Newspaper Page Text
nt;i for admission to oegotiate,wiil) that republic, then - "'r -j'- " ' $9 it resolved,; ThaVa -Stale, jftl; .formed ounf the present republib 'f Texftsy with suitable extetif atid tytlrw V darif s, and with two representatives jn i Congress until the next apportionment !,or representation,' filinii ne nmniiiefj in !'jt$ the tJnion by, virtue of tins actr 6n . an qoal footing with ' the ' existing tate'as opori.fl8 ihe'.'ienris. arid ton '.U'VJns wf uch odmissiorr, and UiO' CeB sioft of the remaining Tcxiad territory 'to,the United StteVshri be agreed 'up on bv the eo iof Texas and he . United States hnd -the 'sum of gotiotionty to agfee upoti the terms Of DUIU UUHII&3IUU UliU . vcsaiVHIiim-f 1 vj treaty to be submitted to the Senate, for by articles to bo submitted to the twn Uniispsnf HfinnrrRss. ni the Presi- dent may turqcUii w.,-- i! .V'." --'-: ,- T. .i-'.,i;'- K ";" ""' For the Spirit pf pemocrecy.;; 'Ma. Et)tor-1 formerly, wrote some numbers for your, paper giving the cit- tuens pMpnroeiCQunty, some insight into the workinirs of the Canal system, n li'ttem uhich sevenfolifs their public , uxes.and can onlv live while shroude in darkness and which can not bear the .fight., My Fclpw citizens may believe Mit' t Vint U ia it avsts-rn nf favoritism and cariialitV and" private arran2ement,and ."particular jntrigue'ond speculation, and .fraud and swindling and universal cur ' riintion." How "could it be otherwise! , . -r - , Would' not reason, whenever she ha fair 'play, pronounce that half a mi'lion '$t ' million (f dollar borrowed by the fitate .and' bestowed upon ; a single .ounty or small district, .would prove too giiuenng a pvizu iu ne saie i ii im-i virtue. The very slrusrgle to obtain ii is a snare for. their integrity. Hence me syoicin iwug uiin ii w "not wonderful, thai it becomes a vast svstcrri of corruption. Of the slrenjth and penection ol this system, your readers may itnli;e by the lo lowing fact which is just us true ns the records of our courts. C; ; -' -. Z-f A board of three appraisers was ap pointed to assess the damages t n ihe , .Wabash and Erie Cana!,and orit James 'II; Forsythe a United States bankrupt, who did not own a fuot of (and upon yrafth,1 was appointed tKeir Secretary. ,'fhis Forsythe - lied formerly' owned a small tract of land on the line of this "-canal at the mouth of Bad creek, in Hep "xy county, but.had sold and conveyed .Sf'tn T:imes Durbin. with al rnrhts and V "v F ( privileges whatsoever. When the ap- .nraiseis cnnie akmL' in me spunz oi J843, Durbin demanded damages be -cause the Canal cm off his mill and Jcf it on an island between the Canal find the river, but was willing to put up 1 with enough to build him a bridge a- cross the fcanal.'; This the; appraisers nbsalutelv ond unanimously refused, iind made out an a ward in writing stal ing the greunds of their .refusal. ' As jhey had awarded dumages to other -neiKhoors, ia UKe circumsianccs, uui bin was dissausnea. ana in me iaii oi f'l 043, he drew up a 'petition and was 4 about to present it to the Legislature, '.when the appraisers, who did not like 4 mtin in vpsiirrnnnn. nnrniifi io i n aim . t : - j - i : .j ' 1 ' i ' i . i l:-. - i: ....! pcrsuaueu nun iu uiop un ujfjntuiiwi' . to" the . Legislature, assuring him that they' would come round and reconsider ' i- .1.- C 11111 r.. (Uu Irvy.b hid buiiul: vr. iuii. uut i"i tj V ; Vlll C UUI. VJ IICI, ll.lll. .11 Avvi.jwv. 'i "last, Forsythe went to Uurbin nnd sta led that he was coins to . M'Cutchen ille where two of the apprsisers lived, ,nd if he wished it, he Jforsythe wou'd urne inemio appraise ms uui;iages... wi ' course Durbin consented and Forsvtlie 'C irect on and got two of the appraisers to make a new appraisement, but not for Durbin but for himsklc And let v it be remembered that ; he ; owned no land, vet they put him on the record in ' the list of sufferers to the. amount of three, hundred dollars, and slated in 4rAit fhnl ma fnnl jLnih thov fttlVII U TV Ul U WIUI IIIV l.tllUf V tlfltflt lllk I Jocatcd at Duvbins .aDd no where else, had bfeen, skinned of timber, both rail timber and ! building timber.11 -When Forsythe got his certificate," hpTdrew . 1 ' i - o ' .i r i i an oraeron openceri one oi me ooaro - pf Public .VVorks, got it accepted ! and old it, pocjfetpd the money and went to parts unknown. Durbin- when he ; found out the; cheat, and not knowing that the money was already paid filed V h. w 'injunction hill in tha ou t ti Com mon l'lea here,'id'Colunihus,' U f pre- vent JSpencer, uom paying - i1 ors)'ine and to feet the Davment made to himself. AU these facts therefore., appear up n pain togetner who. .ic iuuner iact,inai not enetidc timher ither fitfor finis pr huidjng, had bfep; taVenT e. land.-' 'When;the appraisers found out .i . i i j-1 i 1 i ii ri mat uuroin naa tiiea nis did in unaucc ry,',they;'catrit). tp hnVahi' be'eec-hed him to drop it and mnke no stir about' Vt and they' would dppruls'e anirattnw him his damages. 