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I Vi v V I U. mm.iiM lam u j immi'-Uiv-U-ii ijhu mw uu a 'it'i ' j n uj- l'i "g "1 UJ-t I -l''IP !l 'll'l'-Ulimil UUiJMHUMl1 -juuLJ.-miiiJi-Ji tiJUBiiiii 6w wwmM'i um ..BBMBWofliiiBiTi'T'i MONEY CANNOT BUY A BETTER PAINT THAN HANNA'S GREEN SEAL The Paint possessing every essential quality. Nothing in it but what should be there. Nothing lacking that will Improve It. Pigments scientifically combined, and finely ground in Pure Unseed Oil. "The Made to Wear Paint" that outwears all others, and that in wearing away does 50 gradu-. ally leaving a perfect surface for repainting. FOR BALE BY THE CHRIS HOLL HARDWARE CO. iffim&iAiffi'Ai'rfiXi'&Z EXCHANGE NEWS NOTES jts Jv tffe Kj n J &i JJ Jl Jw Tw AT11KKS JOUUNAr. J J, llnllidny Cllno wus u buBlnoas visitor in Logan InBt Friday. Miss Julia Dew and children, Joanotto and Wheeler, of Logan, aro tho guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. L. FroBton. Xocal anb flbereonal Miss Lulu Parker is visiting in Adelphi. Miss Kate Delp was a visitor in Lancaster, Saturday. Miss Kate Bowlby is spending a few days in Thornvillo, Rev, A. W. Uuckland was in Cincinnati over Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Will Snider, were visitors in Marion last week. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Fisher were over Sunday visitors in Grove Port. Mr. John Collins was in New Plymouth, Friday on business. Miss Flossie Newman was a visitor, in Columbus, Saturday. Mr. John Buckingham, of West erville, was in Logan, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. George Eborst were Nelsonville visitors Saturday. Hon. E. O. Pettit was a visitor in Columbus, Thursday of last week. Mrs. B. F. Fisher, of Union Fur nace, was in Logan, Friday of last week. 'Everyone would be benflted by taking Foley's Orino Laxative foi constipation, stomach and liver trouble, as it sweetens the atomucli and breath, gently stimulates tho liyer and regulates the bowels and is much superior to pills and ordi nary laxatives. Why not try Fol ey's Orino Laxative today. Bort & Co. Mr. Robt, Wright, of Marion, was in Logan Thursday, returning Friday. Mr. Chas. Wharton, of Rock bridge, was in Logan, Saturday on business. Mrs. S. E, McHride is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Ward, in New Lexington. Misses Emma anil Minnie Klein smith spent Sunday with friends at Grove Port. Mr. John Judy, of Rockbridge, was in Logan Saturday, and m ado our 0 111 co a pleasing cull. Mrs. Kathorine Duplor, of Rock bridge, was in Logan Friday of last wook and made our olllco u pleusant call. Mrs, Davy Williams and chil dren, of Now Straitsville, aro vis ising hor parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Braddock. Miss Ellle Myers, teacher of music in our public schools, has gone to her home in Amanda to spend vacation. Miss Louisa Johns, who has) been visiting Miss Florence Doe belo, returned to hor homo in Co lumbus, Thursday evoning of last weok. STKAITSVIM.K KKCOni). Mrs. Ellis Konu was a Logan visitor Wodnesduy. Miss Margaret Flowers was a visitor in Logau, Wednesday. Mrs. Blanche Wioiib spent Wed nesday in Logan. Mrs. Honry Lawrence and daugh ter Annie, wete Logan visitors Tuesday. Albert Price spent Sunday with friends in Logan. Miss Ruth Brooke is Marysville, guost of Mrs. Howard Jones. visiting in her sister Mr, and Mrs. John Martin, of New Carlisle, wore visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Collins. Mrs. Frank Brooke, after an ex tended visit in Logan, has returned to her home in Pittsburg. Mrs. Eliza Acker, of Murray City, was the Saturday guest of Mrs. John Collins, Saturday. FOR SALE One of the most pleasant and throughly appointed homes on Mound Street of Glen view Heights, in Logan. Call at residonce or phono. H. T. SlLVEKTHOTSNE. Juno 10 3w. HOOTS EfflUT LONDON If At LOGAN, OHIO, ON TUESDAY, JUNE 22 The Show this year Is Bigger and Better and In a More Command ing position than ever before to maintain their unrivaled standing and rank, and to Amaze and Delight their Thousands of Patrons. MANY ENTIRELY NEW AND EXCLUSIVE FEATURES Littlo Miss Ruth Gallagher is visiting her sistor Mrs. Herb San derson in Pittsburg. SI10 made the trip Thursday of last woek alono. mOHKAY CITY INUEt'KNDENT. M. D. Stahl, Chas. Soidenfeld, Chas. Ralph and G. W, Chriatman wore in Lexington last Tuesday on business. P. D. Sloan, of Logan made a business trip to Murray last Wed nesday. Miss Mattie StifT was in Logan, Saturday. Phil Rochester of Logan, was in town first of the weok, on business. Miss Julia Tucker, of Bremen, was in Murray last Monday look ing after her property. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ele Donaldson are spending a few days in Atheus this week and will go from there to Wabash, Ind., to remain all summer, Many of our citizens are drifting towards Bright's disease by neg lecting symptoms of kidney and bladder troublo which Foley's Kid ney Remedy will quickly cure. Bort it Co. Master Rosco Hansel has re turned from a week's outing in the country at tho home of his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Murphy. FOR SALE Now eight-room house in Glenova addition to Lo gan. Good barn. Gas fixtures in house. Inquire of W. C.'Whit'e or at this olllco. ' s2&A-S BSTOjXj6wiiteT fM I S A FEW OF THE MANY FEATURES YOU WILL SEE: Marion Sheridan and Her Troupe of Performing Lions PROF. BUCKLEY'S heard of PERFORMING ELEPHANTS Including DUCHESS, the Largest Elephant in the World, ROSKUALE, THE UUAUTIFUL TEN THOUSAND DOLLAR KENTUCKY HOUSE JAKE, the Largest Gorilla Ever Exhibited in America lie Is Five Feet Ten Inches In Height and Weighs 150 Pounds, Has Tremendous Strength, Marvelous Agility, and His Powerful Arms Are a Wonder to Behold, A Truly Wonderful Display of TRAINED ANIMALS 400 People. 250 Horses and Ponies. 20 Funny Clowns XX PROP. WHEELER'S MILLITARY BAND XX Tho Flowor and Pick of Feature Porformors from nil Nations in a Program Extant, Startling Struggles and Ludicrous Rovolries, Carrying tho Spectators by Storm and Wildly Applauded by all. ORINO THE LITTLE ONE TO SEE BABY ELEPHANTS, CAMELS, LIONS, MONKEYS -AN ENDLESS PROGRAM OF STARTLING EVENTS PARADE SEE THE FREE SPECTACULAR STREET Starting From the Show Grounds at 10 A. M. 2 -PERFORMANCES DAILY- AFTERNOON AT U O'CLOCK, NIQHT AT 8 O'CLOCK, "2 The Blue Ribbon Mooting and Mid Summer Racing Events of the Ohio State Fair Board will be hold in Columbus, August 30, SI and and September 1, 2 and 3. We are in receipt of an invita tion to the commencement of the Ohio University at Athens, June 20-24, for whioh our friend Prof. C. L. Murtzolll', Alumi Secy, and President Ellis have our kindest regards. Foley's Honoy and Tar is espec ially reoommondod for chronic throat and lung troubles and sufferers from bronchitis, asthma and consumption have found oom fort and relief, by using Foley's Honoy and Tar. Bort it Co. To uvoid serious results take Foley's Kidney Remedy at the first sign of kidney or bladder disorder such as backache, urinary ineglar ities, exhaustion, and you will soon be well. Commence taking Foley's Kidney Romody today. Bort.ik Co. Firo Chief Waner pumped tho water from the big cistern at the court house, Friday, and refilled it with oloan water. It took tho fire engine 3 hours and 20 minutes to pump tho cistern dry. It holds over 2000 barrels of water. Colds that hang on weaken the constitution and developo into con sumption, Foley's Honey and Tar aures persistent coughs that refuse to yield to other troatniont. Do not experiment with untried romodies as delay may result in your oold settling on your lungs, Bart Ac Co. nelsonvili.k keoistgk 1 Mrs. L. D. Johnson was the guest of her husband in Logan, Friday. Will KeyneBof Logan was a busi ness visitor in Nelsonville, Tues day. Bruce Wells, an Ohio State Uni versity student at Columbus, was the Saturday and Sunday guest of his parents, Mayor and Mrs. T. E. Wells. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Vore of Kachelmachor were Sunday guests at the home of tho former's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vore, of Meyers street. 