Newspaper Page Text
. -45 - f&lr V .. . ... .i sf-?-jTj3r4rg-r-ojsffrir&v?rv'-WiffiBBBBftftMMHHiWBB . ;,Mr,- ii jui.iMMfapigArWaygaM p, C,aagygeSgi33K5gBg!tf aimsb.atMmmiWMnTrraT.iw-iit.M -i r efe i : I-' i -'--- " -1- - - r - Qpfe jpniiijl, MWIS GREEN, ditok akd pxorxirroK. T1KMS PER YEAE, 2.00- Thursday, M'cli 15, 1SS4. FOR COMMON PLEAS JUDGE, JNO. 5. ;FBIESNER,t)F HOCK ING. 'Ilia Democracy of this subdi Yieion of the 7th judicial district are called to meet in convention 41 Lancaster on Tuesdaj, April 15th, to nominate a candidate for Judge of the Court of Common Pleas. In behalf of the Democracy of Hocking county we present, as a candidate, Judge John S. Fries .ner. Judce Friesner is serving his iirst term. It is a well estab lished rule that the official, -doing faithful and meritorious service on his first, is entitled to his sec ond term. Judge Friemer has merited his Tenomination. He has done his duty honestly, impartially, well- fi has shirked no disagreeable service and has met manfully ev ery responsibility. In his brief term on the Bench he has been--called upon to decide more ques tions involving original proposi tions of law than any Judge in the state, and to the credit of his judgment and legal knowledge be it said his decisions have be come the accepted Law of the Land, Whilst he is the youngest man on the Bench, ho is consid . ered one of the ablest jurists of our state. His discharge of court business is characterized by j)rompt, energetic, economical -dispatch, always in a spirit of courtesy to the- attorneys, and of qual and exact justice to liti gants and. the general public. Besides his merits as an official, Jack Friesner claims our support as a man and a Democtat. He is self made and is self sustaining. He trained in "Labors ragged .school," aud his hand was always Teady for any work offered and lis intellect prompt, as was his liearr to face and fight au issue upon a principle. He is resolute, clear of head, strong of purpose, warm of heart. He is one of the "best developments of the Amer ican Man, familiar with every class and identified by experience with every phase of lite in his climb from the brush picking up to the Bench. John S. Friesner is a Democrat. He has done more . than his share of work each year 3n promoting the advancement of Democratic principles, and help ing to elect Democratic candi dates. He is a genial gentleman, a true Democrat an honest, able Judge, and Hocking county, proud of him and devoted to him will present him as our candi date for re-nomination, in the full faith that our sister counties will offer no opposition. His nomination is asked by ev--ery Democrat of Hocking county and such is his lofty standing as jl gentleman and a judge among those who know him best, that we assume to say his candidacy will not be opposed by the Re publicans. The Canal Affairs. Last Friday Chief Engineer Gregor3r, responding to a resolu tion inquiring for estimates of damage done by the flood, re ported the injury to the Hocking canal at S10;000, the other public woks at 31 '0.-00. Col. Weldy introduced a bill providing for the appropriation. Senator White, of Defiance, has introduced a bill which pro poses to authorize the Governor to leas tho canal to the high st and bst bidder for a railroad. This scheme is backed by parties in. Columbus and Lancaster. The Gazette is publishing a Tveaiy description of the capture of Ft. Donekon, with the hero thus far hid in Bosenwein's bos em, waiting for the enemy to run away. About the time the Rebs are three miles away, running for dear life, the Red Right Arm will appear, tho Flag will be pulled down and our poet will close the service with a poem. Hick Ilickle, the popular! Treasurer of Fairfield county, is -an aspirant for Steward of tlie Penitentiary, and we hope ha will get the position. He came down to Logan week before last to see Ferd Iiempel, Gov. Keinmund's appointee for Trustee. Ferd with that goodly smile, whic: salivated and blist ers where it fastens, promised JJIike of coursQ. Mike Dickie was ihe eighteenth man promised. The Commissioners adjourned .on Saturday to meet again on Monda' tho 17th inst. ly..'aiww.' M.-iy.iir.lfgivJ-..1; A Representative Hoelv ing Comity Republi can. It is a rule that at loast ona member of the party not in pow er be given a place upon the Boards of all our stalo institu tions. Got. IJenryJ. Reinmund has selected Ferd Rempel of our town as the, truly representative Republican for a riosition on the Board of Penitentiary Trustees. Gov. Reinmund was induced to select. Ferd at .the instance of Archbishop Alex Sands, who is tho spiritual adviser and con science keeper for ths Admistra tion. St. Alox. Sands says that "Ferd voted for Hoadly and got twelve othor dutch to vote with him." This established Ferd's representative Republicanism to the Reinmund standard. We are satisfied with Rempel as a Representative Republican if Judge Brazee, Gen. Grosvenor, Gen. Bealfy, John Sherman, Sam bright and Frank Wheeler can stomach him. lie is the kind of Representa tive Republican that can scent from afar the penitentiary plun der, and can loyally look after the Government's interests with the .zeal of a provost marshal at. Shiloh or on the trail of Morgan's Raid. If Geo. Hoadly was Governor we might submit to him a chap ter of the Louisville Court Mar tial, so that he might not disgrace his administration with an ap pointment that will be resented by Republicans and despised by Democrats. But Standard Oil his so satur ated Gov. Reinmund that unless tho jackals, seeking plunder, fol low that smell, they are ruled out of the race. There will be an explosion some of these dars, and tho prayers of Alex. Sands, nor the pretense of Henry Rvinmnnd wont save the official whose highest aspirations seems to be to secure a nigger vote and a Standard Oil boom. A Hocking County Pau per Claimed for Dissection. Thure