Newspaper Page Text
& 'JiS&l ;'i. ?r?5ir ! Z-Z. .fc iS 1iffnH1"Wff PJGRCrVAL, THI3 I'OET. The aiuii IVlio Made AVclistor's Dic tionary ami I;1 in I'overty. When the young ana accomplished widow of Fairfield made the attempt to support hcrsc.f and children by the publication and sale of Percival's po ems, the pious flort was announced in an organ of the Boston literati under the heading; "Bin' a Broom! Buy a Broom! Come Buy of a Wandering Bavarian a Broom !" The gentle, sensitive Percival barely escaped falling a victim to this mode of attack. Shortly after the iirst pub lication ofhis poems and the criticisms upon the same, he was found insensible in a stone quarry, where he had sought to rid himself of the brains which had proved his curse by buttinir his head against the rocky walls, llis literary assassins represented this attempt at self-destruction as the result of disap pointment in love, but there was nof an incident connected with his social rela tions to justify or giro color to this con clusion, llis was eminently an ethereal nature mind without passion. He published no more but devoted himself entirely to scientific pursuits, for which he had a remarkable apti tude, until his physical necessities com pelled him to become a hack writer for distinguished literary men of more practical ability. He was the sole au thor, compiler and editor of the first edition of Webster's Unabridged Dic tionary, giving not onJy the definitions, but the root and history of over 1G.000 words derived from other languages, including all the written languages of the world thirty in number of every one of whicli he must have had sonie critical knowledge. Itegarded in this light, it is the most wonderful literary labor ever performed by one man. 2o other lexicographer ever accomplished it. Dr. Johnson was the literary won der of his age. Horace Walpole says of him: "His dictionary is a surprising work for one man, but sufficient ex amples in foreign countries show that Ihc work is too much for one man, and that a society alone pretend to publish a standard dictionary." Webster's first dictionary was only a compilation from standard authorities, with the ad dition of purely American idioms and ctymoiygy, exhibiting neither original ity norreseareh, being adapted only to the use of schools to the learners and not to the learned and was rejected sis a standard by the British institu tions of learning on account of tho slang phrases, with only a local signifi cation, which it attempted to introduce into the commou English language. In regard to derivative words, which com prise so large a share of our language, the dictionary edited by Percival and published in the name of ICoah Web ster, is now adopted as the highest standard authority by all the universi ties of Great Britain and America. The great fortune of Noah Webster in life, and his world-wide fame as the great est lexicographer of any age, are based .solely upon the unrequited labor of James G. Percival, who died in poverty in a miner's cabin in Western Wiscon sin, "amvpt, unnonorea ana un sung." The only remuneration which Perci val ever rcct-ived for this unparalleled work was a bare subsistence which probably did not exceed $3G0 a year a place to live and his necessary work ing tools, books of reference. That lie "lived in a garret after the manner of the old poets," was probably true of his student days, but when he under took the work cf the dictionary his em ployers built him a study after his own model. It was a small bui ding, with out window or door facing any public thoroughfare, lighted from the top a sort of niuii.iisli cc.l in which, sur rounded by his books, he could pursue - his labors uniuteriuptcd by idle curi osity. It was reported with what truth I cannot vouch that th s study and the librarv which had been fur nished him, when he had finished the work, were reclrimed by his employers. They were not "nominated in the bond." IIj.i. Bcrltih Ijixwh, in lac Se attle (W. T.) ilea d. o- Oily Recollections. Mr. Drape, the real estate broker, read a paper on oil production and con sumption before the Historical Associa tion, an cx.rrci. of which is as fol lows: While it is a source of wonderful revenue to the judicious operator, it is at the same tin.c a rapid y depleting force to the bank balance of the novice. The origin of petroleum is involved in greater obscurity than the "origin of coal. Some contend mat it is a sub stance of organic origin, while others claim it is of a m'neral origin. The first oil coinpanj- of wii'ch we have ac knowledge existe I in Venango county in 1829. A couple of men gathered a few barrels of oil from Gil creek, and, procuring a horse and waon, begau vemlr it ilirotisrhont the country as a toedic'Ai. 'i.-I n":7.i6 was tur'.ved from spclro a rock, and o'cum, oil, or rcc.c oil. 'The Egyptians rergniz;;d its value 17G0 VB. C On one of lhj Ioniau islands there is an old fountain that has flowed for over 2.C0J years. General Hays .states that in 18.G he purchased the en tire product of the Frankl.n region, amounting to tixtoen barrels, and re tailed it in this city at ?1 per gallon. This was probably the first corner in oil. In ISio L v.-.s Peterson, Sr., brought a sample bottle of pclroleum to tins city from h s salt well at Tarea tum. He" Morrison Foster and David Anderson txperimented with ic and found that it vjuld bo made an excellent lubricator. P. v. -5 U3cd l:i :!:'; II. pc cotton factory for ten yc-ars, iho pro prietors being the only ones cognizant of tiie fact. "" The Pennsylvania lljek Oil Company was formed" in lids year, and experimented in the neighborhood of Titusville. On August 28.lii 9, oil iu lare quantities was first, dfsnovorcd. The first cargo was Liouht down on the stcaruer Venango iu ISO by Cap tain Kej-noids. The cargo was readily disposed of at S2 cents per gallon. This lucky venture sounded the ke ite to the oil interests in Venango and other counties, and the entire district was thrown into a blaze of excitement. O.l City, Piihole. Tidioute and other cities sprang tip With mushroom rapidity, and Oil creek became ihe centre of ceaseless-activity. The first oil carried across the Atlantic was m 1SG0, and taken o er by a canny Scot in homeo pathic doses. " The tr: ffij has increased to such an exici.t that now several hundred ycsjC-s are t-ngaged in trans porting it nen.s the sen. " la 1831 the exports amounted to bJ,Ui.U gallons while in lfeSo the shii m-Jiits amounted to over 4U2.000.000 gallons. Dunn the past twenty-live yea's, tne raw ni? terial has Sl-actiiaiod" in price from 41 cents to i'Ji p -r wine Willi an nver- ajre price of 2.5J j er Lanei. ruis- bury Commerci d '-"- I c. Amoa-T the adherents of the Mormon Church Hi U.ah urc 5ir.O00 of Scandi navian and Lutheran s.ock. A special effort, is . made t lostore tii-jni to Christianity The Presbyterians are workiii' tn.fuh 'urwegi:t;i evange- ltoic Tin. Al tnrw'is.s l::ivy :ii)lii)lille d .