Newspaper Page Text
LrrfrEB Postaob.-" On and after." not " from and after the 1st day of July next, mentioned a wonaertut discovery by bomo wise-acre editor, all letters going by mail will 09 caargea by weight mstead of by the piece, as formerly a regulation which, te our mind comes much nearer the democratic standard of equality and justice than is gene rally given us by our law makers. We give Wow as a matter in which all are concerned, seme interesting facts as to the size and quantity of paper which may be used by letter Writers: " All letters under half an euace, may be sent three hundred miles for five cents, ever that distance for tun cents. A trial of the Weight of six varieties of paper, three of foels Cap, and two kinds of envele pes, large jnd small, shows the following result ' as the weight of each single sheet, on an average of ten sheets ef each kind. The paper was all of geed quality, and such as we are all used to, for size and weight; " Letter-paper, first variety, 1S3 grains. ' do second de 134 " ' do', third ; do ' 131 1 ' Foolscap paper first do 172 '" " do " second do 109 1 do third do 161 ' Small envelope, 42 grains. Large do. 62 grains, ' ' Wafers, usnal size, one grain. Sealing wax, usual quantity, 5 grains.' " The ensuing deductiens are based upon the heaviest paper, to keep within tho mark. An avoirdupois half-ounce is 316 grains. We may therefore send as a single letter, 1. One and a half sheet of letter paper, sealed with wax or wafer. : 2. One Bheet of do with large or small envelope ; wax or wafer. S. One sheet of foolscap, with small en velope, sealed with wafer, ' One sheet of foolscapj with small envel ope, sealed with wafer; 1 ' v " 4. One sheet of letter paper, with a quarter eagle ($2 50) inclosed, and secured With wax, and the letter sealed with wax. 6 Half a sheet of letter paper; or light foolscap with a haif eagle inclosed , secured and sealed with wafers. 6. A sheet of letter paper may contain a dime and a half, or a half sheet may con tain a quarter dollar. . 7. A sheet of letter-paper may inclose seven bank notes and' be sealed with wax; or three bank hotes,and the whole in an en velope. y". ' ' ; TIIE EMIGRANTS TO OREGON. ' The following letter is from one of the euuuis oi tua iiiucjreiiuouue, iuu. cjxpuauui, ,wh6 accompanied the4 army of emigrants a short distance on their toilsome way to the J: - t .1.'.. T i- j t. r western boundary of the " Far West." ,'' - Emogh ants' Gamp,) , V "Kaw Village, May 15th, 184S. ) v A ride of one hundred miles from Inde pendence has brought us into the midst of a scene the most grateful and animating my eyes .ever halted! In the centre of a beau tiful prairie, whicff tlio wild taste of , the Kaw Indians have selected for their perma nent village, is the rendezvous of the Ore gon Emigrants, assembled here to complete their final organization. One hundrtd and four wagons arranged In an oval ring and linked together with ox chains, form at once an -immense caral to enclose the stock, and an, impregnable fortress to protect them. One hundred more wagons encamped in groups at small distances, completes the troop here assembled, which, dotting the plain with their snow white covers, resound ing with a busy multitude plying to and fro ? i r . i i: . i. cloud of stock engaged in devouring the luxuriant grass, combine to heighten in in terest a scene full of animation, sunshine and excitement. Tho emigrants have been engaged during the day,-.. in . framing and adopting a system of regulation for their general government, and in the election of otneers. in. yvaish, ,ot Uooper Co., Mo., lias been chosen Captain, Stephen II. L. Meek, Pilot an admirable code of regulations adopted, subordinate officers elected, and the whole body arranged into four companies intended to travel separately or in mass, as the exigencies of the route may suggest to be expedient. ' . From the census which I have succeeded in taking there were present. Males, .........421 Females, '.' 131 " Children Boys, -540 ' " Girls,. 209 Total of Children,-...... 749 Cattle, .....3281 Wagons. .r;....233 Horses, , 182 . The whole form as nervous, intelligent, brave and determifate abody as ever launch-. ,ed themselves upon thediazard ot all untried and arduous enterprize, surrounded by known liculties and frejckled With unknown dan gers. Amply Equipped with provisions, arms, excellent vehicles,. abundance of ani- mats, exnenencua guides ana true nnes, me sight of this train of Inovjng horses, as . 