Saturday, the Maysvllle Cardinals came back on Sunday and repeated tbe dose by a score of 6 to 6 thereby tak Ing a running lead In the contest for the championship. The Cardinals came from behind In the ninth Inulng nod put across a two run rally which won the contest. Blakefield batted for McClure and walked. Hurst ran for Brakefleld and wont to third on Harding's hit. Bos' kon's fly scored Hurst and Class singled to right scoring Harding. The score: Cynthlana AB R H PO A E Phillips. 3b 5 1 1 0 2 0 Rorer, 2b 6 1 3 1 2 1 Seltz, sb 3 1 1 2 2 1 Schumacher, lb 5 1 2 8 0 0 Linden, rf 4 1 1 2 0 0 Bramol. cf 4 0 1 3 0 2 Reno, If 4 0 1 2 0 1 Barker, c 4 0 1 7 0 0 Long, n 4 0 0 0 3 0 Totals 38 6 1125 9 6 Maysvllle AB R H PO A E Harding, lb 4 2 2 12 1 1 Bosken, cf 3 1 1 6 0 0 Class, rf S 1 3 0 0 0 Slaybock. 2b 4 0 0 0 3 0 Kresser, ss 4 0 2 0 2 3 Burman, 3b 3 0 O S 1 0 Margerum, If 3 0 0 2 0 0 Connolly, c 4 1 0 6 1 0 McClure, p 3 0 0 0 4 1 t Brakefleld 0 0 0 0 0 0 SHurst 0..1 0 0 0 0 0 MEN SHOOT EACH OTHER; BOTH EXPECTED TO DIE Scioto, Ohio, County Fanner and Mer. chant In Argument Over Tresspass ing Pigs Are Both Shot. Portsmouth, Ohio, Oct It. James Compton, 66 years old, and James DanlelB, 39, Mount Joy, Ohio, mer chant, are In a critical condition as the result of a gun fight at Compton's home Sunday morning. An argument over an -Invasion by pigs Into Compton's corn field Is said to have led to the shooting. Daniel's pigs entered the Compton premises early Sunday nnd Compton fired at them, police were told. Dan iels then went to 'the Compton home and, following an argument, struck Compton, Compton's wife told officers. Compton, It Is said, drew a revolver and shot Daniels twice. Daniels wrest ed the gun from Compton and shot him twice, officers said. Both men are expected to die. YOUNG GIRL FOUND SLAIN IN BED ROOM OF HERJjWN HOME Sweetheart Held for Her Murder Bruises on Body Indicate That She Had Been Bun Over By Buggy. LLOYD GECTGE FACES ANOTHER CRISIS Resignation of Primes Minister or His. solution of Parliament In England Predicted. TAURAXT AND GBOCEBT. Sherman Arn Saturday sold the res taurant and grocery of Mrs. R. P. Mor gan, located In the Davia property at Second and Commerce streets, Fifth ward, to Miss Minnie Sproemberg, After the store has received a new, modern front and is enlarged Miss Sproemberg will move her grocery from the Blanchard property to this location. NEW ATTEND MASONIC GRAND LODGE AT LOl lSVILLE. S. P. Browning, Treasurer of the Orphans' Educational Fund, A. G. Sul- ser, member of the Million Dollar committee and Grand King of the Grand Chaper, C. O. Gault. represent ing Maysvllle Lodge No. 52 F. & A. M., C. P. Rasp, representing Maysvllle Chapter No. 9 R, A. M., and C. E. Pet erson representing Maysvllle Council No. 36 R. & S. M., left Monday morn ing for Louisville to attend the annual meeting of the Masonic Grand Lodge of Kentucky, tbe Grand Chapter and the Grand Council which will be In session In that city this week. fcSUUl Aner Totals 33 6 8 27 12 S 'One out when winning run was scored "In ninth. tBatted for McClure In ninth. Ran for Brakefleld. Summary Two-base hits, Bosken, Class, Undcn, Schumacher; Three- b-M hits, Phlllipsr BratneU Schumach er; Sacrifice hits, Harding, Bosken, Soltz; Stolen bases, Seltz; Struck out, by McClure 6, by Long 6; Base on balls, off McClure 1, off Long 4; Double plays, McCluro to Harding to Burinun; Left on bases, Maysvllle 8, Cynthlana 8; Time, 1:60; Umpire, Wells. Canned Now arriving daily. LIBBY'S ASPARAGUS TIPS, PACK Ooods I PEAS, 'CORN, TOMATOES, October 16 Is tbe last day to discount your telephone bill. 90ct7t NEW ORANGEBURG SCHOOL OPENED MONDAY. MORNING. The attractive new Orangeburg school was opened for use the first time Monday morning. The building which was erected by general con tractor J. C. Simons, this city. Is one of the most attractive school buildings In Mason county. It Is a two story brick structure with an auditorium, six large class rooms and a basement. The building is modern In every re spect and the people of the Orange burg neighborhood have a right to be nroud of it. Prof. Damplor Is the principal. T0LLESB0R0 CITIZEN DIED 8 ATI RI) AY. Mr. Atyner F. Hord, aged 70 years, died Saturday afternoon lute at the home of his daughter, Mrs. C. C. Bane, of Tollesboro, after an Illness of two weeks of pneumonia. Mr. Hord was a very prominent farmer. Dr. W. H. Hord, O. J. Hord, and R. T. Hord, of this county are brothers and Mrs. A. R. Howard, of the county, is a sister. Dr. Winn Hord and Dr. A. O. Taylor, of this city, are nephews. Funeral was held Monday morning at the Olivet church and burial was made at Olivet October 16 Is the last day to discount your telephone bill. 90ct7t WILL WEI) TUESDAY. Marriage license was