Newspaper Page Text
V!" ' '4" II-.1'S T ii f . . "-s: i- ' '.I i . i ! " ' i . . ; . .... MAtiiStiN tiiir r r ha . li WUttttia viijL.iAwo...rRopiEToa. JISKIi. VVIUUtAMO. UDITOR. - n m r r k i t -"" - ' T. 7."r: I .3 WOODSFIELD, OniO, AUG. 5, 1856. POB PRESIDENT m!(H A W A M '.OF PENNSYLVANIA; . ; . " f I ' 'JVOA VICE PRESIDENT JOHN C. BRECKINRIDGE, OE KENTUCKY. : " -' Democratic Presidential Electors fur Ohio. . VSEXATOEIAL BIECTOES. " - ' p A9I K.EIV2VOIV , Jr., of Belmont. 1. i ALEXAJVDlift P. BIIL.I.KU, of Butler. . TiK v :. .it,' r '?-.' . i. j ; - -1' CONGRESSIONAL ELECTORS. ; Igt-rStiKLDos J, Khllogg, of ITamiUon. V ... 2dv- HixKt P, Skdam, of Ilamilton. ; ' Sd. Davjp Clac, of .Moutgoiuery. ; ' . 4th.' J. H. Tuomas, of Darke. ; -5th. Eowasb Fostko, of Williams. ' " 7''ij?TiI th. Michael II. Davis, of Clermont. ' fji " William Caossax, of warren. 8Uu WaLiAx KsiusnyER, of Clark. : ' . 9th. Gbokge . Seek A, of S Jheca. IOUuLbvi DcsoAX, of Jaokson. : ; 11th.' Alfred McVkigh, of Fairfield.' . ; 12th. Jacob Slth, of Franklin. 13th. Jons Tifft, of Huron, i 14th. Jons C Miehs, of Ashland. . , 1 it hJosxpH Bcss,tf Coshocton. ' vr ISth. James M. Oatloko, of Morgan. , ' 17th. Besjakis F. Spriggs, of Noble. . .J;.-'".-, f 18th. Axraoxso Hart, of Portage. - . 4 ' ' I9tk. IIembt H. Doogr, of Cuyahoga, ' 20th. Oborob O. GriLETT,v of Ashtabula. 21st. Gborgb Cook, of Il&rnson. . v ; - '- - rVl J DEMOCjaATIO STATE TICKET. , t, ;o rrooB or tob bvfrexb .corRT7 fpll term RUF US P RANNEY. . :' . . I .'.. : '---- v- . . , " . tXTDOK OF SUPBEJIE COCHT, TO FILL VACASCY, . CORRINGTON W. SEARLE. . ; -1 w ;. V feOAKQ OF PPBIJC WORKS, WAYNE GR I SWOLD. v. .l coKirasTOSEB or coxiioir scnooLS, ' r - - H ITIA M : H. BA R N E Y. nTvnmvATCTT.v Trufiww T7PnT . ..THE FIRST DAWNING OF EVERY ATTEMPT TO LIENATE ANY -ni.Tfttf-'' zvn attt n attv mnv ivttiiuii, vx. vux j y is a rv x FROM THE REST. OR TO ENFEE- BLE THE SACRED TIES WHICH NOW LINK2 TOGETHER THE VA- ? RIOUS PARTS." GEORGE WASHINGTON. TiTTRTP.T nmVTVF.CTTn . , .i , i , - The members of the Central 1 inTnTniTiPfl in this i n5Tripr nn.vf aTCed Oil ! ' - . ; FRIDJV.Y AUGUST 29lb - as the time, and Barnesville as 1 :u ii -t the place, for holding the Demo- cratic Convention "to nominate a candidate for Congress and tor Common- Pleas Judge. ' ; DE3I0CRATIC MEETIXGS. - We .are. requested to aunounco - that there will be Democratic Meetings held, in thu county, at the' following times and places FORSHEY'S SCHOOL-HOUSE, in Franklin township, en Saturday evening, uo jtu mail. , iiuu,, uunAuy aakuiuw xm. 0I. - TT.. Tnn.inn I nmrnnt 1 - O t.l t a ftVlneV T M , - ,' . . ,. . . . V;I.TmAXOX- iS?tnrlftt1 fn.t- at1 'o nVoTntir r t . . . . - , J . 1 m v vivva, jl , aix. ..- :Hon. James ,R.: MoreiS and Wm. P. Richardsox, Esq, will address . the two xasc Oimea meetings. w ; -. .Jjet'a good crowd be collected.1 ; Jl' UUICl UUUUUICDICIIH I Li UUQ ilUlC,' . c..ii. ; , "1, lS3'i'he communications of "Romeo" and "J. D. 0'C.n will appear next week. I '.The Journal's oCer Accepted.. The last Journal eaya that if we will deposit fifty dollars iu the Savings tnsti tate, he wfll send os one- hundred copies .7! r .- . - ..'..'' -' or tne Journal until tne-iiose or tne cam 'paign. Thia is a condition uot imposed on his other Bnchanan -subscribers .and not in. oar offer, but we have.' deposited tt money as the editor ; will learn by inquiring at the bavings Fund emce. ,;w are1 not to receive a. half sheet once in two weeks, nor a half sheet at any time, bat a fall sheet each and every . week. r - v , 'Ueraecimes 10 accept our oaer to sena . K, . auu. v uuuvu-v. DO paic woca uncnanan as ciecica. and his backers are a little too fearful the snccess of their candidate. ' ' fLrr -I frf TVT nnrna - XTa Iiava ntir1iratnnrl llinf t1ir0 ia A litfr back nigger in this county, who is dieting oa dog's meat .and grasshopper pot pies la order to qualify himself to become . next opposition candidate for President " ' .He has never taken men into the Rocky Mountains and suffered, them to perish, ' bat he thinks if he. would starve his wife and children to death his claims woud,be fully equal to I'massA'Freraonti,'' j Vpuldart-it besa go, if, this -county sbould hare the honor (f) of furnishing ; Fasiondoni with 4ts next candidatef. ' A Chapter for, the: Journal' f : i' . benefit ; W The editor of the Journal, makes i Ho effort to extricate himself from the dilem- m m wuicu ne piaceu uimseii jn rcgaru to J-editing a Know 'Nothing paper in Pennsylvania He emphatically denied it and we proved it on him. He suffers the stigma of falsehood to be nailed on him . 