Newspaper Page Text
k . i MMMMMMMifttanga3MBg3"M"'l,lll,y -T r ,, -MMBBp BtWMMMMI 53 XiUOoiucs l'Vom LiUL'ilc 3"ire 1 n fiction and llmiis not Tate "Th.-.upht alone is eternal. Time thralls it in vain. For ihc ihoujrht that springs upward and yearns to n'jraiti The pure 60111 cc of spirit there is not too late.. Tbou didst not shun death; shun not life; Tis more brarc to live than to die. Honest loro. hon st sorrow. Boncst work for ilie day, honest hope for the morrow. . The heart they have saddened, the life they leave dicary. " - HnshI the seven-fold heavens to the voice of the Spirit Echo! He that o'crcomcth shall all things inherit. No stream from its source "Flows eaward, how lonely soever lis course. But what some land is gladdened. No star ever rose And set, without influence somewhere. The man who seeks one thing: in life, and hut one. May hope to achieve it before life be done: But he who Fecks ali things, wherever he goes. Only reaps from the hopes which around him ne eows A harvttt of barren regrets. DENOCRATlC Judicial Convention. FOURTH CIRCUIT. At n.' meeting of the Chairmen ol the Peuioiialic Central Committees of tie several counties composing the Fourth Judicial Circuit, held in Columns. June Mill, it was determined that the Demo cratic Convention to nominate three cau- tldates lor Circuit Juuges.Ior IJ Circuit, be liela in Portsmouth, on Thursday, July 21, 18S4, at II o'clock, a. Itwasdeclded that the basis of reiire Rentatlon, In Kiid Convention, hall be one delegate for every four hundred votes cast for George Hoadley for governor, in 183, Riving each county the following number ofdelegatcs: Xct any man onco feels show the world that ho Afraid of his back, and 'twill fly at his heels; Iet him fearlessly face it, 'twill leave him alone; But 'twill fawn at his feet if he flings its bone. 'Halt! Invade not the Past; rocklcss child of to-day. And give not, 0 madam I tho heart in thy breast To a phantom, the soul of whose sense is pos- sess'd By an Age not thine own. Adams AlllC'i Brow ii. .......... Gallia Highland...... Hocking Jacicson.. Lawrence...... Monroe .. Meigs Pickaway Pike ioss... Scioto... ........ . Vinton ... Washington., f in 5 .9 6 6 8 . 8 .... 6 6 I? ,.. .5 10 122 By order of Committee, A. R. V ANCLEAF, Ch'm . Jno. L. Vance.Sec'y. We are our own fates. Our own deeds Arc our bond6mcn. Man's life was made not for men's Creeds, but men's actions 1 The world is a nettle: disturb it, it stings; Grab it firmly, it stings not. On one of two things. If you would not behooves you to settle; Avoid It, or crush it. The heart of a man is like that delicate weed Which requires to be tramped on, boldly in deed. Ere it cives forth tho f rngranoe you wish to extract. God means cv ry man to be happy, be sure; He cends us no sorrows that have not some cure. Our duty down here is to 0, not to know; Live ps though lifo were earnest, and life will be so. "Was Emerson's Genius Hereditary? Mr. Whipple :tpuc:irs to be in some doubt whether Emerson's genius was a spontaneous production of nature, or a hereditary product How talent passes its utmost point and becomes genius metaphysician nor scientist has yet learned; but, that every degree of ca pacity, even to genius, is really the re sult of antecedent and transmitted brain power, appears to be proven, if anything of an intangible nature has ever been proved; only tho operations .are not usually traceable; seldom be ing looked for until too late to get at all the direct and collateral evidence by the time the "genius" is recognized, those to whom he may have owed the distinction are beyond tho power of re; sponse to any questioning. It is not to the "mute inglorious Miltons" th3t the world owes its gratitude for its most distinguished men? The unknown people "who have died with all their music in lhem" may yet have transmit ted their line qualities, highlened and intensified to some more fortuuatc de scendant, who has found the way to bloom into flower, fragrance and pub licity. Might not even the mystery of Shakes peare's transcendent srenius be unveil d, if we could now probe among the unrecorded, probably wise, unuttcred thoughts of his remote and later ances try? Mrs. E. V. Blake. "Willing to Take it in Crackers. A colored man with his right foot bound up with numerous rags and cloths yesterday enteral a' grocery on "Woodward avenue and asked for a cash contribution of 25 cents toward the erection of a new colored people's church cnilicc, "Where is it to be located?" asked the irrocer. "Wall, that hasn't bin dun decided on yet." -What is it to cos.t?" "Ecint figgored on dat, sail." "Who is the pastor?" "Duirforgit; but I reckon wo kin find one." "Who is the head man in this enter prise?" "Da head man! Wall, Izc 'bout do head man, I reckon." "I am not satisfied with your expla nations," said the grocer. "How can X be certain that you won't appropriate the money to your own purposes?" . "Am dat what bodders you?" "I confess it is." "Well, sab. we kingitoberdat purty easy. Instead of making a cash con tribution justcigh mo out two pounds of crackers wid instrukshuns to turn 'em ober to de bnildin committee. Izo cheerman ob dat committee if I ain't nobodv else!" Detroit Free Press. Need of Kconomy. One of tho hardest lessons in life for yonng people to learn is to practico economy. It is a harder duty for 3 young man to accumulate and save his nrst ?l.UUU than his next sjiu.wu. A man can bo economical without being mean,- and it is one of his most solemn duties to lay up sufficient in his days of strength-and prosperity to provide for himself andthose who aro or may bo dependent