1 r .. " r I .. i, ; AnnrB.ii one by one, they form a moving line of two, .miles fn length, flanked by herds and horse men, inspired in our breasts the most stirring emo'tions. , iT -" ' . i. a ,, This morning thevfVatlike news from Eng; 1nnJ rennli&A tfiA r.jrmn ' sit triA nnnnnnr.. : rn.ent 0I which all declared that they went equally determined to settle andto cdtiquer. ''jSbouJd they be called to rally .'around the ' Sior RunrinleA Rnnner. and nlant the nation- " I . al t standard forever firmly on the sublime he'ights that overlook tho Pacific, we shall know that truer hearts or better soldiers never primed a rifle or drew a deadlier aim.' Intermingled with the rest we see several emigrants whose final destination is Califor nia, but who will pass by Oregon in their way, tnua Dinning more cjoseiy ins mmuai connexion or tnese two countries. ? will depart from Fort Leavenworth on the J8tfy under orders to proceed by the Ore gon trail te the head of Sweetwater, (the eastern limit ot .Oregon) and returning thence by Laramy, to pass along the eastern base of the Jtocky Mountains to Bents' Fort on the Arkansas, reaching home In about five months by the Santa Fe trail. Simultaneously with the departure ef this body of emigrants, of whom ws are now taking leave, other bodies have already commenced their journey from St. Joseph's, Savannah and Council Bluffs. These, of whese numbers we have no potilwt informa tion, by report equal the imigration by the route of Independence. . . ( The Tariff. -We havo always contend ed that the effect of the 'present iniquitous system ot duties was calculated, if not de signed, to benefit a few northern manufac turers and capitalists at the-expensa of the people, and consequently to the detriment of every -other branch of industry. If any evidence of "this was wanting, in addition to that te be found in the act it?jluanr the circumstances of its creation, it is ' forcibly embodied in the following result ef " actual dividents in the year 1844," as. compiled from the reports of the treasurers of the Lowell Cotton Factories. . The proceeds of these corporations last year, actually divided, are as to I lows: Dividends of Lowell Cotton Factories. . , , . Capital. ,. 1844. . Merrimac, ; $2,000,000 , 20 Hamilton,, 1,000,000 7 Appleton, 600,000 . 8 . Lowell, . 600,000 , 7 Suffolk, " 600,000 ' "16 Middlesex,' 800,000 10 Tremont, 600,000 " ' 10 Lawrence, .'1,500,000 " 16 Boett, . 1,200,000 11 Massachusetts, , 1,200,000 14 " ! $10,500,000 ' 122 What does the farmer and other laboring classes think of this? " In these ten com panies, with a capital of ten and a half mil lions, the dividends actually declared were on an average at a rate over 12 per cent., the lowest being 6, and the highest 20 per cent. How much of the clear profits were reserved , as a contingent fund, we are un able to state, but there is no doubt it would swell the actual netl profits to at least 15 per cent.'1 What other branch of industry derives one-half the profit from an equal amount of capital 7 Let the people answer. Lynchburgh Republican. OrtEoojr. As much interest is felt in re lation te the controversy as lo the title to this country, we insert several extracts from leading papers, showing that the claim set up by England is entirely groundless, and that that nation has heretofore acknowledged our right to the territory in which, by the British feelings and partialities of some of our statesmen, they have since been allowed a joint occupancy. If this rapacious nation should see fit to set up a claim to the State of Mississippi, there would be as much jus tification tor concession or compromise on the part of our government, as in the case of Oregon. The country is ours by discovery ot the Columbia at its mouth and at its head sources; by purchase of the title or claim of Spam ; by the ' acknowledgement of Great Britain at the close ef the last war ours by right and ours by nature. It really seems to us that the American who, under the cir cumstances, would hesitate to sustain (he government in the position assumed by the President, would be willing to re-colonize tho American States, and return again to British vassalage. We hope there are few such. We have every confidence that the President and his Cabinet will maintain the rights and honor of the country, and that ere the lapse of many years, our domains beyond the Rocky mountains will be peopled with a nation of freemen. Mississippi De mocrat. There is a man confined in our jail await ing his order from the sheriff to be taken to the State Prison, where he is sentenced for five years, who made the most desperate at tempt to make his escape from jail that wo have ever beard ot. It appears that some person furnished him with a paper of matches, and with a bucket of water which he kept in his room, be set himself to work to bum a hole through the door large . enough to get out. , But unfortunately for him, he could not keep the fire checked as he supposed, and at about two o'clock this morning, the citizens in the immediate vicinity of tfie jail were aroused by the