Newspaper Page Text
KALID A VENTURE. JAMES MACKENZIE, EDITOR. ( -. ' "ill in. iinsnn '-' , 1UESD.I Y. NOV.. ,' 1 4 4. DcKociuTtc Paiifcinks. The pMpl the only enures r legitimate powor; tlis representative 10 oiwy tu in tractions of his eomtlluenw ; the union, a confederacy, it muit In preserved ; the freadorn, sovereignty, nnd tndt neclenca f th mnartiv states I the constitution a IPC rial amni of mowers llml'ed nnd definite : election nnd suf frage universal ;. no tniation beyond the puhlle wanta; tai ea levied in Hint mode wliicli will new admit or pubiir. geru tinv n nntlnnnl de'it s no nntiotisl or atnte hank, or mO' nopoliesnf any kind; no diatrlhulion of the puMie lamia amom the states, hut low prices, permanent prospective liberal pre-emption laws; ireeaoin 01 irnne snn commerce ; enunl Inwa and equal rlilita: proiren and Improvement. These are a few of the lending principle! nrbicli democracy aims to wane weruies 01 government. .. . The result of tha late election would lurprise ' us, confiding, as we do, in the generally sound 'judgment of the people, did we not at the same - time remember that a party of progress must at ' lima hraiaitt iaaiiAaa fnt uiUinh tViM ntalili m n A i sot fully prepared, or which, from being unfoith fully presented by timid men, fail to receive .1.-1 :.....l!l!.n ia IHL:L .X. A. at rm Anllllntl Til this state we have suffered from both these causes, and have had besides to contend with the strong energy of an organised self-interest, the most potent that exists, struggling for life; the contest has been human liberty against momeu despotism and money has triumphed over principle. But even in this view the question has not been fairly taken. But tew have presented the true is sue of bank paper or specie for tho currency of the state. In. Hamilton county and here in the Northwest the full issue was made and sustained What would have been the result had a similar boldness prevailed over the State we will not pre' tend to say; certainly the result would not have been, a decision mainly upon local mat ters, nor the indifference to the result so generally apparent. But the bankers begged another trial; they were now to be honest, though they had ne ver been so before; the people were deceived into the belief of such a possibility, and bankers have once more permission to make the temple of lib rty a den of thieves. This lingering confidence in banking is tho con. sequence of palliative tinkering legislation. The people are taught to believe that every flue luation can best be corrected and every depression can be brought to a level by legislative acts.' Well is it understood nevertheless, that parchment or paper entctments cannot make wealth, cannot maken'bus'icl of wheat exist where before it was not, though ibey may change its ownership and affect its price ; and legislation ia incompetent to create markets tho' it may shut them out. Labor and labor olono can add to prosperity, and laws to force that labor into particular channels are but means by 'which one class are plundered for the benefit of another; as a heavy tariff, for instance. helps the clamorous capitalist at the expence of fewer markets to the farmer, to buy or sell in. To give life to stsgnationond confidence to busi ness the very systems are resorted to whose per nicious action has clogged the one and destroyed the other. .The failure of a system of banks may be as safely and ,'ertainly predicted as the return of an eclipse. Like all excessive stimulants they cause a short lived elevation only to be followed by a corresponding depression below the proper level; but when their failure comes, it is attributed 10 any out uic nuo viiubc, uiiu inoirrau Ul Quicai . . . .t- . 4 : . 