is a law which author izes medical colleges to receive for dissection the bodies of pau pers who die without friends to cla'm their remains. The Super intendent of the Infirmary has no power to refuse a demand for such body. A case happened some months ago at our Infirm ary, which has caused some com ment, and censure unjustly upon Mr- Nixon, who was powerless in the case, and was compelled by law to give up the boly. A Mrs. Caroline Capan, an old lady of about 65 years, having no relatives, was brought to the Infirmary last December. Soen after her arrival she look sick and died and was buried in the Infirmary cemetery. Nine days afterward, at about midnight, two persons came to the Irfirmary, waked up Ms. Nix on and demanded Mrs. Capin's bodjr. The party making tho demand gave bis name as Dr. Hamilton, of Calumbus. Jtlr. Nixon refused the body to be taken, when ho was served with the following official requi sition: Columbus Med. College,) January Sth, 18S4. ) Daniel Nixon, Sup't. Hock. Co. Infirmary : Dear Sir I hereby make re quisition in accordance with the provisions of Section 3763 of the Revised Laws of Ohio, for the body of Caroline Oapen, dee'd., now lying unclaimed in the cem etery. You will please deliver the said body to the bearer. Josiaii Mebbury, m. d. Prof, of Anatomy, O. M. C. Columbus, O., Jan. 8, 534. I hereby certify that I have this day received the above men tioned body from Daniel Nixon, Superintendent. Wm. L. UAMILTOX. The body was taken up, put in a sack and the two persons drove off. Tho affair created profound feeling among the paupers, and has also been country talk. The Law, however, authorized the act of the physician, and Mr. Nixo-. was compelled to yield to a com pliance with the Law. John G. - Reeves has been ap pointed Trustee of the School of Progress, late the Ee form School, at Lancaster. The School under the Bologna reign has progressed from plain Sausage to Yinnsr worst. ths name. The position as chief sausage grinder and winnerworst stutter will help Mr. John G. .Reeves in his canvass for Congress. The Corning church disturb ance was brought before Justice Porter, of New Lexington on last Friday. The ease was under t rial until on Monday, when lie v. O'Boyhm was discharged, the testimony failing to show that ha was a party in tho alleged as sault upon ilcDevit. The other parties against whom McDevilt made complaint will have a hear ing before the grand jury, now i in session, T'- ' 'vg Falls TovritBliip Democratic JURY ELECTION. Notice is hereby give that tho Democrats of Falls Township will hold a Primary Election to nom inate Township candidates, on Saturday, March 29, 1884, betweon the hours of 10 o'clock, A. M., and 4 o'clock. P. M. Can didates f r the following offices will be nominated : 3 Trustees, 1 Clerk, I Treasurer, S Justices of tli9 Peace, 3 Constablss, 1 Assessor for the territory out side the corporate limits of Lo gan, and 1 Assessor for Gore pre cinct. The Democrats of Falls town ship, outside the corporate limits of Logan, will vote at the Recor der's office. The election for Gare urecinct will bo held at Gore. Corporation Vote os Township Officers. - Incorporated Village of Logan will vote in their respective wards, at places hereafter to be designated For the various above named township officers, except Assessor. Each ward will elect its own Assessor, on the 22d, and the vole for ward Assessor must be onh- by Democrats of the ward. Thevote of Falls township out side the corporation of Logan, the vote of the various wards, and the vote of Goro precinct, must be certified to by the elec tion officers, sealed and returned to Jacob Weaver, Central Com mitteeman of Falls township,who in open Convention, on MONDAY, March 31, in th Court Hoase, at 10 o'clock A. M., will open the returns and declare the result. The voting places for the cor porption of Logan will be at the following named places : 1st Ward Soap Factory on Hunter street. 2d Ward Geo. Hartman's, on Main street. 3d Ward City Building, May or's office. -1th Ward Kessler's Furniture store. By order of JACOB WEAVER, Committeeman of Falls Twp. March 14 2w. a Meeting of County DEM. GEN. COMMITTEE The Democratic Central Com mittee of Hocking County are called to meet in Logan at one o'clock, P. M., on Saturday, DSareb S2d, 18S4S for the purpose of fixing the time of holding the Democratic Coun ty Primary Election, for the pur pose of appointing 9A delegates to attend the Judicial Conven tion at Lancaster, on April 15th, ISSi, and for the transaction of such other business as may be deemed proper. Tho Committeemen who can not attend, sre requested to send proxies. In case a township is not represented by a committee man or by his proxy, the vacancy will be filled by some known Democrat present. Candidates and all Democrats are invited to attend the meet" ing. The following are the members of the Committee : Benton N.R, Petit. Falls Jacob Weaver. Gore J. T. Nutter. Goodhope Wm. Carpenter. Green J. J. Riser. Laurel Amos Kline. Marion Geo. Woidner. Perry Nels. Armstrong. Salt Creek B H Stevenson. Starr R. E. Frey. Ward, 1st P John Shnnk. do 2d P J. H. Boadmer. Washington Thos Meldrim. Committeemen are requested to inquire into tke views and wishes of the Democrats of their respective townships, and in the event of unavoidable absence, write to Jacob Weaver, Chairman of the Central Committee, who will make known to the members present the sentiment of the townships not represented. By order of JACOB WEAVER, J. M. Floyd, Sec. 3Ichl3 2w. Ch'm. Dr. McTague,of Corning, came over to Logan last Thursday, and oecupied the afternoon in Char ley Rose's store, writing a letter to the Columbus Journal, in which ho displayed himself as the conspicuous montebank of the Corning circus. In reciting tlie sayings of his Irish iriends and companions, he plays the role of a clown, mim- icing their manner and speech. The