Newspaper Page Text
-..- - s&es &&. ' t- -. j. !- - -t i,-- - C!i ' I- l . .r ' 11JUWP. JMJWVJlBWWBgy. ?v k Pa r WIT AHD HTJMOE. A etiteh in time amt make the old tbap feel ew-ser. Politicians go up the ladder of fame by the rounds of drinks. Thorn's much talk about fisherman's lies, but how can a man catch fish prop erly without line? It has been rumored that' a large mount of fresh jokes ircic found canned up in the hold of Noah's Ark. Matches are now so cheap that the ox nuu oorrows your pipe and to bacco would acorn to ask you for a match also, y The difference between a besotted man and ; ? - ,.i:i.. . i. . Une s a hunting oto"; and the other's a grunting hog.Pillsburg Telegraph. Mr. Fitzcerald. nf TJw TVwV i... Won the championship bv skinning ten lambs in thirty-three minutes, and "M U1 ciiaucnjng jay oouia. They say that figures won't lie, but one is inclined to doubt the old saw When he looks upon the figure of afash-lonably-dressed woman. -A. Philadelnhia fnilnrnjiT'nvficaa uTm ported English Clothin?." And the iry of it is, he is not obliged to import iu uuues to wear it. When a noet nrannnvs Tsno--ii.;.,.i,i poem, does he measure it by the gas meter? That would be a good way" to 5et in the "words that burn." The udgc There are sea captains who profess to believe that sharks will not touch a human being, but when asked to give a poor shark a chance they retire on their dignity. Detroit Free Press. Whereas, how isj the time my genius needs recognition cash recognition; nevGr mind the monument over mv crave, dear friends. Oonrent yourself with the simple, Hiucere and eco..omi ical tear. Give me my monu ment now. I need a memorial pair of trousers and a memorial ulster. These boots need to bs monumentally half-soled. If you want to honor genius, now is th time. Puck. c An Eastern woman was so over joyed at the gift of a sealfkin sacque that she laughed! herself to death. Alas! how mauv noor men will read this item and ex periment on their wives to the price of a sealskin sacque, only to meet with cold, cruel disappointment! tiU, beting Vails; & Tohdo I RAILWAY, The Shortest Koute Betwoon AND THE OHIO RIVER TIME CASED. Taking Effect, JSToy. 18, '83. CENTRAL TIME. I WAIT A MINUTE NEIGHBOR. SOUTH BOUND. Lv Toledo 5 00 a ra 10 10 a m 5 So ptn Fostoria .021... 11.3J ... 7 02 ... Cure v. 6o.t... 12 01 pm 7 55 ... Up. HuuilUfclcy ..730 ... 12 0 ... 810 ... Marion 8 09... 1 20... H47 ... l'io-peut S 20. 1 40 .. 9 07 ... 1lHliwl.rn X KS 2flfi fl.T! Ar Columbus OoO... 3 00... 1025 Thft Tl5tO"rWwonmTfo rt 41... TTIl.-.l 'Jlfau Tin,"-?...-. 1...1.3 1.-: , I nfl ItnniT fronm .. .. 4".... . I 1 i i, ,. States have" iust liplrf iiioir nnnnni - vention, but the report that thev all Fiimmer's work went on a big trunk a regular Sara toga, as it were should be checked. "All things come to hiui who waits," sadlv remarked a tramp as he dodged a brickbat and shuffled over the fence just in time to escape the eajjer jaws of a blear-eyed bulldog. The hotel-waiter's costume still re mains the standard for an American man g full dress. To prevent mistakes at parties, however, the waiter is di--rected to carry a towel on his arm in stead of a young lady. "Do von firnr o-arnKlna" oVic ool-.i they sat together, her hand held in his. He replied, "ITo; but if I wanted to now would be niy time." "How so?" "Because I hold a beautiMhand." The engagement is announced. A Maryland man has secured a di Torcefroni his wife because ihe wouldn't lot him read the Bible. At the same time, it can hardly be defended as a divorce on "Scriptural grounds.'" -uuy isju, jruzi. Ralph Waldo Emerson said: "All Lealthy things are sweet-temuered." We differ with Ralph. Now, wo know a perfectly healthy red-headed woman who is well, she just is. and no mis take about it. Texcs Sijlings. The window in a dentist's office came Kiown ana caught a cat by the tail while he was cut, and fourteen people who would have waited for his return, on going cp-etaira and hearing the cat's voice decided lo go home and stand the pain of the toothache. "When I ntirried Gecrgiana," said Prank, "my folks told me lwas foolish to marry a sir! who didn't know how to uauiiiu a, ixrd, now thev misjudged hvr! Do you see that lump on my jscad? She did that with a rolling-pin." Satan I'vst. "Does your mind never dwell upon the awiul cortr.inty of death?" asked the clergriiiii of Flallerv. "Vli not very nuiuwcuslv," reiipondcd he: "it's the awful unccrtaintv of how to get a living :at troubles moS'JJoslon Times. Caleb Clockwdl, of Loudon, OnL, was exceedingly purprige'd the other morning, vh'h Mre. Stockweil pre sented luni vith two sons and two -aaugntera, all new. Subsequently, when askcl what he'd got, he sorrow fully said: "Only two small pair." No farmer can afford to winter mare animals than ho can keep well. If he has too many cows for hi stock of fodder, and Ins none hut good ones, it ia far better to reduce them to tho number be can carry through in cond ennditinn than t.o squeeze through the winter by pinch ing alone ti'l the whole herd comes ont in the springwith only a hide Lv Columbus... Lancaster Logan ., 750am 3 05 pm ....10 02 a m 5 18 pm 8 12 pm WELL REWARDED. A liberal reward will he paid to ATTACHMENT. G. Bichant, Plaintiff, vs S. K. Hitt, Dof't mix' t.nrtv whn will nroduce a. nal Eofore G. W. Urehm, J.P.of Falls ;town- r. "-"-, o. " i Mup.llooMng county, O. of Liver, Kidney or btonnch com-1 0n lIie Mtll dav or jauary, a. d issi, plamt that Electric Bitters Will not aiJ J"ice isuetl an oijlerot attnehment 1 ... n . , , ,lu tiiabo caution for the sum of Thirteen Speedily cure. Bring them along. Dollars mid Seveuty-ulne Cents. (S1S.79.) if. will onaf vnii nnthiDtrfor the ninrl. .. G. JWEUAUT. icine if it fails to cure, and you will bo well rewarded for your trouble besides. A!l Blood diseases, Bil iousness. J a February 11, 1SS4 3w Svery family In these days must have a efeWDpr. Thyshoald have thebwt' The Weekly Ohio State Journal, junmu uiecitcua, uii- noiiceiRcreoy given mat tne ioilowlng i Uiulice, Constipation, ft? Wt:ofr HocWnJouStl O?. 7eJ?l?M?2r ?f l? V"'''WJ1 In "". the eneto get. UnrlnS UQ It has rlebil tv are QillckiV.lorsaMn.Ipirtial settlement ,; : ....y.