1 I without an attempt . to, sustain his char-1 - f ,, TnMnlo.HWl.0 1 taw.... , WW Mww MW WH. I W . "We have become an important personage TTaHTO riQV anil oil 4Vlu V. .1 ! wio l rm Ilia nation, have not cost the editor 'half 'as much time as we appear to be doing." (How modest be a Know -Nothing because we at one time published a pwper in which we advocated the principles of. Americanism." : Hero is a full admission that he pub lished a Know Nothing paper, and the very issue before is the one in which he so emphatically denied it I . The editor proceeds to say : . "But that all the old abuse of foreigners charging the matt the italics are our own with being ignorant, many of them with being pan- pera and criminals, was paraded in his columns,' is as false ns the nether pit, and when the eui- tor penned these words, he knew that he was wilfully ana deliberately falsifying, as nothing I whu-h ho seen in the paper to which he refers oears tne semoianc9 or aouse or oar ioreign Donuiation." f .We made the statement about his abuse of foreigners from what we saw in the file of his paper which we examined; we say that it is true, and the people will place no more reliance in his denial of this statement than in his denial of the fact at all.. We have not that file in our dos- session and of course cannot give all the evidence upon which we founded the ftharire. bht - we hava a connla of Ktrav copies of his Pennsylvania Unow Nothing paper, and will givo a few extracts from their editorials : " , "Herein lies the germ of that national feel- ing so earnestly battled for by our countrymen, that a more stringent test should be applied to the acquisition of American citizenship by the modiQcation of the naturalisation laws, so as . . i i . a. i e i ence of every RED-MOUTHED FOREIGNER who seeks to engraft his own crude notions upon our Republican tree." The Boy of '76, January 22,1856. , - '. ' Does that "bearthe semblance of abuse of our foreign population ?" . , "In fact we are constantly receiving . ; iu uis m iuuw vi c.o.jr ff UdTof ZliZTn SK flowing in upon us we shall soon be checked wu.a a ' complex oiwoi manma, aua bpoe with all crimes.' 7 IheJSoy o '16, January 22,1S56. , .-. r , : Does that "bearthe semblance of abuse of our foreign population ?'; , "If the early, patriots saw in perspective the necessity for such a forcible expression or tne principle that Americans must rule America, we or to-uay, m tne mil nooa or -UKJiiu mu. I BPITOU Trir 1? TXT1?TT1?T TTV T TrT7VQ17 ROMANISM. e ; ;;c7ro of oar Revolutionary fathers." The Boy of 7wwy 3 w . . ...... , liocs inai "oear me semoiance oi a (abuse of our foreign population ?" ( - Q above extracts are fair specimens of the whole file, bo far as we examined them, vet this editor has no hesitation in ga ya lhat he 'ublished nothin"- bearin"- !f yiu5a. ,.1! rlv.,.! , the 'semblance : of "abuse of our foreign population! ' The editor closes up his article by offer ing to us a reward of $20,if. we will prove to ' our ; readers by affidavit that he ever was a Know Nothing. This . is brave, certainly very brave, when he knows that the members of that order are. sworn not to divulge the name L r,"lxrnual TtJ.i ;e . .nno.i. . . . r .... ?i l , wnicn, unrenauie as u may oe, is conciu - tsive against mm. we una tne ionowing ia the Boy of : '. . : . - i 1 ' " T rathur had a notion, althonirh we never l 7 xrTnJt party, ex-ofheio. bv virtue of our callinir. were .pre-eminently, entitled to the constitu- Htional platform." - v , i w:ii Ait- ..i: I IIU1 VUU CUUUi UIO UI1U VCCti- I - - , , . If we are considered severe on the edi- tor, this is our excuse nmnr;nA o most bitter and vindictive personal war- IV" VVWIUIVUVVU U "re, on onr, character, ana it .becomes i - . ' ' .' - .. . - necessary in self-defence to show hdw much or rather how little reliance is to be placed : k: eni.m e.on.?o fi ' - - 1 ." v wuhv..,. , I : v a Schemo that Wouldn't Work. J : . The Fremonters, in their desecration to j make a respeclable' show against Mr. Bu J ebanan, 'proposed in the State of Peuu e j sylvauia, that tbej and the Fillmoro men should vote the same electoral ticket, and if they cast more votes than the' Fill more I men the electors, if successful, .