French gentleman forgets that in this attempt to be smart lie is casting ndiculo on the tongue of his father and mother and tlie race to which he ought to feel proud to say ho belongs. The it cTagn- should drop tho "Mc" from his name. Tho "Mc:' is too Irish and too honorable ior the Cary class. There is a woman in Washington who plays the piano with her feet.: "We hope this disease won't bocome an epidemic. The Merchant Travelers says to barbers, ''Don't talk!" There was once a man who stood on the shore of a pond and cried to the ducks, ''Don't swim." A50THKK, H1AVT BOBBXKY Chicago, March 7. Last Satur day, about 1 o'clock in the after noon r Paymaster C. S. Bartlet, oi the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad, left hi. office for l"ncn,Ht ..l i. ii.: .!. -., .,,r, -aL.' Inject tffllM, Kecordsa .., .... .t 1 3 t .i l .1 : nf fb l.r.ofn' rnu&o mu v,uiiiuiii.wivii w. iv w.b c-. in which the money for theBpayment of the employes was deposited. On loavingthe rorm he did so with out waiting the return of the other atiaches of the office, who had all gone to lunch. Before his return the safe was robbed of all its con tents, with the exception of eonie packages of nickels and small change; the total amount disappear ing as near as the companjs officials can estimato, being $27,000. On the facts becoming known and an investigation being instituted Paymaster Bartlett was discharged i from the Service of tho company for negligence, and the matter was placed in the hands of detectives. An effort was made to keep the af fair secret, in the hope that the de tectives would be facilitated in their work.Jbut tho affair became known, and in tlie belief that an exaggerat ed statement would be published con cerning the rubbeiy, the officials shewed a willingness that the eract facts should be furnished the public. The theory advanced by the treasurer of tlie"cimpany is that the robbery was accomplished by a sneak thief. Two doors lead into tho cashier's office from a vacant room, one of which was found ajar on the paymaster's return. The paymaster's loom is located in the gener.d. offices of the company, on the second floor of the building, and was constructed specially with a view to gu:rd ag ainst intrusion or theft, but in this instance the most ordinary precau tions appear to have been ignored The explanation giYeu by the paymaster is that it was supposed that the vacant room adjoining his office was always kept locked, but in this case it was proved otherwise This door was close to and adjoining vault in which the safe was located. Theie was remaining in the room when the paymaster left the room, the cashier and an assistant, who oc cupy practically the same "room. But sit at desks somewhat removed from the vault, and in au angle which partlly conceals the entrance to the vault, so that any one enlor in from the vacant room could have accomplished the robbery without their knowledgo. The paymaster assumes thst the robbery must have been committed by some one having a complete knowledge of the room and the habitsof its occupants. The detective, have advanced a theory to the effect that tlie robbery did not actually occur ad sUted by certain employes, but that some trusted employe is a defaulter, and selecfcd the 'robbeiy" method of covering up hiR shortage. Ten Missing: Men. Spokane Fall, Wy., March 10. Fars exist regarding tho safely of the ten men who Rathdrum thirteen days ago to locate a trail. They left a point twenty five miles from Kathdum with four days ra tions and left other provisions in charge of a man, to wait six days. They never returned and the man left. It was thought he had arrived at Eagle City, but a man arrived Saturday sta'ed that he had not been there. A meeting was held at once, money collected, and a party of meu sent out to every available point and search for the lost men. There is no place where they can stop at between tho points knewn, as the snow is very deep. A Candidate f'r SOassingr. Pond du Lao.. Jlnrcli 10 A wo man giving her name as Kitty Ames and her home in, Wis., ar rived here two or thrso days since from Oahktjfh and put up at thd City Hotel. She was nearlj' desti tute and wr.s Jookinfc for cmplo' nient. traturday niyht shegavo birth to a child. The Irndkud, It. S--har Initio, a Frenchman' ordered the woman out of the house, Taking the new-born child in her arms she started out in the cold a.nd snow wandering about tho stree'8 until the Chief of Police pave her a warm plaee and summoned a pbj'aician. lie found the c'u'ild dead. The wo man is not expected to live owinjj to the fsposure which she fciifiered. Grave threats are mada. against Scliarbnne for his treatment of tho woman and should she die he will be arrested. Loveland, O , Jlhrch 10 A Mrs. Cummins, visiting her brother, Mr. Vandewort, of this place, performed a somrambulistiu feat which placed ber in a rather embarrassing pos ition. She rose from her bed at midnidit, :md dressing herself in her slippers only fled from the house. She wa6 unobserved until she c im ed into the cab of m engine of a freight train which had just come to a stop. The engineer aid nremui weie startled at her appearance, and on questioning her she stated that she had fled from murderers; who had entered her brother's lioue and murdered htm and his family, she was taken to a hotel and her brother f-ent for, who on arriving .Kiceeded in waking her and removing her to his house. Mrs. Mary A. Daily, of TunUian nock, Pa., was atllicted for six years with Asthma and Bronchitis, duimg which time the best pysicians coti'd give no lelief. Her life was des paired of, until last October she pro cured a Bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery, when immediate relief was felt, and by continuing its use for a short time she was completly cured, gaining in llesh 50 lbs. in a few months. Free Trial Bottles of this certain cureofThiojt and Lung Diseases at F. Harrington's Drug Store. Largo Bottles 51.00. .Without taking tue precaution -hmM jnuTStody of th Ticasiii-'WKiiipJUncu with ' '.JSJTT fftr. Tin ai-100 ! INSPECTOR'S REPOR To the Hon. Judge of Probata Sir: . RTniithonivlTivtlir3inyou, nraaaauy . ... . r.r.,..s i.,r mira iipcnnlni' io uw. I. "- ' -.. . . ' uu and after bInge:iy?woiT..c.?.. Lrijn ioiuu"'- i'-jaj-ci, -J Itic-rinnr tVI. KPfOruS llllll ti1ir.luiii;wi(iC)v.'" "- " r- .