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ytB'"wwwiirca JeitlitiiMiiiUfcJLiiJ 1 Hies i ,d ( 1J0YS P ROAl NVAY WASH SI' ITS-1 ii .milor or Russian slylw, with unify hr.'iifl? ami trimmings, all new, pltiin and 1'iiney rolory, blue, whilo, tan ntul solid com bimilion of colors, slraiglit or bloomer nnuls at 50c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.50 BOYS WASH PANTS Whilo or colore, in plain or hloomor stylos at 25c and 50c BOYS WAIST.-? With sailor collars and short sleeves, button across front or in plain blouse style, all new plain and fancy pattern in dross styles with full line of black sateens and khakis in every day styles at 50c NRW HATS, CAPS, HOSIERY, Etc., for Always First to Show LA U Pfwwi'wnrTV'iwvnTi SOCIETY NEWS OF OTHER TOWNS ft 51 v Here and There Philip Rwnckhumuter and son were seen in our valley, Sunday. Siiu Soitz, wife and children, of Laurelville, wore Blue Creek visi tors, last Sunday. Win. Parks is leasing laud for oil and gas. We are certain there is plottty of gas on top tho earth, Lot are not so sure about under neath. Ada Kennedy has been a Lan cahter visitor, the past week. Alia. Lottie Devault, of Laurel ville, was visiting friends on Salt Creek, a few days last week. Thos. Hockraan has purchased a fine team of horses. The new M. E. church at Uaynes J& progressing nicely. Maui; Mli.i.uu. Blue Creek The continued ruins have now censed, and farmers seem so well pleasod thut they won't stay out of their corn fields. A big oil and gas excitement is now in this part of Ohio. The in dications aro at this writing that there will be two or more wells drilled in Salt Creek township in the near future. David Dillon was a business callor in our midst, two or three days last week. Dave is a Jolly fellow nnd resides in Morosville, Ross Co. W. S. Talkington, of New Hol land, was a business visitor in this neighborhood n fow days sinco. S. P. Seitz, wife and children, of Laurelvillo, were tho guests of W. F, Suhooloy and fnmily at Nancy, last Sunday. Iturton Wiggins, of Salt Creek, attended church at Ctirmol, last Sunday, W. It. Harden and J. K. Smith were htthiness visitors to Laurel M v v -vww Novelty Store 10 Per Cent Reduction Sale For Three Days Only. I II 17, 18 ail 131, 1 10 per ceniReduction on Every Purchase10 per cent. Watch our windows for special bargains Novelty J Opera House Block, 16 Li Feii s 3 TO S YEARS ) Tl the the J,S UNDERWEAR, LITTLtt FELLOWS, New Things. ville, last Saturday. Hill Green was a business caller at Nancy, last Saturday. Potato bugs are more numorous than .f20 00 bills in this neighbor hood. Don't fail to notico as you pass by your uncles new house that he is changing the color by a now coat of pnint. (4ui:ss. Nickle Plate Plowing corn is now the order of the day. J. J. Shaw will erect a dwelling house this summer. Jacob Keller and family spent Saturday evening at Campbell's on Scotti Creek. Charles and Walter Harden at tended tho party at Lewis Rod man's, Saturday evening. Mrs. John Campbell, of Logan, was tho guest of airs. Robert Shaw, Friday. Misses Julia Kinsor, Nancy Eastevling and Mr. Ben Tritech called on Zola Keller, Sunday afternoon. The Misses Grace Shaw, Mae Harden and Eva Funk attended Sunday School at Miller Chapel, Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Sehemp and son Clarence, visited Mrs. Wash Meldrim, Fri duy. Mrs. Lewis Rodman und daugh ter Myrtle, wero seon passing through this vicinity Sunday morning. Mrs. John Cramblit nnd son Lawrence, spent Wednesday with Mrs. Austin, of Union Furnace. Tena and Zola Keller weie tho guests of Thomas Burn's, Sunday evoning. Mrs. Mosuro and daughter Ellle and son Will and family wore the guests of Mrs. Meldrim, Sunday. John Cramblit, wife and son Lawrence, attended Children's ser vices at tho Presbyterian Church in Logan. wv.vwv,&,j $ Store Logan, Ohio g SOI jtj 09J V Ilayncs and Vicinity Mrs. J, Vincent Ib vlsttin Mts, Murphy Orr nt present. Nollie Finney and Alpha l'oling wore Logan visitors, last week. Everybody at llaynes was look ing for a llood last week The creek was protty