Newspaper Page Text
trrWjmVJl L .... ll'.rjfcH.MI,--'r'LIJ-"1-" ftggLa-Lil!WWII.WUNt1iii'!,ilr jL. J,.JWWJ.Sl..rV'dkV" af1fV-;r:-Jgt?W.'.H.-aU!tfBMAiJ. - M - .jm-SS-IWS. MJWSS .'. I I il. Hi T'YsJUil-.'J: I - ? 4 3 jE-vis green, EDITOR AXD PUOPRIETOR. TBIIMS PER YEAR, 2.00- Thnvsclay, Bee. 11, ISS4- The Hockiug and Ohio Editorial Association at G:tl!ipolis last Thurs day, was the most successful meet ing of the fraternity within the year. Next week in connection with the Secretary's official report, we shall give in detail our personal observances and experiences, and the distinguished part taken by our Logan staff meiuhei s. TO our causTY ;ra&nia- t'KATa. The Dsmncrats of Hocking coun ty are invited to contribute as they - may feel able, and attcndSt. Jack Tcsliiiiomnl to a Retiring County Officer. It lias become a rule among us Hocking County Haw-Eaters to give our out-going officials a trib ute and testimonial. It is a fea ture of our social and political customs which the Sentinel inau gurated ten years ago, and which has been failhfullv observed ever since. There can be no suspicion. of an attempt to wrongfully influ ence by a substantial testimonial when the official is retiring to private life. It would be a ques tionable proceeding to meet the man just coming into office with a present. This we do not do. But when a public oTIicer has served out his term and retires to private life, if his official con duct inspires the feeling, Ihpn it is "just, right and proper'5 that a public expression be given which compliments the man and doe not compiomise the public. Bill Woodruff has served two i TV .. n . - sonsuay umqiiefoi. tho evcainz iferrnsas County Commissioner of January 8th, 1SS5, Logan, Ohio, it is the most disagreeable and Hie committees will endeavor to Hianlcless office in the county. make ample arrangements to ac- TilA rymimissinnP.riR nnlTod nnnn commodate ill who may signify their purpose to at'end. Those who expect to contribute are re quested to notify the General Com mittee," by mail, .or otherwise on or befoie the 3d of January of about what they will contribute, as "near as they can. Contributions may consist of money, bread, cakes, but ter, roast and cooked meats, vege tables, in short of anything and ev- rythiosgood .to eat. Soliciting committees wil 1 "canvass "the differ ent wards for contributions. Those who live out of town and wish to at tend and contribute, will notify the Secretary, Wm. P. Price, orChair man, J.' M. Floyd, or G. W. Brehm, Treasurer, of the fact on or before the 3d of January, 1885. Provis ions need not lie brought in until the daj and evening of January 8th. After the Banquet is over any .surplus of provfeions will be dis tributed by the Committee to the jreliet of the destitute.;3SurZer. Attorney at .La iv. p Forborne yeirs past Charlie Bar ker, one of the most accomplished - boys of the sentinel staff, has been devoting most of his time to the study of law, making journalism mainly a recreation, and helping us mostly as an accommodation. Last week he submitted toau'ex amination from the State Board of Examiners, and passed with ; the highest honors of his class. Mr. Birker is an accomplished scholar, a gentleman of fine cult ure and extensive reading. He is n. practical printer and a newspa per contributor of 'talont, taste and discretion. He is well versed in the law 'and wo hope may find his profession one of profit and promotion. He makes avaluable accession to the Bar of our county, and we bespeak for him a liberal patronage from the public of this county. Cotton soed is the.Southern bon anza. There are three and a half pounds of seed for every pound of fibro". More than 4,000,000 tons are produced annually, but iiot withstanding the rapid increase in the number of mills, only about 10 per cent, of the seed is crushed, the rest beinglargely thrown away. A ton of seed yields thirty-five gal lons of oil,, twenty two pounds of cotton and 750 pounds of cake, us ed in fatieninsr catile. Ihe value of these products is $19. The oil is largely used for making soaps and when refined properly can hardly be distinguished from olive oil, which it is superceding for many purposes. to do things his judgment, does not sanction. He is asked to al low bills his sense of justice will not. favor. When he does what is right, no one thinks of giving him credit, because it is thought he should do right. When he refuses (o build a bridge or allow a bill, he is abused, criticised and misrepresented. He is the Scape Goat upon whom is cast all, or atleast a great deal of the grumb ling that the people give out, and never receives the praise and credit that is rightly his due. Time, however, appealing to and counseling with honesty and intelligence, '-makes all things