Newspaper Page Text
be able tg speak the great American idea of litera ture into being he Will ask no protection he will need none men will listen to his words and devour them as eagerly as the desert traveller cools his raging lip In the clear fountain. Protection is only necessary for those authors who will never rise to the dignity of thinking as Americans It is enough to have shacklos placed on physical industry, we have no wish to see them exten (led (fir We would request the Ohio Statesman, the Cincinnati Enquirer, the Stctibenville Union, and other journals which may feel an interest in the matter, to publish the resolu tions passed at our Representative Conven tion that the views entertained by this sec tion of the Democracy may be understood abroad.' LATER FROM THE OREGON EMIGRANTS . A friond in our villngo has received anothor lot ter from N. Huber, Esq. It will be observed that one or two letters which he has written have not reached their destination. - ' 120 Mil es above Fort Lammie, Jtfy Dear Jf , July 7, 1845; Again an opportunity presents of sending a letter. The regiment ef Dragoons, of which I have written beforo, are encamped some 4 miles above us on their return form tho "South Pass." I wrote to you or B at Larimia 100 miles below. if you have received al of thoin they may bo of some interest, if not this will not be of much in terest as I can only write in this, what has trans pired since my last. Well since we left tho Fort we have como about 120 miles. We have crossed the Black Hills and are still on the North Fork of Piatt; while we were crossing the Black Hills we were off from tho River for some days, but havo got on it again. Wo are neamped to-night about 5 miles from the crossing of the N. Fork, Aftcrcrossing we proceeded upon tho opposite side n short distance and then up tho Sweet Water, llie mouth of which is a short distance above the crossing of N. Fork. We had Borne very rough roa's while crossing the Black hills, and also sinee; they are somewhat rough, when compared with the plains, but still thoy cannot be said to be bad. Tho greatost incoiivenienco wo have had since leaving the Fort is the want of grass. The season has beon so very dry that there is scarcely any grass. Some nights wo havo had none, others only a littlo. We have "laid by" some 3 or 4 days since we loft tho Fort wherever we havo happened on a littlo grass. We have also suffered Bomowhat from the d ust, which is several inches deep in tho road, in consequence of the drought and tho great number of wagons which have travelled it. This is the kind of road we have. I suppose you ore not troubled so much with dust in Putnam, and besides you have not so good or plain a rood. We chose a pilot but do not use him,asthe company which chose him is di vided into some six or eight, and all go it on their own responsibility. Wo have had some trouble with a few of our wagons since wo have got m the dry sand and rough roads tho tires havo be come loose and we have had several "break downs" within a few days. Yesterday (Sunday) we laid by for the purpose of repairing, Sic. Wc ore about 200 miles from the SQUth Pass fifteen days, I suppose, will bring us there. We have not seen an Indian since we left Larimie, nor do I expect to see ono before wo get to Fort Hall. It is really provoking that wo have to stand guard ed at nights and cannot see an Indian. I believe I havo nothing of importance to write. I suppose you would look with anxiety at this date for something in the shape of the proceedings of our celebration of the 4th. But curse the mischance circumstances were such that we had to travel all that day. On the evening of the third, after a day's drive in the Black Hills we were oh liged to encamp in them without a bitof grass. In the morning eur cattle were scattered among tho hills several miles from camp. After getting them up we proceeded on our journey and did not teach a place fit for encamping till near night. Thus unfortunately we were prevented from