cry of fire from the jail building, and on repairing to it, found the tcllow nearly sutiocated by the smoke, the inside door in ablaze, and by their timely assistance saved the jail and prisoner, from being destroyed Defiance Democrat. Tub Repeal Association of New Or leans broken vp. We perceive that at a meeting of the Irish Repeal Association of Louisiana, in New Orleans, after some reso lutions condemnatory -of the course of O'Connell, and expressive of the determin ation of the members to maintain their loy alty to this, the land of their adoption without reference to the command of O'Connell, or any other demagogue whatever, the associa tion was dissolved, and it was determined that the funds then in the hands of the Treasurer, should be equally 'divided one half to be devoted to the Female Orphan Society, and the other half to the Charity Hospital. Arrival of tiie British Surveying Steamer Columbia. This steamer arrived in Boston harbor Thursday morning, osten sibly for running tho meridian lino between this city and Halifax. If any one thinks, says the Times, that its expedition is any thing more than to get the bearings of our coast and ascertain the peculiarities ef our harbor, he is more credulous than we are. A similar expedition was here last season. England is occasionally sounding our lakes for some purpose best known to herself. The Rich Fvhnitbrb of the Nabobs Un" taxed. While the. Tax Bill of last session was pending in the Senate, a proposition was adopted, levying a tax on all household furniture, gold and silver, jewelry, Slc, be longing to any person or firm, amounting, iu tho aggregate', to four hundred dollars. In the House of Representatives this amend ment to Kelley's Tax Bill,, so just in itself, was stricken . out, and another substituted, declaring that the furniture of every des cription used in a boarding house, tavern or hotel, except the kitchen and dining-room furniture necessary for the family, shall be taken and deemed, as stock in trade, and taxed accordingly. Under this amendment, the scanty furniture of a tavern or boardiug house is subject to taxation, while that of tho banker, with his silver plate and rich carpets his co'slly sideboards and luxurious sofas his rich jewelry, die, though they may amount to ns many thousands as the furniture of the boarding house keeper dees to tens, yet it is exempt from taxation. Why this is se what justice there is in it and what excuse can be given for 'such par tial and unjust legislation aro matters which the federal members of the Legisla ture must answer. With such facts as -these staring them in the face, the federal party claim that the law equalizes the taxes. Shamowhere is thy blush! Ohio Statesman.. White Slavery. We translate tho fol lowing from one of our latest Paris papers, received by the Hibernia: " One of the last numbers of La Lune, a paper published in Hungary, contains the following announcementfrom Walachia: " To be sold, by the sons and heirs of the late Nicholas Nika, at Bucharest, two hun dred families the male members of which are, for the greatest part, laborers, locksmiths, shoemakers, goldsmiths and musicians. ' The proprietor of these famalics will not dispose of them in any smaller lots than those con sisting of five families, but the price is at least lower by a ducat per head, than the or dinary established rates, and advantageous facilities for payment are tendered." This announcement is not as might be supposed at first sight, a pleasantry; it is serious, and what is mere, it is legal; for the Civil Code, granted in 1818, by the prince John Karadecha, to the principalities of Moldavia, and which is at this day in full force and vigor, actually sanctions this slavery. . Thus, while the Christian nations ef Eu rope are yearly expending millions in send ing war vessels to the African coast, for the purpose ef preventing the trade in black slaves, white ones are advertised and sold, under the protection of the law, in two Christian countries, situated in the very in terior of Europe, itself. Buffalo Pilot. State Convention Editorial Conven tion. The Mt. Vernon Banner, in alluding to these conventions, says: " As there. is to be a State Convention at Columbus on the 4th of July, it is suggested that the editorial corps, and the domocracy .generally, ossemble at that phice on that doy, to adopt a uniform line ot action lor the coming contest.". . We are then to understand that the two conventions meet here on tho 4th. This is right, and that we shall have a goed turn out is evident from the " signs of the times." We hope to see the democratic editors of Ohio together on that day let as few be ab sent as possible. Ohio Statesman. A Duel. On Tuesday morning last, a hostile meeting took place between Mr. Ed ward S. Willing