Newspaper Page Text
r m iiBiMMiawwi DEMOCRAT - SENTINEL A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER. t'UUMHIIEU KVKItV TltmWIlAY MOKSlNO. The login l'rinting and Publishing Co. (t.Nl'OHl'OltATKI)) I'ttlH.tSltKUH Vlltlllt.l'. I.OWKV, I'ltKHtllKNT H.U. HANHKI., HBBItNTAUY .1. II. Doi.i.iso.v, Kimui CHAS. II. llKI'K ASSO. Kilt I'OK .V.MANAdKlt OKKICK: In Dolllson Hlook, Mnutti floor Kntpredns Hrtffiiiil Mihs Mnttor October 1 1WKI, lit lilt! I'Oll OlllCl' III I.0RIIU, Ollld, under Act ofciiiimussof Mon :i, Ih;u. Tliursduyi June 17, 1909. Slxly Days After Auction. Lust full along about in Uio month of Oetoher wo roiul extructs from a speech supposed to have been delivered lit Glouster at thut time by Euiinet ThouipkitiH, n dis tlugitislied Republican politician and speaker, from Columbus, in which ho said that in sixty days after Mr. Tuft should be elected President, the wheels ofj industry would start and this country would see uh uuprecidented era of pros perity. We do not mention the depressod condition of business to be a calamity howler, neither do we enjoy it at the expense of our republican friends, for we do not rejoice at hard times any more than any other business men, but wo just wanted to remind the gentle readers about the speech of Sir. Thoiupkins; how he was fooling his hearers. Bessie Furnace Closed. Last week the fires of Bessie Furnucj were drawn and the plant nailed up with no word as to when it will resume. "Anothor indus try gone Republican, "jut least that is tlio unkind way that tho Repub lican papers had of putting in Cleveland times, except they said then that it had "gone Democrat ic." Will our Republican friends have gall enough to ever la3' 'hard times' at tho door of tho Demo cratic party again. They surely cannot blame us Democrats if we take the opportunity to now dig them in the ribs a little. Wo re member when they called it "Dem ocratic Hard Times." Say, Broth er, whose times are these, after more than 12 years of Republican experiments, and now they are figuring on a lower tarifl', a demo cratic measure, to help conditions. Tampering With Mail Boxes. There are some small boys going to get into serious trouble if their parents do not keep them away from the post-ofllco. There are a great number of business men that neglect to lock their mail boxes when they get tiieir mail, and some boys thut loaf about the post otllco have a habit of going along the tiers of boxes and trying to open tliem, many of them easily come open and the youngsters reach in and take out the mail. One boy opened a letter of a business man and was run down by investigation and he confessed his tampering with the letter and would now be it the reformatory, were it not that the merchant whose letter lie opened usked that the boy be not prosecuted. There was a gold bracelet mail ed in a package to a Logan lady, and the post-office clerks remem ber of putting it in her box. Sho never ot it. The box was un locked. Suspicion lays closo to a boy or two of good fumilios, They may savo trouble by returning tho packugo, uud nlo parents may eavo their boys uud girls lots of trouble if they koeii them uwuv from tho post olllco, Riot at Wcllston. A riot was brought about by tho arrival of sumo twenty strikers at Wellstou, Wednesday to take places of the striking moiildors of tho Peck Williamson foundry. Ac cording to reports trouble has been brewing several months und since the strike about two weeks ugo things have been at boiling point, Hints had been strong that out siders would be brought in und tho strikers have been on tho look out day uud night, Wednesday about SO men from Cincinnati got oil' the train at Hauiden and tak ing tho Hooking Valley, came into Wcllston at 10:50, When the train stopped the moulders were there und accord lug to report tried to porsuade