Newspaper Page Text
VO'-SPHfeg?? """5 i'.SS' "SF,- " rrv-f; S-1 V A " . - Mi - te. ? - "Tv?; - iii-,i&f. - ":ztr. t j. - It 'at-. '5- I c?ss ' IWmP- f V-? ir ESS , ?" K ?" &. t" j- 1 eft ? The Juries. On last Monday Grand and Petit Jurors were drawn for tbe term commencing Feb. IS, 1884. The following are the Grand Jurors: D W Jlowdyshell. Lnurel, Moses Slrawn, Green, Wm Zexve, Marion. J C Hendersons, Falls, Chris Kreifz. Green. John B Khoads, Falls, R E Cave, Perrv, HLutz, Falls, Mathias JSierly, Mario.i, JL Morlan, Laurel, J T Gutter, Falls-Gore, G W Benadum, Green, L H Woods, Green, Jas II Kane, Perry. Johm RaIston, Falls. PETIT JUKOKS. TV J Wolf, Benton, Adam Poling. Falls, J L Biosser, Ward, 2C W II.arr.blin, Falls. Jas Ball. Falls. John S Steele, Perry, Perrv Bolinsjer, Star, J A Malhias, Falls, J W Trilsch, Falls, Amos Kline, Laurel, Richard Steele, Benton, William Kitchen, Benton. T1,i,!!aJLa,(PeJM SocMng Vjlj&IobJo leniavjur a man s memory, sava & cor- i.iHuieni ot the Kcw York Tribune, who endowed no institution, founded puwue library, and reared a monu ment (by his friends) in no fashionable cemetery. Every reader of this epi taph vail ire a new lease tp the per petuity of it, as the fireside memory of the quaint story is revived, and ao-ain repeat it o'er and o'er for the children to take up ami continue. The facts in tins narrative wemincidentallvglcaned it.. 4 .""3- iuoecca Harrington, ncc Jgoriujr, W10 wus fconi ;n New jcree and raised nr i.,n., il. . ......,... j: .WIS, UH WO Cnnaua side. Her memory is that "Old (John) Grimes" was born in Bel- . In,.'.... .V V , "c:aiiu, aDout l 76. lie was an RAILWAY, The Shortest Haute Between AND THE OHIO RIVER Taking Effect, Noy. 18, '83. CENTRAL TIME. la Da IW W. Snowy Latitude. One of the stations of the weather service of Gront Britain in nn Ben Nevis. A lady and gentle man receutly ascended the mount ain without great difficulty. After iourjhoura, they reached thetop, but no trace of the ohservatory could be seeu. Knowing they were at the right spot, they began shouting, and were answered b' rising of a man out of a holo at their jeec, wno con ducted them into a snug station completely buried in the snow. Parallel with this .-is a story from Colorado, vouched for as true. A traveler walking on snow shoes to otie of the higher camps iu the Elk hills, met a man about where he thousrht the settlement ought to be. and inquired its posi tioa. " You're in the town now '' was the reply. " That there l.olo is the post office, this 'ere one's the saloon, and if you go down that one over the rock you'll strike my cab in." Tbe Elk mountains surely Jie is a sno?y latitude. educated man of cheerful disposition. .....v .u ruitur in xoroiuo, "Jan- Hda, perhaps fifty or iiftv-threo years ago. lie subsequently engaged fn the purchase of rags which he transported on a muh and used to make his riMiL qnartcn" witJi one William Biwcr. an uucie or me said .Mrs. Harrington, who lived atLundy's Lane, half a mile from Niagara FalN. Here Grimes would unload his merchandise, as he said, to "let the rags and mule cool off," and would sometimes slay several weeks, boon after he began to be recognized as a regular visitor, he brought forth several copies of "The Epitaph," "Old u4iui: i- iii'mii nio nhiBh M M;.a Jjo had written nnd printed whilo in iwuuio. -i ne mound tuat covers him, the winds that sing his requiem, or the blossoms that "exhale their sweet per fumo in commemoration of his simplo worth are unknown to me. 1 have never seen any apparently authentic account of "Old Grimes" before, and send this on a venture that you may think it acceptable. SOUTH BOUND.- Lv Toledo ,..d 00 a m 10 10 a. m 5 33 pin FOfttoriu 621... 11 3$ ... 702 ... Carey .-.. 653. 12 0-5pm 7 35 ... Up.S:UidUBky...730 ... 12-10 ... 810 ... Marion 8 09... 1 JO... 847 ... 1'iOhpect 830.- 140.. 907 ... Dcluwan.. Sti ... 2fifi sa-i Ar Columbus U50. 3 00-. 1025 ... Q4 j ig! Lv Colunibna......... 7 50 a m .103pni fi 00 pro Iinc:vsu;r..... .'J 17 a iu -1 32 pm 7 21 pm IiOgan . 10 02 a m 5 18 pm 8 12 pm Ar Atuens 11 05 a iu C 30 pm 920 pm Ar Callipolls. Pouicroy ..1 37 pm 8 39 pm ..32pm 9 35 pm NORTH BOUND. ROTTTE. Hjyqent hro' onic Between the EAST & WEST, tf ORTH axd SOUTH. LvPoraeroy 420am 415pm. rjnlllnolU ..oliiain 5 09pm., IiVAtheni... .7 05 am 7 05 pm 1245pm 4. GRVE ROBBERS. Of all classes of peopie the pro fessional crave robbers are the Cured His Hump. A day or two ago. as the passengers were leaving one of the ferry boats, a gentleman who stood beside a cus toms ofiiaar remarked: "When I see a poor fellow liko that I am consoled for not being rich." "Who?" "XVIll.- tllMf rrton -w-?U !. l....M his back, j I had rather be poor all mv dava than be deformed and bv rmif. ions of mouoy." "Ic3ncure"lum in about five minutes come and see," replied the officer, as he walked towards the unfortunate and invited him to pass up stairs. There was a kick, but he had to go, and three or four minutes' time sufficed to re move his deformity, which consisted of twenty-two yards of llannel and six pairs cf socks. "Purly smart!" growled the smug gler, as he was allowed to go. " "JTot so very," was the reply; "a man who carries a hump on his back should cairy a stiff neck. Yon didn't." Belroit Frce-I'ress. Lv Lojjan .S20 am 8 17 pm 1 47 pm Lancaster.... , 912 am 8 58 pm 232 pm Ar Columbus 10 30 am 10 20 pm 3.pra Lr Columbus 1140am 500 am 4 15 pm Delaware 1231 pm 552am 507pm Prospect. -.1 00 pin fila am 532 pm .-tiarion.. i pm i: oi am r, .,j pm Up. Sandusky 2 15 pm 725 am 6 45 pm Carey. 2 45 pm 745 am 7 05 pm rosiona..... .. 3 id pm 8 l.i am 737 pm Ar Toledo ... 