Newspaper Page Text
s lb en if li Ee3zdilsg tSa Scriptures. J S- dear," said Sirs. Bpoopendyko, glancing tip from the letter she 'was writing, and pressing the nib of the pen tin her thumb nail to see -why it didn't "work any better. "Say, niy dear, do you know- where to find that text, 'For the 'unbelieving husband is sanctified in the wife?' " "In Exodus, isn't it?" replied Mr. SDOopendvke. 'It sounds like Exodus, "there's the Bible?" "I was looking for it to-day," return ed Mrs. SpGop ndyke, getting up and preparing for another search. "1 don't think it is in Eiodus, beca'jsc it sounds more likt. Paul. T think sonic one must hare stolen the Bible, for I haven't seen it since wj came from the coun try." "That's kind of curious;" soliloquiz ed Mr. Spoopendyla?, arousing himself to assist in the investigation. "1 don't know who would want to steal a Bible. Don't you remember where yen nut it? luniro for the fancy ccal scuttle behind the stove. "Yon had it last, what did vou do with it?" "It wouldn't be apt to get in there, would it?" suggested Mr. spoopcndyke, trying to divert her husband's atten tion by rattling the vase3 on the bu reau. "If it's tlie orthodox Bible, it's liable to penetrsto anywhere and every wherc!" retorted Mr. Spoopcndyke, abandoning the coal scuttle and making a dive for the button bag. "Strikes me that Bible is keeping pretty quiet for the Word," he ruminated as he tipped the buttons out on the floor, and darted across the room to try the bureau drawers. "Be in a fine fix if a minister .should happen to drop in now and ask "for family worship. Have to tell him to go on i::s recollection or start a new theory of his own." and Mr. Spoopen dyke pulled the shams off the bed and then get down on his hands and knees to look under it "I'll bet a hat it's Where I said it was." "Where's that, dear?" asked Mrs. Spoopendvke, supposing ho had found at "In Exodus," snorted Mr. Spoopen clyke, wiping the ornaments "off the mantelpiece and looking behind the clock. "Can't ycu remember what I say from one moment to another? If you had any memory, with 3-our habits of classification, you'd only need the coat of arms of all nations and a little more incoherence to make a first rate dictionary! I don't know, though," continued Mr. Spoopendvke, ruminat ing on tliis proposition while he tore the tilings out of the wardrobe. "I don't know but what you would have to get a new binding and have your sides marbelized. You don't suppose that Bible got lonely and went oil into the countrv on its own hook, do you?" "I'm sure I den't know," murmured Mrs. Spoopendvke. "I can't ima trine it would do 3. thing like that. "1 think it's onlv mislaid. We'll find it." "Well, I should remark," replied Mr. Spoopendyke, withoux meaning tlie slightest irreverence. "There may be only one small fish or a crust of the "bread left, but we'll iin.l what there is "before wc goo hedl Unless that Bible's gone to get itself revised there'll be no Bleep in the f poopendykc apartments until we lay oi-V hands lovingly on that dear old family Bible! Maybe" it's hid under a bushel:" and he capsized the waste paper basket and scattered the contents over the room. "I don't know but what it is in Exo--cus," said Mrs. Spoopcndyke, with her linger ia her mouth. ".Now I come to nmK il s m aere.- ; ana mt. bpoopeu- ; mbus transfers, but laiiriod in ue upset use osnauox containing ills j),.., at ci,icasro,& St. Louis uc o iiuw nut, zinu u:ea iusuu a niniro uimii it over jl m sure it s 111 lixodtis, so you needn't look for it any mere." "I knowit's in Exodus," 'said Hr. Spoopendvke, kicking his wife's work basket aercas iha floor and turning the contents over with the toe of his boot. "But I'm going to find out which end of Exodus it is in before I go to busi ness again! llcw do yen suppose any one's to know when we were married .or when the was torn or when-we -diod if -wo. .'en't'f-'H tHsif ?.ibl? Think I'm going through life without a Bible to refer to when I'm lonely and do-i pressed? Got some kind of notion bo cause Tin good and pious that religion comes natural to me, hcven'tye? Well, it don't I've got to keep posted just as well as any one cIec! Where's that Bible?" demanded Mr. Spoopcndyke, rising in wrath as the book scorned to evade his search. "What's become of the pious injunctions of my youth? How'm 1 going to be able to tell Solo mon's wives from the rest of his family unless I have the book before me? Where's my Maccabees and my Zac . cheus? Where are the friends of my boyhood?" and Mr. Spoopendvke straightened up in the middle of the room and glared at ids wife as though she had inliicted on him a morial in jury. "They've been dead some time," re plied Mrs. Spoopendvke, who always took everything literally. "Anyway, you don't care about thu:n to-night-" "And my Abraham begat Isaac, and Isaac Legal Jacob, and"" Jacob begat Judah and ins brethren! Where are thev? Suupo;-o sosn fellow asks me c-morrow who Jn Jab's brethren begat, whatamTtosny? What' re ye stand ing there or, looking like a hole in the fence for? Think that helps vou ntiv?" 'Say, dear," c-jninencediTrs. Spoop dvke. "Don't von remember the night you and Mr. SperilewuTlic got into adispute as to welner the prodi gal son was thrown jnty iho pit, or was the one whose ear Peter cut oil for hid ing his talents hi a nuphin? I haven't seen the Kible since then. Yon had it out. and when you got through you put it in your silk hat, and here it is now!" and ilrs. Spoopcndyke held up the missing volume, her face wreathed in smiles of delight that things had not been any worse. "Found it, didn't yen?"1 growled Sir. popendii kc, snatching the book out o: her hands. "Another time, when I gt-t through with it. yon remember 1 do with it Now, let's find that roefc&ivtesl vou were soanious about" And Mr. Spoopenuykc pored through Exodus and then laid down the hook in u:?:ru "t- "There's n' -uch thing in the Bi do," he s-hi. "I knew there wasn't all the time, iu: I wanted to prove it to you." "Let mc look," suggested Jlrs. Snoopendyke, and. 16 1 Cor inthians, v:i:lJ, she found and read it .to him. "I had-au idea it was in some of Paul's writings,' she remarked as she shut the Look ana put it away. "That's whai you always hav:'" -roared Mr. Spoopendvke. enraged by his defeat. "If you s'ir.uid ever ran short of ids as 30VU bo a cc-mparatively smart woman!" Scmo day I m going to put a spiggoi in jour did gas.ted mouth and start a public school with ou, un less 1 vh:r.,r", vsy r.v.zi'l and conclude to oposi a i,rau-h college for the prepa tion of married w-m- n for the hmat'c asvlum!" and immeiis-'y pleased with this business outlook rilr. fcp.