- should 1 , ?.,-.: . .. t-' i- piece oi mcKery was cuaraciensucoi me , r . y . , F"Jr V "u"t-y VttDt' uei didn't .worK. rne iuimore men maig of nantly refused to co-operate with them in 1 any such discreditable schemes, and deter- mlnpfl to run their own elfiptora.1 ticket 'I , . - I " . " . The Vote in Woodsfield. I By a count of the voters in and mime the diatcly adjoining the v corporatidn of thn town it is ascertained that the strength of the different candidates for president is as foiioWsi - v : '7" 1 u'-i ; ' "Buchanan C Fillmore 10, Fremont 3, doubtful 8. - tl ; ; The above ;.we consider affair repre sentative of the vote of the eonntyj' Fre mont may-approach 'it "little hearer .tQ Fillmore'; 'S- r i few wore Specimens from tbc j?;:h-' i Journal." -A h ThelastVovrKocoDtaina a pair of elec tioneering stories thntdeserve the etfdorsc- m.ent or tne man who never edited a Know Nolhiug paper in Pennsylvania. Such an endorsement is" almost ''evidence 'enongl to prove their falsity without anything farther. One of-them is the old exnlodcd "ton cents a day " story charging that Mr. Tinrhanan whs in favor of allowinc lalior ers only ten cent3 for a dayTwork. The nntruth of this' charge has become so. no- tonous that the bitterest opponents of Mr, Buchanan in Congress on the floor of the :Y;f.:i Mr. Buchanan said,, aud what every hon- estand intelligent man understood mean, was that by inflating the currency wages were nominally higher, but in reality not any higher, that by creating swarms of banks, while you might increase the w g - , . f fift . . . wages 01 lauoriiora miy cents per aay .0 one dollar per day, you would at the same .. , r.r v ... must purchase and . consume evcu in a . greater proportion The great object o: Mr Buchanan's speech was to show that ine coring man was mjurea oy innaun the currency, and he was, makiug this a conclusive reason why. it should not be We arc Slafl to SGe that whUe tbe un scrupulous and characterless opposition Pr"sre v.rcumung ia laibeuoou, . the spectable papers and speakers of iaal VJ suain io stoop to sucn io i j i r 3 : ttuu MVvxnivua The other charge is tliat a circular is- " . . v ."?"6W! .vjv w" J masters threatening to remove them from their oflicial positious unless they con tributed a stated amount of mom-y to be ... , .. . , sed in conducting the campaign, and that this circular came from the depart- I - m at Washington city. we charee that the above is a gross 1 , , , Al " . f4, r , J falsehood and that the editor of the Journal puolished it and endorsed it well knowing it to be wholly false A circular was sent out from Wash- iingtoncitv ov some scounuici wuo unucr- took in this W to tkfraud tbe Posl Mas ters. But information of the attempted . loflw,l wllh the denartmeilt " " . in order that the viliian roignt be capuir- ed, but he got wind of it and never called for the letters which were addressed to him. He used a fictitious signature, as 1 . - . . . ., it was shown that no person 01 luc name Hved in the city. I The dishonest presses of the opposi- tion charged that it had emanated from the , mcnt in ordcr t0 mke polit5cul capital of it, but it was at once shown to be false. It is now ... more than a mouth ! since this contemptible trick . was thor oughly and completely exposed and yet 6 ,. , . r . ." of the Journal who most e phaticaiiy deuied editing a Know Noti; cm- ing paper in Pennsylvania and bad it proved on him, this champion of his party, this strictly honest - and " fearless" editor parades it with an editorial endorsement. The Harmonious . Fusion Another . Trick. The last Journal continues a call for a convention to be held. in Barnesville on lt.h 14th of Aue-ust to nominate a candi I . I Tki Anil nnhliohaH 111 f hrt -I nnma I i vqj ui imn-uai. vit - u.n . wu i ;iTusf-u l" -" -vv"j of the presenaaministrauon, t juvor oj - j -r We vrinavlet . 01 jLmertcantsm, ana 01 I a . v . restoring the action of the Federal govern- ment &c" to meet in the convention T another column the editor savs he - '. .. . .. v ';; M I ' ' iccia uuujuui . 0 - Itp present to the people of JMouroe coun i tv. a can ior & u h cuuicuuuu ui -i' r' ' ... hostile to the aggression 01 tne siavo pow- ernd all favorable to the principles of I A mprii'flinsm." . . - . . ; ' - - '. ,. t " x o y . . MMnA , e t. - - it is simply a trick of the I remontera here. That part of the call is not in .'any other paper in ,thc district that we have 6een We repeat that it is" a mere trick of the Fremonters.' v " ' ' ! ' The editor says, "the work of an honor able union of the opposition is now ac complished." ;, Two or three Fremonters here in'towu by ehanging in one paper a few words in the call of a district conven- tion accomplished an "honorable union of : - ... - , T,, - . . . . , tthp. onnosition!" - It's astomshino. how " easily, the thing was done. sThe editor feels unusual satisfaction;" if he is that easily pleased he might , tickle himself up every weekljy announcing that Fremontis now elected president. . It would be about a3 true as the other, and would no doubt afford him. "unusual satisfaction ; , . -.The editor says: - : -" '' ' i ' '' ; ;'The American party, is ready to meet the Republican phalanx half way, and on equal footing."1'' Our interests are identi cal, oui 'measures can' assimilate without abnegating the first principles of ; either tartv " 'Siw7'.'