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fiL?L&;tApfckva&r:jaai. v J fc V r ) , iwmmmmmmmmmmj - OU June l?j of Undcrmuslins and White Goods has been a big ) success and hundreds have taken advantage of the low prices at which these goods arc offered. Stocks are still large and if you are needing anything in Undcr muslins or White Goods it will pay you to buy during this sale, which ends Saturday, June 19th. A Special in Childrens Undermuslins One lot of childrens muslin Skirts and Slip, ages 4 to 12 years, with hemstitched rullle. never sold for less than 10c, your choice while they last One lot of Corset Covers made of lawn and trimmed with hemstitched rullle, to close at. A Sale of Sample Curtains We will place on sale Friday 200 sample Curtains at 2.'!c. These arc samples that traveling men use in .showing: the different styles and patterns, and are 1 1-2 and 2 yards bng. There are both Notlngham and Cable Net in the lot and come In white and ecru. The samples represent curtains that sold up to $."..50 per pair. Very desirable for sash curtains, dormer windows and other uses. While they last you can take your choice, per strip at . Bargains 24 inch fancy striped Crepe Silks, the newest weave for fancy waists and dresses. Comes in tan, two shades of blue and grey. The regular price has al ways been 50c, but during this sale the price will be 24 inch fancy figured Silk Mulls In foulard patterns, very line, sheer materials and look like the higher priced foulards. Always sold for 50c, but the price now Is Rugs A Rug value that can't be see this before you buy. 9x11 room size Brussels Rugs In pretty floral and fan QA oriental patterns, a $10.00 Rug for ip.JJ The above price is good for one week only, and if you are interested let us show you. We can save you money on Rugs. Rochesier I5r5r"5f?f5tX"5t3fX"JC"3r."5tlX"XX"X"35"5C"X"3rXf5r3f Xocal anb Jftersonal lv j jC t X J X JCi 9C Jt JCIIIJL JC C Jl ijd tXj iX Xi Xi X iX I lee Cream Church. Festival at Zion Mr. Fred Warner spent Sunday in Columbus. Miss Bird O. White was in Co lunibus, Wednesday. Mrs. Dr. Eastman was a Colum bus visitor, Monday. Miss Emma Hurtinun is in Co in minis, for a few days. Mr. J. C. Huls, of Rookbridgo, was in Logan, Tuesday. 'Rev. Spoelir and wife were Co lumbus visitors, Wednesday. Miss Maria Parsons was a visi tor iu Columbus, Wednesday. FOR SALE A good refrigerat or, cheap. Call up this otllee. MENTOR UNIONS Wfl A ft 13 ALWAYS PLEASED TO SHOW YOU, Union Clothing Co. Opera House Block, Logan, Ohio John Ohlluger nrtrti,r. JoM" T HcUrlde Cdward Ueck ii upi iciuia R Sale 5c. 5c. 23c in Silks 35c. 35c. beat. It will pay you to - Lytlo Co. Dr. E. E. Campbell went to Co lumbus, Wednesday morning. Mr. Wallace Glenn ia in Park ersburg for a few days visit. Mrs. Bell Hyson and Mrs. Deun were Columbus visitors Wednes day. Mr. Samuel Stivison, of near Rockbridge, was in Logan, Satur day. Mrs. Nicholas is spending this week with relatives in Junction City. Rev. and Mrs. Willis spent Fri day and Saturday in Junction City. The always happy James lies was in Logan Tuesday, fife and drum. r uC We offer you a splendid as sortment of Underwear, Includ ing MENTOR UNION SUITS. We have them in both short and long sleeves In sizes to lit you properly. MENTOR COMFORT UNION SUITS are prefered because, of their perfect lit and elas ticity, they remain thoroughly comfortable garments until worn out. If y&u have never worn a union suit the MENTOR UNION SUITS will surely convert you. '"fr" W, J. Lytic A& S V7iM Mies Plczza Maul: nllotulcd com mencenipiit at Westervllle, the past wetk Mr. and Mrs. Charley Juergens meir are visiting a few days in Lan caster, Mr. John Davoy, of Columbus, was In Logan viBlting his parents, Sunday. Mrs. G. W. Dolllson und daugh ter Elizabeth are visiting friends in Bremen. Dr. und M.'h. B. C. VuManigal loft Tuesday for the onoampmont at Newark. Squiro Ike Williams, of Long stroll), was in Logan Wednesday, on business. Mrs. John F. Wh'.lo has as her house guest, Mrs. Joo Lukcr, of Kansas City. Mrs. J. J. Shaw wont to Lan caster, Wednesday, for a visit with