high, hut did no dnmngc. Leo Jtutler was a cnllor on Pino, one day InBt week. Josopli Tumor and wife, and Elmer Kennedy and wife visited Rancle Poling and wife, of Pino, last Sunday. Lillie Soitz visited her Grniuhna Sohooloy, ot Mine Creole, Inst week. John Iluutor passed through Ilaynee, hist Saturday with a load of ties. KATYDtn. Pursell Every one in this vicinity is busy trying to kill weeds. Rev. Fred Fetherolf is tho guest ot John Dreshuck and family at pro3eut. Miss Huzel Lama was the over Sunday guest of Sam Lama and family. Sam Fehus and wife, of near Ewing, puusod through horo Sun day, onroute to Bethelville, to visit too luttor's mother, Mrs. Jane Fehus. John Drosback was a visitor to Vinton County, Sunday. Sam Lama and family, were present nt the birthday surprise of Jane Febns, Sunday. Solomon Beory visited Tenton Smelts aud family, Sunday. Miss Frances Barclay was the guest of Nellie Vorhes, of Mount Vernon, Sunday. Ollio Lemon and family visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Lemon, Sunday. Mr, Fred Conkle has been on tho sick list tho past week. Miss Floy Barclay and Mies Hazel Lama called on Miss Enid Cupp, Sunday. Mr. Harley Karshner, of Logan, was in our vicinity, Monday. Charley P'axton was seen driving down the valley Monday. Miss Flov Barclay wont to Logan. Monday, where she will spend u fow weeks with her aunt, Mrs. Jess Karshner. Flowery Banks Plowing corn seems to be the order of the day In this vicinity. Mr. Frank Nihlser has as his Sun day guests, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bowling and Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Kline. Mr. Vern Fierson Is spending a few days with his brother, Mr. Edward Pierson of this place. Mr. George Anderson is in the em ploy of J. W. Smith, at present. Mrs. Sabra Nihiser, who has been working at Adelphl, returned to her home at Happy Hollow. Mr. Thomas Bones was trying our pikes, Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Shanley of Logan, passed through this place, Sunday. Mr. .1. V. Smith's has as their Sunday guests, Mrs. .1. II. Carnes and daughter Flo; Bessie GalTney; Marry, Minnie, Janet and Ilarry Ambrose of Logan; Mr. Samuel Smith and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Ilolsten. Mrs. Edward Pierson spent the lat ter part of last week with her patents. Mrs. M. Cotterman and daughter Mary attended childrens services at the L. O. chutch, Sunday afternoon. HuldaSinith spentSunday at home. Rluk Hull. Laurelvillo F. M. Wilson and daughter, Mrs. II. E. Cook and children, of Clrcle ville, visited It. II. Dresbach and fam ily last Thursday and Friday. O. W. Hurley, of Van Wert county, visited It. II. Dresbach last week. Mr. Hurley Is looking well. He ex pects to visit his old home befote le mming to Van Wert. It. II. Dtesbach Is hotter at this writing. Simon Reicholdefer and wife wore visiting friends hoto last week. Mrs. Martin vlsltod friends in Co lumbus last week. Mrs. John Dent Is Improving slowly at this writing. very Rachel Stevens Is very pootly at this writing. Tho old grain mill Is being put up very rapidly, tho foundation being almost done, The L. C, Band played on the ox curslon train to Tarlton last Sunday. James ltelcholdefer and Robert White both received a Teacher's certlllcato at last Examination in Hocking county. Porter Hunter teturnod to his home last Friday, Mauley Archer was kicked by horse last week, ciacking a few bones above the ankle. He is able to baout again. Mr. Morris, of Hallesvllle, Ohio, while trying to ford a stream near the W, A, W. Lumber Co., of this place, was carried down the stream. J Both horses were drowned, but he swam to the shore. I Carl McKlttrlck is poorly at this writing, I The L. C. Band goes to So, Perry next Sunday to play for the Odd enow s' uecorauon. i Real Estate Transfers T. J, nnd Laura Dllllngor to William and Mary Sldmoro, land In Murray City, .