Newspaper Page Text
'5vl lie 1 1 ! 1 iti- .ft ; :i ill m 1 TOWN LOTS, HOUSES, &c. I..,.; . r . y; ;,. ....... .i, . III WHCSB NaiW' FORFEITED. !;ri3 i l-t .siV:';6.-lf''1 ' Nam of' TowiT.:i! 1 i ! '' i.l ri'i: ; vli ci ti ib:i')i .... -s VS-rli" ifb'us i. f .aw (Ul i, ucg. 11 1 KF Evans Amos et al sarae nam same."....."" ... .same,. same- ' 'same.. ... Hi:- same. ..... . ; ............. sarae........ .', . i :i . i ., aame........... ..v. ....... .. same .. . . game , .. ? earne same ' lame..' same.-. ; same .; v .. ..::.! .j.; i i;v I'h.'hi , V t..'..-a i'"f 'l Till H i-!. CANAL PORT, ." i ' do ' : i , do ir":do 1 :do no do do r do 'dd', ;; do " do do ' do ; do ; t '. villi 84 YMuvkXiii&Z i r xio"'L'!' uw i ... uu , a . . an . d.i , m i ... oo ..o ,7..:. -no. :.. 48 At As. --' Jv ' 11 '.Jill ! Vimi v i cy. 'Ml - A 3f 00, .. ! flu B ... . . ........ .. II If: a 'Jill i j .'tviiV ' . ! VV.fM I.." 7 lie J till uv . u i UU iiO-i.'ii;. i An ii! )!,.. U ' 1 Mi ill .!t TjDi: ii;i hoc iiiij.i't "ri b iflly, 4. rrtYtJT mount rinn t Uat focCnirswl I with viniy.-i m' J li'Miret, tc, (here (Kije.a 01.1 Von, bn'lanrf.. end pu not w ni mount due t the time if forftltur, n lends end iote I nee forfeited, with intereat Ibarei IK . . Taxjlnlere.sL !iat;ir'iivbe Ij yea .?i::.;H '.'l't Simple: Tax, ll.fttm VI TOTAL,,, ''ASio'thw. !ijilii3 lion i 48- 7", ...9 ... n -.::.t ' 40 7" Ui.-ii f i i j 'H U D'Jl'iv --60 do . ' t-.-.i .( 69.i -a0 -no- '.in i:i .hfl- T'qti i( ,'!";'! ' '"l.'..7 ! M .) J'J'"!:' it; i!iK , gg i t.i 0'tnim 5ii:i ii V 'lOO do1'"' !;1 ''" 101: 'do 40 '40 ,7 I tis)i;isiin i:.l.t y.-M..i,!j..i!li'i ..7M.:il '.D.I tCit 21 . NH U -13 :.5Z 64 13 5 - "64 "2 13 6S' ! 7( (.. V?f """V 8" .' ' do" '". " 65 ' 3 i ' 11 1 5:M.,a,,i"do,-:!" r;f40! 7i ( dtf';.,...l.-6r.-(.;.,i..o9i.., f w.,; :'5,iU U1" '"54 5"";" ::"v 54 . r. .... 'J 1 .1 : .1 W - V I ' . ( iG t'f wr.rf. tnt:iH J .ft.s. .V0. "8H viuoifwit .i!33.ic4 sJ 4 1 ., 30 '21 6 .ii...-! 86 2" :9 0 9" v.;!'; do"' do" do ' i.l l.n-ji! 1 .-,,:tnln-: "'-4' 5 '"""do do doc 'do (M l:. ; 6; R6' '" 32 32 : a ' rt I- U I ."'H ''I'' l.ll'JI' ! ..MlH-'ll."-" t'f (II .r.i.uJt f.0Uir.: .i! .b 1 I,'; hl;l.i i,tn H'-! .7 .if'i !;;".). I-''-.!-; l-.ii l Ui-J i r.J;' ' (J.i-rf . W'' L-it: .?. t- iir- v.i:;5 !. B-.i. 'I:'"''" i l'.I''-mi. i ?-:, .'. in! m :(! ! o.i ,.!(n r,t ! uri Iiiil i ..v,j r 'ji, rn yH; of wsua -..ii iMi:;.i t' i.-'.''h'.:j . SJ i. 2,1 g.r?. Division of Sotio;:-iP q-$ .(' i i., -. .;iniMi..':it .r . ft.-n-ij.h Collett Abraham ..".. 1 E 1 N ,1 i iN e qrof w qr i ilf- i';40 1 00 No House! i' 80 vFrom 1843 Op 6' 63 5'il '-l-' Bame-k-r"'.ivi ... ..... l.JB-1. N 31: ,S ilr qr ofnw qr.;vml ;40 .00 vo don i 80 ii :; litido 6 ' 63 '5" oi-'! ame-f..."......Mi...fW 1 E IN 31 .! iNw qr of o .qr J 1..,i40 00 '7i-'. do t n SOa.i n" i do 6 63 n5" .j Martin Cyras ..'mi: I E 1 N 10' lEhalf ofn wqri . 