Newspaper Page Text
.a? $2sS&S 9j' 5 . -." -Ji- tT? I - v-y- rt3Sfc?cf "v." ' "fcsr " "il ft 3i IN-1 Si i i ii u i H 5" H 1. n i J i K'rr: ru,"t rr i jsmv i.'vsasc V LOCAL ITE&33. Mrs. George Michel, pieseuted hr husband with a daughter, Wed nesday morning. .Miss Mary licit, f his city, was visiting fr'ends ju Xaw Plymouth last week. Miss Mary lloldnn, nf Corning, is visiting former acquaintances iu this city ihi$ cek -- .!! Mr. Prank Rrehm, who is attend ing medical lectures in Columbus, spent last Sunday in Mr. William Dowlby, of our town, was married on Thuuksghingday to Mrs. Poston of .Nelsuiivi'lo. 'JVlr. John Kiuney and wife, of 2?ew Plymouth, were the yue'ais of Mr. and Mrs T. J. Shannon last Sunday. The Governor ha-.-, commuted the sentence of young B.tker, and he is scut to the Refotm Farm at Lan caster, instead of the Penitentiary. .0 cb m Mr. Will Brandt, of Ewing, will j lead to the alter, to-day, one of Mr. Azariah Nixson's beautiful and accomplished daughters, of that neighborhood. Last week Nick Doebele lost his pocket book containing thirty-six dollars. Will GaffneV found if. and gave it lo Will Frash who had the property ad vertised in ihe Sentinel. Nick cot. his monev and we are all glad. Mr. Geo. Hartm ui is building a large brick smoke house in the icar of Iiis storr. in which he proposes to prepare his own bacon for Ins customers. Mr. Hartiuan will buy good pork from the farmers, and will smoke it himself, guaran teeing first class bacon to his custo mers. Mr. T. D. Tri miner, one of the actite 3 oung democrats and en terprising fanners of near Swan, made us a pleasant visit, on last. luiday. Mr. Tide Houston h in been ap pointed deputy Post Master. He is an in:eliigent, agreeable young man, and will mike a va'uab-e as sistant in this office. John Gdlagher and Charles Schwenke, of Login, ate their Thanksgiving turkey with Mr. Har ry Work and family, of this city Lancaster Cor. of 'Joi. Dispatch. A man named Call, living near Swan, lost his cow some three weeks ago. The animal strayed or was stolen, lie is a poor man and it will be a great kindness lo return the animal to him. The trial of the m-gro Brooke for killing Cromley, ha? been postponed anvil February 23d. Mr-Burgess has been appointed . as attorney for the defense. Mr. A. H. Wilson will assist the prosecution. Bob Motherwell is also a father-well, pleased with the situa tion. On the 23d of last month his wife introduced to six sisters a "buddy1' boy. Dob is well, his wife, Mother-well, and all are liappy. Mrs. 0. Case desires the person having a book entit'ed, Masonry "-in the Ho'y Land' borrowed ah ut ten yeirs ago, fioni her husband, to he kind enough to return it to tier. The boo'i is especially vdued by Mrs. CiGa as a mam-juto Lo her husband. Mr. V-.C. Lowry attended the democratic ratification meeting at Athens last week and made the speech of the evening. Mr. Lowry is one of our ablest dem ocratic orators, and did good work on the stump, as well as artisticaly painting things red at jollifications. m Mrs. Anna Krichbaum, of Lau rel township, died on the 2ith of last, month in the seventy iiftl: year of her age. She was a reside it of our county for mere than CO years. ; A proper obituary will be pub lished noxt week. V Messrs Will Bjwcii, Mich Gear, VWill Jaraps, Chas Stcrutt, John -Ilviuneman and Misses Kate lloch "tester, Hattie Thompson and Keo Ileudcrson, attended a Thanksciv- g party at Mbhlieport on last Judge Brasee of Lancaster wa in the city on Saturday, engaged in business before the Court. Jude John is one of t he best lawyers in Ohio, an agreeable gentleman, and when he come? to Logan lie always meets a hearty welcome from his many professional and personal friends in our city. On lasl Saturday night, thieves entered the smoke house of Mr. Geo. Heft, who lives a few miles south of town, and stole ail his .meat. One the same night, Mrs. Mel drim, a near neighbor, had a lot of bid ter stolen. This is a good time to load up the shot guns and unchain the cross dogs. Dr. Dye was called to Marietta last Monday, on account of the sudden and unexpected death of his sister. Miss Dye was pleasantly known in our