'And (hey ha ve fieeri os-' good os.lh.eir, wordi for the week be- fore'last'they" went Back, ah'j issesscd two hundred dollafi damages to Dur- pin on me same, tract oi .lanp.auo, ne has gotten 'his" pay -tmd; dropped ' h's bill ! !1 ; ,Thus the State has paid twice for the same damages on the same, tract of land, after the' appraisers had rsaid yu uuui unu. unaer ineir iiinua m win ing; that there were no damages.!! (' n order to see this thing in its true light. it'must be considered as one ' instance in a thousand, and the amount of plun der as n ruere drop, in the ocean, com pared to the millions and millions which have been squandered in a similar man ner. .To the maa acquainted with tin man nature this tact speaks volume?. Such a man will have no .doubt, that corru .ition must have grown to an e- uormous size and most have become systematic, before such an open bare faced, prostitute instance of it, could have taken place. In the commence ment ol a system ot crime, men ore shamefaced and bashful, it is only after it has become matured and grown strong that men become bold and un blushing in wickedness! Oh, if the honest and confiding people of Monroe, could but see to what use their money is applied, and what f; ilse-hearted, frau dulent,' cozening knaves, it fattens and enriches, they would cull for an end of tliis sytem of legalized plunder. Let them rest assured that as tyrants of old prevailed by force, so speculators at present prevail by fraud, ' ' OSCAR. ! MARRIED, On Tuesday the 4th inat. by Ihe Rev. Jamra C. Merryman, Mr. William Barrett to Mias Lvcinda Garard, all of this vicinity. At the residence of hi oll, C'o. Thoj. Smith, in Grundview, Illinois, about S o'clock on the morn ini; of the 8ih of Feb. alter a lew daya jlliiesa, M ijor JAMKS SMITH, in the 73d year of his age . Maj. S. was emphatically one ol the pio. neers of the west, having been a western spy in Wayne's aimy, up to the treaty of Greenville, being then a renidcnt ol Wheeling, Va He was well known iu Belmont county, Ohio, having been sever) years a representative front that county in its legislature. Maj. S. was one of the eaily settlers of Indiana, and through all the changes of an evenlfil life, maintained the character nf an honest and upright man, a good noighhor and patriotic citizen. Wa bash Expre-s. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of .a writ i.f vtildi tijio. to me diiected from the Court of Common Pleas of Monroe county and State of Ohio, 1 shall oiler for sule at public outcry, al the front do"r of the Court House, in WoodtfieUI, in said 'county, on Monday, the 14lh day of April, 1845, between the hours of 10 o'clock a. m. and 4 o'clock p. m. of said day, the following real estate to wit : The north west Quarter of the south went Quarter of Section No 9, Township No 4, and Range .No 4, and the north east Quarter of Ihe south east Quarter, of Section, Township and Range aforesaid; taken as the property of Corneli us B, Atkinson, at the suit of Ihe State nf Ohio for tbe use of the Fuud Ci rominioners of Monroe county. , . TH. MITCHELL, JR. Sheriff. March 7, 1845 ., , . , p. f. $2.00 SHERIFF'S BALK. By virtue of a writ of txndi trpo. to me directed from the Court of Common Fleas of Monroe county and State of Ohio, I shall oner for tale at public outcry, at the front door of the Court House in Woodlietd in said county, on Monday, the 14th day of April, 1845, between the hours nf 10 o'clock, a. m. and 4 o'clock., p. m. of said day, the follow ine real estate. to wit: The north west Quarter ol the soulli east Quarter of Section 29, Township 5. nf H.ioge 6, lying and being in the county tf Monroe and State of Ohio, and taken as tbe property of R Jaer Butt, at ihe suit of J. W. Uampbell fc Co. assign' eei of David Shaub, . TH. MITCHELL, JR. Sheriff. March 7, 1845 . ; . p t- U5 J SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of sundry txndi. expo, to me directed from the Court of Common Pleas nf Monroe county, md State bf Ohm, I shall oner for sale at public outcry, at the Iront floor of the Uoiirt House, in Wootuheld in said county, on Monday, Ihe 14th day of April, 1845, between the hours of 10 o'clock I. an. and 4 o'clock p. ni. of said day, the following real estate. lo wit: The north Half of Ihe not th east Quarter of Section No f, Township 4, and range 5, con taining 69 acres, and 68 hundredth nf an acre, of land, lying and being in the county of Monroe and Slate of Ohio, and taken as the property of Josh ua Hawkins, at the suits of William Cochran and others.,, v t .'