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' TO KAYITILLI rUBUO LZDQEX PAOE FOUl. THIS FLOUR 15 J SOMETHING NEW R. M. HARMSON III rl M A As L1 I I I I. -J - A L rlvl t y the Highest Patent Flour Made. SUrl k OUR Cour JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Never Be Without o o o these emergency aruciee your medicine chest: hot water q bap. douche bag, medicated cot- q ton. gauze bandages, arnica, Q iodine, cholera mixture, pepper- Q mint drops, castor oil. court Q plaster, antiseptics, etc. All of Q these and other essential you q can get fresh and effective b(q o o this store. . We guarnntce quality of all onr goods. DA VOL FOUNTAIN SYRINGE $1.25 TO $3.50 DA VOL WATER BOTTLES $1-25 TO $3.00 DAVOL COMBINATION WATER BOTTLE AND SYRINGE . $1.25 TO $3.50 All Guaranteed for Two Years, s WE DO NOT CHARGE FOR DELIVERY. the ; SC. F. KILGUS PHARMACY o o o o O TELEPHONE 9 1 QOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOt Southeast Corner Third ibA toiket Jtiifts Across Fren M. C. RUSSELL CI. O o o o o o o o o o o o o e e SKXT TK.V1M IOU HOME WAS ALL KIC.IIT KOK MIX. Tom Mix, the William Fox star, who recently paid New York a flying visit, astonished his Interviewers when they axked htm how he liked the metropolis. Mr. Mix had been shown every won der and mouth-opener which the city bo:uted. Nevertheless, when' the big qiiPKttoiv was put to him, he did not say a word Just pulled out his time table and looked' up the next train back home to Callfornln. It wasn't because the famous dare- j devil actor didn't marvel at the city's greatness: it. was simply because he j loved his M'est with its wonderful sun- I sots and lis roving herds of cattle. Mix j is back on the west coast, but his nn- ; tlon pictures are to be seen all over I the world. j The latest of these comes to the Pas- , tlm theater Thursday. The name of this William Fox production is Trail in"." a Max Drand story and Tom Mix is given free play for dashing work 1 I J I I ml. 'HI L 4 Sl in the leading role. I JfXST HAVE SEARCH ; SEC BO, 1 KILLS FATHEB WARRANT TO OPEN BASKET. 1 AS PARENT ATTACKS MOTHER Judge A. T. Burgevin Instructed a MadlSonville. Ky., Oc "31. 'Squire jury in the Criminal Court Tuesday fi3 yearg od negr0, was shot and at Louisville, to acquit Robert Davis j lngtantly killed by his son. Theopolls negro, who had appealed from a fine j 14 yearg old at Earllngton last of $100 Imposed In the Police Court ' nlght wnen e!der i8 gaid to for unlawfully transporting moon- j been ching hig wife, The boy shine whisky. It was shown by the . oiBtoi and 8not hia father In HERBS I'SED !' MEIUCWES. A Manchester. England, paper urges the renewed cultivation of old-fashioned medicinal herbs in English gar dens. In the United States they have also gone out of fashion as a feature of the small garden, although they are Imported In large quantities from Tur key, India and China, where they are grown purely for commercial purposes as their medicinal value is recognized by many leading physicians. Tons of medicinal herbs are used annually in the preparation of Lydia E. Pinkham't Vegetable compound, a most success ful medicine for woman's Ills. It con tains no narcotics or harmful drugs, and women afflicted with such ail ments should try it. proof that Sergeant J. P. Staley ar rested the negro on a street car after searching a basket and finding the liquor. Judge Burgevin held the officer did not have the right to search the basket without a search warrant, under a recent decision of the Court of Appeals declaring that a man's suitcase Is his personal property. the back, death resulting instantly. The coroner's Jury returned a verdict that the shooting was Justifiable. The slain man is said to have been drink ing when he was killed. THREE KILLED FOIK Hl'RT AS EXPRESS TRAISS HITS SPECIAL. Good Music THE best music is Victrola music, for the world's leading artists make Victor Records. The world's greatest music would be lost to most of us did not the Victrola and Victor Records perpetuate its beauty for