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1 Cloady aad wanner tonight toncA r 4 I row, showers. Volume XXX No. 181. KAYIYTLLX, KY, TUESDAY, OCT. 31, 1922. ONE COPT TWO CEITXt III I IllrJ ' ' I ' SIX REEL COMEDY CALLED GREATEST III FOUR YEARS To Much Business" Baaed oa the Story By Earl Derr Bbxgrs It Said to Be Real Biff Hit iw Much' Business." a straight .comedy In ill reela, adapted from Earl Derr Bigger' original atory in the Saturday Evening Poet, "John Henry and the Restless Bex," will be shown at Washington theater Tuesday night This production, called the greatest six-reel comedy of the past four years, was mado on the Pacific Coast under the personal direction of Jess Bobbins. It Is unique In motion picture enter tainment, as It la not comedy In the sense usually ascribed to motion pic tures. There Is not the slightest touch of slapstick about It, although the com edy action occasionally borders on the farclaL It l, really, more a parallel of the four-act stage comedy of the successful sort which has run so fre queatly oa Broadway, New York. The plot of "Too Much Business" Is clearly defined, following closely the Inimitable Earl Derr Dinger's story In the Poet, with an engrossing love story Intertwined. The all-star cast U bead ed by Tully Marshall, who starred on the stago In such notable successes as "Paid to Full" and "The City." Tully Marshall has a character com edy role, that of a cantankerous em- nlover. which Is strikingly unusual Ethel Crey Terry appears as 'the Girl" and Edward llorton as John Henry Jackson. John Steppllng. CaYl Gerard. Mark Benton, Tom Murray, Elsa Larimer, Helen Ollmore and nthnr well known players round out the carefully balanced cast. The character of John Henry la also an unusual one a young man of the "W-ietter" type of salesman, who car. pIm hla uleamanshln aifla Into tbe field of love and marriage. John Henry has an option for thirty days on the hand of his lady love, tho secretary to his employer, and Is to take up his option provided that he doubles hla salary within that time. Her attempt. unknown to John Henry, to get him raise, results in hla getting tired. The hero quite naturally believes the girl has brought about this result so that he cannot take up hla option, and be determines to make good any way. His former employer, fearful of losing a good secretary, puts every ob- Macle In his way. By thla time, how ever, John Henry finds that obstacles dont matter much when a man makes up his mind to do something. THIRTEEN BIRDER CASES. Louisville, Ky., Oct 30. Thirteen murder cases are on the docket for trial In the criminal court botween now and December 13. Most of the de fendants are negro men and women charged with the murder of their wives and husbands. The four outstanding eases to be tried are Walter P. Stamp sentenced to the electric chair tor the murder of W. Smith RilBsell and who was given a new trial by the Court of Appeals; George Welck, Sr., charged with the murder of William Oelko with whose wife Welck is alleged to have been intimate; Hubert Badgett charged with the murder of Oscar Sturdevant, and Harry Lacefleld, held for the murder of Edward i Sobey, strike breaker at the K. and I. shops. THE ON FOR SALE Mr. C. S. Kirk having definitely decided to leave Maysvllla has authorized ns to offer for sale hla beautiful Bungalow Home on East 8econd street. This Is a five room house, with bath, veranda and back porch; modern electric laundry in basemen; garage, stable, chicken lot and all kinds of fruit Lot haa a frontage-of 44 foet on Second street and runs back to the river, which virtually gives you a small fruit and truck farm right on the Main street of the city of Maysvllle. This home Is surrounded by the best of neighbors and Is desirable from every point of view. Mr. Kirk is leaving town as stated sbeve and wants to sell and not rent, so here is your chanco to obtain a bargain. THOS. L. EWAN & CO. REAL ESTATE AND LOAN BROKERS 48 WEST SECOND 8TBEET MAYSVILLE, KENTUCKY. IN THE HEART OF THE CITY. ON GROUND FLOOR. WE WRITE DEEDS. CONTRACT, MORTGAGES. STENOGRAPHER ON HAND AT ALL TIMES TO DO THIS KIND OF WORK. NEW CROP Sorghum NZW HOMINY. . NEW MACKEREL I OYSTERS NEU70HATEL