-opendyke -Jropj:eJ Sis e'ethr-s in the suidttle cf the :Ioor for h'n v.'lfe to pick up and tum bled into Lfid. "I. don't earv mnrmurr-d Mrs. Snoonendvkc, r.s ie t.ek down :.::r or invliJly f.t Jin s'.rnt uuttered arar.nd n tlie da.t, niiivii loom li o..n.r rj . .. . . ;n esse anvtbin-; hhniiiu happen toksr- jlf or hiiibaad i:i tha nijlit. 1 '.). , , , - I ::S'i:l'!t5. tne i-iv i: iv re:i..njr. ss:i i.u :.3 L-ii it rrof.1- i -rcsi i---.: t ms;. cent.''" (. -. ?.. -7i . :r. xi t i.T-: ii t:. .ii.iiii """.:. , ,. . - , ..T ! frioaa u-, Tiiree l?wrs. u iu:i n f.S.r-SOtv lo i-'i II It rtjaciiuu t'. in-i .... J-I -ppl:-M:t i-.-.i--pvcr'Kt c"! , no I.UP.-S i rCrhT-o'redTr;K.p(tpa;d.1o-dlprHcar.ta. doifi care, lie v:n ;-cka fun at me ) !.s"tj..n 3, en 5 IvtmiI..- fonr h.oi:i1ikc:- jV?Ja5;.iw!-;,.vinoraa;t'wfociJl-tThoEnipiosa -ii?-- : i ... ,...r , ....-.- i puri't:eiti tat-il!i-. t fi.c!!.-alv!:!":"lfdv:lth.orliaKet3anyclro3f00f -3 , y. -5 r r . ,-- , r ail he licrs, aaa he tan ujt evcrj- 'fom. viiil-ri.nrMmni.. i, ''"Sib MiattMitai-jrea AMr FOl) i Z, S ihing ia the sous'. ;,t I know sr B-Pr!W.u.. braiici 1cm tlur t5 n,i ?..j;rj2iSwta3Sf!i KOS3E AriD CA1TL2 PCVD5HS IIrs."S!:ecideottiri v.-t-ar-s :i awheh, and shijr.::iinU:e.-i:pene;:-.e uiioacJiii r. -- - ; -lie cii dr::y :t nli r.o :inis id, she m? of . i'. Crn -h Iob tiini ;iiii:t!pj?r.f,cr'V 9, !"":'" ??? h f-JT ' & A . an'i deoeire ra- aa ! Willi Jn;s con- i '.'s!Ta:no:.sii-siicri-iifefn lsH.-hiis;. a it tr w u. :': : v :ii'-' i iioKi it. s , , S .' .. V i''-,-. ,.ol.--iO. iiin -itc. -?oojna.i.t.i. , , RsSiSli ri?.S:sI-:. Flop, $'3n?f ".jlA A ;'?k nopped into hfd. :tc-I r.fier thrj.:ing ?ir!b ij;-.3, ,i.t mouth. V-lcn in n' Z : 3'..?-3 f S T. ;v y j'-f ad-tjeu; Iic-ry f !eena&. Are Yorr Goig West. -South west or Southwest ? .To parties who contemplate a trip to the West, Northwest or Southwest this coming spring, we we desire to suirsrest the advisabiltv of making some inquiry enpuiry aB ' In this connection we want to call the attention of tnose interesteq to the real inducements offered by the Pittsburgh, Cincinnati & St Louis Railway, Pan Handle .Route in the"way of quick time, prompt con nectioni and unequaled facilities for the safe and comlortablo tranepor tation of p&sfengers of all claases. By this route 3'ou are carried over the safest and best constructed svs tem of railways in the West You are not suiyeet to any annoyinjr om- Uuion from which the trains of several of the leading Trunk Lines depart for points th roughour the West, North wegtand ou;hwest. You cm pur chase tic cts and have your baggage checked through to destination, u voiding all vexatious trouble while en route. If you are going to trav el it is to your advantage to secure the best, and if you are ticketed via the Pan Handle you are sure to get it. Application for rales of fare, lime tables, cot. . should be made to the nearest Ticket As:cnt or to E. A. FORI), Genoral passenger and Ticket Agent, pittsbukgii, pa. THE TRUE TEST. If a man is hungry within an hour more or less alter a meal he is a dispepHc, it showx his stomach is not aide to dispose of r.-h-if he bite eaten, but to eat again and thus im pose more work, is absurdity, afce Dr. Jonsefl' Ked Tonic Clover which cures dyppepBiii, and all stomach, liver, kidney and bladder t'roub'es. h is a perfect tonic, appetizer, blood purifier, a sure curs for ague and malaria diseases. Price 50 cents ofKber& Co. IT 23EVER PAILS. People are startled by its wonder ful eures. The fact that I)r- Vhi-e ?el"s German Cough Syrup for Coughs, Consumption and Lung d'scaees is daily curing thousands of tuis terrible diseased, has caused ail who have tested its merits to pro nounce it a never failing remedy, speedy id affording relief, effectual in arresting further progress of di seises. Try it and be convinced. For sale by F. Harrington. Nov. 8, 'S3 3m. A viDE AWAKE DRUGGIST., Mr. F. Harrington is always wide awaki in his business and spares uo pains to secure the oest of every ar ic!e in his Sine. He has secured tlio agency for the celebrated ir King'B New Diseovery for Cor.sump tion, the only certain cure knowi tor (Consumption, Coughs. Colds, Moarsencss, Asthma, lia' Fever. Bronchitis, or any aflecliou of the throat and Lungs, sold ou a po? uive guarantee, vvill give you a trial bettlefree. Regular size $1. Mch 22, '83 It. GRAVE EOBBERS. Of all classes of pcop'e the pro fcssional grave robbers are the most despised, e robs us of om iear frends for a few doi.ars. How liferent is this new grave lohber. i)v; Bigelow's Positive Cure, which robs gra'ves of thousands of con uni)live3 This unequalrd remedy for coughs, colds and consumption 'vhooping cougk, cioup and & thio-it and lung (liscases ; Mibdue -itul conquers these troubles speedily -afaly ami fhorougbly. Trial bol :.!os free of U. C. Ueber A 0o. April 18, '83 ly. 'Sy & ' CAUSE OF FA1LUKE. 'ft'&nt of coniidenco accounts for half of tho business failures of to day. Miller & Case, tho Drug gist. ig not liable to fail for the want of confidence in Dr.Bosaiiko's Cough sud Lung S'.nip, for he givee av.y a bottle froo to all v;ho arc furTertng with Coughs, CoUIh. As'h !. Consumption and a'i affectiong the Throat and Luna. PERFECT SUCCESS. Those two words have a TR$t niesningf when fully comprehended. A serfect cuece... can be truthfully applied to Xr Jones' l.ed Clover Tonic, which cureis tlyepepsia. bit itU9!iC2S, cortirenuss. all tlise;i3es of the kidneys, liver and bladder. J I is a perfect tonic and blood purifior ; it keeps the ekin pure and bright, drivec away pimples and mnkes the goncral hcnlth oxcollcnt. Pries 50 c-Hts, r.t Itcber k Co. March i, "83 ly. Chicago drls uevcr "gland on ceremony.'" !;t :- con..idersd fcvli:nlc for corenconv. e-JOT-" r.ymc)M' TJi-A-CSCILR'S TlicSh;iil Srsislnsrn of HnsiViiig fioen ty.Olno, will mud l t10 Union School Jlcuxe, ON TH K First t: Tjjirii Halardaj's al Srtb Moalh, tlSo'eiatlz, ;. 