relutlves. Mr. Wm. Lilliauthal, of Zunes ville, made our ntllco a ploasant call last woek. Tho Misses Evolyn and Mary Louise Bowen are home from Ox ford for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Roman Brooker are guests of friends in Lancaster a few days this week. Miss Minnie Jurgeusmier left Wednesday for a visit with her sister, Ida, at Dayton. Mr. Dwight Mathias who is working in Columbus, was at home in Logan over Sunday. Mr. Myron Hansel was in Westor ville, Wednesday of last woek at tending commencement. Rebecca Lodge will givo an ice cream festival at Court House Park, Saturday evening. Misses Florence and Ollie Snider returned Monday from a visit with their parents at Somerset. Rev. Geiger and Rev. Willis are in Winchester this week in attend ance at a church conference. Mr. Taggart, of Omaha, Neb., is in Logan, the guest of his daughter, Mrs. Frank Blasius. Mr. Wood Bowen, who is attend ing college at Wooster, returned home Monday for his vacation. Mrs. C. R. Wilson was in at tendance last week at a Sunday School convention in Springfield. Miss Maria Parsons returned Tuesday, from a weeks visit with Dr. and Mrs. Powell, of Columbus. Mr. A. M. Brown, formerly Clerk of Courts of this county, is very ill at his home in west Logan. Mrs. Thomas Roberts, of Murray City, was the guest in Logan last week. of her daughter, Mrs. W. O. Huls. Mrs. Harry Pavey, of Sabina, was a very charming guest of Miss Lucile Allen the fore part of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Dill Sanderson are visiting in Washington, C. H , guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. San derson. Mr. and Mrs, Warren . Bennett, of Jackson, are guests for a few days of Mrs; Bennett's mother, Mrs, Kline. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Savoy and daughter, of Alliance, spent from Saturday to Monday with relatives in this city, Mr. and Mrs. Ashler Allen and children, of Haydenvillo, were over Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Weiss. Misses Mollieaud Alice Creamer and Mr. N. L. Gilbert, of Colum bus, were Sunday guests of tho MIssob White. Mrs. Nettie Webster, who has been the house guo9t of Mrs, II, F, Ambrose, returned to her home in Toledo, Tuesday. Mibs Margaret Sauuienig and Mrs. Tonny are iu attendance ut the Commencement O'ceroisoa at Wooster, this week. Miss Helen Pond, of Somerset, who has been spending tho week with Columbus relatives, returned to Lngau, Wednesday, Mr. and Mtb, Ed Oliver havo as their guests Mrs. Ollvor's slater and husband, Mr, and Mrs. S. S. Still, of Birmingham, Ala. Mrs, Joe McGee, after a pleas ant visit here with her mother, Mrs. Charles Beoker, returned to her home at Jackson, Tuesday, Judge O. W. II. Wright Bpoke in Nelsonvllle Sunday at the Joint nieui6rial service of the Iv. of P,, Odd Fellows, Maccabees and Red Men. An loo Crcntu festival wilt bo hold at the Zion U, B. Church on Scott's Creek, next Saturday even Ing, June 10th. Everybody In vited. Tho Jackson Herald says : Mr, and Mrs. Warren Bennott woro called to Marion, Intl., last week on account of the doath and funer al of a relative Jimmy Hutch and Ralph Huls, two young boys of Logan, left Wednesday for Hugo, Oklahoma. They are going west to grow up with tho country. Ono of Ruble's horses broke loose at Krookers Cafe, Tuesday, and ran off, smashing the huggie to splinters, and the horse got a hard fall on tho paved street. Regular services at the Trinity Luthoran Church next Sunday evening at 7 o'clock, standard time. Sunday School 0 A. M. F. T. Schroodor, Pastor. Mesdumos Will Moore and M.H. Chorringtou have returnod from grand lodgo Pythian Sister at Day ton. They reported their visit at Tuesday night's session of lodge. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Armstrong are in Delaware a few duys in at tendance at the Commencement exercises, as thoir son Harry graduates there with high honors this year. Dr. Boyd Rochester, sou of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rochester, of Co lumbus, who has been in the Phillippines for the past three years, arrived Saturday on a visit with his friends. One of the carpenters working on the Peto Sloan residence, sus tained a very severe wound with a hatchet cutting his leg below the the knee. We were unable to learn the man's name. Dr. Chadwick went to Columbus Tuesday morning to accompany his mother that far on her way to her home in Findley. She has been visiting at his home here for a few weeks,and enjoyed the stay, though she is 84 years old. Mr. and Mr. George Kleinsmith have gone to Pittsfield, 111., for a few weeks stay, visiting their son Henry. Before returning they will visit Mrs. Kleinsmith's brother, John Keller, at Bloomington, III., and thoir son George Kleinsmith at Plymouth, Ind. Rev. W. E. Shinn, D. D., who will be remembered by many Hock ing county people in tho early 80's as having been pastor of Sugar Grove charge, will speak ut Mt. Tabor church in Marion township, on next Sunday, June 20, at 2:30 o'clock p. m. All are invited. The Pythian SiBters had a very social time at their hall, Tuesday evening. The June committee on entertainment served ice cream, cake and coffee. The committee on entertainment is composed of Mrs. G. K. Johnson, Mrs. John Wolfe and Mrs, Grace Mitchel. Mr. Bert Poston, of (.lullicotho, was in Logan a few days this week visiting his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs Winfred Poston. south of town. Mrs. Poston ac companied her son home on his return, to see the little grandchild that has come to their house at Chillieothe. "Uncle Joe,"the Enquirer Man, was in to see us Wednesday, and he contracted the Cincinnati Weekly Enquirer so low to us that we are enabled to give both the Enquirer and Dkmoorat Skntinki. to our readors one whole year for $1.20. What do you think of tliat. This bargain only lasts during this month. Mr, Ed Collins hud a vory narrow oscapo from instant death by falling from the top of a house Tuesday, Tho scatl'olding slipped and fell, and he made a random grab for the cornloo of tho build ing and held on with two fingers of one hand until a ladder was raised to him. He bore up the weight of a plunk also while bung ing with u death grip to tho roof, Subscriptions. Tho following havo our thankB for subscriptions to tho Dkmoouat Skntinki., paid during the week of June 7-12, 1000: Miss Tillle Blosser, Mrs. Eliza beth Redd, C, G. Wright, George W. Risley, S, C. St. Clair, Logan; Samuel Green, Nelson Blgham, George Woltz, Samuel Stivison, Miles Moore, JoBoph Judy, Rock bridge; Marion Kitchen, South Bloomiugville; Mlsa Katliariue Bowlby, East Liverpool; Michael Bowers, Newtown, Mo &. 4 To visit our OUR Everything brand new and clean. Ask for one of our souvenirs. They're worth having. fr D. A. RIZER Hartmann Building Logan, Ohio Probate court.... fa 'X' X j JL b Jv Jv sfj iv Vi ij Jj j t? June 9 Last will and toBtament of Hanah Thompson hoard. Testi mony of witnesses taken and same is ordered to be recorded. June 8 Alllduvit filed by Joo Hotlines for an inquest of lunacy against Martin A. Hoflines. Hear ing had and testimony ttiken und Martin A. Hotlines is committed to the Athens state hospital for insane. Juno 10 First and Until account of J. T. Sandeisou, administrator of the estate of John P. Spahr, de ceased, filed. For hearing July 0. June 10 Aflldavit filed by P.M. Rhodes against Barbara H. Clowe for an inquest of lunacy, June 15 An alllduvit filed by W. P. Shaw, ngaiust JosBie M. Shuw, alleging insanity. June 12 First und fiuul account of Ephriam Shaw, administrator of the estate of Joseph Beul, de ceased, filed. For hearing July 10 June 10 An instrument pur porting to be the lust will and tes tament of Jerome Nihizor, filed. For hearing July 10, June 10 An instrument pur porting to be the last will and tes tauiont of John Weidner filed. No tice to heirs ordered. Hearing on June. MAKlUAOn MOENSKS. Elmer McLaughlin, ill, Logan; Mahle Hunter, 2!5, Green township. Rev. J. W. Willis. Mayor's Court. Mayor Tliurness had some drunks up before him Saturday. A Nelsonvillo follow hud beon to Lancaster, and got back us fur as Logan, figured ho was home und got off the train and was celebrat ing. It took four olllceiH to land tho