1 -C , reform the people are induced to look forward to the revival, with new privileges of plundor, of the very system which has just been proved worthless. Do states by n system of reckless extrnwgance, which would disgrace the management of a pri vale individual, wildly incur debts, which increase taxation almost beyond endurance; instead of en forcing this as a lesson for future prudence, cupi dity is flattered by the offer of the gift of the pub ic lands to be distributed to foster, not check and relieve, the wsste of means. Any expedient, but :a judicious and ssvere economy is proposed, till society has begun to expect that it is (ho duty of government to create prosperity, nnd plish what industry and intelligence alone can effect for any people. Doe an individual desire the improvement of his condition, he appeals to the legislative power to confer upon him corporate privileges taken from his fellow citizens; perhaps he asks gov ernment todior a emal or open a railroad to cross his estate; or if this is impracticable, he gets a rrew county errcted, which will make his proper ty a parlor the greater part of the site af the new ly created county. Innumerable are the expedi ents to make rnvernmcnt contribute to individual advantage, while the great body of the people are taxed to sustain the outlay. And to tho wide spread influence of this special legislation, we attribute the consent of a very considerable pro. inrtion of tho people to the continued existence of . . f . 1 nil the present rianK law lor anoiner year, inure are many who expect that in some wav it will be nefit them though they have no definite idea of the" means whereby this is to be accomplished but they havo already seen ao miny fortunes made by special and partial legislation that they cannot but hope that they too will derive some ad vantage from the changes incident to paper credit. They see want, wretchedness, nnd ruin strewed thickly around, in consequence of the convulsions incident to banking, but the crafty hope of es cape, makes them willing to sacrifice public wel fare to private aggrandizement; even should the worst come, a periodical bankrupt law can inake repudiation too common to raise the blush ofshame on any lice. While laws protect men in gambling with their own and their neighbor's fortune, one failure to arrest the destructive sys tern need not dishearten the honest man or slacken Tils energies, more than continued sin should stay the preaching of righteousness. If not before, when the present bubble bursts, we shall be assuredly relieved from the domination cf the "paper credit aristocracy;" then, at least, we will be prepared to follow those ststes which have become emancipated from the rule of the money lords. . . ' Nkw Counties. The Wyandott Pioneer u 1:1. m. i1.a mn i mnlra ays: we wouiu hm " "(,- ome more new counties if they turn out like Wyandott apd Defiance. These coun ties have covered themselves with glory, both electing Democratic officers." The Pioneer ironically adds: "Let all the new county claims be pushed through this winter, and the people will choose the right kind of offi cers to manage their affairs." This is i species of advice which we apprehend the whig Solons will not be very hasty to follow. Their corrupt designs of party advancement have been nobly frustrated by the people. And as they only wotk for fodder ibey will not outrago the public by any innro such bootless effort for parly aggrandizement. A New Wat to frovk Democracy." Look on this picture and on that" : "The late editors of the Cincinnati Enquirer impugned the democracy of Dr. Olds, of ficka way. This morning, the returns ahow the Dr, elected to the Legislature by a majority of 1 16." unin matettian. : The way this political Hessisn has become whitewashed into a pure democrat is thus ex plained just as we expected. "Pickaway. Countt. Dr. Olds, aa we learn from the Circleville Herald, ia indebt'd to the Whigtai that town for his election to the Legis lature. The town is pretty equally divided, and on a very close poll gives a small Whig majority. At the election on Tuesday Inst Dr. Olds received a majority of one hundred and fifty From a pri vate source we learn that the Dr. secured these votes by pledging himielf againtt the Repeal of the Banking law." U. 8. Journal. There is a prevalent disposition to claim success as eertain evidence of correctness of piinciple; while convenient principles, bending to the prej udiecs of the day, often achieves that success which short-sighted politicians look upon as per manent. The man who rises into notice upborne by some local animosity may shine for a moment. but will neither shine brightly or long, and cer tainly the success gained by sacrificing the prin ciples of the party with which a man is allied, though it may succeed, should only attach infa my to the selfish act, not sanction the doctrine that the end justifies the means; besides it is