Newspaper Page Text
SOMERSET PRESS. Life la the Bahamas. ThonwUr, S'P- 29. Anybody who wUhes to survey the most picturesque aspect of Niuuua life should visit tiie quavs between seven and eight o'clock' in the morning-. Then there in a exeat bustle at the - one dollar and FtFTr ckmt market-place, where the , fishermen bring in the night's catch, and remark able varieties of strange creatures of the deep, glowing with prismatic hues, are tumbled out upon the planks. Grotesque old women disilav their little stock of fruit and vegetables. No one seems to possess more than a few cent's worth; but if their business is not ctensive it is conducted with amazing ndubility. A little pile of cocoanuts, a mall basket of oranges, and a bunch of ananas, will be enough to 1 uinisn a Itall of the better class: while the mailer dealers set forth penny alads, consisting of half an onion and two or three minute fig-tomatoes, ar ranged in a piece of cocoanut-shell, with maybe sprig of some savory herb. Here is a tray of shelled peas; there dozen or so of wretched Irish potatoes. quite put out of countenance by a mighty yam. An armful of crooked sticks the flotsam of the reefs is offered for fire-wood, a commodity ot which there is but small consumption in a town where nearly all of the houses are built without chimneys. At every turn there are supplies of sugar-cane, cut into lengths convenient for chewing. Almost everybody nas a piece; the Nassua negro must be wretched, indeed, who cannot afford himself this luxury. and it is offered for sale at most of the cabins along the roads. Close by the market is the mooring place of the sponge-fishers; on a neighboring wharf la tiie bponge r-xcnange, wnere tne product of the fishery is sorted in heaps according to quality; and there are ware houses on Bay street where it is packed in bales for exportation. The sponge is obtained in various parts of the Baha ma waters, some of it by divers, some with the aid of grappling-hooks, and it undergoes a preliminary purification be fore it is brought into port a necessary nraiit.inn for t.hft Rinell of a. frpKh Kvery man on the J'Jreeiilack tick- sponge is not nice. The boats of the et is not only worthy of the support of spongers are not pleasant to look at. the Greenback party but of the peo- dirty to the last degree. The negro pie of the County. I crew is generally a large one in propor- IIUU M tUC I'll V Tcoari. lO a dreadful little cabin at the stern, and amidships on deck is an open box filled As we go to press we have ad ve with sand and stones as a fireplace or from New BtrniUville of an increased rfn,l7inVX (Sreenback vote iu that locality. I cide whether he sails as a passenger or as a scullion. Perhaps the captain takes him along for the sake of his company. Nothing is more amusing in the mar ket-place and on the adjacent quays and streets than the costumes of the women. Three-quarters of the population are If he is depending on black, and the crowd in all public re- ui w IB niiuu?ii cAuuanciv uilu a. Alio women in the town have a strong taste W. p. MMirpKi... National Labor Grerccnbacl. Ticket. Governor, JOHN 8EITZ. Lieutenant Governor CHARLES JENKINS, Supreme Judge, JOSEPH WATSON, Attorney General, O. M. Tfa'TTLES, Treasurer ot Stale. VVM. F. FLOYD Mriulter iloiir.. Pulilin Work, II L. MOURIOX, County Ticket. Representative, W. M. SANDERS, I'rolote Judge, J. J. AC1I A El'K. JOHN NUOKNT. A ml i lor. J.C.V. MYERS, Treaxnrer, J. D. SMITH. omin'e in JOHN R. tiRl FFITII. Infirmary Dim-tor, JOHN DUN LA P. ILeiiieinUr that only a little over at week vet rti'iiiiiii until the election. The most absurd thing we have heard reported lately is that Frank McKenna had captured the Green Lack vote. Greenback votes for his election we would advice him to get his haversack for finery, and for many of them the mantel Becomes a piace oi iasnionaoie assembly. Their broad straw huts are lined with white lawn, wreathed readr to cnnvuxs for the Hifctnry of Perry (Joiinly. "iMMtWATK" paymentof the bonds u immediate as it can !e done no refunding no redeemable currency, with pink flowers nnd bits of gay ribbon and tipped up jauntily behind. ' The gown of muslin or thin calico ii bright in color, clean, well lining, amply flounced and milled, nnd in must cases it expands behind into a long (weeping train. But when the duskv wearer has a . a", . a I i'H. but an issue by tiieuovcrnnieni oi a a,,(Ied to this jr..,, a pretty m,cktie and full legal-tender paper money. That maybe a showy belt, her ingenuity in u Greenback doctrine, nnd the doc- ft .- . rt .. Irine that will win, and wich I together and below it appear bare feet, or else a with war upon all monopolies, WU1 pair of ragged boots badly broken at 1 . , , ' . , . the toes and invariably cut down at the elect tne nrsi ureeuuucn i rt.ucu iu 1884. heels; they are kept on with ditlicultv Mid reduce the gait to a clat'eriug sort of scuffle, so that in the movement of a orowd of women there is a peculiar and altogether comical rcsonaiice. fche who can snow a "proper good pair ot shoes is proud indeed. 1 met a young Look at the incineraied sullcrers in Michigan, blinded, lamed, crazed by the terrible calamity which overtook lady of color yesterday whe had laced them. Her indeed is a fitting reason V"'.."' " . lor I'JDds ami subscription: ivais .ess to add that her skirts were not per through the ashes of a thousand homes mitted to hide these luxuries from the .i i . ?