npou him indsj-s of sickness or misfortune. Extravagance is one of the greatest evils of the present age. It is undermining and overturning' the loftiest and best principles that should be retained and held sacred in society. H is annually sending thousands of young men and young women to ruin aud ni:sfortun. Cultivate,-then, sober and industri ous habits; acquire the art of putting a little aside every day and for your fu ture necessities; avoid all unnecessary and foolish expenditures. Spend your time only iu such a. manner as shall brino- you pro-tit and enjoyment, and vour money for such things as you act ually needfor jour comfort and happir ness, and you will prosper in your lives,, your business and will win and retain tho respect and honor of ail worthy and substantial peopli Itms from Marlon. July 8th, 1S84. The infant daughter of Jeffer son Welty, died of brain fever, July 5th, aged 9 months. The body was interred in the Harvey Chapel Cemetery, on Sunday at 4 o'clock. KeT. Jlartin will hold services in Joshua Beery 's barn, July 201 h at 10 a. m. All are invited to at tend. Abraham Hockman, the boss gardner of Bear Run will have about 150 bushels of onions ready for market in a few days. The recent flood reduced the crop about 50 bushels. Mr. George Martin of Utah,son of Squire Martin, i visiting his friends in Marion. He deliver ed a very interesting lecture on Mormonism last Sunday evening at Harvey Chapel. Mr. Andrew Blosser is serious ly ill at this writing. The Progressive Sabbath School being held in No 6, School House, and Superintended by Jacob M. Rittgers, is growing rapidly in interest and also in attendants. The late high water did a great deal of injury to people living on Bear Run. It washed James Graffis's Spr-ng-house away in which was a barrel of pickles Mrs. Graffis said. Well I don't care for the loss at all, but when son Jimmy gets love sick 1 give him pickle, and it cures him im mediately. Frank Martin is very much downhearted of late. Ue says "the reason of it is because he had to quit going to Kerwoods. Miss Lib. Blosser of Carbon Hill is visiting her friends in this community. Matrimony is getting to be very common in this part of the countv. so much so that John Rutterthinks it would not be out of order for him to have the knot tied before a great while if she is willing. Politics are hot in Marion. DEMOCRAT. Democratic Platform. Resolved, First, That the Dera oo.rjiRV of Ohio, in convention re affirms its platfoTm of 1883 as fol- low6: It indorses trie principles oi thu party expressed in previous State and .National platforms in re gard to personal libertv, the true functions of the government, and as embraced in political creed, ex pounded by the founder of the Dem ocratic partv, Thomas Jefferson. The application of these principles to our present condition demands tho purification of the public serv ice, the punishment ot the robbers of the Dublic treasury, the equal" zation of all public burdens, the arrest of the profligacy and extrav agance that corrupt the adminis tration of public affairs, and a to tal change in the policy that so Ions: has been pursued by the Itepubli can party favoring iudividu-il and class interests at the expense of the laboring and wea' th-producing peo p'e of Ihe country; and we renew our declarations for stable mony, the gradual extinction of the pub lic debt and the payment of pen sions to disabled soldiers, their wid ows and orphans. Second, Wc favor a tariff for. A-GREAT-PROBLEM Talte-AU The- Kidney and Liver Medicines- BLOOD PURIFIERS'; RHEUMATIC Remedies DYSPEPSIA And Indigestion Cures. Ague, Fever, And Bilious Specifics. Brain k HsrYQ Force Revivers. I. B. W. THE-OLD RELIABLE HAMESS SHOP Thin, "Wiry 3Icn the Bravest, History no doubt gives color to tho idea that fat men aire not, as a rule, brave. FaistaS'-was a fat man; he was a- conspicuous coward. Maj. Monsoon was likewise corpulent; his gallantry lav in the directum of chickens. There have been' brave fat won, of course; witness EidiWiek, as courageous a gen-ll-jman as ever faced a widow. 'J he heroes the world have undoubtedly been wiry men, not necessarily scare crows. Liu men without an unusual or unwieldy- proncrtiou of adipose tis sue. Had the living skcJelou, now be--ing sued liy bis'reoec'ly-nuide bride, been a fat man, he would tKuLubtudly have wilted, and penni'toti. himself, perhaps to be carried t fl ic'a-clothes-uaskci. iieirur skeleton, he is -a-man of valor, aud no bridis of a day- r.halL trifle wi'li his emaciated affections. Anatomicailv apeak;ii:-. tho skeleton is all rrit. Ho proposes to tight it out to ii...rlii...rt--J- 1-.j has to pawn his bones to pay ccrmsfcl ioo:. -V. i'. Com vicrcial Advertiser. Central Committee. The Hocking. County Demo cratic Central Committee will meet in the Court Room, at 1 o'clock, p. m., Saturday, July 19, 1884, for the purpose of organi zing for the ensuing year. The Committee consists of the following persons, viz: S. Allison, Jonathan Shaw, W. VVaner, John White, Geo. Locke, C. M. Gould, A. J. Burgess, G. VV.Dupler,W. II. Woodruff, J. G. Krinn, Geo. Weidner, John Bebont, Nelson A rmstrong, J. A. McClelland, J. C. Butler, R. E. Frey, T. S. Meldrim, Jas. Galla gher and J. H. Bodamer. All members are earnestly re quested to be present. J. WEAVER, Ch'm. W, F. Price, Sec'y. bnerman lias beer- n:eh Snre Cure for Piles. The first symptom of Piles is an intense itchingatnightafter getting warm This unpleaat sensation is immediately relieved by an appli cation of Dr. Bosanko's Pi'e Rem edy. Piles in all its forms, Itch, Salt Rhume,and Ringworm can bp permanently cured by the use of this great remedy. Price 50 cents. Manufactured by The Dr. Bos anko Medicine Co., Piqua, O. Sold by Millor & Case. CAUSE OFFAILUKE. Want of confidence accounts for half of tho bueiiies-8 failures of to day. MUler & Case, the Drug gist, is not liable to fail for the want of confidence in Dr. Bosanko's Cough and Lung Syrup, for be gives away a hot lie free to all who arc suffering with Coughs, Colds, Asth ma, Consumption and all affections the Thro'it a::i Lutuis. 