111., except jnirTr, July ii-i Asiiiit. Aiipiickiitainnt fursiisli frt HAi. Tiifrinpn by T.'hi-'Ii they will lcuaivtr the is? alt of the ezsmliMiUiii. TESTIiiUNIALS ofctni niorl .'haroJer Tri!! bo roqylr c L.irjs'j uijR.noY7ii 10 1 uc mir't. Tli- ji'A.l'ni; liii-prosintcn on . sftl;f to K-S , and z:r oi:ss: of cir;:iCA.t i!i bvl5!l, vli:: yirstClaM,FIv& Yar. "o fcrs eh lu than Sianrt an tzjJtiisi.ey of i.ot Stss t!.s.i: t'irs- i-o'ifeciitirc ei of ft-acl.iiie licit !ii.-ri .tiiiJi tn st.niicsii.m. cibis-a moail.K of Triiiah -xpricnc: e!j-5; liittl u i- 1 in vilir jii-i;- '.rane:! liiereislr-siii-.-iitO. 'i h; ic-t nisi ...... .-.-.. ., .. ,11 . ... I... :. -...I n .,,....,.,.,.-.,.-u.,i.t r-..r.,.t i i.-.-i A.s.'.ilif-S'-rv .-.uriii..iTio'ii in ihe Tli- nryind i'.-je-i us t irshins nd eoo l- snooi iac--MS is l vcliin;; tii.i aovcrnlng a j -fJi.jl -iil bn fvf.!-ab!y ii)iililer'tl. Al- ,;ir-;iii ivi-jitiJi"! A. luiflisil n:;r.f,-.if..l wiuileliyraett-r JTItAVK GOimOif, -J.L. lSllIWHT J . ?, n. STEDEH SxnniiijCje ;n.jry : li70. cc-ararew. I'wi, J7S?rsrn:SSSS5SSa Mm, Ming Ms? & Tokdo RAILWAY, The Shortest Route Between : SBS22 AND THE OHIO RIVER Taking Effect, Noy. 18, 'S3. CENTRAL TIME. SOUTH BODD. Lv Toledo 5 00 a m 10 10 a m 5 :i pm Fosiorin G21... 1133 ... 7 02 ... Chicv C5S... 12 05 pm 7 3. ... Up.Saudusky ..730 ... 12 40... 8 10 ... Jlario.i 8 03... 120... 847 ... Trohnect 8 30... 140... 0 07 ... Deleivure S SC... 2 0G... 9 32 .. Ar Columbus 9i0. 3 00... 10 25 ... IiV Columbus 7 50am 3(Tpm 00pm i Lancaster .9 17 a ra 4 32 pin i pm LoS:ui 10 02 a m 5 18 pm S 12 pm Ar Athens 11 05 a m G SO pm 9 20 pm Ar Gallipolii 1 37 pm 8 30 pm Pocjeioy 2 32 pm 0 35 pm NORTH BOUND. - t IiVPomeioy 420am 415pm Gallipolii 5 It-am 5 09 pm Lv Atben -7 05 am 7 05 pm 12 45pm Lt LoKMi S20 am S li pm 1 4 pm Lancaster 9 12 urn SSS pin 2:2 pm Ar Columbus !0 30jibi 10 20 pm 3 55pm Lt Columbus 1140 am 500am 4 15 pm Delaware 12 34 pm 552 am 507 pin Prospect 1 00 pm C15 am 532 pm Jltirion 1 25 pm C 31 am 5 52 pm Up. Sandusky 2 15 pm 7 25 am 0 45 pm Carev 2 45 pm 7 45 am 7 05 pm Fostbria 3 15 pm S 15 am 7 37 pm Ar Toledo 4 35 pm 9 3? urn 9 00 pm .j'.wm i ima mi rti-uwgU4fcr;TTinM'i4l Direct connections jnndo in Union De pot at Columbus, for Newark, Zaiiesville, Pittsbm j,', WhceliiiK. Dallimoic, Washing ton and Philndelpliia; also for Dayton, Cincinnati. Louisville end all pomts South and !outhTrest. an(;loe connections at. Toledo for De troit and all point', in Michigan and Can ada. W H HAKHlSON,Sea'ir:. Ag't. Columbus, 'Obio Boeks-PiiiBScoRS. of volumes avear. Tlu-eiioices, literatura ofthu world. Catalogue tree. Lowest pri ces ever knowo. .ot sold by dcaleis. Bent for fcxamination before payment on evi dsnee of good lcith. TKO. 13. ALDEN, Pnblisher, P O Box 1227 IS vesey t,SY ft? i 3 wKiiijij Ft !- v1 ? -J I f. O it n. Mammoth Iuvoie &f of evcrj description, wlnca. Uk above naniGd local deal er has provided for kia CUSTOMERS embrace everything desirable it: the general lines ofv Boot- Vf'enr that mar l)s called for adapted to all ages and bnlh sexes, and in all (he 2sev Shapes and of the Most Approved Makes. These goods are all fresh asd havw been carefully tc- Jocled, and are G UA RJ.W TEEZ TS GIVE r.5TI?.B SATISFACTION to purchasers alike as regards wearing qualities and prices. as5gssa;T.vyyfa-.r:'ar FASEIOJSABLE IV f A liC IxLulUild-Jili 1 diiul Li?, O' J.CEESAP Fvorblyj'knoTfn to thi cBaiwually one of the best PTTN A -c fzT rVl. "V? '? Cz li' i? Ki R x fi Xi PS" 4 -j& .STtTf i fr-iS 4 f -l-.-!J 1-.i ., in the State, lin. op-ned a Meroliaiit.Ti.iN oiinpSlicpinlhcfrpyliy tinH.tiiip:MWiL lretp on liand l ho t.e-t and i 'teM s!;. le. c anC will aiairo rj. -. j-. r-,. niA.l in?- LikJ V X VLK- jl r o.-?- onshertnotiee. Call and sseiais stock of " ? ?r?i FZ !r Ai IV .. ,-. I" f- i.. ." tan of t'je latest styles, and 'am tht rate r!i";jii tbcy aro iuinUhetl. l'ri? El? E?.IS 9 l d&tiyEKia run i Sr. S. E. ECELStSi lua Jlit imbliuiiCd a booi oa ?GGL3r3S TKfcia T:ciirnpIc..,fTs. or, invited io 11 r.wol.niiil!.iicl!yf(ir Fr Si G: -,i it-?. tSOCCJIS1, .lifllCC llllieSj T'.ccf IItfiv nun t.iirxrs. my T-i'.l bo xnppliiui wilii froth OvetiW.fisnn. MS"' .iun;yvr.v.iii:v u:o ruit:t; ,.Kt;n. ;c, ;. t r.. ?' yftiM j K ! fr? mm it - . .-,T,n J.--..,rf.- -. -. ..j-.'-'r? ?- .ev .:-. la-.;.i-- t.n,Kuiij. i - - - -..- F 'o l!a"v r-': ic ( Vic ret? c- '..-.. rr.ia.ii ROUTE. J gaute fliem a - Th L ' Between I ho EAST & WEST, JNORTH axd SOUTH, 5?This Great Through Eoule is now Completed and" in Full Operation, running through Pas senger Trains daily, as follows : 5Tliree solid trains each way between Columbus, Indianapolis anil Peoria CSTwo trains each way between Colum bus, Indianapolis, and D.-catur. KSTvo trains each w-.y between S-ui-dusky, Indianapolis l'ct)riaand Decittnr. CtfTwo trains each way botwecu San dusUv, Dayton .mil Cincinnati. r.3i.'Tlire trains each day between San dusliy.Springlielil and Columbus. nsFoiir trainseach waybtitwt-cnColum-l)ns,Siiiisticld, Dayton and Cincinnati. j2Twotra;nsesic!i way between Colum bus, Springfield, Indianapolis & Chicago. Yitti SIcepinsandRcclininp Chair Cars on XijjlU Trains, ami elegant Parlor and wileru Day 'o.cli-sonD.iy Trainx. J:s track is !aid with heavy ."-teel rails, t":.'rou-:lily ballasted, with easy gradCR and f.r curves. Traveisingasit does ihelieart Ci'the.tlireo great states of Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois, uniting in cloo business le lationship the. capital cities, oi the first and Bcond, with the socond city of the third, and most and The lJoute between the East & West. KSTThroUKh Tickets and Ba;-:aso rbclcn to all principal point.". Uorlli, Eat, South anil Ve.