-.:i .. a ii" nsn . t . such cxrtmimitiori. I hereby cwtify that t! (i-i,r,.1.ihcsactamouiitof lunucr so found dollars was the exact amount or lunney f ii ctntommit nnuuxed which airiees mi and ovcrp.maeuUin caohfund, and of property lueii ml: ' ' v Keapestfully iubmittsu, 'ertv MarchS.-lStH. Am't due from 1 Orders Red-m-d I T . CEg Trai,urer. wnce. 1 I.ALAOjU.. FUNDS. I Treaiurer. 1 Cmrtity, Poor, Brid-je, Road, Corporation, School, Township Section 16, Teacher Interest. Ministerial, Redemtion, Unclaimed Costs, Pedlers,' Iiicense, Show License, Sheep, Building, Ktato. 10 Z9-1 01 9 723 18 21 bit 01 1 1S7 5A 5 578 0 23 P50 U 5C51 SO 1 371 76 70 50 10.") IS S02 85 6 00 2 272 C9 3 (CO 21 18 6 5 5 7 2 Total, I 83 190 C5 I 49 Balance in Treasury, W. T. March 13, 1884 lw FRIItK RANDE-S DE1TII. Joliet. 111., jiiaroti i. juate jum-j -w . . -w-.i r t. rr T -a. 1.i niglit Frank Iiahde. who made an attempt upon the lifeoi Deputy McDonald last Saturday- night, and was placed in solitary confine ment, succeeded in ending his career by hanging himself. It is not known at what time of the night this oc curred, but when his col! open ed this morning his lifeless body was discovered, suspended from the coiling by a rope made of his under clothing. Raudo's real name was Charles C. acott, and ho was a life convict,'! sent up from Knox County. He was a desperado of the worst i-lasa. and his career of crime hard'y ha, a parallel, being ireneraly known a.; the "Bold Bandit of the Wabash.'' He was at one time in the jewelry business in a small town in Illinois, and was a rcspec ed citizen. He was generally believed to be insane, and, judging from the enormity if his crimps, his mi..d imut certainly have been unbalanced. It is positively known that he kill ed. ten persons, although he is ac credited with doublo that number. During the year 1877 he murdered five persons in the states ot Indiana. Illinois, aud Missouri lie was or iginally sentenced to the Iowa Pen itentiary for baivl-iry. escaped s'lul, fearing" arrest, became a tramp. Hti was afterward sent to Miciiigvtt ( ity Prison for burglary under an another name, and left there in 1877. He robbed a farmer near Gilaon, 111., and being pursued by a pany of six, ho killed two and wounded three others Lie committed an almost similar robbery near St Elmo, III., and s-eing followed by a party of citizens, kil.ed throe of tho latter and escaped. He was finally cap tured in St. Loui after a desperate struggle with an officer, and on his trial for the Gilson tragedy escaped with a lift? sentence. Iiis prison life has been marked with three or tour acts of desperation simi ar to that of last Saturday night. He pLnncd anecape from his prison a yesu ago, but was foi'ed. "Raude had been working in the harness shop o( tue prison ever since his incarceration. On last Saturday morning, while he was at work, Deputy Warden John McDona'd dime m and entered into conversa tion with Keeper Madden at bis desk. R.mde seized the poker from the stove and struck McDonald across the back of the head, crushing tho skull. Madden then, with tho as sisanr-eof two convict, downed and secured Rando. Deputy Givin .then came in and st :rted with Kantle to the dungeon. Kande seized a knife and attacked G-iviu, who shot him. Keeper Madden alio shot him in thch ad, but not dangerously. The desperado was then taken to the ho'MMtai, whera, partially insane, ho has since been kept. Keeper McDona'd is stil' confined to his hod, desperately injured, and will hard'y recover. Thus ends the life of one of the wor.-t criminals who ever cursed tho West. A E2a.-! Saa;Si-57p. JNelsonvilie. March 9 A fortun ate hut destructive wreck happened here during Friday night whi.e a yard engine was helping a train of thirty loads out of the Nelsonvtl e yard. After the train was under good headway the helper dropped in on a side track to let the train pais, but while Brakeman M. L. Bowers was going to close the switch he slinnp.d offtho tie rfiid rolled down the bunk, but, it is s.vd, signaled tbo train that was comiiu that the switch nas all right. After s'ip ping he was unable to get back in time to throw the awrch, causing engine No 80 and five loaded cars to run off and pile themselves on tonefif'i:i(;h o'lier. exrent one. which was thrown on top of the engine cab. one pair of trucks resting on - the boiler and the other on -the tender. Engineer James Fowell, Lrira-m-.n Herrod and Brakeman Al. Kistler. were all in the engine cab faet, aud had to be chopped out. Luckilv the sleam-guage and cocks did not bieak, or they would have been scalded to death. The weight of the cars on tlie wbistle-va voUept the whistle bl wing fifty minutes. They could no be beard calling for help, but fortunately the fireimin and brakeman were not hurt. Engineer Fowell was seriouslj" hurt inwardly, hut it is not known .bow badly. "He was taken to Columbus on a passenger train Cvjui anv one Iirinur tis a Ciso of Kidney or Liver Comp'atnt that Electrio Bilters wi l not speedily cure? Wo say they can not, us thousands of cases already perma nently cuied and who are daily rec ommending Electric Bittcro, will prove Eright,s Diaeaso, Diabetes, Weak Back, or any urinary com plaint quickly cured. They purify the hlood, regulate tholboweU, aud act directly on tho diseased parts. Every bottle guaranteed. For sile at 50o. a bottle by F. Harrington. Logan, Seeking Coimi. Dearms uiio me -iim "' ,":r1iii, i . . . i, mil. ,i.. .r Pohniarv. 