"-jTrj p? ,T, aSl jVF""'" r '"'" "'" ) msmmmamssmmmsmffsmwssiif -' i(piieiawgrTiyappM.rB m f St A i-; -v ? iiii MMiiiiinfiT niniWWi.tiiJjjfmt.Ji 'jt-J-Sjt iiijirmniimuniniuaiMitiiiuupjjMiii-iJiiiiiiiiijuuytBJ. m-iuxu i - " . hi F SUCCESS. -J HomoTaloni Play Abovo the Average. "IRElfi, THE REBEL SPY" Put onSthe Boards in Grand '., Style. a Tho phiy of 'Irono, tho Robot that Barton Bhould retain a private Spy," giiVon here lust Friday night right of way ovor tho road. Tho by tho l.-ocnl company, under tho plaintiff horo petitions tho Coin nuspiccaof tho G, A. R. and Sons misaionera to agnin vncnto tho of Vetoralns, wob a dolightfui sur- priso. Even? member of the cast was nn a'matour, and not much of liiBtronic' display wan oxpooted, forthut "reaxon. Tho rc8UliB'of bIx woelics curefuLaiid earnoBt ro- heareals'jjiowovor, produced tho most gratifying ro-ultP, unci a pjy that no conji pan-, net-d have been ashamed ofl As a mutter of fuct, it was seyeiyal bundled pnr cent nheud of niu.ny profojfionHl' plnjs that are on tin- rnad in the I, sfc few year -The largevsV house cf tho scuBijn greeted the. ptajrars with unfmnt-ri applause from thex. lir-it riso to the closing song "Union Forever " For several (.f the company this waB strictly a first appearance. Mr. Charles Smith as Bob Win Chester and Slfss Mary Josephine Wright, as Trixy hero mado their debut, dramatically, and both captured their audienco. Mr. Eugene Bolt, as Clyde Winchester, tho "heavy," sustained a part al together new to him, as ho has herotoforo shono in comedy. Mies Josephino England had tho role of Madge Sheldon, Hob's "girl," and handled her part with char acteristic grace. , Orla Wright, as John Winches ter, the old man, had a role in which ho has always excelled. His make-up was good, und tho personal peculiarities of tho char acter wore admirably sustainod throughout the porformanco. The heavier part of' tho piny, tho plot itself, was beautifully sot off by the comedy roles of Miss Wright as Trixy and Mr. Emerscn Poaton, as Sir Humphrey Lester Revel, U. T., a reporter. Their scenes wore productive of fun, and they undoubtedly mado a great hit. Tho loading roles, Irene, by Miss James, 'and Jack Trnvers, later Captain Huntington, by Mr. Fred Naiio, woro faultless, Miss James neods no introduction to a Logan audienco; tho expectations resulting from her previous efforts wero more than justified Friday evening. Mr. Nailo, in tho" mili tary character so exceptionally suited to him, completely outdid all his earlier triumphs. Ho playod his part like a star, and that is tho most wo can pay of him. Mr. Ed. Beck as Maginnin tho policeman made a decided hit in tho first act, and appearod to ad vantage later as a private. On tho wholo tho play was pro duced without a lliiw. Groat crodit 1b due tho entire company, who played almost without in struction, as well as to General Gago and Mr. Beok, who managod tho business so carefully. It was an entire and brilliant success. (J HAND Juur J, W, Gabriel, I-.ogi.njE. H. Tom, Ward; J, W. Aohauorfl Green , Dan Lolnnun, Falls ; An drew Woodgenrd, Benton ; Ilorshel Hunesworth, Ward; W. J. Biggs, Washington; Fred White, l'orry; Sum Blgham, Laure; Abraham Kllno, Goodhope; Stanley Baird, Ward; F. M. Sudlow, Starr; Low is Hartmann, Logan; J, A, Keller, Falls; OrlnKeld, Ward. VKTTIT jyuoKB Mart SJiuttleworth, Ward,; John BilliBon, Logan; Win, Edwards, Ward; H, R, Harrington, Logan; J, D. Shaw, Oreen; Allen Murphy, FhIIh j II, S, Brown, Starr; J, K, - Stiere, Logan; Ed. Han?lln, RS CHOSEN. Qtcetii William II. Niton, Fall, 0, R, Goodwin, Washington, Marlon llnnscl, Starr ', Dnii Soli tiny, Logan 5 'i'otil Hrnddook, Log nn. Ohnrleq Miller, Wnrdj .1. W. iSlmw, liotiton; E, T, Evntis, Log nn; Harry Hlsloy, Logan. Court convencB Mortdny, April I 2nd. Road-Gase