- 1 1: i public eye. see tne agu gi oping in iieipiCTS ui.uu- Uut 0, town tlie a,,par(.i ,,f the colored Dess with scorched, anguished hands; peoplo is bv no means so elaborate, see fathers gathering the charred bones Women lif COver their shrunk 6 6 , ... shanks with a single scanty petticoat, of their children, and husbands sifting an(j throw over their bodies a wretched the flesh cinders to find remnants of garment of a character and a color a , . a ,t equally impossible to deline. The dress mat wnicu was nesn oi meir iiesn; uem o the-uifcll- COUHi(1ts altiust universally children clamoring for the food they of rags, and very little of them. X met an oiu negro who wore, uesiues panta limna. tliA hImuvph iiml voir A of a Itlnr which has been licked into nothing- shirt without anv body, the tattered re K tint flumoa in..l thn mains hanging like a" fringe across his i i t it A . . . chest and shoulder blades. Except for un uu .toms. u'" f"" appearance's sake 1 should think he in that hell of fire, and hundreds more might as well have worn no shirt at all . .. .... . i t- 1 1 ua tne same roan x encountered a wicu uuvil ivm Bvuiisvs, nun, mm with the memory of its writhing vic tims even of their own households, scoroned into their brain forever. Here, indeed, u a held tor charity; a need for a fund, a demand for sub scriptions. Where is Cyrus Field's same road vounr srentleman of about lifteen Years j o e . ... ; wno carried a burdun on his head, and wore a doubled-breasted waistcoat with nothing whatever below it. The weather, in this delectable isle, where the summer lasts all winter long, con tinues to be very like the northern June, It is true that the general disturbance of the elements which has vexed both name on the list; how many thousands hemispheres this season has not been , . a ..ft w without some influence even in Nassua, nas ne given io me iuicnigausuiiereriH bnt the deviations fronl the nomai warmth and sunshine have not been great. The thermometer of late has stood three or four degrees below its customary mark, but it has been as steady as ever, almost invariably recording seventy or seventy-one me, and seventy- three or seventy-four at diuner, which them, for he doesn't hide liiem In a nap kin or under a bushel, but. ji diciousij handled, they bring him bao c his owr manifold. The fakir," it ma y be incidentally xplained, is the gentleman with a little hand bag and a folding stand, whe during the winter haunts Droadway corners for short periods, and who is constantly haunted in turn by ghosts of the Broadway squau. in the summer he prefers to get out of the city where Eeople are apt to know too much and e takes kindly to any irregular and rascally industry from three-card moute and thimble rigging to corn plasters. the lightning calculator and bogus soap packages, containing mythical green backs. He is greatly given to country fairs and rural racing tracks. He changes his abiding place frequently and rapidly and is the nearest resem blance in a human way to the traditional flea. For $1.25 he can get live pounds of soap suitable for his purpose, which, cut in cubes and wrapped in tissue pa per, complete his stock with the aid of two or three stray counterfeit bills or ex-lager beer keg stamps or anything else that looks like a greenback. Or. in an emergencv, haif a dozen new bronze cents (1881) may answer for quarter eagles. A little legerdemain aud a ready tongue do the rest. i lie enterprising young man from Gotham generally manages, by glib talk and oue-quarter second glimpses of sup posititious greenbacks, to get rid of his twenty-live cents a pound soap at a rate a twenty-tive cents an inch, at about the time when the racing begins. Leaving his tripod and handbag behind a con venient door or under a convenient floor, he makes his way to the spot where the betting men are congregated and proceeds to take a great interest in the coming races. He gets enthusiastic on the favorite always the favorite learns the odds and picks out a con venient greenhorn. The greener the rustic the more likely he is to "know all about it." lhe odds nre, say, $100 to $80 on the favorite. The (lothamite in his enthusiasm oilers $100 to $50, and half a dozen smart gawks offer to take him up at once. They are even anxjous to show the stranger from the city that they know a thing or two and that he is not as smart as he would like to have them think. His game is to work up to this point every time. The minute the rustic has got himself to thinking he has " caught a Hat" he is lost, and Gotham knows it only too well. He gets out a big roll of bills, a judicious mixture of greenbacks and counterfeits, the many small ones be ing genuine and the few big ones bogus and iinds to his chagrin, of course, that he has only $85. " Well," he says, "I'll put this up against your 50." The countryman is too smart for that and insists on the original terms, rather sneering at the greeuness of the city man who doesn't apparently compre hend what is due from one sporting man to another. Gotham does not neglect to become immediately nettled. His pride is touched. He pockets his money and goes down in his vest for his ticker. " Here, he fays, is my chronometer: gave 150 for it six mouths ago. Upkhe goes." If country expresses any doubt upon the sub)ect out comes a receipt. " liliany iV Co., isew lorn, an regu lar, for Gotham is never caught nap ping and the country accepts the situa tion. Moral If the favorite loses Gotham is out $1.20; if he wins he is in $50. In taking off the ten-cent chain, which is not iu the bet, the fakir dex terously winds the watch, for its guar anteed thirty minutes, and whatever the result of thp race the rural betting man is taken in and Gotham has tunc to catch the train before the discovery is mule. y. Y. Oraphic. The Story of a IVt Rat. A colored man whom 1 shall call Eiias. who serves a3 a coachman for my friend Mr. M., says "the Philosopher" oi the Syracuse Herald, was once em ploy ed in a boarding-house which was inte.sted with rats, lie devised an ap paratus, consisting of an empty barrel with an iuviting but untrustworthy top. which he put to effective use as a trap for the sleek marauders. The landlady was delighted and paid him a cent for avery rat he caught and the name of his victims was legion. Laeh morning, after he had coitnted the spoils of the night and received his pay he would take his rats in a bag to the proprietor of a Sorting establishment down town, who paid him two cents apiece tor them and presumably turned them to profit able account in his pit. Amonghiscatch one day was a handsome fejuale speci men to which ttias toot a decided fan cy and lie resolved to tame ner. bhe responded kindly to his advances, and became in time so gentle that she would eat out of his hand aud play about his person, running up and down his sleeves and so forth. Her affection for him and her faculty of .memory were once proved in a notable way. Some body carelessly let her out oi ner cage during her owner's absence, and in a few moments she had found her way into one of her accustomed holes in the wall and was glorying in her freedom. Weeks passed, and, as she did not appear again, she was given up for lost. One evening Elias was smoking a quiet pipe in the laundry, when he saw a rat put its head out ot a clunk iu the wainscot. 