Newspaper Page Text
'' WEAKER'' Fair nd warmer tonight and lomoi". . . J, ..U. Willi Volume XXX No. 179.. MAYSVILLE, KY SATURDAY, OCT. 28, 1922. tz;A OSE COPT TWO CKHTt AFTERNOON EDITION WOMEN'S CLUB GIVES DELIGHTFUL PROGRAM FRIDAY Play and Style Show Proves'Ono "of the Moot Plowing Entertainments of the Kind Ever (llten In Maysville. The one-act playctte and style ro- j view given at the Washington Thontor Friday evening by the Dramatic Com mittee of (he Mason County Woman' Club was one of tho niot-t pleasing en tertainments given In Maysvlllo In a long time. The theator was well filled and everyone was more than pleased with the splendid entertainment. The one-act playetto "Joint-Owners In Spain" was far above the ordinary and the characters were all good. The style review was a most pleasing pre sentation of living pictures showing the style of dress during several periods of American history. Every model was as near perfect as could have been. Maysvlllo has seen many presentations' of living pictures but the Woman's Club wins first honors in presenting tho most perfect scries ever offered here. Mrs. V. D. Gulttard Interpreted the Indian Period. Miss Alice nlssctt the Puritan. Mrs. Ella White the Colonial. Miss Qulnn, 1812; Miss Shacklcford. I860; Miss Rla Ross, 1875; Mrs. Min nie Thompson. 1895: Miss Mary Proc tor. "The Flapper." and Miss Margaret Smith as "Miss 1922." Tho cast of the plnyette consisted of Mrs. J. It. Ross, Miss Mary Wilson. Mrs. Montgomery Pickett and Mrs. E P. Lee. In addition to these features, well worth many times the admission price, a feature picture" entitled "Love's Re demption," with Norma Talmadge was shown making In all an evening's en tertalnment of tho highest possible character. HATE TOC FOKGOTTEX TOIR WATER BILL! All water bills not Pld by October SO, 122, will be checked and placed on oar that oft list, and service about off without farther notice. We hare no collector. This Is final notice HATSVn-LE WATER CO. By JL T. F. 2Oct6t PRIZE FIGHT." Monday tho Pastime Theator pre sents Kid Roberts In the "Leather Pushers," a real prize fight whero they hit straight from the shoulder no hanging on. Ladles enjoy this ns well aa men. Neal Hart in "Out of the West" an old-time western drama, and a funny comedy. Big bargain day in pictures that all should see. MTLLASE'S CADIES AT TRAXEIS Special Boxes for Hnllowe'en. 25-6t Don't Wish You Had TRY A 5-cent CIGAR At H. COSTIGAN'S Fruit Co. THE FOR SALE ON Mr. C. S. Kirk having definitely us to offer for sale hla beautiful Bungalow Home on East Second street. Thi is a five room house, with bath, veranda and back porch; modern electric laundry in basemen; garage, Btable, chicken lot andxall kinds of fruit Lot has a frontage of 44 feet on Second street and runs back to tho river, which virtually gives you a small fruit and the city of Maysville. This home is Is desirable from every point of view. Mr. Kirk is leaving town as stated above and wants to sell and' not rent, so here is your chanco to obtain a bargain. THOS. L. EWAN & CO. REAL ESTATE AND LOAN BROKERS 48 WEST SECOND STREET MAYSVILLE, KENTUCKY. IN THE HEART OF THE CITY ON GROUND FLOOR. WE WRITE DEEDS. CONTRACT, MORTGAGES. STENOGRAPHER ON HAND AT ALL TIMES TO DO THIS KIND OF WORK. DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO - o THE HOME u o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Shoes Bd?8S?K WHEN YOU BUY A THREE THINGS TO LOOK WELL, FIT WELL AND WEAR WELL. THA'S THE KIND OF SHOES WE SELL, AND THAT'S WHY WE ARE ANXIOUS FOR YOU TO COME IN AND SEE THEM. THEY'RE MONEY SAVERS TOO. THEY'LL WEAR LONGER THAN A PAIR THAT'S JUST "SO BO." HANAN, NETTLET ON, JUST WRIGHT AND WALKOVER