'f ho Logan School Board mot on Friday night of last weol; and elected all tho old touchers except Principal of the High Sohool C. C. Garman, Mr, Garman is an appli cant for tho superintondenoy, Mr. Silverthorne having resigned, Tho Somerset Pross comes to us in a new and improved form. This is one of tho oldest papers in this part of the country, being in its 38th. year, Hon, W, J, Mortal has been tho editor for many years, and 1b a very able newspaper man, nelsonville buckeye Harley Kuhn of Logan, was a visitor in this city, Monday. Mrs, L. D. Johnson was the guest of her husband in Logan, Friday. Miss Edith Lynn spent Sunday evening in Logan, the guest of friends. Albert Meohem and son Stanley, wore visiting friends in Logan, Saturday. Earl Chorrington of Logan, was calling on friends in this city, Sat urday. Mrs. Earl Cherrington of Logan, was calling on friends in this city, Wednesday. Mrs. Bert Stedem returned to her home in Logan Thursday, af ter a visit witli her sister, Mrs. John Monahan. Mrs. Harry Rose returned to her homo in Logan Monday evening, after a visit in this city, tho guest of friends. Mrs. Helen Bowen of Logan, is visiting in this city for several days, tho guest of her daughter, Mrs. John Moiiuhan. Mrs. John F. White of Logan, was tho guest of frieuds in this city, Monday. Charles Hlldebrandt of Logan, spent Wednesday evoning In this oity, tho guest of frionds. Mrs. Charles Matheny was the guest of relatives in Logan, sever al days the latter part of last woek. Misses Ida and Jennie Ilartloy ot Logan, were tho guests ot their sister, Mrs. Frank Oldigos in this oity, several duys tho fiist of this week. Hocking Ludy Making Good. lAdolphl liimlur Nowa.l Mrs. G. Z. Williams, daughter of Mr. Henry Carr of South Perry, has ougagod with her undo, Mu Jor Win. F, Granlee, in tho publi. cation of Tho Sulphiu, (Okla komu), Democrat. Mrs, Williams left Honolulu two months ago, where her husband holds a com mission it U. S, army stationed there but will bo discharged next November when he will join his wife. The Domoorat is a live hust ling newspaper and is certainly booming the new Stato, and es pecially the country contingent to Sulphur, We wisii Mrs, William the highest degree of success in her new profession, The lady is above the average us a newspaper writer, Stirring Up Tilings nt tlic Peni tentiary. Columbus, Ohio, June 11. Tho Board of Managers of the peuiten tiary proposo to go after qui to u numbor of persons who had con tracts with tho state in days gone by, and who still have ncglcctod to balance their accounts. In all thoru is owing tho stato on tho old books of tho ponitontiary a total of !!51,il2 20. Two firms are in debt to tho stuto in tho amount of -f-11,000. Tills afternoon Lem G. Neeley and W. W. Durbln called upon At-torney-Generul Denuiau to ascer tain what could bo done to oolloct. Tho obligations dato back as fur as 1801, It is probable that suits will bo brought soon against such persons in the schedulo who are good for tho amounts, Dr. J. A. Shoemaker, of this city, was appointed a physician at the prison in the place of Dr. Mizer, resigned. Upon the excel lent report made by C. S. MasBey, of Irontou, that the prison restau rant was a monoy mukor, in that tho past month netted the state $170.50, tho board pluced him on the salary list at $75 a month. The board began upon the im provements, which will be very ex tensive before completed, by or dering the Superintendent of Con struction to raze the building oc cupied by the Columbus Holloware Company. Upon its site will be erected the power house. Tho following guards, appoint ed from time to time by Warden Jones, were approved by the board : Ashland, Frank Depler; Ashta bula, F. N. Crawford; Athens, Abe Jordan; Brown, Thomas J. Kier nan; Butler, Milton C. Codding ton ; Champaign, A. T. Schooley ; Clark, Hamilton Owen; Clermont, John Hendrickson; Clinton, Roy Sewell; Crawford, John S. Art man ; Cuyahoga, Joseph Vacua, Robert G. McDonnell, Gustava Ohlrick ; Defiance, James Todd ; Delaware, Win. Maish; Erie, John