Newspaper Page Text
.'1" t bill WEEP FOR THOSE. -' ; ; 6h I weep for those that wept hy Babel's stream, Whose shrines are d( solute, whom land a dream; Weep for the harp of Judah's broken shell: Mourn where their Cod hath dwell the godless fc dwell! - And where shall Tsrael laye her bleeding feet J And when shall Zion's sang again teem sweet? And Judith's melody once more rejoice The hearts that leap'd before ita heavenly Voice? Tribes of the wandering foot and weary breast. How shall ye fke away and be at rest? . 'The wild-dove ha h her m et, the fux his caye, Mankind their country Isrsel but tho grave! -. ; ; Ilf AN AwKWABD PREDICAMENT. The laws of Florida impose a heavy penally on all ' persons who pet married without a license from the clerk of the county court or the county In which they reside. The legisla ture have abolished those courta, but have made no provision for the granting of mar riage lie'ensrs! The Mobile, Herald thinks that the legislature acted knowingly in the - J ll.... . 1. .. 1ntnAlt ....mnnl premises, nnu mm iiirv uvo'vucuit . the fair Floridians to carry out the Slate motto " Let ns alone." There is one satis faction that the Governor is a b ichelor, and will himself have to feel the effects of his insidious legislation.. , : . , , frr It has been descovered that the cal culi of the human bladder can be dissolved by an electro-chemical process. The disco very has been made by a professor in the Academy at Florence, .This will be impor tant to suffering humanity, Oiir phys-cians, familiar with electro-chemical action, will be able to delect and perform the process. ' ' Z'nc, by being melted and poured into ' water, has been found to assume new preper jties, it becomes soft and melleable, losing none of its tenacity, but is capable of buing spun inlo the finest wire, pressed into any required form, or tolled into any required thinness. This is a discovery by Prof. . Faraday, and will prove of very great impor tance. .-;' .; .a-.-, -r-.-."- i Cheat ' Load. The Cleveland (Ohio) Plaindealef says: " The steamer Wisconsin, Capt. Card, came into port yesterday, with -over nine hundred passengers, and two hun dred and twenty-five tons of fie;ght, nearly ' a'l destined for the upper country. 44 This I is the largest load," says the captain, that ever floated on Lake Erie, since Hull's sur- ' render." '.'! . . . . ,-. . : '; '. - ; ,- c ' A Pbettt Passage. The following is ' from ihe pen of a popular auihor; - 44 .0 what more precious offering can be laid upon the alter of a man's heart, than the first lnvn nf a mire, earnest, and affectionate girlf Let him long pause ere he reject it. Let him tremble, as accursed both of God and man, if he have sought to turn her devo- -tion into shame and wretchedness. n Statistics or Calomel. One . house in this city, " has, we are told, pre pared and sold," within the last three years. 17.000 Dotinds of Calomel.' 1 The . consumer pays the apothecary for the medi cine, at prices varying from 50 to 500 dolla-s oer Dotind. Puttine the above Quantity at lonlv 00 dollars, it would appear that the a...!.) C.m . tin. ..mkditiJ B r 11 1.lTl iC jjiiv uaiu iv. i. it" j -- - i. .. . .1 . i . Collars, it is supposeo inai inequaiuuy ma nufactured by 'other houses is at least bx j times as much. If so,, the cost of calomel - in three years, has been 6,000,000 dollars, ., or an average of two million per annum. m. - 3 . ' r r..