Newspaper Page Text
ttuuE CB ss? m.. i :" "- " 1 I T I : ..:v is?a.!.i.t.'.-jAifcgiaea-lrw',i' J "mmmmmmWWWWWWWm- I I 1 5- P m $pn jSHilt LEWIS GREEN, KDITOR AND PKOPKIETOR. TERMS PER YEAR, 2.00- Thursday, Jan. 17, 1884. If Gov. Hoadly's "40 acres and amnle" rainpantism about the colored man in his Inaugural ad dress, in which he asks an "ear open to hear,'' refers in any way to Poindexter's clamor in the "State Journal, we object at once, -and shut our ears now, and close them with wax. Two open ears -and two quick eyes to the condi tion of the white working men of this country, are more in accord with Democratic sentiment. Give the white boys the ears and eyes of the Governor and the Demo cratic party. Senator Welsh. Senator Welsh has been ap pointed to places on the follow ing Committers : Judicial, Common Schools, 'Colleges, Corporations, Geologi cal Survey, Mines and Mining, -Sanitary Laws. Mr. Welih is made Chairman of the Committee on Corpora lions, and a better selection could not have been made, Mr. Welsh is one of the able men of the Sen -ate, and his appointment to posi tions on the above named com mittees will give him opportunity to render good service to his con stituents, to the party and to the Stale. Representative Weldy. It affords us pleasure to note that our Kepresentative, Col. S. "Weldy, is recognized among the -members of the Legislature as one of the prominent men of that body. In tho selection of the Committees, who really do the work of legislation, the Col". haB been assigned the most import ant places in the list. He is Chairman of Geology, Mines and Mining, the most im portant committee of all to the Hocking Valley. He represents a county we have always insisted was foremost among her sisters in the raining business, and we are glad to see our county thro' her Representative, placed at t$i8 head of the list. Col. Weldy will do credit to himself, to his county, and to the rnininginlerests in this important .position to which he has been -uppoinled. . He is also appointed as Mem Ler of the on Judici ary, and Public Printing, two of the most important committees -of the Legislature. , In the Senatorial contest, Col. Weldy was on the side which did not win, and had no reason to expect favor from the victors. His" selection to places on the committees we have named, and his appointment as Chairman of the Committee on Mines and Mining, the. most important to us, is a recognition of his capa bility, -and a compliment to his -constituents over which we have Just reason to be"highly pleased. Gov. Hoadly's Inaugural. The Inaugural Address of Gov Ilondly is a masterly state paper: Its length prevents us publishing it in full this week. The points in the message aro these. He understands the Democratic triumph as an expressslon of the public in favor of a chango of par tias, with a view to the public good He is opposed to making the Be nevolent Institutes centers of" par tisan politics. He favors a change iu the present Republican system of contracts for convict labor. More stringent divorco laws for protection to family and society- Objects to the prominence in Court of the sensational,- insanitv dodge. Desires a Board of pardons. Sugges's changes in the Judicial system, that will diminish the num ber of judges, and promoto more speedy settlement of cases in Court. Favors a reduction of salaries of all the State and County officers. Is opposed to the repeal of the Scott Law. Prefers the license system. Approves the agitation ot the temperance question. "It is", says the Governor, "an honest struggle against a real evil."' Demands that the war taxes be removod. Recommends legislation that will protect colored men in all rights granted by tho Constitution. Closes by congratulating the peo ple upon tho era of psace and pros perity that prevai's, aud asks the assisstance of all good ciizens, in helping to preserve and promote the public good. Horrible Ending of Drunken Ppree. A YOUNG MAS KILLS HIMSELF IX A GROG SHOP. On last Thursday evening, a SENATOR PAYEE. Panic's Nomination. It is discovered to us now since the nomination of Mr. Payne, that a large majority of our man ufacturing and business Demo crats favored his nomination first. Ue was known as a man ufacturer and x business man. He has built up productive in dustries in Cleveland. He has applied his money to goi-d and useful purposes. He is active. energetic, honorable in all his business relations. He builds manufactories. He pays men good prices. Henever had strikes. He is not only sensible in his in vestments, but he is generous in his contributions. He is wealthy by reasons of prudent invest ments of his means. He is pop ular because of his kindness and generosity to tho poor and la boring classes. He is a protec tive tariff man and is today the