$100. Tamos nnd'Melissa Wnrohimo to J. W. und Martha Shaw, .1) of nn acre in Benton township; $10. William JA. nnd Itcnn Ogg to Charles GafFnoy, strip of land of I acres in Starr township; $1150. Margaret Shrndor to John W. and Sarah C. Wonn, 50 foot oil' lot No. 270 in Logan; $475. Thomas and Lydia Connor to John Bagloy, part of lot No. .18 in Logan; $1500. Jaccb FfoiiFor to Bayliss Icon: hour, lots Nob. JJI10 .and .135 in Pfeillor's addition; $05. Isaac Arnslierry to C. W. Smart, lot No. 40 in Murray Citv; $75. Isabella M. EdmiBtou and'lt. J. Edmiflton to May E. Snider, lot No. 01 in Logan; $1350. J. L. Murtin, auditor, to B. K. Tritsch, 0 acres in Ward town ship; $800. Delinquent. Tom D. und Martha L. Trimmer to Daniel Mets, 40 acres in Wash ington township; $100. A. A. Junipor und Julia II. Juni per to F. F. Routpol, Jr., und John It. Rempel, part of lot' No. 28 in Logan; $10,250. John E, and Lydia H. Bebout, to Joshua Brown, lot No. 401 in Pfeilfer's nddition; $25. C. H. and Daisy Nixon to Goo. Nixon, lot in Oreville; $15. J.cob and Elizabeth Wolfe to Thomas Connor, part of lot No. 80 in Logan; $450. Win. Roby and wife to ThomnB Connor, part of lot No. 1010 in Logan; $1. G. R. Chapman to Margaret A. Newman, lot No. 1151 in Glenova; $400. Thomas Byron and wife to Mike and Anna Zylinski, part of lot No 135 in Murray City ; $500. Fred and Martha Stout to Kate Reasoner, 40 acres in Washington township; $800. James Dicken to Ada Vansickle, lot No. 31 in Pfeill'er's addition; $200. William Waner, administrator to W. J. Savey to Geo. Shaw, 71 acres in Marion township; $1050. John D. LoomiB and wife to William E. Phillips, 14 acres in Stiirr fnwtifiliin- .10R. - f j -I---.-. W. M. Irvin to Isa Winebeyer, lots Nos. 185 and 180 in Murray City; $210. Asa Straus and wife to Harry L. Warner, lot No. 13 in Laurel ville; $125. S. J. Bay to Ohio West Virginia Ry. Co., land in Starr township and land in Vinton county; $900. Gas and Oil Leases. Starr township Minnie B. Wnrthnian to Al Martens, 200 acres; annual rental $100. Starr township L. 15. Wnrth man et al to same, 120 acres; an nual rental $00. Washington township William Yaw, to same, 87 acres; annual rental $18.50. Falls Gore William Bowlby to Crockett Run Co., 50 acres; annu al rental $50. Falls Gore William Lemon to Gore Oil Co., 172 aaros; annual rental $811.50. Green township John Mohlor and wife to D. L. Huiisbergor. 18 acres; annual rental $21. Starr township J. W. and Ar ttiida Crawford to J. G. Roovos, 85 acres; annual rontal $17.50. Starr township C. J. und Louisa Horrald to J. G. Roovos, 70 acres; annual rontul $88, Starr towndhip Teian nnd Verio Mitchell to J. G. Reeves, 107 acres ; annual rental $58,50. Starr F. M. and Kraily Sudlow to J. G. Hooves, 171 acres; annual rental $85 50. Starr township F, M. Sudlow and Fmily J. Sudlow to J. G. Reeves, 81 aures; annual rontal $12. Washington Susan Sanders and Lavinu J. Welch to emtio, 128 acres; annual rental $01. I Porry Bontly Hedge and wife to Stoutsviile Oil company, 18 noro9; annual rental $0.50, j l'orry Roht. M, Hipsluer to I Stoutsviile Oil company, 87 acres; annual rental $17.50, Perry 15. V. Harr et al to Stoutsviile Oil company,187 acres; consideration $1, Green township James A, and Cora Crane to D. L. Iiunsberger, 80 uores; annual rental $88, ureen John L. Nutchins and wife to I), L. Iiansberger, J 8 acres; annual rental $43 mmiHn!mH!tHfn!!TnT!H?pnimn?!Hmmnit?Tfnn!mmin!T!T!?fi!Tu?!TnT!i?tnmtiimmmy B B I B B Queen Quality Oxfords Below Cost Is Still Going on at Kline's Shoe Store LOGAN, OHIO If you will come in and look over our Styles and Prices, we are sure that you will buy our goods. We defy competition. Price a Standard Shoe anywhere, and then come to us and we will sell you the same Standard Shoe for from B B less. Why? Because we have bought in large quantities and we are our own salesmen. We have an accomodating saleslady in the ladies and childrens Shoe department. Let us fit your feet with good Shoes at satisfac tory prices. ' All New Styles to select from. Kline's Shoe Store Goods are Right and Prices Right tiiiiiiiiiiumuitiiiiiiuuiiiiiuiiiiitiiiiiiUiiiitiiiuiiiiiiiiiiHiiimiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiaiiiii Fulls Gore John . Kennedy and wife to same, 5 acres; annual