. TH. MITCrfELL, JR. Sheriff! ' March 7, 1845. , p. I. $1.87 ' SHERIFF'S SALE By Virtue of a writ of vendi trpo. to me directed from the Court of Common Pleas of Monroe county, aiid State of unio, than oner lor tie al public outcry at the front door pf the Court House, in Wnodsfteld, In said county, on Monday, the 14th day of April, 1845, between the hours of 10 o'clock, a. m. and 4 o'clock p. m. of aid day, Ihe following teal es tate, to wit: The north west Quarter nf the north east Quarter of Section 22 ' Township 4, and Range 4; also, the north iant Quarter nf the north east Quarter of Section 22, Townsliip 4 and Range 4, all in Monroe county and State of Ohio, and taken tt the property of Silas Headlee, at the suit of John Gibson, J. " ' " . TH- MITCHELL, JR. Sheriff ' ' March T, 1845. p. f. 1,87 ' SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of. writ of trnrh. expo, to me directed from the Court nf Common' Pleas of Mnlirne f onnty and Stale of Ohio, I ahall offer for tale at public outcry, at the front door of Ihe Coitft House in) Woodfield, m said county, on Monday, the 14th diy of April, 1845, between Ihe hour nf 10 nVlnck. eVm. and 4 o'clock p. m. of said day. the following real es tate, to wit: 1 ne norm east quarter or the north west quarter nf section 18, township 9 and rang 8, abo Ilia south west quarter of the north west quarter of lection thirty-two, towrwhrp 8, and range 7, I) if t ai4 biojt in Moro coimtjr tui 6w 6( Qhi ttUta M the pmpftty l'.WiUiain Ormdmi, al the nuit t( ih$ Swio ot Ohio t tht us of bt 7 und CooimiMiaier nl Monroe cwjnly. 1 " ' J..TH. MITCH EfcLVR. SherUT. ' 4 Mrdi 7,'i84S. , ..j, ... ... .tP.f jH.75 SHE1UFK"3 SALE.-BV virtue of writ of vernii. expo, ft ine ldlrecl(f from the Court Of common rif oi inonro coimij mu oi OliioT .hart niter Tor tale it Diiblic outcry at the Iront door 'of the rourt houie In WooJefietJ in Mid county, on Montky the' J4tfl day of April, 1845, bvtweeii the hnurt of 10 oVt.rtk, m. md 4 o'clock p. fin. of Mid J.y. the following real ei (ale In wit: The e.wl hair or. the north went quar tet of tectioo f-iehl. lownthip three and ranetr five, tying and being in Monroe comity and State of Uhlo; tken f the property ol .William Uiiom, at lb tuii of Elicabetb Well. - : o ; .. -j j , TH. JlTCHEi-L, JE- Sheriff ,. March 7, 18t5. ,-; V .. .... . , .'.) , p. I M2 SHERIFF SALE-rBy virtue of a writ of flrfl. expo, to mo directed from the court of Com mon Pleaa of Monroe county and Slate of Ohio, I shall offer for sale at public outcry, at the front door of the court Souse, in' Wood.field in said county, on Monday, the 14th day of April. 1845, between lh hours oflO o'clock; a. m. and 4o"clock p. m. of said day, the following real estate, tV.witi AH that tract or' parrel of land situate and being in Ihe county of Monroe and State of Ohio, being a oart of aection 83. townshio one anil range 3 beginning on the bank of the Ohio river, south of a stone; thence ea-t up Ihe hanknisaiu river to the middle of a bridge. 45 rpds and 15 inches; thence north, half a degree west, 8 rods and 18 links tq a post; (n. h. 40 links lo a chain;) thence north, two and a hall degrees west, through a laree oonlar on Ihe left hand aide of a mound, on Ihe gravel bank; thence in ihe same direction three hundred and twenty rods and 18 links to a pol thence west thirty one rods and 10 links to a pn't; thence due south over a corner s(nue to Ihe place of beginning 323 rods and 16 links, containing by latitude and departure seventy nine acres and ten perches, (except so much of the said trac t as is in cluded in the town plat of ihe town of Sardis, be. ing about 16 acre.;)taken as Ihe property of James Patton, at the suit nf Michael Miller. TH. MITCHELL, JR. Sheriff. ' March 7, 1845. , .?.. f,$3,25 SHERIFF'S SALE By virtue nf a writ ol tenJi expo, to me directed from the court of Com mon Pleas of Monroe county and State nf Ohio, I shall offer for sale at public outcry, al Ihe front door of the court house, in Voodfield in 'id county, on Monday the 14th day of April. 1815, between the hours of 10 o'clock a. m. and 4 o'clock p. m. nf said day. Ihe following real estate, to- wit: The north half nf the south west quarter, of sec tion 18, township 2, of range 4, containing seven ty nine acre, nf rand, be the same more or less, lying and bring in the county of Monroe and State of Ohio; taken as the property of John Matthews, at the suit of John Manna. TH. MITCHELL, J.I, Sheriff March 7, 1845. p. f-1.75 SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of a writ of remix expo. In me directed from the cotiit of Com mon Pleas nf Monroe county, and State of Ohio. I shall offer for Sale at public outcry at the Iron! door nf Ihe court house in Wooilsfielil, in said com. ly, on Monday, the 14th day of Arril. 1845. between the hours of 111 o'clock a. in and 4 o'clock p. m. nf said day, the following real estate, to wit: The west half of the north wnst quaiter of aection 25, township 4 and- range 5; Un, the north east quarter of the north west quarter of the same sec tion,, township, and range, lying and being in Moi.roe county and State of Ohio; taken as the property of Abner Beall at the auit of John U Wil liam Todd. TH. MITCHELL. JR Sheriff. March 7, 1845. . . - p. I. $1.87 SHERIFF'S SALE By virtue of a writ of vervlt. -xpoAamt directed liom the court ol Com mon Picas nf Monroe county, and State of Ohio, I sh all offer fur sale at public outcry at the front door of the court houie in Voodheld. in said county, on Monday, the 14th day of April. 