-"" ' '.'''--'." ;-bifer,tthe1.prppse'of showing'stil further t.hat their interests are jndentical," let us quote., a sentence from the Boy of "16, Jan. 22 '56. Speaking of the contest j in the He-nse for speaker he sa'ysj ' They opposed this resolution on the ground, that MrJ Campbell favored Amer eanism as the controjlingyssue before the American peope', yetadmits his opposition to the Kansas-Nebraslca iniquity; but is not willing to' sacrifice hii'views on Amer icauism in order to defeat the object of the American parly and iu its stend build up REPUBLIC A Nl SM, WIUCHIS NOTHING' LESS THAN THE AB OLITION PART Y OF FORMER DAYS.,, "But their constituents are holding them responsible for their acts in voting for the candidates of A PARTY AS THOROUGHLY OPPOSED TO THE LEADING PRINCIPLES OF THE 'AMERICAN PARTY AS EVER SLAVE DEMOCRACY WAS " We have no comments to make. We simply say to our readers "look on this picture aud then on that." ' " We asked the Journal a scries of questions a short lime since, all of which were couched in gentlemanly and respect ful language, lie has replied to but one of these, aud that, was the one iu which he denied editing a Know Nothing paper in Pennsylvania. , Whenever the editor recognises the right of ono editor to make such inquiries of another, by answering ours, and ccasc3 to put his questions in ungenllemanly and insulting language we will answer him. BUCHANAN CLUES. We desire to call the attention of our democratic friends in the County to the propriety of organizing clubs similar to those which have been formed in Center and Ohio Townships, the proceedings of which were published in our last issue. If we desire at the next election to roll up a good, eld fashioned democratic ma jority, we must work, and organization is necessary to successful labor "The batile is not to ths strong alone, it is to vigilant, the active and brave. . These organizations are necessary, that the. members may compare notes, talk with and confer with each other on the means necessary for disseminating the true issues which arc before the. people in this cam paign, and sec that every man who is a vo- ler has an opportunity of examining for liimself the results which may reasonably be expected from the election of the dis union candidate for the Presidency. A little attention paid to these matters now by meeting together occasionally, and taking the proper measures to furnish the voters in the several Townships with doc uments containing the democratic princi ples, will insure a majority of 1500 for Buchanan, the Uuion and Democracy, Aflairs in California Law Order overrtiletl. and For somo weeks past there has ; been acts transpiring in California calculated to fill the breast of every lover of his country with sorrow and alarm. The ex edition of the laws in San Francisco county has been wrested from . the officers and usurped by a mob calling themselves a Vigilance Committee. - It appears that many . of the officers there were not legally ', elected--that false bottoms were, fixed in ballot boxes by which hundreds of tickets : were inserted unlawfully, and in some instance's the bal lot boxes and tally sheets were taken by ruffians, and the offices boldly offered a the door to the highest bidder. The offi ccrs were charged with complicity in these outrages, and in some instances, " it ap pears, not unjustly ; These," and other gross outrages had worked the people np to a high state of excitement when the murder of King, an editor of San Fran cisco, aroused open rebellion. The Vigi ancc Committee assumed the administra tion of the laws, and a number of men among them the murderer of King, were tung from the windows of . the committee1 rooms. In vain did the omcers collect armed forces; the forces of the Committee outnumbered them and ruled the county. The Government is now powerless, and the Committee meets no resistance. What ever may have been ; the cause of such a state of affairs its-, existence is to be de plored. ..There appears to be a division of sentiment as to whether tbe Committee was justifiable In wresting the Government from the hands of the officers or not . , In our opinion there is no justification unless it waso save themselves from ruin. iWe are compelled to omit particulars for want of room. : 1 '' " ;' ; "Whitfield and Reeder Ousted. v The Resolution of the Committee, on elections in the House of Representatives that John W. Whitfield was not entitled to his seat was passed, -Yeas 110; Nays 92. . ':;v::;'1-V .'