3RIGGS' GLYCLIUNE SALVE, The best on earth, ran truly be said of Griggs1 Glycerine S.ilve, which i.a sure-cure for cuts, bruis es, sca'ds. burns; wounds, and all other sores. Will positively cure piles; tetter and skin eruptions. Try his wopder healer.. Satisfac tion cuaranteed or money, refunded. Only" 25 cents-. For safe by Miller- & Case; mayS-ly. , m .' Positive Cure for Piles. Tolheptjoplfi'of th Country wewoald k-iv -a-c iiiiTa noen ttiv6n tbe Acency of Tr. ( MarcliiKi'KlfcUian Pik-Ointmiii warrnnt 1 ed to cure or money retuuiletl Internal, External. BlUul, meeting or Itching l'ilo. Frice o0. a box. Fnriale by Miller At case. revenue, limited to me iiccessjiu-s oi the Government, ecoiiomicaljy ad ministered and so adjusted in its ap plication as to prevent unequ-d bur deus, encourage produclivo indus tries at home, afford just compen sation to labor but not to create or ios'er monopolies. Third, That the just demands of the wool gro wets of the Stat- and country for an equitable readjust ment of duties on wool (unjustly reduced by a Republican Congress) so that the industry snail ne iuny and equally favored with other industries, ought to be compl'ed with, and we endorse the action of the Democratic members of the Ohio delegation in Coneress in their elfort to accomplish tnis re suit. Fourth Tho Democratic party is and always has been opposed to sumptuary legis'ation and unequal taxation in any form, and is in fa vor of tho largest liberty of private conduct consistent with public wel- fareand ntrhts of others: and ot regulating the liquor traffic and pro viding j-gainst the evils resulting therefrom by a judicious and prop- Fifth That we commend the ac tion of the Democratic Legislature in its abolition of the contract labor sj'stem and its reforms of prison management, and we endorse the legislature and executive in their economical and wise adminis tration of the affairs of the State. Sixth The protection of the government is duo to all American citizens, native and foreign born, abroad and at borne. Seventh We reaffirm the resolu tions of the State Conventions of Ohio in 1880-1881 and 1882 and of the Democratic National Conven tions of 1872, 1876 and 1880, de manding a thorough reform and purification of the Civil Service, and charge that the Republican party has violated every pledge it has heretofore given to the reform there of, and has failed during its lonir administration of the government to correct oven the most patent abuses, and we deem therefore a change of the executive adminis tratiou of the goverumont itself as the reform first of all necessary (as made more manifest by the Star-route trials and other iniqui ties) thereby ousting corrupt rings, confederated to protect crime and prevent the punishment of criminals, and by so doing make it possible to punish fraud and theft in political service. Restorers. IN SHORT, TAKE ALL THE best qualities of all these, and the best qualities of all the best Medicines of the World and you will find that HOP BITTERS have the best curative qualities and powers of all concentrated in them, and that they will cure when any or all of these, singly or combined, fail. A thorough trial will give positive proof of this. Convincing. The proof of the pudding is not in chewing the string, but in having an oppormnity 'to test the article direct. Miller & Case, tho Drug gist, has a free trial bottle of Dr. Bosanko's Couyh and Lung Syrup for each and every one who is af flicted with Coughs.Colds, Asthma, Consumption or any Lung Affection. JOHN E. RAUOH. ROUTE. fr. t- vnra Olltq Between the EAST & WE8T, JSTORTH and SOUTH. mmr . r . ?M mWt urcar v cSJa L E Of Logan: iT t This Great Through Route is now uompietea arm m full Operation, running through Pas senger Trains daily, as follows : BsuThrco srtlM train eaclV way between Coluiiilius.InilinnapollsaiHl Peoria IHTTwo trains each way between Tolnm. 'bus, Intliannpolls nutl D.-catur. iwrxwo trains eacn w.vy between Sn-. dusky, Indianapolis lebrlauii(I Dcrntur.- ttcT wo trains each way between San dusky. Dayton anU Cincinnati'. iraThree trains each day." between San dusuy. Springfield and Columbus. WFour trainseach way between Colum bus, Springfield, Dayton and Ciiielnniitl. ns-Two tra;ns each Way between Colum bus, Springfield, Imlinnnpblls & Chicago. "With Sleepln'gand RecllningChalr Cars ou Night Trains, and elegant Parlor and modern Day roucliesonDay Trains., Its track is laid with heavy steel 'rails, thoroughly ballasted, with easy grades and few curves. Traversing as it does l he heart or the three great stntes of Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois, unitinz in closebiisincss n-' lationship the capital citiesoi thu first and second, wiui ine so con a city 01 the third, aud passing through a lnrgc number of the most important cities and towns in each, and with all its central location makes it The Shortest and Most" Desirable Route between the East & West. Bar-Through Ticket and Baggage Checks to all principal points. North, East, South and West, can be obtained at any Ticket Office of the I. B.