most popular candidate for Pres ident among the working men and manufacturing industries of the Hocking Yalley. A Dead Beat. Pass Ulm Along tlie Line.. A Cenlic Hint. The papers are publishing no tices that Gen. Warner, of Mari etta, is n.t satisfied with Hie Democratic situation. The Gen eral has not an immaculate po litical pedigree. He is not in 'most of t he herd Tjooks. He may be put in a district different from that which he now represents. We suggest to him to open his guns and turn loose his versatile tongue upon Republicans, and let Ohio Democrats alone. The Democrats of "this coun(y .accept the nomination of Mr. Payne, and stand by it. If Gen. Warner don't liko the action of the caucus, he can leave the Dem ocra'ic party as he left the Re publican parly, when it did not -suit him. He is not such a polit ical Pope as to command unques tioned attention to his false and undemocratic aspersions upon the act of a Democratic caucus. in mo Jaie senatorial caucusi Col. "Weldy voted for Pendleton, and Senator Welsh voted for Payne. Each of these gentlemen voted, we know, an honest con viction, and we have no Fiulfc to find with them. We believe a majority of the Democrats of this district and Uiis county were for Ward. The candidacy for Senator was not an issue in their campaigns, and we know that their constituents will not object to a vote from person al conriclion of either, when the matter voted upon was not in issue before the people when their MilFrajres were cast. From Nelsonvllle Republican. A "dead bent" named W..H. Druggins, who for a period of about seventeen months took' the Repub licau at Logan-, has" left there and neglected to forward to us his pres ent address or the money he owes us on subscription. -.This kind of a ''beat'' is tho most despisable of all- one who will take a man's goods and not pay for them. We warn all newspaper publishers not to trust this man for subscription. Dr. "Bright informs us .that the party alluded to, was an attendant at tho Athens Asylum, but was re lieved by Dr. Holden. Tho man who will swindle an editor, can not be trusted in any position. During tho twelve years we havo ben engagod in paying tho expen ses of the SEOTiNEowe have rot met an instance of such small mean ness as the !Nelsonville paper com plains of. Often times wo lose sub scription. The subscriber dies, or breaks up.and of course can not pay. A great many have not paid, be cause, possibly, it is not convenient to do so promptly. But we never yet had a scoundrel on our list, who, after taking the paper for years, would, without apology, refuse to pay for it. The Kelsonville Re publican's "dead beat ," should be 'passed along the line.'' young man, named William Kelly, of Ward township, living near Longstretb s, committed suicide by shooting himself through the heart with a revolver. He had been drinking hard for a week or more. On last Thursday he armed himself with a revolver and declared it his intention to shoot a man named Sutter, and then kill himse!f. Rutter was pay ing attention to Kelley 's sister, to which Kelley objected. Rutter hearing of the threats of Kelley, kept out of his sight. In the evening Kelly came into Spray's Saloon, and aftor somo indifferent conversation, and without any pre monition drew his revolver and shot himself in tho heart, dying al most instantly. Coroner Heft was informed of the occurrence, and went don on Fri day. On investigation, he became satisfied that tho man's death was his own act, and that no proceed ings in the case were required from him officially. But a great crime against God and Law has been committed. A young man, the promised hopo and. help of his parents, p-'saesced of mind and muscle, to make a good and useful citizen, prompted by the fuiies of Hell, kills himself. By his own hand, directed by tho Demoa of Drunkenness, he sinks into a dishonored grave, despised of men and accursed of God. It is an awful crime, and may. tho mention of this drunken suicido arrest for a moment the thought of other young men, following perhaps in his foot steps. It is gay and jolly to dance on tho gilded procipice of intoxica tion. It is thought only .frolicsome to look down into the horrible ac-. cursed depths of debauchery. It is social to get on a spree. Will the young men of our town and coun try, when they stop, startled at the death of young Kelley, think fur ther that he only opened before them the path they are following, and that he reached, and which, tho path of drunkeness led to. Young man, listen to tho ad vie 3 of your parents; take heed of tho counsel of your ministers; assert your manhood; be men and be christi ins, then for you the grave will not conceal a dishonored car cass, and the future will not be ou ter darkness. OPERA BOUSE, MONDAY EVENING, JANUARY 21ST