4 35 pm 9 35 am 9 00 pm Direct connections made in Union De pot at Columbus, for Newark, Zanesviile, Pittsburg, Wheeling. Jlultimore, Washing- Cincinnati, TouisvlHe and all points South nud south west. I3V'IW,,W .wuuc tlOIIO 1U1VUU IW1 lU tinit and all points in Miclueau and Can ada. W H HARRJliOW,el Fin. Ac't. Celambaa. Ohio doar fr ends for a few dollars. How dine rent is this new grave robber. Dr. Bigelow's Positive Cure, which robs graves of thousands of con sumptives. This unequaled remedy for coughs, colds and consumption, wnooning conga, croup ana all Xative (to visitor from the South): "Ah, you've donned the kilt! Quite killing, I declare! Hut why do you wear the Macdonald f ai-inn iv-Iinn vnur name is Thompson?" Little T. (who GROCERY RESTAURANT WILLIAM KLI.VGE.Prop, LANCASTER, OHIO. The people of Logan are inviUd to call on me when In the city tor Fresh Groceries, Choice "Wines, Bat Beer and Cigars. TUV tptllir:itft rill im innnlfnil .ttl. A-t. Oysters, Game, Fish and everylhii the market .iflbrds in season. may 10, 83 mVl'his Great Through T?nnfo is now Completed and" in Full operation, running through Pas senger Trains daily, as follows : BS-Throe solid trains each way between Columbus, Indianapolis nnd Peoria earTwp trains each way between Colum bus, Indianapolis ami Decatur. MU. Mi I inilll. .JO..I. .(.. lkr....A.. C9 luky, Inillauapolis l'eoriaand Decatur. j 7 ir ""Jua wmii way ooiwcen Kan dusky, Dayton and Cincinnuti. nsuThree trains each day between San-du'y'"-,P-lBfleW and Columbus. Dayton and Cincinnati. rcTwo trsi;ns racli way between Colum bns.bprlngneld, Indianapolis i Chicago. on igiit rrainaml elrRaiit ParJor aud .........yu,, , tuuucBiiu ifay irains. ,, . .. tii nvij icut raits, IllOrOlIUIll.VballaSteil. Wltll P:Hl-cr.i,lni;.l frfw curves. Traversing as it does Hie heart o. the three great states of Ohio, Indiana, a nl Illinois. unitinB in close business n lalionship the capital cities oi the Hrst and second, with the second city oi the third, and passiuz through a large mimber of tlij most iinportaut cities and towns in each, and with all Ks central location makes it The Shortest and Most Desirable Uotite between the East & Wpst. WELL REWAKDED. A liberal reward will he paid to any party who will produce a case of Liver, Kidney or Stomach com plaint that Electric Bitters will not speedily cure. Bring them along, it will cost you nothing for the med icine if it fails to cure, and you will be well rewarded for your trouble besides. All Blood diseases, Bil iousness. Jaundice. fVinntinnfion and general debility are quickly cured. Satisfaction guaranteed or money retunded. Trice only fifty cents per bottle. For sale by F. Harrington. SHERIFF'S SALE. Thomas P. Johnston vs IraC. Moody, adm.of Dernard Moody, dec. In the Courtof Common Pleasof HocKing tsnnif, unio. slgned, Slierifl" 6t Hocking county, Ohio, llV Vfttt1f ff art AVAAIiltnti lunnl n .. j a s.uw i VAI I.UVIUU OTlirt Ulll tl Pickaway County Court in the above en ti tlad cause, iiml 10 him directed as Slieritr ii KJiiu uuuuij, win, oa me premises at South Bloomingvillc, on Saturday, February 23, 1SS4, nton o'clock, P. 31., of sa'd day, 6fler for caie at public auction, the following goods anil f'hntlbs. f-ttiisiti. In TTirimr f'Aiiniv Ohio, to wit r. Three (3) large Coffins well finished. Six (G) siuuM Coffins well finislied. Four (4) secfand grade Collins and all of the trimming lor the Co HI us. une'(i) mer. Five (5) rough Boxes. One (I) Hearse. Terms ofsale sale cash iu band. Given under my hand at Logan, Ohio, this 4th rlnv nl HVlinmri- l:i?M. , T. F. .McCAItTHY.'SheriCr. 3y T.K. Hamblin, Deputy. Fcbruaiy 7, last 2w .ATTACHMENT. G. Elehant, PlaintifT, vs S. K. Hitt, DePt Before G. W. Brehm, J. P. of Fails town ship, Hocking county, O. On the SOth day or January, A. D ISSi, said .mst ice i&sued an order ot attachment, in the above action lor the sum of Thirteen Dollars and Seventy -nine Cents. ($13.79.) G. BIEHAUT. February 14, 18SI 3v: PROBATE NOTICE. VaHaIi ha.atil n!tf An (nnt II. a fnl1nl ..VW...J... Muguj glVCU bllllh L1IU 1UI11 J IV 1 lift accounts and vouchers haTe been filed in the Probate Court of Hocking county, O., ior.secoud partial settlement Jacob A. Mathias, guardian of Solomon A. M--ithius and Kiiza A. Mathias. aud tlitisaite will come on for hearing on tho 10th day of Jlarch, ISiH, at 10 o'clock, a. m., or as soon thereafter as may bu con venient, W.T. ACKER, ProbateJudge. Fob. 11 3w. WAIT A MINUTE, NEIGHBOR. Evtiyfainilylnthtscdaysmust have a, uawsnaper. Tliey should bavothebwt The Weekly Ohio State Journal, The leading paper of th West, estnnlltmed In 1811, is the one to get. During ISSSIt has toensK'atly Improved and Enlarged to8 pag.coinans,and lanent post paid to any OTEI DOLLAR A beautiful Pictorial free to very yearly snbserlbr, A 60S page Illustratod Dlctlon cry. til a ricttfrial Annual and the paper oneycar for 0JVJS DOLLAR AND FIFTY CEMT& SOME Rriimh a cftrV, nnA aahh ai!a. .. im rn.U I.- ., . A. Ti Vn. 1nf t.- I . . . -.- .. L J im num uj ua uu a uaraiuee. it cares -w uuu t. luiuttuurmmiuy away on inioriorpuDllcatlons.nll&ti with'patene med consumption. Sold by B. C. Rebec and Jdw"'" can't read them without Co s P,0f?r t Jil?iWeeki,iy hIr ot:itJuriial Is Pi-e-enilncntly a family paper.a bounding Sbiloh's vit.ilizer is what yon need yi!V!LiP,!U1I!rs?cnH,?ptc,!:anatl1 to bo'deaired l'na fni. onnstmoti.n lnnnr.