town, her last visit being but a few weeks since, at her bro'her's wedding. Her death will create profound regret among her friends in Lo gan. The Dr. has hearty sym pathy in his sad bereavement. Judge Braibery, during his brief stay among us last week, presiding on the Bench in the enforced absenee-of Judge Fries ncr. made a most favorable im pression upon the public as a uignihod Judge anu a genial clevev gentleman. The Judge has been elected as one of our Circuit Court Judges, and al tho'jgh differing from Hocking in politics, wilMind that our county will not differ from him on ;M points in which he so distinctive ly shows himself a dignified Judge and a courteous, social, agreeable gentleman. The Judge has made many warm personal friends iu Logan, who will always give him a hearty welcome when ho comes among us. lie is he youngest Judge in the Rtaie on the Circuit Bench, and we venture the opin ion will be found. one of the f blest. a 0 Mr. Frederick Marsden's Irish drama. -'The Kerry Gow.'.' at the Thiid Avenue Theatre, Iat even- :ng. drewa large and appreciative audience. The various characters wore well pin red. Mr. J. S. Mur phy as Dan 00 ava hehig the star of the evening. From the begin ning to the end of the play the house wa3 either in roars of laugh ter or on the verge ol tears, its loud est applause- being given to the Kerry Gow, whose aptitude for ut tering witticisms with a solemn countenance is one of the chief at tractions of the performance - New York llet.-dd. on last Friday night, and it ptoved to he a very entertaining time. Public addresses were delivered bv 1vk.')Lvi.-.. That in his death yfffl the Jlasonic fraternity has been Q deprived of one oi" its most use- licv AS Man in. Mr. Hamilton i in I members, and society at large Lemou and Frank P. Martin. Cob Olive, white working on Po ling, AVolf & K tiger's raw tnpl, was struck witn me oranru or a licen the foea, which disabled him for several d.n's. Kev. Jacob M. Rittpers is pi .teed on a ciieitit in Fayette canity v.iievc he will perform his minh-lc-nal labor during the coming year. He is well pleased with the ehatge 'Ssi'iiied hin TViry I!. 'ncerj', who ha" been c-iigngod fin the carpen'er work, in Pii'Oam county for nearly a year. Protracted meeting conducted by Ke. Thurston is now iu progicss at Ml Tabor. Ferdinand Weidner, son of Geo. Woidner. died on hidt Vsednesd.-.y, aged 22 years. John St-holl and Rebecca Fries ncr vere married at the bride's res idenco, Nov. 8th. Mr Isaac Switser has been visit ing friends in Jacktown, Licking, Co. Owing to the extreme dry weath er, (ve suppo-e) couttigious diseas es liavo become very numerous. -Democrat. ooe of iis best citizens. -n'o0L,V"i:i. That a copy of these resolutions be bent Lo the be reaved iYmily. J. J. AcUAKSil 1 G... A. Nkwton)- Com. Tjjovias Lvwson ) '. mm -Jackson ItKCOLUTlOlsS OV TUB LOGAN BAR. K fel B mS IM & 3 1 I ' m fife tfvs uiUllll to SHERIFF'S SALE. K ns, Gilbert nnd Wnrner v. The Iron Company. A riiii71n?s oi' the d:':a3il .3 my. The following arc lite namc3 ot J lie ;eisons indicted by the Grand Jii.'y : Urj. A. jMills, assault and bat- pplegate. "Kerry Gow," in which J. S. Murphy appeared list night, is a drama portraying Irish life in a realistic manner, and containing a romantic and sensational interest It has taken fair rank on the Am erican stage, and has nchieved re mirkable success. Mr. Murphy d-pifts the jovial, quick-witted Irishman in a natural and skillful manner, hitting off the drolleries and peuulhrltie of the Irish char acter to perfection, and throwing in occasional'' a dash of .pithos that brings tears to many an eye Mr. Murnhy is supported h' a rniod company. L'ilts burgh Daily Post. Nin; Mhursday evening, and were picas antly entertained by the young folks ' at that p'ace, and hospitabi' cared ior by the G. A. ITs. to all of whom thev desire to ie!urn thanks. Messrs. Evans, of J he Pittsburg Dispat.