belligerunt soruppur, but ho got in. The expense next day wub $0.80. One Fluhart, of Murray City, was in Logan, Saturday, and was between a drunk and a fit. He did considerable yelling and got run in. It cost hint $9.00, Webb Lands tho Plum. At 2:00 Wednesday morning tho board of trustees of the Girls' In dustrial sohool at Rathbone, iu ttttk WATCH THE CIRCUS PARADE NEXT TUESDAY You are welcome at our Store to rest and make yourself at home, on circus day or any other day, Come in, windows, We are glad to have you The Johnson-Beverage Co. J?l C..1,.rortrp tA tt PrrJc .Qfrrtrrf ff DON'T FAIL rs store on SATURDAY, JUNE 19th OPENING DAY WWWWW3?WWJ session ut the school ununimously elected S. D. Webb of Albuny, Athens county, as superintendent, to succeed T. F. Dye, as superin tendent. Mrs. Webb was chosen matron, succeeding Mrs. Dye, The board had been iu session all night, concluding when the choice was made. Marriages. Monday's Columbus Citizen gives the marriage license of Louis J. Warner, oi Logan, and Cecelia Heil'ey, of Columbus. The uiarri uge took pluce in Columbus, Fri day evening, Rev. Father Eis per forming the ceremony. The Columbus Press-Post of Sunday last suys: "Rev. L. R. Hart peformed the marriage cere inoiiy Wednesday eveniug of Miss Edna Scofield und Fred Conkle, both of Logan. The bride's mother accompanied the couple. Wesley Miller Sent Up. Lancnilur Democrat. Wesley Millor, of Rockbridge, who was tried before the Federal court in Columbus on the charge of taking at lotter from a rural mail box and extracting u check for $200 belonging to E. C. Welt ner, to whom it was Bent by C. M. Rowlee, of this city, was found guilty und sentenced to 18 months in tho penitentiary ut Leaven worth, Kansas. Tho check wus cashed at the Farmers and Citizens bank in this city. K. of P. Memorial As wus programed and an nounced in these columns last week, Logan Lodge Number 119, K. of P. held their Memorial Services, Sunday. They attended tho M. E. Churoh iu the forenoon and listoned to u very able sermon by Row Correll. In the afternoon all assembled ut the hull und marched to the cemetery headed by tho Logan Hand, playing excellent music. A committee of Knights und of Py thian Sisters decorated graves of the deceased brothers and sisters, mid then ussembled ut the public mortuary. Mr. H. R. Hurrington introduced the speaker, Hon. E, W, Mossmuu, of Luncufrter, and thut gentleman dolivored a most eloquent address. let's get acquainted. Watch the big parade come, &&&M v v v v Thaddeus Floyd, Dead. Our old friend und soldier Thad Floyd, died, yesterday morning at ut the home of John Floyd, Ir , in this city. Ho was 75 years old, anil been declining in health for some time. He was a soldier of the civil war. The funerul will occur from the home of his broth er, Squire J. M. Floyd, on Friday ufternoon. Death of Mrs. Daubenmlre. tl.aiica'itur Democrat. 1 Friday afternoon at 1 :30 occur ed the death of Mrs. Mary Dauben mire, wife of Mr. Peter Dauben mire, at the family residence, near Swartz Mill. Deceased was 01 years, 11 months and one day old, and died from diabeten. Mr. George Dauben mire and Robert Kent, of this city, were close relatives. The funoral was held at two o'clock Sunday afternoon at Span gle (Trinity) church in Berne township, and Rev. Schroeder, of Logan oilleiated. Prices Paid by Loguu Merchants, June 17, 1909. Butter ISo Eggs 18c Chicken 9c Potatoes 1.00 Wheat $1 40 Corn 85c Oats (S5o No. 1 Timothy hay $11.00 Mixed hay 10.00 Straw (1.00 Hogs .5A to (Uc Dressed hogs 7 to 8Ac Steers..'. 4i to OAc Heifers " .4 to 0 Cows a to lie Bulls -3 to JH Calves 5 to 5c Sheep 4 to 0c Notice to Contractors Sealed bids will be received for t lie building of the proposed new M. E. chinch ut Logan, Ohio, at the olllce of Dr. C. O. Allen, sec retary of the committee, until 7:.10 p. m.on Thursday, June 24, 1909. Plans and specifications at Dr. Allen's olllco, Tho committee reserves the right to reject any or all bids. By order of Building Committee, E. B, Comi.y, Chairman, l O,, Seoretary, A, C. Tiiton, Wakiikn Lanninu, H. B. Hai. from our steps and our MARKET P V