every one. - Let us send out your Victrola today. All models and prices, on our conven ient payment plan. MURPHY'S JEWELRY STORE, 15 West Second Street, MAYSVILLE. KY. Dill Pickles BARRELL JUST OPENED ALSO FRESH PANCAKE AND BUCKWHEAT FLOUR. WE OFFER AUNT JEMIMA AND PILLSBURY THESE BRANDS ARE BEST. "QUALITY GROCERS" R. 1. TURNER & SON PIK COUGHS Apply over throat and cheat swallow small piccee of VAPORUB 8. C. GARRISON Economy Grocery Hardware and Magic Safety OiL ! Aberdeen, Ohio. New Orleans, La., Oct 31. Three persons dead, four seriously injured and two slightly hurt, was the toll of the rear-end collision early today of the fast Sunset express Vew Orleans San Francisco Southern Pacific pns senter train and a Wortham Carnival Shows circus special en route from New Orleans to New Iberia, La. The dead: Homer V. Jones. Will C. Jones, brothers; R. L. Metcalf. The conductor and brakeman of the circus train were reported missing. The dead and Injured were circus performers. THKEL SMALL FARMS THAT CAS BE II AM1.K1 WITH LITTLE CASH. FARM NO. 1 40 acres in Plumville District; has on It a 5-room House, good cellar, splendid milk house, corn crib, tobacco ami feed burn. Lund lays a ell and you would be surprised to know what It cud be bought for. FARM NO. 2 50 acres uear Maysvllle. This Is rolling land, but is good, strong limestone formation and is well improved; 5-room House, tobacco barn 44xSO, all usuul outbuildings. This is als a cheap farm ami can be bought well worth the moneys on easy terms. FARM NO. 3. With a house and 6 acres of land in the same locality as Farm No. 2. priced on a basis that you could afford to buy and cjuit paying rent. THOS. L. EWAN & CO. HEAL ESTATE AD LOAN BROKERS IS WEST SECOSD STREET MAYSVILLE, KE.NTlTkY. IN THE HEART OF THE CITY ON GROUND FLOOR. WE WRITE DEEDS. CONTRACT. MORTGAGES. STENOGRAPHER ON HAND AT ALL TIMES TO DO THIS KIND OF WORK. Pastime Today Charlie Chaplin -IN- A DAY'S PLEASURE" TEXAS GUIANAN -IN "OUT WEST" ADMISSION 10 AND 15 CENTS (War Tax Included) NEW CROP BIO SANDY FREE 19 TEAKS, f 0.YICT IS REPORTED BY DATGHTLR. Memphis, Tenn., Oct. 31. After en joying 19 years of freedom. Jesse San derson of CarutherBvIlle, Mo., was en route today to the Louisiana Peniten tiary to begin serving a life sentence. Sanderson is said to have opposed the courtship of his daughter by a young man he did not like and the daughter reported to the authorities that San derson bad escaped from prison in 1903 after serving two years of a sen tence for killing. LLOYD GEORGE IS TAKEN ILL. London, Nov. 1. Former Premier David Lloyd George is ill today with a cold which has settled in his throat. Interfering with his campaign tour. He is under care of Lord Dawson, pri vate physician to King George. AH speeches for the next few days have been canceled.' The former premier's condition is cot serious. rghum Molasses NEW HOMINY NEW MACKEREL OYSTERS NEUFCHATEL CHEESE PRUNES DRIED APPLES GRIMES GOLDEN APPLES DINGER BROS. LEADING RETAILER MASON COrXTY WOMAN'S nrn Trt m v v t vpin tv v " i Vii ittru luiaar this head 1 cent The regular meeting of the Woman s word. Minimum charge 10 cents. Club will be held Friday afternoon at j the Leeion rooms at 2:15 The meeting ! will to in eharee of the committee on ! WANTED Good laundress; also reli- Apply at 28 lNov3t CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING WANTED NEW PACK All Kinds of Halloween Candies 30c Pound Elite Confectionery DR. ROY GIEHLS Chiropractor 10 H West Seeoad Street Ftrl Chiropractor located It Iimi Couty. AYSTILLE, IT. Hesje 'Chose 4J1.W. Office Those f!L Lady AUeadaaL Special Display! of Apparel Thursday, Friday and Saturday CLIFT-CARR SHOP MIS I. E CUH . Ml L CICUI Next Door to Gem Theater ljniKr Service Efficiency JUST ARRIVED Overcoats New Fall SUITS and - BOTH BELTED AND PLAIN MODELS t lb v NEW ONES ARRIVING EVERY DAY ;;; YOU WILL BX SURPRISED AT THE t REMARKABLE LOW PRICE. CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. Brady-Bouldift Co. Nelson Building C. SANBORN MILL Hay, Grain, Mill