even.' and in the case of a pub lic official, sizes him up to about what he is worth. This is the case with CommiF siouer Woodruff". He never courted the mob. Tie acted on (he principle of official responsi bility, and cared not whether his acts were popular or .unpojiular He aimed to do right. His friends recognized the fact that ho was a good Commis sioner. Last week Mr. Will Bowen, deputy Auditor,and Messrs Trim mer and Karshner, his associate Commissioners, conspired togeth er to make Mr. Woodruff a tesii limonial of a substantial kind, in recognition of his worth as a public officer, retiring to private life. A paper was prepared and con tributions for the purchase of a testimonial was quietly circulat ed. The only complaint we hear is from gentlemen, friends of Mr. Woodruff, who were not ap prised of the movement and who were not afforded an opportunity to join with he "gang."' The following is the paper and names of those contributing: "We the undersigned citizens of Hocking County, Ohio, duly appreciating the services of V. R. Woodruff as Counly Commis sioner during the past six years, as an honest and efficient county officer, do hereby agree to pay. the amounts set opposite our names for the purpose of purcha sing a testimonial to be present ed to said W. H. Woodruff: If you are killed 03' reading the Columbus State Journal, it will be because its policies is "pizen." The Journal is a good paper for Capi -aLcitynews, but it ia bad medicine in politics. Those of our readers however who must have doctrines of the defunct party, can obtain about as much to the square in the Journal as any paper we know. The Journal offers some very val uable premiums, with a view to making up in subscription what i: loses in post offices. Sec prospectus elsewhere. Yisitin? Committees to Public Institutions. W M Bowen, A McCourlney. Lewis Green, E M West, W T Acker, Rufus Karshner, John T Nutter, Charles liose, Jos Is Kessler, Moihenvell Iron Co. SB Bright, J A Shaw, T F McCarthy, G W Pollen, Rep. Gazette Co. II Trimmer, Thos Johnston, A Carpenter, i J Cline, W E II am Win, V H McFarlen, From citizens at Young's i"ord, Extra by Board of Com'rs Samuel H Her, iToah Poling, $3 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 I 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 5 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 50 2 00 " 2 00 50 1 00 50 25 25 20 00 3 50 25 25 I am ihe more pleased to per form the office because of our own very pleasant, personal re lation, and because I can speak well of your public acts without any violence to my conscience. Wo have thought tome such action as this proper, without le gard to party ties, and as you ob serve this assemblage is entirely 11011 partisan. All citizens have enjoyed the blessings of your wise administration of the office of County Commissioner, as all must have suffered had it been unwise, and hence we havo join ed in the movement as Republi cans, Democrats, Mugwumps, and Haw-eaters. The office trom which you have just retired and which you have held by the voice of the people for the last six years, is one of great power and importance. It" is said that the powers of government are divid ed into three executive, legisla tive and judicial. In the office of Coui-ty Commissioner two of these functions are combined, viz: the executive and judicial. The power to levy taxes and expend the public money is one requiring Ihe best judgment. A littie recklessness, a little extra vagance here and there soo'n in volves the people in financial trouble and renders the public dues a burden too heavy to be borne. It may be justly said lhat dur ing your administration you have observed the true mean between extravagance on the one hand and a narrow, niggardly policy on the other. The contracting power vested in this office it also very import ant. This is the rogue's favorite point of attack, and I suppose, taking the country over, there has been more corruption among contracting officials than any other. The public officer who stands firm at this point, who does not allow himself to be eith er corrupted or duped, deserves well of his fellow-citizens. This 1 believe you have done, and the record yon have made is one .you can justly lookback upon with pride and satisfaction, and one that the generation to follow f need not be ashamed of. As a memento of your public services and an expression of the appreciation of them, I "am di rected by your fellow-citizens to present to vou this beautiful Gold Watch and Chain. Gold is one of the pure metals and may be emblematical or the purity of your. administration. This watch is said to be a good time-keeper, running neither too fast nor too slow, and in that re spect it represents your conduct in office, arriving at conclusions bv deliberate judgment, but not by undue haste nor b' wearisome slothfnlness. With these remarks I have the honor to deliver this handsome present. Mr. Purse! 