- I : J..... .. IDis is a rouna sum iu pay tut uemg uiug cd to death. . . j " ' ' Miss VVilbemtsci!. When Mr. Wilber- X force . was chosen member for ... York, his daughter, in walking homo from tho scene of his election, was cheered by an immense i crowd who loiiowi-o. ner to ner own a'ior i crying, "Miss Wilberforce forevet!" . The . young lady turned, as she w is ascending the tair. and motionin? to the nonulacc tone quiet, said very emphatically "IViy, gen'ie-i men,' if you please, not .Mm W lberforcf forever," which sent them home well pleas ed. - ' .. ; ' .' .Isjtjhv;. A little wrong don.e to another ' is a great iujnry done to ourselves.' .The ' severest punishment of an injury is tho con- - sciousness of having done it; and no mm - sulTcrs more than he that; is turned over to llin nain of Teoentance. ' '' : 41 1 do object." An Engl'sh pipnr con- tains thirteen objections given by a yotinc . lady for declining a match the hrst twelve being the suitor's twelve childr n, and the thirteenth-the suitor himself. . , , Biennial Lboislaturks. The Legisla ture of Alabama hereafter will meet biennially. "So the people decided at a recent election, by I a very large majority. They will save money and breath, and prevent divers bad laws, by 1 this regulation. ' .. r UUoO wnu (tint? ou uiicicoi m mo JMrnit . TL... h.1,m Intr a ia S nln-At lw ill A at rt ires f A I- WjO it,. IIlfn yf Wi.llinnlin I inlurA thivto his early rising, a mattrass bed, con atant exetcise in the open air, temperate habits, and the constant usu of the cold bath, '. may be attributed to the excellent health which he enjoys li -.- C. pa"--' " ' ' ' ' " "a . '"t, ;...- TtDrpsrv Thn nta-1M s iiumber of letters dolivered in the United IDtUn v ..j. " - - - - - - - -- - - - - Vl.n.lnm in lha unnr 1 S44. was 242 millinna. 'ts" ... ' " j t ' r which is aa increase of nearly 22 millions on the previous year. The number before the reduction of the rates was seventy-five mil- llr,ni . ..i - Phillips, the celebrated Irish advocate, gave onco at a dinner in Dublin, the following 5 tnnflt. Washington and TYanklin: Happy A merica. The armies of Europe could not subdue thy soldier the lightnings of heaven could not resist thy sago." ' The population of Washington City is thirty ; ihcqsaud. ' v - : Tut Mastadon. One journnl thinks that the Mastadon lived long after the deluge; another significantly "9'ts how the Mastadon recently discovered could become covered over entirely with earth bf fore decomposition had taken place, unless some vast body ol water had overwhelmed it, and when the earthly materials held by the water in atis pension had preciputed, the water subsided leaving the body covered; and after this the whole has been saturated by the water of springs and thus preserved entire, ' a proof existed before the deluge.' ; - , - Th BkTTKh Way. The sons of the poor die rich, while the sons of the rich die poor! What encouragement to toil through l;fe, ac quiring wealth to ruin our children! Better to use our money as we go along educate our sons secure their sjjstue by habits of in dustry and study, and let them take care ol themselves. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. In pu-susnre of sn order of tve Court or Common Pinal ror the ' Oii'ity of Putnrm, and Sti.te of O 'lo. nt their M y Term A. 1). 1845, tl'C uilvriil"iei, Aitmiiiiitrrter De rloiiU N'oi of t' eatote of Allen C. M' Ciure. of mid roun'y derenwit, wl I o Tti for snle l t eitoor of tl Court Houn In snlit rouitv. en the ilxlli di v of irto er A. D. IfUa. t lo'lowmt mvn en real estate o' mid decedent. tuMe la aid rountr of Putnam, to wit. The north went quarter, ol Ihe south west quarter, of section num,'ersfx, of Towml.lp num-er one nort or Kanirenamnflreunieut, rontninins fnrtv srres of land; the real eitats aforetafd la ap'irafaed at ai?0.IK. and will he sold for one half rhe-annrniaeri value thareot. ror ' in Jerttotne dower eaut more 111,01 the wiuoworauldderedent. Aucust 16tli,l845. Mm'r Dt Htnti JVaa., 4 . ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. UAL.VIIV T. TMOEKOY. BY virtue of an order from the Corn of Common Pleas of 1 1 a rountr of Putna m and Stute of O lo, I will o Ver mr sele on tl;a 6th H. of O-toher next, between the hours of tan o'lork, A. M., and IbnroVlork P. M at the Court HOiiae tn Kaiida, t' e ro'iowlnir ea'l'ed prnpely, 'e onf tnstothe eatate of Morpan I.lpnfnrott, dereaaad, to wit: The west half of the north-watquarterof aertion number fourteen (14) Township nnm' er two (S) aouth, of rnnie numhsr aix 6 erat. Alao the north-Si'at quarter of the mrthe8t Quarter of aertion numher fifteen f51 some Townai'ip and ranfre alt situated tn the auld rounty of Putnam; rontalnlng In the whole, one huodredsnd twenty arreeof land. .... TiaMa. One.thfrd In hand: one.thlrdln one venr. and enethlrd In two years from t!e time of aaid aale the de- rnrren paymentaro re aeriired '.y mort?nfte on the preniises ah to ns aom suijart to tne widow's tower. IOHN 8PROTT, ' Jlmlr IBtatl of Morgan Lippincott, - lh An-ntrt. 1845. 5wS34 , SHERIFF'S SALE. ' BY virtus of s writ of ft fa at leri fn. to me diverted hv the onrt of Common Plena, of Putnam rniintv. Ohio, f will Oifer for aale st the doo' of t' s r ourt Hoiim. tn Kaiida. .In aaid rounty, between the loura often o' rlO"k A. M. and bnr oVIork P. M. on Mondfvtlw alxth day of Orto'r, 1845. The following deacril.etl property, to wit: Ontlot nnmhnr (brtviliht In the Town of Kaiida eon- talnint Ave arret, and TM00 of an arret tn' en na the pronerty of William Phillips to satisfy an execution Is rovor or wiutam Aruoia. , . .: T. R. McCLURE, Sri. ' v ' Bncsiry's Oencs,- : - i.. ... Kaiida, Pept. td, 8nd ' ' SHERIFF'S BALE. ' , BT Tlrtne of a writ of Exe ntlon from the Supreme ronrt of Putnam rounty, OMo, I shall oTerfor aale at tha door of therourt tlotiae In anid rounty, on Monday the 6th day of October next. 1845, hetween the 1 ouri often o'r'ork A. M and four o'clock P. M. the ibliowiiur dia eri' ed reni eatate to wit. - T s south west quarter Of the south enit quarter of aertion e'eveti town two aoutn ranee elini enat roitalnlns eiahtr arras mom or lex: taken aa the property of Denial h. Oo' le to satisfy an Execution in favor of James Lew: siien. ... , ... ... ... ... ... ' T. R. Mrrl.URE, Sfitrif. . By I. U Bum, Deputy Bherlft. Snsttsr'a nrrri. . Ka'ida Sept. d. IMS. S?6d SIIEKIFF'S SALE. TJY virtue of a writ of fieri farlaa to me dlrerted from U the Conrt of Common Plena of Putnam County. O' I will o fur for anle nt the door of ti e Court Ilouae In said rounty, on Monday, the 6tli day of' er next, 1845 s twaen t!e hours of tnn o'-'ork, A. M. snd four o'riork. P. M. of said day the fo'lowing descrilwd tract of land to wit: - ' 1 ' 1 The aouth SRSt quarter of section three pj town one north ranits seven Enat rontainins one hundred and alxty rraa mora or Inaa. Taaen as t' e property of Joaen'' Temine to eattsfv a Judgment In favor of Henry Rudolph. Appraised at 380. . ., . !: . T. R. McCLURE, Shtrif. Bnsairr's oreics. ' Kaiida, Sept. lat, 1845. v"d Isaar Clay, i -,-.-- r. 5 IX CHANCERY. Allen E'rfrad, The euid Allen Elrired Is here' v notified f'nt on the twrnty-flrat day of July, A. I). 1845, the aald Iaanr Clt y of Stark ronnty, Stnte of O lo, filed in tha Court of Com mm Pleas of tl e County of Putnam in arid State of Ohio, a Bill in Chancery i i iinat the said Allen Eldred. lie o' le -f snd pryer of which Mil is, that the eaat half of tho South weat quarter of section num' er twenty-eMit, townaM) sum' er one aouth , of rnnpe mitn'er aix enat. contniiilne el'hty screa, and aitunte In anid rounty of Fntnnm, may 'e eold to aatiafy theaum of eijthty dollaraand Interaattherrnn, and w' irh anid auin of aionev the anid Allan E dred secur ed to t-e nnld to aald Isaar Clay, hy deed of ntort ratte, dated said Al'en Eldred ia further no'led that up'eas he appear Deretn srvn, )H44, upon me premiaea atoreaatfi. Anil tl e and ntrnill answer, or nemnr to t' e anid 'Hit v It' in sixty dayanfter the next term of anid ronrt, the said Isaac Clny n't the term next after the expira'ion of anid sixty dnve will anply to said ronrt to ts:.e the matters of said hill as con fessed and decree merlon a-'O-dtnf'v , . AUatill." VI Sr. lllliHlp, ' Solicitors fbr Complainant. July 2, 1845. 