-h : Brown, of the Cincin nati Enquirer; and Purdy, of the Cleveland News, are in the city this week reporting the min ing situation for their respective) papers. -They aie all pleasant, intelligent gentlemen, and give Yery interesting accounts of the sights the3' see in the Syndicate Soudau. Last week the cars were with drawn front Head's mine at Straits vilie. Rend is piynig the full price asked bj' the miners, and in doing so is a thorn in the side ot Syndicate, and his iair trtj.ttmciit ot Ids miners, i an argument which Monopoly 'rsae'nng to control the output of the Valley,'' caunot an sw er. - Mr. .Rend sued tho Railroad Co. in tho IT. S. Court at Cincinnati, and the Court i-sti-od a perm tory or der to the Railroad Co. to furnish him with a'l th cars he lenuires for the shipment of ins coal mined at Sttaitsviilo. It is gratifying to know tat Mie Syndicate don't run our Courts nor Rend, nor the Public. AVe had a p'easnnt visit on Tues day from Jli- John Johnston, of Cedarviiio, Kan. Mr. Johnston is a Hocking county hoy, son of Geo Johnston, of Perry. He went to Kansas in 1SG8, and is one of the pioneers of his county, settling in Mie open prairie with his nearest neighbor thirty nd'es distant. Mr. Johnston is one of tlte prominent and influential men of his county ana State. He is a Democrat, a chip of the old block, and in a Re publican county and has twice been elected county Trea.-urcr. He is one of the Hocking boj-s, who going out to a western home carries the wholesome lessons of Hocking in bis heart, and does credit; by his good citizenship to the county of his hii th. We hope his visit to the old home will he a p'easantone. K'SsIr's 3;iiijuet. Mr. Joe Kcisler, the popular res taranfer. give a free lunch to his patrons on Thanksgiving day which in excellence and abundance chal lenges Delmonico's, or tho feast of Gould, M aine & Co. Oys'eis in all kind of preparations were serv ed. Turkey, chicken and various cold meats supplied the hungry, whilst tho fastidious ap po:ite were pleased with apples, or ange'', jam, jellies, cake, and the relNies of a tastefully spread board Over one hundred of his patrons enjoyed his liberal hospitality, and all unite in voliiig Joe a irentlc man who understands hi business, and a worthv contributor t- Thanks giving h.ippmess The following are ihe official bonds of the newly installed offi cers, accepted by the; commiss ioners. Probate Judge, W. T. Acker bond 10,000 Sureties. John M. Buchanan, J. A. Carnes, Lewie Green', D. While and J.i--;ob Suhw&rz. Commissioner, Jolm JTulter i :cy. J.wncs and Harvey assail' I and b-tlerj'. Charles Morris. larceny. Geoige Uoy, assault and battery. George V. Wa'tjn, assault and battery. George Robinson, assault and battery. George llobinson, battery. IS HOKOIi OF OUIt MmON SUNT! George R.ooke, murder m 1st degree. Edward Nehesirc and Koah Fran cisco. assault and lullery. Ilamden Culver Raker, larceny. H. W. Bonner, larceny. Noah -Eugle, assault and battery. Michael Vhaien and Amos Tig no r, d is I u rb i ng m ee ti ug. Frank Sleveson, larceny. Matt Thomas, Jack Howolls and Viiliam Thomas, assault and bat tery. William A. Mills, Marvel D. Mills, 2 indicimenls for carryiug concealetl weapons. Marvei i). Mills, assault and bat tery. Zarah Stitt, Ed Dial and Kufos White, stoning II R tiain. The findings' in the other cases are against the striking niiuers and one for with intent to kill. MLS32LOS2.aza. JUDGE OAKLEY CASE. Luiivl .'5.000. Sn relies. Gt-nr" Ilarltmn. Jacob Sfhwarz, John Nutter and V. T. Acker. Cieik or" Ctmil, Arthur Mc "Ct.uuiiey bond $0,000. Sure lies, Lewi Green, Jacob Schwarz, Joseph In'- Kcssler, N. W. Ha'mb lin and V. F. Rempel. Infirmary Director, Wright bond $5,000. Sureties, D. IV. Wright. John Reboot, Peter RnlT, S. A. Primmer and Isaac Blosser. CttHJSiT. Mr. Jeff. Chne, after a three week's visit to friends and relatives in the West, returned home last Monday, in excelleut health, and derghthd spirits from his trip. He found his aged father, formerly our county Auditor, at Ft. Scott, Kan., in good health and comforta- , bte circumstances. Jiving in hopes of coming to Logan nexr summer to see Ins many old friends and ac quaintances :u Hocking. Mahdi Meirick, General in Chief of the army of lawyers op erating in the Syndicate Soudan, -was in our city this week pro mulgating a Firman that the collection of taxes would be re sisted with a discharge of a li