.".!''; " ":'' . The' Resolution admitting. Reeder to a scat was negatived Yeas 88: Nays, 113 " Signs of the Times.,, : J 'A string of paragraphs under the above caption are going the rounds of the Abo lition papers showing the .great number of accessions to that party. ' ! We have seen a large portion of this list dissected, and it discloses the fact that nearly one-half of the accessions are men who have belonged to that party ever since it has bad any im portance, and nearly all the other half 0: the string is made up of Falsehoods. . . Barnesville Know Nothing Convention. A' couvention wa3 held in Barnesville on the 31st nit. to nominate Know Noth ing or Fillmore candidates; for Judge of the Court of - Common Pleas and'Cou gress. - : We have learned but little of the proceeding;?, v The following is the. ticket: For Judge of the Court of Common Pleas.,..,., ... CARLO C. CARROLL, of Belmont. For Congress JOHN M. BUSHFIELD, of Cuernxey. I We ; understand -.that: several Fremont ers attempted to take paitin the Convcn tien butT were rejected, and that attach mcnt to Fillmore was ' made the test of Americanism or. Know Nothingism. . The candidates are both good, men, qualified for the offices for which they are nominated; its a pity the have to be beat but it will be done easy. V ; Ee-Election of Brooks and Keit. " Messrs.; Brooks and Keit, L of South Carolina, who resigned their seats in the House of Representatives,-a few 'weeks ago, in- consequence of the action of the louse in the Sumner affair, have both been unanimously re-elected." For the "Spirit of Democracy." .... Tne Etlltwr or the Journal and the Fillmore Club. Mr. Editor: I am not in the habit of writing for the Press, but after read ing the "Rules and Regulations of the Fillmore Club of Monroe County," and the preface thereto, as published in the Journal of last week, I think some reply is demanded on the part of the members of the Club. - Before inserting the Resolutions, the ed itor labors to convince his readers that "Mr. Fillmore we regard as no true expo nent of the principles of Americanism. He has so far refused to endorse the doc trines for which the Amcricau party has been contending. He has never even ex pressed a sympathy for the great Aracri can movement. He has never publicly committed himself to American princi ples." In making these charges he ne glects or wilfully omits to inform his read ers that Fillmore, in his letter of accep tance of the nomination by the American Party, says: " - ' ; . "As the proceedings of the Convention have marked a new era in .the history of the coun try, by bringing a new political organization into the approaching Presidential canvass, 1 take the occasion to re-affirm my confidence in the patriotic purposes of that organization, which I regard as epringing: out of a public necessity, forced upon the country to a large extent by unfortunate sectional divisions and the dangerous tendency of those divisions to- wards disunion. - It alone, in my opinion, of all the political agencies now existing, is possessed of the power to silence this violent and disas trous agitation, and restore harmony by its own example of moderation and forbearance. It has a claim, therefore, in my judgment, upon every earnest friend of the integrity of the Union. So estimating this party, both jn its present position and future destiny, I freely ADOPT ITS GREAT LEADING PRISCIPLK3, as an. nouueed in the 'recent declaration of the Na tional Council in Philadelphia, a copy ef which you was so kind as to enclose me, hold ing them just and . liberal to every true interest of the country, and wisely adap ted to the establishment and ' support of an enlightened, safe, and effective American policy, in full accord with the ideas and the hopes of the Fathers of the Republic;" When and where has John C. Fremont ever said as much to commit himself to' the principles of the American party? John C. Fremont, the candidate which the "German" editor of the Journal is en deavoring to convince the American partj of Monroe they should . support, as . the true exponent of their principles. As the editor of the Journal in hislast issne, is convinced that . he . has been "barking up the wrong tree," and,: conse quently, become suddenly re-converted to Americanism, I ask him to publish, side- by-side, both . Fillmore and .. Fremont's letters of acceptance, as candidates for the Presidency, and let his readers see which is the "true exponent of. the principles of Americanism." , ';.. v '. -h The editor, speaking -in reference to communications from : members ; of t the American party, claims that he has never refused "publishing commuuications from any of that party.'