Newspaper Page Text
-?i5b--'-S,fi5ff-!?i'J- ' 'pg g?5aii gwggsas rrtS&S f jzisst- &&$?& zSistfxs? tr?1 ? .-a?fj5:" ut?'!,svjsaa5ao23Si.-ii .- 8 Si -jn fe I- EXAMINERS' TEST QUESTIONS. EULE. Any applicant detected in giving or receiving aid in any way, will be deprived of the privilege nf appearing before the Board for ae year. GRAMMAR. J. P. H. STEDEM, Examiner. 1. Define Syntax, Proposition, Discourse, Analysis and Synthesis. 2. Write sentences in which all the relative and interrogative pronouns are properly used. 3. What modes are not used in interrogative sentences ? Why ? 4. What are auxiliary verbs ? Name them. What tenses are formed without them ? 5. What is said about the use of adjectives and adverbs after cer tain verbs? Illustrate. 6. What is punctuation? Slate its rel it.iori to grammar. 7. Abridge and make full explanations. I was not aware that he was niy enemy. S. Parse all the words : ''What came ye out to see ?" 9. Correct and punctuate and give reasons for both : Wisdom and not wealth procure esteem If John had went toschool he would 'not now deserve punishment but he done as he pleased aud must take the consequence 10. Analyze or diagram : The pleasures of sense resemble a foaming torrent, which after a disorderly course, speedily runs out and leaves an empty channel. UNITED STATES HISTORY. J. P. H. STEDEM. Examiner. 1. Describe the discovery of the St. Lawrence River. 2. Who were the Pilgrims ? What motives led them to Am erica ? When and where did thejT settle ? 3. Name tour prominent events of the "French and Indian War" and describe one of them. 4. Describe the "Stamp Act," slate how the colonists received it, and why they objected to it. 5. Give five of the most important events of the Revolution. 6. Tell what cities have been seats of the General Government and account for their being selected. 7. What was the "Louisiana Purchase ?" what did it comprise, and in whose administration was it made ? 8. Why was the annexation of Texas opposed? When was it an nexed ? Who was President? What was the result ? 9. Which State struck the first bl .win the War of The Rebellion? Describe this noted event. 10. Name a distinguished author of the United States in each of the various fields of literature. 11. What is meant by "protective" and "revenue" tariff! What is the nature of the most recent legislation on the tariff question ? THEORY AND PRACTICE. J. P. B. STEDEM, Examiner. 1; What is a mental faculty ? flaine one and state how it is best developed. 2. How do you control the matter of leaving seats and asking questions ? 3. What relation does approbation sustain to study ? 4. What is "enthusiasm ?" Describe its effect on the stud ent. 5. How does a recitation give a pupil confidence ? d. How best correct a pupil's errors ? 7. State what is meant by regulated and unregulated exercises. 8. Give some means for preventing disorder. 9. What does the teacher owe to his profession ? 10. Describe the family school. GEOGRAPHY. F. M. GORDON, Examiner. 1. Give the boundaries, area, population, capital, chief cities and rivers of Oliio. 2. What and .whore is St. Helena, and for what is it noted ? 3. What is the largest cavern known ? What does it contain ? 4. Locate Jorullo, and I ell something of its origin. 5. How many great ages are distinguished by geologists ? Name them. 6. What "could follow, if the earth's axis were perpendicular to the plane of the ecliptic ? 7. What are the natural divisions of lime ? Wha(0do you under stand the (Jircle ol illumination to be J S. What is a delta ? Name and locate the largest delta known. 9. Which is the largest mountain lake in the world? Of what river is it the expansion ? 10. Locate a point on the earth's surface which has neither lati tude nor longitude, and stale why. ORTROGRAPHlL F. M. GORDON, Examiner. 1. Of what importance is oral spelling ? 2. What is language, and of how many kinds ? 3. What is accent? common accent? discriminative accent? 4. Write the names of the five largest rivers in Ohio and of the five largest in the United States, and spell them correctly. 5. Spell correctly the following words: Shaudaleer, hemurage, sircingle, pluracy, alkema, faseshus. 6. Define: Pinnacle, prestige, insatiable, epidemic, herbarium, noxious. PENMANHIP. J. L. BRIGHT, Examiner. 1. Explain how you would conduct a class of beginners in pen manship. 2. How many and what are the different movements in writing? 3. How often do you require specimens from your pupils ? 4. Whose system do you teach ? Analyze a, 1, n, r. 5. Write four or five lines as a specimen of your penmanship. ARITHMETIC. J. L. BRIGHT, Examiner. 1. The difference between 50 aud 71o of a ceitain number is 525. what is the number? 2. If the interest ou a loan for what is the loan i 3. A plank 1S feet long, and l - feet, what is the width ? 4. Define the difference between discount as applied to present worth and also as applied to commission and brokerage. Find 10C0Xof5'43. 5. I sold an article for more than it cost me to a man who. sold it for 2-5th less than it cost him and got $6 for it. How much did it cost me ? 