1845, between Ihe hours ol 10 o'clock a. m. and 4 o'clock p. m of saiil day, the following real elate, to wit: The n'irih weM quarter nf the south east quarter and ihe south eat quarter ol the south west quar ter nf section 19, township 2, and range 4, lying and being in Ihe county of Monroe and State of Ohio; taken as Ihe property ot James AVitten at the suit of Friend Cot. TH. MITCHELL, JR. Sheriff March, 7. 18 15. p. f 81.75 SHERIFF'S SvVLE-By virtoe of writ of trnJL expo. In me directed from the court of Com mon Pleas of Monroe county, and State of Ohio, I rhall offer for sale at public outcry, at the front door of the rourt house, in Voornld, in salj county, on Monday the 14th day of April, 1845, between the hours nf 10 o'clock a. m. and 4o'clock p. ni. of said day, the following real estate, to wil: A certain tract or parcel of laud lying and being in Monroe county and State of Ohio, and describ ed as -follows, to wit: commencing at the centre corner established by Mitchell Atkinson, county surveyor, in section 20, township 7 and range 7: thence hounded and decrihrd as follows. In wit: from said centre corner In section 20, township 7, and range 7, thence north sixty twn rod.-; thence west forty three rods; thence south sixty two rnds; thence east forty three rods lo the place ol begin ning; contaiiiina sixteen acres more or less, with a sw and gristmill thereon; taken as Ihe property of Reuben Wilson, at the suitnf James Piles. TH. MITCHELL. JR. Sheriff. M-reh 7. 1845. p f. g2.50 SHERIFF'S SALE Bv virtue nf a writ of ven'li- expo, to me directed from the court of Com mon Pleas of Moon e county and State of Ohio, I shall offer fnr sale at public outcry al the ft out door of the rourt house in woo.l.held, in said county, on Monday, the 14lh day of April, 1845, between the hours of 10 o'clock a. in. and 4 o'clock p. ui. nf said day. the following real estate to wit: The south east quarter nf the north east quarter of sdotioik 17, township 8, and range 4, containing .40 acres', lying in Monroe county, Ohio; taken as Ihe properly ot William Mcmahnn, Joseph Mcina hon, and hlijah. Henthorii, at the suit, of Thomas Armstrong fc Co. .. - . .'. TH. MITCHELL, JR. Sheriff. .Mi' cA 7.1315. p. f. $1,75 'SHERIFF'S SALE By viitue of a writ of vndi expo to me directed hom the court of 0m. mon Pleas ol Monroe county Ohio, 1 shall offer Tor sale al public outcry at the Iront uonr ol the court hnune, in Wondfield, in said county, on Monday, the 14th day nf April, 1845, betwreu the bourn of 10 o'clock a. tn. and 4 o'clock, p. m. of said day, ihe folloaing real estate, to ii: Be ginning for the same al a post al the south west corner of section 29, township 7, and range 7, in Monroe ijounty and State of Ohio; running thence east along the li. e nf sectinn 29, 80 perches to a post; theme north 80 perches; (hence wesl to Ihe line dividing section 29 from section 35, and from thence lo Ihe place of beginning, containing forty acres of laud, he the same more or less; taken a Ihe property of Elijah Hithaway, at the suit of James Hughes, guardian ol the minor children ot Jacob Harry, deceased, ., . TH. MITCHELL, JR. Sheriff. .MareA 7, 1845- , ... p 1. 62.31 SHERIFF'S SALE, By virtue of sundry writs nf venJL expo, and executions la me duc t ed from the court nl Common Pleas of Monroe county. Ohio, I shall offer fir sale at public outcry al Ihe frout do r of the court house iu Woodsricld, in said county,. on Monday, the 14th day of April. 1845, between Ihe hours ol 10 o'clock, a. nv and 4 o'clock p. in. nf said day th following real es (ale, to wit: Th north wet quarter of section number five, township number ws of range num ber six, containing about one hundred and filly nine acres; also, a part of the north east quarter nf section' eleven, township and lane aforesaid, ft being jn ihe tract ol laud knorwu by th naoM of lbs Seven Ranges, beginning for he same at a post 28 perchei southward of the north, ta-t corner of, ..riion Uvii: nu tho Una jlvidiov lha asm iron aeetinn vj thenet aoanhward with ha section line, dintance 71 perches and S tenth, to a posi; uience westwaru, parallel io ine una uiviu r-nce westward, pralleo Ihe line divid. ion eleven :4rom Mdior, t.n,, and lenlhsi V a post; thencJ ioh ward, ' parallel to the lne dividing secHoS eleven mg section perches an running pa from section five, distance 51 perches, and 1 telithi to a posit thence a direct tine to the place Of be. ginning, distant? 