80 LOQfa;i do n .h 160 -: ' !'I'do ''w 13 ' 07' Ot i . lri 1 TIT IA 111 L.11'.'- . . Ort rtrt .... .T. ( ' n A , ., Bme." " u i n iv it uau ui u o ur-i-'vif f owuu hiik bo ji 'i.ii JDU' l'; J do '.'i'' 13 ' 07 ! 0' j.i .... ................ 1 E 1 N 81 1 S wqrofse qr ui: AO .OOi'i-'eix-. do .!) 'i i80av 'o iiw:'do''n''ii6'i53' bi . t:-.-e-.i ' ' i.- .- ; .-ul In! ij.!i.' ,ii-(jt:ii e ml n..lri.-i' -:- ijji'mj Biua iirtl fusi'mil! IiI3 I' Ii ti icvjoiiifd 13; 6 :m; vr.v 54 i' 2i fi.i.-.Ti ,'. 54 1: 2" 6 si?i,.. 54.-!.a" ! IB ! i tit ... -n .,rtl0..48..-w v...43...4 ini t .1.' 10 1 8 i vr t iD 43. 4" . e i- -f - l l?V ! - ' -.! en. ;!'.;) lQ.S-'xw) milt i43 i.4' ',... n;-.f-...;-. .'13 I Ji'i'.'i ! 54 'V u: 'iiiif" o .v.!i :lq .jvt . . i v , ,i ,ij vi a '. nT i"'. f'.rl'j ift, i r J' ' J'i '- ''A "'i' -no ';! 'ilm. ;n '(.u-iV Tl .,'.'i "'. '.ii .iA i I-,-1 it i.i r--,i,.y .!i.iu:i I .'.; ', i ..i: i.'.. ii'.l mi: t 'o i' ir.iji ;iit.1 ;.i.U"; ii : .a r ?i m.u lo 1 1.-, ii-'i i -t p.? 3,,24r 0 ,A!.,8,,77Ji.8i iri.'i ,24 0,,;, ,.8. , ..:24, 0 ..; . 8 ,77 .5'' 4 , 4S ,,0 ' J7; 55 . 0 Vananda Jacob f;,i-, I " V.: : ;t-.i : :t."i ..;' " iK-(J!:ffii a "ii .oiuiquii: .n-.ij evx-.'.; v.i; in Ii u-inq vii bun ,vM 'Np.;,;7,::HiVRRIS0O0WNSHIP,;- offJear'"'' w' 'sabo '; 'do " O:,:16o' vi iU,V d0!":;'"i4'rM:;-fi.V I 4 :48 2 24 m.i; a....!. 2 P. 3 1I 5fl Shirley, John-- ................... 1 E 2 N 20' i..,.,. i ri.i i'...'i uu . . ,, ao 60 ' 00 " "do" ; .ii i 160 .120 do do riou;43l 9i" .Jlliit'i'jfK I. ..tji-ij tt Mim c t 'A ;i r v "to f 5; 65" 9' ' 4i '82 i 'T I'll-''.' 17 8 55 77 0" 5i 5 12. 3 83 ;ir jiMivi 0 'j'19 0 14 )1 65 27 0 i7-"fi4" Vl 'W half of dear S hnlTftf n w nr'"' . . . ". .. rl ,. . ..; vy. i'yv ... .. I i uu ,. t lv ,"!!; I r .. ; i". . " .... i-.ii -mil yi rn:" vf.'!-! (:-rci' .i.ii.i!n .-,- ,11, 'i ;! '.yT .: ...ji Gaxtin Harris. 3 E 2 N 25 E half of a eqr,'.. si v80." 00 sio -Ido ,-!i: lCO, From 1842 up'i7 oo ,, 2i . :.': -:: i ',:, ' .. .. .. . (::".;-.! r.t. :i;'.:;;t Jm'l -f u :'il r'-ini ,,:'.'in : .i.'uu .; vd .'. i. ' .'.' .t: 1 1.-i::Ofl 1: ' !'-' i'f ei ii.t :r-. - !( cf 5rt-i 7-.-"; - i V, J , NOTICE is hereby given to the owner or owners of the Lands and Town Lots described in th'e' foregoing list, liisj her, or (heir legal heirs representatives or assigns, that unless they shall proceed to redeent the saihe by paying into' the County treasury, the taxes, interests, and penal ties due thereon, together with the simple taxes for the. year 1845, as contained in said list, and produce the Treasurer's receipt therefor, prior to the second Monday in December, A. D. 1845, then and in that case each of said tracts of Land and Town Lots, in said list described will be exposed to sale to the highest bidder, at the Court House in said county, on the said second Monday in December, A; D. 1845, and said sale will be adjourned from day to day, until each and every iract of land and Town Lot in the foregoing list contained shall be sold or offered for sale in order to satisfy said taxes, interests, and penalties., ,1, .. i,,, fjf' ',!",'.;..;' s .,.:';.'