more manly to act the charlatan than to flatter him. Unprincipled politicians and their abettors should be excluded from the friendship and countenance of the honest men of every party. To make prin ciples subservient to the elevation of men is a fraud upen the people; and those who do so, are a curse to any party upon which they become hangers on. And we commend those of either party who deny Dr. Olds a place in the Whig ranks, to the acknowledgment of the Journal that it is to a dirty Whig bargain that this political leper holds a placo among thoso he is pledged to betray. We have already devoted too much space to this individual but it is due to principle, not to the man. Pennsylvania Election. This old democratic State has rolled up her old fashioned majori ty of 20,000 for Js. Burns, the Democratic candidate for Canal Commissioner, and a democratic majori ty in both Branches of the Legislature. The ma jority on joint ballot about 39. In Philadelphia county, which gave a federal majority last fall, the democratic ticket is elected by a handsome majority. Accident. A few days since at Glan dorf, in this countj, while auctioning off some property belonging to a widow in that town a pistol was handed out to be sold, when man by the name of Klinkhammcr snapped t to try it. The pistol proved to be loaded and went off, the ball entering the side of bystander of the name of Hcardley, and pass ing through his lungs. He fell instantly and in a short time expired. It is strange that notwithstanding so many acccidents occur from carelessly handling firearms no warning is taken. Heardley who was killed was i man of family who are thus suddenly depriv ed of a protector; and we are informed that whiskey as usual had a hand in causing the carelessness which produced this casually. (7- Messrs Brough & Robinson have disposed of their interest in the Cincinnati Enquirer to Eliphalct Caso &. Co. Mr, Case refers to his past history as an earliest of his future lie wisely concludes there is little originality in promising. With the course of the Enquirer we have had but n six month's acquaintance, but during thai period it has proved an independent and able expositor of democracy, advocating sound principles and good men with an earnestness that tended to give double force to the score li ng rebukes it bestowed upon tho fawning sycophants whose party principles are an ex clusive attachment to official gifts and favor no matter from what source. We shall be atisfied if the new editor fills his place equal to his predecessors. Georgia Election. Crawford, whig, is elected by about 1500 maj. The whigs will have from six to eight maj. in the House. The democrats have a maj. of three in the Senate. " I am not a bank man. Once in my life was, and then they cheated me out. of every dollar I placed in tlieir hands." Gen. liar rison's speech at Dayton. The next governor. We see that several of our cotemporaries have placed the name of David Tod at the head of tlieir editorial columns, as a candidate for our next Gover nor. We have not seen fit to do so, although we have not been aware that any other can didate would be brought forward. But we notice that two of the late numbers of the Cincinnati Enquirer, contains articles from two different correspondents, each of whom seem to perfer a different man. One of them recommends Mr. Richard Warner of Medina Co., and the other prefers, Dowty Utter, of Clermont county. Cleveland JtMt, ..-.,. - From tha Cleveland Times. " THE BANKS AND THEIR INFLUENCE No attentive observer of tho progress of events for the last twenty-five or thirty years, or who has read the history of tho banking operations in this country, during that period, can look upon such institutions with the least approbation, or consider them in any other light than as engines of fraud and corruption, unless he is in some way directly or indirect ly interested in them. , Wo speak of banks as they have ben and are generally organiz ed banks of discount, having a chartered rii'lit to issuo notes to three times the amount of llieir, moans to pny.' It is certainly ono of tho most rid.vulous 1 lungs in the world, that any legislative body professing to be governed by Djinocnilic principles, should have ever granted a charter for a bank with such privi leges. It can be accounted for on no ollioi