-. :.. ..,-... ;.....,. . s:.. A 1.. l-. a yui .u-"iu .u.3 iuii-ij u -" "-. iviu-rj L j::is croclcil a church udtLc-! I 1 !.' 'I'.,.. Kli-nilicli anuupcuvu .. .-u.. ..o .... LiUluuraiis n:;v bent " iii.uaif., hi-u I. os rrntwt f. : i-ii'i'vu 'iitlon. tub! il! ..t... --rt - ... Danish Ltiiiienni fiur coniruQEce ojienitiim - v . . :ii o- -. ' ( 1 Mrs. lilo:uiu U.":i!l. i:ioii:;'a.:i, ii i'-vti. .. - !' . ... . ...4.. Qs::tSi;roi5 ol iwenty-.nroo, ) uskeii for :t ,0Jl.iI-.:t:0U Irom A;t!C.:Uilar Thoiup.-ui , i in liio ilMlmir truilo . . sszze IU CV iur.. -" ii.uuijrau...m .... - -S!,tiSf.ictnr.v ex'iiniiuuioi: in tne ine aelf i d llintlM-.i tinilli-eivcs without ' oryand Prai-tl-oort ncliim; and a good de .: ... l '.,f .. .r,i--i t, k-r-il oil' -;-ti-5 iKrooormiercrtsisti-achingand stovernmso Uic :t:d oi c:-ni,.:i . Ke..i un.w..iis. .(.oI ,vin ,)f. r.-vor,itdv considered. Ab aud Aicxintdi-r ..".. not, uomg wu.l uy , I(.a:itsnroro,,nt,(!( A) furiiish testimo- .- t . .,..i...... n -tu ..if iter. Tno w::i iL-oidial Uiai. U.oil-.i- hu hn.l .vritf.-j: :J i:cr :. ni dear w.iu :tud sl-'iietl hi;u?e.t r. iu-r a.rjctiu:i:il SJajS&eSEESESSnSSEtK THE TllUE TEST. l man is hungry within an If hour more or less alter a meal he is a dispeplic, it shows his stomach is not able to dispose of what he bus eaten, but to eat again and thus im pose more work, is absurditj. ' ake Dr. Jonses' lied Tonic Clover whicli cures dyspepsia, and all stomach, liver, kidney and bladder troub es. It is a perfect tonic, appetizer, blood purifier, a sure cure for ague and malaria diseases. Trice 50 cents of Kober & Co. . - Xulice. All persons desiring to fettle their accounts with us while the books are still in our bunds, must 1 so on or before the first day of April 18S4, as after the above date, the accounts will be placed in the hands of a collector for settlement. W G. Williams. !N. II. Blosseu. March G -iw CAUSE OF FAILURE. Want of confidence accounts for half of the business failures of to d:iy. JMiller & Case, tho Druu gist, is not liable to fail for the want of confidence in Dr. Bosanko's Cough and Lung S3"rup. for lie gives away a bottle free to all who are sufiering with Coughs, Colds. As'li ma, Consumption and all affections the Throat and Lungs. Sing-, Qli Si:iff. that Sons' Agass:. How can you, when you cough at every breath ? Why. get a bottle of Dr. Bigolow's Positive Cure, and you will be answered. It cures coughs colds, consumption, whooping coujrh, and all diseases of the lungs, and it will cost )'ou noth ing to test it, if you crll at B. 0. Kelcr's drug sto'c. April 19 th, 1S83 1 year. TlbtJitLX'S AltXICA.' SALTS The greatest medical wonder of the world. Warranted to speedily cure Burns, Bruises, Cuts, Ulcers. Salt Rheum, Pcver Sores, Cancers, Piles, Chilblains. Corns, Totter, Chapped Hands, and all other skin eruptions., guaranteed to cure in every ins'ancc, or money refunded. 25 cents per box. For sale by F. Harrington' Eel) 15, 1 yr. PERFECT SrTGCESS. Those two words have a vast meaning when fully comprehended. A perfect euccess can be truthfully app'ied to Dr. Jones' Red Clover Tonic, which cures dyspepsia, bil lousness, costtveness, all diseases of the kidneys, liver and bladder. It is a perfect tonic and blood purifier ; it keeps the skin puro and bright, drives away pimples and makes the ganeral health excellent. Price 50 cents, at Reber &- Co. March 1, 'S3 1'. Thousands Say So. Mr. T W. Atkins. Girard. Kan , writes: "I never hesitate to recom mend your Llectric Bitters to my customers, they give entire S'tis faction and are rapid sellers." Elec tric Bilters are the purest and bes medicine known and will positively cure Kidney and Liver complaints. I'urifythe blood and regulate the bowels. No faini'y can afford to be without them. They will save hun dreds of dollars in doctor's bills ev ery year. Sold at fifty cents, by F. Harrington. April 19th, 1S83 1 year. A WIDE AWAKE DRUGGIST. Mr. F. Harrington isalvays wide awake in bis business and spares uo pains to secure the best of every sir tie'e in his line. He has secured the agency for the celebrated Dr. King's 2sew Discovery for Conitimp tion, the only certain cure known for Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Asthma, Hay Fever, Bronchitis, or any affection of the Throat and Lungs- Sold on a pos itive guarantee. Will give vou a trial bottle free. Regular sizt; SI. Mch 22, 83 ly. i Ji i i i ii ii 4. GRAVIS ROBBERS. Of all c'asseaof people tho pro .ssional grave robbers are the most despised. Te robs us of our denr fr ends for a few dollars. How different is this new grave lobber. Dr. Uigelow's Positive Cure, which robs graves ot thousands of con mmptives. This uneqiialed remcch for coughs, colds and consumption, whooping cong!, croup and all throat and lung diseases ; subdues and conquers these troubles speedily, safely and thoroughly. Trial bot tles free of B. C. Reber April 19, '33-ly, & no. TJllA.CI S 1! ElAffilNATIO -a---r iv 1 Li TUeSaiioiil Kxasniners of flocking, will meet ut the Union School iIou,sey ON THE First :tad Third .Saturdays ol liach 31onth. .UOoVloclr, a. 1:1., except January. July .tiii Ausiu-t. AppliPintsniustlurnish pro iid purcio; es !.y whieh they will roecivc thcicoiilt oi the examination. TESTIMONIALS fiCrood mo-lciiaracter will be required tr. l!iio unKiiowii to ihe Bird. Tha -fading Is rupi't'tuutcii 011 :i senleo! to !.'') , and six el isms of aerl;:ieate.s will be issued, viz: OSA31 S. First Class, FiM- W-ar.