-t, can be obtained at any Ticket Office of the 1. 11. & V. li'y. also via this route at all railroad oflicef tluoughoul tlit country. lt'ites alwa.'s as low as the low est. Don't purchase- tickets to any point without first eongult lug the skCUI of the I.H.&W. li' n.. , ,......H..r. , r..l r. "r-... x .11 Lit;iii:iJ iiuiinu-ftiiiii-u'i iv -. tr.iv-iii EmiiriMiits. I.-iid anil Tourist Tic!:e!- to all points re.n-hed by any lino. a, Passt-nier Train., leu-. Colunibuu, as follows: O:".! a. m., S:20 and 1I.U5 p. m., Btandard time. C. K. Ilendi'rso'ijGen'l Manacer K.5I Bronseu, Gen'l Ticket A-'t. J AM1CS DsWOI-F, Pas Ag't. 35 North High Kt., Columbu?, O OHIO GE3TP.SL RAILROIS. Timo Card taking Effect Feb 11, 83 lvissinc liiioui'ii a inrne nuiuucro me t important cities and towns in" esch, i-i "a ui in wj .-. "" 7 ' "","r with II its location makes it l'cee. Meat of al! kli ! s con Maut.j o ! Shortest and Most Desirable ti,iicc-pdhoss. jannary 3, issi-iy Rast Toled 10 47 4 ?.S 2 42 927 Pumbarvllie 1137 Dlt) 2 00 S 47 I'M Fostoiia 1222 f.83 117 3 IS Berwick 1-52 6 21 12 52 7 .2 Sycamore 1 10 . (i-!7 12 41) 5 5: iinve 137 7 22 i.i2 2o Cir. Bueyru am r v. Leave 1 32 4 47 All 52 yr Jit C?Ilead... 2 3? o.' 10 j i" I.lncoin Center J!4S 550 10 22 Si-' MareiiKO 2 51 0 01 10 12 7 47 Ccntci-iHUg 3 11 C21 9 51 7 17 Tlartloid ?.2i 6::5 948 CO Jotniftown 5SS CIS 9 2t 0 53 Alexandria ;$.o- 7 0" 3 o" 5.T7 Oianville 4ftJ 7 17 9 2 5 So Hebron 4 21 7 35 5S2 H li IfadlvJunc.arr 4 - 812 i. S 12 4 47 BaVil 4 57 S 17 7 52 4 it Piekerin- 51 S57 'S2 4 1! 1- St A K P H H Columbus 5 52 9 22 G52 3S2 PleaBantviltc 155 S22 7 51 4 53 Hnshville 5 12 hi) 7 40 4 12 Bremen 5 25 S52 7 29 S 'Jl Junction City 5 4 li JO 7C5 5:2 Now Lexington -02 3 22 tio7 SIC V MAM A. Jt 14 Corning 6 42 0 37 LB 02 2 30 i .; ' 1 '. I -i 1 uonnecuonaareniaueai, rosioriu wan 1. , Ul! ,w 1V t,e , uraor-lmarv list of .-.t-EilV iv'y for Findiay, Lima, St Hur.xe ; t,,,.,:. ...uwlileh tha ma-i,ziiie aunowr.cti Jlniieieand L.ifayette. Ind, Uioyininglon r ! 1 T . .. ...... . T ...1 i:.....s..,.... ill., Kansas Illy aiulbt l.oms. At Btieyrus for all points on P F T & C Sail way At I&VHrlng for Ciftl!ine, Cleveland, ami all pointKonL'olninbus Divisions ol COCA iv.ilwxy. At Centerbnrg for Mt Vernon, Cli:la. Aliron and all politaon C Mt V & C H ' AtBrenien and .Novr Lusinuton for Ki.w a.rli, L.ineas.ti-, ZAiitsvillcami all point oe Ciueiunatiand Musicirisum Vallty Divis ion of P C j St Louis U'y, At Junetion City for Shawnee aud all pointuon rftr.iitsville Uiv li & O U'd. At Coliinibus connection is made at Un ion Dept-vvith trainr.for Cincinnati. Lnuia vilf,Iiidiaiijpoli, Wi!!.linslo:i,B.iItimciie and all Knutlu'i 11 and Cislern cities. V H Vandezrift, Bup'i lludtnn Fit oh, Q U Htdly, Uon'lTicUttAc't (icnetal llanKor. (Cbnf tnuedfrom last wS4 How Watch Cases ars Made. In 1875, thirteen men comprise.1 the entire working force used in the manu facture of the James BosJ Gold Watch Case. How oxctfivehundred are employed, and the number is constantly increasing. TLerea oon of this increase is this: In the James JBoss' Gold Watch Case all the metal in sight and subject to wear is solid gold, while tho re mainder, which only lends strength to the case, is of stronger metal than gold, giving gold where gold is needed, and 8trong, elastic metal where strength and elasticity are needed, a combination pro ducing a watch case better than solid gold and at oue-iiauf the cobt. aAtf,JSLwM Over 200,000 of these cases &f& have been sold, and every jeweler in tho country can testify to their quality and merlt LiroraaTos , Mien., Dec. 5. 1SS2. E. W. Marsh, of Uia Democrat, loiisbt a Jaa. Bobs' Gold W&tcli case 13 years airo, and carried it until s Bliort time azo, when 1 purchased it, aud sold it to a customer. The case thowo J uo biffua of w ear, except that natural to auy case, anil I am hatisfifid can bo Kf ely guaranteed for at leant teurearK mora. I hive told the Jame.5 Boi--h' GoldWalch Case formany years, and the partied who b.mtjht the first ones are carry ing tbeiu to-day, as vrcll satisfied as though they had ixnifc-nt a Bona koiu ccsa co-imiriwiceiueiucnoy. reBanlthemcaUw onb'catcs of this tind a Jeweler should tell -nho desircB to give hia cuftomers tho worth of their money or values Ilia reputation. Vi'H. J. CUBUWAY, JtatXvr. , lfcua K , WaUh vaA Tbltim r,forhni.m. rphirt.aoLsLoir 9um u. Se,Un, tri. Ca. are laate ITobeOmtmucdJ ft TOBAOOO S-SEK Of G555 CASIJ, J,(KJOinr-orla1 1-Torcrl'cciei XJuvcsui-lSi&'JUi-urjidio: tiaQrjt TO BE QiVSrS AWAY I ttSO to tt'l. t-0 J" Wlu $iJ to lli.h, ij.'i tf. 11th, iusMircrit J'.:.-ii'-t iMtivcsvorus aicaui, .vj.1 Z,hr i l o.iiidj 7.iHi.'M) I'Inir 'i'oh-.cco, to Voir rowrij v,Ul be distributed Kt.ecu Deceui bar 2Hi a:rl Jftmary I-t. Chsw this tlc:i!,rhtfm to t c-.i. the evt-i- .-.mde. Kavr-thalrsssjEd rend tl.r-u. by!, Li,t7Ca u cmbt-j- loth aLd tha i; mans & itTcAi.r.j.v tobacco co. mujjfL: town, onio. CV"Catnd;;rc2.ioanrjd p:i!;'cn Envtlcx'S. iiils a THE FINEST FOUND FLUG FVHK HIDE. iHK 'Ot!R DEALjZt: POR ZtiO-ZOC. . - . ::;;-c. r--i-' ,"...-.. r :. .s..--. :i''i i c: J cr. n v hi !.'p.--t - S!-Vv- jr.. !-'-c-'..-K i- ilnt lA.i i.rr.i , rs-u- -.-lo-'r... rrfrt i. t ,7r r,cu ..c:-'vvl.c:c. s i-S?75 Vfi" Y?M Jl ;r? if'Xo t5 i--c;nfiHi ja r)Wiioa, 1:10 i-r-P-i-si. iiuuiir u uti 10 t'rueJ otH lecjve iho lr?t mwarJ. y ICO OomIi, iii! !i..'UM.t, i:?i?, and po on 10 a loot, piujj .f X:ft.y.:;jl tfl.i'.vo 'i-nvsClnii.taiasandKe WELL REWARDED. j A liberal reward will be paid to A lioerm ieaiu "' 1 any part)' who will moduce a case of Liver. Kidnev or Sfomach Com-i i ,,i i l7i (.; HlllAri! will nut ' nlamt that Llectricisit tors win not Speedily Cllt'e. Bring them aloug, I -IT 1 " ' l t 1 ! it win coat ) mi iiouin'y wo iu icine4f it fails to cure, and you will be well rewarded for your trouble besides. All Blood diseases, Btl ,. ., . . lotlSlieSS, JaUlldlCC, LonstlJIiltlOIl, i,,! ni)3nl lohilitv ira nnifklv and general aeoilliy aie quicuij cured. Satisfaction guaranteed orj e j i t '" - K. :ft,r money refunded. Trice only fifty cents per bottle, l'or salo by J. Harrington. TIME TABLE. P. C. $ St Louis B B Pmi Handle ?oute Schedule in eflect Jau.lltli.lSSl. Trainsde partfrom Lancaster, as follows: Going Wost. Depart. Cin. Exprms 9:!a.m Mail . - 4:37 p fit Washington Local Fre Ight l 17 a nr Go4n 2st. Cincinnati Kxpreg. Mali Depart. 