hav ing a celebration. The only thing in shape of an extra performance on that day was tho upsetting of several wagons for tho first tiino. Since my last I have had an attack of fever, but I put JUr. Calomel to work and soon upset its cal culations, and can now go it more ensively than ver on buffalo soup, marrow bones, &c. &c. Buffaloes are plenty and easily taken, so that we have fresh meat every day. Antelopes are abund ant, and also some Elk and Deer. There ore also Grizzly Bears but wo have not taken any yet. I wish you had tho Buffalo moat which we leave lying about and cannot make use of. In consequence of the roughness of the road and short grass, the emigrants have generally divided into companies of from fifteen to twenty five wagons. It expedites traveling tobe in small companies. Out company has yet 40 wagons but a division is talked of. Our former captain resign ed andMr. Rislcy was elected this evening ; Good ! Were I to start again I should not want over 25 Wagons in company at any time. As near as I can ascertain, there are 528 waggons on the route now. My God! is not this settling up Oregon. I had intended to write a number of letters to the boys in Kali da, but did not expect to meet the dragoons for somedays to come, so that my inten tion was not accomplished. Tell them to come on, or I shall bo back to Ohio and then to Oregon again before thoy de. Yours, &c. N. H. The Plain Dealer, in Cleveland, has for a length of time continued to misrepresent tho views of the party on the Western Reserve, and proved the mouthpiece of as mercenary a Bank clique, as there is in existence, who won for themselves deserved infamy in winding up the affairs of the two rotten rag-mills of Cleveland.' This journal has lately assumed a more honest tone, but unfor tunately for its sincerity Uio cause is now apparent we havo on our toblo the- prospectus of a new Democratic paper to be published by Messrs. Steele & Baxter designed to supply tho want of an honest exponent of true Democracy in that -aection. Having long known the principles of the conductors of the new Journal to bo soundly De mocratic we hope thoy may roceive a duo support; for its present fears removed, the Plain Dealer weuld follow its coon instincts and go back to its filthy work of abusing the men and principles of the Democratic party. (Kr The Methodist Episcopal Conference hold at Marion, Ohio, have made the follow ing appointments ot preachers: Maumce District: T. Birhdali,, P. E. MoumooCity: W.J. Wells, Toledo M. Welch, Sylvania T..J. Pope, Pulnski R. P. Wilson, Defiance J. M. Morrow, Watorville Win. Thatcher, James Mower, Findloy R. S. Kuiiber; J. T. Kalb, Wood W. W. Wintor, Perrysburg J. R. Jewett. Sydney 8. P. Shaw, P. E. , Sydney J.A.Brown, Lima S. L. Yourtce, E. Williams, Kalida E. Hook, D. H. May, Salina C. H. Owens, St. Mary's- C. Thomas, Greenville C. Coleman, Port Jefferson W. Hudson, Bellefontainc M. L. Starr, A. Harmeunt, West Liberty S. Lynch, S Beaty. 03" The following letter was received by a gentleman in this village, dated: Columbus, Aug. 21, 1845. " I havo but a moment to say to you , "Stand from under" the Wooster Bunk paper is refused hero this morning almost universally. Tho Bunks are not yet open this morning, but it is expected they will refuse it. A letter received in town says it has gone by the board, tho way of all paper banks. In great haste yours &c. Wo do not find this information confirmed. but it adds proof t9 our previous information that among well-informed men the Bank is believed to be in a loitering condition. Democratic Representative Con vention. Agreeably to previous notice, the dele gates ot the counties composing this Repre sentative district, convened at Charloe, Pauld ing county, on lhe27lh inst., for the purpose of nominating a suitable candidate to repre sent said district in the State Legislature. On motion of Judge Sicbbins, S. YEARICK was called to tho chair, and Wm. Carter and Wm. A. Bitw.v appointed Isocretaries. On motion. A committee