Ringel; Fairfield, Jelferson Deni son ; Franklin, M. Relil; Greene, Jones A. Holton ; Guernsey, Win. H. Chapman; Hamilton, Thos. Kenny, Ed O'Connors, J. S. Weis, Walter Scott; Harrison, J. W. Denny; Hancock, Robert I. Miles; Hardin, Win, Naus; Hocking, John Spencor; Holmes, Edward Hud nut; Huron, Ed Neusbaumer; Knox, Clinton Neal; Lawrence, Elisha Steele; Lorain, Thomas Lawrence; Lucas, Harry E. Eich ler; Madison, James Maloney; Marion, Albert Mohr; Medina, Robert E. Carr; Meigs, H. C. Alexander; Miami, Otto Baer; Monroe, A. E. Moore; Montgom ery, James McGrath; Muskingum, Clarence M. Kelley; Noble, R. L, Calland; Ottawa, Wm. L! Stark lofl'; Paulding, R. D. Campbell; Perry, George O. Bennett; Picka- wav. Jonn Trone: rutnam, Alt Dunlap; Richland, Wm. F. Untiet ; Ross, Michael Flesher; Sandusky, A. B. Coonrod; Seneca, John Heil- mun ; Shelby, John Allenback; Stark, E. W. Sweitzer; Summit, August Street; Trumbull, John O'Brien; Union, R. C. Williams; Van Wert, Chas. Slagler; Wash ington, Wm. Cowell; Wayne, Thomus Miller; Wood, Henry Matthews; Wyandot, Oioar Jonas. -J 1 I Tho Kiud You Ilavo Always liouglit, and which litis been in use lor over 30 yours, lias borno llio sigiiuliiro ol sjj? c lll"l hns boon niiulo undoi his pcr- Cj&jtGrfflttfa sonul Hupervlshm hIiioo its iiilimoy. WXS7. -eucUW Allow no ono to deceive you iu this. All Goiiutorf'oitN, Imitations Kurt "iTuxl-aK-goniP'urQ but 13xicrlitiiifs thai Irlllo with and cihIiiiiuvi' llio health of IniUnts ami Children JSvporloncu against Uxperimcut. What is CASTORS A Oastoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paro gorlc, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic Hiibstuucc. lis ago is its guarantee. Tt destroys "Worms and allays Fevcrishucss. II cures Dlarrluoa and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving- healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's laiiacca-Tlio Mother's lYiend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the yy Bears the Signature of The Kind You Me Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THE CENTAUR COMPANY. TT MURAAV STREET. NEW YORK CITV. ups on, they laugh and Llic crowd laughs with them. They help to un load, temporarily, at least, the cares from the minds of thousands of peo ple. These men who appear so dlgni lied and iiuiet upon the streets and parts of this out of the circus ring would never be i picked out as bein clowns on the road, but they are. MMip U'nrL- nf tlin olmi-nc: Willi hhp run to this great amusement re- 1Iowe.s Lomlon Show ,s ol Uie same sort, and there is plenty of enter- ay after day. as they take delight in tainment for everyone, and the springing' new jokes and new tricks park is big enough to take care of! on their co-workers, which enter tains uie ineinuers 01 me troupe as tre and another at the Dancing pavilion, besides the music nt the Merry-Go-Iiound, the Caroussel, the Penny Arcade, and the Auto matic Vaudeville Exhibit. Iu fact there is music in all big park at all times. Numerous excursions are being. all who may come. Successful Applicants. , w ell as the audience. Howe's Shows will be here da. .June '11. Tuea- The following is a list of the successful applicants at the exami nation held on June 5th., 1909. There were 70 applicants and 10 received Teacher's Certificates as follows : H. T. Silverthorn, 8 yrs., renewal Chas. SV. Zeigler, 2 yrs., renewal Phillip Schwackhammer, 2 yrs. " Edna Armstrong, 2 yrs., renewal Francis A. Davis, 2 yrs,, renewal C. G. Dishong, 2 yrs An Elegy. Olentungy Park. Joe Weber's Musical Company from Weber's Theatre, Now York, is making a decided hit at Olen tany Park Theatre. Columbus. The company includes most of tho Weber principals, with the famous American lioauty Chorus, and the Dancing Dolls. Tho company is presonting"The Girl From Paris" this week, and next week, starting Sunday, June l!Uh,Joo Weber's greatest success, "Hip! Hip! Hooray!" will bo prosouted. The productions are tho samo ns given iu Joe Wobor's Now York Theatre, but are given at Oloutaugy at popular prices. For free