6. How many square inches in the surface of a cube whoso di agonal is 31 inches 2 7. What aie duodecimals? How do they arise ? 8. Define quantity, L. 0. M., notation, decimal and cube root. 9. A faim is 125 rods square, and a reetangular farm, containing the same number of acres, is 150 rods in length, what is its width ? 10. Two captains observed an eclipse of the moon ; one seeing it at 9 P. M., and the other at 11:30 P. M., what was their difference in longitude? BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. Tho Best Sjlve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Foyer Sores, Totter, Chap p d Hands, Cliilblnins, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give satisfaction, or monej- refunded. Price 25 cents pe- box. For Sale By F. Harring ton. maj'S- ly. Wool Wanted. Mr. James W- Monohan of Corning, and for several years past the popular buyer of the best clip of our county, will buy wool in lloclung this year. He will pay the highest cash price. He requests that his former cus tomers and wool growers gener ally, will hold their wool until he comes. 1 he wool he buys will be received at Rempels in Logan. -:0:- JUNE 7, 1S84. 68 diys at .01 X a month is $17 00, 6th foot thick, contains 2 cubic Plants for Sale. I will be prepared (o furnish our citizens and people near and far with any amount of thrifty Cabbage, Tomato, Sweet Potato and other plants for the garden. I guarantee them as first class in quality and in plants- 1 will supply the people at my stand on Market Square, com mencing the first of next, week, wilh all the early Vegetables, and at which place all orders can be left for Plants, which will be promptly furnished at reasonable rates. Henry Gompf. April 3 tf. Simeon L. Friesner's Estate. The miileraipnftl hn !.... .,.i... i :md qualified n.s administrator of the es- """V"" "rucNier, laie oi uocunc coun y, dseeased. ro..i- , WILLIAM E. 1KIESNER. Hay lo 3w Coiumks, Hocking Valley & Tolado RAILWAY, The Shortest Route Between AND THE OHIO RIVER TIME CAUD. Taking Effect, May 18, '84. CENTRAL TIME. SOUTH BOUND. Lv Toledo . Fostoria C roy . Up. Sandusky. Mitrioii I rospect... ....... Dataware Ar Columbus .1 -10 a m 1010 a m 5 35 pin c i 1 1 -W T try 61U 11 SS ... 7(t2 -GS4... -.710 . 7 4S. ...8 03. ...S 35... ..9 3J... 12 05 pm 7 35 1-J40 810 1 18... 140 2 06... 3 00... 847 9 07 931 10 30 Lv Columbus., IjHUcaslor.... Loguii Ar Athene .. 7 50 a m 3 05 pin G 00 pra .0 17 am 1 Si pin 7 21 pni .10 (K a in 518 pm 8 12 pin 11 05 a m 6 30 pni 9 20 pm Ar Gal II polls. Pomeroy ...1 37 pm SKIpm .. ,232 pm J35pm KORTll BOUND. Lr Pomeroy... Gnllipolis .. 4 30 am 4 15 pn. . 516am 6 09 pi . Lv Allien. . ." 05 am 7 05 pm 1245pm Lr Logan Lancaster Ar Columbus.., 820 am 8 17 pm 1 47 pm 3 12 nm 8 58 pm 2 32 pm 10 30 am 10 20 pm 3 55pm LrColumbus 12 05nm 415am 4 15 pm Delaware 12 57pm 537 am 5 OS pm Prospect... '..1 21 pm G 02 am SSI pm Marion.... . Up. Sandusky. Carey............... . Fostoria .......... Ar Toledo ...1 40 pm o a am : sz pm ...2 20 pm 7 15 am G 45 pm ...2 40 pni 7 35 am 7 05 pm .. 3 12 pm 805 am 7 KG pm ...4 35 pm 9 25 ain 9 0i pm Direct connections iiiimIb In Union pa pot at Columbus, for Newark, ZaiiesvIIle, Pittsburg, Wheeling. Baltimore, Washing ton and Philadelphia; also for Dayton, Cincinnati, Louisville and all points. South mid southwest. ao.Close connections at Toledo for De troit and all points in Michigan and Can ada. . ,. W H nARRlSON.Qcu'l Pass. Ag't. . Columbus, Ohio JOHN E. RAUCH. Mammoth Invoice of SOOTS & esQEg of every description, which the above named local deal er has provided for his CUSTOMERS embrace everything desirable in the general lines of Boot wear that may be called for adapted to all ages and both sexes, and in all the New Shapes and of the Most Approved Makes. These goods are all fresh and have been carefully se lected, and are G UA RAN TEED TO GIVE ENTIRE SATISFACTION to purchasers alike as regards wearing qualities and prices. .- 1- ' X r ... ft V .&- FASHIONABLE Merchant Tailoring. D, J. CRESAP Favorably7known to this community as OUO OI lUtt UKM TA1L0B In the State, has opened a Merchaut Tail nrinfrShnn in theSnvbv buildincand will keep on hand the best aud latest styles of FURNISHING GOODS and will make Suits to Order oushort notice. Call and sec his stock of PISGM SQ8SS of the latest btyles, and learn the rates which they are furnishod. Perfect Fits guaranteed. GROCERY &RESTAURANT WILLIAM KM!liGE,Prop, LANCASTER, OHIO. The people of Logan nre Invited to call on me when in tho city for Fresh Groceries, Choice Wines, Best Beer and Oigars. my Restaurant will be supplied with fresh Oyhtcrs, Game, Fish and everything the market a fltords in season. may 10, "S3 (Continutdfrtmi last week) How Watch Cases are Made. hnit.itlon always fellows a snecessfal article, ar.J i-nitation is one of the Lest proofs of re:;l lioneet merit; aii'l thus it is that the Jama Bozf Hold Wxitch One has its imitatnis. Buyers can always tell tha genuine by the tratlc-mark of acroan, from uiiieh is tnntciuied a pair of t? ... ica'cs. BcKiireiiOTiKTewKaiiu , xcm'cs arc stanipetl in the c;ip of the watch r:u,c. Jewtlertf su e . cry cautious ahotit c-n-iiirhin an article unless they not only kiow ihiit it is good, hut tht the character f the manufacturers is f.ich tint the quality :" ilia ooJ w i:l La kept fully --p ty siana irJ. YTlLLTAVSroBT, l'., Frl) 11. 