-iu.a.s.uiuo1,1.5B.,tUiH PROBATE NOTICE Ifoticei hereby given that the following Ar Athens 11 03 a m 6 SO pm 9 30 pm Ar Gallipolis. Pomeroy 1 37 pm 8C9pm !32pm 935pm NORTH BOUND. ROUTE. 8 12 urn i fc L Between tho EAST & WEST, jNORTH axd SOUTH. Lv Pomeroy. Gallipolis... ... 4 20 am 4 15pm.... ..516am 5 09 pm LvAthen.. -7 05 am 7 05 pm 1245pm . , 7 4 3 LIlCrtUIJIlUIIUlL Ai-wl itanai-A ilAltilitv u i-A nillnllv . (lrRA.f)!ll mrfii't SAt tlitll4n t .. Rnfl.for.tinn iimntri o: . Jil,C.1?. A:. A'1' SUUlMUn Of Solomon "'" mi iui- hn.u..,vv. . j. i hums unit iiizii a. .uauiuis. mnnnv vofmwlofl Prino nnlv fift v . i"l th(aifce will come on lor hearine on ' , , " t, , V tV thalOtUdAyofJiaieh, 1881, at 10 o'clock, a cents per bottle. I' or SalO oy I. m., or as boon thereafter as may he con Harrington. I aj JrebS for imns.ana Is sent pot any Tt dosen't nav to pinch cows at any lime, and most t . . . . aasnreaiy it aosen't pay to pinch them in tho winter. A clever maiden lady onca said that it was far blter to be laughed at because you are not marred than not be able to laugh becuise you were. There is sound logic in that. It is we'l for a women to maty if If she meets a good, true man, who ores her. and whom Via lni- if - , . ..., .. not sne naa oetter remain single. All hopes are follies when in duced by corrupt conceptions. We should observe charity in stead of condemnidg others. Those who speak the truth sre not limited lo a single virtue. Ridicule,is one ot tho most se vere testa of.our patience. It requires more pluck than luck in the making of destinies. We C2n prove our great power of strength by self-conqneet. Mauj- who solicit advices have more to ofitr than they ask for Onr errors of yesterday should bs.the warnings for to-day. Mercy rather than vengeance should be meted to the erring. It is a safer condition to believe too much than too little. To know our dulv and fail U, perform it. is cowardice. Pools that agree in love gener ally dispute in business. Lt Logan ..820am S 17 pm 147 pm a...... ...-it. .... ...... . 1A am J jjjii 4. . lju Ar Columbus lOSOnm 10 20 pm 3 55pm L Columbus 1140am 500am 4 15 pm Delaware 12 31pm 5 52nm 5 07 pm Prospect Hi) pm fin am 532 pm Marion 1 25 pm 6 34 am S 52 pm Up. Sandusky. .2 15 pm 7 25 am 6 45 pm Carey 2 45 pm 7 45 am 7 05 pm Fo--toria 3 15 pm 815 am 7:17 pin ArTok-do 4 35 pm 9 35 am 9 00 pm Direct connections made in Union Dh pot at Columbus, for Newark, Zanesville, Pittsburg, Wheeling. Baltimore, Washing- .v.. ..uv. . .... iu. .F.i.t any ji a'l.i Lull, Ciuci iiiiuti, Louiiville and all poinU South andKotithwest. tts-t'lose connections at Toledo fir De troit and all points in Michigan and Can ada. W H HAKRISON,Gn'l Pui. Ag't. Colambun. Ohio Books-iiHons. of volumes a year. The clioices. literature oftlie world. Catalogue tree. Lowest pri ces ever icuowo. outsold by dealers, btnt for examination before payment on cvl- " JNO. B.ALDES", Publisiier, ? O Box 1227 18 veaey st, X Y t a- ' mi .SThis frrpatThrnnfrr. T?nnio is now Completed and'in Full Operation, running thronuh Pas- senger trains aauy. as lollows: BS-Three solid trains ench ira between Columbus, Indianapolis and Peoria Tivo trains e.ich wy bet ween Colnin uns, In(llun:;j)o!K and D-cntur. JKfiTTirn fritm mull ni. Imt..n u.n dusKy, Peori.iaml Decatur. rTvotr.ii.iS each w.,y between San dusky. D.ijtou Ami Cincinnati. KS-Thrcr trains e.ich day between San dusKy.SpriiiKflcld and Columbus. aFour trains each way between Colum bua.Sprinsfleld, Dayton and CineimiHti. bus.biirlngfield, Indianapolis A Chicago. With Sleeplngmu! Reclining ClMirCaiK o:i Nisjlit Trains, and elesant Parlor cud iu.uci ii u.ij ui.-i.-in- oil xi.iy i rains. Its tracks laid with lie.ivy Mcel raiN tiiorouslily ballasted, with easvpiadesand i-w curves. Traversing as it does the heart o.- the three great states of Oliio, Indiana, a nd Illinois, uniting In close business re lationship tho capital citieboi Die and second, with the second city ot tho third, and passing thiough a larj;e numbcroi t!io most impoitant cities mid towns in end!, and with AllHa central location makes It The Shortest and Mot Desirab'e ltoute between the East & West. 35ThronFl, rt nnun o;. i... to all principal points, North. East, South sndet, cm be obtained at anv Ticket Office of tlie I. B. & W. U'v, also via tln route Pt all railroad offices thioiighout the conntrv. TT. itiwultriivL .i. .r. .1... i est. Don't purcliaso ticUots to any point 1 TIME TABLE. P. G. $ St Louis R. R. Para Slartde Route Schedule in effect Jan. llth,lSS4. Trainsde partirom Lancaster, as follows: Going West. Depart. Cln. Express 9:22 am Mail 4:.!7 p M Washington Local Pre Ight -1 17 a m Go4n East. Depart. Oinotnnati Exnrea ... 4:22 p ra Mxil i:;.'