-.. N' branch Ifss than s::ii:d an exi.erieiu t of not le-.s than Itiree e:':,:ei-iitivo yeais 01 te.ic in? next ci"hten iirM-pi'diim mi' Sipnn.Miitii months of wliieli experience .shall hae !1W1 , ,, .,1 ,..,, ..'..pini Ci 1-,-. Tnree When tiie .nmimlll ll!i. JIISlVr.L'I'Ilt !fl. no Lraiii'Ii '-"',,, uU.-,in.: twenty funrmonthfex- ,,ri..n..ilii t-ni-PliiL'. Thin! (H.i-&. Twenty Four llont lis An i -" ,. . . -,. i .... .1 ,-- i ' ... ... .....nit mi r: ur-i! i ... :ii..ii oi .Hill ei-'hteen months expel leiifc in leaiyihi. i Fourth, liiul.toen Months. Ail v- era uo )i Mi no nr.iiion ies.s iukm i.i.hiu cwelvo iiiontsi'sexperspiieein teneiiuijr. PiKbfilass.TwelM'Monuii,. i nen in nt , branch there is le.K thin 7". j i,rajioh tliere is e-sthiii. 1.0. This i a trial certiueaieanii win ii-m i-iuru ... ... c.r 1 iclu. It... r.,i'.i,t !;( cr.Sftnl l.I.S. lliwim " ...---,.-.-- - .-- . ni.ilbofsiood moniiciianicicr. FOR SALE. A Dwelling House in Bragg lown will be sold cheap lor cash. Cll on N. J. WEIL AND. Feb. 21, 'Si If , X J.L. I'.UICIIT J. P. H.STi'DFM Ii:xamii4ers .w.. - Eotafe Hocking Valley & Tofcdo RAILWAY, The Shortest Route Between AND THE OHIO RIVER TIME CAJtD. Taking Effect, JNToy. 18, CENTRAL TIME. JO JO. SOUTH BOUND. Lv Toleilo n 00 a m 1010 a m 5 Xi pm Fo-,torla C,2l ... 11 SI ... 7 02 ... tii rev G .",;... 12 0-jpm . .ta ... Up. Ssiuidnsfcy . 7 SO ... 12 10... S 10 ... Marion SO!)... 120... 847 ... J respect S :W... 140. 0 07 ... lieloware 8 56... 2 05... 0 32 .. Ar Columbus OoO... 3 00... 10 2.) ... Lv Columbus., Lancaster.... Loan 7 rut si in 3 05 pm t; 00 pm !( 17 a ia 4 .12 pm 7 21 pin 10 02 a in 3 IS pm S 12 pm . 11 0o a in 6 SO pni 3 20 pm Ar Atlicns.. Ar Galli polls I'omeioy 1 r.7 pm SSOprn .2 02 pm -9 35 pm NORTH BOUND. Lv Poracroy. Ciillipolis... 420 am 4 15pm , . .5 10 am 5 09 pm IiVAthens 7 05 am 7 05 pm 1245pm Iiv Logan Lancaster Ar Columbus.. ...8HI am S 17 nm 1 47 pm ... 012am 8 58 pm 2. '12 pm ...10 SO am 10 20 pm 3 55pm Lv Columbus... Delaware Prospect Marion , Up. Sandusky Carey Fostoria Ar Toledo .. 11 10 am 5O0am 4 15 pm ...12 31 pm 5f.2 am 5 07 pm 1 00 pm f.15 am 5:52 pm 1 25 pm G SI am 5 52 pm 2 15 pm 7 25 am 0 45 pm . 2 O pm 7 45 am 7 05 pm . . . 3 15 pm S 15 am 7 37 pm 4 35 pm 1) 35 am 0 00 pin Direct .connections made ill Union T)o- pot at Columbus, for Newark, Zanesviilt;, Pittsburg, Wheeling, Baltimore, Washing ton and Philadelphia; also for Dayton, Cincinnati, Louisville and all points South and southwest. , , ,, pry, close connections at. Toledo for De troit and all points in Mlclngau and Can ada. W U H.VURISOX.Gen'l Pass. Ag't. . Columbus. Ohio E2 ,fc ? a S "iiorss. fJKJttk0 B of volumes a year. The choices, literature oftlie world. Catulosue tree. Lowest pri ces ever knowo. otsold by dealers. Sent for examination before payment on evi dence of jiood faith. .TXO. B. ALDEN, Publisher, P O Box 1227 18 vesay st, N Y jffi fi. Mammoth Invoice ef mQQT& & Jnrj of every description, which the above named local deal er has provided for his CUSTOMERS embrace everything desirable in the general lines of Bool wear that may be called for adapted to 'all ages and both sexes, and in all the Kef- Shapes and of the Jllost Approved Makes. These goods are all fresh and have been carefully se lected, and are GUARANTEED TO GIVE EKTIP.E SATISFACTION to purchasers alike as regards wearing qualities and prices. "'..i. F .i In ' art f? n x?:- '? 'C'.i --c;i5S sS r mM FASHIONABLE Merchant Tailoring. -IT'S TH SfM A TTh 1-f IH S? a K" I jlv jijw ' j-j" -- FavoralilyjTtnown So f,li'i community as one ot the best TAlIiOBS In the State, has opined n Merchant Tail oring Shop in theSpyby biiildiiisninl will keep on lniiid the best aud latest btyiea Oi re pT illli and will inalie c . Smts TO rcitJJL' onshort notice. CaHaiM see his slock of GMOMS Pi M oft!ielAtuUstylo-!,-'V(;:i!""tIlI':.,:f'! w'.neii tlioy are lurnUhed. le.iect Ii y SEMBlilG OR! r -dsl 3n a f. i-as Dr7j.n.ECEESCKliiJ Jnetpabliahoda book on glSEASgS OF THE L0KOS fi:o HOW TO CISRE THERS v. h:ch is offered FSEB. rortpaitLto ,311 oprlicanfa. ItcoataiitniAlrnHTa'''''fOTohwhoBnpposo Lbenuialwa abided with.or liablo to any disease of SStooTinsw. Meaticatto ; paper. Addresa yjv" yyau inch JnjZua cr CtTSiaa iUofcJ t 3I1G0EE &RESTAURfi8" aJLMS? S.i.3SCiG. Prop, LAXCASTEK, OHIO. The icop!e of Loir arc-invited to call on me when in 11. o city for LiYesli Uioceiies, Clioice Wines, Best Ueer aiul Cigars. ..... f.t!ii;rniii will be Minrlii'd with fresh l)VMcrs,ia IMSll and ovniiuns uiu niaikel afiords jn t.itun. Jnay lu, 'cS I 1.1 .-.jJ,.. ....... - ----- - t . . ; EZ2KS5Z r - v "v - . e r is . w-i. fe:s.": -' - V- Mt M-O. .-'w . ..' 1 'k; .:i t ' CSi'r -. T f snfe g II i Ktv . - ..vv.Kii iff i riypkf ROUTE. n&t Wiwo Between tho EAST & WEST, NORTH and SOUTH. "This Great Through Kouto is now Completed and in Full Operation, running through Pas senger Trains daily, as follows : 3Three solid trains each way between Columbus, Indianapolis and Peoria KSTTwo trains each way between Colum bus, Indianapolis and Decatur. fiBTwo trains each way between San dusky, Indianapolis l'eoriaand Decatur. isfi'l'wo trains each way between San dusky. Dayton and Cincinnati. jijs,Tiiree trains each day between San dusky, Springfield and Columbus. WB-FtMir trains ach way between Colum bus, Springfield, Dayton and Cincinnati. i3Tvori;nspaoIi way between Colum bus, Springfield, Indianapolis it Chicago. With Slecplngand Reclining Chiir Cars on Xight Trains, and eleaant Parlor and modern Dav "ochesonDay Trains. Its track is laid with heavy steel rails, thoroughly ballasted, with easy grades and ti-w curves. Traversing as it does l be heart oi the three groat states of Ohio, Indiana, a nil Illinois, uniting In c1om business re lationship the capital cities oi the first and second, with the second city ot the third, mid passing through a large numberol the most impoitnnl cities and towns in each, and with all its central location makes it The Shortest and Desirable Route between the East & West. KSThrough Tickets and Baggage Checks to all principal points, Xorth, East, South and West, can be obtained at any Ticket Olllce of tho I- B.