& W. R'y, also via this route at all railroad office! throughput the country. Rates always as low. as thclow est. Don't purchase tickets to'any point without first consulting the'ageiits of the I.B.&AV.R'v. Particular advantages offered to Western Emigrants. Land and Tourist Tickets to all points reached by any linn. n. Passenger Trains leave Columbus, as follows: 9:30 a. m., ZOO and 11:05 p. m., Standard time. C. E. Henderson, (Jen 'I Manager H. M " Brouson, Oen'l Ticket Ac't. J AMKS UKWOLF, Pass Ag't. 2C North Higli 3t., Columbus, O would announce to th cltlsfenVof Lognu and vicinity that he has. purchased the stuck of Harness, Saddles, Collars Whij.s, &c., of R. C. Sanderson arid wilt continue the business at the old stand, whera wil, be luunu nauuies 01 every description irom 53 to SIS, Bng Harness of all grades, prices I from 38 to $59. Work Harness, heavy and light from 2 to SSU; Collars of all kinds n-omuOctsso very bet Wool Collar all n"pperIiCtlier for 32,50. Whips id end less variety, largest stock or fine warran ted halebone whips in the city. Hamea and- Chains at low prices, Curry Combs and Brushes. A good Comb and Brnah for 25c. A large stock of benntlfal Plush IftpRobe. A good assortment of ilnrae Covers antl Blankets. Very best Harness Oil at SI 00 per gallon. I ue the. very best material and employ none but skilled workmen. Call aud examine my stock ant! prices be fore purchasing. All gootls fully warran ted. Repairing promptly don. Simp Iu Wright Block, opposite First llniik ol Lo-an JTaAXDERSON. j?&&BtSiSrSQfSBQffB -SCROFITLA t.OGAST ! Jill MEETINGS. The Board of School Examiners of'Lognn Village will hold regular meetings for the Examination of applicants for teachers' ertificatcS..i3follows, vlx : On the Third Wednesday of Feb ruary. April, June. August, October and December, at the office of tho Huperliitendant, in tha School Htlililing of.i.iitl Village, cominen cing at 10 o'clock, a. in.,oftacli day.' By order of Examiners, J. HDYE.Pr&sdent. A- H. Wilson, Clerk. Jtnia21v The following, offered by Hon. Goo. L. Converse, was greeted with great applause, and unanimously adopted. Eighth That it is the sense of the convention that Samuel J: Til den, who was once legally aud fair ly e'ected President of the United States, but defrauded of his office, should receive the unanimous nom maiion it the hands of the Demo cratic convention, to meet at Chi cago on the 8th of July next. Mammoth Invoice of soots & gsoss of every description, which the above named local deal er has provided for his CUSTOMERS embrace everything desirable' in the general lines of Boot wear that may be called for adapted to all ages and both sexes, and in all the New Shapes and ot the Most Approved Malies. These goods are all fresh and have been carefully se lected, and are G UARAN T-EED TO GIVE ENTIRE SATISFACTION to purchasers alike as regards wearing qualities and prices. SOME All telegrams wee sent by Ox Tams, 5THE157- Hocking Sentinel. CIRCULATION - - 1500. ADVERTISINGRATES. . -OCyZ ltt'k-3 w'ks 4 w'ks 3 m's Gm's 1 y'r inch 2 inch :1 inch 4 im-U 5 inch ii col. col. y, coi. I col. Sl.flO S2.00 S2.50 $5.00 SC.50 2.00 5.75 4.00 7.00 9.00 3.00 3.75 5.50 9.00 12.00 3.50 5.50 6.50 10.00 U.00 4.00 7.00 8.00 12.00 1G.C0 5.50 8,50 10.00 15.00 20.00 7.00 10.00 11.00 I 18.00 25.00 8.00 12.00 14.00 20.00 33.00 10.00 1 17,00 20.00 1 35.00 55.00 310.00 13.00 lfl.00 20.00 25.00 30.00 35.00 55.00 1C0.00 f?on-:il bothered by people sending him letters without ljn'jwymjr ' po;i:i-o. :mu refuses t '.."'i'J any more of tliciu out of- .the iios:oilu:e. lie- cans mem -tram lelters" ami thinks they ouht- to suppress.'.:;! as a first class nui-anee. Business oaTdsol five lines orlessSC per annum. Simple announcements of ninrriagesand deaths, and church and beneyolent society notices inserted free. Any additions to obituary notices will be charged Gceutsner line. .,, Local business notices 10 cents perjllne. i i SUBSCRIPTION $2.00 PER R GROCERY &RESTAURANT UIL.L.I4iU lil-I.VGE. Prop, LANCASTER, OHIO. The people of Logan are invited to call on me when in the city for Fresh Groceries, Choice Wines, Best Beer and Cigars. my Restaurant will he supplied with fresh Oysters, tiame, Fish and everything the market alfords in season. may 10, 'S3 TEACHEE'S EXAMINATION !! Congressional Conven tion. The Oeinocracv of tho 13th Congressional District, composed ol the counties of Pair field, Franklin, Hooking md Pickaway, will meet in Columbus, Tuesday, July 2'), 1SSI, at Hi o'clock, A. !., for the purpose of nominating a candidate for Congress to represent said Oistrict. The basis of representation shall be as follows; Each township and ward shall be enlisted to one delegate foruaoli one hundred votes, arid one delegato for each fraction ol flftv votes and overcast for Governor Iloadly n 18S3. The s.vera! counties comprising !n.e District will be entitled to ihe following number of dele gates :' yoTES, PCLBOATES. Fairfield, 4743 47 Fmnklin,- 1131 110 Hocking, 3136 2a Pickaway, S50 37 By ardor of the District Cominltto. THOMAS WKTZLEIJ, K. KIESEWKTTKU, V. X. ENGLAND, A. K. VAX CLEAl' Mny 22, IfiSI-td Aaron Friend's Estate Thenndersigneil has been appointed and qusilined as A minislratorot the stiiteof Aurou Friend late or Mocking oonniy, lie ceased. LORENZO C. FRIEND. July 10-3w- The School Examiners or Hocking coun ty, Ohio, will meet at tho Union School Mouse, ON THE First and Third Saturdays of v Each Jloutli, ' at 9 o'clock, a. m., except January, July aim August. Applicants must furnish pre paid em-elopes by which they will receive the result ot the examination. TESTIMONIALS fgood morl character will be required on those unknown to the Board. The