4r2i p in . 9:32 a m Above trains run daily except Sunday Jf IJ Tlio ime. siven above is Cenlral SL-Midard Time which is2S minutea slower than Coluinbustiitic: " Pullman Palace Bleeping and Hotel Cars attached to through trams on the same line P C i St L. Railway run without change, west bound to India napolK St. Louis' and fhicago; eustboutul to Pitts bun,', Ilarrisburg, Ualtlmore, Washington, Pi.iladelphia and Xew York. For time tablts rates of fnra, thrnmh tickets and baggpe checks and further in lormation regarding the lnnniug of trains, apply to K. S. Wtljio'e, Ticket Agnt,Lau caster Oliio. JAS.JIcCUKA, E. A.tORU, ainnanr. pn. Pass i Ttt. Agt Columbus, O. Pittsburgh, Pa. UCKEE'S MiDi SiTTT? a rn tjr" v ?m m EH I j. jt. rf t Ol Iii the Keller Building, Mr. John Uelor will snoply tiie public. his. icent M-.op in liolit-i isuiiiiing wm- a no thousinda of eaMS of tie worst tindund of Ions KtftTidin?- h -T-n tiofin cnrflil. TmTnRfJ. Gnptrnncri mv c.iV.i7l (- J-.. X 111 1 HtTT--A KIIIUPT l' iriLii jiiiia tuic-;cv.i& j. v:a FltnU-toeOiermtlia VALUABLE TItEATISEon thasi;5c; any raiT-rcr. Giva esprdsa and P. O. rir&-T--V - W'-'-s" cs V2.7C; H';-r.ulay s Itnsl uui, i.GO; Fia.Tu'.s Ununct tl;75:rji-!iil-ler'3', yers Vr40.-; Creay'c I'llfen IXviMve BttIeH,40e- Curtylo's Kroneli IteY olution.Oc; Gree::. S'-hiller, Creaky ni'5 CarlvJe in one J.5C; Konrii-lcV At cici.t Kayiit.5l;Kollii 'nAneipnt ilihlory SJ.'.Oe; (rinSinu'f. H -tic, JI.70; FIti!' Kng..nd, ! i 7.':. r"i- i 'i':5 t'iiionicltr SI.25. (Jtts lo" ;. - '. Tolnm)"5 tr-c. .iOUN B. AliDKS. Piblishprs, P O Bus 12-27. IS WsJ-ey ss, Sew York. When I sav ccro I do not men ir.ffrely to Eton thein fora time aad then liaTolbo-u return as"in. lrcptna radical enro. Ihrro mado thndifcaseof 11TS, LPI-LKPSrOitFALLIXUhlCKHESSalire-lonsstudr. IvrjrraTitEyrciasdytocurothoworttcases. ISecsuso other? liavo fnilud is no re-son for not now receiving a cure. Send ct oaco for a Treatise and a I'rco llottlo of n-rinfalliblo remedy. Giro EmrTes and Postoffiee. It - . .1. .-" ... . ... . costs yoanntain5irr?.trni.-na ivruicaroyoa. Addrota Va. li. G. HOOT, 13 Pearl St., Kow Yoit The Lsacling Mhgaxine lor Koys and Girlf ST. N'ICEOLAS. Elited by Mk. Mary Mapa Dodje. Tlit- Nov Yort Trihcne onoe said: "In tl:evali-iielieol immoral 1U rr.turi; that thro ileus, tlie clillUr-u, iiomi-s;r.u vitally rlioIe-.o:ile tnd rotlly attractive nnsgaxine l8riuirsd for tlnsin.aud St 'tolu!u- has lc&''hfd u niK.-ier pl.ilforin and eomniaiKK for this tervioo u-n.o.-rasoure" in artarm letters tlirtii ny ofiupredeec-nis or con temporaries. The rm.-renei to tho wido r sor j-j-ea in aft snd ietteir- by c. Vi,.iml IVin; if ir -iti.r.- llll v illustr:.- 1 - "" . . . . "... . . t for liiSL The billowing via ue ?o:ao 01 :i.e let- ii..K-.oiitrii.utoiT.: Louisa M. Aiuott, J.T. Trowbridire, Cipt. i.tvno iUid, Jljalmiu' Ujoriii lloyesea, it .uiice TliompMiii, Prant IJ. Sioelitoii, L'has Undies' V:rnpr,.Ioafjnin ftlillcr, StnaU Pljelp.i iiis. A. X). T. Wlm r.ov. .Inli.iii II:ivtuori..i'elia Tii.irt'l', Mfc i-y':f.ipesl)o:Ue, Lieut. Frtderii-k S' lloee Haw l liorim LUIirop, E. S. lhooUh, Uoorgi' W. Gibie.Ch'is. L Lrtlami, 8li!: ; eminoreuoopi-r. .jonn u. yviiiiner, -a II.," V., C. P. Cr.iu-li,.tm ficoi-fototh.-rditlii'ijui-hed v,:-;hie. Tin best Hi-ticts arid ui,j;ru-.'u.'S.i!.! t.i nmcKsinv, 11 Isa-bcu truly that U.K. 1-kA.ifnj; ol St ifl'.-hoir.i li f-A Liberal Edue:ilioi'.' tor tlio i.oyg s.tiJ girls -who trough to have it. In no other r. pj-r!ouIt--l I Jnstrtn-tion o bai-.pil.C b:ende w if li re'.-ie.itioiv and .imn.Tnont. Tlu-j.rieei-5"! jiw.uriKciilsa nnin-b-r. IJiwK si-.Icr. uuw." : .t.-r.-, and po-.: m-islt-n. r"'-eie s-jl3crin:ions or n-itiitan' ! in -.j- iii ira w .lli"i-i to Ihe pui.Ilsiie-.b i. . niw .ey r. ?(r.v-i (Vrlftr, li -..-. cue-. L. ur-'i rhi r ).i.-t.-r u loiitri'. "i'liti Uoiituri v'osnpAiij', Kow YoiciJ V. '.'nirnlt-'- to t' niont-y re:un 11 n.. CohiJ. Ho ir.-1'necri, TLic .: ; ..I.- ttoKi'na. (:.1m. 0.1.1 for eiiil -rti.. . -'-11 I'AJCV IIOBGU Cll!:- .OIllMl- li . .-":!4 proj.eifieii ol pure while T.'tKi. , ,h'j vtlli x i ltr.olt :.nn II. r! : .ifi'i.-;-!!!. Liir.- l)ottlt,-51.0ti i-s: -. buy. hi.r nic by Jannsiy LlSSlr. AYES5S feeiTj PeetQi Ko other coa:p!aiul3 are so insidious in their altiiek as those r.tlecting the thror.t aud lungs; none so triilsd wit'i by tlio majority of suffer era. Tho ordinary cough or coid, resulting perhaps from a trifling or uuconsrious ex posure, is often but the beginning of a fatal sickness. AYL'u'3 Chekut IVECTOitAL has well pi oven its efficacy in a forty ysars' fight with throat and Imi;-. kIIlk-sc, and should ba taiea in ail cues wiiliout dslny. A Terrible Cougli Cnred. "InlScrrl took aeeveiecoid,v.hich.tfTecl(fd rny lungs. 1 had a terrible cough, uiid passed night alter inlit 11 ithoiit hlct-p. Tiie doctors pave me -j:-. 1 trvd AYJ:it.s CnKi:nv l'r.c loi:.L, -1.: h it;l-.'ed my lungs, ii.dr.ccd sleep, and aUuriled me tile lest ncccfsary for the reenvery of mj- stiengtli. Ly the contiiui'-'d use of the I'rcioitAi. a penna neiit euro was effected. 1 nia now G years old, ha!e and heal ty, and am latisficd jour CUEKKV I'lZCIL'I-'AI. Nued inc. 11 OU A C K FA 1 KKCOTUEE." llocUnghais, t., July 15, 12. Cronp. A Brother's Tribute. "While in the country last winter my littlo boy, three jtairtoM, was taken ill with croup; it seemed as if he would die from strangu lation. Oil e of the family fcugfcestcd the uss of Ayiiu'.n CuiniKY l'EtTo::.L, a bottle of whicii was aiwajs hept in the house, 'iliis has tried 111 aaiali and frernsnt dose?, and lo our deiicht in less tiiau half nn hour tho little patient V'as lireathlng cwilv. Tho doc tor said that th- CllKKKY ri.cTOKAl. had laved my dnl-Ii::;;'s life. Can you Aionde.' at our gratitude? Sincere' v ours, ?.!i:&7..v::a Geiikp.y." 150 West 12.?tU St., Kcw York, Tilay 1C, ltSi "I have llSCd AYEIt'S ClIEItCT 1'r.CTORAL ill my family for several je.irs, and do not hesitate to pronoiiLco it the nuut remedy for coughs and cldswe hate ever tried. A. .1. Cka:.E." Lake Crystal, Minn., Ifarth 13, U2. " I sulu-red forcight ye.