& W. It'y, als via this route at all railroad office?- thron. bout the country. Bates always as low as the low est. Don't purchase tickets to any point without first consulting the agents of the I.B.&AV. RV. Particular advantages oueied to Western Emigrants. Land and Tourist Tickets to all points readied by any line. o.Passenger Trains leave Columbus, as follows: 0:30 a. m., 3:20 and 11:05 p. m., Standard time. C. E. Henderson, Gen'l Manager II. M Broniou, Gen'i Ticket An't. JaMES DkWOLF, Pass Ag't. 20 North High St., Columbus, O OHIO CENTRAL HAfLRflfiB. Timo Card takirn,' Eflecl Feb 11. 8S East Toledo... Pcmberyillo.., Fostoria Berwick ..10 17 . ii :i7 P M 12 22 , 1252 . 1 10 137 "152 4 35 5113 5 59 C2I (5-J7 242 .'iOU 827 S 47 1 17 12 52 12 40 L12 25 All 2: 10 3.S 1022 10 12 9 51 D 10 921 9()7 9 2 SC2 I.S12 7 52 PM 6 52 7 51 7 40 7 29 7 09 6 57 A M r02 3 05 7 5 52 C02 ; ji 922 S2H 8 02 7 47 7 17 644 629 557 536 514 i 4T 4 33 4 12 A JI 3S2 4 30 4 12 3 57 3 32 3Ki PJI 2 30 Sycamore...... Airivo Bucyrus Leave 7 22 A 31 4 47 5. '.6 550 ; oi 621 G :!5 CIS 7tt5 7 17 7 39 K)2 8 17 837 A 31 9 22 822 84D 5 52 0 10 9 22 AX !i 57 MtGilead r i.inAf,, rrtitrtt- W Marengo ..2 51 .nil ..3 21 ..38S ,S5S ..-i Ki .4 21 Centerburg.... Hartford Jounstown..... . lexandria ... Gianville Hcbion fladly June. arr. !Uil Pickering Columbus Pleasantvillo Kushville Bremen Junction City New Lexington.. Corning ....-J -12 4 57 5 1(5 I M .. 5 52 4 55 .5 12 ..5 25 ...Ji 15 ... 0 02 P M ..C 12 Uonnectionsaremadent Fostoria with L E &. W K'y for Findhiy, Lima, St Marys Muucioaiid L:if.iyetle, Ind, Bioomington Ill..Kansas City andSt Louis. At ilucyruslor all points on P F V & C i Railway At LeverlUR for Crestline, Cleveland, and all points on Columbus Divisions of 0 C C & railway. At Ceuterburs for Mt Vernon, Clinton, Akron and all points on U Alt VAC !'! At Bremen and New Lexington for 'uw ark, Lancaster, Z.inesvilieand all points on Cineinnatiand AtusUiHgum Valley Divis ion of P C x St Louis R'y, At Junction City for Shawnee and all points on Straitsville T)i v U & O It'd. At Coliuniius connection is. made at ITn ion Dcpt with tniins for Cincinnati. Louia ville, Indianapolis, Wiishiimton,Baltimote and nil Southern and Eastern cities. W II Vandegritt, Sup't Hudson Fitch, G G Hadley, Geu'l Ticket Ag't licnctal Managor. (Continued from last week) How Watch Cases are Made. In 1875, thirteen men comprised the entire working force used in the manu facture of the James .Boas' GoldWatch Case. Now overIre hundred are employed, and tho number is constantly increasing. The $ca son of this increase is this: In the James Bosf Gold Watch Case all the metal in sight and subject to wear is solid gold, while tho re mainder, which only lends strength to the case, is of stronger metal than gold, giving gold where gold is needed, and fctrong, elastic metal where strength and elasticity are needed, a combination pro ducing a watch case better than solid gold and at one-iiaxf the cost. ablj3k Over 200,000 of these cases &" have been sold, and every jeweler in the country can testify to their quality and merit. t.rtrtv. Minn.. Tine. B. 1SM2. K-IV-far E. V. Marsh, of tho Democrat, bought a Jae. JJoss Gold Watch case 18 years am, and earned it until a enonnmoai irn. -whfiii T lmrrlinswl it. and sold it to a customer. The casa showed no signs of wear, except tnat natural 10 any case, ana i. am saosneu cau vo Bafely guaranteed for at least tenyears more. I have Bold the James Boss' GoldWatch Caseformany years, and tho parties who bought tho first ones are carry ing them today, as well sauelled as thoush they had bouarht a solid pold caso costimrtwicc the money. I regard them as the only cases of this kind a Jeweler should sell who desires to prive his customers tho worth of their money or values his reputation. Wm. J. Cushwat, Jeueltr. Bend Seat stamp to treys0310 Watch Case Factories, PhlU. delpMa, ra.,forliandsomt Illn&trated rampbletslunTliiE;luw James llosb' aad Kejslone Watch Cases aro jaaJa. iToteCorMnuedJ aSAOOG IH!I1WSR3 if C555 CASK, 1 ,COO Ii iperted NoTelty rooict Kni-ea and 5,t)GO lo. ads of tha Great 2&ir e fij'SK t2A77 e?ca em 1 4 in te rc- 3 i V.Qc - !i-. j&V-g. S Kg? 3T2zl eMSWSKG TOBACCO TO BE QWEM AWAY I PVF.ftV L'QN'SHaiER EwinsroverROtapjwIIl be it!iVAiii5;-:. sioy toist.S5rtv2a,sJ l ctven in rotition, tho larcext umiilicr of taws ro turned wiM recniva tho first reward, SUM) CiLsh, n.-cc:nl iuKlicrt. H'.HJ, and so oa do-cu to a lCct. rliw of 'X.ii'.)-'J.Oi! tobacco at'.efo CliriEtmas and iMcw Yir reivards vnil be d:strilmted lietween Dscem hst 3th ci.l January Itt Chew this delightful to b 'oo. the bfst ever made. Save thotasaud send tlasa by mail, behrecn Deceaibcr 13th and SClh, to tho WtZJSOX & MCCJAT.I.AY TCItACCO CO. I,IlI!IETO.VN. OHIO. Z2T Cat addresa out and paste on Envelope. This is THE FINEST POUND PLUG EVER MADE. ASK VGUR DEALER FOR ZOO-ZOO. C3Insiat ou 2uri it aad you -vnllmo&o othat FOTJ TZ HORSE AMD CATTi.E 'S J& i r rll rCUTZ J .-CeSfih-.fci'-V -dH .-ir -'XdsjL Xt Horst: n:! .'i ut Ci:!.- J'.t.s or l.u:. "ia:-r. :( Fti:i. 1" i rs sr.-1 .i in lr.2 K.r-t.'s I'n'uVr- i lt,-'a!il .ft-rpt Ponf-ieUKii. I::v.s ii..ic.-iT!n rt vf ut il-.i'f i r...i.; lmV- l'ow.l.-i:- vi'! Icrrc;' .!. q.iaruiu .r rjilk mid eroni iv.uuy iir ihwKb the . r i.rm rii'l ufl. I'ci..V l' wiTsr-- ili; m-or iirat slxv.-' ivkkv r.-;::i. '.. w'.ilIi II..r - 1-1 i"1 i. -T- i . .-;. I'.Mr.yC? r.-'1Fl'; Vil. LAW. ll..I(M .. TlOX Su! w.vryut.i-i.. r.t7ir. 1: rc-uiz. ?icr-;-tar &ma&f&w aEaU3aysaaii E Xt5y i"4 f3 l3 l tiu. bit rlt S7 & ) r-fltlTT r WELL REWAKDED. A liberal reward will be paid to a'nv party who will produce a case of Liver, Kidney or Stomach com plaint that Electric Bitters will not speedily .cure. Bring them along, it will cost you nothing for tho med icine if it fails to cure, and you will bo well rewarded for your trouble besides. All Blood diseases, Bil iousness, Jaundice, Constipation, and general debility are quickly cured. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Price only fifty cents per bottle. For sale by F. Harrington. TIME TABLE. P. C. $ St Louis R R Pan Handle Route Schedule in cfleet Jan. 11th, 1SSI. Trainsdo liartlrom Lancaster, as follows: Going West. Dap.irt. Cin. Kxpress 9:22 am Mull ... - - .4:37 pm Washington Local Fro Iglit 4 17 a in Goln East. Cincinnati Express. Mail Depart. 4:22 p m 9:22 a m Above trains rim daily excent Sundnr KB-Tlie'ime Riven above is Central Standard Time which is 28 minutes slower than Columbus time: Pullman Palace Sleeping ami Hotel Cars attached to through trains on the same line P C a St L' Railway run without chan'ge, west bound to Indianapolis. St. LouU- ami Chicago; eastbound to Pitts buis, Harrisburg, Baltimore, Washington, Pnihidelphia and New York. For time table, rates of fare, through tickets :nid buy'ue 'checks and further in lorihntion reiir.lin the running of trains, apply to N. S.AValpo'c, Ticket Ajjent.Lan caster Ohio. JAH.JIcCREA, E.A.FORD. ilaimcer. Con. Pa.s.-? & Tut. Ast Columbus, O. Pittsburgh, Pa. TJCKJUB'S MEAT MARKET, In the Kellai-jBuikling. Mr. Jdfcn Uc'ter will sup ply tho public, his meat shop in Keller's Buildiui; witt n kinds of the very best men ts, at reii-oiiiih Jirices. Meats of all kinds constantly o iVuid. Tho highest price pain fir latent tie, sl.-eep and iiogs. . January 3, 1SS4 ly CONSUMPTION. haTO a positiTO remedy for tho above disease : by use thousands of cases of the worst kind and of long standing havo been cured. Indeed, tostrone is or faith in its efficacy, that I will send TWO BOTTLES FRKE, togetlier with a VALUABLE TKEATISE on this disease, to any sufferer. Giyo express and P. O. Address. D&T.A.SLOCUtf,mPoarlSLNevYork. T-V't ml "KS ? Grote's (Jreece S4il :tei - 52.70; Mncauhty's Kngland, S.C0; lcen'sDngitincI $l;7o; Schil ler's Thirty years War 40c; Creasy 'sFirt en Decisive Battles, 40c- Carlyle's French Rev olution.b'Oc; Green, Schiller, Creasy and Carlyle iu one S.50; Kenrick'.s Ancient Egypt, 31; Kollir's Ancient History J2.70c; Gibbon' Rome, 31.70; Hume's Kngiund, SS.75; Frofssart's Clironicler 51J25. Cata logue dbO.0,10 volumes irt.e. .lOHN If. A LIKT. Publishers, P O Bos 1227. 18 Voey st , New York. IGURE FITS! When I say cure I do not mean merely to stop them for a time and then haro them return acnin. I mean a Edical cure. I havo madn tho disease of 1TTS, KFI-BPSYOBFALLlNOSICKNESSabfe-lonB study, I warrant my remedy to cure the worst cases. Because other have faded is no reason for not now receiving a core, fiend at once for a Trc.-.tiso and a Free Bottle of jnyinfallibloremedy. costs you nnthinst fcr a trial, end I will cure you. . Address Da. H. G. BOOT, 1E3 Pearl St., Xm York. Tho Laading Magazine .'or Boys and Glrli- ST. NICHOLAS. HJilod by Mrs. Mary Mapea Dodt'e. The New Tork Tiibune once said: "In tlinuvalaiicheol immoral literature that threatens the children, siitncstronK vitally f whoUoineand really attractive magazine isrequlred for them, and St Nicholas ins reached h liisiior platform and conimaiids fr this service wnJer rnsounres In an aim letters than any of ilsprinieoei-oi-s or eon temporarie'. The reieience to the wide 10 s,)iirces in artand letters cunnuandud by SO'icholits V:.s nuve-r more fully illustra tsd than by thoixtraordinary lut of at tractions which that magazine ;inuooiiw for 1SSL The following will bo bomc oi the laadii gcontrlbutois: Louisa M. Alcott, J.T. Trowbrid!;e,C-pt. Alayne Ueid, lljaltnar lljoith Hoyein, M:-.mice Thompson, Frank B. Stockton, Chas. Dudley Warner, Jo.iquiu Aliller. Fii2 abeth Stuart Pht-lpsl Alls. A. 1). T. V.hit nev. Julian Ilawtliorii.Celia Tliaxter, Ma rv Mnpes Dodge, Lieut. Frtderick S-liwat k:i, Roce Hawthorne Lathrop, E. S. Brook, (ieorue W. Cnble,('li:is. U. Iceland, Susan FuiiIiuoreCooper. John O. Wliittler, "II II.." W. O., C. P. Criinch,nc scoreaol other dislidgnlsned wiiters. Thr best artists and engravers illustrate the magazine, it lias been truly sain that the reading oi St i'icholas is A Liberal Education u for tho boys and girls vlvo. are roitun-ite eiioimli to have it. In no- other booic oi al is ins'truc-tlnnpahappiLC blended re.itio.iandamusi.ment. periodic with rec The price is S" a year, or Scents a num ber. Bookseller, ni'ws dealers, and pott matjrs receive Mibscnptionsor remitancr-m-iy b.i uui'lo direct to the publishes iy money or e pros order, buuK eheck. dratt or In reiiter-d letter. The Cciutur v Company, Nw Yorrc.X Y. Kocli Caiiily Conrrh Care. Warranted to Cure, or money refum'.i 6 Coupiiis, Colds. Hoarseness., 'lluoat LmiK lionbles. (also yood for childrci'..; Hock L'AyDY Couuit CUnt" contains t!ie liealins propeities ot pure while Bock C.inilv witli Extracts of Knots mid Horrs Only '"' ::" ts. Large bottles 5!. 00 cheapest to buy. tor sale uy 352IicS: C'e. J.innary -I, lSGf. AY Ckeny Pectoral. Ko other coir, plaints are so insidious in their attack as those affecting the throat and lungs: nono so trilled with by the majority of suifer eri. The ordinary cough or cold, resulting perhaps from a trifling or unconscious ex posure, is often but the begiimiug of a fatal sickness. Avon's Ciiekiiy Pectoral has well proven its efficacy in a forty jearb' light with throat and lung diseases, anil should bo taki iu all cases without delay. A Terrible Cough. Cnred. " In lcViT I took a severe cold, which affected mv lunss- I had a terrible cough, and passed night after night without sleep. The doctors "gave 111c up. 1 tried Ayuk's CiinniiV Pec toral, which relieved my lungs, induced Bleep, and allorded me tiie rest necessary for tho recovery of iny strength. Iy the continued use of the Pjctokal a perma nent cure Mas clfccled. I am now KL years old, halo and hearty, and a;a saticiied your CUEltKY PCTui:al. saved me. Horace Faikiirotuuc," Eoci-insham, Vt., July 15, 18S2. Croup. A r.lollier'8 Tribute. "Vhilo in tlio country Inst winter my litllo boy, three years old, was taken ill with croup; "it seemed as if ho would die from strangu lation. One of the family suggested the uce of Avuu's Cherry Pectoral, a bottle of cyhich was always kept in the house. This was tried in small and frequent doses, and to our delight in less than half an hour tho little patient was breathing easily, 'ihe doc tor s.iid that th Ciierrv Pi.ciorai. had saved my da Wing's life. Can ou wonder at our gratitude '.' Sincerely j ours, Jlus. 1-:jima Gr.nxi.v." 1D0 "West 12Sth St., Sew York, May 1C, U82. "I have used Ayer's CnizititY Pectoral in mv family for several jears, and do not hesitate to it the most effectual remedy for coughs and colds we have ever tried. A. .1. Cnr.SK." Lako Crystal, Jlinn., JIaicli 13, ltf-. "I suffered for eight yo.