brary of law books. The Mahdi is a genial gentle man and an able-lawyer, but he forgets the Syndicate must pay taxes or the Sentinel will adver tise them for sale as delinquent and then Paddy Rend will buy up several of their provinces. Change or Finn. Tjio Wagon and Buggy making establishment of Fike, Smith & Co, has changed to the firm of Fike & Kirker. Mr. Smith re tires from the partnership, but will continue in the employment of U13 establishment. ri his is an enterprising firm. (The gentlemen connected with it are all honest, reliable gentle men and skillful workmen. They have a "iocd business and deserve it. The old firm takes this occa sion to thank all their patrons for (heir liberal support, and re quest, a continiumce, promising to render satisfaction. koliday"excubsi,xn Last week Judge Bradburry presided. The case of Prindable vs Dew. civil at-l ion, was continued on accouit of sickness of Dew. ' Geo. W. Walton, charged with assault and battery, plead guilly and was lined $5.00 and costs. Several civil cases of no public interest were disposed ot. H. W. Baker,iudicted for grand larceny, plead guilly .and was sentenced lo two years in the penitentiary.' On Monday the prisoners from the mining regions gave bonds and were released from jail. Judge Friesner's term of office having expired on Nov. 31st, and his fommission not having been signed and forwarded by the au thorities at Ihe capital. Monday he was a piivate citizen,and con sequently no court was held. The proper papers arrived on Monday night, and court is now in progress, Judge Friesner going to Pomeroy and Judge Brad bury here. 2To cases of imporfance lo the public have been disposed of this week. On the Columbia., Hocking Val ley and Toledo Railway. We aie authorized to announce that on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wed nesdays and ThursdavsDecem-b.-r22d. 23d, 241 h, 25th, 291 h. 30th and 31t, 13SI, and January lf, JSS5. the C. 11. V. & T. R'y will sell round trip tickets from any station lo any station on their line at excursion rales. Tickets will be good returning until January 2d, 1SS5, inclusive it Harrison, tjl. Gen'l Pass. Aient.; sch00iat the Mntin school house Items fi'om Marion. Ti'C gre.i ter part of our schools are now in session, under the man agement of live and energetic teach ers, and we expect before long to hear favorable reports from their respective schools. Miss Lizzie Diltmaii. of L-mcas ter, paid 3'our correspondent a visit in the school room, on last Vedues" day. Mr. William Kittgcrs, of Beat Run, is ha iii a veiy desirable duelling built on his premises. Mrs. Hannah Beery, wife of G W Beery, is now living with her moth er in-law. Mrs Switzor. A buggy wheel belonging to the buggy of Rev J C Beery, was s!o len a few weeks ag.i. It was found recently in a brush heap by a com pany of hunters, near the lesidence of Emanuel Rlosser. Mr. C E Ritttrers held a spellm Ball of Mixgo Lodge, So. 171. F. tfe A. M. Logan O., Nov. 20lh.lS8- For as much as it has pleased Almighty God to lake out of the wo. Id the soul of our beloved brolher, Oakley Case; Therefore Rksolved, That in his death this community hath lost a wor thy man. and active useful and efficient citizen, and one who hath done it honor; Society, a genial, sympathizing, and amia ble member; Masonry, one of ils brightest lights and. and most skillful workmen : and Masons a fiiendand brother, whose kind ins! ructions and genlle admoni tions sha'l be treasured in the hearts of those who knew and loved him. Resolved, That we hope that, thro' the power of the "Lion of llip tribe of Jndah" our brother hath been called from labor below to refreshment in the presence of the Supreme Grand Master, from whom comclii light, and whose presence is everlasting joy. Rksolved, That while tender ing our heartfelt sympathy to I he bereaved family in this their great affliction, we would not in trude upon the saucily of their grief, but would sincerely com mend them lo the tenderness of Him who dwelleth" in the thick darkness of unspeakable sorrow, and can calm their woe with a peace that passelh understand ing. Resolved. That in testimony ol our esteem for