SHOES SOLD HERE. IF YOU HAVE FOOT TROUBLE, COME AND SEE OUR MR. HENRY HELMER, WHO WILL ADVISE YOU ABOUT THE WIZARD LIQHTF 00T APPLIANCES. THEY WILL GIVE YOU RELIEF. D. Hechinger & Co. GIVING ONE DRINK IS HELD AGAINST LAW Court of Appeals Makes New Interpre tation of State Prohibition Law In Holding lihlng Is I nluvifuL Frankfort, Ky., Oct. 27. Tho giving away of a drink of liquor Is in viola tion of the 1920 prohibition law, the Court of Appeals held today In revers ing the decision of the Shelby circuit Court in tho case of the Common wealth vs. Tom Wells. Wells was Indicted on a chargo of giving one-fourth of a pint of liquor to Ijisoii Roberts in Shelby county last January. The trial court is said to lut9 sustained the demurrer to the In dlrtmont on the ground that tho Indict ment did not charge a public offense or In other words that it was not un lawful for a person to give away In toxicating liquor. Tho opinion, which was handed down by Judge Charles Moorman states that the seventh amendment to the Kentucky Constitution, which pro hibits the manufacture, sulo or trans port of intoxicating liquor, does not restrict the power of the Legislature in dealing with the subject of Intoxl tatlng liquor, but leaves to the Leg- is luture "a reasonable discretion In tho selection of the method and meaus of prohibiting tho use of intoxicating liquors for beverage purposes." TWO DEATH SEMEMES Sl'STAIXEI), Frankfort, Ky., Oct. 27. The death sAitenco imposed on James Iower in the Kenton circuit court on a charge of killing Morris Lee, moving picture proprietor, was affirmed by tho Court of Anneals today. Tho opinion was drawn by Judge Gus Thomas th whole court sitting. Powers In company with Islah Mc Knight and George Saunders, was al leged to have followed Ix'o home for the purpose of robbing blm. Lee was shot after which tho men escaped. " Steve McQueen must die in the eloc trie chair on a charge of murdering Isaac Coylo in Rockcastle county, tho Court of Appeals hold today In affirm ing the death sentence of the Rock clstle circuit court. McQueen was in dieted Jointly with Frank Cornett for tho murder of Coyle, who was a store keeper on McQueen's property. The whole court sat in thermae. It APT ISM AL SERVICE HELD. Baptismal services were held at th First Baptist church Saturday when nine converts at the recent reviva held at tho Washington Christian church were baptised by the pastor. "LITTLE BRICK ("1URCII." Sunday school 9:30 a. m., JasJ S Dawson, superintendent. Preaching by the pastor at 10:45 a. m. Evening serv Ice 7 o'clock. C. H. RAYL, Pastor BABY CARPENTER. Mr. and Mrs. John Carpenter, West Second street, are the proud par ents of a fine new baby girl, born Fri day night. KIRK BUNGALOW EAST SECOND STREE decided to leave Mnysvillo has authorized truck farm right on the Main street of surrounded by the best of neighbors and OF Q,U ALIT PAIR OF SHOES THIS FALL, YOU WANT THEM 1RS. F. B. RAINS COMMITS SUICIDE BY INHALING GAS Ifo of Prominent Cincinnati Jter. chant, Mallve of Eleniing County, Well Known In Maysvllle, Takes Her Own Life. Cincinnati, Ohio Oct. 28. Mrs. Loulso Raines, 49 years old, wife of Fred B. Raines, general manager of the Castner, Curran & Bullit, Inc., dealers in soft coal, 1505 Union TruBt Building, died last night at the Good Samaritan Hospital, where she was taken after trying to commit suicide at her residence, 3820 Mlddleton ave nuo, on October 23. Her death, accord- ng to a report made by Coroner D. C. Handley, was due to the after effects of gas poisoning. Tho coroner was told ' that Mrs. Raines, who lived In one of the most fashionable sections of Clifton, was taken to the hospital In a private am