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I - - tki maysvillS mite urxsfcat AQa two. Last Two Days,' Friday and Saturday l'liBLlCfjfLEDGElt Kvery Afternoon u4 JKermlag Kx iopt 8sday By 1HK LEDUEJl PUBLISHING CO. At the PaMie Ledger Baneieg. Third gtraei. 0! X! )i Anniversary Entered at the Tost Office, Mjt Till as Secoae Class 1111 Mat-tor. aHWH .fit, mwa- , jUii - -.... .y-. nip n o2 11 Clarence Mathews... Editor and Mgr. 1 COMMENT a E The Falmouth Outlook has given a boutlful tribute to the pawpaw. Now the Big Sandy News should have some thing to say in honor of sorghum. x We have beard of many church choir scandals and have also heard ot many scandals involving the preach ers but it took the town of New Bruns wick, N. J., to put a combination of the scandals and a double murder in to the newspapers of the whole world. s The police of 'Indianapolis are en tirely too active and Mayor Lew Shank is attempting to call a halt. In few cities throughout the nation this Is the case. In Chicago, the Mayor cant get his police to make arrests and there are more cities like Chicago than like Indianapolis: x Forty-eight additional indictments have been returned by a grand Jury in their investigation of tho Herrin, 111., massacre when 23 men were shot down like rats during the recent min ers' strike. Public sentiment demand ed the grand jury Investigation and public sentiment will demand the pun ishment of the murderers. x Isn't it strange that the other fellow sometimes talks like he knows more about your business than you do? Did you ever catch yourself telling some one bow Bill Jones should run his business? My, wouldn't it be great if we could all attend to our own busi ness and let the other fellow do the same? 1 Wo feel sorry for the kiddies who are trying to learn the "Star Spangled Banner." We well remember the learning of the National song as one of the biggest jobs of our school days. x The next big football game of inter est in these parts is the game between Kentucky University and Centre. Uni versity sympathizers are expecting the squad representing the state institu- Centre, recognized as one of the best football squads in the South. X Much has been said in the local churches recently about Missions and liberal contributions have been made by local churchmen to clothe, feed, ed ucate and Christianize the Chinese and other foreigners. This is as it should be but we just can't help but think of our own little Maysville kiddies who, are calling on the City Mission for winter clothing every day. .. Let's take a greater interest in helping to clothe, feed educate and Christianize them. x The value of newspaper publicity was thoroughly demonstrated here a few nights ago. A very distinguished Australian delivered a lecture at a local church. The newspapers were not used to advertise the lecture and there were less than twenty-five peo ple in attendance. x Be careful. Don't get excited. A Cin cinnati man, watching, from the shore, a uuui race at Cincinnati a lew days ago, became so excited when he saw two speed boats col lido that he jumped into the river and was drowned. A clever young lover was Tee The girls welcomed him with great glee His friend asked him why And he winked his eye Said "The ice creas' good at T-G" And Wherever T-G Ice Cream Goes its welcome is assured. Good ice cream is nutritious Good ice cream is healthful Good ice cream is a food. T-G Ice dream is good Ice Cream Have you served it lately? Traxel Glascock Co. , (UeorporaUd.) I i THE HOME FOLKS Ffcsna 325 5-Ply Genuine ALADDIN CORD TIRES 30x3 VL Guaranteed $7.75 Each $29.00 for 2 for $15.00 Set of Four Only 8 tires left. Money back if not satisfactory. MEN'S UNION SUITS 98c Each BOYS' UNION SUITS 89c. Each Genuine ELGIN OIL STOVES $5.98 Each. Regular value $8. Only 0 left This Sale Onlv. Millinery Choice of any Trimmed Hat in the store $2.79 Each. Cnnkie Department GINGER SNAPS 8c Pound SUGAR WAFERS 10c y2 Pound FIG BARS 10c Pound ONLY TWO THIS WONDERFUL SALE. "SECOND HAXD BOSE" OF IBISH ASCESTBT . . . Tka oiri of the nonular song sensa tion "Second Hand Rose," was an Irish I waif brought up by a Jewish family in j a nawnshop, so it seems rom Gladys Walton's Universay pictunzauon 01 me molody story being shown at the Pas- time Theater Thursday. i .tmoanhere the natural msn instinct had about as much chance for . , . iwi of refullte fish uavciujuivu "13' 1 nHth" nlcnic The Jewish family In question was 1 lu ""w. 6.. about as well supplied with material j troops also will make a Memorial Pil- again be one of the chief features of 1th the party who ate crumbs grlmage to some o fthe points where ' tho observance of