.iitt Above train run daily except 3nnday K B-Tlie 'iiuc j;ien abore 1 Kti.ndurd Time which is28 minutes slower than Columlitistime: Piillmu'i Palace bleeplnjj and Hot.'l Cars att .cliel to throuzh trains on the panic line P C A St L R lilwilj inn without change, west bound to Iiuuauupoii ,. si. Louis and Ciii -aco; eatbuund to PitUs- P ihirielphia and JCew York. For time t-ilde, rates of fare, thinueh ticetAnd b.ij'g'iie checKfc and further in iormation rejj'iidiiiK tlieiuiiuiiij;'! tr.iius, apply to N. te. W.ilpo'e, Ticket Aout.Laii casterOIti". JAb. jfcCRKA, K. A. FORD. Gen. P.it3& TkU At Columlius, O. Pittsburgh, l'a. irpiilt. "W.T. ACKER, Probate Judge. Feb. 14 3w. SLiloh'g cough and consumption cure is Eohl by us on a guamntee. It cares consumption. Sold by B. C. Rcber and .o,s. Shiloli'a vitalizer is what yon nsetl :or constipation, loss of appetite, aizzi ness and all aymptoms of Dyspepsia JTioe 10 and ,.t cents per bottle. Sold by B. C. Rsber and Go. rSIappless! ni;lits; made miserable by that terrible coujrh. Shiloh's cure fs the remedy for you. For sale atlteoer's drug store. Catarrh cured, -henlth aid sweet breath secured by Shiloli'a catarrh remedy. Price 50 cents, nasal injector Jiee. For sale at B. C. Ruber and Co. i or lame brtck, side or chest uss fthi- uu j i uum i liisiei. i rice jlo cubi, f R. C. Keber and Co. aSIcS AWPW lilustratad Diction- (ME DOLLAR AND FIFTY GENTS. I . '" -"" ."iii iiuiir. .nvj uii iinoriorpnni:cation,nneI with mter.o m9d- icu'.eadertienieats ,-iml printed on type -o Hue that yon can't rid them without d pl- The Weekly Oh:o is pre-emiiiintlyji family paper nbouii ?n . .in cl.o.ce family readniRot avhole-ome churaeler;clsar nad iustruc lv?! It i beau ' i tifullvrrmted: tlieniirenreciiLnndn.i,.'!.!? -,i.i ti.L,.. ;. ..n.:.. .. i. . ,' . ,',u first class family paper that Is not 1 inr-fin it. sluiU6 lu ucuiainu in a SAgents wanted everywhere. U le forspecimen eooy to Ohio Slate Journal Co. Pub. Columbus, 0 SOME 3 Zt is m ?5 Bi f?1 & M fix fc 1 jswm m i ITGKEE'S MEAT MARKET, &r il WFfQ Mt& el m fesSi IJi3 a TIEW SiH ?i l.-i a. s ' is All telegrams wots mt by Ox Teams. ttJLl W K.,J 3 jVg& Many Tears A Jo, All Clothing That had become Soiiwl or Fdal, rpsit nsiii,.; but now Mich goods can be r-I4-tre.1, renovated or dyed and made a good as new. Thut k nnr ,...i r fa? placed in ourstabliUiaeut '&w iia- 1....MV. j , cuuauiiiij; o; ii Cetrifugal Hydro Ex-iracifov, A Lfcra Finishinff Cvlitidw, a fi, s:i....i c " ., v-jofu uuuwi .r rauie aiiu a S.cani Shawl Pres3. IH ture JKS?5 tv KS b-i fc fci " 2 63 Ea &a t H ET3 it -iv.,.4.sLTJLjngiyaiTceptrj.-i .i r Ti n T-,-"-t. -"y""'yt t-M:r sz?' oTtr;TX; 3-Kmnb:r. th, '; .i, r ..' tica. for liny Fever. SSuSjta " gZgZZ ' f,1' ' '" R T"1 ,Ic"- bat nI a,l ,or And rii line or Steam llachinorv ars v. e are tetter prrprd til a -vrr to Jo firt el is vrori:. -ud we sti.til ! nn. it.,t .u :ciud to the. ilnJ k7.hWKj T .V7 """ "armi, riMUi, iou aaa Tastes pro- MiaoTsen.ent. We barva netraz.praiedb9 i Jliy SlECLm T)llP. TfnifA -V In the Keller Building, Jir.Jobn Uc'-cr Trill supply tho pu hlic, hi meat rl.op in KVller's.lJuiWiiii: witT a Uimis of lite veiy meats, ul pi ices. i'.uMth oi fll kinds te- isiantiv o hand. The hiliest piice' paid ;!' fir cut tie, snoop und hot. January 8, IfiM lj a Haiaiaotli InToico of iQO?g & 2SC5s of erery deaeripfion, which the aboro named local deal er has provided for nig 0USTOMEE8 embrace everything desirable in the general lines of Eoot- wear that may be called for . adapted to all ages and both sexes, and in all the New Shanes, and of the . j'ui...uvjiii.u w, auv tJJM- Standard ticae. C. E. IIendiTon,Gen'l Mauager II. M Bronion, Gen'l Tickt-t Ac't. JaMGS DeWOI.F, PassAg't. 38 .North High St., Colurabue, O OHIO GESfTHAL RAILR6SD. Time Card taking EQcct Feb U, 83 Ilirb Oat Diunoii(& That was au expensive set of jewel ry," remarked a reporter to the pro prietor cf a large Washington street store, alluding to a set cf diamonds a young lady had just taken away with her. It is tho most expensive set we have in the store," was the replv; "but she lias only hired them.' "Is that a common thing in Boston?" Asked the newspaper man. "Most certainly. Many of our custo Jtners hire a set of jewelry for an evening nd for a comparatively small price CXCitO the enw and l(nlrmer- nf !,;. friends. I wonder you have never heard of it before. We ta'ke our costliest gems nd reset them to please our customers, and then rent thcni. Of people whom we know we novcr require any security, out a stranger would, of course, have tO denOSlt the fllll Valll of fhn numc Thore are two of cur finest set6 at Swaropscoit now, wiiere I understand they have been much praised and their temporary posiessors congratulated. "A funny thing happened in connec tion with this branch of our business. There was to be a large german, and a young lady, well known in this city, came to make arrangements about "a set of diamonds. I was not in the store at the time, and know nothing of tho .matter, so when I came In I lot out the Bamo set to another young belle. In the afternoon Xo. 1 ca'sie in and asked significantly if her diamonds had been cleaned. While she was talking Ko. 2 TUt the Kama nne.itinn f n m Tho cif jiation was very awkward, but I ax tilained the matter, snd 11 -ua fini-n.r settled in favor of No. 1, the young la dies pledging each other and mo to eternal secrecy. "I woulcui fhave it got out for tho world, you know," explained 2To. 1. "Another branch of our business is to rent silver services. These were verv well paid for. Mobl of ihe designs aro antique, and Fome of them