the deceased, the Lodge be draped in mourning for a period of thirty days. Resolved, 'J hat a copy ol these resolutions be sent to the be reaved family and published iu the county papers. W. S. Friesner) J. E. Tritsoii J- Com. C E. Bowes ) The Committee heretofore at fhis term of Court appointed lo dratl suitable resolutions relative to the death of Judge 'Oakley Case, reported in open Court and their report was unanimously adopted by (he Bar, and having been approved by the Court, it was ordered that the same be placed upon Ihe Journal and cer tified as therein provided: Whereas, Judge Oakley Case, for many years an honored mem ber of Ihe Bar of this county. died at his residence in Losian, on November 12th, 1S3L There fore. Resolved. That as an expres sion. of our kindly remembiance of him as a courteous profession al brolher. our high respect for the purity of his character, his fail hi'u In ess,- integrity, industry and worth as a lawyer, his gener erons naf me. hi, exemnlarv bear- inir as a citizen, his tenderness in a manner becoming the fol- aud devotion as a husbind and fat her, the honor with which he filled ihe many public stations lo which he was called, the ehris tian fon ft tide wilh which he bore 'he piolraefed and severe bodily a ill id ion which finally ended in his deal h that we have spread upon the Journals of Ihe Court these proceedings together w:th. sketch ol his lile. to wit : Here follows sketch which was published in a recent issue of the Sentinel Resolved. That we tender lo ins wne anu lanitiy our sincere sympathy iu this their great, af fliction, and that, the Clerk of the Courl be requested to present Jo his wife a copy of t e-e proceed ings duly certified under the seal of 'he Court. Respectfully submitted. S. H. Brigut, S. Wixdy, 'as. R. GltOGAN, Levi J. Bono ess. O. W. H. Wright, Coiumii tee. M.SJ2N"S STTXTrS irAwraVag Ssur WrV Tprre bcmd rosP.w Christmas and T$p"' Year e.rd'j in great" variety at Keber & Go's. r3fc-S- tn- The Executive Committee, the Cleveland and Hendricks Club, and the Democracy, of Logan, are called to meet on Saturday 'Evening, ihe Gih of December, at 7 o'clock, at the Sentinel office, for the purpose of making arrangements to cele brate the 8th of January! lowers of Old. jic-ox-ST I u TT-fe II u T 1, & ia S & S tpan f r ir& TRTT H S WW Aid .liA3f CI jVuSl & sin. ! s'lLS'Oaa ai f B n S ma ti loves. ilia. &'&& iaasas cj Ma -w rm iagsH' & OESM3 IiitheConrtofCommon l'leas of Franklin connty, Ohio. Notice is hereby siven tliat the -iv ler sisncUrflioriirot HocktUKConntj.Ohlo, by viltieo an c-rctition lsn,cl ont of said Couit in tbecbovp ciitititd ennse, and lo h in (hrrcteil asShcriR ofsiid county, will ntOrevtUe, Jlojiiiur Comify.Ohio.on Tuesday. December 9, A D. 1S8-1. nt I o'clock, p.m. of salt! day offer for "salnnl publ-c auciou, the following- goods ami clialiK'Sbiiuatc in HociiiiK county, Ottio, to-wit- One biy mulf nbont ten years old. Two pnirof single hartleys. One truck. Oneslpile. Oiw t-;tr (-.iildunip). Sis hot iit sli'ves. O q cloci p ej Xo.32G2. . . Seven tru"I; cars. m One ton ot iron. One tool box and contents. One pair of fiir lTaU scales. Hoar track wheels. On iom m:tr. Onebnuy Hiul all of the parts of tho old Lsnn Fitrnm-u Knijiiie at the station yanl a iurevii. A 1 o the above dcscrilTCil goods and ol.ritW -ro taken :i tlie property of the ii-.inl Iron Company to saiisly tins writ. Termof-nlecnh in h.itid. (Jive;: under my ha-d at Logan, O., this 2Cth dayofNovejnber.lSS'!. r.r. McCarthy, sheriff. Al'lierv .t A lhery , Attorneys, Xot27 td. ATTACIIMKNT NOTICE. Thomas Sxreptott vs Joseph Bustard. Before E. T. TTone, J. P. ofBenton town ship, Hocking county. Ohio. Onthe-lth day of November, IS!, sold Jnsticf ivncd an on'r of attachment iu the above action for the snra of twpnty t'.ro dollars and twenty-five cent's C2.25.) THOMAS SWEPSTOh Nov. SO. 1SS1 3w It. is contemplated to give a 3i n When you par your f:xo-s, come in and pa j'om subscription. -a. .in q Pinch UTirrnr niifl PirfiirA Frames Beauties, at to i M' S u 1S ,l10 niulle verse ui ma -ev. tcst.iiiiKin. cenp in the evening, where good cheer will animate the Festal Board, Toasts will be read and respond ed lo. Ladies will be invited lo assist in the Celebration. C6mmiltees on the various matters of detail netessary will be appointed. Let there be a FULL rUKN OCT of Democrats, and let us effect an organization that will insure the Celebration a success. By-order of the COMMITTEES. 