1, Mr. Wright and Mr. Green made short addressee, complimentary to Mr. Woodruff. Mr. Woodruff responded in fit ting teims of thanks, and invited the company to join with him in a supper at Kessler's, which in vitation it is needless to say was accepted b' all. Seventy-three guests were entertained, and all join in the expression that the affair was one of the happiest Logan has ever enjoyed. We may here remark lhat this local feature in Logan is one of her traits that makes her verita bly a Queen. We took our little boy with, us, because we thought in the company of such gentlemen he would learn more than in a col lege, and in the lesson under neath it all, the American Idea, that the man who is trusted by his fellows, and who in the dis charge of an office whi-'h is a public trust, he does his duty honestly and efficiently, he will be approved, not only his own conscience, but by the hearty endorsement of his honest and intelligent fellow men. Our Logan style of letting men out of office is a good one, aud the meeting doing honor to a re tiring official, last Friday even ing is as wholesome in ifs influ ences in our midst as a conclave of divines, a Teachers' Institute, or a session of Congressional politicians. IIOlIHi! EStlViaVtl, On last Tuesday morning about five o'clock, the house of Nicho las Sfribner, living in Bentou township near Wesly Chapel,, caught fire and was burned In gether with all the contents. The fae was first discovered on the roof, and is supposed to have caught from a spark. lie had made the morning fire and as 'in returned to bed. He was aroused by hearing the crackling of the fire in the roof, and tho screams of the little boy who slept up stairs. The boy luckily escaped, but was so badly frightened that he ran off" half a mile in his night clothes. AH the household goods were burned, also Irs wheat, which he had stored in the house. Mr. Scribner is a poor man, honest and industrious, and de serves the help of the people in his sad loss. We hope the good people of the county generally will aid him in Ins destitution, in the face of the coming winter. AN EDITOR'S TRUJUTB Thurou P. Ceator, Editor of Ft. Wayne, I ml., " Gazette,'' writes : "For the past five years have al ways ued Dr King's New Discov ery, for coughs of the most severe character, as well as for those of milder type. It never tails to ef fect a speedy cure. My friends to whom I h:ive reccom mended it speak jof t in the same high terms. Having heMi cured by it of every cough f have had fur five year, I NEW AND BEAUTIFUL Holiday Attractions -AT- ThoOlrt Corner Store Museum rMablish ini'iit isiearty unci waiting to supply nil with IleauUlul CItiistiiias Presents I Every -y.iut satisfied! Evctry taste grati- fif.I I T. .. 1....... .l.ll..1....,l I COllSlder it tllO OIllV rehab 0 ailfl Savetimc. money and trouble. Get the . -, . , 1 ,1 .best and cheapen iiy choosing fiom tin: P suiu i;uiu iui vjejuua, -uiua, ciu Call atF. Harrington's Drug Stc aud get a freo trial bottle, size $1,00. Larue A. K. JL J - c; v (J O D vj jitt On VjT -Chaplain PC IvJ The officers of the G. A. R. elected for the year 1S85, are as follows: S H Bright S Stradley John Wolff. J E F Vanhorn Geo Flartman id. otU 1 tZ.. ........ ...... Raymond Jacob Weaver, Delegate to Dept. Encampment. R O Kittsmiller, Alternate to Dept. Encampment. Santa Clans knows his man. Tie knows Col. Beinpel, and has gone into parMiership with him. They make a strong Holiday team and successful goers on the Christmas track. See advertisement elsowhero. JUST AS GOOD. Man' unscrupulous dealers may gams in clicnp.aml Miitaulc rrc-iiit!.in Toys, Notions, Fancy Ware. Liu S sicnl Goods, Fruits, Nuts, tii Conlectionery, etc., rrwitBwewi mm imm ri wtl 'k--b' him ijajj.jLAju.j ,. .1 n !! ; ihbbw. OLD WAT. KEW WAT. 1 cIi SSSrSfagssaaCT "MKFssr- &-ksrCrt: '- rO tho awl and the children we have bar- (fptS9 tiWSW1 pmjsi FMsarrM &fi8m&m&?5 :-ws - -&2rJfei23& 9c .- 'jy-v VivE5w'.ii'. . " 43E Si in genenil variety to All every wMi and want, '"hcaifh ami thc'poorc.'iu rllkc he ncroniinoil'itcMl.av we are bouui! to sell at nil .i tUnrr l,oro vmn,i;M fn,.H-OM, wile: Ulan miss a mic lli lism A..I j" i..v,j itt. .v,..iv.v.ivo "! tinier. 11 it ner than hold t-.iy gooiN over Coughs and Colds equal in merit ' .j1,1 wenrnL'tuVci col"'iuit cr and every respect just as good as the old reliable Dr. Bosanko's h;sell we will 1,2 Conic then one, come than all, rcproat 1lir.ll! Ifliris. f llflmietwlttitf 1- 'l-icl meiiif.5- C0U2h and LllUg Syrup, and UlliesS! tins the parents and the eh hlren, espocl- . . ' ,. , ,1 "1'y the Mothers and the liable, JO tijciu- VOU insist Upon this remedy and . i"e the Grand Display :nd assortment of HootN brought heie Irom the tho Will tike 110 Other, you are liable W'e,tin a gencinl selection orapecialtie'-, to be greatly deceived, r rice oOctS i "ens to visit larse cities to purchase their xiuiuwiy j-iesciif-- aim uesuoject lo luidl PATENTED AUGUST 23. 