principle than that npplici ions for such chatters are always presented iiiid:;r the fdsc and hypocritical pretonsloiis that the publ'c good requires their existence; when in lict, they are de?igir:d expressly for the bun. -fit of a few spucul itois ami wlriveH. And no far as our observation extends, there is not a bank in existence which, in its operations, does not carry out that des'gn, and instead of bcnefiiing the public, prove sooner or lator to bo a curse to the mass of the people Their influence, both in regard to tho busi ness and the politics of the coumy, is of the most deleterious character, rendering every thing over which they have any control, un stable and uncertain: and like the Upas tree, poison every thing that comes within the reach of its power. They corrupt the mo rals of tho people by holding out induce ments for the accumulation of wealth without labor, and by placing it in the power tttlheir particular favorities, to filch from 1 1(61. j&of industry the fruits ot their toil. va" Their dispensation of favors is but another name for bribery, by which they control the political affairs of the State. Look at the re sult of the late election in this Slate. Not a Senator or Representative has been elected on the Reserve this fall, who is not pledged to eXert his influence in favor of bunks. Their nominations were dictated by the bank ers, and wo venture to say mat no it lug could have been nominated who was known even to be in favor of making bankers liable in their individual capacity, for tha piymcnl of their notes. Such things Speak a lan guage not to be misunderstood 1 he timo has bnen when men of pure De mocratic principles favored the establishment of banks, and there are sorfte, even at the present day, who profess to be DeineCrats, and yet shut their eyes against the light of experience, wink at the corruptions and des tructive tendency of banks, and succumb to the views and selfish designs of the Wings in regard to these soulless corporations. But no enlightened, honest Democrat, who has witnessed the swindling operations of banks for a few years pist, can favor their establish ment, ot countenance their doings. For ourselves, we unhesitatingly declare our eternal and uncompromising hostilily t all banks of discount under any form. We sincerely deprecate the creation of any more new oucs, and should rejoice to see the day when no such institution should be found in this or any other country. We should then have such a currency as the framers of the constitution established consisting of gold and silver; which would be subject to neither expansion, contraction or depreciation. This would give stability and safety to all tho pur suits of life, and compel thousands, nay hun dreds of thousands, who now live upon the hard earnings of others, to seek a livelihood by honest industry. We hold th s to be the only true and genuine system of Democratic principles, which secures to all equal rights and equal privileges. And ho who pretends to be a Democrat in principle, be Ins party name what it may, and advocates any other doctrine, is in practice, inconsistent with his nrotessions, and should be looked upon with distrust, as giving countenance to the most palpable system of fraud and corruption, with which mankiud have ever been cursed, the pestiferous and poisonous influence of which is felt throughout the country. Me shall siy more on this subject is our next, and explain why we am opposed to the conservative or " soft" course, which some people seem dis posed to pursue. As we predicted yesterday, Sarah Decker, the unlnppy girl who was induced by Virgil Knappp to take oil of tanzy in order to pro duce abortion, died last night her carcet closed about 9 o'clock P. M. Lest nuy one may suppose that it requires much suavity ol manner, or polished address to induce weak I'irls (o follow bad coutses, we cannot refrain from saying that the criminal in this case is a rude looking tustx, of the mos' clownish manner and siolid ignorance. Fortunatclv for the ends of justice, the depositionsof the poor unfortunate girl were taken by the Coro ner and Justice Taylor, so' that this crime which is becoming so prevalent in this coun try, may not escape unpunished. N. Y. Ga zette. The Wooster BankIts circulation m Michigan. The Free Press some days since announced