n KUYsvttifi mm ncatn- nnt two, THE DAILY PUBLIC LEDGER Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday By THE LEDGER PUBLISHING COMPANY At the Public Ledger Building, East Third Street. CLARENCE MATHEWS Editor and Manager RATES IN ADVANCE: By Carrier or Mail, $3 per year; $1.75, Su Months; 40 Cents per Month. Entered at the Postoflice, Maysyille, Ky, as Second Class Mail Mattel QUE POLICY: To support such measures as are nnquesvionably for the good i Masou County as an entire community, rather than such proposition c nP in fAvnr of the individual interest, or of one section as againsi another.. And likewise to earnestly and consistently oppose all things Jiat are not for the good of the county as a whole EVERYTHING BUT WORK The simple statement that "of all the allied countries. France has the creates! resources, but will be unable to meet her war ooiiga tions,'' was made at the American Bankers' Association Convention in New York last week without explanation or comment. It was unnecessary, however, that reason for the situation ex- Dressed in the closiue words of the statement be offered. Those who heard the declaration, and those who read it in the news reports of the gathering, understood. France has been and is so busy spending money for other purposes aside even from her task of restoring war desolated regions of her domain that all her available money gleaned from her superior resources is being absorbed in these ae- tivities. England, with business less successfully operating than is in dustry of France, has money for meeting her pressing claims, and pledges payment of every debt. The reason is that England has been rininir rrnnA fiimnrnprinfT nd well ns much nolitical wire-pulling. The "-t) ci ; o - former has, as a matter of fact, had better results than the latter. America is, of course, far better off than Old "World countries, singly or all together. The reason is not difficult to find. The United States has not been looking to any outside interest or people to sup port her citizenship in part or in whole while they enjoyed worklcss existence. This country has been the scene of a vase ajnount of fam ily quarreling in the last four years but how we have done business at the same time! "Work! With both hands and with every mental faculty alert. We knew we had to do this or starve to death, for the rest of the world has never held out a helping hand to the American Republic, and neter will. Work work work! That is America's program it has been this race's way since the days when the first settlers landed on the New World's shores. - No wonder our country is successful and pow erful and rich ! Work made it that way and is keeping it so. The Old World had better opportunities, better aids, more people, fewer 'obstacles to overcome but trusted to politics instead of human ef fort directed along every line demanding labor and swill and courage and persistence. St. Louis Times. Pastime Today ART ACORD IN Tracked Down WESTERN i "SHORT WEIGHT" Brownie, the wonder dog and Johnnie Fox "ALL BALLED UP" ADMISSION 10 AND 15 CENTS (War Tax Included) COOOOOOOC O OOOOOOOOO OOGOOOOOO o ooooooooo o o O 8DID1I SCHOOL 11S80J O O BY O O C. H. RAYL. Pastor "Little Brick Church" O O O OOOOOOOOO o ooooooooo ooooooooo o ooooooooo WOELD-WLUS PROHIBITION WORLD'S TEMPEEAKCE SUNDAY (ItJiu 61:1-9.) Drunkenness is severely and with out qualification condemned as degrad ing and sinful. The sin of drunken ness has come down through the ages. There is every Indication from both , sacred and profane history that the making of strong drink is almost as old as the human race itself, and that In consequence, drunkards were among the first of the sinners. The Bible ut ters the most threatening warnings against drunkenness, promising woe and punishment to those who fall into its snare. In the early days of Moses we hear him say that men should separate themselves from strong drink. (Num. 6:3). "He shall separate himself from wine and strong drink" then to take In the light wines and beers demanded In our day the Word says that he shall not even drink the liquor of grapes, nor the moist grapes, or dried. This was tho vow of the Nazarlte. The pun lshment was "Woe. Woo untl them that rise up early in the morning, that they may follow strong drink; that