grading Is represented on a scale of to 100 , and -six classes of certificates will be issued, viz: n HADES. First Class, Five Years. No branch less than 9oand an experience of not less than three consecutive years of teaching next preceediug the application, eighteen months of which experience shall have been in one place. Second Cl-iss, Three Years. When the applicant has an aver-sgeof Do, no branch less'han !X),aud twenty four niouthscx- ucnencelu teaciituir. Third Class, Twenty FourMonths. An average of 00, n branch less than M and eighteen mouths experience inteaching. Fourth Class, Eighteen Mouths. An av erage of So, no branch less than 75 and twelve months experience in teaching. Fifth Class, Twelve Months. "When in no branch there Is less than 70. Sixth CUu, six months. When in no branch there is less than 00. This is a trial certificate and w ill not he issued to an ap plicant, who has taught, arter Sept. 1, 1HS2. A satisfactory examination in the The ory and Practice of tt aching and a goodde greeof success is teaching and governing a school will be favorably considered. Ab plicnnts aro required u furnish testimo nials of good moral character. FI5AXK GORDON, J.L.HRIOHT J. P. H.STEDM. January!, 1870. Examluers JVot Many Years Agof All Clothing That had become Soiled or Faded, whs cast aside; but now such goods can be ro-lus-red, renovated or dyed and made as good as new. That is our trade, and we have just placed iu our establishment New Ma chinery, consisting of a Cetrifugal Hydro Ex tr actor, A Large Finishing Cylinder, a Crape Shawl Frame aud a Steam Shawl Press, And a full line of Steam Machinery and we are better prepared than ever to do Unit class work. And wo shall do none bat the best of work at a fair price. 83-Reniember. Muse are all facts and don't matte a mistake, but end all your old i-tided and Soiled Clothing of any Kind to the. City Steam Dye House. Lancaster, Ohio, TIME TABLE. P. C. cySt Louis' R R. Pan Handle Route Schedule in effect Jan. 14th. IS8I. Trainsde part Irom Lancaster, us follows: " Going"Wst. Depart. Ciri. iExpre? Khun Mall ... x . . AiiT p m Washington Local Freight' -1 17a m The Leading Maryland Mutual! The Great Eastern Mutual Life Insurance Co. 54 Lexington St. Baltimore City, Md. This Company ptyrAIXt CTiATMS PBOMPTLY and IN FULL, and ba the ONIiT ORIGINAL LOW ASSESSMENT PLAN In America. Over 5,000 PoHcIea written In two years, representing $3,000,000.00 Insurance. Ita Plans being original, are copy righted, and no similar features exist elsewhere. Policies ABE matter when death ocean, and NO CLAJM3 ARK CONTESTED, except for non-papment of does and assessments, after aPollcy Is Issued. Agents And this tho most easily represented Company in the United States,and.PUfroiu&feet it in Preference to AUOQien. It Usees UT or Eadownsat Pattella, and Is represented In 90 States. Paldap Policies or assessments are given members, after two years, upon request. Send for df 1 1st this, the Great Popular People's Company. ICentton this paper. Solicitors Wanted HlilE & BROTHER Keeps constantly on hand the choicest meats which will be sold at the lowest possible prices for W' . S JCaal. I We propose J-eeping nothing but the very best meats, those having fat cattle for saleVill find it to" their adraan tiiwe to call and see as before selling, as' we will pu'y tLe hig-iest market price for choice catrle. V e have just received new machinery for making Bo ogna, fcfa.Urage, &c.t and we will guarantee satisfaction Octo icr 19 Gotu a, t.-st. Depart. Cincinnati KxprK t:?i p m Mail 9:32 am Above trains run dally except Snndar N B-The time given above is 'Central Standard .Time which is2S miutitea slower than Colnmhns time: - Pullman Palace Sleeping and TIotl Cars attached to through trains on the sunn line P C a St L Railway rii.i without change, -west" lmiridto Iniliuiiiipolla. 8t. Louis and UhU'SKo; 'eaKtho'itud to Pitts buiv, Hdrisbnn;. Baltimore, WaaliMitou, Pniladclphiiianil New York. For time t:ilK', Tates of fare, through ticket and baiitc.-ge checks and further in lormHtion !:;:! r.iin the runniutr ol trains, apply to N. 3. Walpo'c, Ticket Axent.Lau caster Ohio. JAS. McCllRA,' K. A. n)ltD. Maim. -r. fien. I'aas A TKt. Ast Columbus, O.' Pituburt:h, l'a. MEAT M ARES T, twaM;iFj for Infants and Ghildren. CfUtortaprbmotes Digestion and overcomes .Flatulency, Consnpa tibn. Sour Stomach; Diarrhoea, and Feverishness. It insures health and natural sleep, without morphine. " Castoria is so well adapted to Children that I recoinmend it as superior to any prescription knowu to me." H. A. Abcheu, II. I., 82 Portland Ave., Brooklyn, N. T. What rives oar Children What cures their t avers, mi es thpin bIkoq ; Tls Caatnria. When tables fret sail cry by turns. What euros their colic, kills their worms. Bnt Caatorio. What quickly ciuts Constipation, unacn. ScurStoo Colds, Indigestion. But Cafttnrja. Farewell then to Morphine Syroiu, iu Caster OH and Paregoric, anl! Branch will be Started in in September. Logan and Ret two dollar's worth for every .lollai you pa us. Price list sent to any address. May 10, 18S3 ly HUSKY'S WORKS. Ses me and Lillies, paper, 10c; cloth 25c. Crown of Wild Olive, paper, 10c, cloth 25c Ethics of the Oust, paper 10c, cloth 2.x:. Sesame ami Lillles.Cro-vn of Wild Olive and Ethics of the Dust, In one volume, half Russia, red edges, 50c. Modern Painters, Stones of Venice, etc., in preparation. L-'rae catalogues free. JOHN B. ALDEN, Publisher, 18 Vesey St New York. (Feb. 21. W iw toiumtui, Hocking Valley RAILWAY, Tolsdo The Shortest Route Between AND THE OHIO RIVER In the K';llar Building:. Mr. John U:ker will