the fact that the Wooster Bank had a large circulation in this city, and that some dealers were so flush with it, that they willingly paid one or two cents mora for flour in the paper of that institution than in that of any other batik. Iho IN lies repub lican gives us the startling fact that nlmost the entire circulation of that part of Michigan is mada up of Wonstcr promises. , In Ohio, the paper of that Bank when taken nt all, is Dusscd off as scon as possible, for but few seem to havo any confidence in tho solvency of the institution, and but little in the hones ty of its conductors. The flooding of Michi gan with its paper, is the premonitory symp- toms ot a bunt up. i ne arposues oi ine L'cneral Government have lately been remov ed from the Bank, the holders of their tiotes are running them home for redemption and we warn the people if they do receive the paper of thnt Bank to do so with the'utmost caution. Ditroit Free Press. Echope. This part of the globe was formerly called by the Romans as it is at pre sent by the Spaniards and Italians, by the name of Europe; but from whence that ap pellation originated has not been determined. By the English and French it is styled Eu roej by the Turks Alfrank or Riiuialia; by the Georginns of Asia, Frunkoba; and by tho Asiatics in general, Fraukistan. The four eminent persons to whom Eoicpc is most in debted ior discoveries, arc Columbus, who discovered tho West Indies; Vascodu Gaum, who d'scovered the Cape of Good Hop? nud the Eist Indies; Atonzo Cabiol, who disco vered Brnz 1; and Sebastian Cabot, who dis covered North America. Coo. How much this tiilo implies, no tongue, human or ungePs, can ever express; no mind conceive, .; It is a volume of nu in fiuiio number of loaves, and every !:: f.; full of meaning. It will Lo icad ty Mints nnd angels, through the nes of eternity, bntthcy will iitivor reach the last leaf nor hilly conipre hend the mean'ns of a siiiL'le p:ic. Look back to ill. 3 liin.) when God existed indc pendent und (done; when there was nothing but God; no heavens, no earth, no angels, no men. How wretched should we, how wret ched would any creature be, in such a silua' tiou. But Jehovah was then infinitely hnp py beyond all possibility of increase. Hois an oveiflowing fountain, a bottomless, and shoreless ocean, of beiug, perfection, and hap piness; and wlicu this infinite ocean overflows, suns and worlds angels nnd men, slnit into existence. I would ask you to pause und con template, for a moment, this wonderful be ing. But where shall we stand to take a view of him? when wo wish to contemplate tho ocean, we tako our stand upon its shore. But this infinite ocean of perfection has no shore. There is not a place whero we can stand to look at him, for he is in us, nround us, above us, hi; low us. Yet in another sense, there is no place where we rmy not look at Inm, for he is every where. We see nothing which he his not made :io motion which he docs not cause; for ho is all and in all, and above all, blessed forever. Even he himself cannot tell us fully what he in, for our minds cannot take it in. He can only s iy lo us, I am that lam. I am Jehovah. Puyson. Sixgclar A bald eiiL'le flaw on board the U. S. Ship John Ad ims. at sea, much fa tigued. As poultry die rapidly at s.ia, he far ed well, not being eatable, and became veiy tame, walking around from mess to mess, get ting a crum here, nud a drink there. Ho is now considered one of the crew, and attends to the furling of the royals. He never left the ship until the Princeton anchored at Pcns tco lu, when he alighted on her cross jack yard, look a searching glance, saw all was right, us tar as Lncle Sam was concerned, and rufurn to hisowu ship. The singular pnrt of this oc currence IS) that three foreiiiu men of war are at anchor near the John Adams, and (his re publican bird Will not Visit either of them. Povertiix England. -the "Protective Policy." At a place called Andover. in Wilt shire, there is a workhouse where the poor, who cannot hud employment, or are disabled, are placed, as indeed is thease now all over England. The crushing of horses' and otlic r kind of bones, is the employment of some of the wretched inmates, and such was their state of starvatiou,that they were driven to pick tho gristle from, and suck the marrow of these bones, even when