(.n -. , . nrst class 6amily paper that is not found in it. tor Constipation, lOSS Of appetite. dlZZl- . Auents wanted avervwhro. VTril.fnr.nwi.,.. -. neas sua an symptoms ot Ujrspepsia I 3i iM ' t?t ; mt mil i All talagraaaa wena s4t by Ox TeiMM. mmt. ?n rnlw no nf rtui- naIue j -ij r .1 r, i lias been ffettin.T arioii r?pl nf nlmfn "Fr a verv jrootl reason Vanao T iisiil for it" rKftircs in a huff."V Books-IVfiiHons. or volumes a year. The choices, literature of the world. Catalogue frte. Lowest pri ce ever knowo. iiotsold by dealers. Sent for ex-traination before payment on evi dence of good laith. .INO. B. ALDEX, Publisher, P O Bos 1227 18 vescy st, X Y Mrs. Enthuse "Howl cnwvou vour ffarden, Mrs. Smith! Anyone would know these were fresh tomatoes." Little Johnny Smith (who has been in the kitchen) "And right under the jiesu jtoniaioes meres uie biggest Jii CB-Throueh Tickets and Uarjjjn-c Checks to all principal points. North, Kast, Sotiih a.H? west, can be obtained nt any Ticket Office of the J. Tt.A W. It'y. also via this route at all railroad ollices tliroiighout the COUlltrV. Itntrvi fllurne ou 1.- .. ... , ..." est. Don't purchase ticK-ct in .iuv ,.r,! ?i.,,hSUT,rflJoousult,,1Btho "Beuts of the I.B.&vv. R'". i-ImifvPsllltQ nn.l rY.n..i. m:..t ail points reached by an v line. c-.PassenserTiain. icav Columbus, ns follows; nr.-!A u m t- .,...1 li, .. ... Standard time. v' " t..E. Henderson. Gen'l Manager H il Brouson.Oon'I Ticket Ae't. - JaIIKS lr.VOI.F. PassAE't. 58 Korth Hish St.", Columbut, O TIME TABLE. P- C. Sr St Louis R R Pan Handle oute Stehedule in effect Jan.l4tlr, 18S4 Tralnsdo- jurk ii uiu j.HaEasier, uo jwiiovt.s ; Going Wcit. Depart. Cin. Express fli"2nm Mail ... . .. ..-1:37 pm Wasliington focal Fre iht 4 17 a id Price 10 and 75 cents per bottle. Sold by B. C. Rabcr-and Co. iSIoepless nights; made miserable by that terribls cough. Sbiloh's cure is the remedy for you. For sale at Re'oer's drug store. Catarrh ccreil. hnaltli nr,l twnnl breath secured by Shiloh's catarrh remedy. Price 50 cents, nasal injector Jrce. For sale at B. C. Reber anU Co. tor lame back, side or obest use Slu loh'a 1'orons Plaster. Price 25 cemts, of U. C. Kfeber and Co. Croup, whooping cough and Bronchi tus immediately relieved by Shiloh's v-ure, soia oy ii. uruehei and Co- --- ' " IIIHlilJIIUHWUUUUHU ttSAgents wanted everywhere. Write forspeclmen copy to Ohio State Journal Co., Pub. Columbus, 0 CATARRIMHE AD Uon Impart, (ynoinnsti Kxprsss.... 4H2 p m Mall SsiJitKi Above trains rnn daily exrpt Simdav N B Tho ime given aboe is Central St.-.udard Timewii'.ch is2 minutes Mower than Columbus time: -. ... m. . .-l..'..l ...iu ......z Vt,l attaclied to through train nn the Fame nut.- - o a .-i u i.iinway run wiinotit change, west bound to IndianupoiK St. Louis and Chicago; eaKtbotuid to Pitts bunj, Harri.sburg, Baltimore, Vaaii'.nstoii, ridladciuhia and Xtw York. For time table, rate of fare, th roach tickets nnd bass.isecliccicsaiid iuithcr in tormution rfiptrdiux the running of tminK, apply to N. S. Walpo'e, Tiaket Agent,I.ttB ater OhI". JAS.ltcCUCA, E. A. FORD. Manascr. G?n. Paa A TKt. At Columbus. O. I'ittsliuih, Pa. throat and Iunjr rli.M.e, anhdno. '?resh Tomatoes' there's the biggest and connncre tbeie troubles sneedil v. ?S5?f evi 8a . ll P3 3roaad U' Al...i .1 i.i rp'.iK-i' "LU1Lcau- -" i i get it, mamma?" safely and Uioroughlr. Trial bot tles free of D. C. Kcber k Co. April 19, 83 1 y. A WIDE AWAKE DRUGGIST. Mr. F. Harrington is always wid, awake in hla business and sparea uo pains to secure the best of every ar tide iu his line. He has secured the agency for the celebrated Dr. King's ISev Discovery for Consump tion, the onh certain core known for Consumption, Coughs, Coida, .Hoarseness, Astnma, lisy jever, bronchitis, or any aSection of the Throat and Lungs. SSold on a pos itive gaaran tec. Will give you a trial bettle free. Regular size I . 31cli 22, "83 ly. THE TKUE TEST. ' 4 If a man is hungry within an Lour more or lees alter a meal he is a uispeplic, it shows his stomach is not able to dispose of what ho litis eaten, but to eat again and thus im pose more work, is absurdity, i ake Dr. Jonses1 Ked Tonic Clover which eures dyspepsia, and all stomach, liver, kidney anil bladder troub'es. It is a perfect tonic, appetizer, blood purifier, a sure cure for ague and malaria diseases. Price 50 cents, ofriober&Co. - m JT FAILS. People are startled by its wonder fill cures. The fact that Dr Whi-e sel's German Cotigli Syrup fo Coughs, Consumption and Lun; diseases is daily curing thousands o this terrib'c diseased, lias caused ail who have tested its merits to pro nounce it a never failing remedy, speedy m affording relief, effectual in arrcsMtig further progress of di seases. Tryitssnd be convinced. For sale by F. linrringtou. 2Tov. 8, 'S3 'Jm. PEIiFE'JT SUCCESS. ThcRc two words Inve a meaning- v;hen fullv com:irelirnltii 4 A perfect auccets can be truthful) applied o Dr. Jones' lied Clove Tonic, which cures dyspepsia, hi" Jousne8S, co-tiveness, aU diseases o the kidneys, liver and bladder ! if a perfect tonic ami blood purifier ; it keeps tho skin puro and bright. "drives away pimples and makes the general health excelleut. Prico 00 CfTi' nt Kebr k Co. Jlarch 1, 583 ly. "So charge is made for the suggestion that the paper ca'r wheel maa ought to use notbjng but South American news papers in their business. papers arc so thoroughly familiar with revolu tions as to require no preparation in converting into a first-chns wheel. Pillslurg Telegraph. What to him was Invfinrhonn? TVboi to him was 303- or care? He slopped on a plug of mottled soap the girl had left on the topmost stair, and his feot Hew out like wild tierce wings, cud lie struck each stair with a stninil likn iimm and the girl below with the scrubbing things laughed like a fiend to see him come. A gentleman visiting a school had a book nut into his ham! for tHi nur.r.. of examining a class. The word "in heritance" occurring in the verse, tho querist interrogated one of the voung etera as follow-: "What is patrimenv?7' "Something left bv a father." "What would you call it if leit bv a mother?" Jiatriraony." "Why docs that ladv alwavs carrv a Httle velv-jt bag?" inquired Gubbms' country cousin, dmiilen with the fair face with its aurieonious fringe, and the trim fistire which ho beheld fnr