have figured in many Boston homes as higkiy-Treas-ured heir-looms. At weddings we fre quently furnish large collections of a bric-a-ij'-ac and other articles to swell tire number of 'gifts' and make a fins A savings-bank cashier in Wis- Subsequently, consm has just died from the one ot a cat. Jfnenas of the cai ask for a suspension of public opinion until the bank's accounts can be investigated. & Go to McMamgal's for Ilicgin'.' Soreka Salt Shredcd Oats," Can ned Pumpkins, Pride of tlu Kitchen Soap, Libning Pluic n bulk, Dried Apricots, IS n iich Bakinc Powder, and Fre?) Roasted Colfee, cheap Sugars and Peas. (Feb 7 3v,-. THE TRUE TEST. ix a man is Hungry witnm at: hour more or less a,ter"a rueal liei. 4 dispeptic. it show big stomach i. nob aide to dispose of whir he h , paten, hut to eat again and tint mi pose more work, is absurdity afci ir. -louses' Ilea Tunic Clover which s.res dyspopehi, and all stomach ijver. kidnay and bladder troubles i : is a perfect tonic, appetizer, blows ;ntrifier. a sure cure for ague ssnd ra'niia diseases. Price '50 cents .1 P. cher & fV IT KEVEH FAILS. People are startled bv its wonder ful cures. The fact that I)r- Wlii.P sel s Most Approved Makes. These goods are all fr.-jsh and have been carefully co- lectcd, and ara G UA RAN T E ED TS GIYE EITTIRS SATISFACTION Lo purchasers alike as regards wearing qualities and priced. Bast Toledo- 10 T i 36 2 45 Pesnbsrvllle II X7 513 2 9e v JI FMtoiia 11! 22 5 S3 H7 lien wick 12 G2 fi ill 12 5J Sycamore.. 1 JO t7 li JO iinve 1 :!7 7'; ,.io ; Jtsncyrn! h Leave 1 a i ii MtGllead 2."S 5&J 10 2 Lincoln Center. 2-i6 55"! 10 2 M.ireiiso a 31 6 01 10 12 Ontvilmig S11 631 !t,'i IIki t to: i! ' 1M fc i p jj JOWlkM!! S8S fi !3 ci . lex.tmlria. S5S 7Ci yiyr Granville 4(tf 717 9J8 Hellion -! 21 7 88 E HaillyJuncirr. 4 42 802 l S 13 naiil 4 3T ?17 7 Si Picturing 516 8 27 'Si . 1" A M P X Colnmbug 352 9 22 6 Si;intvillo 4 55 8 22 Vol Ruslivillo 5 12 MO 7-'0 Hicnuii 5 2i S32 73 Junction Hitv ; a o m - .- New Lexington c 02 9 22 C 57 ru A il Ail Corning 62 S57 rim :vrfriair..k. .w K.n i.fn 1 :sl6. wr.s, x i-y." ;,.. "'r'l - Ci.iuj .iJHi-yui;'j"s Knylmul, f.CO; Fieen's Iiiitjl-t:i rt 5I;7,",: Sclnl It'3 1 nu t- yr War -lOr; CifMi 'a Fift' eu Ld.-ll- IUttlcs,40c- Carlylo'3 Kreiicil Kct o!iirio!i,f0c;Giei., f Sillier, Crcnav anel Ceilyle in im ? 50; Kiui-ic-' Ancient K&T-wr.St; Kolllt NAucitMit Hutoiv i.-.7l)c: ii!il)oii', 51.70; KttmeV Krtgl.-.ntJ, ?.i.7o; Frorsrttt' riuonlclor ?!.i3. Cata lou."no,0..') TOl;iniv fr r. Jonii a. ALiiEy. ruiiiisiiPR., P O Sox 127. 18 WsMiy s!, New York. S 03 7 2i 5? CD: V H All 22 S22 S27 . 8 i7 93 K m B a ctT D PV tr M W HOH"G I &a Ba B g SK f h 1 3H ja S fi H tt IWhTl fMffl.fl.fl 1l1niAM... .1.. .-.At icrat taoandthcnhsTotiieTi retKrn tcri-i. I nnn x KtLcrlcaro. Ih-TO niai'it th d -?zze of i'lTij. fcl'I LKP&TOBFALI.ISU hlOif SHSs aluoJonStiiely. Iw-iirTintEjyresi&ijtoenrathonorsteajeg. iscunae -.-. j.uiniu4uu ... tw . 'suix 1 or neb now receiTicjp a ccra" t if ?i 0,,e? .T:oitie tnd a Tree Kottlo oi jruar-ntepd to cuieyou Leber and (Jo. Tbiit hacking cough can bo so quick ly cured by Shiloli'a cure. Wc guaran tee it. Sold by B. 0. Reber and Co. Are you made miserable by indigea tion. constin:ition. (li-.'iimc lu nr appetite, yellow akin? Sbiloh's Vita- uzer is a positive cure, bold by is. U. lleber and Co. The Ilev. Genrsre TT. ThjiTr- ot Rnnr. bon. lnd. sajs: "both my wife and I owe oar lives to Shiloh's consumption Gtsrc." For sule at Keber's drug-store. V.'far .ill you cough when ShPoh'j cure will give immediate relief. Price 10 cts 50 eti and 1 nollar to ba kad at ii. C. Kcbers und Co. Shiloh's catarrh rfirasdy, a psgitiva cure lor catarrh, dipthoria, and e&uker saoutu atB. C- P.ebars acd Co. 'Hacknietack." a labtiriH: and fra- rraut perfume. Price 25 and 50 cenU ,t B. U. Keber's Mi'd Co. e In I0I1 s ciie win immediately relieve roup, whooping couj;h and bronchitis sold at U. C. Reber and Co. For dyspopsia and liver complaint;! you nTe a prinieu guarantee on every bottio of Shiloh's "Vitalizer. It never fails to euro, tiold by B. C. lUber and Co. A nueal injector free with each bet lie of Shiloh's catarrh remedy. Price 50 CMcts at's rin-j: siore. AIv 10th, ISH'J 1 year. Das;:!; tors, Vivc1! sad Ifcthers t)r. XircMni's Cathcilcaa, rssis KtBitt!? SiiRiunlt-Cil to K'VeGutisfpctJon or moii- rrnn fi.1 'j ill ..1.1 . IT. mkli. nLmia.i. 4 ( . ..... v ii. . . II. iui- . MIMIC Xl..l.OUO. .H T.'iiu:i iroubltt, nitl.niiiin.tiiitn .-nci ulei r- SscIent Rcmedr. . stndy for SO yean. TRADE MARK. "Vr."!?? . ! cure. SatfafacH Address Dlt. P.HALL, Whpiale and Kstai! Trai--rUt. fl'tnai.u a... n CAIJTIOMBexiire of conif S 11??? ?' Street. Erie, Fa- fceW cd elo aot bay Trithoutii, " ", xaao at ww ca :,-'.'g-"".HM.,.Mgv,l,,,; IL, uj. giJi E H saa B 3 W& &B& essa r: a wk- n . j . -"-i b. . t t. Ea.Tn i r.iw . n Bo B B s !& &i M " n fe re UMK U 1 C i3 Iskj & S2 , . AianDa.lG.EOO,iaPettrlSt.,ll.oiTYcak( i'oltlu. fccntf to Dr. .1. 11. Al.rohisi, Uticr. " IN. Panipliif t.irru. !"ors;ilobr 54 514 4 17 4S.1 4 12 S22 i 12 S 57 S?2 SIC VTA MfJO ttaUv Connectionsanjiuailaat Fo-itorin witli I. EaW rv'y for Flndlay. Lima, Ht JUrys uiicioaiid L..fayette, Ind, iliooiaiiiftoi; Ill.,lvima City auelSt Lou in. At Bueyrusfor all points on P V y i c At U'Ve-riiis for CrestHo,Cierelajnlf sue! all poiiilsoa Columbus Oivuio.ih of CC Cft railway. At Conterlmig for lit Vernon, CliiTtou, Akron and all joihIkoi) cilt V AC :'! Atllremen au:i .Vuw Lnxn.toti for.Ni.K ark, L.ino:iMe.r, Zftnesvi!le:tr.l :.ll on ion of 1 C A St Louislt', - 'e !oinU oiiStr.iitiXIeJMvVAO fro. juvvmmuustonjlfi'UOIl IS itiStiti t Un ion Iltllf. fllli tr.i.ii. t ,:r --"-" - mi iiivii.ll clK LjVIIIS- Ii?I.