CHEESE PRUNES . DRIED APPLES GRIMES GOLDEN APPLES DINGER BROS. LZADDXd RETAILERS MRS. UNGLEY IS . HGIHLY OPTIMISTIC Vic Chairman of Republican State Central Committee Sees Snceesi For Party In Various Districts. Lexington, Ky., Oct. 81. Mrs. John W. Langlcy, of PIkevlUe, vice chair man of the Republican State Central committee, and wife of the Congress man from the tenth district, was In Lexington today en route to Ashland and Louisa In the ninth congressional district where she will spend the next fow days working In the Interest of the Republican ticket Mrs. Langloy has just completed a peaking tour to Palntsvllle, PIkevlUe, Jenkins, Fleming, Whltesburg and Hazard where she has been working for the women's organization of Ken tucky Republicans. Mrs. Langloy confidently predicted tho election of Maurice Thatcher to succeed Congressman Ogden in the fifth district As to Ino ninth district. she said that the Republican nominee, I Mr. Strickland, Is making a splendid campaign and has a good chance to win. Mrs. Langley Is familiar with polit ical conditions In the tenth and elev enth districts which she says are go ing overwhelmingly Republican this year, despite the fact' that the "big guns" of the Democratic party. Includ ing Senator A. O. (Stanley, are being trained on these Republican strong holds. Mrs. Langley expressed herself as extremely confident of the election of Hon. Lilburn Phelps to the Court of Appeals. She thinks that the Repub licans have a splendid chance to win In other districts ln4he state. MISSIONARY SOCIETY MEETS. The Missionary Society of the Chris tlan church will meet Wednesday eve ning at 7 o'clock at the church. Remember today Is the last day of sprinkling season, October 31. Please do not use hand hose. Maysvllle Water Company, M. Y. Fleldhouse, Mgr. 31-2t If you purchase your ChriBtman personal greeting cards before the ISth of November, we will glvqyou trA discount J. T. Kackjey & Co. 3102t Big Sandy Sorghum, $1.00 per gal 321 Ion. Hcffernan & Helfernan, No. Plum street. 3!Oct2t IMR..CLEANANDVE Pl'KJ'f Y. IS PARAMOUNT, OLB SERVICE SATES The sanitary equipment of our cleaning and pressing departments should make yon feel confident of sat isfaction when you send a garment or a ault to us. We pay particular at tention to restoring the freshness of the clothes you send us. The Modern Laundry and Dry Cleaning Co. SI East Second Street. Thone 163 KIRK BUNGALOW EAST SECOND STREET Bid SANDY Molasses 1W COMPARISON MADE OM SCHOOLS OFTWO COUNTIES SHOWN Cost of Schools In Mason County Is About Half the (out In Fayette County and Yet Much More Sue cesttful and Effective. A committee of interested patrons of the Fayette county schools has made an analysis of the cost of operating the schools of Fayette county and Mason county. It Is generally admitted that Mason county has the best rural schools in Kentucky. Members of the committee visited Mason county. In spected the schools and secured de tailed figures on the cost of school op eration. Within the past few years, most of the small schools of the coun ty have been consolidated and the vari ous sections of the county now have splendid modern, two-story, brick school buildings, taking care of both grade and high school pupils. These schools are being paid for out of coun ty funds In yearly Installments of one tenth of the cost price each year. At the end of ten years the buildings are paid for out of current school reve nues, without increasing tax burdens The following figures show an item ized statement of the total cost of op erating the schools of Fayette and Mason counties. The figures were copied from the official records of the two counties. They show a cost of $40 per pupil In Mason county and about $60 per pupil In Fayette county. Fayette county had for the year July 1. 1921 to June 30, 1922, 3.233 pupils; Mason county, 2,400 pupils. Fayette Mason Teacers' salaries. $93495.1$ $56,655.75 Administrative .. 11443.64 Other Admin expns 1,274.69 Buildings 4,730.45 Rpr Imp 14,948.42 Furn., Equip 11,422.92 Sup.. Incl 2,399.50 Fuel, Janitors ... 7,770.25 Transportation 12 busses Fay. . 