Dismissed. The County Commiealonoi', nt this meotlug Bnturdny, dismissed tho petition of II. C. Knlklosoh, in tho road case of lvalklosch vs Win. Norton. . Tho former owna loud in Washington Township through which n public rood fonnorly rnn. In 1070 nn agreement was mndo between him and Itarton, whoreby tills road was to bo vacated by the Commissioners, jon tho condition road. In answer, Barton set up tliu acrroament as stulod. and it was found by tho records thutsuch vacation h.id boon mndo in 1870. On motion of Barton, and his ro- monstnmco, tho case was dismiss- ed AttornoyB in' tho can' were MePBt-rs. Sparnon ana Joiin fetus for the pluintlff, and Judge Wright nd Riokeits lor tho dofenso. The Federal Gas Company Suffers Loss. Lnncniter Eagle.! The powor houso of the Fecdcra! Gas comnanv at tho numniint,' ' " ' , Btation near Sugar Grove wns par ...nn -,' ; tially destroyed by fire SaturdVy night. . The fire originated from tho ex tra heat required in keeping up steam. Fireman Neil Murray wns very painfully injured while endeavor ing to put out tho flames. Ho had gone up a ladder to turn off the valves and by some mishap was thrown to the floor almost break ing his foot and seriously bruis -ing it. His hands were badly burned nnd one nrm suffered bad ly from tho fiumes. He also re ceived a deep cut in his head. lie was brought to this city for medical attention Sunday nnd is being enred for at the Commercial House? It.will be somo time be foro he will be able to resume his duties. Temperance legislation has had muoh to do with tho stock of tho Columbus Brewing Companies be ing on tho decline. IIoBter Co stock is quoted at only . However tho phenominal success of tho Nclsonville Browing Co push es that stock up to 125. The company is doubling tho size of their plant to moot tho demand when tho warm woather comes. Their bottle goods is meeting much favor for domestio use. Saloons Must Go, Wooater, O., Maroh 17. The voters of this city decided by a majority of 118 that tho saloons must go. Tho yoto wns: Wets, 7110; drys, 851 Tho drya made surprising gain8 over the election of two years ago in all of the wards but one.' In this ward, the second, whore tho groator number of oollego peop'.o reside, tho majority for tho drys was smaller than was oxpooted, To Keep the Streets Clear,. ILnncantei' Uumoornt. Mayor Purcoll ItiBtruoted Chior of Police Walluco this weok to notify any butiltioss men who wero In thn liiitiit, nf nliuiitif I'oods Oil the pavoment and nil who tins signs on tho p&yeuient that thoy must notJkocoupy the pavement. Several tSerolinnts and photogra- here were found violating thlt or- dinsnee Peoplo will not be allow ed to poBt bills en tolepliono nnd lotrio light poloe v 0 EATRS. j njipmiuiwpjWiwwrPPW " " " '""TWill PURER O.'l Not Believed to bo True by heading Paper. r lour unl (lnnttn (K)mMotun. Tl o expressions from some nowepnpers outside tho Eleventh district about tho revolution in politics and tho mothods which the young men employed to defeat Gen. Grosvonor "murks a now era in purer and hotter politics. Grout heaven ! Such expressions make peoplo simile in tho llth district. If thejo wus over rank er mo' hods omplojod to encompass a nomination than nt the Lancas ter convention it did not hnnnon .itiiin ,1m l..rf ir. -,. -pim people of our county, forced to no- oept the same central committee or ,wo yCnrg nr)li jn nnothcr county tho power wrested from the contrul committee by atriumviruto thus delivering two countieH and livenng 01 votes into tho hands of four men two of thorn pretending to bo candidates for congressional nom inat ions with but one purpose dominating their action nnd that was tT beat Grosvenor. Wo have no word ngainBt tho brilliant young statesmen from Ross who blushed and apologized for the mothods employed to nominate him. Tho 11 til district of Ohio has become one of the most fnmous in the U. S. and the man who it so is still in the lower house with all tho nccumlnted exporitlnce of 20 years in congress with compli mentary resolutions that would fill a voUme from tiie conventions ... . . . ,, , , fif f.lin l.nst-.. is nnt Avon pnllnrl litr -..