THE FAMOUS M CGIBNEY FAMILY Full Band, orchestra and Chorus consist ing or Genu of Music in 9m CORNET SOLOS, DUETS, Band and Orchestral Se lections, Vocal Solos', Glees, Choruses and LAUGHABLE SKETCHES That must bo seen to be appreciated. Popular prices 35c, 50c and 60cts. . PAUL SMITM ENTERTAINMENTS Catering to sn intellectual public the management guarantees oneaf tho moit, at tractive, enjoyableand thoroughly artistic entertainments of tho season. TIBIfcTTIEa: SIBJk.SOT -OF Don't forget the date as you cannot afford to miss them. Time Tried and Fire Tested PHOENIX Insurance Company, Hartford, Con. STATE OF OHIO, : Insurance Department, Columbus, January 8th, ISM. Whereas, The Phoenix Insurance Com pany, located at Harftrd. in tho Stata of Connecticut, has filed in this offlce a sworn.' statement, by the proper Officers thereof showing its condition and business, and has compiled in all respects with tholaws of this state, relating to Fire Insurance Companies incorporated by other States of we united states. Now. thnrefore. In nursiance of law. 1. Charles H. Moore. Superintendent of In surance onheState of Ohio, ao neteoy cer tify that said Company is authorized, to transact i a appropriate business of Fire Insurance in this State.ln accordance with law, during the current year. The condi tion and business of said Company at the date of such statement (DecemberSl,) 1883, is shown as follows: Aggregate amount of available assets S1,135,01S,SS Aggregate amount of Liabilities (except Capital), including re-insurance 1,413,057,18 THE YOUNG GENIUS G. PAUL SMITH 'THE MODERN PROTEUS,' Who Will Appear m a Series of TT3STIQ,TT:E! A.NJD. PROBATE NOTICE. Xoticeis hereby given that the following accounts and vouchers have bee tiled in the Probate Court of Hocking county, O., lor settlement Irvln C. Wright, executor Lavina W. Wright, and thesame will come on for hearing on the llth day of Feb., 181, at lOo'elock.a. m., or as boon thereafter as may be con venient, AV.T. ACKER, Probate Judge. Jan. 17 3w. TROBATE NOTICE - Notice is here given, that the following accounts and vouchers hpve been filed in the Probate Coiutof Hocking county, O., lor settlement. Henry Shultz, guardian of John Riser. And the same will conic- on for hearing on llih day of February, ISS1, at 10 o'elocK.a. in,orassooninerea;ter as may ue conve nient. y t ACKER, Jan 17 3w Probate judge, m YORK ! SHERIFFS SALE. IX PARTITION. Weekly Edition, Ox k a Year. Henry (Jraham va ililbury 31. Green, et al. It contains all the general news ; J the courtof common Fieasor nocking of the Daily Edition of the iJer-1 couutyhio. aid. whicdi Ims flir Inrcper riivnJ Notice is hereby Kitesi that the unites- 7 ...... ..v .... w,wf - v.. -v . lation in the Uniled States. ' Independent in Politics. signed, Siientl Jti'CfcSnjr. county, Ohio, by virtue ora partition isiueu out oi skiu Cunitin the above entitled cause and to liltn iliTvwtiwf ni SUinri tTiif k;iiiI iint:ntV-Wiil It is the lllOSt Valuable chronicle jatthedoroftheCourt IIou?e,in Logan, PROBATE NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the following accounts and vouchers have been filed in the Probate Court of Hocking County. O., for settlement Leauder Amerine, guardian of Flora G. Eckhart and Anthony Eckhart. and the same will come!on for hearing on thell day of Feb., ISSt at !0 o'clock, a. m., or as soon thereafter as may be convenient. W. T. ACKER, Probate Judge. Jan 17 3w 111 N et assets 53,021,991,70 Amount of actual paid up cap ital. 2,000,000,00 Surplus Sr,O2i,991J0 Amount of Income for the year' In cash 52,113,000,32 Amount oi expenditures lor tuc year in cash 2,105, 626,28 , i " , In witness whereof, I have here JSEA.IV unto subscribed my name and ' i '' caused the seal of my Office to be affixed, the day and year above; written. CHAS. H. MOORE, Sup't. L. 8 Bort, Agent, Logan, O. jan 17 Iw Walnut Street Souse. Walnut Street, between Sixth aud Seventh Streets, CINCINNATI, OHIO. Presenting all the Varied Attractions of A First Clars Lecture Course, The Highest Grade of Histrionic Art, The Gems of the Operatic and Concert Stage, And the Instantaneous Craj'on Artist, As given by him during: the past ten jTears, before uniformly large and delighted audiences in nearly every State in the Union, Universally Pronounced by Press, Public and Managers The Best Entertainments of their Kind Extant, sg HHM1- "V""W. First Class in all Appointments. Popular Price S2.00 Per Day. Jan, OAKS &. LODWICK, Prop's. 17 3m. In a recent assue of the Colum bus Journal, tbe'Ecv. Poindexter, a negro, who poses as a preacher, bit who mostly exposes himself in the Journal, weekly, as a dema gogue, in referring to the action of the democratic legislature, in so lecting a co'ored man for a place says tho act of the Democrats in appointing