26,624.97 1 bus. Mason Tuition 110.50 Interest .: 3.025.91 1-10 Installment on New buildings Insurance 3,114.03 Unclassified 46250 2,189.28 624.01 1.902.73 1,792.64 1410.33 5,826.92 17,845.68 1,080.00 152.80 6,000.00 679.69 1,206.71 Total dlsburs. $184,679.71 $96,066.62 Remember today Is the last day of sprinkling season, October 31. Please do not use hand hose. Maysvllla Water Company, M. Y. Fleldhouse, Mgr. 31-2t NOTICE OF MEETING. Regular meeting of Maysvllle Lodge No. 704, B. P. O. Elks, Wednesday eve ning November 1. At this meeting District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler E. W. Boland will make his official vfsit Following this there will be a social session held. All brothers and visiting Elks welcomed. W. F. SPROEMBERG, E. R. W. R. SMITH, Secretary. EDGEMONT HOME AMI EAST SIDE HOME TRADED. Messrs. W. L. Traxel and Cordon Asbury Monday completed a deal wherein Mr. Traxel traded his beauti ful Edgemont home to Mr. Asbury for his magnificent East Second street residence property. Mr. and Mrs. As bury will move to their new Edgemont property immediately. FOOTBALL HERE ON NEXT FRIDAY. Th next football game at this place will be on next FrldaV evening at the Forest avenue athletic field between the Maysvllle High School and the Carlisle High School. Tbe local team is doing much practicing this week In order to be able to meet the Nicholas county grldders. CITY SCHOOL BOARD. The Maysvllle City Board of Educa tion meets Tuesday evening In regular monthly session at the office of the Superintendent In the High School building. Considerable business of Im portance la scheduled to come before the board. "CHARLIE CHAPLIN" Wednesday at the Pastime Charlie Chaplin In one of his greatest come dies "A Day's Pleasure," in three reals. This Is one of hla million dollar pic tures. If you want to laugh see blm Wednesday. Also a western drama featuring Texas Gulnan tbe most dar- Ing horsewoman of the west ATTEND ANNUAL MEET OF KENTUCKY BEBEKAHS. Mrs. George SchwsrU, treasurer of tho Grand Lodge of Rebekaht of the stole of Kentucky, left Monday for Pa ducaa to attend tho annual meeting of tba grand Udga which Is being held la that olty this WMk. Try a I,, wat a 4. OLD FEUD ASSIGNED AS MURDER CAJSE A dans Coanty Haa Murdered by His Neighbor With Whom He Had Much Trouble. Seaman, Ohio, Ocft. 80. George Webb, 45 years old, was shot and killed by Robert Davis, 86 yeats old, just outside the town limits this morning. The Bhootlng was the result of a feud that haa existed between 'the two men for several years, according to author ltles. Webb was employed as a wood saw yer and was working with a crew that had felled a tree across a road. Davis, driving along the road In his automo bile, demanded that he remove the ob stacle. Wobb started to get the tree out of the way and turned his back. As he did so Davis, neighbors say, pointed a shotgun at him and pulled the trigger. Death waa instantaneous, physicians said. Davis later gave himself up. He is charged with murder. Remember today is the last day of sprinkling season, October 31. Please do not use hand hose. Maysvllle Water Company, M. Y. Fleldhouse, Mgr. 3l-2t GIYES AWAY MO POUNDS OF SUGAR, Maysville's progressive department store is living up ti IU promises. The Saturday, 28th, opening of Minces Profit Sharing Sale was a marked success. All' day long the sugar bags went along with packages of merchandise. One family up Flem Ingsburg way took home 30 pounds of sugar absolutely tree, another woman near Vanceburg received 19 pounds, a man In Eastland 31 pounds. Many pur chasers received 10 pounds and so on. The free sugar feature, a pound with purchases from 2 and up, which in creases as your purchases do, will con tinne throughout- the entire 10 days' sale. Tbe Minces Under Selling Store offers many bargains during the sale In addition - to the sugar. Father, mother, sister, brother all can be out fitted In wearing apparel and shoes, while dry goods, blankets, etc.? tor the home are plentiful and low-priced. . LITTLE INTEREST IN SPECIAL REGISTRATION'. Very little interest is being shown at the special registration now being held at the County Clerk's office. Only eigh teen voters were registered Monday. Wednesday is the last day cf this spe cial registration and all