.' .' In answer to this, I refer the reader to the following para graph: - ,;: : . .. . "We are a German ourself and have nothing to do with Know NothinRism'-wour., 7uwll I can inform the editor of the Journal, that if the communications from the mem bers of the American party are to be pub- ished in the same bungling and tweorreef manner as the "Rules : and Regulations of the Fillmore Club of Monroe County were ' published, he need have no fears' of receiving communications from -that quarter. -: ' ! : A' Member of tub Fillmore Cltjb. - - r: : For the "Spirit." Mr. Editor: Through your columns I wish to set the American party right in Monroe county, -There are persons go ing around the county stating that John C' Fremont is. the American candidate It is with regret that ; I say it, but it is none the less true, that any one who rep resents Fremont as the candidate of the American party is guilty of wilful and de liberate misrepresentation; , aud should be regarded with suspicion and contempt by every true American. I am aware that there has been a strong effort on the part of some deserters, to sell out the Anieri can party in this . county and district io the Abolitionists, but it is no go.: In the American Convention, which met at Barnesville on the 31st ult., these men received a" severe but just rebuke Theywere told in., the - plainest - possible terms, that they "were deserters fromr and traitors to the-American cause, and had nb right to a seat iu that Convention They came up there pretending to repre sent the American partyof Monroe coun ty, and, if they had been permitted, would have cast the vote of that party in that Convention for anti-Fillmore.hien." - Now, I appeal to .the American . party of this coonty, " they ever authorized those men to represent, them in that Contention? Can you trust men, who, having deserted your party, thus turn round and deliber ately attempt to sell you out, without yonr knowledge or consent? v The American party in this county, and all over the district, is well satisfied with the nominations made at that Convention. Jno. M. Bushfield is, 'to some' extent, a stranger amongst jBS,:but he was-nominated by acclamation, ... - C. C. Carrol, who received the nomi nation for Judge of. the. Court of - Com mon Pleas in this District, is well known; and will receive the support of every real American in the District. There is no doubt 'about the -matter, -we can;- and r we will, elect onr, whole ticket, u- f. . On next Friday, August 8th, in the af ternoon, the Hon.. John Davenport, of Barnesville, who has - been r stumping the btate for Fillmore, will address the citi zens of. this county at Woodsfield. -to ; On the day following, Saturday Ang- gust 9th, he will speak in Clarington, at 1 o'clock, P. M., and at Jamestown, at 6 o'clock, P. M., of the same day. 1 ellow-citizens, come out . and attend the above meetings, and let the Buchanan and Fremont men see whether Fillmore is in the fight or not. ' " AMERICAN. Woodsfield, Ang. 4, 1856. ; U , . ... ,, '....,';'., .. For the "Spirit." POUTICS , A'D Til E PULPIT -Mr. Editor The. campaign for Presi dent has opened in earnest, aud is accom panied with some manifestations that are calculated to awaken serious alarms It appears that a portion of the Methodist Episcopal Church have joined with the Wesleyaus iu adulterating the pure fount of Religion with the turbid stream of Pol itios. The election of John C.Fremont to the Presidency seems to be aspiring with some success to rivalry with the cause of Religion, even on the Sabbath day and in the Pulpit , : When Ministers of the Gospel, on the Holy Sabbath, from the sacred desk, in stead wf exhorting their ."dyiug congre gations" to "love God and keep his com mandments," are engaged in exhorting them to be on hands at an Abolition meeting, to be held, perhaps, in the same church, I ask if a man may not well en tertain serious apprehensions, not for his country alone, but for the cause 'of Reli gion itself? which, although not a pro fessor, be may reverence and respect.; But, let me ask, how long will it be either reverenced or respected if it is used as a mere instrument to subserve the-interests oi some political faction or aspirant to office? . If Ministers are -called by the Almighty "to point sinners to the Lamb of God," and to save souls, are they com plying with that call in pointing out the road to some Abolition meeting, and sav ing the election