of one from each county was appointed to report rules for tho government of this Convention ; Wm. Carter of Dofhnce, J. Mackenzie; of Putuum, A. V. Stebbins of Henry, J. M'Kane of Williams, and F. Ly on of Paulding, were appointed said com mittee. On motion of B. F. Metcalf, A committee of one from each county was appoiuled to draft a preamble and resolu cxpressive of (lis sense of this Convention; IS. k . Metcalf of Putnam, A. S. Lattty of Paulding, .). M. SUlwill of Defiance, E. II. Lcland of Williams and J. G. Haley of Henry were appointed said committee. On motion of W. Iv. Daggett, A committee of two from each county was appointed on credentials; M. Arrowsmith and S. S. Spragne of Defiance, W. J. Jack son and N. A. Graves of Henry, P. B. Hol den and Jacob L. Beam ef Putnam, Daniel Langel and Simon Smith of Williams, Isaac Robbins and V. R. Smith of Paulding were ppointcdsaid committee. On motion of Col. Sprnguc, Tho Convention adjourned to li o'clock. Half past 1 o'clock. The Convention met pursuant to adjourn ment. On motion, The committee on credentials made their report, which was adopted. On motion, The committee on rules for the govern ment of the Convention, reported, the fol lowing: 1. That this Convention adopt the demo cratic vote for Governor, in 1844, as the ba sis of representation. 2. That the number of votes polled under the above rule in the territory composing the several counties in this Representative dis rict is as follows: Williams, 35814 I Paulding, 1767 Defiance, 321513 Henry, 1737 Putnam, 620 2i 3d. That each county bo allowed one vote in Convention, for every 21 democratic o . tcpj vith an additional vote for every fraction of 12. 4th. That in the selection of a candidate for Representative, the several counties shall vote by ballot. 5. That a majority of all the votes cast in CQiiYOrttiorjf shall be necessary to a choice. 6: That each county vote by fractions so as lo give each candidate his full strength. On motion, Resolved, That the Convention now pro ceed to ballot for candidates, which was car ried; and the chair appointed W. A. Brown of Defiance and J. G. Haley of Henry as Tellers. The names of the following gentlemen were then announced as candidates: II. S. Knapp of Putnam, E. II. Leland of Williams, W. J. Jackson of Henry, J. M. Gillespie and C. 'rtinrh of Defiance, W. K. Daggett and D. Sioufe of Paulding. The vote given for each candidates is omitted for want of room. On the fourth' balloting, Horace S. Knapp of Putnam county received a majority of all the votes given, and was, therefore, declared nominated as the candidate for Representa tive in this district. On motion of Mr. Leland, tho following resolution was adopted by acclamation: Resolved, That II. S. Knapp receive tho unanimous vote of this Convention. The nomination being nade, Mr. Metcalf, from the committee on resolutions, reported the following, which were adopted: Whereas, The true and legitimate object for the institution of all free governments, is to " prevent men from injuring one another," and to protect them in the enjoyment of their natural rights, without bounties, or otti erwise confering upon any class of men, or any peculiar investment of property or mo ney, privileges or exemptions not enjoyed by the whole community thus directing and controlling the labor and wealth of the country in any particular channer, and Whereas, The banking and tax laws of I the last legislature, conflict in an eminent degree with this just view of tho rights of tho people, by conlering immunities, privile ges and exemptions upon concentrated wealth, and incorporated companies, that are not enjoyed by the mass of the people; and Whereas, Every system of banking is in its nature anli-domocratic, illiberal, delusive, and tends to concentrate the wealth of the State, as well as the political power ef the State, in the hands of a few, lo the exclu sion of the great body of the people, and tends to withdraw the sinews ot prosperity from their legitimate