thn Uixt;euth time that day, balancing her- .. ., ou iuui iiccia uji iiuu, uown tuc Strand. "Carry a bag. Oh, to keep her character in. I fJunto;i " mtm-rnul Gub. London Bird O' Freedom. "Who is that wan, haggard old man?" VKnow you him not? Whv, he is the Greek professor." -'WliM does he?" "Not thing now; his language is dead." "Why, then, sails he not awav in his steam jack:?" "Alas, poor man! he Mammoth Invoice of mooT OHIO CESSTm RAiLdO.SD. Time Card takiny Efloet Feb 11, 88 & esso; im Sure Cure far Piles. The first symptom of pi'es is an intense itcliiugatuightafler getting "warm This unpleaat sensation is itamediaJely relievcil by an appli cation of Dr. Bnsankos I'i'c Jfeiu dy. Piles in all id foims, Itch, Salt Kliume. and Ringworm can bt permanently curctl by ihe use of thi vetnejv. Prion fill cpiiIs. Manufactured by The Dr. JJos- has no sU'am vaeht. I.ono- f.l in. nn Gt HfrootB and herbs, but thoo are iio'.v gone. Come. come, old man, vou mutt be ofil Cincinnati Commercial Gazelle. There is a bright little boy up town Hi is the son r.t a distinguished naval .officer. Tne ot.'nv evening hi-j father and mother were talking" about Oscar Wilde and the new style In whieli he dressed. "Why, pa, does he wear clothes?" "Ceriainlv," said the father, "vrhy. shouldn't he. wear clothes?" "Why, pa, I thought he wsh a sun flower. " Kingston I'rechian. '!'!. I .1 vagi "HILT uay me morning papers "I'l't-""' iri.iiuiib unuiainiiig a wora about the niovcmpnt-s of Lord Coleridge. We were left in total ignorance asto whetlter he wjw in New-Zealand. V I .fer&ey or "some oiher seaport town." J Iiiis should not occur atrain. His En- gliHii may tiiink he has been murdered in tlidlreets of JfewYork by wild Indians. Xorristown Herald. "Aly son. Wiliyim," said a fond mother, -uscttr be "pretty wild as a bov, but since he went We4 hu's sorter turned over a new leaf, and got steadv. He's getting along well, too, for I seo Ids naiao in the paper they sav he's been a road agent, doing a farge busi- iitra, uuu inai iim leuow-citizens or- of every description, which the above named local deal er has provided lor fais CUSTOMERS embrace everything desirable in thp general lines of Eoot wear that may be called for adapted to all ages and ooin sexes, ana m all tho New Shapes and of the Most Approved Makes. These goods are sll fresh and have been carefully se lected, and aro UARANT EMU TO 0IYB ENTIRH SATISFACTION to purchasers alike as regards wearing qualities and prices. .Bast Totod 1'onibM-rillc Koitoria...... BerwieV Sycamore... ...... Ainvc Bncyrns Leave MtGilead.. Lincoln Center.. Marengo Onterburg.. Hartford .. Tnfiiifttmen le.x:ni(lriu Granville Hebron , HadlyJnnc. arr.. Binil Pickering 10 4T ... 1137 I'M . 12 24 ....Vial ... 1 10 127 ""l 52 246' ....a.-i ..11 2M. ....3 SS ...85S ..A (fi ..-4 21 ,..A 42 4 57 r IS V St .. o52' .4 55 4S 2 48 2W) 559 117 6 21 12 32 6 47 12 40 ?2B LlC2i X 31 S37 8 47 5 C5 Colunilius......., PlensHntvillu HimhvillK .5 12 Hnnifn oi Junction City.. .5 45 New Lexington..... 6 02 i ar Corning 6 12 4 47 5 550 6 01 624 Ci o3 C49 7 05 717 739 D2 SI7 S37 A U 9 22 822 S43 8 52 010 922 A K 9 57 5 52 COi All 11 m UCICISIl'S SAT MARKET, Will TOll suffer with ilvKnonsia anri liver complaint ? Shiloh's vitalizer is guaranteed to cure yon. Sold by B. C. Reber and Co. Tbnt hacking eongh can quick ly careo oy onnon s cure, we guaran tee it. Sold by 1). C. Reber and Co- Are you made miserable by indiges tion, constipation, dizziness, loss of appetite, yellow skin ? Shiloh's Vita lizer is a positive cure. Sold by i. C. Reber and Co. The Rev. George H. Thayer, ot Bour bon. Ind.t says: "both my wife nnd I owe our lives to Shiloh's pnnsnnr.ntinn cure." For safe at R'eber's drug-store. ' Why will yon cough when Sbi'oh's cure will give immediate relief. Price 10 cts 30 cU and 1 dollar to be had at B. C. kebers and Co- Shiloh's catarrh remedy, a positive cure for catarrh, diptheria. and canker mouth at 15. C- Rebers and Co. . "Plackmctnck." a lasting and fra grant perfume. Price 2. and 0 eenta at IS. C. Reher's and Co. Shileh's euro will immediately relieve croup, whooping cough and bronchitis sold at B. C. Reber and Co. For dyspepsia aud liver complaint; yon have a printed guarantee on every bottle of Shiloh'g Vitalizer- It never fiiils to cure. Sold by B. C Reber and Co. A nssal injector free with each bot tle of Shiloh's catarrh remedy. Prie e 50 teats nt Rrber'js (irt'g ?lore. May 10th, ISSU 1 year. Cm nnmHmlv h mia.1 ...- v !TTfTT!lrJTiTIr"" T trftoe&Masebyataoiptlon. Pleuant to Ibosmtil. and met effluent in Hen. Tor Bar Ferer, also lmpaizod Ueoriag, SimhU ScU and Tm oecn peranoently corad. Do not ba hnmbacctl Irr DoBtmn-j mmt ut tho inexperienced and nmeliable. tat fawfc njS, ttfaSSlcntKdf CAUTION Beware e CCTinUifaiiTcr JrV??25?Q? S H? P . tMttia.aBddonotbaruWioutit. "w"aMB0C to Xm Mask w ke tcmaA m r YtVL f2Sai2- TRADE MARK. 8-SEIfiE &BROT Keeps constant! v on'i-Mnd the ntWrnst moafa wT;.i, ;n "Bo "sold at the louest possible prices for JVoi Many Years AOi All Clothing UiStK d. bcnw Sol r Fadod, wa aaai aside, bnt now sucli goods can be re-Ia-tretl, renov:itr-or lyed and wade as aoo ofX T,,,,!'tsour trade, d we hro ib3i.toB,,;ro,faEU8Ii",eni KtrM- Cetrifugal Hydro Ex tractor, Lcrge Finishing Cjlfner, & Crape Shawl Frame and a Sieam Shawl Prs, And n roll line of 3tan MnchiBery class wt.rk. And we sha'l do Mon hm th best or wcirk at a f.ilr price. (lOIl't mHlC fl mlitu W Km ...'.I ..t City Steam Dye Eous; Lancaster, Ohio, Braneh will bo Started lii Logan in September. and get two dollar's worth for everr dollar mm K aL, I Ve-propn3 keeping nothing'but the very beat meat, aHd those having fat cattle for sale will find it to their advan tage to call and aeeus before selling:, as we will pay tbe highest market price for choice catde. Wo have just receh'ed new machincrv for makine Bologna, Sausage, &e., and we will guarantee satisfaction gwwH!jiaiMij...j.Ji-f --.u.'m.njLji,uwm-, 10 3-S 10 22 1012 .r,l S44 9 21 9 1,7 9 2S 8 22 L 8 12 7 52 782 rx er,2 754 7 40 7 29 700 t7 A M I.R02 i2 Sl2 7 17 7 17 6 49 6 29 5 So oil 447 4 4 12 AH 4 SO 4 12 3 5? 