-w ftoni Ifroncliit!!:, and after tryiiif; mrnv lt-mruics with if c.?s. ! was Jur..tJ.j- the use of Avi r.'s Ciii:k l'.v I'ncio!! l. Jo-i:i-n AVaujex." Ljhalia, Alij., April B, IffiL'. "1 c.innnt sav cnouli i'i praise of Aycr's CiiEintv ri:iTOKAf., Ir-iifviiis as J do th?t but for it-i ita I sliou'.u long since have died fio-u hing trniiMci. I. IJliAODOX." ra'.etiue, Te-as, Aril i2, lt2. JCo cae of an ailection of the throat or lunpj exists winch cannot be greatlj relieved l.y tha uo of AYnu'u Cnr.KRY 1'ectoral, anl it will alnays cure when the disease is not already Lutein! the control of medicine. rr.-.-.i'Ar.En nr Br.j.C.Ayer&Co.jLov.'eSijIVIass. Sold by all Druggists. ATTACHMENT. u. Biehant, Plaintiff, vs D. K. mtt, Deft BeforeO. W. Crehm, J.P.of Fails town- KUip, Hooking county, o. On the 30th day of January, A. D IBM, said justice issued an order of attach! ,,,,1...,,.,1,111 forth. sum of Tin ment rtccn Dollars and Seventy -nine Cents. (313-79.) llll AU JL. February II, 1SS1 3w PROBATE NOTICE. NoticeH hereby stven that the following aCCOUUlsanu oui:jit:ir iiti vu utcii tittt tit the ProbateCourt of IIocttn county, o., lor second partial settlement jaci, A. Mathias, suanllan of Solomon A.M.thiasand Kiiza a. Mathi.-.s. and thBsan.e will come on lor heanns on thcinthdavor.uarcii.i88i, at lOo'cloek.a. accounts and vouehet shave been filed in , m., or as soon inereaiter as may uecou venieut, W.T. ACKER, Probate Judge. Feb. If 3w. Shiloh's cough and consumption euro is sold by us on a guarantee. It cares consumption. Sold by B. 0. Reber and Co,s. Shiloh's vitalizer is -what you need for constipation, loas of appetite, dizzi ness and nil symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75 cents per bottle. Sold by B" C Reber and Co. Steeples nights; Hindu miserable by that terrible cough. Shiloh's cure is the remedy for you. For sale at Reber' s drug store. Catarrh cared, health aiid sweet breath secured by Shiloh's catarrh remedy. Price 50 cents, nasal injector Jree. For sale at B. C. Reber and Co. 1'or lame back, side or chest use Shi loh's Porous Plaster. Price 25 cents, 4l' B. G. Reber and Co- Croup, whooping coujdi and Bronchi tus immediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure, sold by B. C Rebel and Co- Will j-ou suffer with dyspepsia and liver complaint ? Shiloh's vitalizer is guaranteed to cure you. Sold by B. C. Reber and Co. That hacking cough can be so quick ly cured by Shiloh's cure. We guaran tee it- Sold by B. C Reber and Co. Are you made miserable by indiges tion, constipation,- dizziness, loss of appetite, j'ellow skin ? Shiloh's Vita lizer is a positive euro. Sold by B- U. Reber and Co. The Kov. Tcr ige H- Thayer, of Bour bon, Ind.i Pi.;, s: "both my wife and I owe our liresto Shiloh's consumption cere." l7or sale at Reber' d drug-store- Why will you cough when Shi'oh's cure will give immediate relief- Price 10 els 50 cU and 1 dollar to ba had a B. C. llebcr and Co- Shiloh's catarrh remedy, a psitivi cura for catarrh, diptheria, tind cankti mouth ht B. C. Rubers and Co. "llackmctack," a lasting and fra. rant perfume. Price 2." nad a,1 ceil " '-; Uejer s.'.n sil..!rli is rnru n it mi infllxf lv rnh(V&. I'UIIWIJ C V-. ". ....... .. .. j roul). WllOOpillS COUtlll ... 1.1 R, 1; C. I!ebar and Co por dysjiepsia una nver cunipuuu'. .. 1...... .. n.i(r.fl ifit.i-iiitna r. avt'fv bottle of Shiloh's It uover. tAilc to cure. dold by li. (J- Reber aud Co A n-:al injector free "with each bot li,: of dhiloh's catarrh remedy- Price 50 cs.f-.ts at P.cbir's oiujrHore. 3iv 10th, 18SS 1 year- lierishtsr?, drives uiid Sf.icrs Z.c. HzrciiUVe Cith-iliiaa, ?oade !iie!j fiiarsntfcd tosSves'.liiSsction or money ,ciuyded. Will cure F.-msle Disease.". All ivurittii tronble, inlianimaUou ind uloer-tit-n, laiii. z; and lSjHpl.-eemenlisor bc-ar-v; down n-clinc;, irrcsularitioo, b'lrren tss, change 01 Lie, Ieucoirlioe.i, beain uanj- sprinin Irom th hove, lite l.eadiu-be, bhutini;, apin- uah'iei-M.-s, wcopleuuew, nervuus eoi. v, pa.pili.llcn 01 iie-tri, . - " " V .ill Druixts. Price SI.C0 .uuMI-V) I !?.ifH. Send t.) Dr. . I. P. J.'rollii, Uti 1- pel C-", N. YMr Pkinplili I , tree. l'O.-i-aie ny BEE3,sLSES& "J-.SS j?ncELs:'a ajii'ica baIA's Tht; grentest mt-dical wonder of th world. " arraated to speedily t'nre Burin, I'nuses Cuts. Ulccis Salt iihuuiu. Fever Sore, Cancers i'ilfca. OliilbUins Corns Tcttor Olutpi'ed Hands and all oilier eki' ruptiosisi. gtsai-Kisteed to cure ii .'cryins-'ance. or p.!siy vehir.dt:; '.'5 Cfijits per box. lor cale by i '. Is vvi v c t o n Fe ! j 1 5 , 1 y r . TIsc:3s:i5i3ir. Pay Sis Mr. T Vir. Atkina Girard. Kan . writes; 'II never lu-r.tate to iceom mend your Llcctric Bitters to nn cuatoincrrt, they sivu entire H"tis Jhetiou and :irc rniid sellera." Elec tria Bitters are the pure.'t snd be. medicine known and will positively cure Kidney and Liver complaints Purify the Wood r.nd resulnte the howcis. 2o frunt'ycan afford (o b withoiit them Tbcy il!aara hun drods of dollars in doctor's bills ev el y year. Sold at fifty ceulo, by F IJnrriuijtoii. April 10th, ISH 1 year. StJeST, iilj King. Sbat Mofe' flow cui yon, when you cough at even brenth Why. get a bottle of Or Bigclow's Positive Cure, and yon will be ansv.eied. It cures coughs colds, consumption, whooping coujrh, and all diseased of the lungs, and it will cost you nolh inir to test it, if you csli at B.C. Kcbcr's drug store. April 19th, 1S83 1 year. A farm of ISO acre.- one and a hall" miles north of Loan 40 hmcs oftimber, 2 acres of vineyard, 3 acres of orchard the res; set ! good mass, a, 2 iiot'.ECS and all necessary out buil' iugr., plenty ..f v.-aler for house ate stock, the" best fire cl-yon it tvill poll ali or part. For tersas plv to foY.29-3m. Nicholas Til'. Loss of Memci'sr. An SO-pnuc Cloth-bound Hook of wholesome A vice to Young Men, by a Kegnlar 1'hysician. ; i- IVf TT e- F P- P- oa receipt o. two uirejecs LjaS2 5E?