Newspaper Page Text
ViWfVHH vSbift WBHWw'cnOSWCO I WoiotltOALFujuy T -cs? Rogers Routed. When it came time to reorgan ize the office of at ate fire marshal, Governor Harmon demonstrated that he knew how to do it and how to do it right. Not aince the days of Mark Slater hftB there been anything equal to It in the political annals of Ohio Be it remembered that when Governor Pattison decided to put the Waverly editor, J. W. Johnson, in the oillee of state supervisor of public printers, Mark Slater con cluded to hold on, but the locks were changed on the oflice door, and Slater never got back in Again. Somewhat the same attitude was assumed by W. S. Rogers, state Are marshal, when Governor Harmon iniformed him of the ne cessity for a change. Rogers was to resort to Mark Slater tactics, o the same means were adopted which effectually disposed of the Herrick regime. To get the place himself a compromise woe made which put Hollenbeok on the pay roll at .f2000 per year, within $200 of the salary of the head of the department: Hy Davis was on the pay roll at $2500 as some sort of "special counsel," although supposed to be organizer of Repub lican clubs; the salary of regular counsel for the department had been increased from $1800 to $2400 per year, and several "secret serv ice men" were found on the pay roll who are supposed to have been specially useful during the cam paign last fall. Did you say there was no need of house-cleaning in Republican offices at the state house? Note what Governor Harmon has done to the fire marshal's of fice. The first thing tlis new fire mar shal, John W. Zuber, of Paulding did was to lop oh" those "secret service men." He put back the Measure a Democrat. Slater. The don't-you-toueh-mt salaries to the same figure that fire marshal found that his only was Paia nen ureamer was are key wouldn't fit the new lock Then he consulted his attorney, but his attorney evidently failed to find any grouua for a litigation that would appeal to the elevator attendants at the Btute house, much less to the supreme judges who were authorized by a Repub lican legislature to appoint elevator attendants, so Rogers went back to Cleveland and his deputies are being scattered to the four corners of the state, They had simply dared Gover nor Harmon so long that they couldn't get over their surprise when he got ready to go after them. They soon saw that he wasn't so afraid after all as they thought he was; that they didn't have him "bluffed to a standstill," as they had been boasting among themselves for weeks because, as they found to their chagrin, he knew what he was doing. They didn't expect him to find out what had been going on in the fire mar shal's office. ' When Rogers was appointed by Governor Harris to succeed D. S. ureamer as Tire raarsiiai, lie wits opposed by H. H. Hollenbeok, son of the first fire marshal, and Uy Davis, who was fire marshal of r marshal. Creamer turned over $11,000 into treasury in one a surplus of the the state year. Roger didn't. At the rate Rogers was going during the past five months, in which he spent over half his allowance, there would be a deficit lut the end of the year. About time Governor Harmon cleaned house in tho fire marshal's office, wasn't it. When Rogers decided to appeal to the elevator attendants or to the supreme court to hang on longer he said he would write the governor a letter demandingspecific reasons for his removal. Merely another blulF like his refusal to vacate when asked to do so. He knows why he was removed, and so do the people who have been reading the newspapers. Rogers was one of the Harris lap-oyers confirmed at the special session to handicap Governor Harmon's administration. Our protectionist contemporar ies, who has never a good word for the progressives of tholr own party, are profoundly indignant and violently vociferous against the temerity of William Jennings Bryan for reading out of his party thoso Democrats in the Senate who have repudiated their platform declaration on the lumber item and who have shown themselves stoutly Republican