and Mr. William Schott, both residents ' of this city. The place of meeting was Naaman's Creek,, in the State of Delaware, about twenty-one miles from this city. Both combatants fired together, between the words one and two, and both shots took effect at the first fire. Mr. Willing was wounded in both thighs, the ball grazing the right, and passing entirely through the left thigh. Mr. Schott received his adver sary's ball in the fleshy part ef the hip. The wounds are not considered dangerous. It is said, that Mr. Willing was the challen ger, in consequence of an altercation with Mr. Schott in Walnut Street on Saturdey af ternoon last. -NeaTs Saturday Gazette. Great Fire at Quebec. A disastrous fire occured al Quebec, Canada, on the 27th ult. which had reduced to ashes a large por tion of that city. The fire was still raging when the Queen steambeat, which brought hn nfiw to Montreal, left Quebec. The Quebec Gazette while the fire is raging, says: "A population ot about ten tnousanu seuis tvitl hp wilbniit hause ar home to-niirht hav ing lost almost every thing." Seven children were ascertained te have been burnt. (KT A law has been recently passed in ona nf the Western States, which compels persons to disclose the amount of money tlipv hnvn at interest, in "order that thev mav j - ) - j v hn cnrrectlv. A cotemnorarv auaint- " j - i j i ly remarks, that several widows in his neigh- DOrnooa llavu iu i;uiiswiugmi;o, guuu uuu an other state. flat, heagtr. Nut hintr more natural. The State of ma terSe-money, (matrimeny) we conclude, of .course. Halt. Hun. Thn nkovai undoubtedly means Alfred K nllftv'a eelekratcd. uneaual and iniquitous tax law. Notwithstanding it may bo benefi cial to widows and Daciieiors, in me way above mentioned, ye we venture to assen that nine-tenths of the whii'S and all the de mocrats in the State would greatly prefer the enactment 01 a law proviaing ror xue re movai oi tne auinors oi mai imeresuug iaw, far beyond the berders of Ohio. Adams County Democrat. S ' ; Utility of Lavghter. A hearty laueh is occasionally in act of wisdom ; it shakes tho cobwebs but ot a man's brains, ana tne hypochondria from bis ribs, far more eftectu ally than either champagne or blue pills. XHIKALll)AVENTljRE, FRIDAY, JUK 30( 1843. DEMOCRATS ! KEEP IT INMIND, That the law passed by the Whigs last winter creating the State Bank of Ohio must be'speedily and utter ly REPEALED. . ,. , ,. THE MIAMI EXTENSION We are informed that on Tuesday, the 10th instant, after the water had been let into the Ca nal, that while the State boat was fmsaing through a lockon Section 10, a large current of water broke through the tipper gates with such force as to carry away a part of the lock and render it useless. This will prevent for some days the passage of boats, but will soon be repaired. We do not much expoct to hear that boats have tra versed the route' through from Cincinnati to the lake, much before the 1st of next month. This Canal will prove largely beneficial to this hitherto neglected portion of the State, and our farmers and business men will each be benefitted by its facilities far transportation. It will mater ially reduce the cost of heavy and bulky articles, sucti as iron, saltf crocker, &c, articles of the first necessity, and will bring our markets within a convenient distance.. Farmers will get better prices for their produce with loss trouble and tra vel than hitherto; besides it opens Qur country to the observation of the travelling community, and these advantages will do much to attract others to settle amongst us, and help to clear up the wild lands, of which there is yet abundance of excellent quality. The absurd policy of our Legislature it shut ting out from snle the Canal Lands in this section of countryfor nearly ten years,-though at length desisted from, has proved of incalculable detri ment. During this period the tide of emigration rolled 'elsewhere; and with bad roads and every disadvantage which belongs to an unsettled coun try our farmers have had to toil, much longer, than needful, the prosperity of the country retarded because some speculating wiseacres thought that the land would be more valuable. The experi ment has been tried and Canal lanc4 are now np nmianrl nnd sold at a less firice than thev were i ' eight years ago. But these obstructions no long . . i J. i .u:- r- er cnccK our prosperity, anu rwv nuvo m iuw fi lial a new element added, (and many years will not have passed before the.northwest will rival the fairest agricultural portion) of the State. Various speculations afe indulged in as to the etlect ot the opening ot tne extension innai, com pleting as it does the most direct route from Cin cinnati to Lake Erie. The Albany Argus thinks it will draw a large portion of the Southern trade to New