them to return and not take their placed. The mou started for the foundry auiuit a lot uud were ut- tacked with clubs, stones, sticks, hammers, otc. and when tho smoke of notion cleared away one was soilotlsly injured others bndly hurt nnd nearly all wore retroating to the woods. According to reports thero wore from 250 to 000 in tho crowd composed of men, woinon ami chlltlrou. Tho loader of the striko-brcakors, John Bratinigan had his Juw broken and Ills skull fractured. Ho was taken to tho hospital for treatment. Some five of the mon wont down town and upon thoir stutemout that they wero misinformed whon hired thoy woro permitted to roturn to thoir homes, but iiooded the escort of the polico to get to the train. Tho lleoing men dropped umbrellas, raincoats, suit cuses, etc , and the boys among the rioters broke and scattered articles of apparel in overy direction. It is claimed tho end is not yet us the compamy will ask for troops to protect their proporty and tho lives of the men they employ. The original trouble comes from tho refusal of tho LJock-Williamson company to rec ognize the union. Agricultural Extension Schools Agricultural Extension Schools will be held iu different parts of the stato during the year, under the supervision of the College of Agriculture, Ohio State Univer sity, as authorized by the Alsdorf law passed during tho last sossion of the legislature. While it is more convenient perhnps to hold these schools during the winter season, there may be some counties in which it would bo preferablo to hold them in tho loto summer or fall months on account of bad roads. Instruction and demonstrations will bo givon in subjects related to agriculture and home-making. Bulletins giving general infor mation regarding the management of the Bchools and instructional work have been issued and copies can be secured on application to A. B. Graham, Superintendent of Agricultural Extension, Colum bus, Ohio. School Enumeration. Truant Officer J. K. Rochester took the school enumeration in the past few weeks and furnishes us the following figures of the number of school pupils in tho diH'erent precincts: First Ward. Locan 338 Second Ward, Logan .. . 277 Third Wurd, Logan 211 Fourth Ward. Logan 300 Total in Logan -1240 District outside of Losun 55 Grand total 1 301 Grand total last year....- 1191 Gain over last year 107 The remarkable thine ie, that in the corporation limits, there are 023 boys and 023 girls. Improvement Society, Festival. The Strawberry Festival by the Improvement Society Saturday night was a decided success, there being u large crowd present. The new Court Park was lighted, and it certainly put on a pretty uttire Tho Logan Band, nlways good, fur nished most excellent music on this occasion. Tho rooeipts of the ovening wero about $(10.00, and there will bo about fyltft 00 not to the credit of the park fund of the socioty. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars the aCsi Signature FOLEY'S HONEYwTAR The original LAXATIVE cough remedy. For coughi, coldi, throat and lung troubles. No opiate. Non-alcoholic Good for everybody. Sold everywhere. The genuine FOLEY'S HONEY and TAR it ia a Yellow package. Refute substitute Prepared only by Feley A GompaMy, Ghlea, Bort & Company nmni irttffegiwtJMfi'iiuaiiJiiii i TOWER'S FISH BRAND WATERPROOF OILED CLOTHING will give you full valus for every dollar spent and keep ydii dry in the wettest weather. SUITS 22 SLICKERS32 POMMEL SUCKERS 3S2 S01D EVCRVWrtSM CATALOG FMC AJ.TOWEP CO. BOSTON. U.