attractions, besides the many regular park nuiuseiuents, Olentangy is oll'ering absolutely free, the big Uuokskiu Hen Wild West and Dog and Pony Shows, which are given every afternoon nnd evoning in the open air, Powers' Military Hand also gives free concerts daily, and the danc ing pavilion and all the other numerous amusements are open every day, There is an abundance of musio iu Olentangy this season, includ ing the Powera's Hand, tho Cow boy Hand with the Wild West Marie England, J". C Hilliard, Bertha Keplar, Clarence Allou, W. H. Barton, C. E. Blackston, Geo. W. Byers, Grace Boarden, DaBsie Davey, Lena Evans, Chas. Emmons, Agatha Fox, Delta Gordon, Carrie Grillln, Nain Honnold, A. L. Kane, Lowie Mitchell, Bessie Morse, Goldie Mumford, Grace Mowery, Chas. Oldfield, Alpha Poling, Sylvia Roinstettle, James Reiohelderfer, G. W. Shuck, May Sparnon, Alice Slushier, Fannie Stone, Frank Turner, Ethel Tunnahill, R. N. White, Herbert Ward, Ellle Woltz, Florence Woolery, HOWS GREAT CIRCUS. renewal. 2 yrs, 1 ii yi. it ii LONDON The Part the Clown Plays In a Big Circus Is a Feature In IU Success. The clowning part of a circus pio Kraiu Is not understood by tho out sider, There are times during tho show when there Is not a clown Iu sight, and thou in the next instant the hippodrome track will almost swarm with them, They seoin to spring from the ground, and they will disappear as quickly. The presonco of the clown is appropriate and is de sired with most clrcusacts, and again there aro some features which would be ruined if thoy were allowed to bo clowned. Clowning Is a lino art. Tho best clowns are bora, not made. When intermingling with citizens on the streets they would not bo su spected of being wearers of tho loose robo of a fool, hut when they auoear Show, a big orchestra in the theaViu the circus rings, with their make- (Our mother wliouli'U in lsc,7, Auk. -nd If we liml thought thou cnuld'it lint e died Wo might not hiuewt'iKfor thue; Hut we forgot, whun by thy d That thou could'.it mortal he. It never through our minds hud pnssed Tluit time would o"er he o'er, And wo on thee should look our Inst, And thou should'il ::mllo no more' And still upon tint fneo wolnnlted, And thought 'twou'd smile uguln, A id still the thought we did not brook Thnt we should tool: In vain. Hut when we ipokutlunidld'si not sty Whit t lhou ne'er left 'it unsnld; And now we feel, as well we may, Sweet mother, thou art dead! If tliouroulil'sl have stayed, e'en ui thoil wurt, All cold, and all soreno We still inlnht press thy silent heart, Ami where thy smllt s have been ' While u'en thy chill, bleak corpse we hud, Thou seemed sdlll our ow n ; Hut there we lajed thee In thy grave, Aud we are now alone! We do not think, w hero'er thou art, Thou hast forgotten us; And we, perhaps, may lonthe our heails In thinking still of thee: Yet there wan touiid theesueh a dawn Uf light ne'er seen hefoie, As funey never could have draw n, And never e,ui restore' l!o DC, AZIlKt.t. I Will Send You Information In legard to a plan I have perfect ed, whereby you can increase your earning power from 50 to 100 per cent in a few months. You merely follow the plan I out line. The method I adopt gets results. You will be enthusiastic when I send you particulars. If frour educalion has been neglected, eave that to me. I will take care of you in that respecl. I helped Wm. Dobbyn, an ambitious country boy. He now draws $5,000.00 annually. Ada Menafee followed my advice and in a short time had a po sition at $1,450.00. The in formation I gave her, I can send you, If you want to be somebody to earn a good salary to do something in the world we will tell you how. I will also explain how you can defray expenses while preparing for success. Drop a card NOW, to-day. This win mean more to you than to me. The little effort of addressing me at Columbus, may mean a lifetime of prosperity to you, State age and education. I will answer by re turn mail. Address, C. A. BLISS, BLISS COLLEGE COLUMBUS, O, . .,. - i-.tV i-,,4 2 I r' mjm& laasswBH w..iimf rafufrBiiagggaw; argssg