3:2 3 16 r m 230 In tlic Keller Buildine;, Mr. . I oli 11 UeJvor will supply tiio imlilic, hit muni tfli.1,1 in L'.1!u.f.. ln;i.ll.i.. ..t.. . kiiiu;of the viuy bcslinealK, :it itaxiii.-ib Piiees. Meats of all kindx ro:istntly ei hand. The highest )ric- i:iid :or latent lio, sl.eeji mid hogs. jauuary 8, 1M4 Iv Adijiitiislrator's Sale of T wa "sr cj u.Lajti-3 55 r RSE. nut Oonnectionsaromiidcat Fostoria with X. K W K'y for FimJlay, Lima, .St JIarvs Mitricionnd Lafayette, Ind, Biuomingion III. .Kansas City and St I.ouis. At Uueyrub for all points ou PFW4C Railway At LuvoriiiR for Crestlino, Clevelnml.and all pointsonColumbuB Divisions 01 CCCi rjilway. At Centcrbar? for Mt Vernon, Clinton. Akron aud all polntsoii UMi V A C It'd Atltre:ntn mni Ww 1 uTi,iirt... rn -vr... ark, Jjaiicister, Zjiu-svillf and all points on yn.i.iii.iijiiiiu .UUtKIHUUl VallfT- 1JJV)- w. . a w ; .-ji i.iii5 1. , ai .iiiuetion city ror Shawnee and all points on Struitsvillc 111 v SI & O It'd. At Cohuniius connection is inaito nt I'n InnJJcpt with trains for Cincliniati. I.onis Tille,IndianapoUv,W.i!,lii:i!;ton,Kaltiraore audall houthei n and Eastern cititss. V II Vandorilt, Sup't ,. ,, Hudson FiUh, O G Hadley, cieu'l Ticket Ag't tienetal Manajor. In nnnniiner! nf.-ui nnlr of tlm Pmhiin Court oi lloi-kins county. Ohio. I will ullcr for salu at public auction on .. Sattirdaj, the 2d day of Feb. 1S84, at one o'clock. p, m, at tho door of tho four IIoumHii Lot-an, Ilf.ckiiiK couiilv, Oliio the following di'sctiheil premiMCN. situate l-i Green township, IIorMi.K countv, O.. to-wit: Lot number nvc(-); section num. d.r tnirty (.), tnwn.ihip numinr tliiitetn ti:t)trHugeiiuiiihersixtet'ii (I), contaltiiiiK one hunorml and forty three and eighteen hunlri-l (11;:.1S) acres, muru or les-s. refer rniii l..tiit. Iiil fn !!.!. t t n..n.. A.. -- --- - -- . ..... .., .. nc .10 let" ord ofnlalsorKictioiiDof Hockiiig ciuiuty, Ohio. Ajiprai'dl at S.700.00. it-rrasoi j?aie tineinird casii. one third Ihiahtsr?, Wires snd Jlolhcrs Dr. Jlarc.'iisl'i Catbolleon, Female Eonied.. Ktiaranteed toslvesatisfaclion or money lciiiuded. Will euro Feinali; Diseases. Ali ovarinn troubles, iiitluniniation aud uiccr atien, failing and di.xj.l.u-cmcutsor bear ing down fcelinji, ii-r.-ijularities barren ness, change oi life, leiicorrlioea, lieIde many weaknesses sprinuinu from Hi- ::ltfivft. Htri. Iifnili.ln. Iiln itimr vrcaUnesbcs. hieeple.nes.s, nervous cbili lyilialpitation ot the heart, e. Forsnit by all Drusists. 1'rieo Sl.uil and -;L"iiJ pci Itnttlu. .Semi Ui Dr. J. 11. .Marehisi, Utier.. N. Yfor Piiuiplilft, tree. I-'or fu!o ly TSMrffM .I.HOBBS Writes: M k . A. .-. .. Bm?ti!rr """n" mai oz me fjaiua iwuu, xaK8 pleasure iu siums uzac x nave ooen Kzoat- oenentea ov its vse. ministers and Pub- xic speasers will find it of tne greatest value where a Tonic is neces sary. I recommend it as a reliable remedial aflrent, possessing un doubted; nutritive and xestorative properties. .KMnuitf, Ay,, vet. Z, ISSZ. 1 1. mj AVHXWIIINII ! Bark aiul fhMthtnuin T . w v am- if. Xe fAST tUe,rrowtrmtlon.ef fSat gnocrm it JsfatKjgwwsg BEV.J.L.TOWKEB, vit.- yoiiDiriirc surex 7y- Xtsaamtry, HL, says? TFIT nflTI X .. Iconsidsrx "X-JJJ iLotm most excellent zsmedy Jbr oeouitatea viauxarcea. in one year and one tliird in two years the lay ofsale, withMiitorest, tho iay- tlie from nients 10 DPhtcurcu by mortgugu on 1' sum. O.W.UUEHM.Adm. with the Will nnnexed uf EliusDe:nm.,tiecd Januarys, 18JK5KI itiiWiMiwpnfc.iw,jp.t..v.jcJji.J..'tag iCbnOmtdfrcm kutvmUJ How Watch Cases an Made In 1875, thirteen men comprised the entire workinc ihrrA tunrl in thn mn.v. iacture of the JamttBovt GddWaich Case. JN ow over five hundred are employed, and the number is constantljmcreasingT The rea son of this increase in this? In flm .Tmnem Borf Gold Waleh Com all the metal in sicht ' ana suujoci to wear usoitdjoW, while tho re mainder, which.onlr lends strength to tho case, is of stronger metal than gold. I, and anku tiflicme (Jo.. i'Kjua, by Miller & Csse. O. Sold ganized a neektie sociable in his honor reeentlr. 1 aiu so glad Will vim's get ting uji in the woiM." FASHIONABLE i lerchant : BUCSLSlf'S AiWICA 8ALT2 1 be greatest medical wonder of the vorld. ''srrauted to speedily ! enrc ijiirii3, Urmses, Cuts, Ulcers. Salt llhutim. Fever Sores, Cancers Piles. Chilblains Corns. Tetter, Chapped Hands, and all other skin eruptions, guaranteed to cure in every iua ancc. or money rotunded. 2.') cenls per box. Kor sale by F. Harrington Feb 15, 1 yr. o Thousands Say So. Mr. T W. Atkin3. Ciirard. Kan , writes: 'fi never hesitate to recom mend your Llcctric Bitters to my customei-R, the give entire 8 'tia- fiiction .-tndare rapid sollers." Elec tric Bilters are the purest and bes medicine known and wi!l positively tire Kidney nnd Liver complaints. t..:r.. i. ui i i ix .i 3jr.. i Jr "i uBMitaoiiiiii(t miiy mo iMiuii hiiu remuaie me tending havs been cured. Indeedjsortrone is ir . j -.. .. . T i TOKPnJt8cti?t,?U85,',JWOBO'rTI3 bowel. iSo fnmi'ycan afford to be tbudiseus.tncnysBJfrrer. GweexpresaandP.O. Without IhPm. 1 hey Will Save hlltl- .DMiUua.lSll'mlBt.Jlewywfc , ,1ioi1, nf .,,. . ,?,.. u;,Io cry year. Sold at fifty cents, by F. Harrington. April 19th, 18SS 1 year. July 3, ISa-3ia Sing-, Ob Sin;, ilznt Sons; Howe -in you, when you cough at everv ureatli ' Whv. pet a butt of Or. Uisrclow's Positive Cure, and you iviii ue answered. Jt cures -SXFASUBTZ3ZDK.HAKTHR IttDICDIK CO!Ulf.aAait,f?.tCJl" PTI0M. I hare a poritira remedy for tha above dUease ; by its k uuuK-niu oi cases oiuiewuntkindandoflo 'Anninir htva haoa mmbai! V a . IBIEY' SPEEDS 'nnSSfftMTtwmi ajrrtaejg;-Ai FOR XLX. CLIMATES. AU. SOILS. AT.T. tntnva IMA HATniflfilSP EBCR swurssKK. HIRA SIBLEY & CO. Rochester, N.Y. Chicago, IK. i nwnumim IWJIiJi'l' f 4dresa. Du.T.A.1 pr?' 53 tj r?..... "?Bts q rn. -r.. i..... Knulisiid, ?.no; Fiecn's DiixindSlV":.Sehli lpr Tliirtv rcarc Wii-Ji.