continue until nlgbt, till wine inflames them, Prov. 81:4-6. "They drink and forget the law." Isa. 6:11. Intoxication is a sin not only against God and the Indi vldual solf, but against the social unit whether It be the city or the nation. The lesson for our discussion an nounces a day of world-wide recon struction. Not only along the Hue of temperance but II iuuludss both the spiritual and temporal welfare of tbi world. We use to live la a day wbsn H wm great dlsunce eve serosa our own United States but that day is past and we have all been made to realize that the whole world is but a large community. The world is practically one body. The welfare or distress of any one part cannot bo confined to that part. This fact is rapidly being taken Into account by our leading statesmen and diplomats of the world- powers. That day of world-wide recon struction as dealth with In our scrip ture lesson has no reference to any particular ein as that of drink but ap plies to all sin existing In the fabric of social institutions. Prohibition, either national or world-wide was far from the tbohghl of the writer of this passage of scripture. When the prophecies of this lesson are fulfilled In toto we will have world wide prohibition and all other immor alities and social wrongs will have done away and the heart of Christ will be satisfied for righteousness will reign supremely. Seeing then that tbi3 it the hope of the Christian and in the plan of God, we should take courage that these principles aro not only the thoughts of bigh-minded prophets alone but His plan la becoming the plan of practical statesmen. The chris tian should therefore more vividly keep this goal In mind and seek Ma attain ment with all brotherly love. The accomplishment of so great a missionary task we will share our blessings with the world, even to the ends of the world, and the persuading of me nto acceut this blesslnc by their 'own decision will, U seems to the writ er, necessitate tho preaching and ' teaching to all nations the Oospel of W Lord and Sartor, Jesus Christ TOES SAMPLES AND RTYUS BOOK Of MKN'fl TAILOR MADE CLOTHING. , at lUqueat War Tailor Mads Clothes. They ooit no more than "ready mad." Pave the mltldlrman'a profit ana ret aa ki.XTRA PAIR OF PANT illKM WITH BTEnr BUIT. Have your measure takaa la year ova horn, eleet your own atyla and lat our experts, tailor your suit to suit you. . . . Oat our aarapla book and sot what wondarful valuta wa offr. Write as card today. Tom' may forgot II 101 VIR KUXIT BT oa-su-su fcOTTiaYXXAH, XT. fleeee Mention This Paper ' erpftd Injury by throwing thim Mves upon tlio floor and remaining tlieic until after the aclRe was over. ALLEGED INFORMER'S HOME BESEIGEI), "SHINERS SOI GIIT. Albany Officers seed to establishr the identity of alleged moonshiners who surrounded the home of a man said to have acted as an Informer and fired more than fifty bullets Into tho house. TIip occupants of the building '''''''aiajaaaajaa WASIIISCTON AND GEM MEEKLY PROGRAM. Ti.e j.rojr.ram for the Washington and Gem theaters for uext week fol lows: Monday, afternoon at Gem, evening at Opera llourc, Elaine liammcrsteln in "Under Oath," and Selinick News. Tuesday, afternoon at Gem, evening at Opera iousc, Edward Horlon. Ktliel Grey, Terry, and Tully Marshall lu "Too Much Business." Wednesday, afternoon at Gem. eve ning at Opera House, Will Ropers sad Sylvia Breamcr in "Doubling for Romeo." and Movie Chats. Thursday, afternoon at Gem! eve ning at Opera House. Clara Kimball Young in "What No Man Knows." Friday, afternoon and evening at Gem only, "What No Man Knows," by Clara Kimball Young. Friday, at Opera HotiBe only, after noon and evening. Mack Scnnett pre sents Mabel Normand in "Molly O." and Selinick News. Saturday, at Gem only, afternoon and evening, Mabel Normand in "Mol ly O." J Saturday, at Opera House only, af ternoon and evening, Jean Paige in "Black Beauty," two reel comedy. Johnnie Maes in "Torchy's Promo tion." Try a Lrdrrr Want Ad. It Pav. s NT a aai. m'- Afc , .... ? ; 98 Out of Every 100 Women Benefited An Absolutely Reliable Statement Important to Every Woman Remarkable Results Shown by a Nation Wide Canvass of Women Purchasers of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. r Astsv 111 a au.uuu women Answer For some time a circular