in all phases of tho tariff discussion. Tillman, Simmons and other Southern senators who have gone after protection pottage are illog ical and wholly unconvincing in their explanations. They hotly claim that they are as much Dem ocratic as Mr. Bryan, which means nothing what ever in itself. Their indorsement by an opposition organ to whose cause they are giving aid and comfort prove indelibly that they ure wrong, whether Bryan be right or not. In the absence of any higher or more conclusive and specified standard to determine what is and what is not Democratic, we hold that the National Democratic plat form should settle the whole matter. We do not believo that all the wisdom in the world can be cornprosaed into such a document, but as long as this country depends on party government, party decla rations must be made broad, clear and conclusive. And tlioy must bind all who profess themselves of this faith. Any other than strict interpretation and allegiance is dishonest and disloyul to both country and party. Grosvenor Wins Ills Suit. Pcnltciiilary Annbiiillnrinfcsi Outside of Bbroral appointtuehto and contracts awarded, little was dono other thnh the routine at the monthly liieotlni' of tho board of ponltontinry manngors Thursday. W. C. Lawler of AdauiB county was appointed superintendent of printing. Henry Nailer of Hamil ton county was appointed captain of tho guard room ut night. C, W. Nana of Allen county was appoint ed suporintendont of the pieco price, having resigned as a guard, to which place ho was first ap pointed, Tho resignation of Ira Mlzor, day physician nt tho institution wus accepted, but nobody was ap pointed to fill tho vacancy. Dr. Garrett, day physician undor tho old administration, may be re tained, it has been uaid. Tho contract for the next year's meat supply was awarded to Ben Cliamborlain, Columbus meat deni er, at the rate of (U cents nor pound for beef. He will supply all. the moat for the prison for n year at a total sum of $87,041.50. Found Unconscious. the run- the lAdelphl Hoarder News When the mail carrier on South Bloomingvillo route, ning to the neighborhood of Ash Cave, was making his rounds last Saturday, he found lying in the road the unconscious form of of Howard Congrove, son of Mrs. Hannah Congrove, of this place. Summoning assistance the man was taken to his home and a Doctor called. He did not recover consciousness for more than an hour after his home was reached, in the vicinity of the Ash Cave, where he lives with his wife and children. The Doctor found tho injured man suffering from a slight fracture of the skull and several broken ribs and numerous other cuts and bruises about the head and body. When able to talk the injured man stated, that while riding horseback along the road, a rabbit jumped out of a clump of bushes, frightening tho horse, and causing it to make several desperate lunges, one of which threw Mr. Congrove to the road, whore ho laid until found by the mail carrier. The horse scampered away in the di rection of his pasture field. Latest reports from the bedside of the injured man are to the ef fect that while he is in a badly crippled condition, recovery is most possible. Sheriffs Sale in Par tition. t.iuirettu ltenwny, plain 1 1 (T, vs. Elizabeth Hoop, Lydn Yimles, Minnie llenway a minor over 14 years of ate, ana. Nettle llenway, u minor 14 years of age, nnd El inor Miller, defendants, Cittuo No, 400(1. In the Court of Common I'leoi of Hocking County, Ohio, Notice Is hereby k I veil Hint the under signed .sheriff of Hocking Comity. Ohio, by virtue of an alius Order of Hale In Partition, Issued out of Raid court In tho nbove entitled cntue ntul to him directed ns sheriff ofanld county, will, nt the door of Hie Court House In I.ngnu, Hocking County, Ohio, on Saturday, July 19th. A. D., 1, ntotio o'clock I'. M., on sulci day, oiler for sole nt public miction, the following lauds nml tenements, situate In Hocking county, Hlnteof Ohio, and described uh fallows: Ilelng Fractional Lot. No. Ono (1) In Sec tion Thlrty-otio (HI), Township Thirteen ho, i-.iKinccn (is;, uocKiiig riiug loutitv. Onto, nml 1)0 In if more imitlcularlv ns ioiiows: using n pnrt or mo 13), Han County. C dotcrlhed norlhwett corner of said section, thonce south upon the section line 2H..14 chains, thence south ffidogroes enst lit 10 obnlns, to the center of the road, thonro by said road north :i7!doKroeHcnst chnlns, thence north 22 degrees, west 0 8.1 chains, thonce north M degrees, west 5 17 chnlns, north 7 dugroos, west 1 81 chnlns, thenco north 4 de grees, west 'J W chains, thence north 2.SU de grees, west W8 chains to tho north lino of snld section, thenco west 17.II7 chains to the plnco or beginning, contuliilug ttijtf acros, moro or lass, subject to the dowor right of said Elizabeth tho surviving widow of said Oliver llenway, deceased Appraised at Two Huudrod and Klghty Dollars ($.280.00;. Tonus of Halo: One third cash, ono third In onoyenr nml one third In two yonrs, de ferred payments to bo evidenced by prom issory note." of tho purchaser or purchasers, todrnw Intorost nt tho rato of six per cent from date of sale und to be secured by mort gage on tho piemlses sold. Given under my hand at Logan, Ohio, thU 9th. day of J une, A. I) , im. GKOHOE It. WILLIAMSON, Sheriff. C. V. Wright, nttornoy for plalntttr. Juno Sheriff's Sale in Par-tition. Mfy C, Moore nnd Jessie L, Collins vs Borah W. Floyd and O. A, Page. Cause No, 4110, LEGAL NOTICE In tho Court of Common llna of Hock Ing County nmLStnte of Ohio, Notice Is lioreby given that tho under signed Hhorlir of Hocking couutv, Ohio, by virtue of nn orderof saloln partition, Issued out of said com t. In the nbovo entitled otuse and to him directed ns shorllT of said county, will, nt tho door or tho Court House, in Logan, Hooking county, Ohio, on Saturday, June 26 A, D., 1909, at ono o'clock p. m. on snld day, oiler for snle ut public auction, tho following IuihIh nnd tenements.sltunted In HncklnitOounty, Hlftto of Ohio, and desarlbed ns follows! Ilelng lots fill and BIG of tho Incorporated village of Logan, also the following parcel situated In tho said vlllngo or Logan, begin ning nt tho lntorBPctlon of oust lino of Cul ver street oxtomllug southward, with the south lino of llowen stroot extending east ward, thoncu south, bv mid enst lino of Culver street, to tho north line ot the right of way of tho Columbus nml Hocking Vnl ley Itnllrond Co , horo-to-foro conveyed hy C II. Illppoy, for I ho mnln lino Riul Straits vlllo branch of snld rallrond, thenco inst wnrdlynnd iiorlhorly, by tho Una of snld railroad rlghtoof.way, to the south-west cornor of a tract of ubout six acros, hereto fore convoyod by U. II Hlppey to Cleorgo F. Hamblln, thoiico north by the lino of said Ilambiln tract, to tho south llnu ot How on street oxtended, thenco west to tho place of beginning, containing four acres more or loss, and being a part or fractional lots 8 and 0 In'socthui numbor CI. township num ber 14, range 17 ot snld county. Lot number fill appraised nt (100.00, lot , ..Mil. .11. t.... H.nvM ( -ir V" .. ..... .....a ncro tract nt 000 oo. I Terms of Halo Ono-thlrd cash, ono-thlid in ono year aim one-iiuiu in iwo 3 ears, uu forrod pay men is to bo ovldencod by pro misor' noto of tho purchaser or purchasers, todrnw Interest at tho rnto of six per cent from date of salo and to bo secured by mort gago on tho premises sold. Given undor my hnnd at Logan, Ohio, this 21th dny of May, A. 1)., MOD. aKOrtOB II. WILLIAMSON, HhorltT. O. V. Wright, Attorney for I'lantilT. May 27, 5-W received at the Village of Logan, on June 2lsl, Dan Foreman Sick. C. C. Weist, M. D. will make his tilth to Logan, 0., Ambrose Hotel. Monday, July 5th, '09. 