direction, and use them in creating delusive dreams of wealth; there fore, Resolved, That the domocracy of this leg islative district pronounce ence more their settled and undying hostility to every species of banking, for the emission of a paper mo ney medium of circulation, believing as they do, that every system for the emission of such a currency is at war with the fundamental principles of eur government destructive to the morals of the people delusive, false, and fickle. Resolced, That the only legitimate and safe currency for all men, good at all times, and in all places, is that of the Constitution gold and silver. llcsehed, That the emission of a paper medium by stale authority, was in the begin ning a wicked usurpation, which has not been consecrated by time, but really rendered less tolerable by the frequency of its perpe tration, and tho innumerable) evils that have resulted from it, ever sines its adoption. Resolved, That the time has fully ai rived when tho democratic party of Ohio, if it would be in tho ascendant, must in a body array itself, absolutely, and without reserve, on the side of the Constitution, and its cut rency; and never rest satisfied until tho pre cious metals occupy every channel and ave nue of circulation. Resolved, That the first duty of the Ohio democracy, is lo wipe from the statute book that monster of iniquity and falsehood, enti tled " An Act to Incorporate the Stale Bank of Ohio, and other Banking Institutions," and to abate the nuisances that have grown up under it. Resolved, That the lale General Andrew Jackson will bo cherished in the heart of eve ry democrat throughout tho world, for tiie more than Spartan bravery, and stoic firm ness, with which he met tho armed legions of the monopoly interest, and strangled the monster of the money power, in tho midst of its purchased advocates, and subsidized presses. Resolved, That the federal party of the late legislature, in the exemption of banking capilal from taxation, while they havo doubl ed the former burdens ef the people, have gone a step further in outraging the patient endurance of their constituents, than any other Legislative body in the whole annals of American Legislation, not even excepting the cold-blooded tyranny of their brother Al gerines of Rhode Island. Resolved, I hat I exas is ours, by tlie tree and unbought suffrages of the people of the two Republics, and tint the lone star will be a brilliant star on the democratic banner, where there will not be a man found who will dare aunounce himself as having been an enemy lo its annexation. Resolved, "That our right to the Oregon Territory, is clear and indisputable;" and that the Administration can only uphold the American honor and llie American interest by clinging to every foot of ground from the Mexican possessions on the south, to the Russian possessions ef the north, on the coast of the Pacific. Resolved, That the true American policy is to banish foreign power, and foreign influ ence from this continent, and to extend the bonds of our great, glorious and free govern ment as long as the people ask for its bene fits. On motion. W. A. Brown of Dofianco, B. F. Metcalf of Putnam, J. G. Haley of Henry, A. b. Latty of Paulding, and E. II. Leland of Wil liams, were appointed a central committee for this Representative district. On motion of E. II. Leland, Resolved, That the Senatorial Convention meet at Junction, on Friday, the 12th day of September next. On motion, Resolved, That the proceedings of this Conv cnlion be signed by the olliceis, and published in the democratic papers of the district. On motion, Tho Convention then adjourned sine die. S. YEARICK, President. Wm Carter, Secrctarics. W. A. Browx, RELIGIOUS NOTICE. Rev. Alexander Hall, a preacher of the Brethren called Disciples, will deliver a ser mon at the Court House in this place, on next Lord's day, at eleven o'clock, A. M. SHERIFF'S SALE. RY virtue of sundry Executions to me direct ml from the Court of Common Pleas of Put' nuin