81 ptrrhes and 7 tenths', cont-ii. ing thirty acre more or teas; taken as thl proper ty of Frederick Sluher,at the sttitf of the State of Ohio for the. ose of Monroe cunty neT))hers. -.' " TH. MITCHELL:jlti Sheriff. MarcM, 184S. M ,T p f,aJ.S7 SHERIFF'S S A LE By virtue Of avrrtt of tenili. expo, lo me directed from Ihe court of Com mon Plea of Monroe county; and Slate of Qhio, I shall offer for rale at public outcry at th house of George Frank iin township in eald county, on Friday the 21st Instant, between, 'tha boura of 10 o'clock a. m. and 4 o'clock p- m..1 of said day, the following property, to wit: One two horse Wagon, one black Sker, one black H-ifer, one red and white Cow, taken as the properly of George Sill at the suit of Ihe Slate ol Oliid for the use nf the fund comoiissiniierf of Monroe ennntw ? w v .-, . ..THMITCHELL, JR. Sheriff. 'jUtetk 7, 1845,.. .j,. u .. p f 01 SHERIFF'S SALE By virtue, nl writ of tendi. expo, to roe directed from Ihe court of Common Pleaa of .Monro county and State of Oil to, I shall nfltr for sale at public pulcry, m the housei of Edward Saii.biiry, pi (he town, of. Car lisle, in said county, on Fiiday ihe, 21st instant, between the hours of 10 o'clock a. rq. and 4o'clnck p m of said day, the following, pi operty to wit One gray. Mare, one brown Horse, Que two horse Wa gon, one iron shod Sleigh, tarn sets of horse gears, one No 4 cast Plough, one No 1 Plough. one sho vel Plough, one Harrow, 5 Hogs, 10 Pigs, and one rnanUl Clock, taken as ihe property of Edward Salisbury, at tbe suit or Jjoihs Wilhrow. . . TU MITfliCl I ID Mureh 7, 1845. ... , ,4 . . Iu f . .... iUl .VIAIKJ,!,, . U) 0l.C.l SHERIFF'S SALE Bv virtue of a writ of vendi expo tn me directed from the court of Com mon Pleas pf Monroe county, and State of Ohio, I shall offer for sale, al public outcry at the house of Elijah Hathaway in Seneca towruhip. on Thursday the 20th instant, between the hours of 10 o'clock a oi and 4 o'clock p in of said day the following property, tn will One crib of cord, con taining 550 bushels, four milch Cows, one Hull, three two year old Steers, tlireo two year old Heil era, one two horse Wagon,, two lluee year old Steers, one dark bay Mar and Colt, one roan Colt, one brown Mare and Coll, one sorrel Mare, one Loom, one Cupboard, and 1000 feet o! inch Plank, taken as the properly of Elijah Hathaway, al Ihe suit ol James Hughes, guardian of the mi nor children ol Jacob Hairy, deceased. TH. MITCHELL, JR. Sheriff March 7f 1845. ,p fl . SUEItlFFS KUE. BtT virtue of a venditioni exponas to me direct ed from the Court ol Common Pleas of Monroe county Ohio. I will nffei for sale al public outcry at the front door of the Court House in the town of Woodslietd, Monroe county, Ohio, on Monday the 1 -1 til day of April, 1843, between the hours of 10 o'clock, A jVI . and 4 o'clock P. M. of said day, the following described real estate Iu wit: Ninety ihree acres ol hind lying and being iu Monroe cnqiiiy, Ohio, aud described at follows to wil: lying in the south west quartet of section No. 8, township 7, and range 8, commencing for the same lo run so ith at the mouth of Henry Fesler's lane on said line, directly on the east side of ihe Barnesville and McCounelUville state road; thence south to a stake, near the north west cor. er of lands sold by Da.iiet Bates and wife I) Charles Arudt; theme t the corner of said A nidi's land; thence down Buffalo creek to a certain stake nr stone, planted as a corner stone; iheuce a little north nf west, 19 rods, nu a straight line to a stone on the top of ihe bunk; thence a little east of north on a straight line 32 and a half rods to a corner stone in Ihe creek, about 2 rodj south east from an thn tree . IS inches in diameter, thence d wn said creek, lo the section line on the south side of said qr.; thence east along siid section line to the S E comer of said qr. Also, a certain tract or parcel nf land lying iu said county and iu the north ive. quarter of seclinu 17. township 7 and range 8, iu the Zanesvi le land dUtiict, commencing for the same on the north line of said quarter section near where, the two Buffalo forks come together on the east side; thence east ah ng raid section line tn a stake iu a run near the edge of the road, about midway east and. west of the east half of said quarter on said line; thence south along the foot of the hill nr bank, to a stiuie, al the south east extremity of said hill; thence west within 20 rods of the west line of said east half quarter; thence south to the Buffalo creek; iheuce down the meanderings of the creek to the place of be ginning, containing 20 acres more of less. Taken as the property of John S. McFarlaud at the suit of William Shaw. ... THOMAS MITCHELL. Jr., Sheriff. Sherifl's office, February 21, 1845. . COIiONF.R'S SALE. . yj Y VIRTUE of a writ of venditioni exponas, JD to me directed from the Court of Common Pleas of Monroe county and State ol Ohio. I shall offer for sale at public outcry, at Ihe front door of the court house iu Wooijstield in said county, on Monday. Ihe 14th day of April, 1845, between the hours of 10 o'clock a in and 4 o'clock