15y way of experiment, but scarcely hoping for success, he called softly the name of his old pet: " Jinny! .jinny!' Ao his surprise the annual emerged from its hiding-place, ap proached him cautiously, and then ran up his trousers-leg into his lap and com posed itself for his caresses. It was in deed his missing Jinny. She allowed him to carry her back to her cage, and, when there, weut straight to the saucer from which she had been accustomed to .eat her food and drink. For a long time after that master and rat were in separable; but by and by the former changed his quarters, and iu his new home had no convenience for keeping his little companion, so he SQld her for two dollars to a retail liquor dealer, who put her behind his bar for the en tertainment of his customers and grew very much attached to her. One day Elias was passing the shop, and its owner called him in. " I have lost Jinny," said he, " and none of us can recover her. If you get her for me 1 will give you htty cents. lhe chal lenge was accepted on the spot and the colored man tried the magic of his voice. It was as eflickent as before. Out cf a hole near by trotted Jinny, ap parently overjoyed to see her friend once more, and surrendered herself to his hands with ingenuous confidence. From that day to this, if I recall his story aright, he has never seen her. Sayings of Solon Chase. With the immense immigration from all the nations of Europe to this Aegreea t breast ti country the iucrease of our own pop- three or seventy-four i ulation and the increase of production j8 certainly a comfortable and genial . 1 1 ii temperature. A.dayanda half ot ram and busiues that would naturally tol- was followed by a day of wind-squall. low, how can anybody suppose there and there have been several days of .. . , . ., . alternate sunshine and cloud. The wogld be too much money if the coin- people af Naggau caU theBe ,,ays of bud age of silver should be made free and weather, 1 wonder what they would i :.,. :i u think of our weather at home. Cor. lien. A man who is unable to discover any error or mistakes in the opinions he formerly held, ' not likely to ad New York Tribune. Traps for the Unwary. Of the invention of Hew wiles for the unwary, and for the especial amusement i1 Ilia tninil rti artllla twit, lliniij iu nn aiiul vance very fant in the acquirement of I jn enterprising Gotham. The latest and knowledge. I one ot Uni most barefaced of the swin- UIOS, CfclLIIUUL' II 11 i;tl L1CUIUI I V lieilb, 19 lJo not look lor any truth about reported to have been very successful. the National Greenback idda in the " , . carried on principally by the old party pre. Ignorance or sailing ni other places where rU(jtic betting under secret orders can only Htrlko the men are most likely to be found. Two . .1 i : i , ,i., .. , qualities are only necessary to success, nut., uj .t.u4 and thefJe are the tWQ ound m ly. the wandering swindler, city or country If a-.., ,J ft.- fnn.ll.. J. rPlunly..1 cUBt ana the ability to em- .. ... . v.. -1 .grate without delay lu an emergencv. ders was of less value the great mass The stoyk in trade is a bogus watch. of th. people would find their nrooerJ BUcn.a are now n,a,1 m. ft 'l"'"'1' a ty increased in value. Is this a government of the jioople and for the people or for a few fund holders? ties by the notion manufacturers. They make a gilt stem-winding watch which has a solid look about it and readily de ceives the uninitiated,' which they can sell to the jobbers and wholesalers for ninety-two cents by the gross. It has u Htiriiitr Hiid a niLir of wheels Het lit n Before any more national bank note sixty-muiute to the hour gait, and which are issued we should first have the full w,u r"n for half an hour or so. Just long t e ! e m euougn, iu lact, vo vuuoiu uie nwiuuier benefit ofthe;free coinage of silver to leave town or get conveniently out of sight, lhe stem has a rachot atluch iuciit,' which makes a sound on winding and gold We have only to go on with the work of agitation in this country until we drive the silver into 'the heart of every national bo ml. It took 200 years to learn that hea vy loads could be moved easier on iron rails than in the sand. How long will it take the nations of the earth up much like the genuine article, and the main wheel has a straight spring ratchet, which, as the wheel revolves, gives out a tick, tick of the right sort. The whole thing is got up with an aris tocratic air and is as good looking as it is rascally, especially when attached to a ten-cent tire-gilt chain which won't tarnish within twenty-four hours after being exposed to the air, but whose ul tlmate destiny makes it so extremely to learn that we cannot fkeep step to wr? aT'ue ""V ver'F18, 8t"8 I .Tint a fi ri crura I httn nntimflv tiinobu the music of the advancing ad of are sold by the jobbers to the " fakirs" civilization with a diminUhing volume atfl.20 a piece, and the patent soap . . I and liver-pad man seldom leaves the of moneyr cjt wjt,hout making a 5 investment iu The French Conscription - Annual Drawing of Keeruits for the Army. An annual drawing for the conscrip tion of the yearly military contingent the French call it the Tirage an Sort is now going on in fans, lhe draw ing in 1'aris lasts about three weeks. The young men of each of the twenty arrondissements of the Capital are called out iu their turn. The ceremony takes place on the ground floor of the Falace of Industry, in the Champs Ely sees. A large temporary salle is formed for the reception of the recruits. At the end of it rises a platform, on which the Mayor of the district, with his tri colored scarf, and the military authori ties in mutti, are seated round a large green-baized table. The Triitge takes filace in alphabetical order, so many etters being called up at the same time. Each young man h:is his paper contain ing his name, address, profession, etc. and as he ascends