- i'.-....-' irin. .. Doeisive 15ttI?H.-4:i.-. f:iriviM .'.. .-i. .- olution,tv0e;Oreei.. K-hil"ler, Creasy and Ciirlylc in one lf.00; Kunrirk's Ancient (iihiinn's Runw, jl.Tfi; Flumt'.i Ks:uu.i. f5.75; Frois.irt's fhionicler $.'Ji. Cata lOBiie .i),0;iO volume free. JoilS Si. Al.UE.V.rublijIif-ra, P O Hox 1J-J7. 18 Voicy it. Now Tori:. BMIajBSHCTJgJC'VSRjS for Infants and Children. 1 ISlllib CITI! Ikuil!rli8 colds. oonsiimntinn UUnC ST Slal I. ! ...i. .; .. -, ,. ', ..' v, : o ":f -," "tm.r7 ".i . ' ""oiioiiig uougn, nnu an diseases ot nvuur Pold where onld la nocAcA .A Wben I Bar care I do not mean nRralrtn.itmf h.m . . , ' " ....... .W elastic metalhere strength Id ZggSS'Jfc iZtT?LTV Ti? elasticity are needed, a combination pro. ASSSSlSS1&!& n,to f Jou trll at B. C uUCinsr a WatCb case oeuer thun anliri onl1 othenbarafailediiinori.innn...:- Castor! a. promotes Digestion and overcomes flatulency, (Jonstipa tion, Sour Stomacli, Diarrhoea, and Feverislmess. It insures health and natural sleep, without morphine. " Castorta is so well adapted to Children that I recommeD J i t as superior to any prescription known to me." IL A. Arcusc, JL D., &5 Portland Avo., Brooklyn, HT. 'What gires our ChlMrea rtmr cheek, What cures their fevers, mares thorn sleep ; Tla Castortni. When babies fret and cry by turns. What cures their colic, kills their worms. Bnt Castor! a. What qnlekly cnrel Constipation. Sour Stomach, Uolds, Indigestion, Bnt C-vitorta. Fareiren then to 3orpiino Syrup. Castor Oil and Paregoric, aad Hail Caorla! rillfintr o vntoli .c A. ,. mlU 1J i".K.rj.:rSiWJrJ"?5,S5m???- " - o .--. "" uu owuu kuiu "-----'.-"'ruK)niorno6nowreeetrin Sua SS ONK-JIALP the COfit. V i-,vy"'yi"iaiJau3onQriejjoiuooi -iuMvniriuuif uiotwi, MtfHjIM my infallible retnedr. Over 200.000 of these cases tS7T' coSIILfttM "e27o!rt " have beeTkold. n,l J?lUl3.A.. 4dtO-KOOT,U3P,arl8t,l8wTa country can testify to their quality and merit. T.I HT" !! ar l aiyya v rtr w ,.,""-"' miuu-aieo. a, lata Jj iw811 "P10 JanotTat. bought a Jaa. Boas ho esse showed no signs of wear, except Gold Watch case 18 years am, and carried it until a S8B.arant9S(1oratIeast ten years more. I have nd the irties who bought the first ones are carrjS Jag them today, as w cU satisfied as though they hid I "l the.m M ie onlycasesof this kind a Jeweler abort time ago, when I p that natural to any case, and I am satisfied can Ueber's drtie Mne. April 19th, 1SS3 1 year. rrs s lauGi-ms? Tho Lead I ns Masaaine for Boys aud Uill8' ST. NICHOLAS. K tilad hy Mm. Mary Mapes Dode. Thjb fw Vnrlr Trituinn nnA u.ifrl. irM thaa-iiilaucheot immoral litfMtnre" lli.-t 1 tiircitens the ohihimn, Kiiinestroiig vitaily j : CENTAUR LiiwIMEWT mn absolute care for Bheuma- SlSiSSSSSBBBBBlBBHBlBBfaTBIBHBaBlBBSaaBaflBSX:BHBBHl tism, Spraius, Burns, Galls, &c. Tho most'Poworful and Penc- iraiing; jram-reiieving ana iicaim jr nenieuj luiowu iu uiuu. ....v...v.. ....... . ....... .i,.............! (I.IIJ whnleonirt and reallv attrji-iin- inn-Mriiw. aaould eU who desires to give his custamcrstha isieiiulred for thcin,nud t Meholas has worth or their moaey or values his reputation. I ic-ielird a Innei phiti'nrtn and eitinniaud.s .-. iiuBHw,jir. i lur uns terriee-vri;errebourec.s in an and Seal Swat tamp ts Ktrttaa ITattk Caw Factorkt, ruia. 'otter than any ofjtx predeeessors or con- akiiamiB(U iciupirrie,i. i;ie roiereueetothu vrn'o rc- felpala, rL.fokulua, nioilraUd ru.kkldnlit&M 1 , ! Acjiumi nim uism an smaoa D, J.CRESAP W be Continued) TOBACOefpWES5S FavoraWyXTciioTrn lo this fronaMHHlty an uiit; ui inv uv.fc A U JSi.vt-JiKlviENT WHI. a majouty , pM;citis : o 'ffZS: .-dl "Terra cotta,' ssid a country ivoman in ?. Loston store, repealing the name au.-r tne clerk. -Is that French for cin-n:s;no:i.- -.Vot that I knnirnf .,. am,' ansxvere.1 ltA .-nijirki::- salesman. ....... e.- L ,,Un..; ivo kown t.-.noo,orhci.rt.yuT -.rrro hx.r-t. but I KPVf-i htfas-,! it .i!!..,l ....ii,:..-: i ... . i n.imo.'i iire;r:. ' L-irgticaing Sbcri Msrzz. Iki. Ixndun World tell j-.-f r. nevr eoniri- i'iio t- TAJLX4 experiment mat ur. sa-55, nian wJw u lotTadrrro shi- i . .. . - .... . ;:; i in the State, h.-ix oponod n jJcrchant Tail-oiin5-hop iu tlieSpj by hnllri'ngand will keep on hand tile be"t and lntcil styles of tef ?5??P5 im &y&&u and vill laaio Suits io Order n Khort nctiae. Chllaad ceehiastoek of A IfEWAeO F5? titsm &?& a . Of S5S5 CASH, 1,000 Imported Novelty jpocket .i oo ma vtmy yama pi uaureat Cough ami I-iin.ic "Vrtlll IS 51 U1 i ":- ! i:i vnrr tj-rh (.,.-.,! ,,.1 :.., r.-. .. . - I -- . - - --.T .,'" v-.-" t. ..i. .I-l ii-l-l cure for (Jonahs, (J-Ms, Pain in ill. j r.r p'aeed hi shoes w.-aJitf.: v":h lii'lv Lunrjs, Soreness in the CIie?t, eel . j j:,r,-,is C;,I1 each.' SSi, h tiicti Lilt for thof,e who ,!,Uil)t. H'.k pm-' ? I'.L:,':1 , a nwfhinc ronthi .f s nei?li!)ors who iiavc uA it or sn.- "" V1 ,Pn-'--"'a--- !l :." nn-1. - sji-yra.iv-a jroni the ooilnur at suuh a a lrt-e s-tmpls bottle o Miller & C'a sc"e, the Dru-'aist. ilogular siza '(! centaiiii ?i.0U. PIEQS Si: OS'S CKEWINC TOSficnn TO BE GIVEN AWAY! fcl BwX-V,.HW?