County, Ohio, I will offer foi sale nt the door of tho Court Huuso, on Monday, tne sunt any oi October next, 1845, between the hours of ten o'clock A. M. and four o'clock P. M. the follow ing described tract of land, to wit. tho East part ofNorth West fraction of West half, section 7, in town 2 South Rango 6 East containing sixteen acres, with a grist and saw-mill nnd frame dwel ling house on the same. Taken as tho propety of James Nicholas & Samuel Dinsmore tj satis fy sundry Executions in favor of Jacob Rhodes &, others. T. R. MeCLURE, Sheriff. By J. Beam, Deputy foncriit. Sheriff's Office,) Kahdu Sept. 2d. ) A. D. 1845. ATTACH MENT NOTICE. AT our instanco, an nttachmont was this day issued by John Kuhns, a justice of the i..ip. nf ITnion Townshio, Putnam County, against the property and effects of Andrew Mc Clure, a nonresident of said County of Putnam. 06 lU u Lilian. August 18, 1045. w234 SHERIFF'S SALE. tTY virtue of a Decretal order to mo directed from the Court of tommon pleas of Putnam county.Ohio, I will offer for salo at the door of the Court House in said county.on Monday ,tlie 6th day of October next, 1845, botween tho hours of ten o'clock A. M. and lour o'clock P. M. of said day the fullowing described tract of land, to wit: Tho east half of the south west quurtcr ond the north west quarter of the south west quarter of suction No. eighteen in township one south range eight east, situated in said county of Putnam, and taken as the property of Samuel Hooper, to satisfy a decree in Chancery in favour ot Nathaniel II Bagley. T. R. MeCLURE Shff. Sheriff's Of fice, Kalida, Sept. 1,1845. 23Gd SHERIFF'S SALE. TJY virtue of eight writs of Venditioni Exponas to mo directed and delivered from tho Court of common pleas of Putnam county, Ohio, 1 will offer for sale at the door of the Gourt House on Monday the 6th day of October next, 1 84 5, between the hours of ten o'clock, A. M. and four o'clock P. M. of said day the following described tract of land, to wit: The west half of the soulh east quarter of sec tion thirty-one township one, north rnngo eight east, containing eighty acres more or less; taken as the property of Stiliman Blodgct at the suit of Matthew Chambers and others. T. R. MeCLURE, Shff. Sheriff's Office, Kalida, Sept. 1, 1845. 236d SHERIFF'S SALE. Y virtue of a writ of licri farina to me dlrorted from the Court of Common Pleas of Putnam Count y Oh io I will o'fer for snle nt the door of tho Court House in unit! county, on Monday the 6th day of Otohor next, 1R15, tie tween the hours often o'clock. A. M. nnd four o'docs. P M. ot sal, I dny the loMowmu disenhed tract ot land to wit: The west half of tl.e north weal quarter ol se'-tion twenty-tivt! town two south ran$e seven east, roniiiiinii; eihty acres more or loss. Tnkcn ns tho property ot John Officer to satisfy a judgment in fuvor of Cure is Hacking- nam t co. T. It. MeCLURE, Sheriff. Sheriff's office, Kalida Sept. 1st A. D. Ifl(5. gSOd SHERIFF'S SALE. BY virtue of a writ of fi fa to me directed from the f.nnrt nf pnmmnn ntpnanf Putnam rmintvOllto. 1 will otter tor sale at the doorot tlie Uourt House in Kulidn, on Monday, the 6th day of October nnxt, A. D. 1845, between tho hours ot ten o'clock A.M. and four o'clock P. M. of said day the following described lands, to wit : Thcnorth half of the north westquartor of sec tion thirty-one town two south range six east, con taining eighty acres of land, more or less; all lying in Putnam county, Ohio. Taken as the property ol Dnvul Long tos.itisly three Executions in lavour of J. C. Curtis and others. Apprnisi'd nt $"210. T.R. MeCLURE, S.Vff Sheriff's Office, Kalida, Sept. 1, 1815. 23Cd SHERIFF'S SALE. TY virtue ot a writ of Venditioni Exponas to me directed from tho Court of common pleas of Putnam county ,Oliio, I will offer for sale at the door of the Court House in Kalida, in said county on Monday, the 6ih day of October next, 1845, be tween the hours of ten o'clock, A. M., and four o'clock P. M. of said day tho following described tract of land to wit: The north west quarter of tho north east quarter of section nineteen, town one south, range eight cast, containing lorty acres, tnKen as the pro perty of Archibald and Melinda Powell at the suit of James Wilson. T. R. MeCLURE, Shff. Sheriff's Office. Kalida, Sept. 1,1845. 