5IA1E $20,00 FS fcMiiiST BIAS. The publishers of Eutledge's Monthly offer twelve valuable re wtrds in their "Monthly for Decem ber, .unong which is the lollow in: : Wi ?!lt r-Iiro ?9fl 00 tn iVtn nnr. " v. a"" ww,w .. m. i- Co' "To the victor-? bahmg thespoils.'5 and tu the Democrats belong the offices. Chautauqua Publications at Reber & Co:s. Ppmes of all kinds at F.eber & Oo's. Excirsioii to 'vostern iiitnl points via B &. O Until notice tno D. & O. K It. (Jo. will sell round trip tickets to the following U esiern hind points at halt Aihinc, Baxter SpruiuB. Council Grove. F'orence, Iloilon, ladepen-J nence and Kee e, iv;i nsas ; niui (Jol iimbns, tiiico'n anil flrind Isiaml. Neb Tickets will be good for 45 thiys. Heie is yo:ir opjiorttmity to visit the West at the lowest rates ever offered. Uai-age checked through to destination. For rates fcc, e:tll upon or address Agents B. & U. II. It OPEJiA HOUSE. J. C. J AMES, - Manager. 0ii9 Higlit Only. TM ' HIDAY, December 5lli. Engagement of the Distinguished Irish Comedian and Vocalist, J. S. Titf &L .TJRI "PUTT UJ. jnp lures (uot the Utevispd Edition) by December 10th, 183-1. Should two or more correct answers be received, the reward will be divided. The money will be fonvuvoVd to 'be win ner December the 15th. ISSi l'er sona trying for the reward must send 2U cents in pilfer (no postage stamps taken) with their answer, 'or which they will receive the Month'y for January, in whih the name and addie s of the winner of ihe reward and the correct answer wi'I he published, ;-nd in which sev eial more valuable rewards wi 1 be ottered. Addres lUitledge Publish ing Company, Easton, Pa, A fiirti-saviKg Present. Mr.M. E. Allison. Hutchinson. Kan., saved his life bv a simule Tiiul Bottle of- Dr. 'King's New Discovery, for Consumption, which Ciiu-ed him to procure a large hot t'e, that completely cured him, when Doctors, change of climate, and everything else had failed. Asthma Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Severe Coiiiihs, and all Throat and Limp diseases, it is guaranteed to cine Trial Hottles free atF. LTarringtou's Drug Store. Ltrge size. $1. 00. Feb. 15, lyr. Sure Cisrc for Piles. The first symptom of Pies is an intense itchingat night after getting warm- This unpleaat sensation is immediately relieved by an appli cation of Dr. Bosanko's Pi'e liem cdy. Piles in all its forms, Itch, Salt Khuine. and Kingworm can he peiinanmitly euied by die use of this meat remedy. Price 50 cents. Manufactured bv The Dr.. ftos- anko Medicine Co., Piqua, O. So'd bT Miller & Case. -AND- ? -. V S5 11 tii Clothing Made to Orde .AT ilsiH1i mmmmm h ?v . rr kT ;rr-. s r -r.1 f- rrr. iTWij i gi a-cii an i tjdi y IJsexU Door to Court House, Logan, 0. iray 29, 1884 ly. 50 fel e o 2 11 H 3 PS G l? ri K S Pi i J 0 s w W ft S h. - ; h 2 rr "Ti In Fred Marsden's greatest of all Irish Dramas, the owl , if 3 8 & o s : Ljxsrmjm s z d am r I -, a, .. S t fe o ivi. -St' X rr . , .: rr t. - - v.- iiM .i. "i Pre c L i 3 ?r x A v TT.r.Vij-" w 2 r- T Tf.ri." - Z. Z - i .-S- lJ-Sf . V e . . Ct ' J. C.CA?1PRKI.I.,X.S I.CWRIGnT.I. J CAMPBELL &WJJIG8T, Physicians Sf Surgeons Also local Surgeon fort'UV&TII. U Oflico, on rtoor west of Work & Bnfeer' t o, Logan, Ohio. may31,'83 WAY T0 BUY THE BEST ttsliulmi litfiu,&. fOK. THE 3IOJJEY, is to buy at the Offlce. It s.rtcs expense of comnitsiion and ex pense In traveling from lionc to lione. You can just as well s.ive above expenses as you can in buying your ilry goods. Y'lie:i you buy:iUome,-ticorNeT Home you get the bet. All other called .New High Arm machines are imitations, and none'are their petrs. The Domestic and New Home hare new stK-t of wood work, nnd new sets of Attachments that othersdare not use. Comeantisxie foryour srlvcs and you will beeoninced thatthe above is reliable, and it you. have a Denies ti;or New Honif- that has bfen