bulance after her relatives forced an entrance Into a room at her home wheroln she had sealed herself care fully and then turned on the gas. All the doors and windows had been closed securely and the cracks around them shut up snugly. Dr. David Wolfsteln, 847 Glenwood avenuo, treated Mrs. names alter nor attempt at suicide. Ho said last night that ho did not know at that timo what was wrong with the woman. No re port of the affair was made to the police, who received their first in formation on tho matter last night when physicians at tho hospital sent tho body to the County Morgue on orders from Coroner Handley after hey had informed him of the death Members of the Raines family refused to discuss the death or to assign any reason for the woman's act. Pofore her marriage Mrs. Raines was Miss Louise Hord, daughter of Mr.' and Mrs. Ad Hord, of Flemings burg. She had many relatives and warm personal friends in Maysville ;nd Mrson county. The body w-ill be brought to Maysville Sunday at 1:20 and taken direct to Flemingsburg for burial. LOCAL WOHT.X ATTEI) DISTRICT CLPB MEETING. Tho Ninth District Federation of Women's Clubs is holding a meeting Saturday at. Augusta and quite a Hum ber of local women club members are In attendance. Mrs. George R. Long' necker, of this city, is president of the Xioth District Federation. Dr. and Mrs. George P. Lambert are in Islington attendinc the annual meeting of tho Kentucky Chlroprac tors' Association being held there. Hallowe'en masks at Bauder's PI Kill IS PARAMOUNT, Ol B SERYICE SATES The sanitary equipment of our cleaning and pressing departments should make you feel confident of sat isfaction when you send a garment or a suit to us. We pay particular at tention to restoring the freshness of the clothes you send us. The Modern Laundry and Dry Cleaning Co. 81 East Second Street Thone 16S YJCL OTHE S o o o o o o o o TO DO o o o o o o o o o o NOTED RECTOR SLAIN; SLAYER THEN SUICIDES Woman Takes Life of Famous Jiorth. em Minister and Then Takes Her Own Life. Havre," Mont, Oct. 27. The Rev. Leonard Jacob Chrlstler, rector of St. Marks Church of the Incarnation here, widely known In the West as "the bishop of alt outdoors," was killed in his home In Havre today by Mrs. Mar garet Carleton, wife of former Judge Frank Carloton, of the district court of Hill county, who then committed suicide, according to Mrs. Chrlstler, :he rector's wifo. Mrs. Chrlstler declares she heard the shots and stepped to the door to find ber husband and the woman lying doad. Tho case was ao plainly one of murder and suicide by the woman that It is probable no Inquest will be held, me coroner and sheriffs office an nounced. The pistol iflth which the two were killed wag still clasped In Mrs. Carle- ton's hand and her finger was still on tho trigger when he arrived in re sponse to Mrs. Chtistlcr's call, Dr. D. S. Mackenzie told the coroner. Officers declared tonight they were unable to find a motive for tho trag edy. It was generally tielievcd that Mrs. Carleton must have been suffer- ng from temporary insanity when she Hred the two shots. COMMISSIONERS HOLD MEETING SATURDAY Franchise Tax of Railroads Reported Collected Only Routine Bus iness Is Transacted. The regular semi-monthly meeting of the Mason Fiscal Court was held at the office of the County Commissioners at tho court house Saturday with Judge H. P. Purnell presiding and all commissioners present. It was ordered that the County Treasurer be authorized to take ur $2,000 worth of Free pike fund notes. The report of the Supervisor of Roads showing for labor, materials, etc., expenditures of 13,951.87 for tho month of October 27, 1922, was re ceived. The report of