1 VS. Tlis James Bon' lioM V.r.idi Cure .-. lil.f li"t stsxlUlTd tui&i; t'ity Ftjl tllCIli'-olvf. IJJoni l rnsf niirr-!i.t !t!flJ-i:c(!t.II-"i'rioldm.atc::C'ir" ny u-ef ra) yarH..-ni it.:ii.'.)Pilu.8wr. ,it'iti-.i co.Idonoi li:t;:o tofc-:.- mo.-nf. ursntcr. e- peiSiljr ,illi lliu nwrj;il lini'rtivfrl ra-rt. !a;b .-oia to bu evorU.,t:u. J ie T. Little, J'vtlir. K.-v3r.u::".'JC..J..Jin.l!.J2v!. TtiiM irol 1 ,-io, Ko. tjitv;, Imv-i is '.h-.lointt 1! -Oolil U"-tc!iC2fr,cim ''it i.:y VK.tfioii ab..t 1-"-hsd be n i: ii?e f:uco iLzt time w m-JI hi ;- ooud-lioD. niamo',enirstJ.;tbemiu'aLicl.'M!-'i,jtlif t-so v,-h'n I buKirlit'-t cou-iit -.i t-li :i ! tlieca A)laarLaUj'out.oiii tha iuiiiu ;i;,".t.!i,iio pucdont. MiUHK A Ho.vri.-. Of Ittxirdtf Jlircciurt f.J. R. tt.d- Trai-t. Co. bBi) S ii-nl ,lp luKVjstoto lk m- 1 tt. rle-, 1 lilla ! 'pMi, V, !cr'u.iMmr IlIuitrilM rai.5ilt ijitls 1-u," ,'.H E" ulLcTituat ".Vcl.u jw ore made. To U Continued.) Bb & Wi 5t-fc 4 fyfi 'i J2tUS te o m ROUTE. fywd hvof outy Between the EAST & WEST, iS'ORTH aud SOUTH. This Great Through Eonte is now uompietea ana m imui Operation, running through Pas senger Trains daily, as follows : nsThree solid trains oach way between Columbus, Indiannpolis and Peoria KiTTwo trains each way between Colum bus, Indianapolis and Dwcatur. BSTwo trains each way between San dusky, Indianapolis l'eorlannd Decatur. WiTTwo trains each way between San dusky, Dayton and Cincinnati. HEThree trains each day between San dubKy.Springfield and Columbus. BFour trains each way between Colum bus, Springfield, Dayton and Cincinnati. !Two tra;ns each way between Coluni bus,Spriiiglleld,Iiidianapolis & Chicago. With SlwcpingandRecliniiiB Chair Cars on Night Trains, and elegant Parlor and modern Day "ojches on Day Trains. Its track is laid with heavy steel rails, thoroughly ballasted, with easy grades and few curves. Tra n as it does tho heart of the three great state.-, of Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois, uniting in close business re lationship tho capital cities oi the first and second, with the second city ot the third, and passing tlnough a large number of the mot important citieb and towns in each, aud with all its central location makes it The Shortest and Most Desirable Route between the East & West. BarThrough Tickets and Baggage Checks to nil principal points. North, East, South and West, can be obtained at any Ticket Office of the I. B. & W. R'y, also via this route at all railroad offices throughout the country. Kates always as low as the low est. Don't purchase tickets to any point without lirbt consulting the agents of the I.B.&W.R'y. Particular advantages offered to Western Emigrants. Land aud Tourist Tickets to all points reached by any line. ns,Passpnger Trains leave Columbus, ns follows: 9:30 a. m., 3:20 and 11:05 p. in., Standard time. C. E. Henderson, Gen'l Mnnagcr H.M Bronson, Gen'l Ticket Ag't. JAMES Dk WOLF, Pass Ag't. 26 North Hish St., Columbus, O ETEKT ONE who O WKB a WAGON WANTS EUREKA FOLDING CANOPY TOP! I Folds up like as Umbrella. Weighs leu than IS lbs. Caa be taken off ar put on In 8 mln kites. Made in sizes to fit bail Bees varons. pleasure wagons. Lan baggies. Send for illus trate circular ana price list. Acrnts wanted ersrjwhert n m ntiPArio nn Mil asaie wnere you nw ici. D.6. BEERS tt CO,Pateatees&Mts.,SandjUooktCo&a !SP?C3 p- gffeVi MrNE W-a, BCKQiOSr- 8EED821F si u. AS of ttie best, both now and old. riuite. V.-.-m Vinee,8oodB.ta,bymall,aepocJaltr. HtfearrUa fanmted. COclioloe,clieap,SlSeU,forexan.pvs 12 ROSES 6I'IEDID. Erer BlocaiUig 30 PACKETS KSBtrasj SI . Fct the other GS St Seta and l.OOl thic?s bs IT 111 SUFFERERS From HerroaB.CIiroiiic and Blood Diseases, Braia and Heart Affections, Weak Lnndi Hervooa Debility, BroUcii Down ConsU taUonsaud Weakness or Hit Kldneys.Illnd. er A Urinary OrKan,iiS your llrufigist for WORLD RENOWNED SPEOiFIQ NO. 13, C0CA,BEEFilR0N fWltlx XlaoajsIxoxTvaa,) A BLOOD, BRAIN & NEBYE TOKIC. If your Drasgbt does not keep it ask him to order it forjon. SI. Per bottle. Coca,BeerBdIroM la tbe Greatest Medloal BlsooTerj ot modern times. For pamphlet, with full partionlars. addrem OHA8. W. SCOTT. M.D., Kansas City, Ma lite Jr. SCOXTSI-rrXBttZJOS. TOBACCO OHEWERS A REWARD Of 8555 CASH, 1,000 Imported Xcrelty Pocket KnlTee and 61OOO pounds of tfaaOreat ZOO-ZOO CHEWING TOBACCO TO BE CEVEN AWAY! EVERT CQNS1TMKU 8aTinorer3mBmwIU BtHRWAllUKII. tftOOtolst.8SOtoja.880 to3Oto4th.S!OtnSUi.8dOto6tu,S40lo7tli, ?30 to fttn. 820 to 9th. fO to loth. 86 to 11th. ,0O0 Imported Pocket Knivea worth $1 each. andfi,005 ponndsZOO-ZOO Plus Tobacco, to be given in rotation, the lanreat number of tags re tained will receive the first reward, 8100 Cash, Eeoopd highest, 890, and so on down to a lOct. plug of XOO-ZOU tobacco. Tfaeeo Christmas and New Year