of some favorite to office? The present is the first time any such manifestations have appeared in this part of the county.' Other campaigns have been conducted here, when party feeling ran higher than now other parties have been compelled to adopt desperate means to save them from defeat, but this is the first time that a party has laid hold of the Church to keep from sinking, and unless the Church shakes it off both will go down together. : . i OBSERVER. . . - Corrington , W. Ssarler . ; . At our mast-head to-day, says the Zancs- viUe Aurora we place the name of Judge Skarle, an old, truoand trusty Democrat of Muskingum county, as the nominee for Judge of the Supreme Conrt of Ohio, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Judge Converse. : r - : V It is little less than presnmtion for as to say anything in recommendatfon of Judge- Searle, a man who has made hi3 worthy aud indellible mark upon this community before we were born; nevcrtheless,"we take pleasure in adding our, mark of respect to the 'old score,' which contains .the mark of many a hand that has gone, with the old men that used to be, down through the unreturning days to that - great Court, where Justice lays asjde the balance and the scales, strips from her eyes the bandage of the earth,, and bows, : in resignation, to the Judges' Judge. r :v- :.'yi mi - . In these louddays of fancyj and of fic tion of demagogues and fiery party hacks, it is a: real pleasure to hear the steady, measured tread of an old mau "aiarching to the music of the Union, x if ' The sturdy old men among us, have most all fallen off, one by one' leaving behiud them precepts and examples of ell that makes a people great and good; what these old men have trusted and supported may not .we support, as well? and, (have they not gone. to "the hereafter'r leaving written opposite to - tha jfcatae .of , J ud'ge Searle "well ;dohe thou good audTaitliful servant.". ": . . . -. -. .. . . Democrats and conservative men ;of Muskingum! In, your . hands , more par ticularly rests the success of .him who has been tried and. found faithful! ,WiU you uot stand by him, shoulder to shoulder, as your Fathers nsed to do? : ..-i- Removal of Gov. Shannon Appoint- j :- i". ment of his successor. t" ' ; On the 28 th of July the President nom inated to : the Senate Colonel John W. Geary, of Pennsylvania, to be Governor of Kansas, in ; place' of Wilson Shannon, removed.4 CoV Geary is a little less than forty years of age and has held high civ il and military positions ; He; was.born in! Pennsylvania, graduated; at Jefferson college in that-State; was' for many years a civil engineer; was elected to be colonel of .the second Pennsylvania regiment 'in the Mexican war,' where he distinguished himself by great bravery and military skill; was appointed by president Polk in 1848 to proceed to California as postmaster ;'of San . Francisco with the c extraordinary commission to arrange the postal matters of that' State; was subsequently appointed by General Riley to head Judge or Alcade in and for the district of San Francisco, with- power to; organize and establish u police force for that city; and ras'eleetcd first Mayor of the city of San Francisco under a city charter,' anwai appointed by the State Legislature as a member. cf the board of commissioners for th fa. ded debt He is represented admirably Bitted for the wise discharge of the dutie "of the office to which the President kf v appointed htmiygV-a.; ") 1 Received on subscription totbe "Spirit of Democracy;'' datingthe month' ending Saturday; July 26th; V JQ jT . ; ;:; ,, , ;. Geo. Scbwing, Adams ;.$l50 .. "P.-F.'Xbontz," Benton" "'1"50 . ! E. Ridgaway 7 Bethel rr Ti?5 S. Fossitti .k dd - u M 4".'5r" -A-. Wal (ieo. W. James, Centre D. Agin,frf'tldo n. M. Hendershbt, do D. C. Morris, " ; dp is : 1 25 1 00 i: 00 , 2 3T -J Jas. Patterson-"' do M, .Hoeffler 3,.;,do. sl Jacob Wagner, Jackson ,, ...rrTfi F. Kitterer, ; . Malaga fi )f. 1,60 ; -L. Yockey, r v dp w, 1.50 ; Wm. Moore, . f - do .',, ,-f. ,0 - S. Truex, . . do. : 5J - ; I. Lentz, ; . ..Perry; . 2 ;10 ' , .. G. B. Lyuch, . do v :.,!.:: .--i j -..15 J W. Harris, Seneca 1 00 ' .. L. F. Ellsworth, Esq.; do '' -1 0 John. Antill, " ; Sammit -r --80 J. L. Watson, do '' .r-.-t.