1S83. Si KE1TU. BBAZLL INDIAN A." t ar z- ; & i mt oa I e and $1,00. Sold by Miller .fc Case. $---. rr- Tho prevailing opinion rerard ing the girl of the period is unjust. A few decades back she spun, wove, knit, &c. These thinirs havo given way to modern macMnery. She has higher planes, is of an orna ment ; when in health is beautiful. She takes Dr. Jones' .Red Clover Tome, which clears the complexion, drives away pimples and cures all diseases of tho stomach, liver and kidneys. Fifty cents of Miller & Case. flt91- HolidayPrize Oifered sj :Kel)cr's. - -: - This year Eeber & Co. will give away six prizes to custom ers buying Holiday Goods, each dollars worth boiurht entitling the buyer to one chance. The prizes consist of the following valuable arlicjes: 13 bolts Gold Wall Paper and 72 leet Embossed Gold Border to match, 515.00. " Cue Floral Photograph Album $6.50 One Oleograph, in Gold Frame ijiS.OU. Dressed Doll $5.00. Pair Ebony Poles, Brass Trim mings, $-1.00. Pair Plush Picture Frames 63.75. VJBIir HEiiAJtKABLE RECOVERY. Persons whose lungs are impair ed or have throat diseases should not qo to the sea shore, as the air is always poisonous to such troubles. Use Dr. Bigelow's Positive Cure ; it cures coushs, colds, croup, bron chitis asthma, influenzi, and a'.l throat and lung diseases Montgom ery cfc Co.. druqgists. Decorah, Jn., says : "We are having a run on Posit ivo Cure. It gives nnivors-d satisfaction." Price 50 cents and one dollar ; Jrial bottles free pt Miller & Case", - - 1S8-1. Christmas New Year. 1885- EXBT?lSIUi RATB3 3"025 T8SE 2IOIif.3S)1iYS. tiavelin,: expenst-s. Come then to the Ol.t Sellable Museum, Sx CTA ITS, ayrrLa VioeA J g"-IrtnN f?a aura 1X22J y Come to the Old Veteran Corner or the Queen City, Loxau, Always noli-i-ble. Everybody weleotne. All wtil be fuiily and Honestly tie.itid by nect mino datiny Clerks ready to wait on all euto m rs. FCSID K. llliilPEL. L.oan, Ucceinber 11 uw Stockholders' Meeting. The Annual ?.IectMof Stotkholders or the HoeMng Valley Kiie.llrick Comiuny will be iieldat tlieollieeot theComuanv, on THURSDAY, January lEth. 1SS5, .'or the election ot seven (7) Direjor and uch otlicr busiiies:; sm mav come beforo the meeting. The polN will be open Irom 10 o'elo k,a. m. lo 2 o'clock, p. in. CtlAS. K. IIOWEX, Pres't. Log. n, Deceuiber 11,.ISS1 lw Notice lo Heirs. Tho State of Ohio Hocking I'oai.ty ss. J In Probate Com t In tlio mittcr of the last Will and Testa ment ot Oakley Cube, deceased. To Marcarat A . Case, widow, Amanda E, C.tsc, .viable fane, Oliarles O. Cook, Lewis G. C.ok, .Mary E. Cook, Albert C. Coo!:, or Ho 'kiig county, Oliio. Lemuel A. Caie, of Hainiltoii comity, Ohi, and Ihnma Cfse, of Kiaukliu counly, Ohio: You are hereby oot.iled timt on theSth day ot live., 1S3I, an ins' rumen t oi wiit in,puiortiiito be the Will and Tes ta nieiit of u.ikley Case, late of Logan Yj.'l!Uievi;s.i.iIci coiifty, deceased, w.s pio--vnicwtl in oirtii C'outti -an :'iinliivil..n .to admit the to Probate, was on the s'ime day nnde m said Comt. Saiil appli- caii'in ni lie lorne.irju bero.othi- Court on tlie Set day oi rJecember, Ital, at 1 o'clock, A.M. W.T. ACKEK, Probate J'idgo. Dec. 11 lw. Pan-Handle Railway. Mr. Geo. V. Willing, of Manches ter, ..Mich., writes: My wife has been almost helpless for fivo years, so helpless that slio could not turn over in bed alone. She used two bott'es of Electric Bitters, and isifio much improved, that she is able now to do her own work." Electric Bitters will do all that is clnimea lor them. Ilundreds of testimonials attest their great cura tive powers. Only fifty cents a bottle at F. Harrington's. In accordance with its usual cus tom, the Pan-Handle Route Pitts burgh. Cinuinoalc & St. Louis iiy. Company aud tho Chicago, St. Louis & Pittsburgh Railroad Com pany announces the snle of cheap excursion tickets to and trom all Stations during the Christmas 13 ol tiays. TicJ-cls will be sold on Doc. 24th, 25ih.ind 31st, 1884, and Jan 1st. 1SS5, inclusive. The rales wilNie low, affording everybody an opportunity to spend Christmas and New Year among relatives or 'riends at a distance or to visit the large cities and other points of in terest located on the lines controll ed by (he above Companies. Fpou application, Agents of the Pan Aaudie Roulo will cheerfully fur nish limoof trains, rates of fare and further information. E. A. FORD, PROBATA NorjcTO, Notice is hereby i;iv-n, that the follow ing accounts and oucnershne been tiled in t lie Probate Court or ilockniR county, Oliio, for ."CtCemciil, Cha-'es A. Knsliu-l, xeenlor of the will of Xatiian It. Kiisl.xnd, and tlie same will come on for hearing on tlu'iiih .lay i. .1 urn iry IP-5. i.t ia o'clock, it. m. or as .i.