issued Mondnv by County Clerk A. M. Jams ' ry to Mr. John M. Fritz, aged 32, an ! .Vi Mnry L. Feltus, aged 28, both of Maysvllle. They will be married at St. Patrick's church Tuesday morning. Bedford, Ky., Oct. 16. Tandy Law, 24 years old, was arrestod today and charged with the murder of his 16- year-old sweetheart, Thelma Chandler, whose body was found Saturday night ou her bud in her home. With Law the girl witnessed a base. ball game In Sulphur Saturday after- uuon. Ho then left with her. in a buggy, It was lute at night wlieu Samuel Chandler, the girl's father, returned homo. He investigated to see that all of his children were In bud. Thelma was dead. Her body, fully clothed, had been dragged across the floor before It was tossed on the bed. The girl's hat was In place, her cape was neatly ar ranged ou her, but a corner of the carpet was upturned and chairs had been moved from their customary places. Evidence was found that she also had hen dragged across the porch. Sunday afternon an autopsy was performed. They found bruises on the body evidently made, they said, by horse's hoofs and the steel rim of buggy wheel. Tho victim had suffer ed internal Injuries and a ruptured heart In seeking a motive for the crime, investigators learned Law had been calling on the girl for some time, de spite her father's wishes. She, they added, soon would have become mother. cnorts to trace the girl's move ments from tbe time she left the base ball game so far have ben without sue coss. Law, who lives In Sulphur and at times Is employed as a mall carrier snld the first news he had of his sweet hearts death was received Sunday morning. At that time he was notified fhat he was wanted for her murder. Law declared he left the Chandler home nt 6 o'clock. Bloodhounds were used Sunday in an effort to determine whether the girl was thrown from a buggy, and at what point in the road. London, Oct. 16. Premier David Lloyd George's resignation or dissolu tion of Parliament may come any day this week, it was learned on high au thority today. Austen Chamberlain, nominal leader of the Unionist party, called a con ference of Unionist members of the government to consider the crisis. Upon the outcome of this meeting of Conservatives today depends the date of the coming general election, now considered inevitable. With friends and enemies of the prime minister clashing In the press over the government's near eastern policy, the Issue will be put squarely up to the people, It was believed. "We are on the eve of a general election," many of the newspapers both pro and antl-Georglan, assert B, A. M. NOTICE. Regular monthly convocation of Maysvllle Chapter No. 9 R. A. M. will bo held at the Masonic Temple Mon day evening at the usual hour. All Companions are Invited. Visitors made welcome. EAST END RESIDENCE SOLD. At administrator's sale Saturday af ternoon the Arthur home in East Sec ond street was purchased by Mr. Slier. man Am for a client at $5,600. MAGISTRATE'S COURT. "Squire Fred W. Bauer Is holding his regular monthly term of civil court at his office In the court house Monday NOTICE. Mr. Yazell Is no longer connected with the Modern Laundry having rc- sined his position with that firm. v' GOES TO LEXINGTON. , V He Mr. John W. Mathews, sporting ed itor of the Public Ledger, left Monday for Lexington where ho has accepted a position with the R. J. Reynolds To bacco Company for the winter months. October 16 Is the last day to discount your telephone bill. 90ct7t Colonel Langhorn Tabb Anderson who has been a patient at the Jewish Hospital, Cincinnati, is reported to be improving most satisfactorily and was enabled to sit up for the first time for an hour Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Thelse Owens, Mr. and Mrs. Cbas. E. Curran and Mr. Madison Lindsay motored to Serpent Mound, Adams county, Ohio, Monday. STATE WILL PUSH EXAMINATION INTO DOUBLE MURDER Special Investigator To Be Assigned To Unravel Murder of New Jersey Minister and Wife Of His Sexton. New Brunswick, N. J., Oct. 16. A hired gang of experienced crlmnals, led by an expert gunman and accom panied by a woman who hated the sex ton's wife, but lovod the pastor, con ducted the double murder of Rer. Ed ward Wheler Hall and Mrs. Eleanor Mills ou September 14, la the belief of a majority of those investigating the- case. From letters placed In the hands of the authorities by Charlotte Mills, motherless victim of the tragedy, and from the fact that the preacher and woman answered mysterious tele phone calls, the Investigators, while awaiting appointment of a single head to their activities, agreed the murder was planned In advance. The attorney general of New Jersey was expected to name today a man to supersede the present prosecutor. Detective George