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TItX MATSVILLI PUBLIC LEDOEE-PAG TWO. TM DAILY PUBLIC LEDGER lu'luilied Every Aitemuon U'toci.l gun.Uy y " " XHE LEDOLK i'UULItx.Mii CCi.)l'N i At the Poblic UiWn 'v.M-.K-tl IH f-;c JlaTeJNCE MATWFWS .. t.lUorHlr.aiiiii KATES IN AD VAN Oil" b O.unei 01 MaU, J per ywii-; M.i'5, Si. Months; 40 Cmu pr Mouth. r"n wired "u.. tV. n.ce, frlayiv'iae, Ky asjcond JJgyfi OUR POLICY : To support such measures as are unquestionably for the good ot Mason County an an entire commonity, rather than such proposition as are in favor of the individual interest, or of one sect.on as against another.. And likewise to earnestly and consistently oppose all thing. Jiat are not for the good of the county as a whole. DEER IN KENTUCKY Frederick Ilaakin gave in aTent issue of a Louisville paper a description of the success attending the propagation of deer in por tions of Alaska, where the government placed a herd a few years ago, and by protection has greatly multiplied the original number, so that he flesh is utilized instead of other meat in that region. It is perhaps not so well known that the Kentucky Game and 1W, commission is conducting a similar experiment in this state. The spot chosen is a wild section between the Cumberland and Tennessee rivers, in a section locally known as "The Coalings." The commis sion keeps a watchful eye over the preserves and it is aid the people of that section are also careful to see that the animals are no Lillet by unscrupulous hunters. . From a herd of a dozen or more placed there a few years ago U is now said to have increased many fold. There is a wide range for them to run on. and the location of the rivers prevents them straying far. It is said among the old inhabitants that this section was iorunr ly a famous huning ground, even back in the days of the Indians, and if proper protection is given a few more years will bring back some of its former reputation. Owensboro Messenger. There is of course nothing to present the hysterical gentlemen who feel that unless other people's sons are sent from America to fight for the oppressed populations of Asia Minor Uncle Sam will be disgraced, from going into the trenches themselves in some European uniform in that righteous cause, but it seem altogether probable that their conscientious conductions will not carry them to that length. National Republican. AMEN! President Harding states that so long as he is president he will not pardon "any criminal who was guilty of preachin? destruction of the government by force." Amen to that! Loyal Americans who love this country, who believe in it and have faith in its destiny, will approve that decision. Only the fool in his folly frees a madman whe nthat madman is slavering threats and preaching murder. The law of self-preservation applies to a nation as well as to the individual! "Debs the gentle' .rv, L-4r,llv" ha eiven the administration food for thought. At that Debs is as mild as any sucking dove compared with some of the gentry taken in the national dragnet for trying to stab the nation in the back in a time of national perid. Philadelphia Ledger. OPINIONS DIFFER ON BONUS The American Legion has reaffirmed its stand for the soldiers' bonus. The resolution was unanimously adopted by the delegates at the convention in New Orleans. That does not mean, however, that all ex-service men are for the bonus. Already an organization has been formed among them for the express purpose of opposing any grant from the Federal government, and many thousands of veterans who take no active part either for or against the bonus are emphatic in their opposition. It is the generally accepted opinion at Washing ton that the high tide of the bonus agitation was reached when the recent bill was passed by Congress only to be vetoed by President Harding. They believe thatbonus advocates never again will be able to muster as many votes for their cause. FAIR CHANCE FOR RAILROADS Over-regulation is the cause ascribed by Secretary Hoover for the ear shortage from which the country is now suffering. He de clares that the railroads have been so hampered by restrictive legisla tion in the last twenty years that they find it difficult to finance the cost of ne wequipment necessary to keep pace with the increasing industrial needs of the country. Mr. Hoover estimates that the car shortage each year levies a charge against the producers and the con sumers of th necessities of life equal to the annual cost of running the government. Fortunately the railroads are not being persecuted now as they once were, and there is a decided tendency to recognize th necessity of a reasonable profit for railroad capital if the transporta tion system is to be maintained. ' HARDING'S GREATEST ACCOMPLISHMENT. Not in modern times has there developed a stronger influence for world peace than the naval limitations treaty of the Washington armaments conference. Italy and France have thus far failed to ratify it, and have held up the reforms that it provides. Both coun tries are influential members of the league of nations, the professed object of which is to work for world peace. Is it not strange that a non-member nation initiated the naval treaty, while two member nations are preventing its execution T 8 COMMENT i. v O I M.H'k u,.'Ki:i ii v;. I'.. I niHKUli millim; in 111"..' ' 'li n .: while ii(io mill who HU. eo'dul L i am'tnii quite 4. li.itii.i. v i.aU '. from .oin oi uw'.. . . k... u.t . rare u r., .