831-fw Treasurer's Notice. THE amount of Taxes levied on each hundred dollars valuation of taxnhU property In the County of Put nam for the year 1845. ia as follows, vis.: For stnte and Canal purposes, seventy rents; for road purposes eighty rents; for ronnty purposes, fifty eenta; snd forsdool pur poses, twenty rents; maklntt In the w''o!e, two doMurennd twenty rente.. In Unfo-i township there ia levied ren rente; Ottawa, fifteen rente; Greenahure. fifteen rents; Riley, ten cants; Monroe, twenty renta, snd Rkliland, five rente, for Towna1 in purposea. In Suirar Creek, fifteen rents are evled for Poor purposea. The townships of Blnnrhard, Ottawa, Jackson, and Van Buren have each levied tweptv rents njr School purposes I will attend either in person or hy Deputy, In the several towns' lps, nt the piares of I oldins elections, for tl e pur pose or receiving i axes, in me lonowmp orner, to wit: Perry... Septemher 16; Jarkeon, . ... Jennlnss, ... Bu-ar Greek, onroe, ..... Richland. ... Greenshurg, . Ottawa Llherty Van Ruren,.. B'anchard, .. Ri'ev " IT; " . IP; " 19; " 0; ' . , l; ' S3; " 84; " 95; " Jo; " S; Pleasant, And at rov oflics In Kaiida, the "'initraf ,im. L,n the SOth of Decero'-ie- m C .M. fJOPFREY, Treasurer, treasurer's Office, Kaiida, Puntam CO., August 5th, 1845- SM . SHERIFF'S BALE. iTy virtue of a writ of florl facias o me directed from ) D the Court of Common Pleas of Pntnnm County Ol in j will oTer fo' aale at the door of the Court Rouse in snld f county, on Monday the llth day of Ono'ter next, '845, he- V.ween the hours of ten o'rlork, A. M. and four o'rlok. P of said day t' e followini dla-rlhed tract of land to wit: The west half of -the north west quar'er of sertlon twenty-five town two aou'h ranve seven east, rontnlnln? eiirhty acres more or leas. Token aa the n-onerty ot John Officer to satisfy a Judgment tn fnvor of Curtis Bucking ham dc Co. - , . T. R. McCLURE, Shtrif ' r Smrntvr's orrtcs. Kalidn Bepf. 1st A. D. 1845. 2?Rd ' MASTER COMMISSIONER'S SALE7 Pursuant to an alias decretal order Issued out of the Pomt of Common pleas of Putnam -ounf y o me directed' and delivered. I shall oTer for aale to t! e hlttl est hidder, at ti e door of the Court House In Kslida. In said county of Putnam, on f'S alxth day ofO'to'-or, A.D.184.1, between t' s hours often o'-'o-k, A.M. and four oV'ork, P. M. the fol lowing desr.rt' ed landa and tenements, lo wit. The north eaet quarter and the enat fraction of the r-o'th west onnrter of the north east quarter of section Twenty six In Town ship one sontwer Range seven est contsliinsj fo'tv-six seres of land istiafy a decree In fnvor of Enoch Steven ran and aealnst Anthony Early fc William Early; appraised valus (353. - l GEO. L. HICOINS. "August 9th 1845. ;. ' Mttttr Ctm. in CA'r. LEGAL ADTERTISEMENTS, BHERIFF'S SALE. BY virtue of sundry Executions -to me direct. . ed from the Court of common Pleas of Put nam county. Ohio. I will off.r fqt snle at the door of the Court Himtt',' on M inday, the si ill) day of October next, 1845. between the hours ot ten o'clock A. M. and four o'clock P. M the follow- nu desnrihed" tract of land, to wit. the East part of North West fraction of West half., section 7. in town S South Range 6 East containing sixteen acres, with a grist and. sawmill and frame dwel ling house on the same. Taken as the property of James Nicholas & Samuel .sstis- fv sundry Executions in fuvor of Jacob Kh deai others.. : ' ' ' ' , ' ,T. K. McCLWRB, sneryf. " B' J. Beam. Deputy Sheriff. Sherivv's Office . , - - KaliHa Sept 8d j A D. 1845. ' . SHERIFF'S SALE. TJY virtue "of a writ of vendi exponas to me directed from the Court of common pleas of Putnam county, flhio, I will oner fur sale at the dour of the Court House in said countv, on Mon day, the aixth day of October next, 1845, between the hour of ten o'clock. A. M.. and lour o'clock. P. M. of siid day the following described track of land, to wit: The west half of uorth east quarter of section seven, town two south Range six east containing eighty acres more or leas, taken as the property ol Andrew . D'nsmore to satisfy. an execution .in favour of F. If. Gillett St Ann Beverage.. Admi nistrator's of N.Beverope deoens"d. tl T. R. McCLURE, Sh'ff. Sheriff's Office, ., , , Knliiii, Sept. I. 1845. . 236d : ' SHERIFFS SALE. " - r TJY virtue of a writ of fi fa to me directed from the Cou-t of common plensof Putnam county.Ohio, f will offer fur anle at the door of the Court House in Knlirln. on Mondav. the 6th davof Octohernext, A. D. 1845, between the houraof ten o'clock A.M. and four" o'clock P. M. of said day the following described lands, to witt -i Thenorth half of the north westquarter of sec lion thirtv-one town two south rang six east, con taining eighty acres of lnnd, more or less; nil lying in Pntnnm county.Ohio. Taken ns the property of Div'd Ling toantiefy three Executions in fivour of J. C. Curtis ond others. Appraised at $340. ........ T.R. McCLURE, Sh'ff Sheriff's Offict. . Knlida, Sept., I, 1845; " ' . S36d ' ,' THE LIKE NEVER BEFORE KNOWN! TIN SHOP IN KALIM. RICE if BASSETT, HAVE rommenred f uelreaa snd will he ready to supply tl erftlceneofthiaand the adjoining1 eounties with every variety of 't- . h-'.'. '. (- - v '' 1 - -' 7Yi, Copper, and Sheet Iron Ware, at prices as low ss ran he had In this aertion of country. 1 - , , . NOW IS THE TIME, . If vou want first rate articles, and the rVeaneet wt ich ran he had, nlvcus s roll and we assure you that you shall got co sway oisappointen. Aa soon as arrangements rnn he made, we shall' he pre pared to sell at Wholesale, and aupply Trailers snd Mer chants with anv quantity that may wanted. Phon over C. U. Rice's Store. . SrOzw , . Kaiida. July 2, 1845. RIST.EYS' EXCHANGE. T IE subscriber has purchased the old stand, in the brick building directly opposite the Court House, in aitdti, rutnim county, unio, tavora blv known as " Rislev's Exchnnee." HeTespectfuIly solicits the patronage of the pub lic and in return, he will Spare no pains to se cure the comfort and convenience of hia guests, who will find at the Exchange every accommo dation usually found at hotnls in tins section of :h stnte. . r.. nubiuAuuti. Knlida, Auff. 26. 1845. 235- b 1845. 100,000 DOLLARS WANTED! . AT GILBOA, OHIO. Jt B. SMITH has just received and is now opening 0 general assortment o spring and summer goods, suitable fur this market; among his stock may De found cloths, calicoes, ciattin etts. Summer stuffs of every description, Vestings. Veils, Ticking, Sheetings", Shirtings, Twist, But tons, Thread. Drillings, Joans, cotton yarn from 6 to 10 of the best quality, Pontnloon stuffs, and Laces, Spwing Silks and Bed cords. ' Groceries Sugar, molasses. Tea, coffee, To bncco. Alum, Bpice, Ginger, Nutmegs, Pepper, and Indigo. Hardware and Cutlf.rv Door hinges, Locks, Iron Butts, Shovels and Tongs, Traps, Hammers. Smooth'ng Irons, Putont Horseshoes, Shoe Knives, Gimblets, Kniveeand Folks and Brushes. 