tho platform he hands it to an ollicial. On his name being called out the youth passes in front of the Fresident, advances toward a kind of urn, thrusts his hand into it and draws out a number, which is at once proclaimed bv another ollicial standing by, who takes good care that the youth shall not draw two numbers or replace the one drawn by sleight-of-hand trick a maneuver whieh is sometimes at tempted. As the number is announced a feeling of sympathy, whether it be a bad or a good number, is expressed by the other youths whff are waiting. Formerly those who who drew the good numbers, which are the low ones, were exempted from the service, and only the bad numbers, or high ones, had to serve; but now all of them have to enter the army, with this difference, how ever, that the good numbers serve only one or two years, whereas the bad ones are bound for the whole1 live years with the active army. A proposal now before Parliament would abolish the Tirage au Sort, by making all the recruits servo three years and a half. As the youths de scend from the platform they naturally demonstrate their good or bad luck; those who draw low numbers wave their caps with delight; the others man ifest their despondency, not to say de spair. These feelings, however, aro calmed down and blended together as the conscripts emerge from tho build ings. The scene outside is even more curi ous than inside. Here the friends and families of tho future soldiers congre gate in large numbers, for they are not allowed to enter the conscription-room. Fathers anil mothers are awaiting for their sons, sisters for their brothers, and sweethearts for their lovers. Many a touching episode may be witnessed as the young man returns and announces his fate to those near and dear to him. Tho first emotion over, the conscripts throw care to the winds and prepare to celebrate the tlay which is to mark such an important epoch in their lives They bedeck themselves with tri-colored rib bons and rosettes, and pin the number they have drawn, painted on colored paper, on their breasts and caps. Soma of them, who belong to musical socie ties, bring down their instruments and enliven tho crowd with patriotic airs. They next adjourn to the wine shop, where they baptize their colors and drink to the corps to which they will ere long belong. J he how of soul often goes on till dusk sets in, and then they resolve to turn home. Headed by a flag- bearer, they march through the streets singing tho ' Marseillaise" and similar songs. Others who live further off club together and hire a van, which they decorate with bunting and as they drive along the boulevards, singing, shouting and laughing, the passers-by stop and gaze and maybe aak themselves where these gay recruits will lead the flag ol France when the irrepressible revanche comes of. Lunilmi Standard. The Trade in Human Hair. A reporter of the New York Evening Mail recently had an interview with one of the largest importers of human hair, and from him learned some interesting facts concerning this peculiar business. In 1859 and 1800 between 150,000 and 200,000 pounds of hair was imported into this country, valued at something like $1,000,000. In 18G5 it had in creased ' to nearly three times this amount. Paris sends a large portion to Russia as well as to America, where a ready sale is always found. France and Italy give the best quality of hair. It is liner in texture, more even in color, and glossy. Its chief value i3 in its length. . Alter it goes on the market it is assorted, which task is attended with much difficulty. The prices range from $15 to $200 per pound, according to color and length. Short, coarse hair is much cheaper. Gray and white hair sells from $100 to $200 per pound. One dealer in this city was once offered as much as $400 per pound for a parcel of pure white hair, and this sum he re fused, selling it subsequently for $450. The hair is shipped to this country pre pared and unprepared, lhat which is prepared undergoes a process of wash ing, scouring and cleansing, all the oil, It was one of the ancient sages who said: "The goodncs. of gold is tried by lire, the goodnuss of women by gold, and the goodness of uieu by women." dirt and other substances being separa- ted from it, leaving it perfectly free from all unhealthy influences. That which is shipped in a raw or unpre pared state is subjected to the same process after its arrival. It is then ready to be made into switches, curls, plaits, fronts, wigs, chignons, and not a small amount is used in the manufacture of hair jewelry. The duty on the raw material is twenty cents per pound, oil cleaned and drawn hair it is thirty cents, and on manufactured hair it is forty cents per pound. On other hair, not human, it is ten cents per pound. There are many instances given of changing color. It is saiil that persons have from ex cessive grief found their hair changed from a dark-brown to almost a perfect white; others from the same cause m the short space of one week discovered their hair streaked with gray, giving them the appearance, although young, of being old. This may be said of the famous elocutionist, the late Dr. Henry Bellow. His hair is said to have turned to a silvery gray in one night, brought about by domestic trouble. Other per son's hair changes color from extreme fright. A curious caso was mentioned of a worker iu metals, who had wrought in copper only live months, and whose hair, which was white, turned to a green color. Chemical analysis-showed that the hair contained a quantity of acetate of copper, and it is to this circumstance that the man's hair owed its beautiful green color, which was both singular and remarKaoit The practice of wearing false hair is many hundred years old. The Greek and Roman ladies were, in olden times-. as active at their toilet tor the head as the fashionable ladies at tho present day. a lost ot the hair at that tune was obtained from the Germans, and they m turn from their slaves. Powdering the hair is not so much in vogue in this country as it is in Europe. History tells us that the consumption of hair powder by tho ladies of George ll.'e time was simply enormous. It was calculated that, inasmuch as the mili tary force of England