.!;' ! ., '.. .'', A gsntlemon in New ; Jersey, near pyiadeli pniu, nuu oeeu ior iong lime-sick, and wag treated i th usuaVway fonart Kaflectionl'bf , the lungs by two eminent physicians, until the disease BBSumed such a malignant form 1 that they ddclared; the patient had a confirni? ed consumption--that medicine could do nd mOre,"ahd he must did; , .Ilia breath',' Was," cdl affected by the disease that-no one could stay in his room hut a short time. 'At this stage, when all hope had fled, a friend gave him bottle, of "Wiatttr'a" Balaam of WiU Cherry declaring that af any rate, it could. do' him no barm. He took it and grew much better. He i'usidg three br'four bottles was completely rmy instance an attachment was thia dav XI. isaued by Stansberry Sutton, a Juatice-ofth'i peao of Blanchard township, Putnam county, aga A I fT - h.iiuiii bvUIHjr. DVtt inst .the property and effect, of, James Latta.a non resident of said county. Dated the 20th of October A. TV'IftlK r,.i,r '."S43f $ 50 .o ,'i i. C; M. GODFRfiY; T JST pf Letters in the Post Office in Kalida, J lint let IflJC Phllin AnHprpnn ilr '7i.l..l t.j. -'-.SMC ... r i.iio, ivaunui t arKor. Herman H. Recker, '' Jesse Roberta, viti lis Wm .Roberts. . . James Robins, . , , ' Jackson Browet,' " John Burkhart, ? i Samuel C. Cochran, laivin vurtis, Henry Daniels. '' t M. M.Gillet,: i. I .J.Griffith, , ... , Samuel Gander, ', .' Mary Ann Hyatt, :' H. Harkman, 1 1 Wm. Lemaster, ' ' Beni. Scovil.' A. S. Skinner, K'"a; Alonzo Skinner, irt ,.i.van,Thomas, .. Oliver Taiburl, Thos. Watkins, ' Wm.; Winter, Jemima Wilcox,, Theodore Mvers. . "Mrs. .Tniin Vf. Millor P Wo...!i. . ... . ..... , . . . , vabiiwiv, . ' Mies Rachel McBride, Frederick ZellerC 13 '. Ann ranter, ' . yv RISLEY, P. M. " ' i 1 . I, '1 1... . t. '.i' n 'li' ii':rr l':iiii, vii ' i: i.. 'I .. mi I l,U .vi .i:.!) i, !..v . 'i:ri:y i. jim . .': ;! :; i. 'K : n- i.,-M ij n. . . . -l. . V' i -. .' . .1: t ; ...... i! ,..:i.nvl 3i!Jl'!ilK : ( . " v -it-. ' J Auditor's Office, 1 t.e .1 1, Ot" , ALEXANDER SANKE Y L ATT Y, Auditor of, Paulding j County, Ohio. 1. 1 CI 1 ;,''? I- 'I ; J 'I ' !C !!:' . 'j '!.' 7.;SI'ii),' I'.i-.iti'...'. l-.K'jlllil a .-:. 