rewards will be distributed between Decem ber S6th and January I2L Chew this delightful to bacco.thobrst ever made. Save the tarn and send tbem by mall, between December 15 th and35tn.totbo WIXSON & aieOAIXAV TOBACCO CO. MIDDIiETOWN. OHIO. tW Cat Rddress ant and paste on Envelope Thlt h THE FINEST POUND PLU6 EVER MADE, .ASK YOUR DEALER FOR ZOO-ZOO. Qrimdat on hatiiiff It aod yoa wiUujeao otbaa FOUTZ'S HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS I rxum ) ho Hor-'i: wHI die of iWti.K. BorsorLcsc FKrER, Fontz's 1'owdvrx an- iib'1 in hmc. Foutz's I'nwtlt rt ill cmru ami cro ont Hon CnoLBiu. Fomz' rrnidrnnillvreKiitiiine 11 rowts. KoutzS PcWtir wii! inrrni Ih, mlnntitv nf inilfc and cream tnehtv pcru,nl..dnd mnke the bultvr firm and Hwetl. Foutz'sr.wcr U1 euctf or prevent aluut i:vkdt Dfa5k torlK I!"fMir.nJ CatjircrntHtrt. Koiwz s Vuf utiis will c-ivl fiATftiriCTtoxr ixiia SAVZD E FUTZ. Proiirictor. EALTEaOItE. MD. aHw'aHv sal Bl ssm ta&t3 Ib" FORT HE BIfOOD NERVES Core rnlpitstion or tha Heart, Nervousness, Tremblings, Kervcus Headache, Lenconbcea, Cold Eoods end Feot, Pain in tho Back, and other fjrma of Female Weakness. They enrich and lraprovo tho quality of Iho Blood, purify and brighten tho Complcsion, allay Xcrvous Irritation, tnd Eecnro Eefrcshiiig Sleep. Just tho remedy needed by women whoso pale, color. less f aces eho w tho ahsecco of Iron in the Blood. Hem ember that lr o n 13 one c f the consUUents of tho Blood, and is tho creaS toaie. Too Iron Bills aro o:so valuable for men who are) troubled with Nervous Wutoess, Xight Sweats, cc Prico, 50 cents per box. Sent by mall. Adt dra-A CARTER tSEDICINE OO 22 Park Place, New Yen, gcid by Druggist3 wstyvrhero. ifiEsasj nr l i rvfcSYAn,w if t 3 i t.Biirfnk i a rri" ?m?M&m -HTTI w IBSMB83y ZHBeiirrrTI COyPLEXIGN TIME TABLE. P. Cm & St Louis R. R. Pan Handle Route Schedule In effect Jan. lltli, 1881. Trainsde-iiui-tlrom Lancaster, asfollons: Going West. Depart. Cin. Express 0:22 am Mull 4riJ7 pm Washington Local Freight 4 17 a m Goln East. Cincinnati Express... Mail Depart. 4:22 pm . 9:32 am Above trains ran ilnlly except Snnday N IJ Tbo llmo given above Is Central Btnmltinl Timewhicli is 28 minutes slower than Columbus time: Pullman Palace Sleeping and Hotel Curs attached to through trains on the same line P C a St L. Railway rnn without change, west bound to Indianapolis. St. Louis and Chicago; eastbound to Pitts burg, HarrisburgUaltimore, Washington, Pnilndelphia and New York. For time table, rates of fare, through tickets aud baggnge checks and further in formation regarding thornnning of trains, apply to jn. s. waipoie, ucjeet Agent, L.un caster Ohio. JAS.McCREA. E. A.FORD. Manager. Gen. Pass & Tt. Agt Columbus, O. nitsburgb, Pa OKEE'8 MEAT MARKET, In the Kellar Building. Mr.'JoMU Ucker will unol y the p ublic, his meat shop in Keler's Building wltr. a kinds of the very bestmeats, atrcaon;ib prices. Meats of till kinds constantly o hand. The highest price pnid lor fat cat tie, si. eep and nogs. January 3, 18841 y THE WAY TO BUY THE BEST iifmrwn mi nm oumiivu in uiiii FOR THE MONEY, Is to buy atthe.Offlce. It saves of commission and ex pense in traveling from bouse to bouse. You can just as well save above expeiibes as you cm in buying your dry goods. When yon buy aDomesticorKewJHome Sou get the best. All other makes called lew High Arm machines are imitations, and none are their peers. The Domestic aud New nome have new styles of wood work, and new sets of Attachments thnt others dare not use. Come and see for your selves and you will be convinced that the above is reliable, and if you have a Domes tic or New Hometh-ithusbeen in Hse from 10 to 20 years do not let them humbug you with their so-called new hlqli arm ma chines, and trade you out of it, which they will try to do, but bring your machines to me and I will put in the new Domestic or New Home Improvements, then you will have a better machine and one Hint will last longer than the high arm imitation ones, and save your money and have the best machine in the world. HENRY LTJTZ. 35"A11 kinds of machines and machinery repaired in the best manner and at reason able prices. rm.1 have 8 different styles of Machines ouliand, which I will sell at lov rates. Coll and examine them. Feb 21, '81 tf Hejjky Lstz. tOCAW MEETINGS. The Board of School Examiners of Logan Village will hold regular meetings for the Examination of applicants for teachers' eertillciiteSiUifoIIowi, viz: On the Third Wednesday of Feb ruary, April, June, August, October and December, at the office of the Superintendant, in tha School Building of said Village, commen cing at 10 o'clock, a. m., or each day. By order of Examiners, J. H.;UYE,Pres,dent. AH.WirSON,Clerk. june2ly To Teachers. We desire to call your attention to the Normal Department of tho Ohio Universi f v. The Spring term will begin March '23, 1884. We shall make a specialty ol the Teachers' Clans during this term. There trill do classes in Ariinmeiic, u.. nisiory, Urammar. Encllsh Analysis. Political Geo- graphy.Pliyslcal Geography, Heading, Spelling, Algebra, Geometry, Book-keep