1 Hats and CArs Hats and Cnps of all kinds sltnpes and (iz"f, from a fine Leghorn up to brush f nee, nnd Ladies' Bonnets ti mutch Lots of Pulm leaf hats forbovs. " Iron, Nail and Gl uts, SICKLES, SYTHES. AND SNATHS; WJVK QOJUtTITT OF ' BOOTS. SHOES AND SOLE LEATHER. Grockert TeaSttts. Plates, Mugs, Pitchers Bowls, &e. Arc. Mr. Smith hns tried tho Hieh Pressure System ong enough, and henceforth Goods will be sold Cheap, and for Cash only; Bring on your money, and you shall hnve as many goids as you can carry away. TRY and See.' The PRODUCE of the country will not be re fused in exchange or goods, nnd a high market once paid tor Beeswax, Ashes, leathers, and Ginseng. ... , N. B. Old Accounts must be settled. Gilhon. Juno 20, IMS. 22fiT FASHIONABLE JOSEPH TIN GLRj. EEfTEfJTF VLLLMfmatht citizens of Knlida and il!ievsii,'-ottndin7 country thnt he carries on the '-uai-nese of TAILORING in ell its branches. He recularly rerelvea ntatea of the LATEST FJi8UIOJt8 from Phil adelp1 in, and is prepared to fulfil all orders in hia line of hual'iess In a tasteful and worumaniife manner. CUTTING done to order on the s' orteat notfre. Prirea to am ihe times. Shop next house al ova T. Coulter's store. Kalldo, July 1B43. -,, tag. KALWA HOTEI. Kalida, Ohio. T IIE undersigned, having take the above establishment, is now pre pared to furnish the traveling communi ty with accommodattions not exceeded by any other hotel in this portion of Ohio. ' . ' m r. n, -T Tint. , I . iv. iucvt.un,ri. Kaiida February 20, 1045. r 157tf SHERIFF'S SALE. TY virtue of two writs of Venditioni Exponas " to las directed from the Court of Common Pleas of Putnam County, Ohio, I will offer for snle at the door of the Court House in snid coun ty, em-Mondav, theCtb day of October next, 1845. between the hours 01 ten o ciock a. in. anu lour o'clock P. M. of snid day ,the following described tract of land, to wit: - . : '' Fnlots No. thirty-nine and forty: in the Town of Pendleton in said County, taken aa the proper ty of Thomas Wamslev to satisfy two judgment in favor of Thomas Lais and Joseph White. - T. R. McCLURE, Sheriff. .' ShKRIFF'S OFFICl, ' Kaiida, 8ept. tst, 1845. C i S38d - 1 !! JUsU fissT SMI BUSINESS NOTICES. ; ;, . i :y. : e BEN.'-METCALF, - J ,.t Attorney and Counsellor at Law. . : HAVING opened an office tn Kaiida, will give h!s attention to the ordinary buisness ot his profession, and particularly to settlement of claims, paymeht of taxes, Ate.,: for non-residents. Jan. 10th. 1845. 203z V r J. JT.'ACKERMAN, ' ! ; Attorney nnd rounsellor at Lnw. - . ; ,., K4.LIDA, PUTNAM fJorjNTY, OHIO. Office on Main street, opposite T. R. McClure'i Hotel. Kaiida. June 20. 1845. ; RICHARD C. SPEARS, ; ATTORNEY AT LAW, Van Wert, Van Wert County.Ohio. , 1 Feb. 1M4. ... JAMES (i. IIALY, Attorney and Counsellor nt Law. ' '! Napoleon, Henry County, V. May23, 845. ' 222 JAMES MACKENZIE, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Knlida, Putnam County, Ohio. May 23, 1845i ; ; 222 DOCTOR SOLOMON M. SHAFFER, Physician if Surgeon, T ATE of Pennavlvania.but more recently from Rochester, Ohio, hna located himself at Rock- port, Putnam county, Ohio, and tenders to the I I - I . ' - T.. l ... puDiic nis pruiussiunai serviees. - rca., 'hh. DOCTOR P. L. COLE, Physician ie Surgeon, Kaiida, Putnam co., Ohio. Office in the building formerly occupied by Mr. Thntcher, aa the Amencsn Hotel. - April 18, IU45. GEORGE SKINNER, - CJ ADDLE & HARNESS MAKER,. Kaiida. O .Putnam county.Ohio. Orders promptly exe. tencd Saddles, eVc, constantly on hand. ' LANDS FOR SALE IN- PUTNAM COUNTY. TE8T half of North East quarter of Election !8, Town V V I Boutu, Knnue six ast, eu acres. . Westhalt of South west quarter of Section 29, Town 1 South Ranee East, Ml acres. North west Quarter, and west half of Pouth Enst Quarter. and North East quarter of South Eaat Quarter, snd west half of poutn weat quarter 01 section 7, Town 1 no lh. Bantre biz fcaai. 301 acres. North East quarter of Section 7, Town 1 North, Range Sii East. 160 acres These lands will be sold low for rash ; or for one Quarter cash and ti e balance in ne, two, and three years, with in terest, and those having no moiey, can prv y clearing latin in wisiownsiiip. A. r. tuutKi urv, Hicksvll'e, Defanre ro. 0. Jtgmt, June 1, 1843. I 225elw ; " S. E. IIOLIBAUnil, ' Boot and Shoe Maker. HAS just received a first rate stock of Leath er from Cincinnati. Ready made work constantly on hand. . Knlida, July 15, 1845. - . 