1SS1 uc:uiu uiiu me -ii. j -- .-,- . :.:., , t - V. 11. Wilton, as msuuiiui, "", r: ;-,. . .. v.. .. r. ...innm.- TI I IIIIIll llll'l Iklli - .in? "''" '-'7' I '..;.. Vv, ,nnniv. therein. L "WP ruveeui'uKiiiciiioi "'"-""": ",".,,- -ii,vh .- c .. -nt tmr.w n'liii iii oi 1 1 ii ninuciii i - aii oiner makes called and cnmeu m i"'"" ;, "-'',hniT,i.,. ' Vi,e in the custody 6f the Treasurer. A. II. WILSONilnsptcwr. OVBK-PAID. 133 S2 295 23 120 77 25? 13 57S 09 775 Gi 203 67 5 431 92 1G 422 24 620 41 IS 174 G5 2 7C3 43 1 S7I 76 70 GO CO 64 6 00 2 163 1'J 372 82 10 32 20J 21 107 50 SiS7 23 039 71 4 S07 52 1 7 747 CI I S30 159 91 I tiCKER, Probate Judge. ,jm m uujji Miot by Iiis Prisoner. T5se 5J:irs!ial ci TTilEJiinglojJ, O.. KilSed in llse Rtrcis. A DRUNKEN MAN KILLS HIS CAPTOR AND NARROW LY ESCAPES LYNCH ING BY THE IN FURIATE'D ' CITIZENS. Wilmimoton, O., M'cli S. This evaning the village marshal John T. Yan Doren, was shot and in fctantly killed by a drunken des perado namod Alfred Ballard Ballard who lives a short distance from town, came into the village late this afternoon atul soon be came very much intoxicated. When in his cups he is very ab usive and quarrelsome-. About 7 o'clock lie provoked a quarrel with a saloon keoper named Geo. Barlow, and threatened loucily that he would have his life. Bar low escaped from him, and Bal proceeded to the corner of South and Locust streets, where he was arrested by Marshal Yan Doren and Policeman George Daniels. They started with him to the village prison, but had not gone but a few steps when Ballard jarked his right hand loose, pro duced a revolver and shot the marshal, the bullet passing thro' his right oye into his brain. An immonso crowd speedily gathered and it required the utmost exer tion on the part, of the oflioers to prevent them from lynching Bal lard. As it was sonio ona in the crowd succeeded in cutting him severely. Re was at last safely lodged in jail, where he now lies. The murdered marshal-, was one of our oldest and most respected citizens, and has been marshal of the village about twelve years iu all. Administrator's Sale of In piiruiRneeofan ordw of the Piolnte CoiirtorHoeiiigcou.-fy,Ohiot I will oCer for a-ile at public auction ou Saturday, the 12th day of April, ISii, atone o'clock, p, in. at the door of the Court House of the aforosuid county, the lollownii described real estnto tJlmite in the comity ol HockiDn and State of Ohio, tovrit: . . ., The southwest quarter of the eonthepst quarter of f-i-tioii number Ihiity-six (2S), town-dilp number fourteen (11), of rniK--number saveuteea (17), containing foity (Uhnties; ALSO, Part of thr oast hairof the southeast quar ter of section number thirty-six ((.). fa.une t.nvmhip and lango :iitore-Mid, being mr life or dower ekta e oi uiuuiiuu n.w-j the twenty-threw (23) acrrs of land, taken oil the south end of the eat half of the s-outheistqinrterof .-aid section thirty-MX CM, bslna th sameilowor estate set oil ana assigned to the said Catharine Kum under an order of thw Court of Comnion rIo.ii. or Hocki in; county, Ohio, forth it put pose , on the liUthday ofO tober, 1812, retorenee bo iii" ii id to siid proceedings la s:ul Court. The said two tracts contaiiuug siaij-u" (63) aeics. , , , .,, Appuiiaed at soTen hundred anu ne Terms oPsale-One third cssh, one third in one year and one third Intwoye.irs from the day of sale, with liiteiest.the de ferred pavments to besoeured by mortgage upon the premises ,o!dhx Executor of David Ro stou, uecM. Wripht i Lowi v, Attorneys. March 13. 181 3ur In pursuance ornn order of salo granted bv the Probate Court ot Athens Count.,, Onio, I will offer for sale at public auction, On Wednesday, April 16tb,lSS4. at 2 o'clock, P. M.f upon the premises the lollowins drsc-nlied leal tsti.te, sitnate in Slim- township, Hocking county, Ohio, to wit Tlie north half of one hundied (100) acre lot, numbeied seven hundred and tltty-slx IT.'i'j), lu .e-tlon six. (ti) ,-i-m AppiuUed at lour hundred and fifty (io0) dolhira. Tonus of Sale. Ono-hftlf CJah in h::nd, b.ilancc in liz months fiom tha d.y of s.ile, with in.ereht ou the deiorred p ivinent .mil secured by ,oxta.Beo.. the P'-Xi'.'cAlU.n. Astimiueof John W.S'Ott, BeStelKiicr & J welt, Uro-ive ior & Jone, Attornevs. M.irch 13 ow. PROBATE NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that therollow-JiicrccoiiiiU.-ind vouchers h-ive been Hied in tlie Piobate C"ii ' Hocking county, Ohio, to-fi-' - -.ttlement, yeur.. s' .on, admiiilbtrator or lhee-'t tr m Shields and tlie-nu u. I come on Ior hearing on ihe Ttn d ty ..I A pril, A. D. l&St, at 10 o'clock r.. m.. or a soon thraftera-- may bo con Teaienl. ACICKR, Probate Jndge. Iarch 11 Sw Jeremiah Dorncy's Estate. mi Tt..,.f,.i i..,q lino,, HimoiutPdand qualified a.sndmiuUtr.itoroi the est.Ueof Jercniih Doruey, late ot Hocltina co.itdj , deceased. JOHN A. WA1T&. March 13 Sw PROBATE NOTICE Notice is hero given, that the following nccnuutstind oiichcn. hpe been tiled in the Probate Com tot llochingcounty.O., lorflrl partial neUIencnt. i.,Rnhv. administrator of the estate of Peirr Koby. dee d. And the same will come on forbear ng on. T.i. ,i.,v iT A mil. 1SS1. at m, or as soon thereafter as may be -oiive-nient " 1 Avivnit, M-ichl3-3w Probate judge. " orrsALEr A Dwelling llouse in Brags town will be sold cheap for cash. Call on N. J. YVEILAKD. Feb. 21, 'Si tf 11, u tu.i-n., Tl I I THE -BEST WM MACHINE. - . -. ..... ....... ... l'lii ran .wni.i,isio uuy niuieu:n ruu inrj .uuni.ia fcu uut lit me uiucc. - m . . . . it cuvei xoL-iise ol commission .1111 it to risv ...., i" - '" ." ""& '-"" "" " i. iuuraiijuH.ii wen ;ne uuovo expenses 1 ; When you buy .1 Itomcticor :few,rfome " uiu iu uilviui; juuj un li'lULlS. 