p m of said day. the following described real estate, tn wit: About two and three fouith acre of ground, with the appurtenances situate thereon, on the east side of Ihe town oi Woodsfield, and which is. bounded as follows, to wiU on the north by the lands nf Al fred Driggs, ou ihe east by lands lately owned by Michael. Rutler, on the south by lands nf William Cochran, and on the west by the town plat of Woodsbelil, wbich is the same land on which the Monroe Academy is erected; taken as the proper ty of the Monrpa Academical Association, at the auit of Giles Brooks lor the use-of Joseph M. Ma ton. ' . W. D. PATTON, Coroner. March 7, 1845. pf27. MASTER COMMISSIONER S SALE. , ffY virtue of a decree nf the Court of Common Pleas of Monroe County in the State nf Ohio, at their September term. A. U 1844, in the rase ol Sivaney & Matthews against Th 'mas Lea lie, will be, offered for sale at public out cry . at the front door nf the court houe iu the town ot Woods field, In said county, on Wednesday, the 26th. day of March next, at 12 o'clock, M . on said day. the lollowing described lands aud tenements, situate in said county, to wit: a tra. t of land purchased by Johnston Lcsilieof Job William., and ia bounded on the west by lands of Ann .Copeland, on Ihe south by lands of Isaac Beardmore, on the east and north by lands owned by Jnb Williams, containing ten acres of ground; appraised at $225. , , WM. OKEY. Mw-ComV, , ., Monroe Common Pleas. . " Feb. 21, '845. MARSHALL'S SALE. " II Y virtue nf Ihe command of n alias venditioni expnna to me directed from the Circuit Court of the United States for the District of Ohio, I will offer foi sale at public outcry, at the front d or nf the court-house iu the town of Woodsfield, Mon roe cnunlV, Ohio, on Tuesday the Hth day of March; 1845. at 12 o'clock M. nu said day, the fol lowing described real estate lying aud bei.ig in said county of Monroe, to wii: Lots number 5 and 10 in Ihe town of Beallsville. also lot number 12 in Linn's addition lo the said tnwn ofBeallsville, with all and singular the improvement thereon, taken L in. execution theprnyertynf John Linn, (now deceased.) at the suit "I Sewell. B mgher fc Co." JOHS McKLVA IN, Marshall, Bv CORNELIUS OKKY, ;. February 7, 1845 495 Pepuiy Marshall. " EDWARD COX'S ESTATE. ' ' OTICE IS HERKBlf GIVEN that th auh arriher his been appointed and Qualified H administrator on the estate of Edward Cos, lata of Monroe counly,. deceased , " J' ' - JOSEPH VARNER.' h Tilfnary . 1845,"' ' .' ' m ' . ftt . . .- ' .J :- a, ' i; -J 'J',. ""J5? --' VHW ft t i ' W9WS&Vh 9 December. 7. 1844. 1 tVQODlCLD, MOKAilf G0?irVl OHUOui marcq id, () THOMAS KUTjtf-- rrn n vc v t T.itw. t- r.' WO0DSll.0, l!OCOCTr) m. - April 19, 1844. Vk. WM. Cf. 'WAfiTO-t."' i i '-AT TOHWE? AT'LAW ' Woodtfitld, Monroe to , O. - tcjr Office oppoAlt :. W'W, . : " . the Court Haute. . ;' ,r March, 15 18.44 i ,w i L.i"'n!. J ' ' ' JAMF.S H. MORRIS,' . "JiTydRx fc y a x law;' ' '' ''WoodtJUlMqiiroe'eo.Ohio' ''fWiiV 1$45."':' " - ' '."! -', ''!: motive 13 hereby given. In ftenoui Maats, tmpson Staats, Elijah 8taat, Elisha Stasis, Edetb Stasis, William Bertpn and Anne hja wile, Jacob Wait Thomas Laton and Margaret bis wife, John, star key and Lydia his wife, William Wines and Ra chaelhis wife, that a petition was filed against them -on tht 2nd day nf December, A; D 1844; in the Court or Oommon Pleaa of Monroe county, Ohio, by F.nnch Siaats, aajj is now pending, wherein the said Enoch Staats demands partition of the follow ing real estate, to wit:' The North West quarter ol the North West quarter ot Section seventeen, in Township Np. seven, of Kange No. eight; also the East naif of the North Eas quarter pf Section seventeen, in the tame Township and Range, all jn Monroe county, Ohio; and that at the next term of aaid Court application wiU be made by the said Enoch SUali, for an order that partition may be made of the said premises; and that the dower late of Margaret Staats widow of Elijah Staa dee'd, therein may be assigned. ' "" - v' . - ENOCH STAATS. . Bv N, Hot-waTE. . December 6, 1844 6wu40. . . ... Stat' of Ohio. Monroe co. ss court of common pleas. Sarah Graham, . ) Divorce and Alimony. vs. YtylLLLUt URJlllAM will William Graham. ) lake mo-ice that Sarah Graham, heretofore, lo wii on the 81st day of January, A. D. 1845, filed her petition in the office of the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas, in and fir the county and state aforesaid, letting forth among other things that the plaintiff and delend ant were married, that Ihe delendaut had deserted ihe plaintiff had been guilty of adultery aud was convicted of bigamy by the Court of Common Pleas nf Guernsey county, and that he is nnw im prisoned in-ihe-Penitentiary for that crime; and praying that the marriage contract heretofore ex isting between the plaintiff aud defendant be dis solved, and that alimony be granted to the plaintiff &c. The said