&X. w. Tower Cahadiam Co. limitco TosomaCAN. CXX XX"XXX"X" TUsfl 1 nerTnimri nr r SOCIETY NEWS OF OTHER TOWNS Cbji R J xw A j tni iw Jg J Mound Crossing Mrs. Churles Lindsoy, (nee Nellio Morris), of Linden Heights, Franklin Co., Iiub been visiting friends und relatives uround here tho past week. Joseph Fox, who undorwont a severo operation a week ugo, is re covering nicely, und will soon be able to go 11 bout. Pearl Lovo and family, of Lock bourne, were visiting rolutives in this yicinity for the pust weok, roturning homo lust Sunday. Ilowurd Tumor and wife, of nour Gibisonville, called on John Itomel lasc Sunday. MrB. Thomas Lutz is very low witli dropsy of tho heart, with very little hopes of her recovery. Joe Carrel und fuuiily and Nor man Julien and fumily were the guests of Ed Floyd last Sunday. Euiil Bluckburn culled on Darl und Lewis Stuhr Inst Saturday, The fanners are in hopes it will not ruin for a few minutes, till they get their corn worked through. Mrs, Joe White and Mrs. Chas Li ml Bey mude a Hying trip to Luurelville lust Saturday. V. R. Young and son took a lurge drove of cattle through here last week. M. V. Boavors bought a fine lot of porkers of Joe Braehares last week. Mrs. Sigfreid Stahr, of Lancas ter, was visiting her sons, Fred, Aaron and Lewis, the past week. It is reported that a U. S. Mar shal took one of our boys to Co lumbus, about a week ago, before the Federal Court to answer a charge of destroying a mail box. A few iu this neighborhood arc not through planting corn. David Lutz una Ezra Fox have been delivering wood for the Mound Crossing school the past week. Valley Crossing Al Bainter and family passed through this valley Sunday even ing, on their return from a visit with Fred Bowers. Noah McCowen and Shan Kuhn were business visitors in Logan, Thursday. Will Rose and family were on our streets Sunday. Mrs. Lizzie Campbell was the over Sunday guest of George Kreachbaum and wife. Noah McCowen and wife spent Sunday with Marion Kitchen and family. Grandma Springer has returned homo after a pleusant visit with friends near Gibisonville, Homer Dillon was u pleasant culler in this vulley Sunday even ing. Mrs. Hester Harble passed through this valley Sunday morn ing, enrmi to to visit relatives near Tarlton. Mrs. Mary Andorson was the guest of Grandma Unger, Sunday. Charles Linger und wifo were pleasantly entertained by Charles ICiUihen and wife, Sunday, Wiu, Wino and wife hud for their guests Sunday, Grandma Springer, Miles Willlard and nurry Kern. Wm, Kreaehbuiim was a ouller In this vulley one day last week, George Morse was on our pikes Friday evening. John Sheik and wife were culled to see Btrt Vorhees, Saturday, Homer Kitchen was on our streets one day last week, selling sewing machines, Floyd Kreaahbuum was on our pikes Thursday morning, und got caught in the rain, Yincent Moore and son, Durbin, of So. Perry, were pleasant guests of Noah McCowen last Monday. Delia Unger and brother were in thil Yicinity Friday. flrWBfj IPs VAX J ,jkm w jn WfEh vSH- . ffPWfS - it JL eJ Buzzard Avenue Plowing corn aeonis to bo tho order of the day. GroVor Bllck and littlo sister woro soon an our street? one day lost weok, Mr. Arter and salt Was a SJugar Grove visitor Saturday, Wesley Byors tllado a business call at P. J, Kraft's, Monday. Miss Cora Finofrock called on Miss IIuzol Kraft, Thursday. Arthur Morris and sister Corn, were at Rockhidgo one day last wook, Grovor Ellck and sisters Ltntioi and Mary wero seen driving on our strcots Sunday. Geo, Morris and Goo. Finefrook woro Sligur Grovo callors Sunday. John Fuuble, wife and baby cillod on the luttor's parent, John Belter. E, Wilson, of Lancaster, called on his lady friend Sunday. Mrs. Surah Finofrock had as her guestB Wednesday evening, Geo, Morris und brother and sister, James Sliorbun, Charley Cavineo, and Miss Hazel, Blanche and Mannie Kraft. Thoy were enter tained by George Morris on the graphophone. Charles Cavinee called on his lady friend Sunday afternoon. Some of our brave boys wont bathing Sunday afternoon and got very much frightened and called for help. Quite a number from this place attended