ing, i'eumansuip, auu xiieory aim jrnm tlce. Prof. S. M. Afartiii, the eminent and sue cessful teacher of Elocution, has been en gaged to give instruction in thnt branch. Tho training cbiss for teachers will be an important feature orour work. This class will meet several times each week to dis cus. methods of teaching and school gov ernment. Come and spend a term with ns. We shall do all we cm to advance your inter ests. It will cobtyou something of course. Bat the training you get will enable you to comn-and higher wages, and thus you will soon bo aide to make yonr money hack. For particulaisadress, Feb 21-3w. G. P.COLER, Athens.O RUSKiH'S WOSKS. Sesame and Liilies, paper, 10c; cloth 2oc. Crown or Wild Olive, p.tpcr, 10c, cloth 25c Ethics of the Dui,t, paper 10c, cloth 2oc. Sesame und Lillles. Cro--n of Wild Olive and Ethics of fctie Dust, in one volume, half Kussia, red eilKes, ooc. iioucrn i-aiiuer, Stones of Veniee, etc., in preparation. Large catalogues free. JOHN B. ALDEN, Publisher, IS Vesey St, New Voik. (Feb.21,Sl-lw OHIO CENTRAL RAILROAD. Time Card taking ofiect May 11, '34 East Toledo.... Pembuiville... Fosoiia Berwick Syc.uiioie At rive Bucyrus Leave .. .10 35 ... 1119 V M 12 01 ...12 2C ...12 4fi 120 "1 35 n a ...3 12 "."b Si 3 50 ...4 U2 ..4 20 ....417 155 . 13 I'll .. 550 .4 53 .5 07 ..5 17 ...5 31 .. -V40 5 00 541 215 13-J 25 S 45 0 21 G46 12 50 I2 2ii 12 05 U1S0 8 05 7 20 G4S C05 7 07 7 40 A M 4 17 5 3fi C01 624 C4U 7 03 7 15 736 800 8 17 8 37 A M 0 15 8 22 K 10 K52 911) 922 A St 9 15 P JI All 15 V25 Mt Gilead Marengo Ceutorbuig.. ll.trtfoid Jonnstown.., 4 Icxandria . (tranvlllo ... Hebron 10 31 107 9 45 0 35 0-J2 0(7 8 5.J 8 34 8 21 7 47 717 70S 0 45 021 5 57 517 HadlyJuncarr.. B.US11 1. 8 10 4 47 75U 483 7 30 4 12 P M A M 6 50 4 30 7 52 4 32 7 3!) 3 -"u 7 28 3 IT 7 09 " 3 08 057 248 A Jt P.M Ui 10 5 15 l'lcheilng Columbus Ploa-santville Uushvllle ....- Iirouicn Junction City New Lexington.. P 31 ...0 10 Corninj Connccllonsare mndeat Fostnri-i with 1 ExW K'y for Fiudlay, Lima, St Mcr.i. Mutirioniiil I.ifayctte, lint, Illooiiiiiiuton Iil.,KaiiHaht;ily and St LonU. At Bucyrus for all points ou P ! w &. C Ktiilway -. ..,,. At LeverliiR for frcstline, Cleveland, and all pointsonUoiumbiib Divisions of COC& railway. , At Centcrburg for Mt Vernon, Clinton, Akron and all points on CMtV&CRM At Bremen and New Lexington for Nw ark, Lancaster, Zanesvilleand all points on Ulncinnatiand Muskingum Valley Divis ion of l (J a.- St Louis R'y, At Junction City for Shawnee and all points on StraiUvilie Div B & 0 R'd. At Columbus connection is made at Un ion Dopt with trains for Cincinnati, Louis ville, Indianapolis, Washington, Baltimore and all Southern and Kabtern cities. W 11 Vaudegrilt, Sup't Hudson Fitch, GGHadley, Ucn'lTicket Ag't lionctul Manajior. Legal Notice. William II. Aplin of Now Goncvn, JaeU wiirounty, Weil VlrKinla ; or W'avhiii; ton Court House, JneWin county, Wi-t Virginia, will t.-tKe notice that on tin fltb day or April, Ib81, John II. White, iu, Ad miniNtrntorortliocstatoof John T.Aplln, ilpceascd, brought suit against him in the Hocking Common Pleas, at Logan, Ohio, to iocover$3It It!, and asfo judgment with interest from AuRiist 14, lSt", Ic3s $100 paid theieon Aiii;ust"l, 1877, and that tberealter said Administrator had an attachment is sued In said action, and had the same lev ied on, tho following lauds a.s the property or William H. Aplin and seeks, to have the same sold to paysaiddebt, viz: Fractional lot four(l), in section huven (7), township twelve (la) & rane sixteen (l'), eontninniK sixty-tlve and thirty-four hundrethh acres 63 31-100. t t The day;foran.swer to the pet tiou in said suit is June 2S.1SS4. CAMPBELL A ROSEMOND. May 8-6w Attys lor Pltr. ! ESTABLISHED IN 1856. THE OLD RELIABLE HAMESS SHOP Of Logan. i T. UN would :innnuncp In tli ,iii,in. r and vicinity that he has purchased tiic stock of Harness, Saddles, Collars Whi s, &c, ofR. C.Sanderson ami will continue the business at the old stand, where wil, be found Saddles of every description from 53 to S15, Biiksij Harness of all grades, nrlces from S8 to S59. Work Harness, heavy and light from S22 to $30; Collars of all kinds from 50 cts so very bet Wool Collar Tall ppper Leather for 32,50. Whips in end less variety, largest stock of rlne warran ted halebone whips in the city. Hames nd Chains at low prices, Curry Combs and Brushes. A good Comb and Brush for 25c. A. large stock of beantl fnl Pluhh Lap Robes. A good assortment of Horse Covers nrM Blankets. Very best Harness OU at SI v per gallon. I use tho very best ninteriri d employ none but skilled workmen. Call and examine my nock and prices r,e fore purchasing. All goods fully warran !?'