iunse from 10 toCOjwaisdo not let them humbug you with their so-crllcd new high arm ma chines,and out of it, nhieli they will try to do.but-bring your machines to me and I will putjn the new Donicstieor N'e'v' Iloi::e Improvements, then- you will have ir fetter nt .chine and one that will last lunger than tlf iiKil arm imitation ones, and save your money and have tho best muchiue iu tho worl'I. IJENEr LUTZ. ttS"All kintls of machines nnd machiuery repalred iu the best manner and at reason able prices. U&.1 have 8 different styles of Machines on nand. whb-lt I will bcli ut lof rutcs. Call -nd oxaminethem. Feb 21 ! tf Hesrt Lutz. P F E - Pi f a ClL S a es r ffS m -vr 3 i j iiJiiihiAKjiJtti The Finest nud most complete Stock of all kmd of Uuderralcin Goodever bronjrht to Log.m. Prices Low and guaranteed 2? To Give Satisfaction. J3 All calls promptly attended to Day or Night. Also Manufacturers of ail kinds of Tha Weekly Post llOiiai Adinisiistr&tiou. Upholstered TT B ffa TTifT Jti y TI ALL OF NEW STKIXSVIIiLE Lodge. No. tlSl, F. & A. M. Played by him wilh Unparall eled 'Success in the Principal Cities in America. Representing the Irishman in Ireland as he really is. not the ragged vagabond of Libelous Romance. Drnma without A Comedy .bciual. An every-day Tale in every Land ! Supported by a Company of Unusual Excellence. Liiro'.'ucir.jr the irreat "Horse- 3RIGfiS' GLYCERINE SALVE. The best on earth, can tiul.y bo said of Griggs1 Glycerine Sdvo, which is a suro. cure for cuts, brum es. scidds. burns, wounds, and all other sores. Will positively cure piles. t Uer and skin eruptions. Try this wonder healer. Satisfac tion guaranteed or money refunded. Only 2:) cents. For safe by Mill er Case. mavS-Iv. Probate Police. OTP.iTb ILLL, U. J.0T. M, JObJ. oi t? ii -n i -r, i -. i i i , klineim: beetle Mr. JMurnhv For as much as it harh pleased m.,kins the Shoe and filling ft Aimignry tjori m lus wise prov- to Ihe Horse. Under the Management of Pu ii.!i' II. Lexi:x. 5TSP Reserved seals for sale at Kessler's Jewelry Store. General Admission U5 els. Reserved Seats 50 els. Dox Seats (50 cents. idence to lake out of the world the soul of our deceased brolher, Oakley Case, therefore Ri:oLVi:n, That we tender lo the bereaved family our heart felt sympathy in tin's their hour of affliction, and hope he may find favor in the Grand Master of the Universe, whose place is in the Celestial Lodge above, eter nal in the heavens. Therefore, liKSOM'KDj.lliat the laemcry oi'ip d Ihuuis, Chilblains, Corns, and brother Case be held in nigh es-pdlStun Krupt ions, and positively leem by the members oi the New Stiaitsville Lodge, for the active paitho took iu its organization. BUOKLBN S ARNICA SALVE The Ue.-t Sulve in the world for Cuts. Bruises. &orc3, Ulcers, Salt Rheai.i, Fevei Sores, Tetter. Chap. cares Piles, or no pay required It is guaranteed to give satisfaction, or money refunded. !rice2.j cents per box. For Sale By K. Harring ton. nia'8 ly. Notb-e Is hereby sioii lini tlie follow im; aeL'iiitits.iinl viiiietii-i-. hac bttnJIhd in riobiicOiiil ot liofkiiu County, Oiiio.for Peto.iU ;,.id Final SLtlb ini-nt, .lo i-pii Slid .Mi.l Willi m Armstrong Ai'iiiiiii-.(r.iior of tlie of John Williams. And tlie s line will come on for lifurin on tiiclGiii iiiiynl Ikrmber.:it ll'o'clot k.ji m.ora'-feoon tlioiealtcrasni.ix liocimi'in ent, W. T. ACKKU, Dec. fi :w. l'l ouate J ud(jt-. iiSes siU nrniture lassrSe Suassiag: '' M F3 B C53 :- & S "& &s .?ta sbi8? "Mr 0s ' lr n U Ll' ' & li tLi tafeS7. .Bfca And Dealer iu all Kinds of Bed Springs, Matrasses and Parlor stands. 32?" I Guarantee my Work and Prices. Building, three doors west of Opera House. Salesroom in Roller ' May 1 tf J Estate of Zara McDaniel. Tlie uiHlcrMuiu'u h.i'.o been appointed anil iju.ililie'I .is Administiatnr-of the es tate. ifZ.ira MuD miel. l.tte of liockiii" Co., dco'd. .MILiON AKMriTKONG. .lACOli KOOI1. Xov. 20 3 w T Logan Woolen Mill -AHE NOW.RKADY- W W f W T CIP TOT, TO 3IANUFACTURE INTO gas 'SJ' S L&t sir k X, 5 E5"? ""-? 