9. A. M. to a P. jr. One day only C. C. WEIST, M. D. PRACTICE LIMITED To Chronic sifectiooj of the Lungs, Note, Ears, Throat, Bronchial Tube, Eyes, Stomach, Liver, Bowels, Rectum, Blood, Skin, Nnri, Spine, Brain, Kidneys, Bladder, tc Rupture, Disease of Women. Eye smial and fitted with gliuc. Write for free booklet "Practical Suggeitiout on (low to Keep Wcli." Ad&cu U commuoicalioat to C C. WEIST, M. D. Planting Hotel Columbus, Obia (.Lancaster Clnutte. Considerable excitement was cre ated on WeBt Mam street late Sat urday afternoon, by Daniel Fore man, the photographer in the Kauirman block, being attacked with congestion of the brain in his studio. Ho was seated on achuir, oiigugeu in conversation witn a lady, when he fell to tho Hour. Tho lady rushed down the stairs and summoned assistance, Sev eral men responded und found Mr. Foreman irrational. Dr. G. W. O'Grudy was called in and after some dillioulty, the unfortunate man was taken to his homo on North Cherry street. He was reported better Monday, but his condition is still grave. He was still unsconsoious when ho arrived at homo and iu his irration al moments showed auporhuniuu strength, the power of several men being required to keop him iu bed. He had several severe hemorhageu Sunday. Athens Journal Cows In. Judge Middleton of Waverly de cided the case of General C. H. Grosvenor against M. Foster, D. C. Costo, of Parkersburg, and Mrs. Minerva Scanlon of Altoonu, Pa., brought to secure the cancellation of a note for .$0800 held by the de fendants. Tho plaintiff olaimed the noto a forgery; that he never signed it, and never authorized it to be signed. The court said the evidence showed that the note had been signed by M. 11. Hlumenburg of Washington, a former secretary of General Grosvenor, and ordered it canceled, Water-Proof Tents Rain Will Not Spoil the Exhibition. Healed proposals will be oillee of tlioCIork of tho State of Ohio, until twelve o'clock, noon, 19W for the purchase of bonds of the said Vlllngo of Logan, Ohio, In tho aggregate sum of $2700 00 dated J uno 22nd, W, being ten bonds of $270.00 oacb, duo in one, two, throe, four, llvo, six, seven, eight, nine and ton yonrs. payable on March 1st, one each year, until paid, with Interest iu four per centum per annum, paynblo annually. Issued for the purpose of antlclpntlng tho collection of assessments by Installments to be pnld by tho abutting property ownors of Mound street from the oast line of Spring streot to tho west lino of Lot No. 77s for tho Improve ment of said street by grading, curbing and paving tho same with brick, under author ity of the laws of the State of Ohio, nnd under and In accordance with a certain or dinance passed on tho ith day of May, 1001. Said bonds shall be sold to tho highest bidder for not less than par and accrued Intorost. AH bids must state the number of bonds bid for nnd tho cross amount of bid and accrued Interest to date of delivery; all bids to be accompanied with a good nnd eu in dent bond, or certified check payable to tho Treasurer of the Village of Logan, for twenty-live nor centum of the amount of bonds bid for, conditioned that it the bid Is ac cepted the bidder will receive and pny for mch bonds as may be Issned as above set lortu. wltmu ten days from thetlmoof the bwurd, said check or bond tobe retained by the Village if said condition is not fulfilled. The Village of Logan, Ohio, resorves the the right to reject any and all bids. lllds should bo sealed mil endorsed "Bid for Mound Street Improvement Bonds." ' F. C.GnovK, Village Clerk. Dated May 17, 1909. May 20-Gt. Jobs Mines. The Athens Journal comes to us In brightened form this week tin. der new management and editor ship, The paper is headed with the names of A, J, Mercer, Presi dent; W, O. Morgan, Vice PresI dent; C, h. Martzolit', II. J. Cook sey, We aro sorry that our old friend Curt Harris is in such poor health that he was compelled to retire from the work. The new managements has our welcome and God speed, Murray City Independent, The grout (Ire iu the Jobs mines which was so much dreaded, has been extinguished for some time and tho mine put in good condi tion for work, but as yet thoro has boen no coal mined since tho fire Btarted. The men who had boen working in that mine have been out of work for some time and are getting very anxious for the mino to start, It is rumored about, that the mino will start up in a fow days and that it is probable that the work will be good until next spring. Men Past Fifty m