1' ;r:i .) ' 1 .' -i : .)rt jo.. .i.i-.f.'i . ESTRAY HORSES. . . . E STRAYED from the residence of the sub-', scribor, in Perry township. Putnam county on Tuesday, 14th of October, a small sorrel h 141 hands high hind parts intermixed with whit hair fore feet incline outwnnlo in nr i .. old. . . . -Also; bay horse star in the forehead hind find, fnrfl . font nn thn lnft aia a.rV,Un .L...i r - - - - ivuaiuv nig tt iiucayuui lOJ or 18 hands high a little affected with the sprina halt 10 or 12 years old. .l, ....... Whoever will return said horses, or ' either of thorn, to the subscriber, or give any informalion" where they can be found, shall be handaomclir rewarded. .. : . . , . . STEPHEN WHITE. ' ' Perry tp., Putnam co., O. - . October 28th, 1 345. , ' ' " ' ',244 , . , . ATTACHMENT NOTICE. ,, -, A h PerBons interested will take notice, thai . Thomas Griffith on the ninth day of Soptemi ber, A.D. 184Si sued out a writ of attachment front the court of common pleas, of Putnam county, ii the stato of Ohio, against Edward Griffith, for the sum of six hundred dollars, which writ has been served and returned. " i'' '' ''- ' ' l! ' , ' . ' Attest, , MOSES LEE, Clerk ; Dated October 27, 1845.. .. .. . , , 244f - Bebb, Tellfqrd &, AcKEnMiN,'Ait'ys for Plff. ; forfeited to the Stato of Ohio for the nonpayment ;f Taxes in 1843, 1844, and 1845? Which are still unredeemed i and subject' to be sold on the 2d Monday of December 1815 ' t;:u.i b.n.'i : I'm 'i ili'vlO'l 'Townships'. .;i' j f'. ii .7 ,v ! Ko.l; PERRY, of No. 2, JENNINGS, No. 6, UNION. : U ;r.: '..; .! .:' v ; ' ' '' u- .'..' ..' . . u . OTTAWA, ci M r. U '"; u a dJ u - M I U E r.,.-- Ur "' ' Ul a '.. Nt. i " U (t it No.10, No. 11, a M U U , (( ' 7, u u. u PLEASANT, RICHLAND, , ' ' it i No. 12, LIBERTY, U U ' . : H . ti ,: . ".' No. 14, VAN BUREN, No. 6, UNION, -' u a- -i' l( '"' 4W WHOSE NAME "f 0RFETED. :A iv! ' '! II I ' I 1 Moore James Millman John i ...w , ! Abernethy James H. '..... . ujjlGlt' Ar& 'ti'ii'fWi Huber Christian .v;..w..i.w..u ' V :' ' ssmo ' )' i i i J . iimei.-.M'.s...".i'w.tii. j same same rvnn'araM ..."......". " j'1 same .......m i 'ii'J . . Huber Christian '. ' ri - ! : , same....... ......... .;.w..(y..... . same'....'....'. a ikii'' saine. ..'i , I..' Hydecker Larry '.'.y.v.v; r;--y-Connetf. ph' iiVv"1"''"'''"" i .. same.,.. Logan Thomas H, ';.. '"r"''"!'". Meals Cyrus .'.......'. i I..' Officer John Winnans Jacob .;'. Hamar John.... same .v........'.'... Hamer Francis .......... .,..i ...i ' Broadsword George "Sp.cej:;:;' il(5 Huber Christian same-...... .. Holden Pierson B. l 5 e 2 n ' "' 5 ' 2H 14' 6 Is 14 M . , 14 ! l ; (15 ) ': ui -.b:3 i. m 4 . .v.: 3 V c 3 i'' . :8."' :4 , m .; i 8 i a . ... 7 , 7e 1 n 22. i, u u 22 :: , 23 i . :,23 ,. 13 Is 21 8 e 2 s i -. 23 . u . u tt - 22 u ( f ', j 7 . I 31 j 35 7 e 2 n I 1 " 2 n I 1 -" 2 n h 1. 8e 2 n 26 . mi ill r:! .fi Ji i v Ik Lot, ; ' -.1 : '. . h )l- 7' ','.' 113 1 -...-..j 155. I " ' ' ;" J ; DESCRIPTION. ' Ti r u i": r.i im ; . ' 'I ' ' ! Jl, .1' .1! ' north east quarter " s " u.wi north east quarter of north west quarter ,,, j,. south west quarter north east quarter north west quarter of south east quarter ' ; east half north east quarter -. v ,;- north east quarter; ' ?