-rs f'omllrmichitls, and after trying niaii-, rruictiiis with 116 suc cess. I was cured by the u-c of AVhll'.s CltKR y Pkitor a l. Jonki'ii" ltyhalia, Miss., April 5, ltb'J. " I cannot sav enough in praise of AVER'S Cherry Pectoral, believing as I do that but for its use I should long tince have died from lung troubles. 1". 15raudo:." Palestine, Texas, April 22, 16(:2. No case of an affection of tho throat or lungs exists which cannot be greatly relieved by the use of AVER'S Cherry Pectoral, and it will altcays cure when the diseaso is iic-t auc&dy bejond the control of medicine. 1'REiWRED BY Dr. J. C. Ayep&Co., Lowell, fVlass. Sold by ail Druggists. FRANK MYERS, Occupies a Room iu the G1MBLE BUILDING, (Opposite Rochester's) lie Keeps a selected stock of ready made Boots and Shoeb. Custom Made Work a Specialty. ATTACHMENT. U.Iliclniut, Plaintiff, vsD. K. Ilitt, DcPt Before O. W. Crchm, J. P. of Fails jtown ship, Hocking county, O. On the 30th dav of January, A. D I8S1, siiid justice issued an order oi attachment in the above action for the sum of Thirteen Dollars and Seventy -nine Cents. (S13.70.) G. BIEHAUT. February 11, 1SS4-3W A 5$csirble Small Fas'iii for SaCu. Thirtv acres of cood land, in Liberty township, Kairlleld county, two miles south of ru.Il, on the old Plckeringlon road, 2S acres under cultivation, 2 acres timber; good dwelling houses and barn c;ood youns orchard of choice fruit; ronve niont to school and several village mar kets. Possession given immediately. Price 5200 on time, or $2,400 for cash. Call on or address by letter nt Basil, Ohio. JOSEPH YSMCZR. January 4 lm. Shiioh's cough and consumption cure ia sold by us on a guarantee. It cares consumption. Sold by B. C. Reber and Co.s. Sliilob's vitalizer is wba you noed for constipation, loss' of appetite, dizzi ness and all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75 cents per bottle. Sold by B. C Reber and Co. Sleepless nights; made miserable by that terrible cough. Shiioh's cure is the remedy for you. For sale at Reber's drug store. Catarrh cured, health and sweet, breath secured by Shiioh's catarrh remedy. Price 50 cents, nasal injector jree. For sale at B. G. Reber and Co. For lame back, side or chest use Shi ioh's Porons Plaster. Price 25 cents, of B. C. Rcbnr and Co. Croup, whooping couj,h and Broncbi tus immediately reliered by Shiioh's Cure, sold by B. C. Rebel and Co- Will you t uifer wil h tiytpepsia and liver complaint ? Shiioh's vitalizer is guaranteed to cure you. Sold by B. C. Reber and Co. That hacking cough can be so quick ly cured by Shiioh's cure. Vve guaran tee it- Sold by B. 0. Reber and Co. Are you made miserable by indiges tion, constipation, dizziness, loss of appetile, yellow skin? Shiioh's Vita lizer is a positive cure. Sold by B. C. Reber and Co. The Rev. George H. Thayer, of Bour bon, liid., says: '"both my vife and I owe our lives to Shiioh's consumption cure." For sale at Reber's drug-store- Why will you cough when Shi'oh's cure will give immediate relief. Price 10 cts 50 et8 and 1 dollar to be had at B. C. Uebers and Co- Shiioh's catarrh remedy, a positive cure for catarrh, diptheria, and eanker mouth atB. C- Rebers and Co. "FTackmetack." a lasting and fra grant perfume. Price 25 and 50 cents at B. U. Reber's .ind Co. Shiioh's cure will immediately relieve croup, whooping cough and brouchitis sold at B. C. Reber and Co. For dyspepsia and liver complaint: vou have a printed guarantee on every bottle of Shiioh's Vitalizer- It never luils to cure- Sold by B. C- Reber and Co. A nasal injector free with each bot tle of Shiioh's catarrh remedy- Price 50 cents at Relt-r's ditig More. Jlav 10th, 1SS3 1 year- Dsiisjiitct-s, "Wires aud 3Ioiher Br. Jlarchisi's Ct'aolieoa, Female Rencily Ruarantted to give satisfaction or money relunded. Will euro Female Diseases. All ovarian troubles, inflammation and ulcer ation, falling ami displacements or bear ins down feelinj;, irregularities, barren ness, change ot lite, leucoirhoea, boides many weaknesses springing irom iiie aliove, like headache, bloating, spinal weaknesses, sleeplessness, nervous debit: tv, palpit.Uioii oi the heart, Ac. For Kile by all Druggists. Price S1.0U and ;IA) per Bottle. Send to Dr. J. B. Marchisi, Utica, X. Yfor Pamphlet, lire. For sale by (Cbntinuedrom but week.) How Watch Cases are Made. This process of manufacture was invented by Jaincs Boss, who started in business in 1854, and the methods and tools used in making theso Tratch cases aro covered by patents. This is the only watch cox made under tkia process. For many years the in troduction of these goods was slow, owing to popularprejudico against "plated" goods, but gradually the public learned that the James Bass' Gold Watch Case was not a cheap gold-washed or electro-plated axUci, . i .,,. nU r,Uf nf but was made of genuine gold plates of standard quality and thickness. Conscientioua adherence to the determination to make the lest -watch case ever put on the market, and the adoption of every improvement suggested, has made the James Boss' Gold Walcli Cass the standard, otswas In this -watch case the parts 5a most subject to wear the bow, crovin, hinges, thumb-calches, etc., aro made of SOLID gold. 8d S at slaap to Kcjio w h Case Farfortts, KUa ddpUIa, Pa, f jr hanaKjaio niastraUJ Pamphlet slwnliis how iutes Bess and Kejstone Wateh Cases ar ma Jo. To be conlinited.) A Life-saTing Present. Mr. M.E, Allison, Hutchinson. Kan., saved Iiis life by a shnj le T-ial pottle of Dr. King's New Uiscovery. for Consumption, wliich caused him to procure a large bot tle, that completely cured him. when Doctors, change ot' climate, and evcrytWnge'seliail failed. Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Severe Coughs, and all Throat and Lunj! diseases, it is guaranteed to cure. Trial Bottle3 free at F. LTarringtoti's Drug Store. Larse size. $1. 00. 'Feb. 15,-1 yr. Itfervous EsBaustion, Premature Decay, Loss of Memory. An 80-pase Cloth-bound Book of wholesorao At7icc to Young Men, by a Kegular Physician. S R3 T (T I P P oa receipt of two thretxeot ygg I r ITISBi Btnmps. Address THE HEALTH JOUSHAl, MILWAUKEE. WIS. TUTT'8 gfy r?s k? fft '53 fei Bi i? Iz oompoce.1 of Herbal niU M.-cd-ujinotu prod . .. . - i ucts, WlllC ichperuiCAta t2ic nnwlasco of tha , ejipcotsjiatcs siio acrid master ecu la tha J!r-i3Ml Mube-,nndfcrmsa I.QI1 th.f. .llp.LH In Knntiiltir rcatlcr. itich rdtCTea Cia : ritation that CArSv tLc coiic-i. It dir)sa thelun f .!! ir.ipurUJos, sircuyi3isv3 tlioiuvrtstia ciifoeJ.luiI :j' 'lUani3C,i:.v:gC" ntcj the circuUuo'i of llu i-.ovJ: r-nd hnioestfc'i nsrvoin eytem. fill':;h t cclu cf Jen coil iV cciuiuaptian. Itis I'.ii'i-sro'.iIe ncr;Iei tlicin. JlpplY t'-c iao-ly i:tniaU7. -V tC3tof1ir-Ml' ycttrriri-'it tha n.-r.ion t.: Ticrcnioiij'rn'j'crcr l.oci- fonjiflll.iiti'sa.J prompt iiu acf.ccf.i- .V.'.T'S O'ESTDSASY. i SHiair.atioai:. iii X'.e i te.i:iy cures themo-t o'ji'iual ccutIi. A 71'. cai-st corlnl. clil-" dreii taUn it rar-rfllr. Z-.r O-fiiji it ti invaltlsh?" " ' mot'I ' " i-vi-.yfjicily. tn 'J,s.r. C- V.'rirsz i y i - $ nt -af.-y-j- -r.r.TLf. "31.1 TU H t?-5 rks v-iS ACT-2Ic. ':T On Ti-ic. LlVgy;-Cure-i :!..! a :'ui jsova: iiyp-p.i:n, BloltIIen.Csh?. uliiot.s Colic, '::ctlpi tlon,,.tJ- '.'ilc-ijJt'alplttlotioif tlic IIjr,a."i'J.-o'-'. ,1ttr.hi -Liver, wail Feiitnlc "rtt iji. larii '- 5- Jf you do not "fel reryiviii,":;.-ir..-i ,lai 5.i(5.i!rno s'-nuiIntesllM ftoainch.TPV.'-n-!!' j n;.;.'-'.irr.arWMfOccti:c Erem. Jr:ct-.'":. i-Z ".;.: .yMiiZ iriVtur'-'- " .Tr- ?-;i,.f-l ?-;c "Zjl SMOTE, Every family In thesedaysmnst have a uewsnancr. Thcyshould have, tuo best The Weekly Ohio State Journal, KSyln address for A beautiful Pictorial free to every yearly subscriber, A COS page Illustrated Diction ary, the Pictorial Annual and the i.nper one year for ONE DOLLAR AjYB FIFTY CENTS- icSdvcrSe clsivses. The Weekly Ohio state journal is iii choice family reading of a wholesome chanicter;clesirnad instructive. It N beat iir.iiK'rintPii; tho nn-.cs nrecutaud parted, audthero js nething to be desired In llrst class iMimily paper that is not f nnd in it. RAgents wanted everywhere. W- to forspecimon covy to Ohio Siate Journal Co, Keeps constantly on;hand the be sold at the lowest possible We propose keeping nothingrbut the very best meat tliose havincr tat cattle tor sate ta e to call and see us before highest market price for choice re have just received Bologna, Sausage, &c.,and5we October 19 : LEV. A. I. 20B33 Writes: Mtrtll fc MBMi M purifies; After a thorough, trial of IEOK TONIC, I take pleasnro xn. statins- tnat x nave oeen ILQ0E greatly benefited by its nae. ministers and Pub lic speakers will find it of the greatest value where a Tonic is neces sary. I recommend it as a reliable remedial agent, possessing- un doubted nutritive and restorative properties. touimnic, JCy Oct. 2, 1S82. S2S?42SS 37 SSS DR. HARTER MEDICINE CO., 13 ff. 1USS B., 9t. WW. j&"i"iiiiojNMS,4n Can iKwidrdy ba cured by usfcs DR. P. HAUL'S CATARKH KEJ1EDT. A new compound, entirely different from ell other preparations. It la lu the form cf a fine ointment which is easily applied-in the nostrils and ears, aad reaches the ceat of the disease by absorption. Pleasant to the smell, and most eflh ient in opera, tion. Tor Hay Fever, also impaired Hearing, SL;ut, s-mell and Taste, pro duced by Catarrhal disease, it is a positive care. Tho moat noted Physicians ao prominent Drutnrfsts all over the land havo idven it their endorsement. Wo haro r$&g&z&A rfW,VSiifc.K?i? iff. jji- tic imoiiCiEeu tosamomai.- i nnnuieus oi prominent ana xcuacM: jueu. .uuuaio. Sjv been pcnannently cared. Do not be hnmbu?ired by rostrums, prepared by -VV.V. .1 I t .1 ...1 .1I.1.1. 1 l X Z-. , 1 .1.1. T ,1.... Tn.vJwYt- RHCFrnW . Pran UJSkX'' eompoiuided by a Physician V-e-- - Two to four bottles generally . .JWSJ5 -A TRADEMARK. guaranteed or 3Ioney refunded. It is a positive cure for Ear-aclic. For cale by Drngjnsta. Also sent by mail, po-tt-paid. upon receipt of 50c. sinijla bottle, paciage of twoboi. tfes, S 1 .OO. Circulaw and testimonials fceo. Adilresn DK. P. HALL, Wholesale and Ketali nniKjrlst, 630 State Street, Erie, Pa. CAUTIOX. Bewtre of counterfeits or imitatinrWi Tha sbore Trade Hsdc will he found on erveey botUe,anddosotbay'(?ithouti& KMiim..wi mj.rkW??' - 1J. . . . . ,.,- . j, wj.' .1 .yvjiJ-'J ' -j -"- "-", "-- 1 for infants and Children, Cnstoria promotes Pigestion and overcomes r LUuiuncy, Consupa tion, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, and FeverislmEss. It insures health and natural sleepr without morpliinc. " Castoria is so well adapted to Children that I recommend itassuperior to any prescription known to me." IL A. AucnEtt, 31. D-, 82 Portland Ave., Brooklyn, N. T. SsS '.m.usLJ CENTAUR LlWllVlSKT-au absolute cure for Blieuma tisui, Si.mius, Burns, Galls, &c. Tlic most Powerful and Pene trating Pain-relieving and Healing Remedy known to man. tu - -- .V2!S. &' V. M-TiSUSCHER. w& VH B"T?Ti"I & sij mim.jsi LOGAN, O .r. "...? ..n...nni.ait!? !1 SDPC ceVXuics ran be kepr any length ..f lime wilhoiil aduiliunal co.t A 1! kimls ol' uiulerliiking. goods, s.uch ;is MeftsaHe Vd yes'd 4. llBrosl aaROfi nn ssseso k-v-itia &f ISaaa'iaal Jk. t CI X2?i I i H2 i i ur-c i-aw -g-jr.