Republican voters are urged to list themselves. TODAY LAST DAY TO PAY CITY TAXES. Tuesday is the last day for the pay ment of city taxes and there has been quite a rush at the Tax Collector's of fice all day. Penalty of ten per cent will be added on all taxes remaining unpaid after today. TO ATTEND WEDDING OF NIECE, Misses Lutia and Mary Wood left Tuesday for Pittsburg to be present at the marriage of their niece. Miss Le titla Payne Parry, to Mr. Paul Stollob at Pittsburg Saturday. Word has been received here of the very serious illness of Mrs. James Ross, widow of the late Major James Ross, at one time publisher of the Bui Ietln, and sister of Mrs. Rebecca Wll son of this city. Mr. Reuben Galther and W. S. Ow ing of Moorefield and Miss' Frankle Booten, of this county, are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Boot- en of Lexington street Mr. W. H. Frederick remains in very critical condition at his home In Front street. JpooooooooooooooooooooceooooooooooocooQOsoo 2 Don't Put Off Until Tomorrow What You Can Buy Today aw o o o Goods Are o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o uOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOO OO OOCOOQ 000 OOOOO O STEPS TO BE TAKEN TO ARRANGE FOR BIG Announcement Made Tuesday That Dl. rectors Will Be Choxen By Mem bcrs of the Farmers' Union for Creamery on November 11. It was announced at the office of the Farmers' Union here Tuesday that nominations for directors In the Farm ers' Union Creamery Association will be made at mass meetings In the vari ous counties In the Maysvllle district on Stourday, November '11th, 1922. A call for these meetings Is now be ing mailed to each contract signer. Over 7,000 cows have now been sign ed in the Maysvllle district. This Is the largest number of cows that have ever been contracted to any co-opera tive creamery in the United States be fore It opened. It is expected that up ward of 8,000 cows will be contraoted by the time the creamery opens for business. Twelve directors are to be elected divided as follows: Bracken county two; Fleming county, three; Mason county, two; Lewis county, one; Rob ertson county, one; Nicholas county, two; portion of state of Ohio, one. Twice as many candidates are to be nominated at meetings held at 2 p. m Saturday, November 11th, at the court house In the respective counties, ex cept In Lewis county the meeting will be held at the Tollesboro school house and in Ohio the members will meet at the school house at Ellsberry. The men nominated at these meet lngs will be elected on Saturday No vember 18th and the first meating of the Board of Directors will be tfeld Saturday, November 25th. NOTICE ODD FELLOWS. All members of Ringgold Lodge No, 27, I. O. O. F., are urged to attend the regular meeting Wednesday evening at 7:15 o'clock at the Odd Fellows' Tenv pie. Members or DeKalb lodge are also Invited and all visitors will be made welcome. HALL-HALFHILL. Mr. Joseph L. HalfhiU. aged 19, and Miss Bess. Hall, aged 22, both of this county, were married late Monday here by Rev. Rayl, pastor of the Little Brick church. Mr. Clarence Perkins, Rural Mall Carrier on Route 3 and Mr. Norman Yazell, of Forest avenue, loft Tues day morning for a motor trip In Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and also Michigan, They will be absent two weeks on their vacation. IOOOOOeOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0OOO o TMHJ HOME o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Tils. "SOMETHING NEW" IS HERE OVERCOATS A JOY-BRINGING LOT. THE NEW MODELS. GEACEFUL OP LINE. AND SO SMART OP STYLE. FAS HIONED OF GOOD-TO-LOOK-TJFCN FABRICS. ALL-WOOL AND EVERYTHING. PR ICE TAGS, TOO, THAT GREET YOU PLEASANTLY. THE FA VORITES ARE $25 AND $ 30. ... ;. -YOU CAN TRUST U S WITH YOUR APPEARANCE, AS WELL AS YOUR PURSE. gD Hechinger o oQOOOOOOOOOOOOGCOOOOOOOstOOOQQOOOOOOa EVERY DAY WE RECEIVE HIGHER QUOTATIONS FROM THE MILLS. . ? COTTON IS ON THE JUMP, WOOL IS ON THE JUMP, THE NEW TARIFF IS NOW IN EFFECT. WHEN WE SAY, "BUY NOW," WE ARE GIVING YOU GOOD ADVICE AND YOU WILL THANK US LATER FOR THIS "TIP." AGAIN WE REPEAT. BUY WHAT YOU NEED NOW AND YOU WILL SAVE MONEY. id DAIRYMEN COMPLY WITH CITY ORDINANCE