3), C3 ?:S SSA SM rl, W1 5.T -Ki 153tiS2sit-zk3S i7 G?i.s2sts? JR3B7' gas my sUsrdcc roais:x2sra "K7" TO L?9 Administrator's Sale of In ytirKlt:incirof an older of the Probate Com t or lloi-l.iiifr county, Oliio, I will ofier public :ui;Iioi! on Saturday, December Gth, 1SS4, at onoo'cloc!:, 1'. M., upon the premises tlie folloviiisde-.i-rile.l rtal cstate.siiuale in the comity ot lloin1iini stale of Ohio to wit: Heiii;! tlie northwest qu Tier ot the.soutliwest tpiaitcr ot e-tIon nuinber t v.enty-iiim- (JU). tow nMiip nmibcr. luven (II). or mime number eighteen (lb), eou (amiiiic lorty (J) :eie-. moic or ieaa. Appraised atSSvO t)0. Jermsot oale. 'Spin for Customers. Fulling and Dreeing done in a workmanlike One third cash in hand: one third in nni .,.,,. . .-. , -,11 , -1 ,, 1 . nndonethii.i in fiom thediivot ! manner. A. tun stocK oi ooocts snuaojo ior jcarmers, Aieictams or vi te. ueterrci i.ij meulsto iiear interest tiom iiiodjj or.saleaiul to dT: seemed by 1 moitgage on jsiid )irmi--e We would call special alteniou to our full line of new Plain, and Eaiicy Cassimeres &3 Also ready to receive Wool to Card in Rolls or Card and .IOIIX BUCilAXAX. Adin of O.tvid .11. Sawyer, dee'd. Xov-.lj, ISsi-td men of any profession, which we will sell SSCheap for Cash or ExchangeVor Wool. JACOR E. TRITSCil. Logan, May 1, 1SS1 3ra. The Will of tho People Vindicat ed and the Great Wrong Right The PlJfBbsjrgls Weekly Pout congratulates its Democratic read-pr-j on the dawn of a ne'V year un der conditions that have not existed for a quarter ot a century "ningout the old, riasmtlia new, Rinsont tlie tale, rins ia the true." Cievel.snd and Hendricks hive been elected. After the fourth of March there will ho u Democratic adtninistr.dion at Washington, with great possibi'ities for the progress-, prosperity ard advancement of tho coun'ry. As the Post has labored unceas ingly for twenty-five years for these glorious results, fo it will intend to the new administration a hearty ireetiug nnd cordiai support in tho re estnb ihinent of principles and policies vital to the pttb'ic welfare,' by i elorming abuses.righting wrongs and asseriit'g the supremacy of the Democratic failh. We jiro on the threshho d ot importtint events and great chanses. To a Democrat who aided iu Cleveland's election, the future is ful." of interest and hope. The Week'y Post wi'I aim to keep fully abreast of the timed in eery thingrelntins to the incoming ad ministration. Its policy at home and abroad will be intelligently dis cussed, generously supported or can didly and kindly criticised. No year in the history of this journal promises to be so replete with mat ters of interest to Democrats as the one which we aro about to enter. The meeting ol Congress, the dec laration of the Presidential vote, the uiau2"r"U"'!r tmhbw Cabinet, the changes in the putdic service, the opening of the hooks, all are of . great concern. The Weekly P't will furnish tho earliest intel'igcnc. with judicious comment from the o!d Democratic standpoint. Success will not hamper it any more than a ouiilof a century of defeat im paired its energies. The essiou of the Legislature, J with a Reform Governor opposed by a Republic n majority, promises to he fruitful of important issues and exciting incideut. 1 he coming session ot Congress will be even more intere&t'n in its broader field. " In all its varied denartmeu's. This Weuk'y Post will .tint t excplleuce and reliability. Its literary, miscel laneoif. iicvs and and loeal depart ments witl be maintained in their u'most efficiency, while its n-arkct ("reports will be prepared with gjcat- er f-are and precision than ever be loie and made ahso'utely reliab.e. Now is the time for Democrats everywhere to take hold, roment and stren"'hcii the partv and its chosen representatives by extend ing tho circulation ot Deiincratic jj pers. We are no longer on the dcfctiaive V, e are done with apolo giiiiig the party H day s'tands for :'. ntajority ot tl- American peup'c, and iu a few week it will be faded ou to administer the general Gov ernment. Truth is mighty and has prevailed. Sluice Subscription, one year, postage prepaid $1.25 Ln Clubs of five or over, one year, postage prepaid. - - 1.00 A free cop for every club oh ten. Send for samph copies. .IAS. P. CO. i'UUUSIIKKS, tlil . q 1 u Kjj .-