-SIt Wowr 3frt3jmTrHl B! h 11th, - -. -- ' ----.u, wu MiKonii uuiiiuur ci sau sffiJa!'" ""?rt. 8iw o-b. r v fifpfiw. filer ""m va Vs?P -wet plus- riiinirj Vili Hiu t ut-t ltil Ihl lniu K. .jiii ca lis cat w (laa'j it.iu-1. i uiiiiiiniMH U UT StNieholaa Vr'aa nevermore-Hilly"-tod than by thn:ztraonlt:i.iry Hit of at tractions wliieh thnt"tn:ig:iZ!iic auuoiiiiros f-r I8SI. Tiie lollowing vriil bo oaie of tho loidlhsewitri)utoi: Loiiita M. Aleott, J.T. Trowbridge, Capt. Mayne Keiii, Hjiiim.r i'jiiitii ISoyesen, "d-iurico Thorn iimni, Trauk K. Stoehton, Chas. Dudley Warner, Joaquin Millet-, Kli-c-abi'tli St-.tatt rhciu-! Mi.s.A. D. T. Whit ney, Julian Hawlhori.,fcli.i Th.-ixtc-r, AJ.i. ry M-ipjv? I)dde, Lieut. Ii-Klerii-k S-hwat- k, I.oee Ilnwilinriio Lathro, K. s. Brooks, iSeorse W. Cable, Chsia. J. lWiiiui, Sumii . l-'eiiiiuoi-uConpir.Jolin G. Whiltier, "II. 11.." W. O.Stoiitl.ini, C. 1'. Vi-iic'i,amli reorcsol dlierdi.-tii:-ni.-'heii writeijj. The nest nrtisis and unijraver illustrate the meuziiip. it ln.x liHin lrnlr SHiil tliat. tlin re.tuiug oi Si NkIiiiIks is 'A Liberal Education" Valuable Farm for 8j!p. jx. iann ot ihO nerns one nnd at half miles north of Logan. -10 acres oitimuer, a acres ot vineyard, ii acres of orchard the rest " set in ffood Kras, a good frame birn, 2 houses and all lieeessarv out hnilil inL'fl, iiJentv f water for house and stock, the best fire clay on it. I will sell all or part. For terms ap plv to Nov. 29-Sm. Nicholas Till, Logan. Ohio N"ervous ExHanstion. Premature Decay, Xoss of SXemoxv. tjj w-paxe uioin-Donnu hook of wholesome A !llrA tn Vmmir Man K.. a 1Iam.i. 1.1 W " "-- stumiH. Altflrau THE HEALTH JOURHAl. KILVAUKEE. WIS. Turrs I fciitw mv..yrymmmm ?weg SBS T.n.TEUSCHSR. JAS. A. OLIVER Tuehsr s 01ivrs Positlre Tnre for Piles. To (hnnponlanf l,lc r-.... ,., any we bare been civen the Acency orDr. MarchiHi'sIhilianPileOlntmeni warrant ed to c-niv or nioney rofnnded-Intarnal, ljxteriiaIBIind, Bieednji or Itching Pllea Trice a&e. a box. Korlale by filter &. Co MPILLS FOR THE BLOOD NERVES COMPLEXION Can Palpi'slioa f tha Heart, Tfannssnn. TitsMegs, Kerross Cessscac, TmrnifcsM. Cold IIsa4s snd Fast, Fais ia the Sssk, ssat other fsnaa of Fcc-JaWcalmcta. TheyBifsr and iatproTO tho qnoHtjr of tha Blood, parti sad britUs tho Coeiplcrloa, aHay Xarroaa Irriuitioa, sad acen-o Eefreshh-g Sleep. Jsas tha watdy-McdedbywofacawhoaepaIa,el8S lfMfaetihawtiaaljetnceoXIrOTlataal'losaj. JtasMBissr Cut Iroa U ma et tha censtttsesa ftte Blood, aad Is the zreat toaUe. The Iroa FIUs ara also Tslaable Xor-xtem who mm treabhd with ITenrcaaWn rate-, tttfrtammtk, c Priea.Met3tsptrtox. nrnfTijrsa Alt' to-. CARTER MEDICINE OO- c 223 Pcrlr: PIaca.TaTanlaaiaat I byI)isi3 0Tay-jljeie. SCROFULA and all scrof uloia diseases, Sores. Eryaiyo hia, Eacaa, iilatehea. Kliisworno, t-a-o, Csibanc-es, Boils, and .Ernptlea-. or tho Skin, arc tho direct reduit of .tu impure state or the blood. To care thosa debases tits Wno.1 ranst 1 purified, and resture.l-to a healthy aad na-" turalcoiulitiou. AiEK.,a5AK3AriEii.tAha for over forty years t-crii recojidzol by enii--ueat medical authorities aa tlia uiost jkiv--. crfal Mood parifier iu existence. Jt frees the Y5tem front all foul haaiors, eitrieiic anil strengthens tho Moot. removes ail tract of mercurial trcatlucut, ninl proves itself h. cosxplcto master of all scrofulous iVseases. A Itotent Cnro of Scrofulona Sores. "?oni9 months ajo V was troubled with frmfiitiiaa sores (nlerrsl on my 1. Th 11 in i-j were iwvjiy"oi;eit ar..t mnnuini. ami IIks orc dicharged tirg? quantities of offensive- matter. Hvcrv ronitdy I tried failed, until I sseil Aver" Sksai-aiul.a, of icUTch 1 have now taken three bottles, with the resale that tho sores are LtalcOy au-I my general health greatly itnuroreUv I fael very jsra'tHfnl for tho goot jou Biediciue lias done" me. Yours reipectfuilv. 1 ia. AS-6Bar.X. 15 Sullivan St., Sew Tork, June 21, MK2. C!" All persons Interested aro Invited to call on .lira. O'ltrlan; ao upon tho KT. '.. . Wilds or 7 Eatt 5-ltlt Street, New York City, who wilt tak pleaanrcr In testify Ine to the-vrondrfuI wHlcaey of - Ayer'a 8j.mai.arii:a. not only In tho euro" 6f this lady, bnt in his own case suut tuany other within hia knowledge. Tho well-known trrittr on the Boston ttarttM, B. VT. IfALt, of Hbehester, UIU., writes, Juu 7, 1SS2: " Having snlTcreil severely for soma years with Lczcnia.nud harinc; fallfil to hud relief f rum other remedies, I have made use. .I.irinz tuo p.v-tthree nioutUs. or AvcR'a Sabsifa ltlix.. which has eirectctl a complete car. I consider it a luaguiaooat rousedy for all blood diaeasej." Ayer'sSarsapariila stlnni.atc and- regulates the action oj tha digestive and assimilative organ, rcaewtr and strengthens tho vital forces, and speedily etiros Itheuinatism, Xecralsin, Rheuma tic Oont, Catarrh, General Debility, and ail diseases arisins from an iaipoTerishet or corrupted csndiiion of the blood, aud a weak' eucd vitality. It is incomparably the cheapest l-tood meill cine, on account of its concuitrateil atrsngth, and great power over disease. ritErARCD EV D?. J.C. Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass Sold by all Druggists; prico Si six bottles for S3. iideria &&& ? f e LOGA.ISr, OHIO. J2 iTcmporcrv rikI permanent Kmhalming a specialty, by whieli pro "'.fjabndifs ran be kept anv Ipiisth of titno without additional cost . I I II l- l J ..? " -!" I. iiii Kitius ot unaertasing jjooiis, suuu n-j te&)S!W: i 'l tL v .. ... was ficufranai fo cov. the bent crprnMil u.roi.arzr..., 5T i.lalyiun,llweenIeeemberUthauda1h7toSo t "a as 31CVAI.I.AY TOIJACCO CO. I .. aiiii.iiK101VS.OHIO. j t3 -t addreao nt and inwte on Envelop, ) TKt Is THE FINEST POUND PLUS EVER MADE. -prxi ii'.i:,l!t a- to prt-vi-ii! her fert from l'.jeJiingt!ii' f-rouail. The prossiire of tilf C:'-Ot fort'es tt:o ii;.im iinr; nT !... j l.'oi'y npT-.-irit. ami the wci'trl.t of tin; O i? VA I L! J il M. .;ii:acslr:ulu. hfi- rr.n-:!i.' Waist dr-v.-n- Vr.