a r tho public, hi meat shop iu IC-IurM II ill lln with a kindtof the vory best meits, at reasonah prices. Meats of all kinds constantly o liand. The hih'st prici piidfor fat cat tie, sheep and hogs. jimury 3, 181 ly HI WAY TO THE BEST siiii1 IV Hail roria! DBfSESStSJiCUM CEWTAUR LINIMENT an absolute care for .Rheuma tism, Sprains, Burns, Galls, &c. The most Powerful and Pene trating Pain-relieving1 and Healin; Remedy known to man. TncTOKanKyy, nHJrygyM -MTM. TOA-.TW'Ukl'.' ', 1 ZZStZSZXZZZZi m FOU THE MONEY, is to buy at the Office. It saves expense of commission and ex- nse lu traveling irom House to uniifc. You can just as well ive aiMive expenses as you can in buylcfj your dry goods. When you buy a Doniesticor Xew.Home vou get tho best. AH other makes called "New illi!h rni machines are imitations, and none are their peers. The Domestic and New Home have uew styles of wood work, and new sets of Attachments that others dare not use. Come and see for your selves and you will be convinced that the above is reliable, and ityou haven Domes tic or New tloim that lias been iu two from IU to 20 years do not let them humbug yon with their so-called new high arm ma chines, mid trade you out of it, which they will try to do, but brini; your machines to ineand I will put in the new Domestic or New Home Improvements, then you will have a better machine and one that will last longer than the high arm imitation one, and save your money aud have the bust machine in the world. HENRY LUTZ. IJA1 kinds of niRchinesand machinery repaired iu tho best manner and at reason able prices. ioI have 8 different styles of Machin-s onhar.d. whb h I will sell at lov rates. Call aud examine them. Feb21,'81-lf Henry Lutz. TIME CAhD. Taking Effect, May 18, '84. CENTRAL TIME. SOUTH BODJMD. Lv Toledo Fostoria Carey Up. Baudusky. Marlon Irospect , Delaware Ar Columbus ...4 tO am 1010am 5:t5pm ...602... 11 33 ... 7 02 ... .jGS1. 12 05 pm 7 35 ... ..710 ... 1240 ... 810 ... 7 4S... 118... 847 ... ...8 03... 1 40 .. 07 ... ...8 35... 2 06... 0 31 .. ...9 30... 3 00... 10 30 ... A Life-saving Present. Mi'. M. E, Allison. Hutchinson, Kan., saved his life by a simple Tiial Bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery, for Consumption, which caused him to procure a large bot tle, that completely cured him, when Doctors, change of climate, and everything else had failed. Asthma. Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Severe Coughs, and all Throat and Lung diseases, it is guaranteed to cure. Trial Bottles free at F. Harrington's Drug Store. Large size, $1. 00. Fob. 15, lyr. ... 7 50 a m 3 05 pm 6 00 pro ....9 17 a m 4 32 pm 7 21 pm ..10 02 a in o 18 pm 8 12 pm Ar Athens 11 05 a in f30 pm 9 20 pm Lv Columbus., Lancaster.... Logan Ar Oallipolis Pomeroy 1 VT nm H ?W ntn .2 32 pm "J 35 pm NORTH BOUND. Lv Pomeroy Gallipolis . 1 20 am 4 15 p m .516 am 5 09pm .. Lv Athens., ,.7 05 am 7 05 pm 1245pm J.v Logan . .. Lancaster.... Ar Columbus.. 8 20 nm 8 17 pm 1 47 pm ... 9 12 am 8 58 pm 2 32 pm ...10 30 am 10 20 pm 3o5pm OHIO CENTRAL RAILROAD, Timo Card taking elicet May 11, '84 i4kJjPTEE 0HLY TRUE FACTS REGABDIKS It will pnrlfy and enrli-b tit BLOOD, rexulalo thcLiVERaud KIOKSYS5. ami UBsToni. TUB HEALTH nudVIQOR. f VOUTH! lnV ll:oi dl?cast9 requiring a ccriiiin and ciUclcnt 1W1C, epeclallr ur Ai.pellt-.litai)fes-lliin. ljick ir SlrenirUi. use Is niarfccd with iiumollali: ninTwoHilcrtiil ri-iill?., iiin'-i:lc-3 and nrrvc rci-rle new furcc. iaimeus (lie mind and snpill- nraJu ryt r. j a BMkKP s iuiTrruiir lium ull eonifiTalnts i. A C9i SS wi-cuU-ir t Ihclrxcx Hl Rml in BR. HAItTBU-3 ir.c:-r aOKIC a pate alid -.peedy cure. Jl plves a i-u-jr ami ucniiny buimhik"""; Hie !rui:S'.-t ti-stinimiv lo Hie value or ln. II.itTCit,.' lno Tovic f lhalt if f.iiitiiffrrYtl!n!rl!:iTi milv mill,...l.ln. li'iitti ....rfifOlv do :iot fTnprlnuill- et" lllie OltlUlNALASl lSr.ST. . .. .. ... . . St.Loiis, JIo.lw onr "DBEAH SQOK." . iFullof strange nit nsefolin'onuatlcu.lrv.ji' Or. Hartcr's Iron Tomio rs roa 8alh by au. Druggists ano dealers tvEHTwntik. iric vaic u A'i.. : tmiucnt attempt lilcil Ut lliepopuljr-in1lytlclrrbinllU Wrights Indian VegetablePills FORTHR LIVER And all Bilious Complaints ), being pur trice 25 cts. Sale to take, beinp: purely vecctable; nognp- Aiiuruiuusw. big. PAIKFIELD COUNT1 Farm For Sale. ICant Toledo...., Pemberville.... Fostoria . .. Berwick Sycaiiiore. ...... Ai rive BucyriiB Leave MtGileari Marengo Centcrburg....... Hartfonl . Jonnstown lexamlrhi ..... Granville Hebron ...10 35 .. II W PM 12 0l ...12 26 ..12 46 120 "l35 ..3 23 ...2 48 ...3 12 ,.322 t50 ..4 02 4 20 ...355 3 50 bo Drslrable BcMidcuce far Bent. Ons of 'the most desirable residen ces in the city, on Mil' berry street is for ivjnt , cheap Inquire at" this 'oliici, of Esq, Davy, Court House ;,i-in A oouniiy cilitOF-sajs if as many J George W. O'Neill's Estate .,h. l-Bi-iv how to IMIV their SllD- tm, ,,,iPrsl.nod has been appointed and -Arii.' ions !-: well as they think they, A tall assortment Of all RlllMs Ot qiiilJisexecutorof the estate of Geo. S how to rnn a newspaper, cditois Lacea and Emlwrdcries t Koches- j w. o-Selil .lfflJctSs iJ'juiu h::v :;u -:i-i:i- time of it. rh july 10 sw SusaiMiJih We'!iiTo's Estate. Tim iinHfrsipiipd has been annointel and qualified as executor of the estate of Su sannah Witheraw late of Hockine comuy, deceased. ALFRED REII), Ex.. July 10-3W TOBACCO CHEWERS A REWARD Of 8555 CASn, 1,000 Imported Novelty Pocket Knives and 5,000 pounda of the Qrert ZOQZOO CHEWING TOBACCO I i TO BE GIVEN AWAY! i i:VERV CONSTJBJJitt Ravin? over 30um will I be KBWAKDItl). )toO tolBt,!iOtoid,80 to.