229ebw PLAYING, .VISITING, AND BLANK CARDS. . George Cook, of the Into firm of Ely Smith & Cook, lor the past six years, manu factures of the celebrated Bartlett Cards, would inform the public and the patrons of the old establishment, No. 71, fulton St.. where he has always beeu employed, that lie continues the mnntifucture of all the varie ties of Playing Visiting and Black Cards, heretofore turmslied by the establishment and that orders for various kinds will be t'liilifully and prom pi ly executed on applica tion lo his sole, agents, Messrs.' Ely and Latham, No. 71 Fulton si., nt the following prices, usual discount on, lor cash, or to those who buy to sell again, viz: Marble and white backs ' $3G per gross, ll.ilry O : ' do 31) Decutures .do 24 Kllsler . ; do . 21 . . Mewy Audrews ; do '. 18 Highlanders, No. 1, star & mar , Lie band . - -15 do . 2 ., do J2 - Enamelled, Ivory and Parl Surface Cards as per the following jcale: r Largo No.5Enamclled$2 00 No.15 Enamtllcd $500 : 4 .do 2 00 , 14 do 5 00 3 do 15(1 13 do 4 50 . 2 do 150 12 ' do 4 00 1 do' 125 lSlv'y&Pl.surfSO 11 Iv.&PI.Surf.l 37 15 13 12 do 1 87 10 do 125 do - do 121 9 do 121 1 50 8 do 100 7 do 10(1 4 00 6 do 1 00 Small. 11 Enamelled 10 do 3 50 5 do 75 9 do 3 00 4 do , 75 8 do 2 50 3 do . 62 7 do 250 2 do 62 6 do 2 25 2 do 50 Embossed Ennmdlcd Cards, tinted and plain, beautifully polished with elegant design us borders: Printers' blank cards. Small blanks.(play card size)No.llSp,rgross do 12 Large do do do do . Double size of the small do do Double sizri of the largo do do 24 21 30 24 62 62 Also all the above sizes of every color to order. . . ... . Other s'zes cut to order of either the fore going qualities.-: ' , Mourningcard4ofvariousn'zc8made toordV. Gold bordered cards do , do ., Gilt edge : do do " Enamelled sheets capsize & 20 by 24 inches Ivory surface - 1 do ' ' do ' Pearl do ; do , . do Blank sheets, "' do ; do " - Also Railroad and Steamboat Tickets made to order of any color, or of different colors, as may be desired.. .' ; The subscriber invites all editors of the United Stales and Canada, who are disposed in take their pny in cards and who will send iiim a copy of their paper, containing this ad vertisement, lo insert it for three months. GEORGE COOK.' ' New York, January 29, 1845. , 233 ;.-':''; ,:: LITERARY NOTICES. 1S.1 Prospectus of the Ohio tatesmfta. TIJE undersigned respectfully announce to the Demucract or Omo, that they have purchased of Col. Samuel AIedaby, al) his interest in the Ohio Statesman newspaper, from and lifer the 1st of July, 1845 - 'The paper will, as heretofore,' advocate,' uhflirn chingly, Democratic Principles and measures, and give the stiongi st support to the regu Intly nominated candidates of the Democratic" Party, that it will be in the power of tle bit' dets giied lo afltifd. To .fiimly' support the National Administration to maintain lh righi of this country to the territory of Oregon to uphold the great doctrine of the sove reignly of the people,' as contended for by he patriot Dorr to contend tor the adjust ment of the tariff iu such a manner as- shall do justice to the great Agricultural interest of the West to lubor for the settlement of the National Finance question in a way -thai ;hull ptevent the public moneys from becom nig the means of individual Bgrrandizemont nnd to strenuously support any measure calculated to make the laws of Ohio embodi ments of the principles of Liberty and Equa lity, and to give to the State a sound cur rency; !hese are the objects which the un dets gncd propose to themselves in the new and arduous posiiion which they have' as sumed. Their success