York ; be this at it may, there can be no question that it will be the channel of an exten sive trade. The FourtIi of July. We understand that there is to be a celebration of our national Anni versary at Ctlandorf in Ottowa township. B.F.Met calfEsq., is named orator of tho day. This is right. The era and the principles of the declara tion of independence should over be kept in re membrance. s (J-Our exchanges that have come to hand by the last two mails sperk fuvorably of the effect of the recent rains upon the crops. Here their effect was highly beneficial where the frosts had not destroyed the crop. We had a slight frost last Wednesday morning which somewhat injured the grass. Hay we are informed will be below an average in this section. ; In relation toj Allen County the Lima Reporter says: . During tho past ten davs tho weather has been as seasonable, and vegetation has grown as fine as heart could wish. We have lately had copious and refreshing showers, end in stead of a famine as some unnecessarily f eared, we have now the fair prospect of a fine harvest. It is the general opinion ot the people now that there will be more wheat raised in the county 4his year than last; and ef corn there, is every indication of there being 3 bushels for 1 last year. fi-jWe' have received the first number of a tihw Dnmocratic Journal. " tho Pertnore Sentinel" published at Ravenna, Ohio, by Messrs. Harris & Patterson. It is a neat and well printed sheet, and its conductors promise that it shall do good battle in the cause of Democracy. We doubt it not, and wish them every success in the laborious work of enliizhtenins the benighted wines of that region about the political interests and indepen dence of our state and nation. flp The Officers of the 2d Rifle Regiment meet at Columbus Grove to-morrow, t choose a Colonel in place of the late F. H. Gillet. Wo hope they will make a firs! rate selcctionas their choice may have to lead tho" Regiment to Oregon or Canada before his commission expires; for if we have to fight to preserve the one, we may as well whip the other at the same time. Quiti Mistaken. Our friend Davison of the Lima Reporter, generally clear headed, must have got his ideas sadly-muddied last week. He tells his readers that the" Locofocos" need give them selves no trouble about the convention, first called by the Democrats of Jefferson county, and to be held on the 4th of July next at Columbus, because it is enly some advisement with the Co lumbus clique,in which they will not be consulted We rather guess the worthy Editor was thinking of the Whig convention, called by the Columbus Kelly Committee, whieh there was a backing out about not long ago. It is true it would be no use for Whigs to go to Columbus for any thing else than a fcliow, for they have a committee of on& we will not say clique who does as usual all their thinking and planning, while they do the parading This was undoubtedly what was rbeaatbut the Editor strayed into the camp of the enemy, being fogged by No, 1Q pf the TsX Law elucidation)1, fj The County Commissioners at their late session granted an additional bounty of two dol lars on wolf scalps. ' fZj On hundred Houses have been burned down in New York City. - TO THE PATRONS OF THE VENTURE AND tub ui5ittWKAt;j OF NORTH WEST .OHIO. ..! .,.,. On the first day of July next the new Post office Lai Boea into operation. . It opens the way to cm nlarged and more general circulation of. intelli gence by providing that newspapers shall not be charged with postage at any office within thirty miles from the place of publication. This journal win tnerotore bo received at the following offices, free of postage: "''. n Putnam County Franconia, Fort Jennings, V Cochran's, Croghan, Pendleton, . Cunningham, Pleasant, Gilboa, Buckeye, and Dukes. In Senr-Lima, and Westminster. In Paulding Clarloe', and Junction. ! " In ran Wert Wan Wort. . . ' .' In Haneock Benton Ridge. ' We view this as a proper opportunity to ask. those who may be desirous to maintain an inde- pendent Democratic Prcii to aid us in enlarging the circulation of our Journal. It is true this is a new country and an extensive circulation is not to be expected, but ours might with a little exer-' tion on, the part of the friends of correct political principles be doubled with ease even among our sparse population. We think Democratic Putnam is capable of doing infinitely more in circulating the Vehture than she now does, and that without difficulty. Our able and worthy predecessor H. S- Knapf Esq. had resources to render his business profitable which aro denied to us: the patronage of three counties which now have presses of their own, and which made a large subscription list to him rather a secondary consideration. Besides as we are well aware of theefliciency