-!d,K?Oto4Ui.CUOtn&tli.S50toeUi.940to7tli. y.-?o to nn. $ZO : Sin. 8 lO to 1WU, tsa to llto, LiWtu imporicu troeKvi inivcBorniieaca. L; Columbus . .. 12 05am 445am 4 lo pm Delaware 12 57pm 5 37 am 508pm ProMwct I 21 pm COiam 532 pm Marion 1 40 pm B 22 am 5 52 pm Up. Handnsky. 2 20 pm 7 15 am (i 15 pm Carey 2 40 pm 7 35 am 7 IB pm tostnria. a izpm auamu o, pm. Ar Toledo ...4 3.5 pm 9 25 am 0 00 pm ni o.mnj r-ounos xihi-xuu iujr -rnumcco, to ue Wcn in ruuaon, ine iart,-ebi Biunner oi tigs re ttir.ied -nlU reodvo Iha fin-t reward. IOO Coak, p.)A:iif1 hi -hest. MSM). nnd ro on iiown to a lOct. triuir -".r-.. '.-.. , T- .... ... . ; . m ZUU..UU uiucco uiew uiuvimas ana new Yeir rawirds will bo diHtributed lotween Decern. ' ber iitli snJ January iht CLev: U.-CCO, U( Direct oonncctioiiH made in Union De pot at ColumbnH, for Newark, Zanesville, Pittsburg, Wheeling. Baltimore, WashiiiK ton and Philadelphia; alo for Dayton, Cincinnati, Louisville and all points South and southwest. B3udose connections at. Toledo for De troit and all points in Michigan and Can- w'il HARRlSON.aen'l Pass. AB't. Columbus, Ohio Hadly June. arr.. 4 47 liasii Pickering Columbus............ Pleasantville..... Itushville liremen Junction City New Lexington.. Corning 4 55 ....5 13 rM 550 4 53 5 07 517 .5 31 5-40 P M ,610 500 5 11 6 21 6 46 7 07 7 40 A X 4 47 536 6 01 624 635 f49 7 03 715 736 800 817 837 AM 915 8 22 8 10 8 52 910 922 AH 915 2 15 13-J 925 I 12 50 12 26 12 05 L1130 8 05 7 20 6 4K 6 05 P Jl All 15 915 10 31 8 21 1007 747 945 717 935 703 922 645 9 0" 24 8 55 557 8 34 547 I. 8 10 750 730 PM 650 752 739 7 28 7 09 8 57 AM L6 40 147 433 412 AM 4 30 4 32 351 327 3( 2 48 PM 515 tins ilolis-htfui to. ,Ar ,A? ......H ..... .,n O.HS ,,.A . .... 1... ..n.. rU v KUV VYr. Vi U.llt.u. kMlu WG DC1KI urcn by, uc;Tru;n l lux-moer isca and sua. to too WILSON fc XcCATJVYTOTtACCO CO. ;,iioL!.twx. oiiia. CTy Cat ndilri'Mt out and vaxte ou Envelope. This is THE FINEST POUND PLUG EVER MADE. .ASK VOUR DEALER FOR ZOO-ZOO. E3"'Ijiltt oa luvitttf it uad you 'U1 uc &o oliwc. FRANK MYERS, Occupies a Room in tho GIMBLE BUILDING, (Opposite Rochester's) Ho keeps a selected stock of ready made Boots and Shoes. Custom Made Work a Specialty. Conncctionsnremadeat Fostoria wlthli EiW li'y for Findlay, Lima, St Marys Muncleand Lafayette, Ind, Bloomlngtou Ill.,Kansas City and St Louis. At Bucyrus for all points on PKW4C Railway At Levering for CrestUnerCleveland,and all points on Columbus Divisions of C C C & mil v&v At Centerburg for Mt Vernon, Clinton, Akron and all points on C Mt V & C H'd At Bremen nnd New Lexington for New ark, Lancaster, Zanesvllleand all points on Ciuciunatiaud Muskingum Valley Divis ion of P C St Louis R'y, At Junction City for Shawnee and all points on Straitsville IMv B A O R'd. Aiuoiumouscouiiecuuu ic.iuu.ue ai uu ion Dept with trains for Cincinnati, Louis-1 viIle,inniauapoiis, wabiiingion,iiaiiimore andau Houtnern ana eastern ciiies. VH Vandegrllt, Sup't Hudson Fitcb, G G Hadley, Gen'l Ticket Ag Genet nl MKnagor, 100 Acres of ejoojI Fnirfiold County Land, i n ilpsirable nnd Iwiltny lo-:itioti. ten ncrea riiHd limb.-r. .sitnatcit on the Lauraster & Vilrheii-r pike, one and oui'-bair miles from Curnill.iiiid two and Oiie-hnlf mills from Hmikcr's Station. Church within ime-fourth mile. School one halfnillc, well watered by coi spring. ooii improvc- fSi .A FdSH'l'OJA&tM Merchant Tailoring. D, J.-CRESAP Favorably known to this community us one of the best TAULOR in the State, has opened ft Merchant Tail oring Shop in the Spyby buildiuand will keep on hand the bet and latent styles of FURgiSHIKG EOOQS and will make Suits to Order oushort notice. Call and see his stock of piece sqoss of the latest stylen. and learn the rates which thoy are I'urn il;ed. Perfect Fits guaranteed. 3 4j ! fl no voiin!? Orchard, and inentR. Price $!H) per acre. For further nartlculars innnlre of JOHN W. WILSON. Carroll, O. Or C. H. BUERHAUS, Logan , O. May 15, 1&54 3ni TOTT'S "HFIi R E8!? mz st Ii composed of Herbal ucd 3Iuciiagiuoiu picd ucts,whicUpcrmeatc the substuiice eftho ZiBngSf expectorates t'no aciia matter that collect! m the UronChiil 'lub-.undiormsn soothing coating, vnirii rtrliovrs tbc ir ritation tiubCa the cough. It clcanao tbeluBs of all impurities, Btrerigtend tberatvlien eufsuMfil by dioa8e,invici)r. tea the circulation of the Llood, nid brucci"tl: Bcrvous system. Slight colds orten end in eoasnaiptlon. Itistlnncrcnstoueslcct them. Apply the reaely promptly. A test of twenty jins wiirmuts the anerliun tliat noretnedy has ever keen fonml tht has Srompt initseffaeff aiTUTT'S ESPECTOBSJIT. . alagle dose ratves the phlsra, gnbaues inflammation, and its use rpeetijlycuTetsemo't obstinate ciuirh.- A pi casaut cnrdlal, chil dren take it readily. For Croup it is tavalBable anl ahouM ha !n errry family. In 25r. an'l PI Bottlea, TUTP P8LLS BUCKLKN-S AU2vICASALVE. The Dest Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruges, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Kheimi. Fever Sores. Tetter. Chap p- d Hands. Chilblains, Corns, nd I all Skin Eruptions, and positively ' cures riles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For Sale By F. Harring ton. may 8- ly. Plants for Sale. I will be precared to fnrni.I) our citizens and people near and ; far with any amount of thrifty, Cabbage, Tomato. Sweet Potato and other plants for the garden, j I guarantee them as lirst class in! quality and in plants i 1 will supply the people at mv stand on roarKei. oquare, com mencing the first of next week, with all the early Vegetables, and at which place all orders can be left for Plants, which will be promptly furnished at reasonnble rates. Hexbt Gojipf. April 8 tf. ACT DIRECTLY OH THS LIVER. Oarea Chills aud fever. :ypcpin BlckHeadachc, nilinns Colls, ConsUpa tlon.BhottHintJaiu.PUes, I'yHatlonor the Heart, Dlxztacw, Torpid tirer, and !....