1 . . JNcwiupn Arm machines are iniitttious. The Domestic1 snd Ifrvr Home have aeff btylf-s of wood- f eminent. n-orU, mid new sets ot Attachment!) tlutt Come ami spenil a trni with n. We others dure notice. Conic and see for your- ( shall do all wec-in to advance vourinter-t.plve- and you will be convinced that the , csh It will c-otvon something of course, above is reliable, :ind if you have a Domes- But the training you et wilt enable yon tic or New Home litis been inure from i lOto'JOyeaisilonotlet'thcni humbug you with tli.Mr s,o-e.illel new hlsh at m m.i- chines, anil tra.le you out of it, wiiich tht-y ! Ufttk F,r larticl,,'s,TS?.,rr i ,,. ..n, i . .. . .. .'IJ..r, I .!,v I. 11111.1. win iry lu uu, uui uriiif j our inaclillips io me ami I will put in the new Domestic- or New Homo Improvements, then you will haven better machine anil one that will last longer than the IukIi arm imitation ones, anil savp your money and have the best machine in the world. HENRY LDTZ. C3A11 kinds of machines and machinery repaired in the best la.inner and at reasoa able prices. ua.1 have 8 different Mvlcs of Machines on hand, whl'di I will s.ll at lor rat&s. Cull aud examine them. Feb 21, 'S-tf Hesrt LT2. FRO C ATE NOTICE. rfotieots herobyplven tlint th follotr 1ns: accounts and vouchers have been Hied in the Probate Court of Ifockim; county, Ohio, for first aud artial aettloment, Henry O. Haynes, administrator of the estate of James W.ltayni-ii.dec'd. and the irill come on lor hear ing ou tho '.Mthclay March, 15.S1 at 10 o' clock, a. in. or as soon theieifteras mav beconvenient. W.T. ACKEItrPro. Juds;e February SS, ISSi-Sw DIVOUCE NOTICE. Anna Justice, pl'ff) Common Pleas Court t.s Hocl:ing countv, O Wm. Justice, deft ) Haid defendiint residing at Oikland, ln diiina, will take notice that on the 21st i a of January, ISSl.the plai-.titl tiled lierjiet' tion in the Court of Common Pleas o Hocking conn ly, Ohio, beiu caue No. I.liy, pniylna divorce from said defeni" anton theroiintlb ot hnhitujl drnpkeue for mm e than three years ntrl j;roi.s nesle otduty, and said c iiise will be Tor he .ru ' at the I'ebru..ry terra ot said Court, lSi AXNA lUrfTlUE Cv C. II. Uuerhans, atl'y. Jan 31 Gw WHAT IS SAID OF THE CENTURY MAGAZINE "The Century Iias the effect of xroater luxury in (-ditii'g tiiau any of the- rival inaj5.-i7.ini-." Th" N.Y. Nation and Evfii iugP04t, U. c. G, ISS3. "Prom the vi ry start thLs mi-jssino l.old lytootupwtorw.ini position, and it hsi boldly a'ul spionilidly i:t l!ai--. WithtKCti nnuiburhao been cleat 1 iiiamffsted its nuressive and iitelilgcu auterpriEe,ii(l reach rin have boen th lesult:. DuriiiK the p".st year, TheCeiitui has outdone its former work-in alhio-t every one of its department?. Hone ol it onpr.ivinKsli.ivebcen amuzinly fl:t;se eral of those in tlieDrember number : . particularly so the portrait of Peter c op -r especially. And its improved exiid lnce on the literal y Mile :. on thei'itisil--. Tho time w.i3 when the illustrations weic lir-t and the letter-pivsa second. It not third, lu importance; t ut that time, lor a year or mora, lias been pnssiiig iuielj away." N. Y.Timo, Dec. S, lfcS3. V Sow is the time to subscribe. Prlc", f 1.00 a y?ar. All deilers itikts suDscriptloac or remittanct m-i b- m-jdo direct to THE CEKTURY CO , Xew Yorker. Y. Legal JYaiice. Pu-.n Ti'Miinuitan'l her liKsdantl.John Ti. unions and Lewi B-i.- c-r, who TduUs i at, in .i.ilksoii county, Wuni Vlrsiina, ilanuuh Wtsiou and her hus baiicl, WilUiMn Woiiir, who vrhc-n last hi'Hr.l from, reiidcd Mime whsre in the Ktcteo! IIlinoM. and S,,rh Wilis and her husb-iud t-!U Wilis wliosf ofrci dencf Is unknown will t.ikc notice tlmt John M.Ilui'hii'iiii, li'lininistritor of the estate of David JI. S.tAjer, drc-flifj, on tii?Iflth d..y of Janutry. ls-Si, lHcil hii p tltlon In the I'lohita. Conrt of Iloskt'i county, Ohio. .-il!einj; that tn i-root)ftl istite o- k,i.1 dei-fdcut ts In ruitiU-ienl tr. pay htH debts, the w idv.vs allot:' nee. and tne charges of i.diiimif'tfriiis liio Csrato; that lie dir'd .viizst in tt-t-slntp'c or tjii followlri!; uescri.T-d ral Cotate, si'u: te in the county and Strfts a.orcs:,! I, to wjt: Ucin? the noith weit quarter of thesnuth west quarter or section number tweaty niae (2y), towusliti number cteiuu (11), of rauc number (IS) eighteen, i-pulainin? t (10; iicn ? more or le-s: t'hat X'ian.i Sawyer, as widow of zti.l dec-dent is euti t!cd todoiver in said piemls.i,. The iiravcr of s.iid liotilion is fortheas- sl'4iilt-e:it ofdo'.ver t "trt" li.-u-v v-"'Tr, I and forthtf sate o! s..m ptemisj:, dai.jeei to such ilnwor est itc, for tho payment ofttie debts and charges ufores'iid. The perootin ll.oi ..bove mentioned will further take notice taut they, together with tho lolhiwiiiK isaait'd p-rso:is hiv I.een m-ul pa:licsde.'-n...-.ut in wiid reti tionas the law ot stui lu intent, viz: Allen Siwyer,K.J.It.-i!tyantI her hus band, K ick Itelliv, li ivnl bawyer Jr.. 1: zi Nelson and her hntiar.d, tsfiimii-l 3ei--on.Juha riawyer an 1 Oltvc J S.ih ?r minor heirs of John Sawyer, iieee-iseit,o- . of the hoiis at law of Uvid,M. S f?,. d.-ce:is. it, and li:'ii-i f? iwv.t, a-, v jt,v,- S!iildertdt,,,t, and tlit i.k y irrt n-ouiri to .-inss,"er til s'm"0 j or lie o ; t'.'- u div ot M-iri-!i, lb" 1: and t.i..t the case ii s-et for heirimjon the 31 t .iav of Mi.rch, lbM. at 10 o'clock, a. in. j:o v.. BITCH A KAN'. A'lm'n or a Tv Wvls'.it i'; TiOWrj . atl'y. January H ';w A Qrsat : Probkm. Take All The Kidney&Liver Medicines, PURIFIERS ft Remedies. I 1 7C8 yspepsia ft U Aud Indisiostion Cures, a Fevi '3 And Billious SpGoiHc?. BiUiM 65 JN1LJ4VJ!. Force He-fivers. Groat Kgaltli RESTORER. In short, take all the best qualities of all the-e,and the beM qualities or all the best Medicines of the World :ini!-.yoii will find .. . ,,,i ,ii-i.r-i I....., tl, h.M.t ciir:tl0 qualities and powt-is of all eoncetmaled ,n tlii-in.nnd that they will cure when ai;y or allot these, siimlv or combintil. fail, a ii,n,i, ,r;.i .nil pin. nnhitive uioofofi '",,"" " "rFel, 21. l.-4w . - ... ..II . IMJTW.T.r .