233d SHERIFF'S SALE. TJY virtue of two writs of Venditioni Eiponns to mo directed from the Court of Common Pleas of Putnam County, Ohio, I will offer for sale at the door of the Court House in said coun ty, on Monday, the Cth day of October next, 1845, between the iiours of ten o'clock A. 11. and four o'clock P. M. of snid dy,the following described tract of land, to wit : Inlots No. thirty-nine nnd forty, in the Tovn of Pendleton in said County, taken ns the proper ty of Thomas Wamsley to satisfy two judgments in favor of Thomas Lake and Joseph VVhite. T. R. MeCLURE, Sheriff. Sheriff's office, Kalida, Sept. 1st, 1845. 23GJ SHERIFF'S SALE TJY virtue of a writ of vendi exponas to -' directed from tho Court of common pleas me cas of Putnam County, Ohio, I will offjr for sale at tho door of the Court House in said county, on Mon day, tho sixth day of October next, 1845, between the hour of ton o'clock, A. M., and four o'clock, P. M. of said day the following described track of land, to wit: The west half of uorth east quarter of section seven, town two south Range six east containing eighty acres moro or less, takenns the property ol Andrew Dinsmore to satisfy an execution in favour of F. H. Gillett & Ann Beverage. Admi nistrator's of N. Beverage deceased. T. R. MeCLURE, Sh'ff. Sheriff's Office, Kalida, Sept. I, 1845. J3Cd SHERIFF'S SALE. BY virtue of a decretal order to me directed from the Court of Common pleas of Putnam county, Ohio, I will offer for sale at the door of tho Court House in said county on Monday the 0th day of October nex', 1845, between the hour of ten o' clock A. M. and four o'clock P. M. of said day the following described tract of hind, to wit : The north west quarter of the north west quarter of Section No. ten town two south range No. seven east situated in snd county of Putnam and taken ns tho property of Robert Tate Sc. John B. Reader to satisfy a decree in Chancery in favour of Clark II. Rico & David Ayrcs. T. R. McCLURI, Shff. Sheriff's Office, ) Kalida, Sept. 1, 1845.) 23Gd SHERIFF'S SALE. ' jf BY virtue of an Execution to me directed fjorn tho Court of Common Pleas of Putnam County, Ohio, I will ofhr fir sale at the door of the Court House en Monday tho 6th day of October next, 1815 between the hours of ten o'clock, A. M., and four P. M., tho following described track of land to wit. Tha south west quarter of North Went quarter of scciion fourteen town 2 south range six east containing forty acres more or less; taken as the property of Nancy Lippen cott to satisfy an Execution in favor of J. C. Cur tis & Co. T. R. MeCLURE, Sheriff, By J. L Beam, Deputy Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Kalida, Sept. 2d, A.D.I 845. 23Gd SHERIFF'S SALE. BY virtue of a decretal order to mo directed from t'te Court of Common Pleas flf Put nnin County, Ohio, I will offer for sale at the door of the Court House in said County, on Monday the 6th day of Octo!ier next between the hours of ten o'clock A. M. and four o'clock P. M. of said day the following described tract of hind, to wit: Tho North West quarter of section No. four. Township No. two, South of Range seven East, also the East half of tho North East quarter ol section No. five in Township No. two south ol Range No. seven East in said county of Putnam, and taken as the property of George H. Stephen son to satisfy a decree in Chancery in favor of Clark II. Rico & David Ayrcs. T. R. MeCLURE, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office. Kalida, Sept. 2d. 1835. 