-iri.5 stamns. Addrefa THE HEALTH JOURKAL. KILWAUKHE, WIS. TlfT'S ESXLcnc?3v5:'irr'. . '- vt rt i? '. I cipoced oi w-:'i --i A..tii5usoi p citt.nicaccj-rai-'-Co O.e v,j-srta r.. .jic lli-w:eu.uvuw l-M iroi-'-;i r-.,vo, . e rltutttii'. thtt tou.-3 : e"w. e'! Uicmviica c:--ii'- - '-- T woM?.ii-.-?r at": the citcZ-M'-'i c- ' V'-t i-i-A tt;.-... ncrvcui Fri m- i,":-":';' r-- lM- tr-Jtcft 'r.w-f.-.ah tlT ft-..:-i S1--;' i:ir.Vs-,"-T Jt 'i' sT't?TC,,.-!-A.rL-" 2 Ir-- sfni-.-jS '. t ?. Ul '"', Hi m-l- "--- -'-"-' - . - ........ a .. i'Jlvs'.-ctt.r. -i it !.- ; J .! j (! Tie ritt Plv.'te i-'.'-.h-"-.. i. j.' '.r-;:-i ?-r3Un, cJ. rrrr4i.rils r'll .!:-5 ' f h - .7...".y. i. :. . . .'.. V tX; ijW .. f V MiCAkMU a ej y -r.-K- .--'-...s-'rityj rr. i w. ,v,-.. its Br - -v,-W.t-lli frloSlXIat...! --', i-.-i.-.-"raaij;j lSoja,SStea.vnvisia.l,iii,l..jlj I'r-liu-aef fcaiulc Ji:?-r,v.I--r-.--.'C. il vt: lc- ro;"r3.l VKy7oi;'s.fMi-ia;'Lv L;-:.ww "m .'ltiMfrt ?Vn'i ? fffT'S .r.n-cV.-. rrsi j rk l.v & ;('i u WAIT k II Evsry rarniiy in th6otjyamct hare a newsDajisr. Tlieyahould h&vethobt The Weekly Ohio Slate Journal, Thn leading paper of the Wtat, estnollshed iicen greatly improvcu anu k-uiargsa io; p3. columns, auu lssentpst paid toany addressfor OlSTE DOLLAR A hn.uitiful Pictorial frse to every yearly subscriber, A CGSpaje Illustrated Diction ary, the plelorial Annual and the paper oneycar for ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY GENTS- Xow don't throw your money away on Inferior publications, filled with patene med icine advertisements, ami printed on type.sofine that you can't read them without classes. The Weekly Ohio State Journal is pre-eminently a family paper,:ibouuding in choice family reading of a wholesome character; clear nad instructive. It is beau tifully printed; the pages arecnl and pated, and thare is nething to be desired iua Ilret class Oamily paper that is not 1 ind in it. K3A;onts wanted everywhere. 'V le forspeclmen ooy to Ohio Siate Journal Go. t-fA'airjyJTA?'i'-'".riV''c.-' Hj Zi. m " a. rt fc SI IV-1 KiH yr V5 3 til Br-"1 &tt.. rHv- Keeps constantly on "hand the os sold at the lowest possible r3 El erca vi Q Wixz li Vv'o proposQ Veepinr nothing-'but the rr' b?st tt:ar. ai?d those having fat 'cattle for sale will Snd to vhir :lr.-u: tau. c to call and S88us boforosoll.inp;. as wa wi!i jj.-iy ibe highest market price for choice cattle. Wo havo just received kcw machinery for making Boloo-na, cauags, &ev asdHre Oatobsr II H2E55v23JESS?S!gC P-.4t'Jtg.jV1-J1i REV.A.L-B:0;BSS VTritea: A-Tter a ttioro.f?i trial of tlie XS.ON TOI-HC, X tauo pieastire in stating: ta- x nave dogh greatly nsr-elited by it3 use. -liU-isters ana JrUo- jao uncacers will tiiid it Of the greatest value wb.3re a Tonic is nsees. cary. I reco-oraand it i as a reliable remedial Rrrent. Tiosse3sar Ttii- donbted nutritive aad S Mouinau, y., oa. 2, isaz." EH IHlgrfWC-ri ttq OTwaitT nt : JSKAiSO S? 23S j ySS3P?.lS'8S'Q Ar rw!39 3 IksU- y wr ,y li a u 11 (,; & PS 3 ,H Hi Si s y a f Jtj&3t&ztz&?i uio BE. HAliTER MEBICIIiE CO., 613 II. HiSX CZ, S7. LOOT. Ls Mm m M WT Fa ea ta ed E3 fej Caa i-Or-iriTelj-b3 cured by unc? DIl.B.UAUJS CATAICKII RE3IBDY. A uw ceai(oand, entirely diffeivnt from all other irepsratioua. It is la the form of a fcue untment vhich Is casdya:l.ed!uthcnotnls and can, and reaches tlio teat of the diseaso by absorption. Pleasant to tie Kaa.'!. aad most cfliiient In epera. tloi. i'oz Hay Kcver, also .mpalred Hearinz, HUht, Saoll and Taatc, pro duccd by Catarrhal d tcv, it is a immIivo cure. Tha .-uoat nuted Phyeiciaiis and iTSiuineni Drapniw all over i lisioacrsu testimonial TRADE MARK. ;ju:iraGtec!cr3IortPy tW'JrtvS'iSS'saf s!ie Ir.oxrrieci.I an 1 uarsliabie, but IsUt n(x)n haviryr thij Eicellcnl ..JT"W 'a'T. i""iJ . . .. --..w.j -. v w aavar-ria -J &uvs --I lisESyi'di l TfiSi-;' "3$ eompinnded by a I-hysiciau -ao hat mad thU difw a strnly for 30 3 v-W"i .tf" Two to four botSas trcners-lly sufficient to effect an w.tlro cure. S.- sale by Drnpyist?. Also rent by mail, po't-pald, urou rcscipt of 50c. Einsia bcttie, package of twobot-. Ces, S 1 .OO. Circulars and testimonials free. Address OH. 1. HALL, Wliairsalo nnil Uetnil UraKlst, CSO rotate Street, Erie, Pa. CAUTION. Bawcre of catmtorfalta or ImiwHoni. Tha abovo Ztsde Hart wiU ha found aa CToy bottle, and do not buy witho.'.S it '-. .".I'M . for Infasitn rm---" - " - end overcomes l-'iatulcncy, (Joiuupa- tion, Sour Stomach, DiaiTiice'a, and Feveriahnesrs. It insures health and natural sleep, without uiorriliiiie. " Castor! is ao well auapted to Chfldrc n that I reconiinend it as superior to any presenpuoa luiown to me." 11. A- ABcnxa, 3L i).. Hi Portland Ave., Brooklyn, It. Y. 'S -;LL ..s - tisin, Spruius, limns, Galls, &c. The most Po-rrcrful aadPeae tratiujj Puin-relievin and iloalinj; Scmady luioTrn to inaa. .MI. TEUS'JUHH. fiZ. j2i & t 5.Tr 3 t-,i -?i -JCi --( P.Tp j?Ts?. .&, &5r S &" rA Bi fjtfeSti LOGAN, OFIIO. Temporar- s;id p::-:nsiei:t mlia!:i:!na a ftpecially, byw!:icn -r sii!u mn hi' kt av long:!, of liuta viihotfi suUUicnil c . Khu of ttadfilakiug od--, s '.': ru 15i:PP Vv5 tf'va v-ii t?i" Eiiitl -$-. -'i1 "r'-'j 3ti - A r?zmzu!ZmVrjWX rao npran?gnH!ikB fflHi.1 ir ik H iWr-V. MS t.1 rl iHl,S UiX atAtSil -7 O u- t2 l-LS CA tALll Ld iii l o lS fefeey ?5' tho P1ARKET CA39EKEI2 OfaW pctCTPUrog- tho PRIVATE FAKIjLY .ppp -II".nd3c.u0 IHatratwI Catelssce and r.nrrj KeSistcr FitEB -O .Ui. .. . . nruivri fiT?rsiB Unit. V"ATiT. T.IST. WIBB4 CATAL06UE FREEttJ rs? stain's i?i3 rsestZTZii' . .m rn nini ax .a. .ir K.fcMtr. h.t i.nic7n. in. , ffiiiiirivtz atzitii va w " v...(.-... 0-. In ISll, is the.'eneto get. Dnrins 1SJ3 it has Pub. Columbus 0 ;-:- -'v- wtjjj yij1 jt,s li i jjj. ,xwu.,'s s. L C? ta isq CT- S-5 U choicast aisats, which nre- prices for CiT3g2a sV tvul gasr.tsle autisfaetum 1'tm'-.x-T-'-yw-vj-ynii 1 fc-?--r-r JL eamtXinttion of Pro toxide of Iron, Peruvian Earl: andFkesphorusit a valatabla form. For Debility. X033 of Armc- , tile, Prostration of Vital urotevrs M xs znaispsaaa i jr.