-1.aJi,.aI,.-,,0"!, WaihiiiKlon, .iuwoie " V. '"r1" '1Ji! ,-'lsl"' emeu. II amlori;t, Huj.'t . iriulnfn: Fitoli, tionstal Jfan;or. uiuuy. y e rareiy et mucn lor lhn, as the jeweler's nanift is freiuenily pub lished when there is am r'inr nartipn. ly beautiful given as a present, and ) adverlifcing compensates us." JSot- lar the ten Clclc A lislencaa's Solilcquj. "Singular," muicd an old Delaware fisherman as h at picking boueo out of himself like pia faatbsri aftor din." ner; -singular, a shad hs. jot 20i.OQ0 bones an' a shadder hain't fot nary a one. 1 ka;n"t uudcirstand no eich o' ;:rammer l:ke that, ao how. Marthv Ann, vrhur's them ibar nets von 'lo7e5 ye d done rot irscaJed T-t r.... iide? And as the cars, of life snr-d dear fi-cnds lor a few lio.Sms over his soul osjm icoro aii cor.icinai.s tton of the sornAl Flruclcrs psMfld frop? bis b3V miad, e fs:i s? an ephom--;-rai Joke thst fiiii:w laiatrr te :ho -round at the Conenrd r.-r".n- v'..i i railosupL'T". i . ... CuJt'ient 15 this new s:a.ift German Ooutrh Svrnn fn ('ougbs, Consumption aud Lung diecatcs is daily curing thousands o" tnis lerrib'e diccaped, bafi enticed all who have tested its merits to jro notince it a never failing remedy, speedy in affording relief, effectual in arres iisg further progress of di seases. Tryitnud be convinced. For sale by F. Harrintrtoa. ISov. S, ;JJ :5m. A WIDE AWAKE DRUGGIST. Idr.F. Harrington is always wide av.akf in his business and spares no pains tc, secure the De"t of every ar ticic in bis line. He bus secured tbo agency for the celebrated Dr. Jving s jtew DieeoYery ior Jonsump tion, the only certain cure known ior (. onsuiiijilion. Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Aetbma, Haj' Fever. Bronchitis, or any affection ot the Thiodit xud I.nngs. Sold on a pos itive guarantee. Will give you a tiil bettle fros. Ileirular size 51. 3ich 22, 'S:) lv. " GRAVE ROBBERS. Of a!! c'aesof j.eop.'c the pro fes:onal griava ioub:a arc the iiiofet nes'iiscd. i jo robs us of onr ti.sw FASEI0X.15LE 'chant FT3 '1 8 J.CilESAI VbRtamedfron iatt tceetj Hour Watch Cases are Made. j In 1875, thirteen men comprised tho j entire working force used in the manu j facturo of the James BosJ Gold Watch Qua. is ow overr hundred are employed, and the j number is constantly increasing. The rea l eon of this increase is this: In the Jamet Bost Gold Vfatch Case all the metal4n ti"ht and subject to wear is solid goldhile there ( mainder, which only lends strength to the t case, is of stronger metal than gold, giving gold where gold is needed, and strong, elastic metal where strength and elasticity are needed, a combination pro ducing a watch case belter than solid gold j and at one-half the cost & I Over 200,000 of those cases T8ABfBI have been sold, and every jeweler in tha country can testify to their quality and merit. I bars The Loailii'g .Mkj.saine for Boys and Gi ST. NICHOLAS. EJHcd by ilTz.H.ry Mapes De.rtjo. Tli IfoTT Yorli Tritiuso once niri: "Iu tlicv-alauelioof inimoiI lltiTature tli..t Ihrcitvn.' tise .i!il!.ir-n, Mi':i.stronjj vlieily idit;iiri-il Ior them, ji nd St Mieiio!.- nas roa2lii'l u iiinoi ii .U'oriu r.nd cemiRiKi:ti fwr t!iisorvice ti!oi reouiccs in xrt .cul ittT' timn any o: Uifireuei-eNOis or con- ........... .w. a .. v. ...ii..uuvr. iw iuc t ii.e c- Ko-.ri-cj i:i 5i'.iud lettvia coriiir.aiiiiwfi br SlNiLT.eils Tfas nrvei ;uor.- I.jIjt illnurt" to.i than by tha vstrjoniluar.v fiat of!: tiif.Licaxizina :mupct.c forlcsdi. 'l'im foiloiviii win ba tome o: the lciai.jjre-oiitri'jutns: LouliM. Aicott.J.T. Trowi)ndEc,Cpt. Mayna Jtoui, lijliaar lljoith Uovm-b, L'.uiio Thomoson, Pn.nk; 11. Stoolito.'., Ciias. Iltidle.v Warner, Jo.mhiIii JUllei, f'li.-ab-tli D. T. VVlut urf, juii.iii ii:itncr:.,i oll.t Iti'iitT, -in r IS .pt Ou.Iko, Lieut, rrnlerict i.h."ii Vh, Itr- :i-it l!iOrjsl.jthro5, II. s. Broot' UuorK. V,'. Cfibl.,! !: ,. ti. l.ula, ii, .Sii-t 1 oii!iuo:oCoii:)t.!..Jviui G. 'Wliirtioi, "U !.." V. O.Stolii.irJ. C. P. icr.rreulOihortlitit'niiKljen lkrlttii.. T.i. ;,ri.-5U .ml ir.r .v , j; n.irati .1.- .I.., i?".'",.. HlisvKf.. iktftt..' t.r lli..... , .. . , .. .... ..... ., nUi il.l 1.1.11, Lll. rja.itn ot Hi Kit hoi s i (or t!ieb(c nml sh'.s t?1io sr? rorirtit-.-. ei:o.i;ii tt bAve :.. Ja no othsr bo.-:c i jiitkijo tl ii'islriiciionK)hj)j)i:x" bloiiilci if itli re rcv.tio.i anci ar.ius.-nif in. Tln.-iiiiei-isi'Jji jcir, fr Ji'-nts s nnin hr r. lo:V niiiisr, i.i 'c-iurt. are! p:--l-r.i Jter .-evo. r...eri .t!c.:is on t niiy lt- made l!rei't to t. ml.liuiioM t iuono o-ex)r-oi.:r, b.aiK cne-iL.eiri't orju r.-;iMii'ti l-i:or. 'i'n CrfUfairCojiipnuy, Nsw Ymx.N Y. BUCL5:3'S- ASXiCA SAL TV, 1 he greatest medical wonder of tfcn world. ' rrauted to sjieedily eurcliiirus, Jsruises, (Juts. Ulecrs Keeps constantly on IL and the choiss6 meats, xrMck will be sold at the lowsst pojsibio pricG3 for W propose keeping uotliing-'but tha rwrr best moat, anr tbose having fat cattle for sal will finrl tn Viii. n.t,,. i&e to call and see us before sellinir, &a ro trill wuy tit gmouiiwiMi jii if uir cu'jice We hare just received new machinery for making Bolof.nn, Sausage, &c, and v.-e will gaarautes satisfaction ut comitnotlon f fro tide oflroH, Peruvian 'g CjJ jBMKiot jonn. JVn- BEV. J.-&. TOT72IES, Induatry, 3L, saxs- 'T.mi!Jr.U aost ezcelleat raaacdy ibr aooutt&teaviiai roi-cas. of the xreatent valne Bict wharea Tonic i niwaa. 