C. M. Devore, Sheriff, showing tangible property tax collect ed from the C. & O. and L. & N. rail roads amounting to $9,694.56 was re- ceived and the sheriff was ordered to pro rate and pay to the County Treas urer and School Superintendent the amounts due to the varitu; tenntv funds. The sheriff was allowed $23.19, same being 4 per cent, on the amount col lected from the C. & O. and L. & N. railroads for tangible property tax, LARGE HATFIELD COAL DIGGER HERE. ine large Hatfie Id coal dlceer Is moored at tho foot of Wall street In ! a few days they will put in their yard ! on Wall street thirty or forty thousand , K..a1.Al 1 . . ... Ul uesi river coai, tney will also put in stock of the same coal for Gable Bros, at their West Second street yards. In a few days there will be plenty of coal for ail needs. BHECKIMUDGE-ACKOK. Mr. Ralph Howard Ackor, aged 26. ! and Miss Georgia Helen Breckenridge j aged 27, both of Dayton, Ohio, were married here Saturday morning County Judge H. P. Purnell. by Hon. Milton Johnson, former local attorney, now president of a law book publishing house In Chicago, was meeting his many old friends here i Friday. 8am Middleman wants beef hides. 1 will pay the highest cash price 20J1-M ftOOOOOOOOOOOeOOOQG6$&lQOOQOOOOQOQOQOQ&OOQ, o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o HEW CORPORATION TAKES OVER LOCAL J. P. TAYLOR PLANT Maysville Branch of the J. P. Taylor Company Is Sold to' new Three Mil Bon Dollar Corporation Or. giinlzrd FiiJay. Formation of tho Southwestern To bacco Company mado up of Eastern Interests wan announced at Louisville yesterday by officers of the new com' pany. It will have a capital of $3,000, 000. Tho company has purchased plants In Hopkinsville, Louisville, Owensboro Sholbyvllle, Lexington, Danville, Maysville and other tobacco markets. Tho main offices will he at 801 West Main street, Louisville. . It means, according to officers, that a number of companies who have op- orated through Lll tho tobacco belts of Kentucky have now consolidated their nterests and will begin operations on i new scale with Louisville as the focal point The company will buy and sell, bur- ley, dark, Green River, one sucker and all sorts of tobacco. It also will rchandle and redry tobacco. T. B. Yuille, or New York, is presi ent; vice presidents are: p. H. Gor man, K. R. Edwards, and F. N. Harri son, of Baltimore. The directorate is composedof: Mr. Villi!- J. P. Tnylor. James J. Millar. 'V. A. W!llin?ham, Mr. Gorman, James Mullm, Mr. Edwards, Mr. Harrison. H. W. .Trimimn. S. R. Skinner and J. P. MADAM-SAVE TEN CENTS On EVERY Pound of COFFEE BETSY ROSS Fresh Roasted COFFEE THIS COFFEE IS 10 GENTS A POUND LESS MADAM we both live in Maysville. There fore, we can save you ten cents on every pound of coffee you buy. We can sell you coffee for less money and get it to you far fresher. We save you 10c a pound by packing Betsy Ross Fresh Roasted Coffee in bags instead of in tin containers. It is always fresh when you buy it. Tin containers are necessary for coffees that are not sold until three to six months after they are roasted. The tin preserves some of the national Tea & Coffee Company 229 MARKET STREET Phone 646 MAYSVILLE, KY. FREE DELIVERY. The Following Grocers Sell "Betsy Ross" Fresh Roasted Coffee Henry W. Breeze Grocery, 500 East Second St. J. R. Bolin? Grocery Eastland Henderson Grocery 503 East Second St. N. C. Rudy Grocery Eastland Liberty Grocery, Corner Second and Walnut St. jr, l Dugan Grocery Wood St. G. J. Vogel Grocery, Corner Second and Union, j A Wallace Grocery Forest Avenue Lancaster Grocery, Corner Second and Union. Piiniim t-. . ,.. Scrubs & Harvin Grocery, 034 East Second