colored men, has about as mucli relation to what the Re publicans havo done, as "Two deuces in a game of bluff, have to four aces." This coming from a man of God, and a preacher, indicates familiarity with the devices of Satan, that as tonishes us. Has the hoary head ed and professional bible banger got to playing poker? Is his mind in fected aud his heart corrupted as the language of his lips would indicate, with the satanic sports'of the wicked men, who represent the people in the Legialature. It seems to us some- church or legislative aetiou should be taken with this preacher and card writer of such reckless comparisons. CoUrcs, Hocking VaUey I Toledo RAILWAY, Tho Shortest Route Between AND THE OHIO EIVER Which in it ts richness of material, elegance of design, elaborateness- of detail, and general fine artistic effect has seldom, if ever, " been surpassed. Enoch Karshner's Estate. Tho undersigned hns been nppointcd and qu-ilifledas Administrator of the es tate of Enoch Karshner, late of Hocking county, deceased. ROBERT SWINEHART, Jan. 17 3 w. Administrator. PK0B4TE NOTICE. UNoticelsherobyciventiiattliefollowlnE accountsand vouchers have been filed In theProbateCourt of Hocking County .O.. for settlement. josiab Thomas, guardian of John Iacy, and the same will come on for hearingon the 21st day of j.w. Ii81, at 10 o'clock, a. m. or as soon thereafter as may be conve nient. W. T. ACKER.ProbateJudge. Jan. 17 3r (OmHmxdfrom last veet) How Watch Cases aro Made. It is a feet not generally known that the James Most Gold Waleh CaMdrsalIy con tain more pure gold than many 'gelid' gold eaoea Tito demand for there watch cases has led to the manufacture of a very poor grade of solid gold watch rases low in quality, and deficient in qi-sntlty. These cases are made from "; to 10 karats, and a 5 or 6 karat case is often sold fr,r 12 or 14 karats. It is kot economy to 1 y a watch cate so poor in quality thr.t it iviii soon lose its color, or one eo soil that it will lose ita ahapc and fail to shut tight, thtib Icltimr in dust and damaging the works, o one so thin that a slight blew will break the crystal, and perhaps the mccn:cnt. It IS 'economy to buy a James JJc-f Gold Walch Cast, in irhicfi koxe cf tho t'.ins ever occur. This watch case L: rot a r jvrt it has been made nearly i'm y jmrs. Hvsiiro., I'u Oct. 24, 1C2. I ecM two Jsiacs Boss' Go!J Watih Ci-cs Cirt ycers Eg-o, vrlssa Ihey ct ciui cut, M..1 &! rjre ii: good condition yet. Oac or tli;ra ij cm'.l bj- & carpenter, Mr. L. W. Drake, of Eas! in 1 oa! rhowstfcewearln octi cr Vto risers: tto tai.r bj Mr-Boncan, of Cimuiaham. Pa.; arsJ I tin rro duce ceo or both of thrii cares zl cny tbn?. SlLVETTEK ZXGTJJcrcIcr. 3 rat ,tmp la Krrittne VTlh "r rarUr, nfc dclnhla. 1'a. far UaadkOBir llfatrlr.1 l'asTTilitMt !!..:. L( Jaqcs Uoi' and Kfj,Um lVnlth (a.f-t are ns4r. To be Contii.uci.) of the political news in the world.' On Saturdav, February 2, 18S, impartially giving the ocenrren- (atiovioc ces and opinions of all parties, so i t'eumint that all sides may be known. In to-wit: may the department, of Foueigx News the Herald has always been dis tinguished by the fullness of its cable dispatches. The new trans atlantic telegraph cables will in 'crease facilities. The Faum Depaivoiext of the Weekly Herald is practi cal. It goes to the point, and does not give wild theories. The far mer will save many more than $1 a Year from the suggestions of the farm department alone, concerning soil, cattle, 'crops, trees, building, grdening, poultry and agricultu ral economy. "The Home' instructs the housewife and the children in regard to economical and tasteful new dishes, fashions and the making of home com forts. In addition aie ixen latest reports ot trade and Pkoduce Markets, the condition of money, columns of miscellaneous Eeading, Poe- try, a Complete Story every week Jokes and Anecdotes, Sporting News, Popular Sciexce, the doings of well known persons of the world, a department de voted to Sermon's and .Religious Notes. While the Weekly Herald gives the latest and best News of the World, it is also a journal for the Family. Subscribe one dollar, at an time for a full year. Postage free to any pint of the United States or Canadas. fJT-The New York ITeraldin a Weekly l'orm, .