and the colonies was then about 250,000, each man used a pound of Hour a week for powdering the hair. This would give 0,500 tons per annum an amount that would sus tain ao.000 persons on bread. Gold and silver powder was also used. Josephus relates that Solomon's horse-guards uaiiy covered meir heads with gold dust, which glittered in the sun, and there are several instances recorded in tho 15i- ble of silver powder being used. The ancient Greeks were very partial to long hair, considering it very becom ing, while the Egyptians regarded it ns an incumbrance, aud had their heads shaved. They preferred wigs to natural hair. The ancients, generally speaking. strangely considered a tine head of hair so desirable that it became almost sacred with them. They frequently dedicatod it to thu gous on important occasions, such as marriage, victory, or escaping from any great danger, and tho burial of particular friends. Hair contains a very small quantity of water manganese. Iron aud various salts of lime have bceu found by tho various methods of amalgamation. It is owing to tins' that hair is peculiarly indestructible. It has been found on mummies more than twenty centuries old in perfect order and not by uiy means rotten. During the past few years there has been a gradual decline of human hair of the tiiicr texture. Now there is a glut m m market oi uuw hair and where at one time the value jf human hair Im ported to this country would amount t $8,000,000. it does not now exceed $1, 000,000. A large portion of hair cornea from Paris direct. It is obtained in va rious ways, as before stated. It is gen erally collected by agents, who scout the country towns and villages as ped dlers and exchange their goods for an attractive head of hair. They then sell it to the larger dealers, while the small dealers also collect the hair in parcels and they in turn sell it to the exporters. White and blonde hair is the most ex pensive, as it is scarce, particularly if the color of the latter is good. White hair brings from $8 to $100 an ounce, the short hair being used for ladies and gentlemen's wigs. The long hair is used for switches and chignons and is more valuable than gold. The average hair is from twenty-six to thirty-six inches long, and is made into switches. The short hair is made into curls, coquette and Saratc-i waves. Yak hair undergoes a process ot refinement and is sold for human Few persons can tell the difference, although it costs very little. It can be bought for forty to fifty cents per pound manufactured. Orraveyards and hospitals are made to supply hair, which sells for a moderate price. A large quantity of hair is also collected from prisons on the continent. Italy and .Naples give large quantities of what is known as "combings." This is mixed with Chinese hair, a large por tion of which is sent to this country. The Chinese hair is mostly used for switches, on account of its length and aftfir being bleached can not be told from ordinary women1 s hair. This is sold from fifty cents to $1 per poand, where as ordinary hair would sell from $8 to $50 and $100 per pound. A great deal of this cheap hair is worn by ladies who do not care about paying high prices, but they little know where the hair comes from anil under what circum stances or whether it is graveyard or hospital hair. The amount paid for entry into the Custom House on imported hair of dif ferent kinds for 1878 was $150,581; for 1879, 22:5,831, and for this year, up to July last, $163,o76. It is expected that the amount paid for duty this year will bo less than last year, although the quantity of hair im ported may be larger, by reason of its cheapness and its being imported in a raw state. The Order of the Golden Fleece. The name of the Golden Fleece had a two-fold signification. It meant to typify the spirit of chivalrous adventure of going into new lands to conquer new fame the same spirit which ac tuated the Argonauts of legend, who weht in search of the Golden Fleece. But there was also the religious idea. The Savior has been represented under tho form of a lamb. To win His re demption by "knightly" deeds, in the best signilication of that noble word, was obviously an object of the new so ciety ot chivalry. High privileges were early conferred on the Knights of the Fleece, whose number was originally limited to thirty one. When the Counts of Egniont and Horn were illegally executed under the reign of Philip 11. on accouut of the stand they made for the liberties of their country, they both appealed against the sentence, alleging, among other reasons, that as Knights of the Fleece, they had the right to be tried by their brother knights. Alter the war of the Spanish succes sion, which lett a isourbon on the throne of Spain, there arose a dispute between the Emperor and the iving ot bpain as to which of them had the right to the sovereignty of the order. The question is an extremely complicated one. The Emperor Charles VI., as heir male of the Hapsburgs, might fairly claim the knightly heritage as his right. On the the other hand Philip of Bourbon might urge descent through an heiress and plead that in Spam aud the Low Countries the salic law had never been recognized. The matter was finally arranged through treaty, the Emperor and King of Spain being recognized as joint graudraasters of the order, with equal power to name knights. lhe Austram and Spanish badges of the order are almost though not quite identical in form. Each has the well-known collar of gold and flint stones, with the typical device, "Ante ferit quam ilamma micat," though the nobler legend runs " Pretium nou vile laborum. The Archdukes of Austria and the In fants of Spain are all, as a rule, Knights of the Fleece. In later years the order has beeu conferred with what must to heralds have appeared undue "freedom. For instance, on M. Thiers, who was not even "noble," and indeed had the sole merit of being President of the French Republic and one of the great est men living. Ihen it was that po litical oddity calltyl the Spanish repub lic, which belowed tho distinction of the little red collar riband onM. Thiers. The Duke of Aosto, by the way while hguriug as Amadous 1. of Spain sent the Fleece to a distinguished Castilian nobleman, who returned the decoration without a word. It is a waste of words to characterize the conduct of this grandee as it deserves. Why the for eign house of Savoy should be less en titled to respect than the foreign house of Franceit would be difficult tocxplain. lhe 1 nnce of VV ales is a Knight of the Goldeu Fleece the only English man who enjoys that distinction. The bpamsu order was conferred on him when ho was ten years old, the Aus trian some time later. Not long ago it was whispered that his Catholic Majesty was rather anxious for au exchange of ribands betweeu the Courts of S. llde tonso and St. James. He wanted the Garter for himself and would have con ferred tho Fleece on the Duke of Edin- burg or on Prince Albert Victor of Wales perhaps on both: to secure for himself the most coveted of all decora tions, without no sovereign feels that he belongs to the inner circle of royal ty.