. ,KpP'iiri" pioi.iptly done. Shop in right Block, opposite First Hank ofXognn j t Sanderson. FRANK MYERS, Occupies a Room in tho GIHBLE BUILDING, (Opposite Kocliester's) He keeps a selected stock of ready ran do Boots aud Shoes. Custom Made Work a Specialty. Sbiloh's conch and consumntion nnrp is sold by us on a guarautee. It cores consumption. Sold by B. C. Reber and Co,8. Sbiloh's vitalizcr is what vou need for constipation, loss of appetite, dizzi ness and all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75 cents per bottle. Sold br B. C. Reber and Co. Sleepless nights; made miserable bv that terribls cough. Shiloh's cure is the remedy for yon. For sale at Reber' s drug store. Catarrh enred, hsalth and sweet breath secured by Shiloh's catarrh remed'. Price 50 cents, nasal injector jree. tor sale at B. C. Reber and Co. ror lame back, side or chest use Shi loh's l'orons Plaster. Price 25 cents, of B. C. Reber and Co. Croup, whooping cough and Bronchi tns immediately relieved by Shiloli's Cure, sold by B. C. Rebel and Co Will you suffer with dyspepsia and liver complaint ? Shiloh's vitalizer is guaranteed to cure you. Sold by B. C. Rcbcr and Co. Thnt hacking cough can be so quick ly cured by Shiloh's cure. "Are guaran tee it. Sold by B. C. Reber and Co. Are you made miserable by indiges tion, constipation, dizziness, loss ol appetite, yellow skin? Shiloh's Vita lizer is a positive cure. Sold by B-U. Reber and Co. The Rev. George H.Thayer, of Bour bon, liid.i says: "both my wife and I owe our lives lo Shiloh's consumption cure." For sale at Reber'B drug-store- Why will you cough when Shi'oh's cure will give immediate relief. Price 10 els 50 cts and 1 dollar to be had at B. C. kebers and Co. Shiloh's catarrh remedy, a positive cure for catarrh, dipthcria, and canku. mouth at B. C- Rebers und Co. "Hackmetnck." a lasting and fri. grant perfume. Price 25 and 50 cen: at B. O. Reber's and Co. Shiloh's cure will immediately relieve croup, whooping-cough and bronc sold at B. C. Reber and Co. u For dyspepsia and liver complaint, you haTe a printed guarantee on every bottlo of Shiloh's Vitalizer. It never fails to cure. Sold by B. C. Reber and Co. A nisal injector free with each bot tle of Shiloh's catarrh remedy. Price 50 cents at Reber's drugstore. May 10th, lKrC 1 year. Danhters, Wives ami 3Iother Rr. llarrhibi'i, t'sthoilcon. Female ttenifrtj- guaranteed to give satisfaction or moiu- refunded. Will cure Female Diseases. All ovarian troubles, inflammation and ulcer ation, falling xnd itisplaoeuients or hear ing down fcclinj;, irrnuliiritie3, barrcn ucs, change ol life, leucorrltoea, beidt: many wual;ncses springing from thu above, like headache, bloating, spinal, sleplessnesu, nervous -lability, palpitation of the heart, .tc. Forsnlc by .all Drnsiihts. Price S1.00 and S1.50 per Bottle. Semi to Dr. J. B. Marchisi, Utica, N. Yfor Pamphlet. frp. For w!e bv IHILIiER & CASE J. A. WARD WELL, BUILDER. LOGAj0HI0. All Job Work Prompt ly Done. Men sent to any part of the city and rntin ry at reasonable rates. Shop on Iluntcr ttreet, James'Soap Factory Building. A Life-saying Present. Mr.M. E, Alli3ou, Hutchinson, Kan., saved his life by a simple Trial Bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery, for Consumption, which caused him to procure a large bot tle, that completely cured him. when Doctors, change of climate, and everything else had failed. Asthma. Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Severe Coughs, and all Throat and Lung diseases, it is guaranteed to cure. Trial Bottles free at F. Uarringt-ii's Drug Store. L:irge size. $1. 00. Feb. 15, lyr. NervoTis Exhaustion, Premature Decay, Xoss of Memory. An 80-paee Cloth -bound Book of wholesome Aivlce to Young Men, by a Regular Physician. 8NT FREE? neelpFof two tbreocoot THE HEALTH JOURNAL. MILWAUKEE. WIS. totTs XPE&TQiam. ,, -,i - -7--r rVim 1 1 la eomposad of ilcr&nl at.a "Um-uuiiious prrd nets,wlaoupirmcais tlio iIttce i'.m XAVUigs, eniocortc tfco acrid ir.nttrr that collect, la ttio Uiwitinal 'J.'nV,nudluii.i " oothlns eoatiac, mSkh r-l!3vs (he ii rltation tli-it ck'k:: tlio ccnqli. Itclc-iKiw tUoluiii;oaliioji"iiic3. Aiicnptiii.i ttieintvlten ciifCilcl by ilHeaj,,ii.vt.i. otcs the circulation of tbo blood, .mJ brncsat!-. nervons uystf in. SlirfUJ cuiil'J oflcn c.s;l Kt. comnmiitlon. Itis V:ii.f.-ions to iiriei thorn. Apply tltc xcmcUi' jiromptiy. A tost ot twenty y.-iri wirr tut tlio c mun t!.r.! norcmoily lies r.-cr lier'i f;n3.l IhatKii. prompt i:iiMc.'iT:eMHYUTT'A ESFEtTfiRA?'! AcJiirIc done rair. tiie inflammation, cad its nso pccti ly cnrr the nio.t ob(inr.teoiuph. Alilcniant cordfal, i-tiU-' dreu inkc it n-ailiiy. Fr Cioaiii ii ii InvalualOo n.I Hji. ( li i(i tfy fr.iriily. In 3c. S5'. ?' ?V?V.-t i,-i! r. U S ' ka ti !H r ii-i- K iS33E2CSSa5gsa PILLS SB? 3BK35!; fCT niggCT!.Y OK THa LiVEfe. Cures C:iII!:l nncl i'evor. Dyspepsia, Stale Headache, i;;:ioi-s ColIjCoii.ttia tlou.KlieuJUA'ir.i.ilcSii'ttlnltutlonoir the Heart, l;i".Tiu-?,Tornll Y.lver.nncl Female IiTejKlvriticj. If you do not "feel very wclV'.istn'iflepillat K.'1-t.sua stiniulalc-sthc stomach, restores ill'-Httpeliu:, iisp-, i -jviTur a tbo B3-WBITE FOR TUTTS ftUkaii. rRS.