$1 a Year. Address, NEW YORK HERALD, Broadway & Ann St. Dec. 13 iw. at 1 o'clock, P ni , ofsaii! day, offer for salo ut public uurtioii thfe lollowlnu lands and ill?, stiuiue iu Aiutns couniy, u.. liein-'on thesoulli ljanli ol tho Ilorkl.iir i river, utthi-point where the west line' OI112 i:UXlUl-l JIJ" tuc ivt, i.iiii.k;i l.livt. hutuiied :u d htty ur.e (3j1, torr.ihii number ten 10, r.iiw minner fourteen (14). IJovcrtown!lilp,"eclioii number fwt-n. tv livf (.'"), m-ssts -.aid ri e ; thence south twentv live f.S) chains., ll.'ty mx (5i" links tocurnei; thence east thirteen (13) chains ten (ID) links, across said lot three hundred and Uty one ('i51); thence iorth ten (10) chains fifteen (15) inks to a corner; thenco easfhirteen (13 chains across a hundred (k'0) acre lot number three hrndred and liftv (350); thence north five (5) chains, llitj- three (!) links to the north east cor ner of In lot number twenty four (24). In the tOTii of Tyler; tttence south forty two li-2. west two 121 chains to the south east corner of said m lotnimibt-r twenty four (2); thence north westerly Jour (4) ebcints, lilt v MX (c5) links to n corner of lot num ber nineteen (19), in buidtown of Tyler; thence northerly one(l)chaiii,fi ft F0imkv to a corner of said lot number nineteen (!j); thence north fifty sven (57) erst one 1 chain and twenty (20) links, more or le, to the middle of the street: thence north westerly with said s rcet to the southeast corucrof the old mill lot in said one hun dred (100) acre lot number three hundred and fifty 35t); thence, south seventy TOf west two 12) chains and fifty 50) liuKS to the west line of said lot; thence north to the banK of said rfver; thence vesterly cp said river to the place of begii.iiiii-r, coit tainins fifty and a halt 50)acre, more or less, and including within the nUJ boun daries lot number eighteen (IS) in -said town of Tyler; also two p.ircels. or ground known as lot number twenty three and. twenty lour 23) &(24) in said town of Tyler The whole coinpr.siiiir the S.ilt Works property conveyed to .Milbury 31. Green, by M.iry Fuller by deed dated October first (1st) ISjo and recorded in Volume twenty three (23), P P 203 and 207 of the lands rec ords of At hens county. Ohio; also arts of the fifth division lots number three hun dred and nftv two, three hundred and TIME CAliD. Taking Effect, Noy. 18, '83. CENTRAL TIME. SOUTH BOUND. Lv Toledo 5 00 a ni 1010 a m 5 35 pm Fostoria C21... 11 3.J ... 7 02 . Carey 651 . Up. Sandusky... 7 30 Marlon Prospect..... Deiou-are... Ar Columbus 8(9... ..SSO... ..8 56... .9 50... 12 05 pm 1240 ... 120... 140.. 2 06... 3 00... 3"i 810 847 '9 07 932 10 25 Will Be Accompanied anil Supported by the For lies Family C?ET CO. Juvenile Orchestra and Brass Band, Under the Direction of Prof. G. B. 13alcomb. - AVE ALL KNOW That water never runs tip hill; that kisses taste better lhan they look, and are be'ter after dark, that it is better to'berisht than left: that, those who take Dr Jone'sKed Clover Tonic never have dyspepsia, costiveness, bad breath, piles, pim ples, ague and malarLi diseases, poor appetite how spirits, headache or diseases of Kidneys and Bladder. Price 50 cents of Keber & Co. Feb. 15 1 jr. jonn e. Lv Columbus......... 7 50 a m 3 05 pm G 00pm Lancaster .9 17 a m 4 32 pm 7 21 pm Logan 10 02 a ru 5 18 pm 8 12 pm At Athens 11 05 a m 6 30 pm 9 20 pm THE INAUGURATION. The Inauguration of Gov. Hoad ly, on last Monday, was a great Democratic day in the Capital city. The city was full of peoplo, repre sentative Democrats from every county in ihe Sta'c, being present. There was no military dispiny. Governor Hoadly sensib'y conclu ding that these are times of peace, and the military on pab'ic occasions are not in harmony with the spirit of fhe times. About twentv Loskui democrats attended, and all enjo3red themselves. The Democratic State Editorial Asseciation met in Columbus last Monday, at the office of the Sec retary of State. A number ofi Editors joined the Association. ABSENT 3IIXDED. Col. Vance reports an absent minded man. Ue says the fellow move I to a point 17 miles .distant, but that on Saturday evening, af ter the weck.s work was done, he stai ted for "Home' and forgot he had moved until he had gono back 17 miles to tho old quarters. This fellow, we think, mast be a A Surprise Party. Haydenville, O., Jan llth. On January 8th, 18S4, a company of twenty-eight friends and relatives of Mr. Lswis Coakley, assembled at his residence in Green Township, to celebrate his thirty-fourth birth day. Notwithstanding the deep snow, and the disagreeable night, nearly all the invited guests were present. Somo came in sleighs, others on foot, but all came with baskets failed with tho most delicious cake, pie, chicken, and all kinds of fruit; the best the country could afford. All this arrangement was' en tirety unknown to Mr. Coakley. It never entered fiis mind that it was his birth-day, until the company as sembled. We enjoyed one of the most pleasant times we ever had, We found Mr. 'Joakly and his wife m us high spirits as they ever were; and were at a loss for language to express Imw they enjoyed it. We wish Mr. Coakle many happy re turns of the day and a long and prosperous life. A Participant. Ar Ualllpolls 137 pm 8 39 pm Poineroy 232pm 935pm NORTH BOUND. Lv Pomeroy... Gallipolia..... 