-. ; -,tr.;..-ni west half north west quarter.,), -,,..,!, south east quarter north' west quarter, , ( south west quarter """' 'A " -UJ-":-'- soute east quarter south east qttafte,r':,:, ym west half north west quarter v- o'A'.'.X e . I. .. ir ,i . . - , . coai nun nuiiii euBt uuuner vh v ii!..' '.".' Lot No. S.fUfr.f.U . -'ii j : south east quarter south west quarter . west halt soutu west quarter ' east half south west quartet i ; :'-. south east quarter .' '' i east part south west quarter south west qr;I west half south east quarter . it knorth east quarter south east quarter , west, nait nortn east quarter north west quarteT north west quarter' west half north west quarter' ' i !' a In! ; north west quarter north west quarter .! north west quarter south east quarter , J.,' north east quarter j " , south half south east qaarter '1 ' north half north west quarter i( I J-! i. i .;:! I n! ,.ii i , , ,j. J3a CD "JP 5S3o ,ioTn ot juuid:"; i v S1 i: ' -' ill irm i iiir il.-.i E .r fi:) tie -.! v;h r! 'i ".:! otli f." lis t U i'.;i; urt;-.: ! 154 195 1842 and 40 40 40 !80122 18S 300 1842 Aml'lte 96174 47 160292 40 80 146 80 47 40 80 11 40 41 40 40 64 60 60 .85 73 146 .61 73 80110 122 160220 14 80128 64 80120 61 77116 801001843 160201 80100 Valujs.; of Lot, 18' 17" 10' :i, lii Years Due. T 1843 u 1843 and .,184'1 u a lil't 3 : j? ''ii.iinrMi.!.'. " "J ii.-.oH ti .. i;i i "ii it u ( oi t it ii 1S43? and ' 1844 1842. and ; 1843 i ',, i. u y 1844 t: Ki-l'l t'li!: 'and' : -i ':K l.'.fc' )i; 1842 and 1843 a " u ucnln i'.m: ir Tax, ii. 4- renalty 1842, 1843 $ C M. 9 27 1 3 04 2v 18 02.6 . 10 -45 4, . 5.10 0. .1751,2, 4 38 6 , " 7 27 1 7 27 1 ,3 19 3; . 3 82 2 5 75 8' 5 6 '38 '7 ' 14 85 1 : 6 08 6 . 3 04 2 5 70 6 2 90 0 5 51 5 i 2 85 3 . 2-43 2 9 78 0 4 86 6 10 0 82 5. 59 9 Tax, Int. Simple Penalty, Tax. ' 1844. 1845.. "' ' i i - $ C M $ C. M . 5 1 83 4 29 0 1 67 9 1 40 8 3 67 0 1 33 0 3 67 0 1 38 0 I 7 46 4 . 2 80 2 i ii - w-i 6 90 0 4 00 2 1 95.5 ,. '. ; 6 67 0 2.01 8 1 67 9 4 03 5 , 3 35 8 4 03 5 . 3 35 ,8 1 08 5 1 55 54 1 01 8 1 86 li 2 80 5 " r " 3 11 2 6 08 1 5 61 0 r ' 69 4 30 8 "3 53 8 : 2 88 0 1 76 9 1 44 0 3 31 6 2 70 0 1 68 5- 1 37 2J 3 10 0 2 61 0 1 65 8 - 1 85 0' 1 38 2 1 10 0 5 55 5 i 4 42 2 2 76 4. 2 20 0 5 49 9 3 42 8 ' . ' ' ii't'- r1', '! "fir.-:: ,,.,.49 7 r. ,r,41,4, , 48 0 27 6 TOTAL, "f $ C M.1' 18 74 4 6 12 9r 5 05 O r 5 05 0 10 26 0 : 24 92 6 , 14 45 6 , 7, 06 1 24 18 2, 8 08 3 ' 14 66 4 14 66 4 ' ,6 43 3' 6 70 It 8 56 3 ' 9 49 9 26 54 2 1 1 00 2 12 50 4 6 25 Li 11 72 2 ' 5 95 71 11 22 6 -. -5 86:lvf :4 91 4 .-, 19-75 7.. 9 83 0 ., 8 92.7., -. 