church at Holy Chapel, Sunday night. Arch Azbell spent Sunday with Iub parents ut Brownsville. Hungry Hollow Elizabeth Saunders has gone to ColUmbus, where she will work at the Children's Hospital. Gladys and Hazel Walter called on Ruth and Irfa Bond, Sunday. Ed. Cochran, wife aud daughter spent Sunday with Levi Bond and family. Fred Vollmer spent Sunday in Columbus. Will Achauer and wife attended the Memorial Services at Logan, Sunday. Frank Patton and wife were Lo gan callors Saturday. Mrs. John Angle spent Monday with Mrs. John Smart. Seyerul from this place attended the supper at Haydenville, Friday night. Mrs. Nettie Guess called on her sister, Mrs. John Smart, Monday. Levi Bond spent Tuesday in Logun. Ott Smart and family spent Sat urday arid Sunday at Chauncy. Nellio Achauer spent Friday with her aunt, Mrs. Curt Walter. Linda Patton spent Sunday at Haydenville, the guest of Eliza beth Settles. The saw mill has shut down for a few days, on account of so much rain and mud. Will LetUer was a Lancaster vis itor Thursday. Wesley Chapel Shearing sheep is the order of the day in this vicinity. Chas, Davis and wife visited the latter's parents Monday. Those who visited F. M. Mounts, Sunday, were David Eby and wife, James Nimon, Tusing Rose, Hur voy Brattou and Hoadley Mount, of Canal Winchester, Clara Vest. Doris Pnllnu and Mary Watts visitod at So, Bloom ville, Monday, MisB Muymo Vest visited Mrs, Chas. Lyons, Friday and Satur day of luBt week, John und William Carpenter, of Logun, visited Mrs. Chas. Pteuk harp, Sunday, Miss Muymo Vest visited her Bister, Mrs, Hurley Kulklosoh. Clyde Rose and wife, of Scott's Creek, visited the latters' parents, Dow Kdwurds and wife, Sunday, Iva Ploukharp called on Martha Davis, Saturday, Rev. Oswald preaohed a vory interesting sermon at this piece Sunday, Mrs. Martha Duvls Is quite poorly with rheumatism. ISI.ETTA, , THINK THIS OVER. We offer your money back if you use a large bottle of Kexall "93" Hair Tonic and are not satisfied with what it does for you. We do this because it seldom fails to effect a complete cure of dandruff, scalp irritation and falling hair.- Can you ask a better argument why you should try it? Two sixes, 50c, and $ 1.00. ' i B, Case aud Opera Home Drug Htoro XUe Kexall mores Little Raccoon Crock ChildrenR tlav services will bo observed at Mt. Pl'oasnnt, Sunday evening, Juno 20th. Jacob Redlck and wife were Sunday guests of Joseph Hooper and futility. Elinor and Ruth Oswald wero the Sllhday guests of C. W. Rlggs and family. Howard and Bortha Lane at tended Childrons day aorvices at Union Furuuco, Sunday. Tom Nimon 'carried tho mail tho latter part of lust week. Mrs. G. W. Miller fell one day last weok and broke her left arm. Lena Redink spent Sunday with Stolla Hans. Tovsr, Crosslngvllle We wish to Inform the Flowery Banks scribe that till the news wont down tho streams tho last few issues, only being ublo to cap ture a few today. Mr. William Bronnie, of this place, is seriously ill at the home of his sister, Mrs. A, Wllburn, of Nickle Plate. Mr. Henry Buzzard and Law rence Bishop are cutting cord wood for the Weitzler well. J. W. Smith called on John Man ning, Saturday evening. Mr. aud Mrs. Henry Bowns woro the guest of relative and friends in and near Logan, a few days last week. John Evans was a business vis itor at John Mannings, Saturday evening. 