- ..w.., .- ..... . . j irume by thoso in charge of the Lancaster covention. The trium virate and assoc'ntes studiously Avoided mention in the cut-and- Iv"ied and and mnchine-rushed toiOVontion of tlie name of Gros- v&.r Nur. " ' u"ugm in ins iype Mr. written speech of acceptance did the Jeauie. Was it piemeditated? Was lilNvise? Were wo mistaken in theWice from tho rank and file of the yptors iii tho Eleventh dis tiiet soy Sing Grosvenor whb their choice? IVie they to bo counted out and xils$ reckoned with in November.? v ...... . . , i ii bo culled irenk legislijji n.iw before tho general nssein fades into oblivion by comparisfioi with statutes passed in tho dnysiP, jpld, writes an -exchange. This $hc decision of a "thinkei" who X deep into his library to find )re- cedent for tho bill to provent 'lie use of tho "sledge" in the slaugh-tor-honso for "kuocking caltlo,:; the administration of anesthetic to persons in agony from an incur able disonso or injury and others almost too numerous to mention. Among thoso ho found was this uniquo law pnsstd by tho British parlimont during tho reign of Charles II, in 1070: "That all woraon, of whatever ago, rank, profession, or degree, whether virgins, muids or widows, that shall from nnd after tho pas sago of this not, impose upon or botray into matrimony any of his majesty's male subjects, by scouts, paints, cosmetic washes, artificial teeth, false hair, Spanish wool, iron stnys, hoops, high-healed shoes or bolstered hips, shall inc'ur the penalty of tho law how in forco ngninst witchcraft, sorcery and such liko misdemeanors, and that the marriage, upon convic tion, Blinll ttand null and voiV Ex. Prolate Court. ACOOl'N'iS uro Petition for the salo of real es tate to pay debts was filet? March 12, by MyrtloCano, Admx, of tho estate of Peter Kittsinlllor. No tjoo by publication was ordered. I'ho matter of the appointment of nn administrator of the ostnto of George Lowery, of Kenton Township, deceased, l.eard on March P( was continued, with leave for the widow to file her op- AGAINST - i ..iii W llUI,'lLW".';.U Wi'. WiH.v r,.i.-J7"g plination or ntiwrr on or bofo'e March 'Jf. 1'otltion for tho (ale of renl 04 tnto to pay debts was filed March 0 by Kll Chute, Admr. of the cs- tato of Walter Qiiigley. Sum mons to next of kin was Issued, petition for n writ of hollas corptH wns lied Mnich J 3 by IlnltHOUgh, ullcgtiig the .George unlawful detention of ono Millie Crooks by Emanuel Crooks. The writ wns issued to the sheriff, and summons to the defendant, Kniau Uel Clocks. Millie Crooks wnrt brought before the court, nnd the nnswer of the defendant filed ad mitting the rcstrnlnt alleged, but clnlnilng that such reatinint wns lawful nnd proper. Tho case was sot for hearing March IB. After hearing of testimony, ciif-tody of tho child was restored to Hurt sough, who, as tho cyidenco showed, had taken the child when the lultor was only fifteen monll 8 old, nnd cared for her ever pinee. The hist will and testament of Lewis Coaklcy, of Gr en Town ship, was presented for filing, March 8, by S. H. Bright, custo dian of the will App'ication for probate of the same was Med by Elmer ('oakley, son of the testutor. Healing was set for Marc1 27, at 0:00 a. m. and notice to next of kin ordered. The hist will and testament of Hannah C. Myers, of Green Town ship, was filed March 8, 1000. Application for probate wot made bv Bert S. Myers. Matter wus set.. for hearing March 28, nt 10:00 