420am 415pm .. 5 16 am 6 CO pm . lass K Lv Athens... .7 05 am 7 05 pm 12 45pm Lv Logan . ... Lancaster.... Ar Colunsbus.. ... 8 50 am S 17 pm 1 47 pm ...9 12 am 8 58 pm 2 32 pra ,.10 30 am 10 20 pm 3 55pm TAT Cornelest and Leader of Brass Band. B3L.SIE POEBES, Alt Horn and Celloist school niinw MEETINGS. The Board orSehool Examiners of Lopan Village will hold resr.Ur meeting for the Examination of applicants for teachers' ertincate3 asyollows, viz: On the Third Wednesday of Feb ruary. April. June. August, October and December, V at the cfilccof the Hnreilntenrent. in th yiooi mumim: otsua viiii.jre, commen ciMg at 10 o'clock, n. iu., ofitirh day. Uy order of Ex.i m i lif rs, J. II. UYE.I'resdent. A' H- WlKOS, Clerk. juna2ly Mamteoth Invoice of of every description, which the above named local deal er has provided for his CUSTOMERS embrace everything desirable in the geneial lines of Boot wear that may be called for adapted to all ages and both sexes, and in all the Kew Shapes and of the - Most Approved Malies. Those good are all fresh and have been carefully lected, and are Sd- nn?e nnmuer lourieeu (.i-ii, in jjjvct iowii ship, beinjx all thM parts of said lots numbers three hundred and fllty tvro, three liundred and fifty three and tlirre hundred and fifty lour (:52, 053 and C54), lvimr south of thellockiiijc river, rscept- ing thirty (30 .-I'.-re-, by a straight Kne ctr from the "outh end or said lots -oid about thirty (30) acres otr from the north end of the touth end of said lot number thren hundred and fllty lour VA), Utely owned byThotmsEwif.S.the whole comprising the Aniiitiise tarm so called and contain ing one hnndredand filtyiloO acres, nioro or lev; '1' t!i.s-e several tracts or panels of land 1 ing and begin j lug in JRover twp., belugsuch parts of one hundred (t0O sic lots numbir three hunt rat and lifty-sir three hundred s.nd titty seven three hun dred and llity uuht andthreclintdred end (ilty nine.(25ti, .J37, 35S, and o59). in section number thirty one (31), township number ten(10),niUKeni.mberlourteen tM),as ;:es southwest of the middle thread of Ihe Hocking liver; stjso such part of lot num. her three hundred and fllty lour (35t). in section uuiiiuvrtiYeuty live 125), tuwiiblilr immuerteii (Ivi, range niuiib-r lourteeit (II),asliessoutb.vtotof the muMIe thread of the UocMns iivcr, and also so much or lot number three hundred and fifty nine (359), in Mid tmvn&hip number ten. (I0 range Liimuerfoiirteen (14). ber thirtv oneaud thirty two (Utaud .), x lies betw een the ranal and said river, con- cveil to George T Uo.dd by Thorns. Ew iiii.scptemberthe Hnh,l65; al-o sixty (CO) aeies.moreor l"ss,ofl" thesouth endofoiii hundred (101-) acre lot number three hun dred and flitv Hvf F355 in section number twenty five (iU, in township number leu (It, ranse number iourtecu (M), being sucji part of said lot as I es south oi thellocUntf liter, which -wis conveyed to George 1' Gould by IMrdum U Ilewi-tt by deed dated 3Iny II, tsfft. Athene comity land. Includ ing town lob. described in thisvrit. U.rniscf S-ile One third cash, one third in one and one third in two J ean. day ol talesiml deferred payment be secured by i5ortRigon t-e.-rriuisessold. A at SII0b7C0. Civeu ismitr my hand at Logan, Ohio.thi Slst djyot leceiiiber,UW- T. P. McUAUTIIY,bhertfr. AV.E.Ilcn:bIiu,Der,utr- "ttVdy.tWrisht.atrys jan .t-Cw ifltOUATE .NO'IICK. Xoticeisherebi-j'lven that tin folloir lugaccounfj and touchers have been filed in iheProbdt-j Court or Hocking county. Ohio, for st'lllt incut. Itirl.ard 1 aulivs.r.. Kuirdian oi John K. Iloey Jorniu Hocy.und thessunc will come on lor blar ing on tho 25th day January. ISSI :.t 10 o' clock, a. in. or soo.i t.ierujftersisiuR beionvenient. Y,Y. AClCEt;;Iro. Jutjg juuuarj- 3, 1SS1 Cv TJCKEE'S MEAT MARKET. In tl.c Keller Btuldiiij:, I Jlr.JoJjii Vcfcerwiil surpiy the public. r TT 1 7 4 Hi m T." tt x I hisimat simnin KrlierN wmdiim will-a m m mi -.r J t t . mr rt r - . . -- t-f V il JL.I- tJ. tt JL IU JZl JU . kl TSACHEES V (to purchasers alike a3 regards wearing qualities and prices. EXAMINATION !! EU3S ""y" lit Columbus 1140am 500am 4 15 pm Delaware 12 34 pm 5 52 am 507 pm Prospect .l 00 pm 615 nni 532 pm Marlon 1 25 pin C 34 am 5 52 pm Up. Sandusky 2 15 pm 7 25 am 6 45 pm Carey 2 45 pm 7 45 am 7 05 pm Fostorin 815 pm 8 IS am 7 37 pm Ar Toledo 4 35 pm 135 am 9 00 pm Direct connections made in Union De pot at Columbus, for Newark, Zanesville, Pittsburg, WheeliDc.Bultiiuorc, Washing ton and Philadelphia; also for Dayton, Cincinnati, Louisville and all points South and southwest. i;lose connections at Toledo for De troit and all points In Miclugau and Can ada. W H HAERIBON.Gen'lPass. Ag't. Columbus, Ohio ir TEE A CLEAN SWEEP. THE OHIO STATE ""HOUSE DEMO CRATIC FP.OPEuTY. On last Monday the various State officers