petition will be for hearing at the next term of the cnuit ot Common Pleas aforeraid. . .. .SARAH GRAHAM. By Tidball & Kelly, her Att'ys. February 7, 1845. tjr ANTED. AN APPRENTICE TO THE m Wagon Making business. One fiom the country, and from 16 to 13 year of age, would be preferred. WM. C. KIRKWOOD. Woodtfield, Feb. II. 13-15 . ' ' 7COI) TY113 AND ENURaV- I lie suhsi'.iiliers l)P2 leave to inform Western and Southern Printers that they have commenced the manufacture of WOOD TYPE, on the N. E. corner of Maiifand Third streets, up stairs, and are prepared to till or ders, ou twenty four hours' notice, for any style or pattern nf Type now in use, cut on the best cedar nr Honduras mahogony nr hoxwnod.and warranted lo be equal in shape, nuish and matei ul to Eastern Type, and at less.than Eastern prices. We have - fi hand seven fonts, of a new style, not manufactured elsewhere. ' Engt avin on wood, such as Newspaper Heads, Vignette?, fee., done to order, on reasonable terms. Printers from the country wilt please call and examine our stock, material, and machinery. Sorts to old fonts cut to order at a few moments' notice. J. W. D. PALMER. & CO.. over Enquirer olflct, Cincinnati. ' Publisher in the West desirous of adding o their job offices new materials, by publishing thp a bove tn the amount nf $3, will be paid in type, when they purchase three times the amount ol their bill.., . - .- ,...- Feb. 21, 1845 n5l3 -- ... - - NOTICE. . Isaac Smith vs. Jams Paoi.. 1' N THE COURT OF COMMON, PLEAS OF MONROE COUNTY. OHIO It Ch ance itT Jame Paul is hereby notified that on the 28th day of February, A. D. 1845. Isaac Smith, of the county of Monroe, iu the State ol Ohio, tiled in the Court of Common Pleas of the county of Mon roe, and State nf Ohio, a Bill iu Chancery against the said James Paul, the object aud prayer ol which Bill it to compel a specific performance of j con tract entered into by ihe said Paul, for lliecouvey. anceby a general warrantee deednf Lpts number ed filteen aud seventy-four In ihe town of Wnods fielk. in Monroe county. Ohio; and the aaid James Paul is further notified that unless he appear and pleads, answers or demurs to the said bill within sixty days after Ihe next term nf said Court the said Isaac Smith at ihe next term after the expiration of aid sixty day, wilt apply to said Louit tnlafce the matte nof the bill as confessed, and to degree "here on accordingly. By N. HOLLISTER, hi alt'y. February 28. 1845.. , . . . 52w '" WARNING. ' ' k LL PERSONS ARE HEREBY WARN i' ed against purchasing a note of hand given by the subscriber In one John White, of Washing Inn township, callii g fnr Eight Dollars, bearing date the 17th day of February, 1845, at. d payable one year from dale. Said note Waa fraudulently obtained from me, and I am therefore determined never lo pay the tame.. REUBEN THOMAS. ' Woodsfield, Feh. 28, 1843. 62 IJ A .GAINS f l'vHE subscribers have- just received a SPLEN 1-DID ASSORTMENT of seasonable -. : DBYOOODS, which they are determined to sell from 23 to 50 per cent, lower than goods have heretofore been sold in this place, lor ihe PAY DOWN ONLY. They respectfully invite perchasers, before buy ing, to call and examiue their stock, consisting in part of , , .- 1 . .. . Broad Cloths, Cassiqieres, Sittjnott, and Jeaus of various colors and price. A great variety of Calicoes, very low. '' . Changeable and figured Alpaca, figured Bava rians, t'liun. MerHioe, Bowbaziuea, and.Vel. vets, Ribbons, Laces, and Inserting. ' Jaconet, Bobinet. Mull. S wis and Book Mu- linsi "..'i- i ' i v., j; . A large assortment of SHAWLS, which they will sell at ve'y reduced price. . , . " Dress Handkerchiefs,' Pongee "and Flag Silk do'. ' Bleached and brown Muslins, Tickings, Checks aud Ginghams. Roland whit Flannel; j 5w..! j s QUEENSWARE AND GROCERIES, . Country Produce will be taken, ia exchange for good at market price. ,.o ,. , -. . , . t J. R. fc J. H. MORRIS. , Woodsfield, Dee. 24, 1844, . ' i ANN U A it y tt K 10 31 T Of the Fund Commtssiuhoss for th County asf Monroe, ana fttt f Qhio, Jar, itamsurf 1848, according lo the act InaUch aif ntsdeand i orovidt , . -un W". -f. Amount received irom the Statf 45204 4 A . paid to tnaStat Jaooaty t,-!. tt " paidjflbSlataJaB. u I uet ), Wf i lift Of VJ205 i.W -t :,"$ :H it ! ) II S. . Total amount due the Ssata' w" r..