ren tal $10. Green township Jacob Mohler, to Ira L. Jenkins, 41 acres; annu al rontal $44. More Graft Discovered. Scarcely less astonishing titan the disclosures relating to the fire marshal's office is the discovery thut as a legacy from Republican control of the state penitentiary there is duo the state over $51,000 on old und expired contraote. An extraordinary feature of this discovery is that in a number of instances the record of the pen itentiary contain no reports of money paid and now said to be due on various contracts. It is easy for the attorney gen oral to unload responsibility by saying "these all date back prior to my coming into ofllco." By so doing he also absolves the present state administration from responsi bility, for Governor Harmon and tho present attorney general came into olllce at the same time. But why wero not those old ac counts collected before? In the maungemont of one institution the ,ti tn of $51000 is quite an item. Tho attorney general says lie will boo weather thero really is anything due tho stuto, that ho will investigate to see what action his predecessors Itttvo tuken, and tl)t t if ho finds the contractors "do owe something," he will take the nccoBsary logul proceeding to collect either from the parties di- THE BIG LOT SALE IS Glen view Heights r.- ADDITION ----- ----- Jl FEW CHOICE LOTS STILL sgg Terms to Suit Purchaser - For Further Particulars Call on Ofllco West Spring Street F. A. KOPPE Kwir of Opera House Blk. Th m e Die C5J-J- 50c to 75c Come in and Loaf With Us on Circus Day rect or from their bondsmen. The people of Ohio probably i never would have Itourd of this large amount due tho stuto except On aCCOUIlt of the lu- for the change of administration, creasing work in the Treas- With tho revelation, discoveries urers an(l AuditOPS Office, in the fl.e matshaTs ofllco, tho the Tax BOOkS HlUSt POSi necessity for a change of manage- ,. , , ment at the hospital and the in- tlVely clSe 0n Monday, dustrial school for girls, It coni0Buly 19th. 1909, SO as to in bad grace for republican papers'give time tO make the Set to say that Governor Harmon tulk- tlement. ed about "graft and corruption" during tho campaign last fall and had been unablo to make good since his inauguration. Logan Boy Honored. Harry N. Armstrong, of Logan, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Arm strong, who graduates from Ohio Wesleyan University at Delaware, June 17, was one of those who re ceived notable high honors when these were handed out ut the "Recognition Day" exercises Tttos day morning. He was awaided the Slooum prize of $00, the high est oash scholarship prize in the Scientific course, and in general scholarship he won "Cum Luudo" or Honors, which indicates a high standard of work. For being an ofllcer in the best military compuny battalion, he won u silvor medul, which indicates second in best drilled ofllcers of tho company. Those honors indioute a high standard of work during Mr Arm strong's courso. In announcing these honors, Prosident Welch stated thut the University had re ceived gifts of about $00,000, mainly for ondowuieitt, during tho year. 3 Make Us Prove What We Say 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Douglas $5.00 Oxfords at $2.98 3 3 I 3 3 Notice to Tax Payers The Treasurer will be at So. Bloomingville, July 6th. Haynes P, 0., July 7th. Laurelville, July 8th. Carbonhill, July 12th. Murray City, July 13th. to collect taxes. Tax books are now open ed, and it will be appre ciated if tax payers will come early to avoid the rush later" Remember July 19th. is positively the last day that can bo given. J. W. GABRIEL, Treasurer. Death of Josephine Dickens. On Wednesday ncoured the death of Miss Josephine Dickens, young lady, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. James DiokW, at their home North of Logan, She had been slok for some time with tuberou losis. The funorul was held this morning at tho St. John's. Catholio church in Logan. STILL ON "V. H I A flHillfcliaiWinrfrwrMirrartrr.1" .Tfi-irw y nVjiTirffTT-r'-ffamflfi - ijJinji vm f . ! - 4K. -t