Health Officer Announces List of the Dairymen Who lime Complied With Law Recently Passed. Dr. V. D. Gulttard, County Heelth offloer, announces the following dairy men have complied with the city ord inance In regard to having their herds tuberculin tested and have passed sat lsfaotory Inspection in respect to san itation and general cleanliness. Permits have been issued to the following: W. B. Worthlngton, Philip Schadle, J. R. Davis, W. B. Smoot Jesse Newdlgrte, Mrs. Fred Adam, Will Davis, T. L. Ewan, J. C. Steven son, W. R. Loyd, Charley Wise, J T. Goodman, George Seddon, Poter Gal- lensteln, H. H. Haughaboo, Earl Moran Perraut Brothers, J. H. Ennls, John Hauck, Henry Brodt, C. D. Sulzer. HEW ITALIAN PREMIER HOLDS RECORD FOR SPEED New Head of Italian Government Goes About Selecting His Cabinet In Hatter-oi-Fact Sort of Way. Rome, Oct 31- The new Italian cab inet under Benito Mussolini assumed office today. The ministers appeared at the pal ace and took the oath before the king. Then they went to their respective ministries and assumed their duties. A general election is to take place as soon as the present chamber passes necessary legislation. It Is expected that tho Fascist! party will gain many seats in the new Par liament Mussolini formed his cabinet with speed and characteristic Muntness, Once he had been received ty the king and, standing In the dusty black shirt uniform of his order, had been em braced by Victor Emmanuel and told to form a cabinet, the Fascist! leader wasted few words in political maneu verlng. Slgnor Dicesaro was Introduced Mussolini at the latter's request "I am appointing you minister to of posts and telegraphs. Do you accept! "xes, replied tue astonished new minister. x ' a ' "Thanks, good day," said MusslinI turning away. In this manner ho went about form ing his ministry. Remember today Is the last day of sprinkling season, October 31. Please do ni t use hand hose. Maysvllle Water Company, M. Y. Fleldhouse, Mgr. 31-2t Sam Middloman wants beef hides. will pay the hlehest cssh price 10-Tl-tf OF QXTALIT (Incorporated) o Going Up! I RECTOR'S WIDOW ACCEPTS CHALLENGE OF MRS. GiBS0!l Pastor's Widow ays She Is Ready to Meet ng-Wo nan" Face to Face And Deny That She Was Present At Donblo Murder. Now Brunswick, N. J., Oct. 31. Mrs. Frances Noel Hall, widow of Rev. E. . W. Hall, slain rector, accepted today the chnllenu o.' .Mrs. Jane GlbBon, al leged eje-wltness of the murder of Rev. Hall and Mrs. Eleanor Mills, to face the woman and deny she waa present at the killings. Timothy N. Ffelffer, attorney for Mrs. Hall, who announced on the wid ow's behalf she is willing to face Mrs. Gibson, asserted that Frances Voor- ness, the widow's niece, partially cor roborates the story that Mrs. Hall was home the night of ho crime. Mrs. Gibson told of identifying Mrs. Hall as "the woman In gray" who waa present at th ) murder, and challenged the rector's widow to meet her face to face and dery that she was on the Phillips farm the night of the Bhootlng. Three New York photographers were fired on early today by Mrs. Gibson when they evaded the state troopers guarding the home and attempted .to get photographs of her. The three men drove out to the "pig farm" In a taxi and approached the house under a flag of truce. Mrs. Gibson, visibly overwrought by the strain she has been under the last few days, appeared at the door with a shotgun in her hands and ordered the photographers off her premises. , Returning to the car, the photog raphers decided to get a picture of the eye-witness "in action." Infuriated at. the sight of the cameras Mrs. Gibson took hasty aim and fired.. OLLIE BALL TO HATE SECOND TRIAL NEXT TERM. Whltesburg. After failing to agree in the case of Ollle Ball, on trial at Prestonsburg, charged with the mur der of Elzle Centers, the Jury was dis charged. After the Jury was dlv charged the case was passed until the next term of circuit court The killing occurred several months ago. Ieder Seiwlce Efficiency Don't Wish You Had : TRY A 5-nent CIGAR At H. COSTIOAN'S Fruit Co. YCLO THES 2 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o & Co. w aw o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o O 0 o oocooooo. A I