e-ected" at the October elect ion were sworn into office, and took charge of the govcrmontal affairs of GROCERY &RESTAURANT WILLIAM KLIXGE. Prop, LANCASTER, OHIO. Tho people of Logan are invited to call on me when in the city for . Fresh Groceries, Choice Wines, Best Beer and Cigars. my Restaurant win bo supplied -with fresh Oysters, Game, Fish and everything the market affords in season. may 10, 'tZ FARMS on James River. Va., in a Northern settlement. Il lustrated circular tree, J. F. JIacha, Clare- mont, Virginia. Books-Millions. of volumes a year. The choicest literature of the world. Catalogue free. Lowest pri ces ever knowo. nol sold by dealers. Sent for examination before payment on evi dence of good faith. .INO. B. ALDEN, Publisher, P O Box 1227. 18 vesey st, N Y The acknowledged Champion Child Violinst, Leader of Orchestra, and Solo Violinist. Although but ten years old, in her repertoire can be found selections from De Beriot, Siugelee, and other Masters Ivd-ststea? O-eorgie, Alto Ilorn and Bell Soloist. Tho School Examiners- of Hocking coun ty, Ohio, will meet at the Union School House, ON THE First and Third Saturdays oi Each Month, in., except Jannary. July 5T-D GIVC EXTJRn SATISFACTION mis of Ihe tery best meat", at reasonrbr prices. ?eals.i all kn:d co:istnnt!v on i Intnl. Tiio liigbfst price paid l r fatrcat- 1 hora. January 3, ISM ly tie, si eep stud hogs. i,";.mnsau&; "" IWf-LPJ.. -fO i?x ri-s rx t .--' ixi Applicantsmust furnish pre- by which they will receive MTTM3 JBEBTA, But seven years of age Character Artist, in her impersonation of old people is ine-iuxiniesuiing-Qii iu &t. In their Charger Songs and Impersonations of Old Folks are laugh able in the extreme. . . . . . i I'eiiflieloii eititor, as tliosc Drethenii Ohio. It is the first time in our disp'ay the most marked absent recollection whea all the State offi cers were filled by democrats. It i mindedneES, in forgetting lhata week has elapsed since Payne was campaign An able letter from Ralph Leele, "of Iranian, suggestive of lheWL'ek" ,1SW c'aPed since layne was u significant situatiou, and prompts course the naners should pursue, !eleCtCa B,,u lue campaign against i us to 8Ujrge3t that a Kcd Kooster be and indicating subjects of public , him cluscd- ;St!TS..,.w,K,S,T.,d:1. T l!'?"" ..p1eUsardtl.c!IU.m or.erl ..snifn-. icnDney l-ainiiv 'lnnng The Association meets at Hi thvir star in ilns citv. Syracuse Opeia House, I placed on the 6umuiit of the Capi- I FV& BETTKR THAN PHYSICS Fun is excellent; a hearty laugh is known the whole world over to be a health promoter; but fun does not fill the bill when a man needs phy sic, on the other hand people take too much physic. They would be more heali hy, live longer,. and enjoy life thoroughlv, if thev used Dr. Jones' Bed Clover Tonic, whiah cures all blood disorders, indigestion kidney and liver troubles, removes pimples and is a perfect tonic. Can be taken by the most delicate. Only 50 ccHts per bottle, of B. C. Eeher & Co March 22nd, 1S83 1 yr. The Whole Company will give 5 , , - - - - at 9 o'clock, a ana August. paid eu elopes the result ot the examination. TESTIMONIALS ofiyjod morl character will be required ea those unknown-to tlie Boanl. The grading Is represented on a scale of to 100 . and six classes of certificates will be issued, viz: First Class, Five Years. No branch less than 96 and an experience of not less than three consecutite years of teaching next ureceedini' the application, eighteen months of which experience shall have been in one plate. Second CViss, Three Years. When the applicant has an nver.iseot 95, no bramh less Mian 9u,aud twenty four months ex perience in teaching. Third Class, Twenty FourMonths. An average branch less than b5 and eighteen months experience in teaching. Fourth Class, Eighteen Months An av erage of 85, no branch ies than 75 and twelve months experience in teaching. Fifth Class, Twelve Months. 'When in no branch there is less than 70. Sixth Class, six months. When In no branch there is less than CO. This is a trial certificate and will not be issued to an ap plicant who has taught, after sept. 1, iss. A satisfactory examination in the The oryand Practlceoft aching and a good de greeofsuceess is teaching and governing a school will be favorably considered. Al plicants are required io furnish testimo iiialu of good moral character. FKAXIC GORDON, J.L.BKIGHT J. r. H.UTEDEM January 1, 1570. Examiners- -i K r Y" ? ' K DISSOLUTION. Xolitc is hereby given that the pjirtne'--shij) heretofore exitin? betA'eea M.trtin V.'eissiad Ibert Itecker, under the arm. naineof WeNi Ucc:itIs this il.iy dis-vIv-ed by mutual consent. The said Albert ll?e,tera.sunirng:ill liabilities and indeit-e-Ine3 of the said firm., O-. Dee.23 1SS?. Martin Y'eis, j:ui3 3w Albert I;c!er. Administrator's Sale of i (- CC.V x- Iu pursuance ofan order of the Probate Court ot UocHiig county, Ohio, I will olltr public auction on Saturday, the 2d day of Feb. 1831, at one o'clock, p, m. at the door of the Court ilcilein Loyan, Hocking county, Ohio, the following" described jtiemiso. situate iiiftropn tcivv tisliltt. Hofrii.r riiitv O. ! to-uit: Lot nnmuer fle(".); section nam f d.