-io u thereafter as may be con venient. vr. T. ACivKU, Probate Judge. Dec. ll-3w SPRING STREET. LOGAN, OHIO. CST. We are nrenared lo bui'd all kinds of Carnages, Buggies and bprins: Waanns. at the cry 'owe.-! piices. All kinds oi Re- pamnir none. Vyo'ni vork of all ktnd neatly executed, and complete lot of Finished V'urk constantly on hand. A large Garriag-e. Buggy and Sign Pain! ing; At the lowest prices, and guarantee the best job in the city. We warrant all our Biacksmithing asfirst-clas. Also horse-shoeing and everything pertaining to our branch of business. Call an 1 give us a trial before going elsewhere. April 24, 1884-ly ' FIKE & KIRKER The Store of AYER'S Gheny Pectoral. Ko .'tlir con.pHb.tsr.reso iujidiousin their atta?UiMth.c.'.lI tins :L threat ecu In:tgs: nor.s o tri3;.' by the ni;,"'ily of BtrtTisr er'. The or.lir.srj- coch vr cold, rcsuilunt ".apa lrcn t-;ir.g or uacocidoM tem pinrs, is ulun but tie bcvj'miliig ul a Xa!a s.ckness. Ayki's Curjtai twrtoHAi. Ivss well proTsu Hi eiHcacy In & Jjrty Ttor H'nht vilh tLrcs.t RJui long difas.3, ctul Lv.iLul 09 tnkoa ts. all cuia -sliiotit delay. A TerrlMa Con-h Cnr-U "In 16ST 1 look a Sererecoid, -si. zh r J"vetcJ my Inuf ?. J ha-t a terrible coi c-h. ami ps?jc,ti night ai icr tight without slaep. i . c ootitu Sireiaa uj.. 1 ir. 1 AVKH'lt le Tiu.L, p-hich re 'ed iar Iubr.. indnool sleep, anii aili-nitcl me tse reit i-o-eiscry fur tli recovery of my rtreegtb. i;y t.o rcmtiiiu: u ,". i r IiiiTonAi. r- Cr'l.a eur3 r.i cjv-. 1 am now C; year o.d, n.i.e nul hojrtr, ard am ratui2od jour ' i;ut:iuv I'l ii.i:Ai." r.i?il mc. KcJtrr F'Atni.TinifirJ' Koc-Oughaui, Vu, ttuly ;5, 1562. Cronp. A IttoUir Trlbntev, ""While ia tho conutry l2;t arinter my HUI3 hor.tiire jtaisoii!,as taiei: ill with crcupj i'. rfecined 3 if he wrulcl cllo Irom stranga Iwion. Ore of thefumily foggestei' the nao .i AYKU'S CUBKKY PlOIVlZXL. 2 U UI (4 whi-b was .ilvrsy kr;.t hi lie boue. Ttl hatiicd ia siuoll uwi Jrequcct c!oss, ari to our delight in lci than Lalf an hoar tho little jJfttinuw.islrerlUinj: easily. Tlu do tor said Uiat the Chlkry rcioa.i. had i.iveii my ctu-lius's life. Can yoa cooder ai our gratitude? S;:ccrclj jt.nrj, ii iJs'VxxA. Ccrscv.' 159 ITcst lSi St., J crc York, May K, Uf "I l:avo nwdirrc's CrnisT Prrron.iv in lny family fsr tcierzl 3 cars, !il ilo ia. hesitr.ta to rroroni ee It tle n-cst elfcrtoni rei.iwly for iiissLs and eolJs'mo U:xz t-rrr trivl. A. .1. C'rajsc" 1-iko Crystal. JUr.a., March iC, lSbi. " I sr.fforcwl for tijit je?r? f rrr rroncMtf. an-i rlV-.-trj:!2 vay in t Jiec vrith bo rnc c-s. 1 fs cured by thv- u of .ir-R r Cnut- J.V i rtl l U uOICTU,rt Ujl-alia, M:u., Ai rii t, liSS. "5 cannot say encoi'-.'n t-aUa of Atijl Cn'.inr rrrnici, 1 lif p-.-' I do that bin for 5t ie I L.i ,llo:uinc.- dlecj fr-.p Ian; tr.iuMn ". ZiKt.iiDOX.''. i-.Vetie, Teifts, .Ap-'I !, lt$S. K cise of an ffcsstan of t7ie throat a tnug exiis ch.oli r.uiuot bc'gtvatly relurred by rhc c.-? of Arra's Cinuutr 1'cctojux aivl .t trill ateays ciw rrben tlie ciisaaaa t not ireaJy boyoa-.l the ccctrol vl icodtciac. racrjar by Dp.J.C. Ayer&CcL&vifcIt, team Cold ty all Pruggia!. 3 ' iS5k Jlllio SIIS r fikiw :4 "? fj . wrg A tiiyCB. ?w iL ImS ul k P 7 V- Probate Jrolice. Xotic is horjby riven Hi it tli'j lollov; iii;;' vottuhcr !i:ivc lieuii tilcl in tlie-l'robiite Coait ot lluokliig county, O. iur u.cicniL'iii. J0I111 Cirpf-ut"'!. executor of the AVI II of Iviiaimt'I C irpe itor, ci;cM, ml thus imc- vviii ciin on for lienrinij ontjiur.tii .cliiy o!"Ji:in:irv, ISSj, at 10 o'-cjf.ic-k a. m. or :i3 .-.0.111'cr :vs m.iy bo couvi'iiicut. y.T. ACKEU, riobateJuili-e. i)eell-3w COB3T. ?50 00 Thelaw requires that the Judge shall appoint each year a com mittee of five, throe ladies and two gentlemen, whose duty il shall be lo visit all the public in stitutions of the county, and re port, afler examination, the con dition in which they are found, and also make such suggestions as may to them, seem proper. The report of the committee appointed last year has been presented lo the court, and was accepted and iiled. It is a bliz- Total, The committee, consisting of Auditor and Commissioners, ap plied the money collected in the purchase of a handsome gold watch and chain. By the skillful management of Commissioners Karshner antl Trimmer, it was found out that Bill Wood ru A' wauled a gold watch and intended buying one as soon as he retired from office. His friends anticipated his wishes and we are sure tiie watch he earner will be all the more high ly prized because it is the present ofjiis friends, and aj testimonial of his honorable record in the Dublic service. On last Friday evening a meet ing was held in the Auditor's of fice. 