- loO ., C. Cline, - , v do ' f i 100 C. S. Billman, do "- Ii . C. S. Buchanan, ; do. -i 2-'t)0 H. II. Lobmire,' Sunabury i ' 1;50 Armst'g & Mooney,. do it-ai'iQ : - r Daniel Patterson, -do 1 50 : : Wm. Wheatbn, Washingt6n5i;t' d ' ' F. A LampingV :"""b; ' '' 5 00 - -Linn, Wayne :;: " " -:tV"25; '; Wm Smith, Nobl county 'l :',J.50 -W; F. Robinson, Wash. ColCpt : Lawrence Yockey, Iowa ' " l'l;50 ? C Another Instance; of the :JS3oacy of . Bcorhave's HoUand Bitters.' ' N. M. Poindexter, of the Union 00, says : ' ' ; '!: '';; --';" '"'-' ' . '' " Some weeks since, being Berioasly - affected with pain and uneasiness at the r r stomach, loss of appetite, and at timet strong symptoms of Dyspepsiai'I was in -. .. duced to try your HOLLAND 'BIT- - TERS,-and I feel it but an act of jostiae - to the article," as well as " for thcrgodct of " those who may be affected with like de rangeinenf of the stomach,' 16 "state that - . the use of one single bottle of this medi- -cine proved of incalculable benefit, having ' freea the stomach of Dyspepsia. ; 'Iwojakl . also reraarlc, - that two other member of ; - my family,' who were afflicted in ai similar- manner with myself, were entirely relieved . Jby the use of a single bottla eacljulVVr'i ; : - - 11 ? M...ii.,v:'rnn r : Uouovaay'i - PiUs f un questionably Jtha . most efficacious Remedy in the Union for Asthmatic : Uomplaints .: and ; ConghB.r-r : The number of cures these wonderful Pilli . have ; effected in all parts . of the, TJiion, more particularly in cases of. asthma- :Of long7 standing, and coughs, leaves, no " doubt upon . the mind of all wbo :naVe used them, that they , surpass, anything, of ,1 the kind eveiv made known; . by. a perse verance with'-this admirable remedyj tha sufferer is quickly restored to health; after every other .means have failed; and it i ; truth beyond dispute, that there; is no case c of billious disorder, or xliver -.Complaiata, but that will quickly . yield to thepowers ; -of this mighty. medicinei.ft .;ts fcft!?U ; Baltimore" Market .: u; J -Flour. New- at ,;$T,25i: closing' 0r. "' ITAeof. White, good to prime, at 1 60A 1C3 Cents, and choice d6ri70al?3 cehis) roH 1 !in1 Rn iwii fnii Wrl v.i.' ' .? Corn. White at 62at5 cents, yellow at 63a66 cents per' bushel as tb quality; " Oats 'Sales at 33a36 cents: ' ; '":jV: '' ; JOHN A. CLARKE.1. : LATE ROBINSON & CLARKE 4 J. A. CLARJdi ' : I & CO., Melodeon buildings, direotly oppo site the old stand, Main Street.' Wheeling. V. WHOLESALE AND. RETAIjl dealer in Paints, Oils, TarnYsbea, 8sh, Doors .,' Window GlAss,' Looking Glasses,''1 X '. - Ceineiit; Limej Plaster t-.:2J.L'b '.'. ;u?iri8.iv f.iytKim.-i- Agent for ifie sale' of Eastern; Paint JSfiUrX - 8 Bbls. of Linseed OiV' 10 Bbl8.'o'f Tur - :iA ' pentine,."5 Bbls ; Taiiners Oil, " :'..i. -'3 Bbls. of -Sperm Oif; " 10 Bbls: of Nd.'l and No.-2 LaOif . in 'store and for sale by jwi ;' : 'svrffijr; johNa.clajrke;-.; ;-Q"K A 'CINirAflLjSAfcOS' " :' 0 0 U LINGS Brand, in tore'and for'sali : ' by. h iKO.1 ki CLARSS.' 4' Bbls. Alcohol (7G to 93.) 10 Calcined Ptas- .' ter, -10 Bbls. Spanish Whiting,' Old' a Dry;?-15 'Bbls.! Cenienfy-a first -rate 'article;3 . 5 Bbls. Yellow Ochre: .& Bbls. Lamp Blaek; ) a' ., : 4 Cases . Chrome., Gree; sa ' 500 "lbs.- Boston ' Red Lead, prime-, article;-, '4 Casks English Venitian Red, in store and for sale low by : '' y ' ' r JNO. A;: CLARKE. "'' .'. . " TTIHEELINa WINDOW GLASsJlyix, VV and quantity always on hand n4 tor t sale by " ;; jO. ' A. ' CLARKE.' V . u. -; civ O ASH II. A. Bubbakd's .make and izes oem O hand and for sale at Manufacturers prioms, 3N0. A.-.CLARKRj. . , ITHERIAL OIL; WHOLESALE and .RETAIL. ; .j I would Invite the attention, of consumer:? of the above to the . fact tint 1 am.( :Uin superior 'article," at a' much "reduced price to what it has seen soiaior in this place, hereto- fere r J'-.n tin' ? JNO. GMM&1& )AINT AND VARNISH BRUSHES of allkladBl' 100 kegs French Zino, for saleVow.b.r vi'"-a 'X ; .; . ., ; .. JN0:.A, CLARKE. Mid " PAINT JdlLLSO. C4 Harris make, the dlf-t, Xerent sisea for sale, low by r , : ' ";."i TA . .vu,";'- ,r-: '-; JNO. JU'.PUaXSKr$' : "" ", " ' . . 'Jgentfor Manttfacturtrs. 3', t N August lfe56. tf. ; 'V' ."V. '.7 :; ,t; Road IIotlci-j '5?Aa $' TOTlUB-is nereDy given that a petlHoa .wCtH r given that a ptMoa.wiJfri.,- i to the Commisftionore. ofv,,' " '.-.''.i"-C" 3 Jo," at their; next , session, ; "-' . :; j nation! of1 an mniV At iv. Wi : v . . J tC preseuwju . io Monroe County, Ohio',' ' pray iair for the vacation of bo much' of th Sute road, leading front Woodsfield t AafiecltJ M as ia 8uppJied by the. County rotd . laadisstlV rA from Woodsfield through Antioch io JtaoOk.'ixi5 " '"' River, throujrh the lands of Alfred. Davia: - - ' commencing at the north west corner W a JT1' ' Davidson's lands, and thence a aoath iMutrry'. .. . . ' - : course until H intersects the County rB;-i rf a r v- - ' ' ;.:.i ' .. ...: it " '- - :;- ' -1 .' : -? ; ': i "-.." "v ' ' 80 n V'ir -;J ;; "l ' ,." ' 4 W ) A . .;.' 1- r i' . . . -