'N. E. X." Brownsville We have been haying lots of rain in this vicinity, somewhat bad for the farmer as ho can do nothing but sib around and watch the weeds grow in his corn. Jacob Arter was a Logan caller Monday. Isaac Flowers and wife and Mrs. Linnie Flowers, of this plaoe, were Lancaster visitors over Tuesday and Wednesday. Mrs, Delia Kost and son were seen on our pikes Wednesday. Tommy Pierce was seen driving on our streets last Tuesday. Wesley Bigham was a Logan caller last Thursday. Maurice Brown and sister Edith, were seen on our pikes Friday. Bertha Bigham was visiting her parents over Saturday and Sun day. Isaao Flowers and son Willlard, were Logan callers last Friday. Christopher Pierce vraa seen driving on our pikes last Monday. Arthur Flowers and sister Lib bie, were the guests of Isaac Brown and family Friday night. They amused themselves with music and singing, and all report a good time. Rufus Bowman, of near Amanda, attended preaching at Mt. Pisgah, Sunday afternoon. Arthur Flowers and Ed Bigham were callers at James Arter's, Sun day. David Flowers and wife were shopperB at Wm. Flower's grocery Friday. Edward Bigham broke bread with Arthur Flowers, Sunday eyening. Charles Foderer was seen driv ing on our pikes Saturday evening. Arthur Flowers was out driving on our pikes Friday afternoon. Mathiaa Lutz was seen on our pikes Saturday evening. Rip Snortku, S.UI.UI Rl.lZADKTll: Those nniltlnH you liked so well were mnile from Qold Medal Flour. Liza Maple Street A very large crowd attended the funeral of John Welder which was held at tho Lutheran Church near Rush Creek, The deceased was (17 yours of age, leaving u wife and three daughters and a number of grund children to mourn thoir loss, Mr. Weidner wus loved by all who new him. The church Iiub lost a faithful member, the neigh bors a good friend and the ohil dren a loving father and the wife a good husband. The funeral services woro onnduoted Thursday morning by Rev. Amos Koohler, pastor of the Luuerau Church, Miss Ida E. Engle called on her lady friend, Miss Tena Stedem, Sunday Monday, William Kornmiller is some better at this writing. Born to Mr, and Mrs, William Vogle recently, a daughter. Crist Hull culled William Wai ker, Sunday, Mrs, John Daubenmler is no better at this writing, John Eliok entertained the foU lowing families Sunday; Frank Walker, wife and daughters and Geo. E. Walker, wife and tr. &&&&&&&&t&&&&&&&&&&& fv $ TEST TIE GOODNESS . OF 01 MIS' SHOES We want ovory man to test our shoos; tho proof of the pud ding, etc. A trial Is proof positive, while other evidence Is hear say. We'll mention three values. In Mens Bates or Commonwealth Shoes, the dl0 (f best shoe made for the price of... tj)3-J'v. Tan, Russia Calf, Gun Motal and Patent Leather. Also In Oxfords. Thoy have medium toes and heels, straight or swing lasts; a shoo for style and service. Also tho finer grades in the same makes at $3.50 and $4.00 A littlo price proposition with all tho new tucks in perforated tips and vamps and all kinds of leathers. Nothing astonishing about the price, but see the shoes; better still purchase the shoes with a guarantee. J. A. STIERS Opposite the Park Pleasant Valley Children's day service at St, John's Luthern church, Sunday, was well at tended. Rev. J. L. Baker and family, of Tuppers Plains, visited Geo. Conkel and family, Monday. Geo. Eagle, of Marlon township, was a business caller in our valley, one day last week. Barney Kline, of Enterprise, finish ed painting I. Vancuren's barn, the fore part of last week. C. W.Ziegler, of Gibisonville, passed through here, enroute to Gore, Tues day. Mrs. Samuel Nlhlser and May Nl hlser visited the former's parents,Mr. Conkel and wife, of Hooker Station, Saturday and Sunday. Ray Vancuren, while spllting wood Wednesday, had the misfortune of cutting his foot. Dr. Lee, of Rock bridge, was summoned; the wound was dressed and is healing nicely. Rev. J. B. Mathias and Geo. Kline, of Enterprise, were business callers in our valley, Tuesday. Daniel Ringhiser was in Logan, Fri day. Hello, Happy Hollow, let us hear from you again. Homer Kitchen, of Pine Valley, was traveling our pikes, Thursday. Grace Zlegler and sister, of Gibison ville, passed through' here Thursday, enroute to Bremen. John Weaver and wife, of