-53J DIM xL Py Vb L w M I for Infants CartoriapromotesDicrestinn A r.oiJL l'lnrnlonoir A,r,-.o and orerooaMs flatulency, Constipa- non, bour atomaeh, Uiarrnoeo, aud Feverishnees. It insures heoltli and natural sleep, without morphiae. " Cactoria is so well adapted to Children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me." XL A. AxcHBa, 11. !., 85 Portland Avo., Brooklyn, K. T. CENTAUR LI?iIIEHT ti.sni, Sprains, Buriitt, Gulls, &c. The most Poworful and Perie trutiug Pain-relieving and HcjiHuk Kernciiy known to man. JiA-h1. , -- The Leading Maryland Mutual! The Great Eastern Mutual Life Insurance Co. 54 Lexington St. Baltimore City, Md. This Company pays Alii CT-atmh PBOMPTLYandlK FULIi,andhas the GSVT OBIGINAXi JO"V7 ASSESSMENT PLAN In America, Over 5,000 Policies written In two years, representing $3,000,000.00 Insurance. Its Plans being original, are copy righted, and no similar features exist elsewhere. Policies ABE matter when death occurs, and NO CLAIMS ABB CONTESTED, except for non-papment of dues andaasessnients,afteraPolIcyis Issued. Agents find this the most easily represented Companyin thoUnitedStates,andiWKn&fecCtJereiw toAUOOurt. It Issues litre orEadsinuatPolIeit, and is represented in 80 States. Paid-up Policies for assessments are given members, after two years, upon request. Send for Grottlft jft tUs, the Great Popular People's Company. HenUon this paper. .. - First-CIass Solicitors Wanted. fe3S S fel.5- 23r!!s S" -"-. ! efc- " iJ K . 7.ik N . s s a88 s ssr cT: '?& ??5?8. eSka NsaS s &a: Irrhi s.sasa. 52 a JM. ?i.& a g- :?.ofe s s I -z . 5SS5 a j Ci f a i ,5 S238SS aSK'8 1 s x o w INE i r a. ft? II! lit ,K!l iMlJBBi Ipib I2PS- 2f5L?ba m t - - q r.- ki "T,-- t . n.r s;-? a . . m 9 a 9r3? -- "d-.- ?32Wi73;r4W-SE2:5 - T" t ss-e -r3-s? s;?3 3f:-ri3. -1232-3-353 i-Si " VZ? 7. - 3 3JJe'P.J't.o-3S3 m9 .t fc5:ioi 5-c. ;:' Bs'Si?!!ce!i ri.i rt"0 1 P- r" ;rsJ,u--!r6i-::.iroji- Keeps constnntly on fc.tsirl ' the chuictt meats which will be sold at the lowest possible prices for "We propose copinpr nollrng 1-uf the very btst meats, those having fit cattle for s.ile wiil finl it to' thair atlvaiii tai,e to call and see as bofori-selliitr, as wo will puv t. e highest market price for choice cat lo. We havo just received new machinery for m.-ikins Bologna, Sauago, &c. and wu will gaaranteo satisfaction October 19 ' UAtW -w-' oTthaPURIFIES Jitter a. thproagh. trial of tha jleuxi xuaiw,i uue imwimiu in staung tnat x nave Deen fireatly benantad by it j yBLOOa aunisten and Pub lic SlWAkATS vrill H-nA 4 of tho greatest value wnere a Tonic is neoea sary. I recommend It as a reliable remedial agent, poaaeasinar nn doubted nutritive and restorative properties. sMmmuc, Ag., vet. Z, IDS. nXPASXOBTfBI OB. BARTER MEDlCmCOnUS.UiaBZtB.Wa.- CATARRHHead Can posltiTely be cured by nrfng- DR. P. HALL8 CATAKRH KKHEOT. A new eempouad. enMrely different from all other preparations. It to la tbe foza of a fine ointment which is easily applied in tbe nctnls sad ears, and reaches the eat of Hie disesso by absorption, l'lcaunt to the su ell. and most effluent in Cfeis tion. Fear Hay Fever, also impaired Hearing, StarkC. atatell and Taace, pro. dnced by Caturrhal disease, it is a posith e enre. The meet neted Physidana aae jTominent Draistn all over the land havo given it their endorsement. We hare tiie unsolicited testimoniabt of hundred of prominent aad reliable men. who hare, been permanently cured. Do not be hmnbngsed by nostrums, prepared by the inexperienced and unreliable, bat innint upon harhur Biis Sxcelleut Eeniedr, conii-onndrtt by a Phrsican who ha made th! diseowi a study far 30 years. Two U four lKitlc cntrallv snflieietit tn ofTnot nn pntm (., u.iL.r..H.H iBsSs-'-- EiBsasBEcti.T HKp TRADEMARK. jfiiarnntscd or .Motley refnndrd. It i a positive cure for Knr-uohe. For Wle by Dnigjrfst". Xlro fnt by poet j-aid, nion rowcipt of 50c. sinsrle bottln, package of tvrobot. tlea, S!.K). Circular and t' free. Atldnsr. Pit. I II A5 ' Vhnltvtilf and Ertall DruT2it.t, C30 ."tote- Strpct. Krie. Pa. CAUTION. Bewaru cf cor.ntcrfjivs cr naitstioi. Iho aboo Trado ilart will be found on every bottle, rd do not oiiy -7i Jiout it. nWTAM"! JW LHRUit!-1 lid For the MERCH FOr trie MARKtl UAItUtritn t?s ha DBIVATP rAMILY ! Crown by ourgT'iYf nn our own Parrn . - . Er-llnndaoino luusiraiea taiaioguo aou n.mrni .Bm ..u - a,. , MERCHANTS, SEND US YOUR BUSINESS CARDS FOR TRADE IJST. ' DAVID LANDRETH&SGH?-SEED GROWERSsPHILADELPKIA MM f FOR All. COJIATES, izza ATAinMi: rprri i iSaa? UHirlLUUU!. I llbla MM SiHS. "wmMSiKIRAf iBLEY and Children. I TVhat gives onrChildrea rosy choeka, I What cures tlietf fevers, mate. ttm Tls Castor: When babies fret and cry by turns. What cures their colic, rills their vorvr.x. But Cofctoria. Wliat qnlekly cr.res Constipation. Hour Sioiaafh. CoiiU, lndigcstiOB. Bnt CnMorlm. Farewell then to 3Icrphino Syrups, Castor Oil and Paregoric, and an absolute curs for .Kheuma- BROT f ' -. --i aa i JL nfiiMMirftflu a tVin- UaeiUe of Iron, J?mtxricm I ari:aiuli'Aon)Jum. I a palatable bra. JFor ts&zsjzsm; 2nccr it imiurtiip I VMX BBV.J.IwTOWaXB, Industry. HI..! T itrnmlAmi b. twfut. mofillAnt Toraiiv Inr the debilitated vital forces. rw-wiiakitfTiUii.-! ANT ?"fyw Plan . -.. t.. trtrmr rti itr 1 ?i ASfetSea?