-iRlu .... . i. -a .ii i u .l ' .t .1 t .ln- l.i: . ' "' paled nush'-r j turned cut to be dry liok'j. 1 ; SpeakiiiK of oil stock: We under-i uaiid some ot the bloated oil stock ! holders hereabouts have been hearing something about their holdings this week. The Information was imparted by the sheriffs. x The ghosts certainly played havoc in some parts of town last night If there was a box or barrel left stand ing In Its place, it was because the boys didn't see it There's one good feature about Hallowe'en, it always necessitates a wholesale window wash ing about town. XI There don't seem to be anything in the Congressional race to stir up even the least bit of interest in the fight. From present indications it don't look like it will be hardly worth while to open the polling places on election day. There's lota more interest In the race for the Maysville postraastershlp. Maysvllle might have won the cham pionship of the Bluegrass League in baseball but it don't look like we are even going to qualify in the also-ran class at football. x The great bulk of city taxes have now been paid into the City Treasury and City Council now has the pleasant job of making the money stretch out over the budget It adopted several mouths ago. My the time council has cancelled its outstanding bonds and covered this adopted budget. Us going to have very few pennies to apply cn the city's brick street debt of leng standing. x One may now feel safe in drinkir.; milk for the great, majority of the dairymen delivering milk to Maysville have complied with the City Ordinance and have had their herds tested for tuberculosis. Those who have not had their herds tested nnd who persist In delivering milk to the city without city license should be promptly arretted and punished. Now that we have the ordinance In force, let's enforce it. It's somebody's duty to see that every milk dealer delivering milk in the city first has his herd tested and next procures a city license. w Wevery day w w A -AYONEY SAVERS A thS. SEE atchThis SpaceDaidt ForExceptiokalValuis It WoiPayYouTo Shop at STEEL'S EveryDay TlirnsilAY. MOVKMIirH 2ml. SO New VAMIV ( 'ASKS Jit MCI HE strs j fc!S 3.9 This ts one of the greatest specials ever offered in this department. These sets are of twenty pieces, enclosed in solid leather cases of grey, black and blue, with assorted colored linings of silk and velvet. Regularly priced up to f 5.0(1 . I'ompelan Twin Compact Vanity Case containing compact cake of face powdor and rouge, two puffs and a mirror. This ts a very exceptional value. The recular price Is $1 00. S UAKS LENOX SOAP S.V I'M It AY, SOYEMBEK 3rd First Quality Extra Fine lni!lty TABLE OILCLOTH HOI SE HKOO.MS 2rc Yard Kor Friday Only No seconds in this lot. 39f Each BLISS COVFEE Sc lb. Equal to any Sir Coffee on the market. CHINESE AVOBK BASKETS One Lot at 79c 9t anil Je SATI RDAY. NOYEJIBEK tth t.AKlt W.E CANS A necessity to every home Special Saturday Onlv Sic Each -FELS WITH A SO AP 1" Bars 49c L. R. STEEL CO., Inc. 4 West Secrmd Street OCTOBER IS BEST MONTH TO PICE BREEDING HEN'S. Lexington, Ky., Within the next four or five weeks every farmer in Kentucky should select and murk the best hens in his poultry flock in or der that these birds may be used in special breeding pens next spring, ac cording to J. R, Smyth, poultry ex tension specialist of the College of Agriculture. Many farmers who keep poultry as a sideline as well as scores of experienced poultry breeders in the staie have found that the egg produc tio no fmost any flock can be increas ed by selecting the highest producing birds in the flock and mating them with desirable males fo rthe produc tion of hatching eggs. October is perhaps the best month for selecting such a pen since it is possible to pick out the high produc ing hens at that time of the year. Farmers who wait until spring to pick out their breeding hens will find that they are unable to distinguish easily between the heavy layers and those that produce only a small number of eggs during the year. After the hens have been selected, they should be marked with leg bands or some other .1 ...! .... In nrAvr that tllPV TMAV be TeC- lognized I nthe spring when the time Uor mating arrives. I Only those hens that are not moult ing or those that have just started should be selected when the breeding hens are being picked In October. The yellow color also thould be faded from the shanks and beaks of birds belong ing to vellow-shanked breeds. Vigor- ous hens having a bright clear, protr. ' inent eye with an eyelid that is free j from fat usually will have many ci (the characteristics that are desirabU i in breeding hens. It is important that all hens selected for the breeding pens be laying at this time of the year. Soft, pliable plevic bones that are wide apart and a soft tillable abdomen that has at least la and one-half fingers depth between the jdeiic bones and the end o fthe breast bone usually can betaken as an indication that the hen is still laying. No bird should he se lected that U not a good representative of the breed. From 1 to lsi leghorn hens should be pcike for every rooster that will be used in the spring breed ing and from 1 to 12 birds of other breeds. According