the Chief Scout Cit Inder somebody's table in one of the 1 "Roosevelt trees' have already been Izen's birthday. As In previous years. ' headline stories (planted, a procedure which will also th eexpedition will be under the lead- All DOo'rRoBie got was second band. jbe followed in Hartford, Conn., andershlp of the National Scout Commis, Prom clothes to husband-to-be-, every- ; elsewhere where troes have been sionor.Daniel Carter Beard, and will thine had been used before and pretty : planted by scouta in previous years. include scouts and scout leaders for 1 thad the shine worn off Cincinnati Scouts will make a pil-1 a considerable radius around Greater near y a ' try I m mra fn Urtiitit Ctnrm who.. ,tn.a VnrV PprKnilw rnnrli. a Vi ni 1 If a few million peoplo in the woria had been deaf the nast year or so and wl a Pwnouc memorial service isana scouis ana omciais win panici unable to Lear the popular piece writ- outdoors. Granite City, 111., council j pate in the pilgrimaKe, which wjil take ten by Grant Clarke aid James E. ley, published by Shapiro, and Company and played wnerever mn.tA mis MfiMnd Hand Rose" ought to still have a pretty fair chance to be a knockout lust because of the ; unusual character of it. As it is the j song has Introduced Rose to the world 1 and she comes to the screen heralded by a syncopated ovation. Lloyd Ingraham directed the filming . of "Second Hand Rose," with Jack Dougherty 1 nthe lead opposite Miss . Walton. ! BOX SC0CT8 OBSEKTE BOOSETEirS BIRTHDAY. Boy Scouts throughout the country will again this year observe the birth da yof their Chief Scout Citizen, Theo dore Roosevelt This observance will take the form of patriotic, mass meet ings, outdoor and indoor, with appro priate speeches and ceremonials, the planting of memorial trees, the dedi cation of scout cabins, and so forth. As usual the emphasis will be placed by the leaders not only on fittingly memorallzlng the man who conform ed so closely to the scout Ideal of manhood, "physically strong, mental ly awake and morally straight." dedi cated to God and country, but also on th ereeponsibllitles of citizenship, which belong to boys as well as to men. As James E. West, Chief Scout Ex ecutive, wrote recently to scout load ers all over the United States tat urg ing this National observance of the anniversary, "The two thoughts ani mating the demonstrations are, first, to do honor and to keep alive (he mem ory of a great American and a good Scout, who kept the Scout Oath and Law himself, and secondly, to Inspire Scouts and the public generally with a desire to be better eitlzens, remember ing that 'such as these have lived and died'." The celebration has the en dorsement of the Roosevelt family and of the Roosevelt Memorial Association, looal branches ot which organization will co -op rats In many oases with eout councils In observing the dsr. Reports coming In from the field In answer to a questionnaire sent out from the National Counoll Headquar ters indicate an even grsatab snthusU ftsm and more etnslve observance ibso la previous fears. The following MEN'S ELK WORK SHOES Kxceptionally Big Value $1.98 Pair MEN'S ROLL COLLAR SWEATERS Extra Weight A Few Left At 98c Each AUTO SPOT LIGHT $2.50 Each This Sale Only. Regular Price $4,50 earh. DAYS MORE samples of programs already definite ly planned will serve to show the na- jture or the cciitri-tlon which will be conducted under scout auspices throughout the naUon: Wilwaukee. Wisconsin, troops will j - court or Honor, win ex-uovernor ! 1 TL" 7" ". " i- turgn, r. eacn troop or tne c.ty wi 1 , ike a hike, culminating in the plant- : 1 a . . 1 . luS u mac vimum irecs, lue uvea . ... . 7 . .. ' . . . Han-(P'au8 " ' mum, mery boj Onrumt Onnn t lagilai anil yiAiinill mam. I ber and many friends participating I in the hike. In Maiden, Massachusetts, all the scouts of the city together with I LVhat education and common sense are) doing tor I it SUGAR Domino Sugar Genuine NEPONSET RUGS Guaranteed by Bird & Co. This sale onlv I 1 6x9 Sixe 9x12 Size ! $6.29 $10.98 i Sold on a Guarantee OF parents and friends, and the general public will assemble in the high school where a Scout Court of Honor will be combined with a memorial program. In Glens Falls, N. Y., Menominee, Mich., and in many other places the scouts themselves will be the chief speakers .either at schol sessions or public gatherings. ROOSEVELT XEMOKIAL PILGRIMAGE. 1 fl.. v. : a . . . n i Till I - .A xiiu imru nuimni xru&i iiuaso w r . T " . 