- Corntill Magazine. Ladles' Notice. rpo Sarah Smith, a daughter of .lai-uli Millt r l::lo JL uf Xliorn 'i usliip lVrry cmtity, oliiu, (U-B-wd, an.l : it husliaml Kroderii k Smidi til" Whit-lt-y (otmty, Indiana; Surah C. Kislu-r ami William l-'ishcr, cliildri u of l alluTine r'ijlur iltvawd, who was a daughter uf saiii Jacob Milier di-ceascd, IW.u-Ik-ii risht-r, Hit- fattier of said Sarah Usher Bud William l ish, r, all ol Favottt- t oiuity Illinois, mid tin- lR-irsot Adam Miiitti dtii-asi d, who in his life tune soid to said Jut-ob Miller Mi ut ros of land iu Thorn Township, and afterwards removed with his family heyond the limits of the state of Ohio, but whose names and iilat-e of resident! are unknown. You will taLe notice that on the Uth day ot Sep teialfer l.s.M. John Miller, Hannah l'ixon and her hushand William iixon, Matilda Stephenson and her hust.-and Aaron Siepr-enson, tiled a petition against Klizabt-ih Louis and her husband Solomon l.otiis, Kli Miller, Sarah Smith and her husband Irederiek Smith, William Miller, Jaeob Miller, Slury Miller, Sarah (.'. fisher, William fisher, lU-wtten Fisher, Sarah Miller, widow of Jacob Mil ler dote.-t-H.-d, Andrew ltaker administrator of his estate, and lhe unknown hens of Adam Smith deceased in the court of Common 1'leas of l'erry eoitnty, hio; where the same is now pending prayintr that a certain mistake iu the description of a tract ol laud in Thorn Township, l'errj- eo-n-ty Ohio, purchased by said Jacob Miller ill his iilVtime from said Adam Smith in his lifetime. containing so acres more or less, may be retoruied and corrected, and demanding thai partition be made ol the following premises, of the estate of said Jacob Mille r deceased. -t:l,:.l to the dower of his widow , Sit: :i Ai a I..".'.:-'-., ti - wit; all ol ;Lu tii t ol i:.n.l siiuu'.c in limi n Town ship, l'erry county. Ohio, b -ingpart of the .South ea.-t ouurter ot section ro. '2, Township No. IS and Uaue No. 17. lltgiuuing at the South fast corner ol said Section No. H2 and running thence Vest on the Section line n:' rods to a post. Thence North Ilk rods to the half section line. Thence fast on said line fil reds to a post in the fast line of said Section, and thence South with said line ItiO rods to theln'i:inuit;X, supposed to contain 53 acres, more r less. Also auother tract of land situate in Kchlaiul Township, fairtield county Ohio, being thefast half of the North fast quarter id' Sectiou No. 5, Township No. 17 and Hance No. 17, of the lands dii ected to be sold at Chilicothe, Ohio, esti mated to eontain about acres more or less. Al so another tract of land situate in Thorn Town ship ferry county, Ohio, lieint: lhe South half of the North fast quarter of Section No. 32, Town ship No. IS and itangeNo. 17, contain!!. g SO acres more or less. Said plaintill'sdemand that partition be made id the sevvral tracts :ilioe described in the followiliK proportions, to-wit: To the nine surviving sons and daughters of said 'Jacob Miller deceased, whether named and relerridto in said petition as plaiutill's ordefcncaiits, each, one equal tenth part, except that theshar, of said plaiutiil', John Miller will Le held subject to a charge in favor of the estate of said Jacob Miller deceased amounting to the sum of Sl;-U. To said two rand-children of said deceased, Sarah C. fisher ; nd William fisher eaeh, one equal twentieth part, and to said w idow, riiN-ah Miller, dower in the whole. At the next term of said court application will be made by said plaintitl's for an order ol decree correcting said mistake in the description of said 80 aire tract purchased from said Adam Smith, and that pattition may be made Ac. of said premises; and the said defendants are notified that they are required to appear and answer said petition, on or before the third Saturday after the :0th day of October next. liy VM. SfTNOFR, Attorney, Sept. lo, l.-sl. fiw. Ir sait. l'lainliit's. The GrconeiisUe (train lri!Js. These drills, a cut of which in fciven herewith, have been in general use fur the last 25 years', ami are built at ( Iroeneastle Tenn., by J. I!. Crowell it Co., who are devotinp tlieir entire attention to muehine ry for Keeiliii purposes. While building plain drills for sowing crain anil grass seeil only, they also make a specialty of a combined ilril! lhat sows phopphatefl, guano, or any of the properly prepared commer- rial fertili.f rs that are found in the market. The latest improvemenr'ooniie'.ted with this 111111101110111 is an automatic Cut-ofl, which at once shuts off the flow of the fer tilizer, when the hoist lever handle is rais ed, thus savin", as is Claimed, an amount equal to 15 ro 25 per cent, of the cost of the drill alone each year. By usiiifr fertilizers the whpat can he sown somewhat later so ns letter to avoid the attacks of the fly, and yet enable the plant to form a good root and thus with stand the freezing out that Fall wheat is oflen subject to. The simplicity and durrbillity of the drill built by J. IS. Crowell & Co., at once commend it to the farmer. There is no change of gear wheels to reirttiatc the quan tity sown, and the (spring hoes whieh are attached .o all their No. 1 drills, enable the farmer to prss over ordinary obstruc tions without breaking pins, and'' then stopping the team to replace them. Im mediately upon passing over the obstruc tion the point finds its way into the Foil, a commences punning the seen m furro"'", :"- r . -. National GromiMck riatform. j We declare: First That the right to make or issue luwney is a sovereign power to be maintained by the people for the common benefit. The delegation of this right to corporations is a snrn tuli r of the central attribute of sovereignty, void of constitutional sanction, conferring upon a subordinate irresponsible power, absolute dominion ov r industry and commerce. All moiey, whether metallic or paper fl.ouldbe lfstieil and its volume e ntrolled by the Government, and not by or through banking corporal ions; and, when so issued should be a full !