Tooten, who haa been on the case from the start, pub licly expressed the arch-criminal theory, and said that within a few days the public would see he was right KANT HEAR PROMINENT PRESBIXERIAN EDUCATOR. There were large audiences at the First Presbyterian church Sunday both morning and evening to hear Dr. Vandor Meulen, president of the Pres byterian Theological seminary. Dr. Vander Meulen is one of the best speakers heard in Maysvllle In many a day and his visit to our city was greatly enjoyed. MAGAZINE FAKIRS SOUGHT BY PUBLISHERS. A representative of a large eastern magazine puMishing house was In Maysvllle Monday on the search of a .party of fakirs who were thought to be headed this way. This party haa been soliciting subscriptions for the publishers' magazines and keeping the money thereby defrauding both pub lisher and subscriber. Miss Ida D. Wall has returned home after a visit of some months with her niece, Mrs. H. L. Myer, In Alabama. Y. W. A. MEETS. Tho Young Woman's Auxiliary of the First Baptist church will hold Its Leslie Coulter was cleared of a ' regular monthly meeting at the church charge of "skipping" his board bill In Monday evening at 7 o'clock. All City Court, Monday afternoon. members are expected to attend. JOOOOOOaeOOQOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOr o THE HOME OF QUALITY CLOTHES PEACHES AND APRICOTS Also BEST line of FRESH VEGETABLES to be had in town. DINGER BROS. LEADING; RETAXLXBS A Friend in Need Oivo your Saving Account regular attention and in future yean it will be your beat friend. In aickneai or health, in good timea or la hard times, it will not fail you. A friend who will bring the doctor, pay the grocer, eduoate your children, and continue to protect tad care I ( for your family after you are gone, - Let M introduce you to erery man'i beit friend. , . SAVINGS DEPARTMENT 07 THE ESTATE NATIONAL BANK LOSES RIGHT HAND LN BRICK MACHINERY. Mr. Clarence GInn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Huff GInn, of the East End, suffered tbe loss of his right hand Monday morning when his hand was caught in a machine at the Maysvllle Brick Company's plant where he was employed. Amputation was necessary, all of the fingers being badly torn and mashed. MR..CLeANANpye PURITY IS PARAMOUNT, OUR SEBYICE SITES The sanitary equipment of our cleaning and pressing departments should make you feel confident of sat isfaction when you send a garment or a suit to us. We pay particular af tentlon to restoring the freshness of the clothes you aend us. The Modern Laundry and. Dry Cleaning Go. SI last Second Street Tboue 163 3 $ o o o o o o o o o o o W!iiiip.raFiri a A COMBINATION OF EVERY FINE FABRIC AND SMART DESIGNING MAKES THESE WHIPCORDS THE SUIT OF THE HOUR. YOUNGER MEN LIKE THEM FOR SPORT OR BUSINESS WEAR. THEY'RE NEW; LONG WEARING ; GOOD LOOKING. WE ARE SHOWING THEM IN THE NEW GOOD SHADES. THEY'RE TREMENDOUSLY POPULAR. THEIR PRICDXG IS VERY MODEST. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o SEVERAL FANS MOTOR TO CYNTHIANA TODAY. Several local tans accompanied the Cardinals to Cynthlana Monday where they will play the third game In the post season series to determine the championship of tho Blue Grass league Maysvllle fans are very hopeful of see ing the league pennant floating over tbe local ball field all of next season. CHIEF MACKEY ON THE JOB. Chief of Police James Mackey, who baa boen very 111 for the past two months took charge of the local force again Monday. While tbe chief Is not fully recovered, be Is enabled to han dle the office dutlos and supervise the operations of tbe department His many friends hope that hla return to his desk will help In hla entire re covery. NOTARY PUBLIC QUALIFIES. In the Mason County Court Monday B. B, Kldwsll produced hla commis sion from the governor as notary pub llf and he quallMod aa suoh with H. T. Asbury and Prank Colllna aa sure. Us on bond. gD. Hechinger & Co. v (lncorporaiea) q OOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOCIOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGK500Bf:&OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCO0000 o o o 0 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o it? I I f u I n f i r I i OUR RACKS AUK CROWDED. THERE ARE BOL1VIAS, NOMAND1ES, GERONA CLOTH, MARVELLA, ETC. DRAPED STYLES, FLARE STYLES, STRAIGHT STYLES,, CIRCULAR STYLES, EMBROIDERED STYLES. FUll COLLARS OF SQUIRED, BEAVER, CARICUL, MOLE, FOX AND WOLF. SLEEVE VARIATIONS "ARE A , WHOLE BIO FASHION STORY. TUCKED SLEEVES, SHIRRED SLEEVES, BALL-DANG-LINO SLEEVES, EMBROIDER1ED SLEEVES, FLARED SLEEVES, BUTTERFLY SLEEVES. ALL SIZES AND FROM VartHsItaaV BSlBieWia H3 32!ac2 O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o oOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOQ 0 r