7 ... . , piwe omuraay. uciuuer ln, la oroer tria. anrinnl Ititlaa mav nnt li i Int.,. . rerred with. As In previous years it is expected that a group of "Buckskin Men'' all old friends of the late Col thousands Ml THOUSANDS of people are learning that they cannot drink coffee or tea at supper time and get a good night's sleep. Experience has taught these men and women to recognize that the caffeine in both coffee and tea is often responsible for a wakeful, restless night, and a nervous "next day." If you have reason to believe that coffee or tea is causing your headaches, insomnia or nervousness, why not drink rich, refreshing Posfum instead. Postum is the delicious golden-brown cereal beverage that many former coffee-drinkers prefer for its satisfying flavor alone. Ask your grocer today for Postum and begin serving this delicious beverage at meal times and see how well vou like it Postum comes in two forms.- Instant Postum (in tins) prepared in stantly in the cup by the addition of boiling water. Postum Cereal (in packages, for those who prefer to make the drink while the meal is being prepared) made by boiling fully twenty minutes. "There's a Reason" for PoStlll Made by Postum Cereal Co, Inc., Battle Creek, Michigan I ONE LOT OF LADIES' DRESSES l'luin and fancy trimmed, Can ton Crepe, Tricotines, Poiret Twill These are regular $23.00 values. This sale only $14.98 Each Friday! 4 Pounds 25c onel, will be among the pilgrims to the lived shrine, clad in the picturesque garb which -seems to bring America's pioneer past to life again. There will be a brief ceremony at the grave, dur ing which the Commissioner will place a memorial wreath and the scouts will recite their Ooath and Law. This an nual pilgrimage is becoming more of an tvent each year and ischaracter ized by a dignity and reverence which leaves an indelible Impression upon th eminds of all participating, part', ularly upon those youngsters in khaki, to whom Roosevelt Is still the ideal hero as well as the Ideal citizen. MEMORIAL CABIN. The plan to erect a Roosevelt Me morial Cabin at Oyster Bay In repro duction of that occupied b ythe Col onel, wher he was a ranchman In the badlands of Dakota, promulgated dur ing last year's observance ot the Roosevelt birthday, is Btlll going for ward and was the subject ot much fa vorable discussion at the recent Scout Executives' Conference at Blue Ridge, J. C. The project will be put through in co-operation with the Roosevelt L. R. STE 100 Pure Virgin Wool COMFORTABLES Extra Large Size $5.49 Each Only Six Left. . Ladies' and Child's COMFY SLIPPERS 89o Pair Big Values Pure BLISS COFFEE . ... 28c lb. pkg. MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE 38c Pound Can New Style GILLETTE SAFETY RAZOR Regular This sale $5.00 value At $3.49 6 FT. WINDOW SHADES 390 Each OH. MOPS WITH HANDLE 59c Each MEN'S OVERALLS, Big Value 98 Each 1EL GOoc ImCo Memorial Association. It Is suggested that the logs from which the cabin is to be made shall be supplied by scouts j from all over the country, represent ing every state in the Union, an ar rangement eminently suitable for a movement which baa its membership, 550,000 strong, in every city and near ' ly every town and hamlet in the Unit j ed States and all dedicated to the same I outdoor life, the some sturdy manll- nest of character, the same virile clt i ixenahlp which are associated with Theodore Roosevelt. WIFE AJfD PET DOG LEFT tMO ESTATE BT WILL. LoulBvllle. When writing his will April 20. 1921, James L. Qulsenberry. The Liberty Warehouse unii - . & i i . . . . .. ' - nu uiuat wnauuj om opened io receive, nanoie and sen jour 1922 non-pooled crop of tobacco. CASH will be PAID for every crop sold. WATCH for the opening date to be announced soon in the Pnblio Led. Representatives of all tbe big dealers and manufacturers will be on our gales. . . . , The Liberty Warehouse C. M. JONES, Sales Manager. WfffF To f mm ere The tax list is now in my hands for collection. Don't put off paying your taxes until the last minute. Take no chance of having the penalty added. C. M. DEVORE Sheriff Mason County. 10-Qt. Genuine ALUMINUM BUCKETS 50c Each Regular l)8o values. PnXSBURY'S FLOUR 24'2 Pound Sack $1.05 Imported Japanese FANCY WORK BASKETS 5 sizes and priced At 10c, 19c, 49c, 79c, 98c. At 10c, 19c, 49c, 79c, 98c, Each This Sale Only CANTON CREPE Big Value $1.69 Yard of Worthlngton, had two faithful friends in mind, bis wife and his dog. according to the Instrument probated In the county court. "Everything I possess is to be used tor my wife, Cecil Punk Qulslnberry, and my dog Snooks Mr. Qulslnberry said. The widow qualified as adminbitrattrix of the es tato which is valued r.t $5,500. Try a Ledger Want 14. It Para. JOHN W. PORTER & SON FUNERAL DIRECTORS Office Thone 37 Home Thong M 17 East Second Street MAYIVTLT.K . KENTTJCXV