65-1 mtu-y. j. recoiamena it m a, reliable remedial affCIlt. 'DOSsaf'cincr -n-n. tfonbtea nutritive and Xestoxsrtive propertiea. JtomnMc. Kv.. Oct. T. ISM. WgfflTO B KB DS. EABTEa I2SDICXNS C&, M . UABI SI., 52. ZCffli 23Ese5H5?3nsssC5isafe5lX Lancaster, Ohio, Branch will be Started ii Logan in September. nnel et tvro elollar'i worth for arary dollar Po3itiTe Cara fur Piles. To tho people or ttiia Country we-vro14 nny we lisive be;ii uiven the Aaency of Dr. Marpbli' rtiii-i uii.,rH..f ,T . ;t to euru or money refnneled Inttrnil, fexierral, Blinet, Rlrtnir or Ilcliinie Piiaa. runaic oy x'ncoSOo. tb boJ iilffl I wiWWIWWWTZl iear m &LS3& - & - ummMMm ""' i ii... .Hi " ITTT j..--i iUSV.A.i.iiiiBa YXltes: nggirmT y A D V,n.nral n41.H bJ 5 7T rf fU S Va (It'll, IllUU.g ailU'C!ncilIf or UC.r- TBrnf rmrrtn t .i i 1 ,..,ny w,-akn.sse, ,prl?K.nK tn.n, tlu gSf.(S2S.te ZJ? M 8 IlSS li X, uuu neacicne, iiiu,tin;. sniu.u a ctrrrrrr.'a.i1 -.'. nja-tgiaaguft3-y me fiijK'ict"", sKtiit-"S-ness, neivous lobili ir, i:a!i:t.iiion of liehU. Ac. For pal. c?TJrMBwr;SSSSSS-Sr? wr&&&&. -rarFjrs 5:iv?7 ah & sr ej qj e &2K r,y A7 j? it c fj & ISSe&teBarfaeSBSSaS&aBg&i&iBSrfK CKEI? wrinT f jJLi' FORTHE Jm0 NERVES 4fe COMPLEXION Cre rslpitatisi of lis Heart, KerroaBak Trcalirs, KcfTc3 Errflaehe, Tarccnt . Co!d s3 and Jeot, Tela ta tie Xaclc, sa& c&eg f -sa of Prrr-Te TTcr.Trncax Ticyerriok sad LitjKwe tha qillty of tea Sood, pirrilif tai tr:;itta lha Cac:p!c:ica, allay Kcttos IrritatToa, ad seena rsTreibfaj 8!eep. Jajt do rcneelj-Eao'IcJbyTrosaawliesepale.etrfa fcss 1. tees siovr lis ri koco cf Iron ia the KooeL Etsceaber thst Iro u ia 033 cf lie constituent ot tbo TlooJ.snd ii tho creat'tomle. Tb Iroa PHii ara TalsabTa Icr cica wl aw trosKsd witU UeTaiTreirtsa.Xisht SmS e-. Pries, B0 esstapjr box. 3estbyicfl. Afe -", CAQYCS SED!CiaS CO- 2 Pari r-Iac, NsvTmI PULA .-ra.L IIlCUni, lever SoiO1, CaiSCSi-fc, & Vf SiiS!3 RaR SSS 553ca5i - i ad AlUcrcfuloia daises, Soro, Zrjsv. Piles. Chilbl-iiua Corns, Tettor, Jfe r vft OS W B W Si tg-Pfj r las. iu, .iuui.e3, KicSrori, ta- .rwpiioa.. guarauteed to cure in 0ESSSBSSSSSS EBmfrfc iST-Sfi S"" """ " 25 .it. per boz. For' le br F. WIPS4 MTIIriE 1 vJZZXrZ? ilwrlaBton- Feh 15, 1 yr. i J ' ijLJ i l5Ul? lralLyllUls 2 ilL f-MSKB tualcondiaoa. jirs's5AiArAxiuAla i mlirsKur'KiHAaS SiBLEY &CO.RGchgsterfN.Y. Chicass, l7l. fwf '" "coucd i o- i ! i:ock C?HJy roagk Crio. V-'airautert to cu::k, or inaiHTitrun.- 'ou'4ti, Colilst. Ho.tiMMif-t, "lno i in litinu troui!n. liilio 'jmi :ir ehili(i;,. i-.L-ic Ca.sdi Ci.fH Cui:r o,iMin-. ii ( i.'i'ii; If'dtmttit.s ot; Wi.l'.'1 'i(,"i. ii'fl'. with Eslra u of Iineits ui.rK-ri it IyijccMr. i.h.r-l)uttlxtl.0iii.'!.e.;iisj: m !... Fe-raiU ny Jitisuary i, IK:. ihrvr,.r.V.i :? "" ,""3li.u" rw" .i wear, cicot.t Efn!?..,ui??nAi? "su-aed a Iw S one of tho but w ttau to-far n . utisfiedu iboh gegS TAIL 0 12 S SSES3KSSigs U. J. Uu.UlUr, J.uelar ill tlicStntf. liais op'-ncil a MerohJiit Tjil- '"tjHp u KtjiUat wtti, cMe sttr!M, rt"s. oilnsfehop In tlieHpybv builuliicaixl i ill ?! ,"rr,r,,,'"!,1itiir.pi.i-tiwLwtlw keep ou iikuiI rhii leit and lutest btylee oi " "" " Stpi iriih cm, iui. u vLHiniwu tf6)w T'frr' r n."i -,,-p--,,-. Suits to Order cmshoit uot!c. Call isd t- liiv stock of 5S f'i f fart! ort!ielntitty!a, ntl laarn the iaSps w.iicu iiuj- ara iiiruunea. ivnecl 'r? f ,0 fcSP . A-tr P-. rac . . . . E -- l.-TZn. &.r.i SS.P2 Ji V-JJA i 2 ?m t""-'i f" J V- fjl -J ? 7 Z - m . r m - - Clieny Pectoral. Ko other cou.plainU are so Ingiuiotis In their atUckastlio:o.-.2t:otinstbetiirewt and lungs: none eo trifle! wi:h "0Jf xae majority of suffer era. The onl.cari cuuga or ccIJ, reeullmj perhaps froia a trifiing or imcoutciouj ex posure, 15 often hut the UsIuniLg of a faui sicknea. AYKn't. Ciiekki- Vucioiuli. hao well prortu its etecey in a forty j ears fljiht vith throat aca inug dlteisc, and LouId to hu..u m ac c.t3is -althont delay. A Tcrrlfcls ConL'h CtzmA. In li3i 1 tooi a eorere eoul, which rffeeted my luns. 1 liad a tnrnble couth, acd n.xisod night aiter n:at Tf uhoul sleep Ul.e ucclors gave uie up. 1 tried Ayek's Cjici:j.v Pec- i tokal, whioli raiMviI my lun. ii.diicud Sleep, ana alionie,.! u.e tlJe rest iiectrT I lor tne recovery of my strength. I5 the wiitnme.1 nee cf the PieioKAi. a irnia nont cure, . illw(ed. 1 soi novr CJ oM, hale aud Lcsrty, and am saCsutd joar UfllkKV rtc'ionAi, yaveil me. ,, , . , KoacE l"Amr.Eoxnrs." I EocUa3Usai,-t.,Julyl5(lKi. ThKSnrfs Say So. J.'r. T W. Atkins (Jirard. Kan . writes: 'li never hesilale to recora mond yowr Lleutric Bitters to rav cii3tomi.'i., ihey jivo entire s-t:c-iiiction nd :tro rapid sellers." Elec tric IIiJ ten: ssre the purest nnd bes lucfiiciiie kiiortn and wid posilireiy cure Kidney and Liver comp'hiiitH. rttriiy me moon and regulate the bofis. No fambycan aiiird to bt without tfcera X'PV illsave Iiuh nroili of dollars in doctor's bills cv eryyear. Sold at fifty cent, by F. Harrington. April lfitb, 188S lyesr. Jal 5,1RS-Im fexsgr, Qit St g. Sisal ot'K" Ajralss. How cn you, wben you congb at every breath Why. get a bottle of Dr. Uigdow'i PoaitiveCure, and von "vili be answered. It cures e o u g h a colds, consumption, whnnnilHr f-nlltrll y.nd c!I lli!Cf nf the lungs, and it xtiil cost you noth ing to tt;st it, it you cpll at ii. (J, ite bar's drug fctoso. Apiil 19th, 1S53 1 year. RSS5J5K S?!tKH.'522ia'2SS -.