-r tnirty(3U, township number thirteen I (IS), Ringe number sixteen (i(J). contaiiiiit:; I one huuurod and forty three i.nd cighticn. hundred (ir; IS) ueres, more or Ij, reier" ence btiug h.ul to DixjU. "A." Iage 22 re:- : ord of pluisot tedious of IloeUing county, umo. Appraised atS 700.C0. Terms of Sale One third cash, one third in one and one third in two years from the day ofv.ile, with interest, tho pay ments to be secured by mortgage on the premise sold. G. W, BttSIIM. Altai. with the Will annexed orEliaiDeuuis.dectl. J.muary 3, ISii ttl FASHIONABLE Merchant Tailorim SHERIFF'S SALS. Nelson Armstrons vs Manerva MeDaniel- t In the Court of Common Flea of liccUIui. county, Uluo. Xotire Is hereby given, that the unttsr siuedjohc'iiiroi Hocking county, Ohio by viitueot an order ot .ile issutrd out ot said. Couit iu the above entitled caue and to- 1 him directed ns Sheriff of said county, will .it the prcniiseMlirtriy townsliip, With Bell Accompaniment. T..n-c r.Q of n nVlnr-.L- rnninieiicins atS. fjm r- Late comers disturb both artist and audience, and those who arrive du ring the reudition of any number on the programme will be oblig ed to" wait in the Jobby until its completion. s jforgaBBaaaaRWKSsKi Infants and Children "Without Morphine or Narcotino. What give3 our Children rosy cheeks. What cures their f e ers, makes them sleep; 'TissOastorla. When Babies fret, and crv bv turns. What cures their colic, kills their worms, -But Castorl.l. OIIEilR ZBIOTTBIE What quickly cures Constination, Sour Stomach, Colds, Indigestion : lint C'astorla. Farewell then to 3IorpUine Syrups, Castor Oil and Paregoric, and IfailCnstnria. SJ59S5Q I L. D. VICKEJRS, A1T0KNKY - AT - LAW, rTfTfrTaV fc SattTTtiaV LOGAN. O. call of 1x. Elmer "W. ilc. Vrs. .tt.tjidnrd. inth. AdmisMoa ", 50 and (50 ets MonddV. January I omce iu Jaidk BlocU, east end, oci' Blsho)', Higjnn A Comlcy's Haidrrnie tore. my is ly -! lyenmgs, ary 25th and 26th. Janu- Centaur Liniment. An ah- soluto euro for Rheumatism, Sprains, Bums, Galls, &c., and an instantaneous Pain-reliever. Or, Saturday, February 2, 1884, on short notice. atl o'clock of said day, offer tor sale at public auction the following lands and tenements situate in Hocking county, O., to-wit: 1'lz acres of land part or the north cast quarter orcctioii numoertwenty(JO),towu ship number twelve (VI), -sinse r umber ninetccti (IU), beiniiin:: at a time in tho section line aim lor soi the road l!Xl links south ot the north east corner of s.ud sec tion; thence with the ro'id north o! de-rce-, west It) poles to a staki-; thence t ith the dower line north 2 degrees eastSU poles to .intake in the section line; thence with s.iidliue south &4 degrees, ast 11 poles and -links to a stone corner ot Manraret Kice's lot; tni-iice with .iiil lot south 2 degrees, west 12 poles to a stone; thence asniii tutlt sild lot south SS'i degrees, east LU poles to thesectioii Hue and road; thence with said line and nnd south 2 degn-es ve-t 70 poles, ami 15 links to the beinuin, containing 12' '. acres o! land rioro or Ipso to bo ai!vir. ' tisodand soiil nr.oii the pivmlseiand return Call and see his stock of able according to law. Appraised at ;90v. terms oi Mile ct.i-h in hand. Oivei tin It r mv hand at Logan, Ohio this 3It day of December. 1SSI. ' 1. V. VcCARTII V. Sheriff. By V E. ilambliu.Dei uty. J'-rc:i.:..h Ifaii. attorney. jan 3- iw D, J. CRESAPj Favorably known to. thl community as one of the best TAlLOE n the State, has opened a Merchant Tail- ' rinsShop m thefepyby buildincand will eep on hand the best and latest styles oi ' IS' ?yiM!SM!KG 000 and will make nits to Orcler; 7?r it &&i ol tho latest styles, nd loarn tiio rte which they are furnished. 1'erfoct v & J. .1. W.1RDWELL COTEADTOS '" -AKD- "T",i WORTH SENDING FOR! Dr J.H.SCHESCKliaJnrtpnllWodbookoa DISEASES OF THE LUNGS MD HOW TO CURE THEM which is offeredFKEE. pcetpaid,to all applicants 1 1 contains xaluabUxntomntton for allwao Bnppcse themeeltt adictedtrith. or Uablo to any disoaBe of ttotbroatorlnnsaL Menncntaia paper. Address lr. 3. Ti. hCHEXCIC tz SOX. Phllaiclntla. Pa. 'Zzu it i,-M wvr.1 glU cr Cuks.1 2Mk. J DTTTT. SU JLlJUWJla LOG.LX0EIG. 411 Joh i,, Worh P r 07:iv t- Done. Mir. smjt to any part ofthe city and coun-rr-, rt r"tonBb!e rstes Shop en Dur'w .irwt, .!-.'. tasi.i Ficrcrv irntldis- i : f -M- ri B- tx, fi -. ' m 4 Ml ,1 m "i . , K- r jj -! -r59? S.'C ' '"". j.y ' v " iw.. ikv