n. m., and notice to heirs ordered. Application for probate of the last will and testament of Anna Swearingin was mado March 10, by tho Infirmary Directors of Hocking County. Notice to next of kin was ordered, and henring is for March 21. The report of the examiners of the County Treasury was leturned Match 8, by S. II. Bright nnd W. W. McCrny, examiners. Snme was approved and ordered to be advertised, nccoiding to law. Georgo M. fttine, editor and pro prietor of the Bosevillo Indepen dent, hna iold his paper to n num ber of prominent Boseville busi ness men. A new company will bo formed and will likely take out articles of incorpotation in a few days. The paper will be a Repub lican organ and the nnme will be changed to that of tho Roseville Republican. The purchasers of the plant are said to bo Mayor Ivy Pembeiton, C. W. L-wery, L. G. Smith, T. G. Lowcry, Chester Cannon . :id others. A like company was formed nnd purchased the Kosevillo Review, the Democrntic pupor, last week. Herman G. Williams, tho former owner, still retains a great portion of the stock. Both pnpors will bo froatly improved and two of the blest weekly papers in southeast cm, Ohio aro promised for Roso ville.. ZaneBvillo Signal. Mrt. Ed. Olivor was the guest oik her parents, Dr. and Mrs. G. WABeoiy, of Union Furnaces-over Sutuday. Misi? Gnco Bright, of New Lex ington, who has boen visiting Miss Ruth Briooko, was called homo last week by tio illnosf of a relative. Mr. and iIrs. J. Wood'wortli, of Haydonille, veie in Logan Monday niglmto ntiend tho Twice Five meeting. Pale, Thin, Nervous ? Then your blood must be in s verv had condition. YOU certainly know what to tae, then take it Ayer's Sars parilla. If you doubt, the, J mtnciiir lrniii'iiiii-iiii . wlriiuit what he will say about this rtuVlay, i i.i rn,tt,r mHlolnft. Ivfteudoir runaway, Tho Jit Sold (or over 60 years. This Is the Hrst nutstlon your doctor nould ask" "Are your bowels r-uularV" lie kujuy tuJt daily action of the boe s laabsolu Uly esssotlal to recovery Keen jour ll-eraiiiyt ami your towel' rulr "1 uklui; Ui.Uve dose otAyer's Tills. fimii)Tn 3 WaaUyJ O AyerOo.tXowtU.UMte Alltt tuuuivuiif n-t f HAIR VI00R. .yers AdUK CUKK. ClttKKY ftCTOHAL. narsns3E3C33BH A dtuM II glrtsoo1 nrp requited lip will fit n ou SO per cent lower We gnml 1cuph to suit eiuh peiRuii, Logan, Ohio, Rempel Hotel from 10 a. in. to 6 p. m, if You are Suffering i'rom any Disease, Weakness or Disability Why Not Consult Freo an Expor-loneed, educated Specialist, who i-j thoroughly equipped with tho necessary appliances known to modern medical science '. It Will Pay You to Go 200 Miles to See Dr. Weist UlilelKxainliiliiK-.tiilCnniiiltliiit Plijrililiiti ot tlio frame Mclleal liutlttilf. Jir. Wrltl Mill ilo mnro lor jou nn.l linii-e frf-i t tii-reis -.lid In Hit SHORTEST P0SSIIU time ana )im are at no chargci it lie tall- tu Ileal full to i tire, Nut a PENNT Ii lotto you It -uu are at all (lliiatiillul. iKTTyi I would tather effect a cure of a difficult case than receive tile; sum of money. I believe In "CURINQ TO STAY CURED " othlng la PAID by you If naiHntf is aonc for k FRANCE MEDICAL INSTITUTE CO., VIXff Columbus, 0. LOCAL IIS. TsTr. Ambrose Kessler epont Sun dny in Somerset. Mrs. F. M. McICny spent Mon day in the Cnpitol. Mr. John Smith has been con fined to his home for Hovcral dnys with neuialgifi of the face. Mrs. L. J. Quinn and Mies Clara Quinn visited friends in Crooks yille, Sunday. Miss Nell MeManignl returned Wednesday morning from an ex tended visit in Columbus. Mrs. G. C. Weitzoll was a Col umbus isitor Monday and Tues day. Miss Sadie McCroy left yester day to visit her sister, Mrs. M. S. Pond, of Somerset. Mr. Kugono Wiight was a pro fessional visitor in Athens, Mon duy. tlohn E. Canty has been in Sandyville, West Virginia, for a few days, on business. lie will return this evening. Mr. J. F. Kohre" and family at tended thq i'unoral of Perry Shop poll at St. Mary's Church, Luii caster, on Wednesday. Mr. Shop poll diod Monduy morning. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Nimon, of Ilesboru, nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Ed. Grilllth and son, of Union Furnace, spent last Thursday with Mr. nnd Mrs, Phil Chnpmnti. Mrs. Ralph Edniiston and son Joe, left hero Inst Thursday for Chnrleston, West Virginia, where they will mako thoir home. Mr. KdinistOTi has been tlioro several weekB. Mr. G. C. Weitzoil arrived home last Friday from 'Jincinnuti, after Bponding two weeks in that City. Mr, Woit'oll left Saturday evon ing for Indianapolis to attend tho coal operators' convention tlioro. He is m member of tho Scule Com mittee. A Double-Header. A four-mule team, belonging to Charles Wright, and driven by nm Ililep. became frielitened by n' train just below Three-Mile Bridge, on Uie Hnydenvillc pike, double- 'OQudek runawny, Tho lines on tho jmouerspioKu, mm iiiumum wuuiu f on -iiw imvo fared badly hnd tfml one, , 8topp0(i ,y toie. phi, jj'f3 Uffler running about a Iuiiimho, nnds, Sam was thrown forvvulSO bnrrXe shock, and fell be tween l InQ'ii, but was unin jured, ,,ocki tamugo was cry plight, be tho bioken lines. ' v ,f J"T I1le ."il I'jf 1? VWr. t C).ttfiiiii. I)r. MitutcCo. will Monday, April 16th HE HEALS ALL CURABLE CASES The France Medical Institute S.'KSil'ft.K.S Ttart we bare boon maLlug regular monthly rlilta in the urlticlpal Utlet U Ohio. Our lonr experience, remarkable iklll, and great juecei entitle tu to the lull eonfldence ot the aMIcted. RErCRENCES-Bett Bmki ind Laadlnf Bailnm Mn f Ctlumbui. Men and women who nefd treatment, find out what aM jrbti. When the real trouble is known thai it one half the pure. Not a dollar need be paid uulen -au are abiolutely lalliflcd In erery irtlculr that Dr. Wtlit 4 ktep tils reemeut. WHAT AILS YOU? Throat, Lung, Nasal Diseases gMftiWrTi!0"' Heart, Blood and Skin Diseases fcc.8m: ""' Brain, Spinal and Nurve Diseases HSSSl Kpllepiy. Fltn, Neuralgia, Sciatic, Headachei, flleepteiinen, Dizzlneu, Brain! and Nerroui Kzhauitlon, etc., luccesifullr treated by our original method. Rheumatism 0urcnrc'orTlhcu,n"'tn u moit tucccntui kuowa Young and Middle-Aged Men J'JJSSMffi and NerToua Debility may call with conlldeiice. TiicAnCflC nf Wfttnon Alter yeara of experience we haTediicor Llt)t!d.bBtJ Ul VV UlllOII ercd the groateit eure known fordlieam peculiar to the sex. Painful 1'rurltls, Oratlan and Flbroiil Tumors in the early atagei, etc., imaltlvely cured by our method. Our treatment ii perfectly barmlin and eaillT applied. No humiliating expoiurc on examination. Try It, and you will exclaim like hun dred! of others: "Oh, I feel like adlfltrent woman " Rupture and Varicocele S:e,0r.;ne,,krnicfue,r5?u.,:,orr.,i,ne. ory. Be lure and consult us before taking treatment elsewhere. Kidney and Bladder Diseases f'iSM der, Enlarged Prostate, Frequent and Drihhllng Urination, It costs no mora to employ an expert than to risk j our life -with an inexperienced phjalclau. Qfrtintlino ni1 R" 'nrn" ' ditense of the urethra and prostate gland Oil lis LIU O cured hy our Medicated llnugle, anietlod of trealtnent with out pain or detention from business Syphilis or Blood Poison ?