- t ' W to 28 Sum loaned to Individual " 4' "lS.lOi 28 A. , to Monroai Academical-, ,. a t .. so&k .. Association v .lwi ! .tm W0 0? ... v , v 819.W5 K Amount secured by mortar on real etate - ' . "."1 i,Sl$M Amount secured by otlier jdequate . v X; ?jxw Tba whole amount ii fbanad at T per centuut per annum, payable eroi-4nnually ia advance. . Ttte following are lh.e suras Ipaned. in die several vuwiisiiip iq inn coonry. Adam 930 oa Brouglit over H.747 28 Ohio " v 600 Ot) Bethel ' 'J Centre Elk i s -' 859 )0 : 8,958 78 2W 00 250 00 619 60 850 00 480 IHI ' J.100 00 Pert '" 831 60 Sunslury Jlja 99 Salem i'iM 99 Switzerland 300 99 Seneca ,. J 1,175 Oil Enoch Franklin Green Jackson Union . ., 1.3&0 00 Malaga - IWasblngton 200 00 - IWsyna H,747 28j ""MUM Amount collected by course of 4a w , - 467 d " now in suit -f ,., , .lOQ due aud not iu t 8,68 00 " invested in stock 000 0t RECEIPTS." . Principal collec'ed aud paid io sine last Interest received since last report , 1,410 14 '- J ' $250-14. - - , - , EXPENDITURES, v i Amount paid lo Treaaurer for. use of School funds, 1844 1,027 20 Ainouutpaifi treasurer lor us jf Stale . - j Amount paid Treasurer for use of county Amount paid John Dunham ' : for printing last annual 840 60 A report - -. ' , - Amount paid Clerk of Bel f . 41 99--' mont co. tor costs in cer tain cases " . '18 50 '": ' Aro't refunded toE.Rucker 2 93 ' Am'tpaid Isaac. A. Brock . i . -j i r uud Commissioner ,.3 00 , Am'tpaid Joel Yogt.Fund CommissiiMipr . ' Id 09 Am't paid Joseph Caldwell i-. ; Fund Commissioner . 8 03 ;, Am't paiu John M. Kirk bride, Agent " ZVMti' S2.25 14 We hereby certify, that tbe above is- oorfert statement, and exhibit the true condition ol sai l fuud. Given under our bands at Woodsfield, Ohio, this 6th day of January, A. D.' 1845. ' JOEL YOST; - - , . THOMAS OKB,."K" ...... , JOHN CLLVE.Jr . t 45 Fund Cum'i Monroe co., O., IKlfcSPJSUTUS Ot-'THK -JOUto-. NAI. 01' EDUCATION, AN MAGAZINE OFGENERAI4LITERATCRR. The subscriber has been encouraged b ia few friends to undertake (he piiblicatiho of a JfontbV rriodical under the above caption, at Bethany, Virginia. The' acknowledged importance of il.e subject of Education to Ihe general and permaW interest of society, is, ctrlaiuly; aufBnent to'wa. rant Ihe expectation, that a journal devoted lo sus taining its interest before the putdir mind.'if pro. perly conducted, will receive a liberal furiport frooa an enlightened community. With this exp'ettk tion Ihe subscriber has been induced to otideflalce the publication of this work, devoted to'tlie inter ests of this all-important cause. The whole sub ject of education, io all its department, bearings. and tendencies, shall form the subject of the lead ing artK'les which shall, from lime to time.apprer fu the page of the 'Journal." ' Having been en. gnged during nearly his whole life,' either in-ac quiring - an ' education' himself wv'in ' impart irig instruction to others, the editor flatter himself that he has within his i each such facilitie as will enable him to render th Journal a work ef some interest and utility to all luch as mav favor him With their patronage in this undertaking.' We shall endear, er lo render Ihe Journal a useful auxiliary to the Parent iu meeting" hose higV responsibilities tn his offspring, which nature has devolved upon turn. To all who are hi ti us ted with the interest of gen eral education, either by a general supervision' or (he practical details of imparting Instruction, are shall endeavor io be useful; by presenting' to "oar reader the various systems of instruction which prevail in thi country f d in Europe-witb some discussion nl the principles involved; anrTsug'es tion u to the merit of the various syrtems which may claim atteution.' To all who are notlavoreil with Ihe advantage of preceptoral Instrttctfoh, we shall endeavor to point out those means of self cut turf which every Individual enjoys, ini-fo1 direct to fhe proper sources pf self improvement We .ha'l endeavor lo bring the avail nf our'own ex. perience in- acquiring and Itnpartim iiistruction, to the benefit of the student in the higher branchee of learning; aud, in general, we ahall lay tefore our reader whatever wt 'ahalt deem conducive te the advancement of that cause, which has for1 tut object the proper derelopemeni and irainiugpf the great mas of mind of bur country. Under our General Literary head we ahall endeavor lo make the Journal a useful directory to those who are eeking self improvement or meutal patflcaVipfl iu the great Grid ot literature. Such 1 verjr brief outline or the plan bf tbe proposed publica tion, for which we would respectfully asfc the pat', ronage of an enlivened public' " " u ' ' ' l :-,'..;t .- yERtMJf. ' r, 'Jf ;; ' f The work wjll be issued the Href Week In every month. In common duodecimo form, containing thirty six closely printed pages in each nuruW neatly stitched and covered, in fail type and goo. paper, and matted lo subscriber at two dollar fe. annum, payable on the reception of the Erst num. ber which trill be issued a coon a a su(!iclrn nuruber of uhcriber can be obtained to xrarran't the undertaxing. ' at. F. ROSS, Blllor. TTACHME NT Notice a heteby gives te all .person interested, that at my lmtaee a writ of attachment we thi day issued by , Willaia) S. Wloo. a Justice of the peace in and fot Supa. harv Township in the Coumt ef Monroe and State f Ohio, againat th goods, chattlre, nght, credits, moneys and effects of Enoa Clark, an at sntslebor. JASPKR MALLORY, Bellville,Fbnury, 1WJ.