of a democratic press to spread and keep alive democratic princi ples we are anxious, apart from mere pecuniary considerations, to have the means of making our political opinions as widely known as possible. We conceive that we have a porfect right to ask the active co-operation of those, in support of this- Journal, whose principles are advooated in its' colums. From others we have no right to expect aid ; but from those who are opposed to Banks of circulation and discount; to high and unequal tariffs, tho distribution of the public lands among the States, monopoliesand special privileges, with all their corrupting tendcncies-froin those who are the ardent supporters of plain and economical government, the currency of the Constitution--equal right and equal burdens we expect that they will do all consistently in their power to sup port and extend these views of political adminis tration ; and Q6 tho Venturers it always has been, will sedulously be devoted to the extensive of thoso truly Jeffcrsonian doctrines, tho character of its circulation in this section must prove an impor tant element in their progress and ascendancy. We do not feel ungrateful for the efforts of those- who have mado this journal hitherto one of tho most successful in the northwest, but we ask, once for all, that these exertions bo not laid aside, but continued, and as this portion of Ohio improves and enlarges in population and wealth, that we should be made sensible of it by tho increased! patronage of our intelligent community. We shall carefully endeavor to give th local news that may transpire in this country and sec tion generally. We shall also call attention to tho natural advantages of northwestern Ohio, and promptly notice every indication of its increasing prosperity. And for this purpose wo would1 roceive as a favor tho suggestions of such as foel an interest in the welfare of this portion of oar State; as wo are comparatively a stranger and consequently not so capable of doing justice to this subjoct as an older resident. Our mechanics, merchants and traders.generally would do well to odvertise in our paper. Our pre sent circulation is equal to that of any jonrnal in the northwest and is not nonfircd to this county but is liberally patronized in Williams, Paulding", Henry and Defiance counties. We would not however bo understood to solicit advertising solely as a favor to the Venture. We know that no outlay made by business men brings more cer tain returns than those which are received through this medium, and that while conferring a benefit on us advertisers confer a double benefit on them Bclvcs. This we are aware is not so clear to some who cannot realize that profit can come from such an intangible source, but shrewd and energetic business men know that it is a memorandum to customers where to call, and act accordingly. The terms of the Venture will be, as usual, to single subscribers $2,00 per year, when paid in advance ; and in a like proportion for a shorter period. Any person who will forward us five res- pcnsible subscribers to the Venture will bo enti tled to an extra copy one year free of charge. Persons forwarding $5.00 in advance will receive three copies for one year or six for a half year, and clubs forwarding $9.00 will receive six copies for one year or twelve copies for six months. Postmasters, who arc friendly, will confer a favor on us by acting as Agents. We learn that William Bomberger, Esq. has been appointed collector of tolls on the canal at Defiance. A good appointment. The collector's office at this place is to be removed to the Junction, as soon as the Mi ami. Canal Extension is opened for naviga tion. Maumee Times. This is the least objectionable appointment make by the Whig Canal Commissioners in this section of the State. Mr. Bomberger is a gentle ma n fully competent to the duties of his office; and though he takes the place of a most capable and worthy Democratic officer, yet as tho Whigs have determined at all hazards to carry out the principle " that to "the victors belong the spoils;1' wc are satisfied, in this instance, that the public service will not suffer a matter of question in some other appointments we could name, The Richmond (Va.) Whig says:. " We wish we were, nnd could conscien tiously be,' democrats ! Wo admire that par ty. There are no traitors jn its ranks; and what is still better for them, no asses! for we had rather have to do even with a traitor than an ass -above all, a conceited ass! Yes, we love and respect them, not for their errors, but for their manly and straight for ward bearing in support of what they think right! Their firmness and loyalty contrast" proudly'with whig vacillation, and will, until whigs learn a lesson from them, con.tin.ue to secure them the sceptre '," C"