-.: I ten lei for all debts public and private. Second That the bonds of the United States should be paid as rapidly as 18 practical. To enable the Government to meet these obligations, legal tender cur- encv hhtm.d be submitted for the notes or, the National banks, the National bank uig svslem abolished, nnd the unlimited coinage ot silves as well as gold establish ed by law. Third We demand the equal protection of labor and capital by law.. r otirth - e are opposeilto all subsidies by Government. Fifth All lines of communication and transportation should be brought under puch legislative control as shall secure moderate, fair and equitable rates for pas senger and freight tralie. Sixth We condemn the cruel class leg ialalion of the Kipuhlican party which while professing great' gratitude to th Hohlier, has most unjustly discriminated against htm and in favor of the bondhol der. seventh All pn.pettv should hear its just proportion of taxation, and we de mand a graduated income tax. Kighth We denounce as most danger ous the efforts, wherever manifest, to strict the right of suffrage. jMnlli W e are opposed to an increase of lite strnding army in time of peace, aud the in.' : 'i.'iis scheme to establish an enor- itiotn- :'.ti.itary power under the guise militia law. Tenth That the practice of the roads of this Stale in issuing free passes over their lines of roads to the members of the Legislature and all other oflicers of the Slate, is vicious and corrupting and ought not lo be sar.ctioned or tolerated but should he prohibited by stringent law JMeventh 1 hat the practice of turn logout faithful oflicers connected with th supervision and management of the dif ferent institutions of the Slate upon nipre parly grounds, is prejudjcal to the best interests of the Stale and ought not to be sanctioned by anv party. Twelfth Prison convict labor shonld .be utilized by the State alone. Thirteenth That we favor the submis sion by the Legislature to a vote of the people ot an amendment to the Constitu tion prohibiting the manufacture, sale or use of intox ii'atinu drinks as a beverage. KEWiUSIM DIRECTORY; ' O. G, 1HJS G NEWAUK, - - - OHIO. Keeps the largest stock in Central Ohio, of lloots, Shoes, Trunks, Hats, Caps, Furs, Hint's Cloves, 4.C., Ac. He buys and sells lor cash and caa save you money til I I. S. Spragnc. DEALEK IJf WATCHES, CLC CKS, JEWELRY SI L YEKW A RE, SPECTACLES, All kinds of llepairing neatly and promptly done. lUK'JCKOKD WATCTlfS A SPECIALTY . No. 5 l'nlisade Kow. -NEWARK. Ohio. JOHN H. McCUNE, TYIlOfESALK AND RETAIL DEALER IN XXsii-wIavjxi'o, Iron CARRIAGE GOOD?. SAS1I, DOOIls, rAIiiTS, OILS, VAliMSllKli. -Iid AU Kinds Agricultural Implements. , M.tVAKK, OHIO. Huui, liin, ib-audy, j Old Hourbon and llye, Apple t Teach liiandy, j lllackbeiry. i.iieriy and rort Wine THOS. H. SITES, Dealer in Maple and li'ancy Groceries and Provisions, and wholesale dealer in foreign and Domestic Liouois. K ; 1 UI....1 a.u. . ...... vim., uvLiiu tiui; uuuu oouore. NEWARK, OHIO. CJlias. ICaiscr. EATING, LODGING HOUSE AM SALOON. First class meals 2fi cents, Lodging 25 cents; be tween 2nd and 3rd streets, lacing the puttlie squaru on South Side. Entrance, one door east Licking County Dry Goods Store, aud on Canal sited. Enquire lor Kaiser's Eating House. I Clerks John Scarbrougli, Prop J. Koss Hanlin, . J.llaugtiey, S American House, FRONTING PU1ILIC SQUAWK, NEWARK, - - OHIO. Guod &amili' Room on Fruut Fluor, D. Iil. JONES' NEW STORE, HOOTS, SHOES, KDllUEKS, HATS, CAPS, Trunks, Valicea, Gloves t-iid Umbrellas, South Side oi Squaro, Newark, Ohio. . The Best Goods For The Least Money. r.oniict Willi a I!liis!i-rro- dtieing; Attachment. It is not every maiden, in these pro saic days, who can suiniuun the " tell tale blood" to her cheeks at will, or si lently reveal by an opportune roseate flush, those inward feelings to which many voting ladies experience such dif- liculty 111 giving verbal expression. Hut as tho value of the blush, as a high ly ell'ectivo weapon in tho feminine armory, is still universally recognized by the sex, although it would appear to have somewhat fallen into desuetude. French ingenuity has been at the paius of devising a mechanical appliance for the instantaneous production of a line natural glow upon tho cheek of beauty no matter how constitutionally lyni- pnaiie or pliilosopineally tinemotional its proprietress nitty be. This thought ful contrivance is called "The Ladies' Mushing Bonnet," to the side ribbons of which those usually tied under tho fair wearer s chin aro attached two tiny but powerful steel springs, ending iu round pails, which aro brouirht to bear upon tho temporal arteries by the action of bowing tho head, one exqui sitely appropriate to modest embarrass ment, aud by artificially forcing blood into the cheeks cause them to bo suf fused with " thu crimson hue of shame at a moment's notice. Should these ingenious head coverings becomo the fashion among girls of the period, it will behoove " young men about to marry" to take a sly peep behind the bonnet-strings of their blushing charm ers immediately after proposing, iu order to satisfy themselves that tho heightening color, by them interpreted as an involuntary admission of roeiiiro cated affection, is not duo to the agency of a carefully adjusted blushing bt.u- ui t." at". vvar 1" lu.e ..liiiri alej mitt- largely ued ill the Micky, limestone districts of Penn svlvania, Maryland and Virginia, and tiieirsale is being rapidly extended through out North Carolina and Tennessee, as well as throughout the Western States, where they have been recently introduced All applications for circulars or for fur ther information, which will be promptly yiveit. sli'Mt'd '" r,n.