'Squire Davey was made Chairman and A. II. V.'iisoii, Sec retary. Air. WoodruiT was sent for. Mr. S. H. Bright, in behalf of the assembled company, made zard, and will make a commo tion. The report will be pub-i the presentation speech, in sub- lished next week. The committee appointed for the next year are the following: Mrs. S.H UrighL Sirs. John 0-Rouhe.-ter, ?ti.--S Kate Kessler. i W. V llcCray and Mr. 12. V,. Comly. stance as lolluws "Sir. Woodruff I have been requested by a large numbei of your fellow citizens who have contributed to the gill 1 am about There has been but little busi ness of public interest in court during the last week. The jury lias had but few ca ses to try. The large majority of the suits have been submitted to the Judge for decision. In the case of James vs Cresap in a complicated matter of rents and responsibilities of the Old Soap Factory, the decree was in favor of James. The suit of the People's Bank against Mrs. Walt on the claim that she was indebted to the Hank, was decided in favor of the Dank. The sheep case of Alexander against Airen was decided in fa vor of Allen, The cases of the ?Iiners charged with riot and shooting with in tent to kill, have all been con tinued until the next term. Court adjourned until Wednes day, Judge Friesner being called to open court at New Lexington. To WllOir IT MAY CONCERN. I herebjr give notice to all persons not to harbor or trust my wife, Anna Eliza Lanning, as I will pay no debts of her contraction. WARREN' LANNIKG. Excursion to western innd points via B. &. O Until further notice the B. & O. 11. R. Co. will sell round trip tickets to the following Western land points at half rites. Albino, Baxter Springs, Council Grove, Florence, Ilolton, Indepen dence and Ree e, Kansas; aud3Col limbus Jjinco'n and Grand Island. Neb. Tickets will be good for 45 days. Here is j'our oppoilunity to visit the West at the lowest rates ever offered. Bjggago checked through to destination. For rates cic, call upon or address Agents B. & O. K. K BUCK L EN'S ARNICA SALVE The BestS.dve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chap p d Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no nay required. It is guaranteed to give satisfaction. or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For Sale By F. Harring ton, .may 8- ly. Vii333a.3;ic &Hrj!!r'Iau Property For SaEe. Gen'l Pass. & Ticket Agt. . 18 8 5. HARPERS WMhimE. ILLUSTRATED. Probate Notice. Xotioel- ieroliy eircn that tho follovrin? ac-onuts mi vouchers li.ivo lieuii fi!":l i.. tiiui'ro'iito i wrto. Hocking CoiuU-.OMo forfir.t Aettletnciit. John llini-e!!..'ii:ir(!i:iuofKU.a. Wcbteu h"er,:in iniuc-tilf. .ini lliesiiuic will come on for hctrhi" on tli5t!i il.iy of Jni., lSii, lit Id o'.-lock a. ni.ora-jsoou liieri-altenis may bo convenient- aaes affiU3p ' sasiid will g ' i3S Essga-aR9 saaaa kae &mm i'i 3:5 epaoriss' to 'gX.&JEliis Vogatable Sicilian cm G;S fl3SS2dS r rs-a 5 fuy vi. 3S. r?s.gE:r isfisd. e Baiga as?salaa aE3S Si2 fejt&eis paiPua Dec 11 3v W.T. AVKrlR. Sv. .hicie. Probate Police' No. ico fs htr-liy Svcii tlit't "liorcllowiu" actti'ij. iaini viitii-ncrs it tve Sh-jii i!!t.i in ... u l'.-ob:ue v ;i..i u tiui'Uing County, O., i.t 11 ft hi. i u i.uc iimciii. Joim It U'., Kiiriii::ii of Joeiili L,eh niin. nn inil't'ci'i. A nd will come on fo.- Iicnrin:; on lie C1I1 dry o- Juiuniy, ISS3, ntlOo'-cIo.-K, . 111. ur .ii &03U as mav oe convenient. asesF& 5ieo &c5d wMl h g'3il w&v?$ F.T !"3 - r 11 rs. u. f? 73:l L5r'3tl4 KSlVfeiiy HS'VCd. && M-S.'ii. CSiiiU gadefes.3 t csss October 23, 1SS3 if . cssggss ue4? 5""! si Dec 11 Gw W.T. ACICCa, rrobate Judge. Miller & Case, the druggists, who are always looking after the interests of their customsr'. have now secured the sale of Dr. Bosan ko's Cough and Lung Syrup, a rem edy that never finis to euro Coughs, Colds, Pains in the Chest and all I will sell my property near the Fair Grounds at reasonable rates. j he property consists of three acres of nice level ground, fronting the street. A good dwelling house, good stable, and all necessary out buildings. For price and forms, apply to me at my residence. W. J. WILLIAMS. dec. 4, tf. "With the new volume, begin ning in December, Harper's Mag azine will conclude ils 351 h year. The oldest periodical of its type, it is yet in each new volume, a new magazine, not simply bo cause it presents fresh subjects and new pictures, but also, and chiefly, because it steadily ad vances in the method itself ol magazine making. In a word, the Magazine