$ Toti10" Not necessary to attend expensive anitariun , Ilrwpltals, or Health Re sorts; our medicines and treatment can he laLci and applifd at bonie. Each person applyliiK (orMe1ltallrentinciit tooiir MiiltiHKphalclaii or at the lion e office should bring from two to four ounce of urine hlch will receive c-.rrfi;I chemical and microscopical examination. Consultation and txniinrti..ii free and strictly confidential No names published without written lenneiit. jou. RESULTS COUNT NOTHING ELSE. You get satisfaction, 5011 get cured or you are OUT HO MONtr. : f .Sir; . TTE prent stock of ujoM in the world N $11,000,000,000, .unl about $3,500,000,000 of thi- intiy lie :iid to he in siglit intlioliol(ling-iofb.xnk4nfiMue. THIS SL'PPLV WfTX V,K DOUBLED IX Till'. A'F.XT TWF.NTV YKAKS. Tho idea lirtliceii provnlfiit of l.ito that money ia going lo be o plentiful that it Avill be chcipcr anil interest r.Hes pernuiiieiitly lower, but "THAT BLlTvKSSIOX IS XOT THK IIESULT OF PAST EXPF-ItrEXCl-:. While the lirt eltVct of u large supply of money to reduco interest rate, couiiteriietiiig inlluenees are set to work." AX KItA OF FXTERPKISF AXD OOXSTRUCTEOX IS STAKTED. If money at interest brings a lower r.ite than money invested in bit-ine blocks, houses, or railways or oilier iied investment, thoso IXOl'STRlItfMV'ILL 13F STIMUI.ATF.I). An er.t of construction ereatt'i a demand for labor and niateriiiU and ago, and A GREAT LOOM RF.Sril'S, Avhich is what happened in the world in the fifties following the period resulting from the gold discoveries in Ciliforui.t. An important JSXI.ARCiElIEXT OF TIIE DHMAXD EOK OOI. D is likely to come from the development of new countries that in the past have been small factors in the commercial world. TSaiik stocks in Japan HAVE QUADRUPLED and the wages have dou bled in the last ten ycni- WACiJSS IX .MKXLC'O HAVE DOU BLED in livo yenv. There is increasing iwiiMri.il and political de velopment in the Wcit Tndiei. Russia is going through nn upheaval, but when ir subsides then will be u CRF.AT INDUSTRIAL AWAKEN' IXO and deumtid for capital. The aine i true in southern Europe. Our own country lias shown the d 'velopinent potiiblr- when there i-. general employment. What "Thou Shalt Do No Murder" Means Dy I'l-ufobor WALriill I.. SHELDON FF iii auv form i- the same lv Xo man ha-, fathomed it fathom it. Vet greater Jil'MAX LIFE. It i-. an uplifting experience to trace that spiral movement of development from the worm beneath our feet to the full grown human living -oiil, ISnt to none of those other crcu tures inside the earth or ou the outside of it do we attribute a eolf con scious personality, that SPTRITUAI. El.EMEXT which chur.ictei i.es overs man awl woman. Lil'o is a TRUST comiiiittcd to our charge. The right to life is connected with the obligations a man Inu to fulfill. Xo liiiiiutii being is nitlhori.ed to prevent (mother from ful filling thoo nbligntioiis. This is the spiritual kernel of the precept, "Thou shalt do nn murder." Vet today the right to life is coming to mean u great deal more than it u-ed to imply. The social conscience has enlarged tho old meaning h tho XEW J'RIXOLPJ.E OF (M1A1UTV. Human so ciety today would feel ashamed to let a mini perish of hunger. It is oven moving FURTHER in its feelings and asking whether it should allow any person to perish by the CRUELTY of others. THUS IT IS THAT THE ANCIENT PRECEPT, "THOU SHALT DO NO MURDER," RECEIVES TWO NEW INTERPRETATIONS BY THE MODERN WORLD. AND THEY WOULD RUN AS FOLLOWS; WE OUGHT NOT TO LET ANY MAN PERI8H BY FAMINE OR BY THE INJUSTICE OF OTHERS. WE OUGHT TO CO-OPERATE IN MU TUAL SERVICE FOR ENLARGING AND ENNOBLING THE SPHERE OF LIFE FOR HUMANITY. BUT IT ALL GOES BACK TO THE TEACHING OF JE8U8 OF NAZARETH, "THOU SHALT LOVE THY NEIGHBOR A8 THYSELF," , XTOKaserrrTr" Tsar i-i illiua.l .nl leiMnl b) M skilled Wri't, of 1 lir r r.utfC Mcdtcfd In EXAMINE YOUR EYES KKE than nny oihor firm. Menstruation. Sterility or Birrenncii. Leucorrhrra. Next Door West of the Inter-Urban Union Station ite 906. No Danger In Grooving Gold Supply By GEORGE L. ROBERTS, Director of the Mint of the btlilcsl Suclety of Sr. Luuls awo inspiring fact it alw.ivs wus. - rny-ter, awl no man over will of all i T1IK .MVSTKUY OF L .,""Mr