236d SHERIFF'S SALE. TY virtue of a writ of Venditioni Expenas to me directed from tho Court of common pleas of Putnnm County, Ohio, 1 will offer for sale at tho door of the Court House in snid county, between tho hours of ten o'clock A. M, nnd four o'clock P. M., of Monday, the 6th dny of October, 1845, following described tract of land, to wit: Tho east half of the south west quarter of section No. twenty eight township two south range eight cast, containing eighty acres more or leu tikeri as tho property of Elijah Ferguson, tosatisfy ajudg mcnt in favour of Henry Shank. T. R. MeCLURE, Sh'ff. Sheriff's Office, Kalidn, Sept. 1,1845. S3M PHF.KtFF'S SALE. TJV virtue of n writ of fieri fur ins to me directed from XJ tho Court of Common I'lensof l'nlraim t.nuuty, omp, 1 will offer for snlo ut tho door of the Court IIoukc In snnl county, on Monday, the fltli day ofOctoher next, 1813. be tween tlio Iiours of ton o'clock, A.M. nnd four o'clock, P. M. of suid day tlie following described truct of land to wit: Tho HOiith east quarter of section three 3 town one north rnimo seven Uust containina one hundred and sixty ncres morn or Iosb. Taken ns the property of Joiepii Tcmme to satisfy a judgment ill favor of Henry Rudolph. Appraised at $280. T.R. MeCLURE, Sheriff. PHEBIrF'S OFFICE, Knlldn, Sept. l8t,1H4.. gOd SHERIFF'S SALE. TJY virtue of n writ of Venditioni Exponas to me directed from tho Court of common pleas of Putnnm ciuntv,Ohio, I will offer for sala at the door of the Ceurt House in s-iid county on Monday the 6th day of October next,1845,brtween tho hours often o'clock, A. M. and four o'clock, P.M. of said dav, the following described trnct of land, to wit: The south west quarter of the north east quarter nnd the couth east quarter of the north west quartcrof section fifteen, township one south rnugo seven east con'nining ei ghty ncrcs more or less tnkcn as tho property of Abel B. Fuller, to satisfy a judgment in favour of James H. Vail. T. R. MeCLURE, Shff. Sip-riff's Offipe, Kalida, Sept. 1. in4.-. 530.1 SHERIFF'S 8AI.K. BY virtue of a writ of fl fn o. Icvln. to me directed hy the court of Common Pleas, of Putnnm county, Ohio, r will offer for sale nt the door of the court House, in Kalida, In snid rountv, I etween the hours often o' clock A. M. nnd four o'do-k P. M. on Mondny the filth,, dny nf Octo'jer, 1815. The following descrihed property, to wit: Ou'Iot nnm'ier fortv-eHit in tho Town of Knlidn con tninliiT Ave nc-es, nnd 37-WO of nn acre; tnken ns the property of William Phillips to satisfy an execution in favor of William Arnold. T. R. MeCLURE, Sheriff. Pokriff's Offi-c. Kalhln. Pent. 5,1, SIM- FIIEJITFF'S SAT.H. BY virtue of n writ of F.secntion from the Pupreme court of I'litnani co'inty, Ohio, f shall o Ter for snle at the door of the court tlnu--e in snid county, on Mondny the Sth dnyof October nct. 1W5. hetween the hours often o'clock A.M and four o'clock T. M. the following dis crimed renl estate to wit. Tho south west nnnrter of the south enst onnrter of cec.M'on eleven town two rnnte eiuht etsf containing eighty acres mo-e or lc: takenns the property of Daniel I.. CeUe to satisfy an Execution In favor of James i,cw- ellcn. T. R. M-CM'RE, Slierif. By J. L Buam, Deputy Sheriff. PltFIlMF's OCFCF. Knlidn Sept. 2d. 1815. 33M HISI,EYS' EXCHANGE. T'lE subscriber has purchased the old stand, in the brick building lirrclly oppo.iito the Court House, in 'Cnlidn, Putnam ennn'v, Ohio, favora blv known ns " Rislev's Exchange." Ho respectfully solicits the patronage of the pub lic and in return, ho will spare no pnins to se cure the comfort and convenience of his guests, who will find nt the Exchange everv accommo dation usually found nt lintels in this section of the state. S. E. HOLIBAUGH. Knlidn. Aug. 26. 1815. 