- fc.i - - cnrfTK. ttt. tz attA- iw ? kt1 fc CCl V'iff Kt-35A C5 Kk ts-a i. ra ISI t iT; EKi bmmm K CJf ff? BV -3L Hr a E4 fc$ P? ras-J&tM BRSgSSgSSM'-SSgj i -i V lfeX .. S&SISS erfa! blood purisr in ciuieace. It frtM th; 37iUm froai all foal hcinors. tarieied aud4:rca2:hcuslhblosd,r-inoeA.l Uaeoa cf iercuriol tr;aimont, aud proT ibolf a. j:s?let waster of all scrof u!ou .4-jcjjei. Ji. Itcesct Care cf Scro'iiltius Soros. icn-,"niouo ort (ti'crsi on oy ;t.js. 2l iicita-frcre faaiy srolte;i nm: l..l!dUul. huJ. Ihs sera eii.charjsd 1 j;s e,ait:t:t;a of Cjn'b'r.A Jil-?1.-1- ?ttrr mr ltf T .....4 for Infants and Children. CRSforiaprOmotOHDitrestion J TnttnveaoeirChUJrearcychoo, J i1.. .. I What cure their fevers, irsakRRtiierasJrtr.: oterooiuob f luluieucy, Couaupa- I 'Ti Crj'wrw. on, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, and j rrtMWUa,tiyaadehr'iSi Feveriishness. It insures health and 1 -what eurcatlwi: colic, iills &e vrtn-ins. itiiturul tJeeri. without morniiiiae. 1 sr.t cast!.rfiT. CAsttria is so -well adapts to Children that 8 IVhat qcickly esir-i Constlpntlon, tjourStcraacli, t'clds, lndisS:oc. v"tb"1?V'ni'r0-.Pr;:7C!lptlCa I nwrtlftn to Merita. Bjiups. kcowniome." IL A. Asemsu, id. !.. S caster OU awl Paregoric, and &JPortJsndAve.,BrcolJyn,K.T. 3IaHr. Bat CRftorla. 'a.t:tra! YsIaabJcFaras for Sale. A farm ol ISO acre one an 1 1 3;alf miles north of Lognti, 40 :i -r I of timber, 2 acres of vinoyard, 3 acv3 of orchard the rest Bet in good itrass, a good frame b-irn, 2 houses and all necessary out build -in8, plenty ,f water for houae and stock, the best fire cl.iy oa it. I will bc!I jtll or part. For teraifl ap- nl v to "Nov.29.3in. Nicholas Till, !3-Uir..'.X,.L.V..-iM CS&T&U F? LS?5!K5S?3T an absolute eaxo for ItJicumr. tisiu, Sprains, Burns, GuILs, &c. Tito most Pcmeriiil azidPene trating Iaiii-rlieviEjj and Ksttliiig Keniedy known to sasn. trgsaeasaggRB ?!yEH3?3riP'"5:3ta3SS V.H.TEUSCKiCR. . Frl sglpryr-ryaiij-.f.-Aw-'-?".1".?; JAS. A. OIVi:K 1 Lotran. Ohio "J . irrv-f ,?-, i ,-r"? y?i .0 .j& 3 ES tJ.' r-A ?-& iSv' &i ' Ul Vi' V. Z-i. .fcOLi "V" ii w 7 K"rvous ExBaustion, Prematui Decay, Loss ofMemorv. fl 80-peee CToth-honnd Eook of wholesome ' , . t- i - i - i sS?iS un wen. bya Regular J'lijaicisa. iVinDorarv and permanent Embatmin a pecisUv, r 'vwhicl MLEEIE KftSr0 , c bodies can be keVt any length of time without additions TKS HcALTU JflUSHAL. I2ILWCUKPP 1. i Ail l-;..,o ri.nrUri.iV;,, onnrlv .,h oc V l'"t!l 1 T,3.l A.f, FM S.l.l.... . - -.-.. . .U..V. . .... jj. ..-.. .4. l.l.i. of -wuirh J Iuitb now tr.;en t!ir.e hotti4, with ti rtsiilt that tho soro aro h&sletl, and Riy general htali greatly improved. I fnei very grnttful for tha good vow"1 uiiiticlue has eicn-v mc. You rejpcctfoily. Mas. A:rx O'Bciax." lWSGliivan St.,cfc- Tor, June ::!,1SK. to erall oa 31 rs. Olirian; aiao upon ilia Kut.Z. J. tVIIUs or 7S ilit--4lli Slrst. 2iow lorlc City, ytlio vill lai.e plea.tar In teUrylnct ihoTrondorful eatejicyof Ayei-'s S.rparil!a. not only in tho cure ef th!i l:ily, Iut In bis (turn tsd aad' luauy uthora nitliiti hla inorelexlse. Tha weli-Vuomi icnleronHtsSoslon Herald, B. 7. Ball, of fiusluikr, S.'M., vrritea, Jau 7, 1882: "HaTinjsnffcrpd gererelr for soma vaar with Kezeiua, aiul having nfled to Had relief freniiotlier remedies I have made use. eliiriiii tiie past three mouths, of Avcit's SxRSArA l:it.LA. which lias elTected a cmnpUte care. I consulsr it a msguiScaut remedy for ail Wood djsasea." Ayer'sSarsaparilla iimnlate ard regelate tt action of th digestiva and assimilative organs reaeira and strengthens the Tiuil forces, and speeefclj enres P.hoamaUsm, Nearalsls, SheBia&. tic Gout, Catarrh, General Debility, and all diseases arising from an lmpoTeriihed or corrupted condition of tha hiood, and a weak ned vitality. It is incomparably the cheapest Wood medV duo, oa account of ita concsntraud slrugtk, n-d great power OTer disease. razpAESD bv Dr. J. C. Ayer &.Co., Lowell, Maa. Sold by all Druggists; prl,fi, six bottlM for 56. :coeA:N ohio. A vitn si hi r. "mcossV.ius"' case.! tried in Louie villu on Tito-.dav fast, toli how tae fni-,r.y tr.tle n carried ouj"C1 a!i1 !otrn ca Given kvci: -I v.--.n!otI .- f. .1 l!ec lies of nlions, sud v.-o;jL lo Dris and lo! ossuer. Dr. Uiirtdofi-'fe Poit;ve Cure, v.iiich robs graves ot Ihoustnds of con .-umpiives. 'Lhit uncQuab-d ren-dv j for coughs, ctdd.s t.ud cotistiinplio::. j '.Thoopin rougU, hroap jmd all j inrosi. sua lung (Jueasus : hubuuot j, nnd conquers these troubles speedily iisorou'L'lii'. Irisi bot B. C Rolie,-1 'V lo!d; April iy. 6o lv. r rr tom.n .-.-.-. ptf HE1J .rt? 1: . fe too tT-t.S lia, v'J5 TeIrTSly,?". J."!r .i'-ta- . aS bcvni!!jilnv.nrt:!."' -r;T nit ietj-oa have the !::-::v? thi- '.-.roscrti-; tor inquired. "Ca. i: .'' th.'Twtn,sl ranlicd. "J)i.l tciv. u' ! ' fr.i the Etiil yciirra'i?' -No, isfdei."! Tdts. A. ii. Vallz, vmhiiijr to re vo.i. iKr.r it.-" "iwaU.Ure from will s.-li hr-r ic-i J-F UKi'.l. Iv.tsnon D,n!Ur Bta anls jTimhi V.'liJsSiS & lict'4r.TiAY 5tl3At;Cl CO. ,w .y.lOiJi.ii'1'tnVK. OHIO. i.-. t-rtad..?ri3,jojtui,a purs-un KnT?!cpp. PA THE FINEST rOUHO PLUG EYES HW sv E.rn'. T-rtVpr Ss- 'iro r- voyn sealer for zoo-zgo. t.'J.hfc'fSRU'RKK.r-j-tnolJ.torJiir.r.HraKi. " ?' . r . aw .a-.t. J.... . . - . . WORTH SEIBIRO FORI J-T. ,i. ii. iKj;iii-Ui.lii taA ysiiluxxa a fcooi ca P5SBIES OF TBS LOOS FOlt BALE .ti'l lo:x:id .;c .a a trcc-ton.". -t u i...:ij:.. . . . J -Who put it il.vr-r''t nr". ,uui:u,,,t WI" uclorieai- L'01 'Who ci J yon pr for if?" -'DoiC: (:,tt,,er parrimiiars call on iis. loaovr. All'l I;aov i ihni I ot mv! aUz nt the oitl llai-tinan sttmd T II fcV ' . -1T t. -.i:','iir-xi s .i.r.. ij"-x:ti.Txi r.u nr.JtlinKa i.efiilvs'i'.tnjor.n.,nf,ira;iitvLosi:j)3r'rta J.3ULr''cricK. .lsal!9'i tiili parw. .dlrttj tv. J. K. 5CUS.5t"ir vl MX,;K!a,I', v: J.t Lf wt3 s C-.