String- town, called on H. Nlhiser and fami ly, Sunday afternoon, Moses Woltz, of Rockbridge, passed through here, Sunday. O. A. Shaw and family and Mrs. A. Carpenter were the Sunday guests of Augustine Blackston and wife. Gibisonville Who said we have not been having any rainy weather1 Not the farmers for they are patiently waiting for It to quit for they are not all done'plow ing for corn yet, while many are planting. Mr. Glover, representative for the Springfield Gas Co,, wus a business visitor here a few days last week. "Grace Zelgler, who has been work lng"In Lancaster, is spending a few days with her parents, of this place. Ottie Davis, of near Enterprise, has been seen In our city quite frequently of late. Edwin Keller was a business visitor at Logan, Monday. Pearl Zelgler, of Amanda, visited his parents, W. B.elgler and wife, a few days last week, David Wylle and wife are the re cipients of a bouncing baby boy. Yelva Brashares visited her cousins Fanny and Leah Glaze, Saturday and Sunday. Bessie Marshall, of Dellroy, has been visiting friends and relatives here the past week. Llda Morlan and sister-in-law Mrs. John Morlan are here for a few days, renewing acquaintance, Joseph Brashares, of Mound Cross ing, passed through our village, Tues day afternoon. The following people were callers at David Wyllo's, Wednesday evening: Mrs. Sydney Miller, Mrs. Elmer Krinn and family, Nada Moore and children, Mrs. Jacob Cupp and Goldle Evans. Mazle Lama, of Happy Ridge, was a visitor here, Thursday. David Wylle and W. D. Brashares were business visitors at Logan, Sat urday. Chas. D. Miller, of Logan, travel ing salesman for the linn Hammond Moneypenny & Co,, of Columbus, was a business visitor here, Wednesday, Mrs. Lizzie Cupp was a Logan visi tor, Saturday. Manoi.a. Notice of Appointment Estate nf Hannah Thompson, decoasod. The uuderslgued has been uppolnted uud qualified as Executor of the estate of Hail nub Thompson, lulu of Hocking County, Ohio, deceased, Dated this 10th iluy of Juno 1W9. THOMAS J, BUOWN, junol7,3-w Executor, l'robnte Notice Notice Is hereby ulvun that the fallowlnu: Accounts and Voucher have been tiled Iu the Probate Court of Hocklnu County. Ohio ' for first aud flnal sol t lenient, J. T. Hindor, I Bpaur. deceased, and tho lainewlll come on sou. Auministraior 01 ma estate or jouu r, ior ueanug uu luumu uy ui ji, n. 11, lira at. Mn'alnnk A U.. or an Hfuill thirrtMfrup dBh-Mmy,,,oonya,"'ti(0,HTouaHTON. jun17.8 - w ' ' J'robata Judge, AN ORDINANCE. To levy taxes for Municipal purposes for the year, 1909. Bo It ortlnlned by tho Council of the Vil lage ofI.ogan,Stntiof01ilo: Hkc. I. Tlint thoro be levied nnd ool leoted for municipal purposes for the year. 1909, on each dollnrof vnluntlonof real and person nl property within the Village of Logan, Btnto ofOlilo, returned on the grand dupli cate uud subject to taxation, ten mills. Srca. II. Tbnt the levy above authorized for municipal purposes be and the same 1 -licroliy apportioned as follows: Safety 2 Mills Borvlco 8 Mills Hho. III. That there shall be levied and collected on each dollar of the property aforesaid for the year, 1009, the following additional sums: Sinking Fund .-. 4.7fl Mills Library Fund MMIII3 Total r,.0O Mills Grand Total 15 00 Mills hkc. IV. 