in the highest state of pu trefaction. The accounts are published at full length in the papers. The ' Oldest Settler.' The press upon which the 'Post', at Perrysburg, is now printed is said to bo the oldest west of the moun tains. It is a wooden 'Ramage1 press, nnd has been in use for fifty years. It was first used at Washington, Pa. Ddf. Dem. A Journeyman Printer in New Orleans, recently received news while at hiscase, that a fortune of $10,000 had been left him. He cooly spaced out his line, laid down his stick, and quit. Tho lucky 'dog." Wisteh Scrap, Tho following qunini epitaph was wtiilcu on ill:; ioiiiLmIoiio of youth at Frith, in Derbyshire, England. 1 ho comparison is seasonable : Our life is but winter's day, Some only breakfast, and away ! Others lo dinner stay and are full fed! The oldest man but sups and goes to bed! Large is his debt; who lingers out the day ; Ifho goes the loonesl hat the least ta payl' ' Truth from Error. By an nccidonlal omission of a singlu letter, in an exchange piper, the line "Hell has no fury like a Woman scorned,'" was made to read, Hell has no tuty like a Woman earned," ;This is the first time -wo ever heard so sirikiiif? a truth boing tha offspring of error. iV. Y. American. India rubber paper is recommended as the most suitable fur tho printing of tho laws, that they may be stretched occasionally for the accommodation of rich culprits. Why is a postmaster's clerk like a man at tacked by a highwaymen? Do you give ii up? Because he is obliged lo stand and de liver. -Piketonxun. ' : - Some ladies congratulating Dr. Johnson on having omitted all improper words in his dic tionary." Ah said ,tho . lexicographer, then you have been hunting for them already, my pretty dears, have yon. ' Douglas Jcrrold Bays " Womon ore all alike. When they're maids they're as mild as milk. Once.mako 'em wives and they lean their backs" against their marriage certi ficates and defy you," ... Whence Derived! It is said that the Ore gon derives itsnamo fromoregano, a Spanish word, signifying pennyroyal or hysop which grows abundantly on the bank. Phil. Led. " CrOno of the beauties of 'the Regidry Litu was exhibited jesteidiiy at the 7th ward pn!k Abraham PATMonr:, who litis resided und voted furty-ono years in tl)9 county, nnd is now a gray-haired old man of .70 ycatBf age, picssnted himself with his ticke, armed with all tiio constitutional qualifications, but was refused ami turned away because his1 name was not on father Handy's register. The old m:iu appealed feelingly and eloquent -ly ngainst the injustice of this whigdevicoU exclude democratic voles. ' Ho had looked at iho constitution and voted under il. for mora than forty years, and now ho dem liidad would they refnsj Ills vote becausa those understrap peis of ofiiccis hive not done their duly! This case ii (lords an opporlunfiy to test the ciuisiiiutioniliiy of ilio Registry Lnw,' which will not bo siiflered io pass. A suit will bo instituted against the Trustees of the 7th ward for that ptiiposc, Immediately. Cin. JSnj. State op Ohio. The whigs have . again succeeded in cnriying iho Stale, as wc opprn hend, from tho want of adequate organization unil a complete union among the icpuulican party. Wo look, however, for mora auspi cious times ; and we shall again carry this pow erful State, when our friends till rally upon one common wise platform of principles.. It is the bank qui'Stion,piobably,upon which they have split-. And suiely, if ever the rDpnhli cun party I) ul strong inducements to rally to gether to correct tho mischievous Jiank sys tem which iho whigs havo attempted to fas en around ihe neck of tho Slate, the republic ti us have lli'S motive to animate them at tho present moment. We have received several letters from Ohio, bearing upon tho politics of tho Stale. One of iho last is from a corres pondent from Sleubcnvill?, of tho 18ih inst. Ho writes: "We havo elected our entire coun ty ticket, except tho representative to tho Stale legislature." lie says the republican candidate was defeated in consequence of tho bank question; most of iho duincCiatt-fwho ho calls "bank democrats," or conservatives) vo ted for the whig candid ite. Ho apprehends that wo are beaten in the State leg'slature, owing to th.) effect of this bank question. Ho says, also, that some discontent has been pro duced by "the retaining of federalists in of fice;" and this is another element of d'stf feclion and defeat. Our correspondent then say, tint "io attempt to unite Ihe democratic puny on any thing but principle is visionary, and will, in the end, ciws?. its utter deslruc? lion, and the find loss of our free institutions) It is principle, nnd that alone, tliat can unita us together, us a bund of brothers, in defeucd of our republican institutions. 