39 1 . v23.0 2 01 1 1, 69 ff. 1 JO 2 " t 1 I'd 'ivrmT' i ','-., V" . - "" ' ''';'' .;v'': -;"'x 'V" '""'"'"Mi, 'foHfa.PutmmCfHtay, Ohioi.OctMr-.lUS.' IVOT'TlTl?. ic tiofaKv n ,rAn if j! . r J .ft i.j:1 i m. " :' t j j i i. :-t .- ,i. . i "i i .' i ' . ' v'.;...., Jn(tf,,, -t'f" """"J fj"c" , miw owner or owners oi earn uauns oi Farias ana xown liOis, nis, ner or meir legal neirs. representatives or assigns shall not Droceed to MrifKii re- iq6 said Lands and 1 own Lots prior to the second Monday in December next,': 1845, by paying the taxes, interest, and penalty due thereon, for the years' 1842 1843 -1844 undr 1845, 1 will proceed to sell the same at the Court House in said Putnam County, on the second Monday in December next, and continue such'sale from day "'ii dav till all fehaW ' have been offered., ;:; ; , .i .-i.40;k ..b!!iili!,,iM!tliwJw -.....,,;;. to! miT .t-..rci );.! tiw:3-..r-. I "'' " ""ni ' JOHN' E CREIGHTONr Auditor of Putnam Countyi ! tv;r '. 1 j .57 f.. '! I'.f I '.' ji ji: ! .i, k3 y(i)i:i:ni 'i-Viit j i NOTICE ' -' IS hereby given that a Petition will be presented at the next sitting of the Commissioners of rutnim County praying for a County Road. Com msnoing at the base line at the northwest cornei of the north east quarter of the north east quarter of section five in Pleasant township, Putnam coan ty, Ohio, thenee south to or near the west bank of cranberry, thence on the west bank of Cranberry on the nearest and best ground to intersect the Kalida and Riley Creek Road in section eight in caid Pleasant township. - ' ' ' ' Oct. 27, 1845. i WESTERN HOTEL, (Gilboa.) !..',",'''; ; CHRISTIAN HEZ TTASpnrch ased the well known Ta!tanT JLJ- tavern stand jn Gilboa, Put ftfttifa. iiiiii nam county, Ohio, lately occupied by John E. Creighton,and has fitted the same up for the accommodation o the public.' He hODOs. bv a strict attention to the wants and convenience of those wno may favor him with their patronage, to merit continuance of the same. GUboa, Feb., '44. '! v PLAIN AND TANC , , . ALL DESCRIPTIONS OF PRINTING NEAT, , ; LY EXECUTED AT THIS OFFICE. . :A,.,-LAW,BLANKS,r..( : BUSINESS C ARBS, ?; - 1 mn -mia PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS AND ALL KINDS OF LETTEB PRESS PBINflNo' -;;!'i' DONE TO ORDER, ' j'-'''' !'.);'; i Persons favoring s with'their'cbmmandl Vill have their, orders promptly attended to on fair and reasonable terms, for Cunh or trade; as will best suit the parties.'ii "'ti J nj "i - .:. r.-i ii) . Kalida, June,, 1845,r. o;, Ui-' v;,V life's ,fa:j i -.-kI .V'-'-'i. -.tfnajJ i?