'Hint the Olerk Is hereby direct ed to certify the above levies to the Auditor of Hocking County, Ohio, to be placed on tho tux list and collected according to law. Hku. V. This ordinance shall take effect and be In full forco from and alter the earliest period allowed by law. D. V. THURN ESS, Mayor. Attest: K.O.GIItOVE, Clerk. Passed Juno 8th., UMW. June 10, 2-wks. AN ORDINANCE. To establish curb grades Orchard Street. on Nbfth He ltordalned by the Council of the Vil lage of Logan, State of Ohio: Hkc. I. That the curb grades on north Or obard Street, 'botwoen the points herein named, beestiibltsnedas follows: West Curb: lteglnnlng where the south line of Out Lot No.liocrosses Orchard Street lU GDI foot north of the center line of tho first alley north of Hunter Street, at elevation of Hi-'. II feet above tho established baaa line of said Village; thence by a 1.72 per centum iiscendlnuurnde for udlstance olovatlon Ul.feet; thrnceby a 4:40 per oen or 1 105.7 feet to 10 ner oen- lum ascending grnde for a distance of 100 lOtlOuor centum ascendtm; urade for a dis ce bv a tance of CO feet to elevation 18I.7G feet at the north end of Orchard Street. IC st Curb: Tho elevation of the east curb lino of mill stroet shall be the same as the elevation heroin established for the west curb Hue thereof. Skc. II. This ordinance shall be In force and effect from nnd after theoarltest period allowed by law. D.V.THUBN ESS, Mayor. ' Attest: F.C.GROVR, Clerk, - Passod Juno 8th , 1009. Juno 10, 2-wks. A RESOLUTION. Providing for the employment of legal counsel for the Village of Logan, Ohio, and for each and every de partment thereof. Belt resolved by the Council of the Vil lage of Logau, State of Ohio: SKC. I. That Harlov M. U'lillnrofr ha nn'.l hohoroby Ik employed by the Council of the Village of Logan, State of Ohio, for the ijerioi iu 1 of onoyoarfrom June 12th., legal counsel for said Village of Logan, Ohio, Its several doDartmonts. and Its ntnnnra in thoir official cHpaclty, In all matters re quiring the services of such counsel, Sko. II. The salary of sold HarJry M, Whltcraft, s legal counsel as aforesaid, shall be $o 00 per year, payable quarterly. Hku. III. This resolution shall be tn full forco on and after the earliest period allow ed by low. I). V.THimNRflS, Mayor. Altost: F.O.CJUOVE, Clerk. ' ma'"r' fussed June Htli,, 190.1. June 10, 2-wks, LEGAL NOTICE. Sealed bids will ho received by the Board 'Trustees of I'ubllo AirnirH nr nm vni-,... oiTrustoesor I'ubllo Affairs of the Village of Logan, Stato of Ublo, at the olllco of said llourd until twelvo o'clock noon. Saturday. July I0th.,iuou. for furnishing the necoisary .mu. Him ,.,M.D( ji.,n iu, uuiurKiiiH (no water works systom of Logan, Ohio, liy sinking wells, and equipping the same, according to tho plans and snoolflcatlana nn Jiin tn .5.1,1 otllco, Kuuh bid must cor.tuln the full name nf v every porsou.partnorshlporcompany Inter osted In tho Mime, and bo accompanied by a bonJInthoHumortl.ooi.ootothosMtlsfacttnu of the llourd, or a certllled oheok on some solvent bank, us a guaranty that If the bid Is uccopled.u contract wllf be enteid Into and Itr peforiuuuco properly secured. Should any bid bo rejected such check w 111 bo returned forthwith to tho bidder, and should tiny bid bo accepted such check will bo returned upon the proper oxooutlon and securing of the contract. Tho right Is reserved to reject any and all By order of the Hoard of Trustees of Publlo Atfulrs of Loguu, Ohio, Junel0.1.wks, M,M,K,of."A. Notice of Painters. Tho Hoard of Kdnpnlinn nirirun ..., ship, Hooking county. Ohio, will receive bids for thepulutlng of the Kachelmaober bchool house to Juno SMth., W9a 10 o'clock a.m. timer 10 iiirniHii all mitlerlui, faint ... ..v ,i.,.u .1.1..U .yuii nun iiunueu oil, TO be three couts outside, Tho board reserves the right to reject unv und all bids. Address all communications tn June 10. .w H. K J), No. 4,' Logau, O Prolmto Notice Notice Is hereby ulvon HiRt llm r,.nnui.... Accounts uud Vouchers huvt) been II led 1 11 tho I'robuto Court of Hocking County. Ohio forilrstuud iluul svttlemeut of Kpurlaui Shaw, Administrator of tho estate of .1' l'. Ileal, ducaaicd. and Ilia muiiuwiii ,.,.. .:.: for heurluir 011 the Huh duvof Julv. a i. 1W9. nt 10 o'clock A, M., or us toon thereafter as may bo convenient. ' , . . J.O. STOUUHTON. juuoii.o - w j robate Judge. "1 : ,,.. t