-- i PROD Tit, aO I lUf.. Kotceisherebyg.veiUrollowiiu: accouut..imlvoticliehiie been tiled in the ProbAteCourt or iiockib""'".1 . . .., the will annexed of Nancy E. Campneu .l.-lllir-f ILj. jm . .....--. -- Maillii, ojwx in IJIt- "' ......v..." rf . .- X"1!:W0Z: m.o'rassoou there-fter asmay be conve m.orasooiitnerc--iierfcij ""' - March C-3w i S"i-iiJs D s S 1 1'. V" il"s.i5 py ' ,'-V. eve's v K fA & 1 a J BL To Teacliers. j Wo desire to call yonr attention to the I diitton to tlie I IHST I Kormal Department oitiieunio ,iv. Tim ?ri tpnii will beuin i t ikji v ii!iii mntp a SDecialtv iTeachurs Clavs during tins letm. merei will be clawtin Arithmetic, U.S. IIlMory, ( Grammar, Bnplish Analjbi--. 1'olitical Oeo- graphy.PhysIeul Geography, Krt'dJnsr, ; ,mw,TTT m?A"' 1 Z( dpelHn AlSet.m, Geometry, i-ooU-keep-;(3XlICIjLxl.iiOji " " ICpw. ' 111". '11I11HI1SI111. ailU Jlltui mil J..w-r m,.,. x rui. r. .11. .Harbin, mu wmnvii ..,. .. cessful teUcherofKtocuUon.has been ca- gairel to g1e instruction in Unit branch. Tho tnUiiiut: class for teachers, will bean . t u, -r ir..!.. .1 t.. ... nri mr.. important feature ofonr v;orfc. This class - will meet several tlm? each week to hs- cuss motliods of ttiucliir.autl school ?ov- to roimranil hi-'Uer wastes, ji ... " i , , .- , y - ''1! h"'' be able to m:ike j auti tnus yoa your money Feb i:l .iv. (i. P.COIiEB, Athens.O b a S3 wm MEETINGS. The Hoard of School Examiner of fiOKan Viilago will hold resular incetinr? for the Examination of applicants for teachers' ei titicate3..isfollowa, viz: On the Third We(ine?day of Feb ruary. April. June, Ausiitsr, October aud December. at the office of the SurPfiatendant, In thrt School Bmlrliii!; of said Villase. tonimon oiacat 10 o'clock, a.m.,of each dr.y. Uy order of Exam i neris, .T.II. DYE.Presdent. A- II. WiMOK.Chir'K. Juno 21y iTNEWi Je-CH0IC9i SEEDSSIFRUITS! AS of toe bent, both new snd old. Plants. Troeet Vines, heeda He, by mail, a epedilty. fiaarnjj fuarontHd. I msik uuc I cuoice.caeap, 8 1 Sets,ror exampls: ' J IF16Pl"l8PXEXDIIi t9 KX. -ifcJKTer- 1 Doraiag I OW rfaWaC I O FLOWEE SEEDS, i RiiHim choice- SI. far ths MJifrr E8 fit Rets snd 1.(1(11 thine ha. ides, send for oar Illustrated Catalogue ofjover lot VSOeStfteoJXoKt txtttrnurmort relaaiiXJEstab? Eahea30jrs. SOOacrea. 31 largo Qreenlioue, THESTOnBS&HARRISONCO. VAIKBSV2XL2. UkSM COUNTT. mUM -"cllS sS htm rttCAia tor.-t-, . blooyxSe. &3?S WWI'ttJ? 1 1 Rcai3W r USsS!Sis2s MSe ,rlUr."a i ; lirioch JvnrfiiMter'a Estate. Til's miderfcJsnwI k3 haen sppolnt''! :art ii;t-.'lfi;da8 Admi-iiitntur of :hi ? tt vf di'Jv.'h Ivirshn-r, latf of tiociunc p'lunty, uecdid. itOUKKT HWIMEHAJIT, J,n.U Sv. Adiiiinistriitor. Lifo-aayins? PreaeKt. Mr. U. K. Ai'ixon, llutchhioon i.vs.n.. ca"en ms itis by r. i T'ta' Bott's of Dr Kinv -.! - iii..; Now Uisfo-cvy. for ("nntutiiptioii. which e?.ued him 5'- pr'usire a Ltrr - - i t'ft, tlist corapi'-lch cured him. when j Doctors. Chat)S Of Ciimste, ana j everything elss had fatted. Asthma Bronchilif. Ilonrfstiefa, Sovere Coughs and al Throat and Luna di.ttv.sp. it is sMir.n'-r.ted to cure Triat w.ittts. froc ai F. llArrinetoaV Drug Slors. Lrs;c !?.. $1.00. "Feb. 15, lyr. - Mow fflaicb Cases crs Mak. Tiiia process of miiauiactnro -wi LaTMateA by James Eoes, trho ctortad ia busiaee ia 1S54, sad the method and tools nsod im. nziing tLcs trttch caa ire covrd fey pctenU. Thta is the o-.fy vaich eats wade under this proeea. Por xaasy years iha in-. troduction of tkesa goods wa3 Jow, oTrhsg to popular prejudiea against "plated"' gooda, bnt gradually ths public learned that tha James Bom? Gold IVaieh Gist ns not a cheap gcld-Ka3Jicd or elietro-plaied article, but Tras made of ciuine gold plate of standard quality and thiatmss. Conscienticae adherence to the detenninatfoa to mW the bat -watch case ever put on the market, and the adoption of 7y improvement suggested, has ntade tho James JBosf Gold WalcJi Case the standard. XS0&ma In this -patch case the porta & & most subject to frcar tho bow, erotcn, hinget, tfumo-catehes, etc., aronade of SOIJD GOID. Bl s nst rtMP 1 K-7tMie TTitfk Ct VttUain, MO' fetykio, P., trfcill!ollltl PnjhIrtifcow!ask ZTtmm Corf aa4 EjImo WUh Cm ar au4o. (To it cantlKuedJ ms-.-miiMy.iiPiAirt-iJimm Infants and GhiSdren PitlioTrt TKarriiAao or TTarcotJno. "What gives our Children rosy cheeis. What cures their fevers, mates them sleep; 'Tin i'nstoria. When Eabic fret, and cry by turns, VVliat cures their cohc, kills their worms. Bnt Castorln. TVhat miickly cures Constipation, Sour Stomach, Colds, Indigestion : I.nt Cnatorta. Farewell then to 3IorphIne Syrups, Castor Oil and Paregoric, and IInitCatorla b,M& ;v-l.-.vj Centaur Liniment. An dh- soluto euro for Eh on mat ism, Sprains, Earns, Galis, &c and as ixt3tanta2icons Pam-roliover. gt.y.;x!?a i FRANK MYERS, Occupies a Room iu the GZMBLE BUILDSHG, (Opjiosite Rochester's) UoKeepsa selected stock of roady ma do Roots and Shoes. , Qustoni .-.lavlc Work a Specialty. c. - j . TrJ:,sr-i i -- ij-c m;ni iL'sirui io, fjaJp. i Ti.triv neri of i ood Und. in Liberty 'J,'", F'bUT the otf Ph-kcVingion souu - . cultivation. 2 acre . . .-. w.,m., i ....,.- ..... - , ;;mi)cl.E00.l dwelt mi Iiousch and barn d: uweii uu iiuiiH'N iiiii n.fciii ! . i ...... ..,.j,r.i Af ,tir.i'f rrnii -onvu b. .-fi- i'i v ll- mar- nient to neli ,., i pVice,, Ca!i kem. IVy'.fxiion .............-.. ,.. given inimeiliRtely. ndrtr-si bv latter ut I5jdl. Ohio. - -- - - roWI, yKN'CEK. - , on ovac --n--srj SJ-.ra rWrMTMWTKl Ka ra fe-fea tr yL S - w. -crtaleaT0 iSorW.rwVrGS5.-lelJXOS feOTSlS- ,, q p a m Hocking SenxaieL - v 7LXV JKKXI8I2CG- It-A-XIZS. Svsr - Ixv'i 3 w'k i vr'ka 3 m's 2iu 1 y'r InchlSIJMl 3J.0O 2 inch 2.10 d.7.i 3 inch ! ".CO 3.7." 4 inch 3..V) 5.50 5 inch 4.00 7X0 K col. .50 s.r-o 'A col. 7.0t 10.C0 Y- col. .s.0.1 12.IIH 1" col. 10.00 17.W ?g ;i(3J&, 3.1 ( X'.tO- 12 fO IC I M.CO 3.ei; ItJJO 55.W ?0.f0 ? 