-inLof fon'idftiife aoL-minJi? fort rari1- 1 fslhnattd. Ihefeitrcnu haf of the li-is?ne lai:.n o j i? . Ti;;li8!,.l!fl IM. i. .i- -.!,.. v. i . i r .'-tn-ohoa by the prcces stints dest-ribed tola3'. filler & Uw, the Irn- J i3 lvo inch auj ,hat ,,!0 kuco .J gist, is not li.tblo to fail for ilio wan : ,;p j0llU ziU j)(, str.-tchi'l an- inch aud of confidence in Dr.!i(isaiiki"sCH'-I' i a half more 'Hhis -three inches and a Lurt" i-Vnin, lor lie irivc J -" can l;e aitdcd to the height af al- rnobt any woman who ha tho courage ..,..,. .., ... , ,. " ""- r, rvunu rw IU Hit" I-i "- l t I MM. illil H1AWI atllll 1 a hi. at t at as!k aa & . . which th,y -ire rni,h..d. IVr.oct , "cakTlVaadyo ilfmm wiy . "aV XI t W rv e-fcn ? sr ri tri " 1 StJ?i .1 Ulr - '.-nw..? .''Vfcrf ..M, Wn.rf for tho boys, and girls wlio aro fortunate I eonipowd cf tcrii ai jietiiiJtnsoKi r1 i-nnut:h to have it. In no other bout: or nets, wmciiir.:ie3io tls a. -.&-.-? oJ4j3 pcrio-lii-al is itistrili-tfonroian.i. blended JdnngSt eaectoev';? l-.n nxUl mjittr with reeroJilioii iini aiiiunieut. that collect ia tlio JJiotjcht-M 'i'-ii'j, nndiuiraan Thc-iiriee Iff; a year, or 35 cents a nnm- sootUiujf coating, vL..r, rulioaa sa i-w ber. liooii. -.eiler. new dealer, ami iol- rftntlon. that can -j ilia -cuj!.. Ii tvt-vs liiaMcrs receive ul.eriptionsor reiiiit-ni-o tltelnrss'of " im"rrJa. tti-ar.r:;) may be made direct to Ihe publiiilieis by theiatvtoCJicn'netjioit .j-J'-cnj.iuvv7rt. nionoy or express order, ban x check.draft atcs ihe eircnlataiu ef iho t-itoJ, r.nd bn.vti or in repistered letter. nervous system. tiSijclit edd Jil- c-.iS -. rPli ra uit ii t-v 4 tfrt a v M abv 'Vwir- 'V "V a-kHM -. S a T1j - - ....u . - I-. t a.aaw vaaa,UA wuui nun t . .ion ilia i- a . kuubuiilIi iiij'1. akJA uii4'niiL;B au utt ivtm. i . fc - - . ,l.f . .-. T-ai A S2teilc9 'i3 C1iesoed Rork Candy Conh Cure. tf t. ..! 4 v. --.- j test of twenty rtun rarmaw ta KneeiLion tta and iJ tav I . . SAV It ' suflenns Willi fouShs, Coids. rs'li V.ctterS se troawo and parn neees- j ii r- faJi? coiinected ith a trt;to"'r riro. ma. CumK.i.,n and a!l fifiopuqu, , ;i,lis. h brteF interval? ff of tba Throat and i.u au. j fire or six mouths. -" -.- ji i? i ' I0BTH SEEDING FOR! Dr. 3. H. SCHXXCK has Just rroLUOied a book on DISEASES OF THE LUNGS tm HOW TO CURE THEM vlach is o!i irod FUEE. post rdito sll appllcaata tcuat&Issvi'.MiAtuifarminforallwhosiipron Ihca-jl ra aaicted nith, cr liable to cay tUfcanj of i-thmctsrlu-a.'s. SIcahonthMrapsr- Addna .T. n. SCEENCS Zi Mtn. hlt-i JeInM, Pa. FOUTZ'S HORSS AKD CATTLE POWDERS j i if FOU72 V li .-a i i Wf&r?r -aa-S&-C5Kf-rP- S33-Sk-j-f4-:r'.f rf" J'lr1 ,T-'" ' f vM-- r-O" r Limi Kavcr. if routsV I'.inrJ, r j.rr :. in iim,. " r"m V-" ''."" v- :-- -'"l's'r'i K'.r.Oii,ni:ci. 1-oiiU.. J .,i.!.-h (Mil i-,crf.. Mirt i.f iriiy ".Ti01? "'"' I-ML.iPj i,i.-. tie :.".!:.- urni .ll f i.O X. i "-rs ,'.J;-.;.., T. ,n (.nr , r -.r,vent . j; r'si:: BDremc; .uisct&t ..--t".T-i;tiicT;o- I nroiapiiiii'jiraiijiiM I'lii-s rXPtnrSSAtil. V.'arranted to cTek, or money ramndd i-"IjiS!e .aso falvcs v!: v3lean.aWuw Cnltgha, Colds. Hoarseness, Throst and lafliunmaJon,su(. iw c r-c.i:l-cor(,sthe?no.t X.UIIK tiouldes. (also Rood for children.) ooslinstoeonjh. A j?Irss.irt eorilh-1, cfeU- Rouk t'AVliV L'OL'UII CCHE eoiitaliis the " r&auitr. j;r fmap S M ' ""-"" hcalint: l.ror.ertie.- of i.nre whitu Itoek anvaluah. 0-5.! aami.!' K- 11 iTfryfajaily. V With lOstrrlct nf Itnnl.i nn.l Trrliic ""'.!? .V .rHK. Mjaagacaracmcjm -i iimn m -- r-ratf"TliTr T TUTT'S ajm iiua...swyrV.-WXg--g 2&l!3l Cloth 1 Casket osids SI Si a9 5" T5a5a icHfiilea TJ - ,J '1 -nslB c ajbJJJ .". u f!nml Only '25 cents. U-irge bottiesSI.OO cheapest to buy. Tor sale by MilertS: Case. January t, 1SS2. 2i'rD -. J-0'Ti, rr.ct.'- rarfiHT s Indian Vegetable Pills Fon inB LIVER And all Bilious Complaints Safe to take, beintc purely vpRetablo: no grip ing. Price is cts. AU Drussi3t5. LnnUIlL I Eld ...HiiTOaffw-w tJ-iS tTSi & c., ei l: vC iC2EZ!-sesvsy " " -m. SJ-' ACT PtRECT3.Y Qfl TitSi LIVBH. OCCntglFnrthft MPPCHANTonour MewPJan vt" "r." aV,'.: -"J.'7Z3: " ror ine mMrttvci 'Hnvc.isn 1 Uon.lUicumatUut.Z'ltej, Palnttatlouof I tho Here t, Ulii'tic.i-, TorpM tlver, nwl Female Jrrr.jrulri Jon. Jf yon do not "feet ftomoch,r?eti7rmtbon.r-rkti,lmrnrtiivaoetotjii eygtom. I'rirc.ssc n ir j-rny St.. tf.V. rar MEKCII erw ! MABVCT ? k. DBiuiTr raun v rui .? r-niwia rftmihi Crown by ourselves L2ullEs!3221 CRYING FOR AID. XoM of Appetite, Heidadig, Dcprea Job, iBdlgwUoa aad Coaatlpatloa, BU iotasacM,SadlowFaoeTIanEyes,aad a BletdMd SkiB, an aaumg tha syraptorfia which indicate that the liter Is crying for aid. Ayer's Pills wtll ttftntnata the IiTtr to proper action, aad correct all these tronblea. Ono or mora tt these PflTs ahoald be taken dally, until health is folly established. Xboaaaad teav tify to their great merit. No faaally oan afford to be witbsat Anr" Snxa. k PSEPABED BT Df.J.C.AyerCo.,LoweH,MH. Sold by all Drrjggirta, TIRED ODT. riandsorac Illastrated Catalrao aad Rami Kejrister RICE TO AIJ EECIIANTS, SEND L'S TOHt BUSINESS CAKD.-5 KOK TR.IDE LIST. "" mmomr:mm ; QAVIDLANDRETH&SONS,SEDGROWS5PHiLA0iLPHiA Thedlstreai lug feeling o wasfiaeat. oC exhaustion without effort, wbioh makes Ufa' a bnrdon to so many pooplo, is due to tha fact that tha blood 2s poor, and tho vitality consequently feeble. If you aro saffeztea; from sach foaling, Ayer's Sarsaparilla is Jnst what yon need, and will do you IneaW cnlable good. Ko other preparation bo concentrates aad combines blood-pttrifyinff, vitallrinff, onrich lng, and l&Tigoratisg qoalitiea arATza'sT HTMIIPTJTTTti PBZPJLBXD BT Dr. J.O. Aytr&Co., Lowell, Rim. Sold by all Dragalrts : i. its fcottlss tor 55v :t'iM "5?3 t .53 ;i m xH K K? ? "? r . K t. i&fZ v lr- fee t i!rs .- w 2ri ES F5K 'v iS PS tez - j- tfi- i.,- r i"M r- '.? S5 1 ' .vJ-l 1VJ