becomes moreand more the faithful mirror of cur rent life and movement. Lead ing features l.i the attractive pro gramme of 1SS5 are: new serial novels bv Constance Fenimore Woolson and W. D. Howells ; a new novel entitled ''At the Red Glove;" .disrriptive illustrated papers bv F. D. Milletf, R. Swain Gilford, "E. A! Anbury, II. Gib son ard others; Goldsmith's 'She Stoops lo Conquer," illustrated by Abbey ; important papers on Art, Science, etc. UAKPJER'S PERIODICALS Per Year: Harper's Magazine," $4 00 Harper's Weekly 4 00 Harper's Bazar 4 00 Harper's Young People 2 00 Harpers Franklin Square Library, one year 52 Nes 10 00 Postage Free to all subscribers in the United Stales or Canada. pr fx rx tt t f Mi Mjr Lr M i FAS niGN ABLE Merchant i&ilomg, - .mn gfitswm w milJ mSir S'i"-- M fj a DIE By tho car or snnller quantities. Tho Cheapest and the Rest. Yard opposite the Gas Factory, Logan. Ohi Leave orders at George Fo::'s Meat Stand'or at vaid. AugUbt 14 3m. ISAIAH TORIS. BUCSnEAM'g XOKTOH WHISKESS Will ohaasc? tlio ttard to a t-araxsl bn-ni, crWck.aslriiret ltproluctsperf:iafc'tr i5tor that win not vasli away. Cccs'm & a in;Io preparation, it Is arj.Iiscl wIiIhk.- trouble. PEEPAEED ET E.P.IftLfiCO.IMffiI.IL Sol J by all r elcrs lu Mcdleiuoa. roE An, the roiMS nv zTj nvivuricUi iHfc- TIj1 Ti?eT-- th 1)t remedy; btcnms tba ;ih mote scare nine ana uicrooA. 5v bloott-ptirSer, is AysrJs SarsapariHa. SoM I7 all Drsslsts ; 51, ate bottles, i- i 011 f-J8 -c ci n S. .VZ tf jS- -&& t&k Pavorablylknown tc this comnmalty as oacoi tho best .: u s? 'T ie m s in tlio State, linn onpnecl a Jlorcliant Tail oiingSIioi) in thespyby builiiiiimicl wil keep on iiaiul tlio bost ami latett styles of ?r.? W "HE BEST urnisiimg Boods n 2? I kt AND WILL MAKE (? ON SHOUT NOJTCE. lei mftjont In vou. to make s-.omel remarks suited ro I lw occasion ou L"n Affections. Price 50 cents your retirement from office. j and $1,00. Samples free. A Life-saying Present, Mr. M. E, Allison, Hutchinson, Kan., saved his life by a simple Tiial Bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery, for Consumption, which cauced him to procure a large bot tle, that completely cured him, when Doctors, change of climate, and everything elie had failed. Asthma. Bronchi us, Hoarseness, Severe Coughs, and all Throat and Lung diseases, it is guaranteed to cure. Trial Hottlcs free atF. Harrington's rrncr fttnvfv T.nvrrn civn t1 f)f) Feb. 15,-1 yr. ( The volumes of the Magazine begins with the .Numbers for June and December ot 1T1 i" ... H lien no time isspecilieu it will be understood that the subscriber wishes to begin with the current Number. The last eleven Semi-annual Volumes of Harper's Magazine, in neat, cloth binding, will be sent by mail, post paid, on re ceipt ol S3.0u per volnmn. Cluiii oases, for binding, 50 cents each by mail, post paid. Index lo Harper's Magazine, Alphabetical, Analytical' and Classified, for Vols. 1 to GO. in clusive, from June 1S50 lo June 1SS0, one vol., Svo, Cloth, $4 00. Remittances should be made by Post-office Money Older or Draft, to avoid chances of loss. Newspapeis are not to copy this advertisement without ex press order of Harper & Gros. Address rJAfiPEit & Duos. Js'ew Yo'ikv 1B0E iOOBS. Call and see his Stock of Piecc Goods and learn his prices. &, &4kki&&iU& Mil Guaranteed! Call and see me, Three Doors East of the First Bank, Logan (). D. J. GEES A P. ' Save looey, RiSl ' 4&r ?ll Ir'lHm ill UOsSfiilU Ltl.lVMliMk VOV. THE JIOXEY.isto buy at the OHIio. Il !uves f;iei:se oi conimS'sion and u lioiio in tr-iVcIiiiK in)!" boiisv? to liciusv. Vuti cu:i juntas well have abnve expeiibes, a, yon can in bming your dry soo'ls. When you buy a Uoiu--tic-or :-'.v4IIome you pet the best. All other makes callc-d owili"li Arm niacliinesaru imitation!. and none aie their jiecrs. The Do!iie-tIc and New Home have new styles of wood work, and now bets of Attachments that othiTsd.ire not use. Comeand bee turyour seles and you will I.t'vonviin-.'il thatthe above is reliable, and it you have a Domes tic or New Iioinrthathnsbcen in ii'-cfrom 10 toiOye.irdo not let them humbug 3 ou with their bo-e.t'led new hish arm ma- chine.-ind trade you out cfii, whieh they wl!l try to do, but liriiiK your machines to me and I will nut in the new Domestic or New Home Improvement'-, then you will have a better machine and one that will last iouirer than the liich arm imitation ones, and save your money and have th best machine J11 thewotici. HENRY LUTZ. CB"A11 Icimls ofinai-hint-aiHl inachinery rcpaireJ in the bebt maiior and at reabon able pnee-s. mi.! haveSdlfTerent styles of Jlachines 011 hand, whieh I will sell at lo'V rates. Call and examine them. Fobm "bt-if Hesrt Lctz. BOY,.