--;v-.i. i.iv.tvfi.- Inda3try, HL, saya.- Mcccsiflarit most excallaat raised y fas decuitated vita, forces. , (yvi il ui r a Bas ni E2 Ba the land havo (jien it their endorsement We nars. ci aaaOredi of promlnmt nd rchawa men. too nava 'area by ; Remedy, rears. :ti-.factiOB rcfundril. It is a rositive cure for Lur-nche. Por Wf&0ifH& ?& r&f8Jli WMnMtfA mMMf&rWi j&mm V fS ta Iff U7 IV M fiJilK fLV g" y B W jB f9 ISa fi Aif tr if J yP a A-AW kil Ji7 n $! w i?3 rwcnjtPr?tlv lnrpii. Tio T.c-.t lv rmmmppil riT -rcrMrmima Tiri SSS55S'itaSv5!n:S-:?-55SE2?j5aSEES2S2SE -rr.-l' TTfWIf --T" - -'" snd Children. '-xu o-sorK. -vrhcni)a0ie3freir.ndc.--hytur.v. a Yfiiatcurustluirece, kills tis.rwn-.. 5 itat Caor!a. i YThat (jnfckly curM Coastipiyon, J SoiySwmaoi, Colds, laiUstioa, S tTr.r. extorts. i TsiffcroHl then to irorrhlne Eyrurs. CL-vtfr (HI and I'trcccic. and 1711 f.-nQT'iit - - - T - j:.Tr. -i.r. 2S2SSiSS3j2d3 J A3. A.OLIVS v V 6f? CI J TJV3 TS nS 3 -Sl . ft . iiiii- . -. -. T yrfrsJ-y: 53 bf" mi b ff pa ff- s- re pt- s n UtUHiKttSttUi 3 - -'. "' JJ r5R ESTABLIblitO NIHETY-EICH7 YEARS ; r rv-" A'Tj.-r 1: Tj?J'rTaryfy-v SOME I ills & Fw M ii - Vs st ?a : g S7I W3SS "4 :i All talcsframs wc sent by Oz Taias, Not Many Years Aget All Clothing That bad become Soiled or Faded, wai aside; but nor snch goods ean be ru-la-tred, renovated or dyed and made a joo as new. That is. our trade, and we hay juit placed in oar establishment XcwSIa cblnery, &ousi3tiug of s Ceirifugal Hydro Ex iraceo?, A Large Finisbing- Cj-Knder, a Crape Shawl Frame and a S.eatn Shawl Press, And a fnll lino or Steam Machinery and we are better pr-j-ired t!iin vertodo Crt ela irrh. xni we bhn'I do none but th behtnrwork at a price. -sH:.iii3nibiT. thtse are all fteta aa don't mslce a mistake, but send all yor old faded and Sullicl Clotliins ot any Zind to the. City Steam Dye JBLousb, Lancaster, Ohio, Branch will bo Started ie Logas in September. nd ;et tiro dollar' -worth .for 9Try dollsr you pt uc Price lUtscntto any .i.d:aQ. Hay 19. 1S3 ly Positire Cttrft for Piles. To ths people of this Country wowoxIA y we have been civen the Asoncy of l)r. llarcbi.'3ItalianPiIiOintnlen vnmm-i-d to cure or money refunded Internal, Sxturnal. Blind, Bltn-dnc or Itclitcs Piles, rnceoeo. a box. JToilnle by 551Iier &. Cas?. B w 5? 2S - 1 . 1V33 t!ie lii-si iTeyirritloji j-rttfCLj ad.-u.ii-.Itc. earn .Lirus.-d tf tli-j S-.-.SI?, n'.il the ltr&t i! ccsifu! .t :...:cu orn.y !:ir to i' natural ui'.as. srotfth, siii rouif.ful Vtsutr. 1 1 h.n Ui.1 ii..iy iui.isvJW. but uai.t. Hsve it fuJy n:ot all rha rcquireias:.;: i-ttdfui ftr the pnivr :reatr.:ci.t el tic h-Jr ar.i! S2al;i. l-'ALL'a iiai:i i:Eyfv?.s !ci Mtiaiiiy Ei-.-sii in f,.T..r, ai..I 3.-r,.-nd Its fv-.:t uv-lulctss to evo.-y j.:r.r.oi- cf l!;e g.t'le- ils ntrsrai-l-?ieJ taescss van t.s r.ttrii.--tid ii"b::: t-:.a ca x,z: lui taiirefidSlaitn: ff ili rsstiz.3. Tn2 jToprielors stavo rlti been icrj.tlicl .u tha rcoe'i.t cf or.'tr? f.-opi ro-ote c uli ' t v.. vi-jre l:.i-.;li.t iirtTt.r:i.le i.: tlforifur .u ""j--1 - f.-r .1 .'tiurt ti'uo ot'.s IlAiH "--.nvrn -no:.uerfiu:y i.oprovc tBe pi-r-iir.r.'. :;p; earinct-. 1 1 ctt oust.: the soup ; i Iciii-Itln, cures ti;-lit.:s:os, f.v. r, :j:tk d'jnats, w:d tiius jcevnktif bEldi.eK. It c ' '":j t-is ve.-!ci. j.Jr-Ci. ami tt.:.t..r3 t . "Ji to 5 :ch! a. j.c: s:t vIjcroti3 -r-.tJ. .i!2 Cwt!w '.j ;Is cri.ciu r.ct rr.Ls'tiit. lie's tLos-i of a:c-'T."Ue prrpira-Ii.vr.b-.'i rc;;:-.:n a; i2 iit.-.e, vulc!i I ; XL-M a aatlH -f i-aciuy. jrii as 7"V fTT'v" .3 c . r"J -5-.-ii tho li.ucK" tu r. ::;:val brcrm, cr'- r.'-.r.Jes . It5irn''!.nt:it . . r fij sriU i'.-t mrs.. '. ')B.cii:iJ, u u c.ijV pmjrsr-iiu;:. it is a;.;-U!l ttitaeut ' - r-.:..9. r.T , I. ' t HIT Xi. Ill ::. r. x:2dih t; Lu.. ribst'.ti: iT.Ii. :-7i'.I tellers ia r-:o.iicinis. . - TAT? .T.T. TTti: TQiri" C"- -" ' i- " ;iV-JV Srrorolons. 3r2rrr:riI, r.nt Tfv.-:;"- Xlooi Oisovrtifrs, C-lvji i'.r b"t rPntjOy. l-ccansc tl'JJ 3 .-'SfeA '?t EOHr.:Ii!'.:g fid thtroKsU S-' ' Q bf.'0't-piir:ncr, 15 SoM iyci! Irngsist: ; 51, sir fcctties, ?i Xosa of Appetite, nesdachs, Depres Blon, Indisestion and Constipation, Ell lonsness, a SaUotv race, Dnll Eyes, and a Elotchcil Slxin, are among tho symptoms which indicato thai tlso Liver U crjing fox old. Ayer's Fills Trill stinmlato tho liver to proper action, and correct all these troubles. One or mora of these Pills should be taken daily, until health, is fully established. Thousands te tlfy to their great merit. Uo family can afford to he rithout Axsr" Pills. teepaeedbt Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co.,LoweI!,Mass. Sold by all Druggists. & S?n inft3 VJ? M ii H FORTHE NERVES Ylflift i& Csro ralpitatioa or tie Heart, Kcrvoniaiess, TrcEshlisg?, KcrvcM Hcaiiris, Lsr;corrhoj3v Co!d Ilairij asd Fe:i, Tcii ia tha lick, and ether i T2S3 of Fcizalo Tresinesa. They enrich, snd inprova tio qnali:y c tha Elood, purify and brighten tha Conplszion, cllay Nervous Irritation, sad bossio Sefrcrhing Sleep. Cust tho remedy cccdod by Tromia irhoEe pale, color less f ices Elovr tic ahesnes of Iron In the Blood. tKcrasrcisr that Iron is oae of lie constituenta ' of ths Blocd.czd islh3:rcat tonic. Tha Iron PUla cro siso TrJuahlo for men vrho ara troubled vrlth Icr7on3Truikncss,ICisht Sweats, etc rrics.EO cents per bos. EantbytnalL A0 Csess, CASTER e5SD!C5?5E OO 23 P"!s Place, STovYcr Sc by Er5sUi3 everywhere IS 55?? The distress- r Q 9 ins feelins ot !5"JBaKsags . ?k r- j a ii tia bs Vs w H a weariness, oi exhaustion -without effort, which makes life & burden to so many people, is due to tho fact that tho Wood is pooraud ths vitality consequently feeble. If yoa sro sullericff from such feelings, Ayer's Sarsaparilla is just what you need, and will do you Incal culable good. Ko other preparation so concentrate and combines blood-purifying, vitalirinj, enrich ing, and invigorating Qualities S3 -ITER'S Sassatasilla- rXTAnis nr Br.J.C.Ayer&Co.,Lcv;eiI,Ma33 Ssld by aU Drareiirts ; ?1, si bottios tor f ? m.9 8 bnllnh ruii iiiii. cT Bi3 i S3T E?w fij tt rf 56r it ?Sr t t t 3i 'J ?j 18 fi -