235' b ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. BV virtue of nn o'der from the Court of Common Pleni of the countv of Putnam nnd Ptnte of Ohio, will ofl'cr for sale on the fith dnv of Orfo''er next, hetween the hours often o'clock. A. M..'nnd four o'clo'k P. M.. nt the Court Moue in Knlidn. the foMnwin? descrihed property, I'e'onjr- in" to the estate of Mort'nn T.ipnlncott, wit: The west half of the north-west nnnrter ot section numrer fourteen (14) Township nuni''er two (S) south, of rnnre nunv'er six 0 east. Aisn rne norin-ersr qunrrer oi ma north-east nnnrter of section nuni'ior fifteen l.'il same Township nnd rntie all si'unfed in the snid county of Putnnm; containing In the whole, one hundred and twenty ncres of Intnl. Tkr hs. One-third In Innd: one-third in one yonr, and one-third in two years from the time ofsnid Bale the do ferred pnvments to he secured hy inortjajro on tlie premises All to be sold suhject to the widow's dower. Jtlll. M'KU i r, A'lm'r estate of Morgan I.ippinrott. 19th Anenst. 1P45. 5w234 ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. B Y virtue of an order of tho Court of Common Pleas of the County of Putnam, niad3 at tho Mav Term of said Court, will bo sold to the high est bidder, on tho 4th day of October, 1845, be tween the hours of ten o'clock A. M. nnd four o' clock P., M., nt tho house of Matthew Chambers, in Gilboa, the following real estate, as the proper ty ot bamucl Clam, deceased, to wit: the east half of the north east quarter, and the south west quarter of tho north east quarter of section thir teen, in town one north of range seven east) con taining one hundred and twenty ncres, subject to the dower of tho widow. Terms of sale, one third in hand, and tho balance in two equal an nual instalments, with interest. -The deferred payments to be secured by mortgage on the pre-" miscs. CHRISTIAN IIUBER, Adm'rJ of Samuel Clark, dee'd. ) August 10, 1845. cw234. ADMINISTRATORS SALE. I, Whitfield Acki.ev, as Administrator of the es tate of Charles Purler, deceased, late of Blnnchard township, Puliiam County, Ohio, will offer for snle, at public vendue, nt the house of Matthew Chambers, in the town of Gilboa in said county, between the hours of 10 o'clock A. M. and 4 o'clok P. M. on the 27th day of September, in tho year 1845, tho following described real estate, to wit: The last half of tho south east quarter of Section seven Town one north of tango eight east, contain ing 83 acres. Also the north cast quarter of the north east quarter of section nnd range as above, containing forty acres. Also the north West quar ter of the north west quarter of Bection eight township No. one, north of riinge No. eight east containing forty acres' Tormsof sale, one third of the purchase money paid inhnnd and the balanee in two equal annual instalments with interest. W. ACKLEY, JidmW. August 10, 1845. 235ew ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. In pursuance of an order of the Court of Common Plena for the county of Putnam, nnd State of Ohio, nt their May 'Perm A. D. 1845, the undcrsiuncd, Administrator De llouis Von of the estate of Allen C. McClure, late of snid county deceased, will offer for sale at the door of the Court House in said ronnty, on the sixth dny of (lctoher A. I). 1845, the following riiscrihed real estate of said decedent, situate tn ' snid county of Putnam, to wit. The nojth west quarter, o the south west quarter, of section numhersix, of Township mnn'ier one north of Rnne numher ciuht cast, containing forty ncres of land; the renl estate nfnresnid is appraised nt -9170,0(1, nnd will be sold for one half the npprr.tsed' value thereof, for cash in hnnd, suhject to the dower estate there in, of tho Widow of said decedent. CALVIN T. POSIEROY, August lOtll, 18-15. jf(.'m'r lie fonts Jton., Se. ' SHERIFF'S SALE. ' BY virtue of a venditioni exponas to me di rected from tho Court of Common pleas of Putnnm County, Ohio, I will offer for snlo at the door of the Court House in said county on Monday tho 6th day of October next, brtweent he Iiours of ten o'clock A. M. nnd four o'clock P. M. of said dav, tho following described tract of land to wit: The west part of the cast fraction of the south east quarter of section eisht. Town one, north range fivo east containing forty acres.. Taken a the property of Daniel Ridenour to satisfy a judg-; mcnt .n favor of Rice and Ayres. T. R. MeCLURE, Shff. Sheriff's Office. ) ' Kalida Sept. 1 1845. J