--- rr Forth MES?CHAMTs!ltt For the MARKET GAROEgER !?., !, DRIWaTE FAM5LY SEED !rY..., V.t rciv'3 on our own Farnut lillUSVil jy . -.t.n.nn IHnstrntcd Catalesno flrEUCII.aNTS,SEND US YOUR BOSKESS CASSW FOR TRADE J- DAVID LAMDffiTBaSOHSmeaoWffiSsPHILADELPgalA, i&MXfcianA PATAinsiic rare4lB ; h ad h Crt z&f32i 'V ----- t!' VJSZ U - 'K!!?A5V1 SI3LEY 3lSltTS SU3S. tssz NEIGHBOR iirc - emiiii - iin "J J'.""" '." "V" ',:""" Pub. CohtmbuSj 0 choicest m eats, which are prices for r.nd the viii u to tiiiiit i, :u seUiim as we. will ii.y eatJe. new macinneiy for ns a kino; will iraarantes satiafaetinr. TlT-T" 'ffl "'' "r- skksacdoi A. comMnaMo of JPro teecide of Irony FtruvUm Hark and JPhorphorus it, a palatable form. For Htbilityt Eosa of Appe tite, Prostration of Vital Powers it isindispaisa He. EEV.J.T.TO'WKEat, Industry, HI., says- THC X consider It , x&cst excellent remedy for debilitated, -vitax forces. who has made thia disease a stndy for 30 years. sufficient to effect an eaura cure. Satisfaction '?ZLM''J'' - '?wm' 3" JgPMffitJI . ! ' Pt rvTiat gives our Children rosy checks, cures their fevers, mates thorn sleep ; What 'XIa Castr:a. Yhen babies fret anil cry T tarE3, Yliat cures their colic, tills their worms. But Castoria. TThat quickly cares Constipation, Bour Stomach, Colds, Indigestion lint Cnistorlt. Farewell then ro Morphine Syrups, Castor Oil and Pare-joric, and Hail Cristoria! H.a..i.s...ii...muMill Ifl'T tpgJMiWfeJIiMI J A3. A.OLIVKK 23a2 V 'SESiiS G er &Wk 2, -53 El I-XXO. ialtv, by u inch Y'Ti & ggliS??? n jc Si Tt-9 T, ta ha ;a CsBie fcs Cra2s. "Plaii ; lt4 r&k Lf py sv ie..ii;. -,s- , JF nrr u;1 EOiOJEEMEDS SSThinet ESTABLISHED -3 itAto ;eeds - . .-m. and Koral Register FREE TO MJ. .4aal t - MU:'vJ' IS wii rMii v msoB a . 'j a k CMia crrfi? -- - ... sit III & CO. Rochester, k.y. bnicago, hi. SOME 3? v&j&i&- m b n ft L. H il t B rSSg.1 illi All telegrams weic sent by Ox Teams. 71 lJK-4M I Not Many Years AgoT-& All Clothing That hud become Soiled or Faded, was tut aside; but now such "goods can b re-Ins-tred, renovated or dyed and made as jtoorf as new. That is our trade, and we bar just placed in our establishment. 2icxr ili ehinury, consisting of a Cetrifugal Hydro tractor, JE- A Large Finishing: Cjlindar, Crape Shawl Frame and a S,cam Shaw Press, And a full line of Steam 3Iachincry ani we are better prepared than ever to do first class work. And we shaJl tlo none but tie best of work at a fair price. es-Itfemember. these are all facts and don't make a mistake, bat tend all yor old p'aded and Soiled Clothing oi nay I Kind to the. City Steam JDje Roust, Lancaster, Ohio, Branch will be Started ia Logan in September. and get two dollar'n worth for every dollar yon pm us. Price list sent to any address.. HajriO.lfciG ly Positive Cure for Piles. To the people or this Country wa w"J say we have been given the Agency of Dr. Marchlst's Italian PileOintmeni warrant ed to cure or money refunded Internal,. External, Blind, UIe-dnK or Itching Pilss. Priceo-Oc. a hex. Foriale by Miller & Case. Vegetable Sicilian HAIS' EEKBWEE was the Erst preparation perfectly adapted to care diseases of the scalp, end the first sue cesilol restorer ot ladtd or gray hair to its natural color, growth, and youthful ueanty. It haa had many imitators, hut none have so fuily met all tho requirements needful for the proper treatment of the hair ar.d scalp. Hall's Hahi IJexettxk has steadily grown in favor, and spread its fame and usefulness to every quarter of the globe. Its unparal leled success can he attributed to hut one cause: the entire fulfilment of Us promises. The proprietors havo often been surprised; at tho receipt of orders from remote coun tries, where theyluul never made aa clfortfor its introduction. The use for a. short time of Hall's IIaih KcsKWEU wonderfully improves the per sonal appearance. It cleanses the scalp from all impurities, cures all humors, fever, and1 dryness, and thu3 prevents baldness. It stimulates the weahened glands, and enables them to push forward a new aud vigorous growth. The effects of this article are cot transtent, like thoso cf alcoholic prepara tiou3,but remain a. lotg time, whicli makes its use a matter of economy. BTJOEDIGKAM'S BYE roi: the WHISKERS -VTin chanjo the beard to a natural brown., or black, as lesir-d. It produces s pemiautut color that v ill net wash av.-ay. Ccnsirtiiig cf a jingle preparation, it is applied without trouble. PREP-IKED nr H.P.HALL&CO.:MnesK.L iSol.l by all Ucalers iu Ziledlcints. I0E ALL TEE I0E5IS OF Scroftilons. 2IcrcnrJal, and Blood Disorders, . the best remedy, beennsi tho most searching "aud tLtrougU biood-puriticr, is Aif-fte-? s sarsapan.ia. pjs Sold Vj all Druggists ; 51, six bottles, $3. QTEfS LS !3 FORTHE Cra PalpiiJtioii or the Heart, ScrroaBCMa., Traaunns3i Kerroas Her.iTachg. LeticontaMs. Cold Eaada cad Feci, Psia ia tio Back, aft other ikes of reiaale'iV'caiccsa. TiByeniiA md improve tho tjpaliry or tio Blood, parity sad brishtea tia Coaplczica, aHay KerroB Irritation, aad secure Eefreslihig Eleep. Ju tho rcsscdy accded b7 woaea whose palo. eolo less faces sho-r the siscaco o? Irca ia tha SIoecL. Kcmcraber that Xrou is one of the coasStseste cf tha Elood, acd ia tho crcat toaUc. Tii Iroa PilU aro aiso TaluaKa for mca who am troubled witaKerccus'Weainess.XifiatSiiiMK etc. Price, 50 cents per boa; Scntbyiasul. Afc exess. CARTER CREDICINC OO e 23 Pari Place, Kew Yoifc, SoH byErnggista everywlaero. TIRED OUT. Tbediatraw. Ing- feeling of weariness,, fit exhaustion without effort, which makes life & burden to so many people, is duo to tb fact that tho blood is poor, and tho vitality consequently fcoble. If you. aro sufferisff from such, feeling, Ayer's Sarsaparflla is just what yon need, and will do you laoaiV colable good. Ko other preparation so concentrates aad combines blood-purifying; vitalizing, enrich ing, and 'invigorating qualities aa Asoi't- Suii'nnT.i. yftriAT?Tm jrST Dr. J.C. Ayer&Co., LovveH, Mass. SoldbyallDrnggists; SI, six bottles for 9ft CRYING FOR AID. loss of Appetite, neadache, Deprea eion, Indigestion and Constipation, Bil iousness, a Sallow Face, Doll Eyes, and a Blotched Skin, are among the symptoms which, indicate that the Liver is crying for aid. -ma "P-fll O -iy er S lllS will S5tlmtxlate the liver to proper action, and correct all these troubles. One or more of theso Pills should bo taken daily, tmtil health is fully established. '.Thousands tes tify to their great merit. f o family can afford to bo witioat Atzt Tills. pbepabed by Dr. J.C.Ayer &0o., Lowell, Masta- Sold by all Druggists. Tibamaii taffsca iun&iiii NERVES COMPLEXION ;5&l 3 5S l & 'A U . i-m- fri,' Bf ?3A "a v l! A I I I I, if! A r & p& 4 1 liUaijamlt ;Jlui o v;: no uitirnat ) January 1, iS70. r 1 1 i