25.HS 35.tO 33.CO 55.W 5 CO KC'.Otl' j.u no 3.?0 JX" 6JW ', lil.00 S.oO'f 10 00 ' 15.0(1 ll.iOf IS.CI0 r i.iO 20.00 29.C0 J S3. Bininexserdsof Uvo liu orlwsitu per annum. Simple announcement ofmarrisscsand dfciths. ami church ami benevolent socisty notices inserted fr-e. Any additions to obituary notices will be charged 5sntsper Hue. Lualbusinss notices 10 santa per, Una. SCCSCS1PTI0N 2 .GO IEE ISATS Zaucrm)n?rKzii ympm J.'ff," JidTAULISIJED IN 1S56. THE OLD K3LTABLS HAMESS SHOP Of Logs. iroulilacnoiinroto tho citliens of Lognxt n' viniulty that he has purebd the cLnf lavness, Safltlles, Collars, -" Whips, &o., jfK. (.. Smdoraon aud will eonMnss tb )U3inus nt the old itaud, whsro wll, k Mind yaddl.Jof evury description from St o S15, Buitsj Ilarne-sofiill yraiic. pries mm 5 o WV. Wort IItrnk, heavy and Ic:htiromSJ2ti5Si;; I'jiUars uf 3ll kinds i rom oOetsso very bat Wool Collar aG" npp rljwi tiler for S2JM. "Whip in euil- I U3 vari!y, largS3t ktici: of One warraa- ted halcboue whips in tbectty. ITnmg and Chaina at low" pricfa, Curry Cumbs and' -Bvushfta. A good Ceittb a tsd Brush for 2s5e. A larja itocic of beintlful Plush Lap Rco. eood ainurtmeut of llorso COTrs Act Blsukts. A"?ry bust IIarno3 Oil at $t tt: por gallon, f nsothe very besi, lonUnal mil aniploy iio.o out sUillod rrorkinon. Ctll and nxamlne nty stociaml prism - fore purchasing. All j;o!e fully ivarraB tet. R.-psirin promptly done. 8!up in Vrisht BIocS, opposite First Bnnk orLojii' Pr.O'IJATE NOlICE. Notice Is hereby glvoa that tha followinx acconnta and vouchers have bi-en GTcd ia. the Prolnte Court of Hockini? County. O.,' for 'tret anil final settlement. Georae W. Brelim, adniinlsSrsfcr of tho ettatfof.Mary Itowe, dee'd. an-l thame will coma on for harlnc on the 21 dtyof M:-.reh,l& at lOe'cloct.a.m., oras.ioim thorarftcras nny imconvenSeut' f . T. ACJCEE, Trobule J uJgp. Feb. zs nr -r PliUBATE NuTICE- Totice 5s hereby i veil, that the follow ing accounts and been filed, in UieViobate. Omit of HoeViug county, Ohio, for firsit pnrtiat sc-ttlt inert. estate of John llsyr-e-s, dsc'rt. A.,,1 tl,.. wti "l?t mnin rti fni hearing on the sua may b convenient. in uay or .:arcn. iiSM or ua oon thereafter .' v. m. r. ACii.iii;. -rooace JUJga. Febrt nary "s 3r PROBATE NOTICE. TToticciT hereby given that the follow -lnj:accoutiand vuuehcrshave been flla iu the Probata Court of Ilociiins comity, Ohio, for settlement, William Itider, guardian of Margaret Kidcr. .audtheinie ajUicome on forliearlriscs ttlic 2tlh dry rd March, 1S4, at 10 o-. clock, . ni., or asoon thercatter a may bucouTontsTvt. V.-.T.AICEK.ProbattJadgs--Fobruary 2S Zr. To Al! "Whom It May Concern. I lierebwvani all person- aginit trust ins ficxirse W. Knale ou my account, as "? will not pay any of hi- deb3 coiitrafito-ii heretofore or hereafter. APlOi.OIA JIKGLE, March C iK Enterprise, O. TVo-jinJ A CATHOLIC JfAN otbui- t Y tiaitl. l inasdNposition and itcmly habits ilust ti-ivc-1 short distuaes In Mo tion in which hereiid'-s. A active, Intel. H!?utliMily aNo wante.1. Apply, wrthra ferenci to EEM21NGER B3..S 311, Urrnrt-v-.y, If air York. Jlarcli. 5 3T. P RO B ATP NOTICE. :ro'I-e is hereby .ii ven, tliit tho fp!lor- "ib,.-. in- account-, ant: vmiei-er have been tiled -la the Probate Court of Hocking couniy-1 v -Ohio, for It pr.rtii.: .rettteinenU -. ci-Tnu I II. Utish.. Executor of the estate of Jnnn f. Blower. deceived. iMid the same will come- on for hearinz on the .7tU day of Hnn-h, 1SS). ct 10 n'clcclc .i.m. or j soon there ifter as may be con enient. AV. T. ACKER, Probsts Jtiege. Febuary 21 Zv WsiGHTS Indian VeqetasleFills And all Bilious Ccrnpiaints Sale to take, bein purely vejietable; no grip-. lag, rrieeaicts. AU Orugffsa. James McGrady's Estate. Notice-is hereby given that tho under sineil ha- been appointed and qualified, u. Administrator oi tlie estate of James MoGnidy. late or Hoekln? comty, Ohio., de e-ised. , JAS. L. McGIUVBr. Jan 31 ivr Administrator SlSrr.'PtSSI, Hlvorrido.raJ. Tia drr elicela b-ci. s, liroit. X.02C3, tall ida, $3 p., rout;, cost, tea. HEALTH, EEA8TV,LGSG3iIV. . jjrr PACES.H!-rt.-3,ij clthaadsiltt L'Ot3c.KCaL-rr-o-f'iIJ.siPJ!'Arc- ..- ??-. si.ia j noaltb. IwaatT sii.i de-P, long IIS dJra-bl-. Tto hiEiIraac3 ara con jdcri Iar3 blooI ro-fi-edforhealth. clear nUarTMtcpca conn tfl3Pj:r-I'-tpsutr: nerro force to bito wMfo-wOCvtoccms ssd 1'SS t o. Every father, moth!-, man rnd fipki olonki -cr.di:. SentsKded bTEr.WiU'i.'Vaiili.EOracoSt. ar-i-np.ti o. the exa,i 3;wciaLst, cataclUhgd S ye - Ts A V)?fr on Jama River. Va., In ii ililriO Northern ttlemcnt. II-. lustr.ttid circular iree. J. F. M.icha, Claro mout.Viri:iiii.i. (Feb. 21, 'S-i fw R&8KU8S D A Kc- aie aud Lil'Ies, paper, 10c ; clotti 250. i mil of Wild (Vive, p tp r.Jtw- tolli-J5i I.l.i"of the Dust, j pi nui-. c :V. J." inn and LIIUes,.cro-v,i of Wild Olive and Uthn-s of the 5-ist.t'i one volumi-, ha!f Unssia.rel eiiges "v-. Modern Painters, Stonesof Venice, etc., m preparation. L-r"ie cntali iri""- 're" JOHK IJ.AL.DiiN, Publiher.lS e-ey Str. ew York. (Feb.21,S4-4w An Only Daughter Cured of-Qon-suniption. "-';- Vv'hen death wis houriy espeethd. all r-iiiwliesh.iviii-4 failed, and Iir. ILJams,-u-.-us exjenraentin4 wttti the many hirb which titnil-'JiW only tiuf ofCou simit on. Ilw -JiiM i i.ow i.i i'iis mien try iMijuy.nsr i'n list of 'it-n::i. Ho hsis proved to the world thai ConiUiiJintlon c-in be jisitifi.v siiH per-n.rjent: cured. ThoDoc.or nu.T ive-i this lre, on 1 v ash ing two J-ci ut stamp- to pay expen ses. This Ucxh alo cures !clit iiuoatH, N'auea at theStoiiuich.aii.l will bri afc up a frosh cold ini! hours. AdilreMrCraddocte & Co., I ,tCi Ua -e street, 1'hlladelph in. nam ing this paper. (Feb 21. 3I-4r - - r n n iillCC UUUU i tviiXiO AUi ftiC uihtftn i rnn h'ttttic thw .ntn '. r ., . , 1 For further pttrticulars iittjui-t re of T. f. ilcUarlhy. Sheriff. Jihvjt'- '2! l roKTnn fc. 1 5 H A V- I M .1 fit -"' 'tf i tp. fr. i. -