to a very old superstition the finding of a spider on the wedding gown by the bride is considered a sure token of happiness to couie. Ldgr Berries Efficiency THE MOST REFRESHING DRINK IN THE WORLD BOTTLED AT ALL GROCERY STORES CAFES AND STANDS. - THIS LITTLE PIG GOES TO MARKET The demand for pig iron and for steel have always been recog nized as a sure indication of business conditions. At the end of August, 1922, the United States Steel Company had on its books un filled orders to the amount of 5,950,000 tonB as conipured with 4,5:!,- 000 tons on the same date last year, an increase of 33 per cent. Daily pig iron production at the end of August was running at 58,000 tons as compared with 30,000 tons at the same date last year, an increase of over 90 per cent. CANCELATION NOT FAVORED There is y t to In- found in t ho Harding Adiuinist ration a single official advocating enticclation of the allied debts to the United States The President's advisers and assistants are 100 per cent. American free from the internationalist taint that affected so tunny ot their November Victor ReCOrds Are HERE Just In! Come In! It is a great program by great artists and every record is worth hearing. In case you can't get in, check this lis t. mail it to us, and we shall send out the numbers you want. LIGHT VOCAL SELECTIONS. For the Sake of Auld Lang Syne Iwis James Call Me Back, Pal o' Mine Charles Harrison All Over Nothing at All Aileen Stanley, Billy Murray IH Stand Beneath Tour W indow Tonight and Whistle Life's Railway to Heaven Charles Harrison, Clifford Cairns The Harbor Bell '. Charles Harrison, Clifford Cairns Away Down Souh Peerless Quartet Way Down Yonder in New Orleans Peerless Quartet BANJO SOLO Robs' Double Shuffle "Black Face" Eddie Ross Ross' Juba "Black Face" Eddie Ross DANCE RECORDS ' After a Whiles-Fox Trot All-Star Trio and Their Orchestra I'm Happy Fox Trot All-Star Trio and Their Orchestra When the Leaves Come Tu tabling down Fox Trot Doerr Orchestra Zenda Fox Trot Zea Confrey and His Orchestra j Chicago Fox Troi Paul Whiteman and His Orchestra Early in the Morning Blues Fox Trot The Virginians Suez Fox Trot Clyde Doerr and His Orchestra I Wish I Knew Fox Trot Clyde Doerr and His Orchestra Stuttering Fox Trot Benson Orchestra of Chicago Those Longing For You Blues Fox Trot Benson Orchestra of Chicago I'll Build a Stairway to Pa radise Fox Trot Whiteman Orchestra Ycu Remind me of My Mother Fox Trot Whiteman Orchestra I Found a Four Leaf Clover Fox Trot Whiteman Orchestra Two Little Ruby Rings Fox Trot , Whiteman Orchestra Three O'clock in. the Morning Walts Whiteman Orchestia Oriental Fox Trot '. Whiteman Orchestra BRISBOIS No. 42 W. Second SI THE FURNITURE MAI1 MAYSME, KY. The modern way, the quick and easy way of doing your washing. Come in and look at the real Washing Machine. ELECTRIC SHOP Of MAYSVILLE GAS CO. London. Oct 31. Fr.ther llernard Vauf:lian. S. J , 75, famous tor his "Sins of Society" tenuous, a prominent ("alkolis priest, with a large follow ln(! 1IELPHL WORDS From JUjmIUb Clttien. Is your back lame and painful Does u ach especially after eier tlon? Is there a soreness in the kidney region? These symptoms suggest weak kid neys. if so there Is danger In delay. Weak kidneys get weaker fast. Give your trouble prompt attention. Poan s Kidney Tills are for weak kidneys. Your neighbors use and recommend them. Kead this Maysvllle testimony. Mrs. J. W. Ishmeal 22S Bast Fifth street, says: I had been a sufferer from kidney trouble for many years. My kldneyj were in a weak condition and at times they acted too often. My back ached ternbly which broke my rest at night. I had dizzy spells and could see flashes before my eyes and everything turned black before me A friend told me about using Doan's Kidney Pills with benefit so I sent to Swift's drug store and got two boxes. After usin gthem I got better and have felt like a different woman ever since. I can't recommend Doan's too highly." Price 60c.. at all dealers. Don t simply ask for kidney remedy get Poan s Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. Ishmeal had. Foster-Milburn Cn . Mfr . Ttu!?a!n. N. Y. JOHN W. PORTER & SON FUNERAL DIRECTOR! Office Phone 37 Home 'Phone M 17 East Second Street OINTTJCr among Ilritish society, died here today. Father Vauglian also was famed for hla work among the poor of London. A clever young lover was Tee The pirls welcomed him with preat pice His friend tisked him why And he winked his eye Said "The iee ereas' pood atT-G" And Wherever r J "V t- T-G Ice Cream Goes its welcome is assured. Good iee cream is nutritious Good iee cream is healthful Good iee cream is a food. T O Ice Cream ii good Ice Cream Have you served it lately? Traxel Glascock Co. (Incorporated.) THE HOME FOLKS Phone 325 IP 1 Ii II SI S The tax list is now in my hands for collection. Don't put off paying your taxes until the last minute. Take no chance of haying the penalty added. C. M. DEVORE Sheriff Mason County. The Liberty Warehouse Will most certainly be opened to receive, handle and sell your 922 non-pooled crop of tobacco. . CASH will be PAID for every crop sold. s WATCH for the opening date to be announced soon in the Public Ledger. Representatives of all the big dealers and manufactnrera will be on our tale. The Liberty Warehouse 0. H J0VES)b1m Manfr. Y ; -- X 6 iredeeeKitora in office.