- - jyiir h ii 3r.XUFACXUKER OF AND DEALER IN BOOTS & SHOES! AFE sr UTra pftstt; ? nj& ?3&&f if f ;."i. - x.vs ' c& ''Wi-J -? 1 yyj..' Kr ' Notice of Appointment. Estate of Abigal Stump, Dec'd. .''.'A - T-kN "i fli'J-t'iA-i.iS WO.! yz. - v jr.- .ArCi: K- .'Vi g ri mms fOR THE DSE OF g Dose. To move tie 8e .t trfh&v tls gtnihj, 2 to 4 PUlai thoroughly, i to 6 Pill. Erptricxce icilliTecxtle 11 proptr date in taclCcstc. THE The undersiirncd luiboerj appointed and quiHlIed -ib A.lmlni.itrator of the Instate of Abigil Stump, late of llockini; County, c!e ceaeed. KL1 M. V,"EST. Dated thi27tliUar of aNoember, AD. liSl nov27 3v,'. MILLER & CASE WILL GIVE YOU . On a Single Subscription, for any Elizabeth Harper's Estate. The undersigned has been appointed and qualified as Administrator with the will annexed or the est tte ot Klir-tbeth Harper, late -i Hockiug county. C. II. DUKUUAUS. November 20 3 w 1. 5a1 vsa y And Latest Styles of 3Iens La dies and Childrens' Shoes. Heavy and Strong Soots and Shoes For every Day Work; Also Light, Elegant, Fashionable for Gents' Ladies, M.sses and Children. ATTACHMENT NOTICE. Thomas Swopston vs Joseph I5uar.l. Before E. T. Hone, J. 1. of Benton town ship, Iloeltimj county. Oliio. On the-lili ilnv of November. 1KSI. said Justice nn order of attachment in PAPER OR M A CI A 7 17CF e aiicivc action fur the sum of tv.cnty kj ul j r AIlS i two ti0u:,r,.iu,i twenty-tivc- cent- C-V-'o.) . TllOiiAS fcV Kl'S 11' . EjXov. 20. loSl-3W Published in United States or Europe Call and get pure. . deell-7t Joseph Lehman's Estate. The undersigned lias been appointed and qu.ilifi' d as AclintniMr.itor oi the es tate of Joseph Lehman, talo r Iloekin county, deceased. THOMAS liEUMAX. Dec. 11 3w JOHN HANSEN, Attorney - at - Law, LOGAN, OHIO. Office in DoIIUon Clock, rear of Court 110 use. "The best assortment of any Store in Lo i?an. The cheapest prices and the ruoat re liable Goods. REPAIRING Boots, Shoes and S'inpers Re paired Promptly. GU3TQ$3 WO?l!C. The best Shoe makers of Losan are em-1 ploj cd and work made promptly to order. The public has my thanks for liberal cusioiu.aini nreinvHCu 10 cnuiinue uieir: J NO. E. UAUCII. ' Tor Constlgatlon, or CoetiTccew, ca remedy in so effectiTe as Ayek's rizxsu Tlicy inssro regular daily action, and r. Storo tlio bowels to a heaiUiy coaditioa. Tor IadlzcBtlcn, or Uyspppida, ATXB'S Pills aro imalnable, and a sure caro. Heart-burn, 1,03 of Appetite, Foul Stoxnob, Flatulency, liizzluctr, Bead ache, Numbness, Nausea, aro all raUcTed unci cured by Ateb'8 Pills. In Liver Complaint, Billons Disorder, and Jaandlcc, Ayer'3 Pills rbcnld t given in doses large enough to excite tU liTcr aad lotrelc, and rcmore constiptOer. As a cleaasitg laedicino in the Spring, these Pills aro unequalled. "Worrcs, caused by a mortid condition oi. tho bowels, aro expelled by these Pills. Eruptions, Skin Diseases, Flles tfca result of Indigestion or Constipation, are cured by the use of Aral's Pills. For Colds, taie Ayer'b Pills to open tho pores, reniOTe iniUniiLatcry secretions, and allay tic fiver. For Diarrhoea and Dysentery, caused by ndleu cold, iialigcjLlo foou, etc., Ars&'a Pills are tho true remedy. HhcunmtiKiii, Gout, Kenvslgia, and BciRtlca,oftfcii resuitfrom dlgeatire derange ment, or coMs, and disappear on removing tho causo by the uso of Ater's Tills. Tumors, Dropsy, Kidney Complaints, and other disorders caused by debility or obstruction, aro cared by AVer's Pills. SupprcBjioa, and Painful Sltuatras. tion, Lave a safe and ready renwdy la AVER'S PILLS. Full directions, in rariota langrtsget, a. company each pactage. PREPARED BT Dr. J. C. Ayer&Co., Lowe!.', Ma. Sold by all Drurgtsti. HAIR EEHEWER- was th first preycxalloa i.erf sell luzptsd to sate diseases of tao scIp, and tl.s Cut sas eeuful restorer of fads crgr-.j Lair to Its nataril color, grostli, and youth! ul i-eacty. It ha had many i-nitatort, 5ns none Usje s fully m all the requirements cciuful ft? ths jreper trsatmo-tt. of the kalr and scalp. HAL-'a IlAin Rkssiceb i?3 stciily jro-cn In txfvt, ana spread Its and cuelnlits to STory qajcrter of tje fic. ItJ utrara Islsd incctcK can be attribcted to let oca dtn: ittntrthyilieitrrit:jrr!i!Ks. Tho propristcrs haTo cfica been scrpr..r at tho revrsipt of onlsrs froai rv.iaot euoo trivs,'j they had nsrermaas aa ciTortfor Ha h-:rcdu:ticn. Ths as for -. short tiin of Hall's Habk I'.BNiVTEn -oi:derfully iiarrcTC3 tl.8 rer maal aptearaaei. It dcacrv.s tht S'aZu fraur aU impcr:t:f, eurca all humors, foTCr, scd" ur-nis, a-J thus prevents Kalihirss. It stin-alatcs C:o Treakccod glands sj..! cal!e3 tier: to posh forrard a new red rigoroEB ST'rxCi. Tax eOcta of thia article are not tr-.tisient, Via those c rlcohoh'e j rc?ara io3s,bat a long ti.u.'Eliish uakca its us a ru.-i.ttcr of scuuoniy. m t W-H d J April 1 ly patronage. Sk Mm