'No state in the Union presents to tho world a purer demociacy than Ohio. Yet federal ism has, to a small extent, crept in among us in disguise; and, nowithstauding it is but a -tilho of the party, yet it holds the balance of power in a feiy comities, other than Jefferson, and, as already rem.irked, may defeat us." Washington Union. Wi: Second that Motion. The Wash ington correspondontof the Boston Post says: "And now thai the President has his hand in, why not go on and remove all our agents abroad, who, in 1840, so Shamelessly vilified and tradnced the democracy? Tho contin uance of such men in the most lucrative sta lions of the government tinder a republican administration, is an act of crying injustice to the hundreds of tried and capthlo democrat who would gladly accept of tlieir stations. " He that is merciful unto tho bad Is cruel to tho good. lie is a poor surgeon who, for fits, spares " The part corrupted, until the gangrene spreads. And all tho body perishes." ; KALIDA LEGISLATIVE CLUB. Friday, Oct. 31, 1845. Mr. Mackenzie At tho session of the Legislative Club this day, the following Resolutions wero adopted to wit: '' Resolved, That tho ladies of Kalida bo and they arc hereby invited lo attend tho meet ings of the Kalida Legislative Club. : Resolved, That the Clerk couse the fore going resolution to be published in tho Ka lida Venture. Will you, sir, bo kin 1 cnoug'i to carry into effect the intentions of said Club by publish ;ng the foregoing resolutions ill tho Kalida Venture. Yours Respectfully, John J. Ackerman, Clerk TEMPERANCE MEETING, ' Tho rutnani County Temperance Association will meet at the school house in Kalida, on Tuesday evening the 11 th inat. Several addresses may b expected. Cixr.cK Skinkeh, Secretary. October 4, 1845. - IN CHANCERY. Samuel S. Hanlilns, The Commissioners of Prulilinj County, Levi Sterling, Elian Siilrlcv. John Hudson, iiimnnn uoivyur, James Kislicr, lilunliefli ! PAULDINO van norne, iviinmn A. van liorne. Clans- COMMON sa v an tiorno, ii:iza"cin Von Home, Jr., I PLEAS. Mary Van Home, Cutlinrinc Van Home. I Drains Adams, j'., Sophia Adams, Susan 1 .,. , . v Adams, Harriet French, und Trench. I 1 lier Itllahniifl. J . ;." - , .f Tho lion-rrsiilfllit defendant to this suit are hrliViti: i find that the said romplninnnt on the 14th day of August, i 1841, filed I. is till in tire court ol'ronunnn picas nf Pnulilinc "'a county, s'atlngtint Iter Ji.min F. Unllister, Elias SI irlry. i TI onus B. Vi n Home, James Fisl er. on helinlfnf Rnnmh llowyor, nnd Jaro'i Deivws nu liel.nlf of Lerl Htnriin .... ' ruled certain I onils to the State nf ol;in. rn,,rf;t;n.,i ,-.n tho doTintlnij of lands to the use of said county of Paiildlns for the erection of puUlc I uildinps in the event of t the sent of justice hcin? lo-stcd at Clarion in said Pmldiii rnnnty, that said seat of justice was orcordinplv located at ' 1 saidCl.nrlOR and Hint the said I onds together with all equi ty pertaining thereto were trnnsl'oried to said comileinnnt hy s::id rommifsionersfnr tho l-iiiMiui. nr a cmtrt i-nitnn jail for said county nnd that fomptr.liioht l-.uirti.iiid Jtil and .i. i.uic i riiiriting ib n)(j roairan ami n at lie satd iiinmasu. van norne iicprrinil this Jil Having tie said) rj.iAtM.iuii t.ui rr.i-jur, imwr'mv, nnn it i:;u,m rK Van,-, Home, (Jlnrissn Van Ho'ne, E imheth Van Horne, l-.Mtry T Van Hornev(;r.thcriiie Van Homo, Dennis Adcit.s, lr; EgY i phia Adams. Susan Adi.ui!, Haniet F'cnel'.and Frtar ) i'or linshnnrt, Ms r.cirs at Ir.w. And said till nr. Conn to perfect title In the said romp'r.innnt far aid lanrl ' j the same lying in said I'mihling county, tio.v, ttarafor It the said defendants si tllrnt appear leforeseid Coartatih " next term and answer said till the mem win -, i r . confessed ajainst then). . .'. , ... r . A.J. TAYLOR, Clerlr, Ortoher S5, 1845. W A. Comnrai, Bol, for complainant. . .