-t i:" v?iirr'ntii'a two- .T.V.: i ! LAN D S F O It S A L E I:"" IN PUTNAM COUNTY.,' , ' -TT7TJST half of North Enrt quarter of Section 28, Town W ill South, Range Sir East, 80 teres..:-"' ) , west hair or eouth west quarter or section ?9, Town 1 South Ranee Eieht East. 60 acres.'" i ' " '.' i North west quarter, and west half of South East quarter, tnd North East quarter of South East quarter, and west half of South west quarter of Section 7, Towa 1 North, Range Bii East, 32 acrei. ..',.,-',, . . , : North Eiwt quarter of Section 7, Town 1' North, Range Six East, 180 acres. ' . , w iK--fw.; ; Theselands will be sold low for cosh; or for one quarter coin ana tne tmianco in one, two, ana mree yearff, witn in terest, tnd those having no jnoney, can paV liy clearitif una in ijii lownniiip. a, r. AuujiAiyn UlcKsviiie, uenance to. u. i u...... . i.vjigmt,': '! P T'flf, ill June 1, 1845. S2Sebw '' j .-:;'...! nil ill p, NOTICE. ; ,Mrn;eV: ' TARE 'notice thai 1 am determined to fay 'no :i debts" WhatsovSr 'that my Wift, Harriet Brower opntraets from itbis date, ' She has. left my house, bed and board without any just eause. 1 ' V. '.HOpAN BROWER. '. VIIVUUDUUIU lUti I Ullll 'i -' October 17th'l84i ULiimii vv.. . u .;.i u "(!f S'" dr xtt&ow vifij r244ep.t' 6!,J1J l( I Hltf f: 1 KALIDA EXCHANGE. " ' ' THE subscrirer har-purchased the ,nlft..ArAiifl. in hi hrmlr .- kiit-Min. MUirectljr oppositthe.iCpurt, House,, in Kalida,. Putiiojn county-' Ohio, iavora u,i . ...m.ijjjTj-.i ... He respectfully solicits the patronage of tjid pub lic and in return bo will spare no pains to se cure t,be comfort an,oonve,nienqe xif bis guests, who' will find at the Exchange every accommo dation usually 'ound! at hotels in1 this section of heetateii i ,-: i'i on- S. E.! HOLIBATJGh! ' Jfalida. Aug. 26f 145; ,fr-i n ,235eb m!.. . i LAND: AGF.NfTY. " o . i f THE subscriberlias established a LandAgeh'-' cy at Kalida, Ohio, for the purchase and sale cy Keal Estate, payment of ,Taxae,. &,o.; ia the Counties of Putnam, Paulding and Van. Wert. . I Being connected with the American1 Atkiciate'd Agency, whih .eitendgthrdaghdhf the United States and the principal States, of. Europe; he eipeota to be of esseptial bensfit ttr all who may engage bi.service8, ," ' pEQ. SKINNER. ' t KaHda, Ohio, Feb. 14VlM4 K"- -. - "!':,! ' RICHARD r C: ''SPEARS,' ,'.A'.X,;X U JK JX&.f.y ,A-TU '! ."'.US i:j 1 r.i ji a r.t ?Vm Weii, Van Wert Connl.Ohw.oafjol t'1 f! s rfro THE KALIDA VENTURE o . IS PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY" jrfORNINS, BY I lll,l"-l .Ti' I:-!!- '. ,1' ....... J ... i jr AMES, .MACKENZIE..,.;; TERs.-If paid- withia six months from the . time of subscribing,. !. ................. ..... ..$2 00 Ater six months, and 'within thi'yeat', i'6& Ater the expiration of the year, .'...:..' J Oftl ' .Adveiiisino. Fojc l sqiiare" 3 weeks,; 1 00 For each subsequent inertiont."-"i..'J..'ff-i Ss Ybwljfvldvertiiemenii wiIl.bibhargeV,for -w9 bVf aquarepr less, 8 00 For one column,''" ' 30 00 : OrNa unpaid lotteT taken fremi the ,tPot Ql,f fice, andno paper discontinued until all arrearages, are paid.- ' " ' "''- ' 5avjj Ovt.a.- 4tr' tr ..,.4..-..--.-. -..MJt.;..