Feed All Kinds of Produce Roofing, Salt, Cement, and Lime C. SANBORN, , Aberdeen, Ohio. - F. WILLIAMS OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined by Modern Methods GLASSES KITTED 804 Market Street.' Grierson's Meat Market AltBEKDEEtf, OHIO, All Kinds of Fresh and Cured MEAI'S Lard and Sausage tah For HJdet. American Citizenship, Mrs. W. J. Cap linger, leader. The following program will be given: "The American Woman Past, Pres ent, Future," Mrs. Ronan. "Woman In Politics," Mrs. V. D. Guittard. Modern Educational Influences," Mr. Caplinger. LOUISVILLE'S CITY ATTORNEY DROrS DEAD. LouiBVlle, Ky., Oct 31 City Attor ney Clayton B. Blakey dropped dead while telephoning to his wife in a drug store here today. " The pain isn't any better," he had Just told his wife. No eoner had be Iven expression to the complaint than he fell over backward, tearing the tele phone from the wall. Dr. Herman Humphrey, who was called, said death wag due to heart dis ease, from which Mr. Blakey bad been suffering for a long time. BrYS INTEREST IN BIG MASON COUNTY FARM. Mr. William B. Bmoot, well known dairyman, has purchased the interest of Mr. George Kirk In the old Mackoy farm In the Minerva neighborhood and certain other real estate holdings owned by Messrs George Kirk and Frank Carpenter. COLORED CITIZENS. Card of ThankN. We wish to thank the realtlves and friends for their kindness shown us during the death of our beloved wife ond daughter. We also thank Rev. Hickman and Mr. Knox for their kind ness In directing the funeral. We also thank the friends for the beautiful flortl offering. We especially thank Mr. Cabllsh for bis kindness shown us. HUSBAND AND MOTHER. WILLIAM AND MARV FLETCHER. able cook. References. West Third street. FOR RENT FOR RE.VT Front room at corner of Second and Walnut street. 'Phone 328-W. lXovtt FOR RE.VT Brick house of five rooms and batb. No. 321 West Third street Apply Mrs. B. W. Goodman, 19 East Third street. l.ov6t FOR RENT Strictly modern flat. Ap ply to Mrs. R. Leo Lovel. lNov3t FOR RENT Four-room cattage. W. T. Berry, 'phone 259-W. 30Oct3t FOR RENT Flat of three rooms and bath. Apply at No. 414 East Second street 30Oct3t FOR RENT Two rooms for light housekeeping, furnished or unfur nished, All conveniences, call 'phone 234-J. 280ct6t FOR RENT Six room Cottage; bath, hot end cold water. A real place to live. J. M. Collins. 170ct-tf FOR RENT 6-room flat, all conven iences, corner Second and Walnut street Call 663 or see Dr. CrowelL FOR SALE FOR SALE Five-room two-story house, with yard and garden. Locat ed in Aberdeen, abovo high water. Price four hundred dollars. Omar Hoggs, East Second street, Aberdeen, Ohio. lNov4t FOR SALE Dressing Table and other furniture, for sale cheap. Call 303 Poplar street. 310ct2t FuR SALE Eight-room Brick Rest dence at 414 East Bocond street Gas, hot and cold water and batb Apply at Peebles Cigar store, or 'phone 298-W. 27Bept-tf LOST LOST $3.50, tied in handkerchief, Finder ploase leave at this office. r ptok wo n You get the BEST CANNED GOODS in Our STORE. NOW IS THE THffE TO BUY OYSTERS. I am handling EXCELLAXT brand one of the best that arrive from Baltimore fresh shucked. I am prepared to serve you and want your business. Fresh Celery, Dressed Chickens, Cranberries. Fancy Canned Goods; buy them by the dozen and save money. J. C. CABLJSH Phone 83 The ItzSm Grocer Pre -War Prices on These Farms W. D. GIBBON'S FARM of 92 acres, located on good pike between Minerva and Dover. This fam) has good improvements. 3UCK HAUGHABOO'S FARM of 120 acres, located on Germantown pike, five miles from Maysvllle, ' Good improvements and all Tobacco land. C. A. JOLLY'S FARM of 85 acres, located near Mayslick, on the Nepton pike. Place y has good improvements, well fenced, plenty of good water. All good strong limestone land. SSiermao Arn Real Estate and General Insurance 0, "WILL SELL TEE EARTH" 8 SQUARE DEAL SQUARE PHONE C72-W idiigiii AT OPERA HOUSE Sylvia BreamerTafcE Tomorrow At Gem and Opera House Clara Kimball Young v I-, p c v Si L