must depend upon the amount and the character of the support which they shall receive at the hands of the Democracy of the great Empire Stale of the West, whose voice in the National Councils is so important, and whose example, in the managementof their internal affairs, is destin ed to exert a vast influence upon all quar ters of the Union, and particularly to give a character to the legislation of the new com munities which are constantly arising, and demanding to be admitted to the rights 'and privileges enjoyed by the members of the confederacy. : : ; v The undersigned have invested a, large imount of capital in their present undertaking. They have brought to its support, whatever of talent and enterprise they possess. Their interest is identical with that of the West; . nd there is no incentive to exertion ho motive which can incite men to a faithful discharge of important dulii s which is not moving them to labor for tho good of that portiou of the confederacy into whose, hands be physical and mural powers of the nation ire rapidly passing. Under these circum stances, they feel that they are privileged ( ask for that support and to look for that con ridence from the Democracy of Ohio, without which nil their labors must, be worse .than performed in vain. . , ' ' - . The undersigned propose making some .nechanical improvements in the paper, which vill render it more worthy the support of the public. A fair proportion of the paper will be devoted to miscellaneous reading and news matter. - ' ' ' . '"' Terms. The Statesman is published . ; ., Daily during the session of the Le gislature, and Tri-Weekly the bal- " . anceoftheyear, at-- eg 08. Tri-Weekly the year round, at-.... 4 00 Semi-Weekly during the session of ' , ., the Legislature, and Weekly dur ing Ihe balance of the year, at ..... Weekly the year round, invariably in advance, at ' 3 CO 9 00 OCT Persons desiring the Week'r Daper for (' months, can have it for onb dollar, ilways to be paid in advance. Five Dollars in one letter, in advance, will p iy for two copies of the Statesman pub lished Semi-Weekly during the Session and Weekly the balance of the year, directed ,to ihe names ordered. ' ;. 05" All piynienls to be made in advance. Those who have not an opportunily of pay ing otherwise, may remit by mail, at our risk, postage paid. The Postmaster's certificate of such remittance, shall be a sufficient re ceipt therefor. : , 05" Those who subscribe by the. year will plet so so designate. ' ' ,' ; , ' . (& Any person who will procure six, sub set ibirs, and inform us of the direction of his paper, shall have a copy sent him for hie i rouble.' '.'-'."' " J (Persons receiving a prospectus, who cannot make use of it themselves, will please baud it to another.' ' V ' ' !, C. C. & G. R. IIAZEWELL CoLUMnus August 5, 1845. '-. PLAIN AND FAKCY 1 ' rr ALL DESCRIPTIONS OF PRINTING NEAT LY EXECIiXEJAT.jrHIS0lCEJ,lJ ' LAW BLANKS; BUSINESS CARDS, Placards, Miow-Bills, . PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS.. AND ALL KINDS OF LETTER TRESS FKINTHfO TIO NE TO ORDER .. ,-.. .: Persons favoring us with their commands will ' have their orders promptly attended to, on fair and . reoaoniible terms, for Cush or trade, aa will best suit the parties. .'., Kaiida, June, 1845. , THE K A LID A VENTURE, IS PUBLISHED EVKRV TUESDAY MORKING, BY JAMES MACKENZIE. - Terms. I paid within six months rom th time of 8ubeeribintr 12 DO Ater six months, nnd within tho year,....., 2 SO ater tne expiration ot the year,"- ( 3 00 . Advertising. For 1 square 3 weeks, 1 00 ror eacn suDsequent insertion,- gs . Yearly Advcrtiiemtntt will be charged, for ' one square, or less," 8 00 For one column, 38 00 (gj- No ur p fid letters taken 'from the Post Oi. lice, and no paper discontinued until all arrearage '--, yy:-:.-l jsf.i " i i'