St. M; ? Ju Grocery Forest A enue M. C. Hutchinson Grocery, 1201 East Second St. E. Trisler Grocery 900 Forest Avenue T. R. Valentine Grocery 12:53 East Second St. G. W. Walker Grocery 1001 Forest Avenue Mrs. T. K. Proctor Grocery, 1244 East Second. Mrs. Trisler Grocery 1002 Forest Avenue Coughlin Sisters Grocery, . .107 East Third St. L. L. King Grocery Forest Avenue James Frost Grocery 319 West Second St. G. C. Garrison Grocery Aberdeen, Ohio TpDAY RED LETTER DAY DO MERZ BROS. OFFER ANY BARGAINS ON SALE WE ' L L SAY MASON COUNTY GETS TWO NEWROAD TRUCKS Fiscal Court Gets Another Great Bar. gain In Two F. W. D. Tracks for Road Department's Equipment. The Mason County Fiscal court has struck another big bargain and on Fri day closed a contract for two addit ional Four Wheel Drive motor trucks for use on tho county's roads. Already the county has several of these trucks and finds them most serviceable for 1 tnls c,aBS ' work- ' Tt.n . l. 1 The trucks purchased were former United States army trucks and it is understood that the two trucks in per fect running order were purchased for lees than five hundred dollars. The county has Blriick several such bargains during the paBt two years and has been enabled to equip the road department with splendid machines without a great cost to the county. The newly purchased trucks are ex pected in Maysville next week and will be ready to press into service immedi ately upon their arrival here. JAPANESE NEWSPAPER. The Public Ledger has just received from Mr. Robert L. Hoeflioh, who is on a trip around the world, a copy of "Tho Japan Advertiser," a Japanese newspaper published in Tokyo in the English language. Harrison. i Tho new corporation has purchased, according to announcement made Sat urday, the local plant of the J. P. Tay lor Company. No other local tobacco plants : ro affected ty tho formation of this giant corporation. 35 CENTS POUND PACKAGE IS TODAY? THEY DO PROSECUTOR SAYS AIRTIGHT CHARGE GCESJTO JURY Eye Witness Tells Uow Mrs. Mills Was Hnnted Down With Flashlight In Bushes After Rev. Hall nad Been jlurdcred. New Brunswick, N. J., Oct. 26 Mrs. Eleanor Mills was hunted down with flashlights as she crouched, terrified, In thick brush near the spot where Rev. Edward Wheeler Hall was slain, according to an eyewitness story of tho double murder, which Prosecutor Wilbur A. Mott says he has corrobor ated. . A story of hew the "woman in the gray coat" helped her male accom plice to drag forth the screaming vic tim and atcod by while she was shot . down has been added to Mrs. Jane Gibcn's version of the killings. Mrs. Gibson als-j said the woman in gray returned io the body of the rector and kxeit weeping by. his side at 1 o'clock in the morning. After hearing Mrs. Gibson's story Mott announced he would prepare an airtight accusation to present to the grand Jury of Somerset county within a day or two. AUTOMOBILES COLLIDE. Automobiles driven by 'Squire L. M. Collis and Mr. Church Mathews col lided at the corner of Court and See and streets Saturday noon. No one was injured but both machines were damaged. ' i flavor for a fairly long period. But Betsy Ross Fresh Coffee isu't allowed to grow old. You can't buy a pound that has besn roasted longer than one week you CAN buy it the day it is roasted. The fresh-roasted richness of Eetsy Ross Coffee is the most delicious coffee flavor you ever tasted. Get a pound today from any gro cer. Look for it in "The White Bag" save ten cents and get far better cofee. O O O O O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o '"'JUE, gLw2-J3 vLzi mj ' (InoorooraUd) a o Ooooooooooooooooooooooodooooooooooou uooooooooooooooooooooootooooooooooooooot&ooooooo r