- v . .& Tr Afr1 : viiiwuc lmgnumuci iajuuuwhw y- I ery irolVasmtrlcpillatteU.tsiaa stimii!ate3ino WVffilT! an d all f erof uloui disease, Seres. : las, Eczeuia. Blotches. sUagrworm. X mors, Carbunslss, Sons, and KrapUer" of the SUlo, are ths'dlreet rssaltezasi' inpnro state of the blood. Ts cure these diseases the blood must t pnrifleJ, ana restored to a healthy aad ua- turalconilitien. ATU'l SAXSArAXllXa kaa for OTir forty jeara been reeogMlaed fcy eaV neut medical autkorities as ths most pow erful blood puriflsr la exisUaee. It r the ijstem from all foul hamors, enrlekea" and strengthens the W6oU,riaoTe all traces) ot mercurial treatment," and proTta itself a soiupletu master of all serof nlous dtiessss. A Heeeat Car of Serofalbas Sores. "Some aonths agci was troubled witart scrofulous sores (ulcers)' ou my legs. Tha; limbs tere badly swollen and inflamed. asd the sores discharged large quantities of eiriTe matter. Exery xsmedy I tried failed, nutil 1 ased Atek'S 3AUArAKJI.Uk, -of whiU I hare now taken three bottles,' with the result that tea- sores aro aaled.-r anl my general health ereatly lniproTSd.' 1 feel vary grateful for the good your meilieinc lias done me. YonrsVespeetfullT, Nks- Axs O'BiMr.' Ita SuUivan St., Now Tork, Job at, 18ML KV- All persoas latereWd sow taTHesT to callm Mrs. O'Brlaa; also apom thai,. Be v. Zi-P. Wllda ot IS Kast S4th Strsas Sew York City, wh -will take nleasare . In testify log- to the woaderfal efteacy olT. Aver Sarxaparilla. sot only la the care, of this lady, but la his arwa case am maay'othors -withla his kaowledge. Tbe wiH-luiown teriier en the Bottamjftrot J, B. W. Ball, of XochttUr, JT.a, writes, Jsae' 7.1M: "llktinssufrerwl sersrelr for some years, witU ezenia.aml haring failed to flad relief , f nni other remeUies, 1 hare made use. daring " toe psji three months. "of Atep.'m Saksafa xi lla.-winch has effected a compute em.Z I eonitler it a' luagniacsat remedy for all blood diseases.'' Ayer'sSarsaparilla stimulates onit rcgnlalea the actios of the" digestfre and assimilatire organs, reaswa and strengthens the jital forces, and sreedily cures Xhumatisni, Neuralgia, KheHsaaw tie Goat. Cararrh.'Cencral Debniiy, and all disease? arising from an lmporerished or corrupted condition of the Mood, and a weak- ' ned Titality. 1 1 Is incomparably ihe cheapest llood mutt- ' cine, on aceonnt of its concentrated strength, ' and great power orer disease. rHE?ARKO BY Dr. J. C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists; pries I,"ixTlo&e J XoMST (CbaaaeMfee fast tesatj How Watch Casks an Mad. In 1875, thirtecm moa ooMj-priseJ tba entire working force used in the mint. ' facture of -the JameaBoU Gold WaUk Cam. ' Now overft Awidrai are employed, and th number is oonstuitlv iucreanibg. TLe rea son of tlii increase is thLi: In the Jams ' os Gf-'d Watch Vise ail the rcotul in sL-ht ' and riojctttowearwsiH'rtiooiahiiethore Biuin.ier, vjiioh only len... strength. W the cse. is of stronger niflai Uiun "I't, giving g- I.i where gold w li.s-tfl, sau. ' etrrn, ei-. tia'iattsl -hcrc sire". :h -od ela&L'itT aiO aeoisd. a ct:;:" i'ir-w i p:t dtu'irs-j a wsirh use tl..u eviiw, gulil and at OKiriULF the cv-t. ,rc jui - Orcr 2CC,000 of tlie3 casoa v (y& hava been sold, and every jeweler in the country ren tastily to. their quality and merit. T-mrtarawL View "Ore. B. E. W. K:rrh. ct tltc Xfrncni.. txcsLz a Jim. Ham? Gold "iVcica bj yta afsn. szit etmed it antl! a eJinrttiraea:-,wli-aIpTrelttti,su:.iMtd it toa. eaZzatr. Ttecsiab-tnoi'rcof -w?er,rctt " ttit ur:urU to -?y caw, i-C I ic. Ud caa ta . sr-ly5cnarsct4"iicTas.-tte3ycKaiaTt I bare oK th zrrxj F- C-idMravh Cae for many yoes. and the i.trUx- x: b ,u-at Vjx irit cr. ir carry- ( lit: Uiesi iiUr w eZl tt!s;d it ihotrjh tcry had bcraiti i i r"-sd ci" o-trc-tvlcrUi atiCT-. I pyaili-iu s ti oiilysMWcf Vila Llrd a .rw?r-, ii,-.-id "t vi.? itTir-js ta civ nai eu-.;cnsr .! wma ct our Monay or vaics. b: iw.uitioc. Vii. J. AT, ,' (.;!. r.-r-S,nXr5. VJjiUt r.s-Vil. Ortj tew JaKt Su Bii Xta Watch ar aMtaU. OME . M,,5 y IsBTsssssssssssTsis-- ttBKvSlsssssslSssCadB f 30 UNH3N SQUARE NEWYQRK. oMwb- oAN? & .. , ILL- MASS. GA. n . TOR SALE err . - . I.EZIEU tfe STOKES, Wholesale DpaFers, Cleveland, O. - HENRY LUTZ, Ajr't.'Lbgan, 0 May 22, 18&r Gm:- dr. dXvid -e KENNEDY'S f EMEDT V 'sss&r-JA Jsasfl jfl 111 OleceVered la Medical ' Practice. Specially suited toaQ Malarial, Aa-ae, Stosa-' ach, Khenmatlc, SerofW aloas-aad Female Ceas- plaints. KIDNEY LIVER CURE Hill sMUtlEIS. Dlttase Is as effectofbaJ bleed ' Tested far 0ors,lteaTes90erceatef cases! Pare Bleed alTee B'eoaalas; Health: &uisf actios guaranteed. Jfjs' purely esctable, non-Aleooollc, BSectiTe, Palatable. . 91. CO a; bottle. Send for pamphlet. vOf au druggists, or o . PATXDI&t'an-jWTy-X.IXBondoat.K.T.' "flThywill yon couch w!:en Shi'oh's cure will !Z'V irnmtjr.ita rtTie '. Priee 10 ets 50 -:U and X dollar ti bo had at B. C- hebers amrCo. Shiloh's catarrh rempdj. a- p-isitire enre for calarrh, diptherln. nnd canker mouth at B. C- Rebers aa'd Co. "Hacktnetaclc." a laptinsand fra grant perfume. Price &'aiiii 50 cents' at B. C. Rebers -nd Co. For dyspepsia and liveV' complaint: you hare a printed piararflee on eyery bottle of Shil ih's Vitalizer- It nevetf fails to care. Sold by B- CRefcer unc? Co. 4f .! V. l - iM y -s ai -III m ' 4 I 3 S "X- - v r r V . Si v s v