-, t,v - t::- r t tu the above aildier-r. liurai tw ioiLli'. Call at 1 hirst & Reams and examine one of those drills. R11I111 in (iilcatl. Tiiere is a halm in Gilead to heal gasping wotiatd;' In Thomas' Eclectric Oil, the remedy is found. For internal and for t ulward use, you freely may apply it; For all pain and inflammation, you should not fail to try it. It only costs a trifle, 'tis worth its weight in gold. And by every d-aler in the land this rem edy is sold. ?Wifiis,'l!li6rs! DR. J. B. MARCHESS, . , UTICA. N.Y., I Diacm'ererofDB.MAKCHISra UTERINE CAT1I0LIC0N, A POSITIVE CURE FOR FEMALE COMPLAIMTS. .This remedy will act in harmony with tho e male system at all times, and also iinmedmtely upon t he abdominal and uterine muscles, and re store thein to-a healthy and Btrong condition. Dr. MarchiBi'a Uterine Catholicon will cure fall ine of the womb, LncorriMva, Chronic lnlliimiua tion and Ulceration of the Womb, Incidental Hemorrhage or Flooding, Painful, Suppressed and Irregular SlenstruatUm, Kidney Complaint, aud is especially adapted to the Change of Life. Send lor pamphlet free. All lettcra of inquiry freelv answered. Address as above. Vll SALE ltV Al.l, IMCt'C. GISTS. Price K1.0O Pr buttle. H sure and ask lor I)r. Marc'hisi's C ferine Catuoiicou. Take no other. For sale by C. A. Roberts and L. Clayton, Assignee's Salo of Ileal Kstiite. OS, SATttUHAY October 1st 1KS1 at two o'clock iu t' e at'terntHin 1 w ill olli-r for f:ilo at lul lic Auction'on tlu- j. remises, the following valua ble real estate, i.: In Lot No. .v.i, situate in the town of Somerset, lVny County Ohio, and known its the late homestead ot W. M. Ueaiw. Terms ol : Sale, out- fourth ,c:ish in h:tml and the residue in three equal annual payments, the de fcrrnl payments, to bear interest Iroin the day of Saltt, atid'to he secured by ntortwae on tho prem ises. Appraised at tt-'iuo.uo. .1110 pencil. Kept. 1st 1SS1. 8AMUKI. K. Assignee ol W 1: r. M. llcrm. THE GREAT nUllLIXGTOTT ROUTE. tNn other lino runs Three Throuph Pas- scnircr Trains Daily Detween L'lncaifo, JJ03 Moines, Council lllufTs, Umalia. Lincoln. St. Joseph, Atchison, Topcka anil Kansas City. IMreot connections for all points in Kansas, Nebraska. Colorado. Wvoniiinr. Montana. Ne vada, New Mexico, Arizona, Idaho, Oregon un(i California. Tho Shortest, Speediest nnd Most Comforta ble Route via Ilannibtil to Fort Scott. Dcnison, Dallas, Houston, Austin. Sim Antonio, Galves ton and all points in Texas. The unequalcd inducements offered by this to Travelers and Tourists, are as follows: The celebrated Pullman l(l-wliecl) Palace Sleonitur Cars, run onlv on tills Line. C. U. It Q. l'lilaco Drawing-Room Cars, with Morton's Keclininpr Chairs. No extra chanre for Scats lit ltcclmiticr Chnirs. The famous C, K. tc U. Palace Diiiine Curs, (iorircous SmokiiiK Cars tltted with Blepaut llit?h-llaiked Rattan Re volving cnairs lor luc exclusive use ox ursi- clnss passengers. Steel Track and Superior Equipment, com bined with their Great Through Car Arrange ment, mnkes this, above allot tiers, the favorite Route to the South, South-.Vest, aud the Far West. Try it, and you will And traveling a luxury Instead of a discomfort. Throuirh Tickets via this Celebrated Line for eale at all otlices iu the United States and Canada. All information about Rates of Fare, Sleep ing Cor Accommodat ions, Tlmi Tables, Sx., will be cheerfully given, and will send tYea to any address an elcgiuit County Alup of United States, iu colors, uy applying to. l'ERCEVAL LOWELL, General Passenger Agent, Chicago. T. J. TOTTER, General Manager, Chicago. r IP A TRUE TONIC A PERFECT STRENGTHENER.A SURE REVIVER, rv. lliOV HITTKISS aro highly recommended for nil diseases re .iiit iiig a certain and ellicicnt tonic ; especially IndttjtJiium, ypc;wtu, itnVr t, 1, ii. nl 'civca, II mil of Appetite, Jmss of Strrnitlt, Ijiick af Kiuryit, ttc Enriches tin' blood, strengthens the muscles, and gives new life to the nerves. They act like 1 elcirm on the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such :is T tali mi the l-'imd, Helrhimj, Il-at in tlte Styuuilt, J 'fearthurn, etc, TllO Ollly Iron Pi'opnriition Unit will not bhwkoii ilio teeth or Rive lieuiliU'lie. .Sold by all druggists. Write for tho A 11 C Hook, pp. of useful and amusing reading miU free. IJItOWN CIlKMICAr. CO., Italtlmore, Mil. The largest assortment and best selections, the la test styles anil lowest prices in r-ewam, or in onto SCOTTABRO Just across the canal, next door to Fleek A Co. P. 8. Boyd's Patent Burglar Proof boll Locking GUAVK VAULT. f. rt i- ? M c. 0 0 Q 0 02 b: h 0 d 4 O td en o C x w C ft Haiti more & Ohio Ji. Ji. Co. TIME CARD. KAST 1HL'M. 14, LKAvVK Chieairo Sandusky Chicairo Junction.. A Kill VP N. Y Kx press. N. V. Past Line. Kenark ...! Ml S.nO I. Ill F M. A. M. I-. u Columbus.... il. tie x.:m. I.KAVK Columbus 8. IS 8.: 1-". A. X. A. M. Phawnee 4.5S s..v. Junction City fi.!f.- in.-.".' Somerset 6..SJ lii.,si Newark ltl.ou S.lon. in. . Arrive Zanesvllle. 10.47 5.59 2.'.'i ' leave Zanesvllle lO.fta fi.l Cambridge 11. .1 ..l'l 8.SK1 a. m, Bellalre 1.4S S.45 5.1!f. Arrive Y heeling 2 25 9.45 COS WlKioliliK 1.40 8.40 6.1 Arrive p. lu. p. m. a. in. Washington l.,V d.'.'j n M Baltimore 3 03 lti.ilS -.10 a.m. p in Philadelphia 7.15 a.05 I.. fMlw.olk HI.SU t!.4 4.4.1 WEST HOUND-- 1'J.ieaftu Chicago tjilcam hast Kxpreaa. Sail, l.inoj ! Leave a. m. p. m. . u. New Yoik K.I5 lift . Philadelphia 114., 4,no p. m. p. tu. a. tu. Baltimore 4 uu 8.00 v.atl Washington & 1" O.tO 10 40 a. m. a. in. p. m. Wheeling 4.itl J.1 11.15 1-avv Hanasville T.So 1.0S a 2S Arrivo Newailt H.'.D . 4.ST. I'olumbus . 45 S.:M S 10 Somerset 9.4:1 S.Sn Junction I'liy 4. US K..4B Shawnee 4.4U l.C STARTLING DISCOVERY! LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. A t to tiro, of youthful tmprudenoa causing hn tnra Decay, Nervuu Debility, Loat Manhood, etc., having tried iu vaiu ovary kuown remedy, has dis covered a aituplft aelf cure, which bo will send FRKK to his fellow-surlerers, addreaa J. II, UUIlbi 4:1 4 liuilium hi.. .. t. . .