has tcn enclosed with each bottle of our medicine bearing this question: "Have you received benefit from taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg etable Compound?" Replies, to date, have been re ceived from over 50,000 women answering that question. S8 per cent of which say YES. That means that 98 out of every 1 00 women who take the medi cine for the ailments for which it is recommended are benefited by it This is a most remarkable record of efficiency. We doubt if any r ther medicine in the world equals it. Think of it only two women out of 100 received no benefit CS successes out of a possible 100. Did you ever hear of anything like it? We must admit that we, ourselves, are astonished. Of course we know that our med icine does benefit the large major ity of women who take it. But that only two out of 100 received no benefit is most astonishing. It only goes to prove, however, that a medicine specialized for certain definite ailments not a cure all--one that is made by the most scientific procete; not from drugs, but from a combination of nature's roots and herbs, can and does do more good than hastily prepared prescriptions. You see, we have been making, improvingand refiningthis med icine for over 50 years until it is so perfect and so well adapted to women's needs that it actually has the virtue to benefit 98 out of every 100 women who take it. It's reliability and recognized efficiency has gained for it a sale in almost every country in the world leading all ethers. Such evidence should induce every woman suffering from any ailment peculiar to her sex to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and see if she can't be one of the 98 inc. liuia t- riNKHAM MhJJlL.lNt. CO, Lynn, Mass. JOH H. ST1UCKLIN, of Morgan COnntjr, Kj, REPrBLICAX 'OMlEE FOR CONGRESS, Muth nMrlot of Kentucky. (The Peoples Candidate and the Soldier's Friend Your upport solicited. i j s) . c,i wiisO PROGRAM PASTIME THEATER. Monday. -Leather Pushers." Xeal Hart in a western and a comedy. Tuesday. Wm. Fairbanks in "Hell s Border." western. Wednesday, Charlie Chaplin in "A Day's Pleasure," and Teias Guitian in a western. Thursday, Torn Mix in "Ttailine." a western. Friday. Al Jennings ex-outlaw in picture of life's story. Harry Meyers in "Robinson Crusoe." International News. Saturday. Thos. Santchl in a west ern; Loe Morau in "Henpecked;" N'ealy Edwarda In "Society Hoboes." Cominp "The Storm." TO DRILL FOR OIL IX ADAMS COOiTT. The Manrehster Signal says: C. H. Gace. of Portsmouth and. B. F. Cook of Hamden. were at Maysrllle Wednesday after drillinc outfit to use Jon the tract of land in the Churn Creek oil district. Drilling aaUl be started at once to see if they can Up the rusher that the surface indicates la ready to bub ble over. Lad gar Serrlra Efficiency FOOTBALL PLATER HTRT I" AITOMOBILE WRECK. Smith's Grove David Beck. 19. son of Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Beck, of Smith's Grove, was seriously hurt In an auto- mobllo accident near Nashville, Tenn. Bock, who Is a student In the Cumber land University at Lebanon, was an routo to Nashville In an automobile to board a train for St Louis to play a game of foot ball. The machine col lided with a truck. It Is through! that his skull is fractured. JOHN W. PORTER & SON FTJNXRAL DIEECTOBJ Offlca Thou 37 Hunt Thons M 17 East Second Street MAVSVTLLE KENTUCKY The tax list is now in my hands for collection. Don't put off paying your taxes until the last minute. Take no chance of having the penalty added. C. M. DEVORE Sheriff Mason County. The Liberty- Warehouse i Will most certainly be opened to receive, handle and tell yonr 1922 non-pooled crop of tobacco. CASH will be PAID for every crop sold. WATCH for the opening date to be announced soon in Hie Public Ledger. Representatives of all the big dealers and manufacturers will be on oar soles. The Liberty Warehouse 0. If. J0NZS, Isle MuKg". --imr f New Suggestions for Your LIVING ROOM COMFORTS I We offer these new arrivals with the idea that they will help you develop your own scheme of furnishing for your living room. Each piece or set represents a high order of furniture Resigning, and whatever selection you may make it will be worthy of a place in your home. llo. 42 w. second sl THE- FURNITURE MAI! LMYSME, KY. jajj