- 5?fer25 Kfl SICK LEY'SCfcEDS TtCWl AIX SOIXS, AIX CROPS. & CO. Rcchesiqr, K.Y. Chicago, HL XLJml!X- SOME Iif II All tele-ams weie sent bj Ox Ttai Not Many Years Ag9f All Clothing . Tint bad become Soiled or Faded, was east aside; but now surh goods can be re-lu-tred, renovated or dyed and made as aod as new. Tliat is our trade, "and we have jntt placed in our establishment New Ma chinery, consisting of a Cetrifugal Hydro X tractor, A Large Finishing Cylinder, a Crape Shawl Frame and a Soam Shawl Press, And a roll line or Steam Mnchlnery and e ro bi-tter lrriir-tl than vrtolo flint cl.iss wi.rk. And we s-ha'I io none bnt tha best of work :it 11 fair price. l"Keir.eii:br. are all facts and don't iu:,Kea miitakc, but send all yoar olil .'ade.l and Suilud Clothing ot aay Kind to the. City Steam Dye Rous; Lancaster, Ohio,' Branch will bo Started ii Logan in September. and Ket two dollar's worth tor every dollar you paj u. Price lUtxent to any addrasa. May 10. 18S3-ly Posiiire Cure for Piles. To the peopia of this Coantry we woald. nay we have been eiven tho Agency of Dr. Iarchini'stitalianFili-Ointment warrant ed to euro or money refunded Internal, Kxlerual, Blind, meeting or Itching Pile 1'ricuSOc. a box. Foriale by lllilier Jt Ca Rev. Father Wilds' EXPERIENCE. The Bar. Z. P. "Wilds, well-know My missionary in Mew York, and brotlicv ot the lata eminent Judge Wilds, of thm Massachusetts Euprenie Coort, write as follows: "73 ff. 5WA St., Kcvr York, Kay 15, M8R. Messrs. J. U. AY E.i & Co Gentlemen : Last winter I was troubled with a most uncomfortable Itching humor affecting mors especially my limbs, which itched so iutolerably at nisht, ami hunted so intense lr, thst L could scarcely bear any clothiug sVcr them. X u also a suffarer from s MYeTe cactrrh and catarrhal cough; luy appetite m ror, and my system a good. lil run ilorru. Knowing the Yalao of Aroi' Saimapabilla, by obserratioa of many olhoc cas:j. and froiu personal ass in furiiier years. I bcan taking it for th :i'ji.o-ii.!.iih1 ilisordors. My appetite lta prored almost from the tlrst uose. After a short time the fever and itching wn ailsyed, ami all signs of Irritation of the ikin disappeared. ty catarrh and eoagb Tro alj. cured by the same means, and my general health greatly hnpreYeJ. natU It U now exco'.Ient. 1 feel a hnntlred per cent stronger, and I attribute these result to tho use of the SARSAraRILLA, which 1 rdsomiucnd with all confidence as tho bo I blood medicino ever dcrissd. I took It in small doses three times a day, and used, In all. leai tlnn two bottles. I plae thne facts at your sorvlee, hoping thetr publication may do good. Yours respectfully, Z. P. TriEM." The aboTO instance is but ono of tho many constantly coming to oar notice, which prove) tha perfect adaptability of AVER'S SAJWA irARii.tA. to the core of all disensea aruaaj from impure or hnpoYerished blood. aae s waakened Titality. Aydr's SarsapanEla eIaiue-, enriches and strengthens the blood, titnulatcs tho action of the Jtoniach and bowels, and thcroby enables the system t resist and overcome the attacks of all Serofm tons Dtstasts, Eruptions of the Skin, Uhew maliiin, Catarrh, Gcnertl Dtbility, and alt disorders resulting frem poor or eormpteA blood aud a low state of the system. ritar-ABED nv Dr. J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Maw. Suld by all DrnglsU: price SI. six botUe forSw. AYER'S CATHARTIC PILLS. Best Purgative Medicine oore Constipation. Indigestion. ITeadacho, asi all Bilious .Disorders. gold every whore. Always reliable. TIRED OUT. Ing!eeacsT weariness, f exhaustion without effort, which makes 11 a burden to to many people, la dae to st feot that the blood is poor, and the TusUltr onsequently feeble. If yes ar Mstasas; from such feelings, Ayer's SarsaparOla is ast what ym need, aad will do yoa 1 culablogood. Ko other preparatloo so coaoeatratel I combines blood-purtfyiaj, vttelhang, i tag, and iavigoratlng qualltiea a Anafe SimuMTT.l. vKrrkvmwc Dr. J.C. Aycr &Co., Lowell, Mm. BoldbyaaDrntete; 81,UWttteilrf DR. DAVID , ,,,,. . mm m. KEiyiUsCnv's " Biacovered la Xe Practice. Specially suited" to" at Salarlal, Aswe, I acfc, Rheaasjuic, Barefr alsea avad Fcsasue Cess Vlalat. a, K1DNETJ liver'cure, ASD Ail. Illll IIMIKM. ' D!ss6lB effect ofbadbfeei Tested for SO years it cares OO per ceat mt cases; rare uioaa gives iiioosaias;ueauiBit Satisfaction gnaranteed. It is purely vegetable, non-AIcohollc, Effective, Palatable. 91.0O a bottle. Send for pamphlet. Of all druggists, or of t DATTD KEMKDT,3I.D.,Koiidaut,lCi; HEALTH, BEAUTY, LOHGEYITY. 5 "ACES.Tlla-tr-i!eMo oWk andcKtb'ndt v! IO'-.nio-iiv-i.-rcsi.tC-.caraep.'pcrcovr.33c. Irt'TiJ woa'tS. L-.n -N-'atiewp, laaij lMndnira- "" . 'iTirt (i!.ii'r-in, x-0 poniidi-r-tL Vara bloclr .- .f.-i., ...,t . , . . ' - . .fc... ...M . I '" DUV.UI MUNKK nu awrr-irorTw nca i.isa CW noa Lite in-- Bhonld ,rir cost n ml xron- :rmrc.rjF Sb I " CJjraw- I S? 1 m.Jfck I-rEMEDt lWm&KOTA awio- u- to Go-.- i i . 7 LTTWiaa, iyvc7'da.ri. Th drr eIt:ao cni. i,JjBZc, fULIe.33p.,rocta, cott.fiae. " S'.vi;-7 f ithrr. niotii. r. rti ;fn O- tix a 6 oi'ctiul't, wt 4s: ; 5? ?j$: ? E5? :-2r -1 T -4 2 i&k ?&S msj' i M ibw-lst?; .r JBS S8i L 1 4.1 j 51 -' ft"- A A if - frl .-M