- iis.t t KisilrsiTi I TILB,: 45 II r.EISGE. Prop, LAXCASTirit, OHIO. Tiippenj !e of Logan r.rc liiTiUd to call m tiirz ,ii(-ii jii ijiw ciey ,(;r Froth Urocertes, Choice Wines, ''n,' Best Beer and Cigars. my RMtaurant vlll lip supplied vitli rrpli Oi.-Krs,(r.nic, Kish .end,over. tliim; tho Oronp. A Kother's Tribnto. 1 Tfi'"10 ,u l!l6 eo"lry )nt Kirter my littli it .eniod as if he vroi-ld elic from etrar.zu lauon. One of the family suggeettd tLe ua of AYKU'h Chekrs- Jfho-ronaL, a hotllo of which was ahrtji. kept in tho houso. ITiU Jfaa tried iii small and freqnent do., and io onr de lSht iu les tlian half an hour tho lu.lo pat.eut was hreathinp easily. ITio doe tor said that th Cilr.Kiev 1'ie.TOKAL had West ICSth St.S'riK if'k "I havo n:d AVEB'8 ClfEItKV Pkctorai, in my family for several jean, and eio not nesitat to proiiource it tlie most eireetnal remedy for couhs and colds we hare ere U,,'k. .. i, J. Craxe.- ....,. rjn.ii, aiinn., arcn 15, lfl. I ?3 5 i?a i vi.-. K ? ?y, tu - a- ?i r ci t . u :-- a w r- i Sa r.i &i r, - ... .t - . -r ; ".r ij ;- t - i- - - v n Z eyi')i.-i t jaocwl e.1 j.uj.t,'iuoiM pr.-C nctc,fr.'jio;;i-;.tai- - rLMUAtc c-.Tliio Jji-iiS, i-Aiicct-rfti-i ' i.fiil lanito; tliat cotl;3 1 1 Ss i!ri.K-;iiMi 'jeit-, ri-ili.:ai.! SooUiifj fcli-5, av' y-lio-vvs w ia. rltutloii tus.1 ev!i t!.? Cjiir'i. 3 eiCAtf 13 tholus;s(i"aU laipnt::;, tr:ti';:ii'S ... . .w. . .----. T.t.. T-.. .. 1 ntei tha cirtalm- ef ti-J t.t-, r-A 1-VMo.e y-. , nsrro'naji'rn. Hj!t c'i"i cftit) e.i fc ceSScpiio:n. ills eliuisrousi it lcj'.!o.t tds uc tdstof tv'iiy jwr tiiimh tho asiciuua tiii 1 no; .-ta.d-I.iis cr&.-"it-. -. w w:l 5,r.t As fwi I prouaf t iin 4,t' .K4 7:irJ".5 L-FECICSAJiT. 411 kinds of undertaking goods, etieh as ESet-allCj Weed .msael Clth H e si sal CsiIi e ? 05 5 f aif . JDktsiaI eods. w FOUTZ'S ltO.0. AiiG CATTLE PGVD2S3 SinSili uOttv J"J4i--3 iil4 VJlJef'Mt. ElltnlM I sntrered for eight y?3W from Bronehitt, i-iIlH2iir.&tiin, ail i a ;( ; ".uiy l j tao c;t ncta.tertry:iij; mxuy r ireiltee Hh co sua- ' cbr:cii:eeocs'i.. A vIc-i-"4 cervift2, c'aJJ- ccm. 1 was cured by the use of Ayek'S CHE. rtra tbl'o ri jr.-.,'. sir. i" Ci-.ajs it x' ETPErroKtL. Joscph Wxijmi." iiivft2ii&i;l .-ti c-.c- -! W '. efi it rtoilr. .juiuis, jam., Anru 5. lhf.2. i::?'.a(a : ivvtsji t n. f . HFigit- Cia6 Meavse. e f . V ... .' ?x ir? r 1' 1- " it 5- 1 r - V J Z j .. rf V .-'' o Ifov?. D v &W " .7 5- :v' v (r-x' ;cr . r j -,. 1- n Fy . i- .- . .- --1 --' wr,T ''"inm m ,ir( -. -,.-. -. .-. . t t ... .""" ''"'i--' 3'-: -.- .T- -..,. .- r.r'.-iji r. yorif : T; -rri:-.r. "I canHot sy enough in pri-ire of ATHB'a I CllrHIir Pnrnm.ii .Ti..Ji .. r .i .t-i liut for iu mo 1 nhouid lone since hare eUtd , I from lime- troubles Vr.ioiinv.' I'alejSiiiio, Teiss, April 22, 166a. Ko cae of an affection of the throat or lung exists which cannot be greatly relieved by the use of AVer's Cherut I'ectohai and it -will alii-ays curt when the diseaw U not already beyond the control ol lufditic. fBEI-ARED BT Dp. J. C. Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mm. artdhyallDrnggista. aan-ifsa 3 Sr !rt; ?ct; 1- tc w-a P7 .i-r AT n?rF.g?L,y.,C:f5 V?1g t.tvfcf Onrs ."risi! .-nil i-'e-ri. 0--sppai, CIoScxtca;:chn, IXi:.u-o.-i C.lic,'JJli..pi-tiJi.llUiiii'-iiM.-. , Vji. i'&ipiSat.-io? tlie Xuut. l-iii:fcO-, T-pl; i.lrer,lil Famcle Srcojulaiitl. if u do nut Hft-i toflWatl ffa .l -t .l . . - u. L-.-. V. - nsilt (hp.muI i;-i-i;j4 t ' ii Lli."- i."C .!m?rtTi,,H,rnli9 g 8 Si SH I a IK?- ESTABLISHED -TT?3 --' H1NETY-EICHT YEARS - .. . A t irijpia bjc uoi ji i0iaoclj,T-.:itrjT.!j'--r.i.:'.tm;-?rtT:,'or(nUi9 pajVICvHa RSPRriHAMToncurKowPlan ---F3" ET Sy?n. h iy3 Arjtrtr-r rifcrsrTsrssE? OEis ' -- - ----- j -1 l j s it m a -km c d a- m . u s x-i rf b a v-ka b -b aa a m SPPECS For the P33VATE FAISLY Q -ULVV. a J r.. ww. w. 1 - C2f- Hmw'-nnr, TIliKirnteil Cnlalnune and Ilernl Rsoi.tcsr FUEK 50 . CRYING FOR AID. Z,oss of Apptite, Headacho, Bepre. Ion, Indigestion and Constipation, Bil iousness, a Sallow Face, Dull Eyes, and a Blotched Skin, are among the symptoma whlch, indlcato that the Liver is crying for ' aid. Ayer's Pills will stimulate tho Liver to proper action, and correct all these troubles. One or mora of these Pills should be taken elaily, until health is fully established. Thousands tea- " ttfy to their great merit. Kb family can afford to be without Axkt Puis. rSEPABZD BT Dr. J.C. Ayer &Co.. Lowell. Mass. Sold by all Druggists. "SS JOJ sorrjoq - 'l3 BVS&Btua r8 Xq piog ssBft 'iloi '-oomAvoT -KI -TTiraYaVSTTTS s.ttiiy se ssnipxnb 2apsao2tnrj pun "Suj -epjjuo 'Sarzipsui '2atijund-pooiq saaiqiuoa pro B9uja933 os uor)icrsd3jd joq;o o poo3 3qriU3 -ftrj uoi op iiia puis "pooa nol ;ciij. jsaf t AIX. ME2CII-VNTS, SEND US TOUS. HCSINESS bjicus e!C tbauk ao1'. JO 2oIiaaj 2ul 's2or(aoj tpns mojj oiqaoj inuanhasuo Xin'aiA OW pnn JOOd Bt pooiq oqj ?bttj joj eqt ot onp s 'aidood aiicui os oj noprcq jit saTreui it3"! 'Hoija jnoqjyi nonswsrrxa jo 'ssoapTOjv. 5 iflO U3HII ?.'. Va IA: i Cii 3i '. V-.S; ... 1 . f -51 il m ;i Wsi .,; r - ?- - ' 1 rf" f e ?'.t "11 4. ,. ti" I S3 - x -mi J sT3rV -watssBsh" - -jjuor. Hi rurnncetown. Jim 24-tt, AVID UHSRETHASONSEEDeROWESPKiLAOELPHIA ' iuoii.ti,..i:uiw- hi ;iirijq, I11CJ iu, i5 j i Wf eswtstpoqx J! .-: . ?