Diutffor, Men past middle life have found comfort and relief in Foley's Kid ney Remedy, especially for on- larged prostate gland, which is very common among elderly men, u, j. iuurrm, ijox.iot, ivy,, writes; 'Up to u year ago my father suf fered from kidnoy and bladder trouble and several physicians pro nounced it enlargement of the prostate gland and advised an operation. On account of his ago we were ufraid he could not stand it and I recommended Foley's Kid ney itotneuy, ana the first bottle relieved him, and after taking the second bottle he was no longer troubled with this complaint." Uort 4 Co, A sudden downpour of rain or a long-continued drizzle will have no effect on the patrons of the great Howe's London Shows when it exhi bits here. The reason of this will be apparent to everyone who sees the huge tents that will be erected for the performance. They are all construct ed of "tnerceri.ed" ducking. Tills marvelous invention for the water proofing of material has been in use for rain coats, but up to this year has never been used for tents. People who have used "mercerized" cloth know how it sheds water, and it was the knowledge of tills that caused Howe's Great Shows to have all their tents made out of this material. It is quite a stride in advance of other shows, but it is only In keeping with ..v, H'h'"".i"-33 ui mi. uiauaKC- Healed bids will be reoelved bvtliu Oonii inent of shows. Beneath these o11 ' "' vningo ot Logan, statu of ohio.ut tents spectators can sit in comfort ck LEGAL NOTICE Healed proposals will be received nt the oillee of the Clerk of the Village of Logan, aitiiuoi uiiio, until twelve o'clock, noon, on Jane 21st, 1909 for tho purchase of bonds of tho said Village of Logan, Ohio, In tho aggregate sum of 1 1 coo 00 dated Juno &nd, 1900, bolng ten bonds of $1U0 00 each, due In one, two, three, four, live, six, seven, eight, nine and ten years, payable on March 1st, one each year, until paid, with Interest at four per centum per annum, paynblo annually, Issued for tho purpose of anticipating tho collection of assessments by Installments to be paid by the abutting property owners of Hill street between east lino of Lot No. 700 and west line of Cherry avenue for the Improvement of said streot bvaradlmr. ourblnc and Hav ing the same with brick, under authority of the laws of the State of Ohio, and under nnd In accordnnco with a certain ordinance passod on the 4th day of May, 1909, Said bonds shall bo Nold to the highest and best bidder for not less than par and accrued Interest. All bids must state tho number of bonds bid for and tho gross amount ot bid on accrued Interests to date of doll very; all bids to bo accompanied with a good and suhiclont bond, or certified oueck payable to tho Treasurer ot the Village of Logan, for twenty-live per centum of the amount of bonds bid for, conditional that If the bid Is accep'uu the bidder will receive and pay for such bonds ns may bo Issued as nbovo sot forth, within ten days from tho tlmo of tho award, salduheok or bond to bo retained by tho Village If said condition Is not ful filled. Tho Village ot Logan, Ohio, reservos tho right to reject any nnd all bids. .- Bids should bo soaled und ondorsed "Bid tor Hill Stroot Improvement Bonds." V. O. OltOVK. Village Olerk. Dated May 17, 1900, May i0-5t. Sheriffs Sale of Real Estate. James Storer vs Hester A. Patton and Ell Pntton. Cause Number, ItfiTO. In the Court of Common Pleas of Hocking County, Ohio. Notice Is hereby signed Sheriff, of Hocking county, Ohio, glvon, that the undor cklnii county. Ohio, by vlrtuo of an Ordor of Execution, Issued out ot said court. In the above entitled cause. and to htm directed as SherifT of said coun ty, will, at tho door of the Court House In Logan, Hooking county, Ohio, on Saturday, June 26, A. D., 1909, at ono o'clock P.M., on snld day.otTarfor sale at public auction, tho following lands and tonemonts, to-wlt: Being fractional lot numbor ntno (9), In Section number thirteen (IS), Township number thirteen 1131. Kan no number six teen (101, excepting there from fifty-four ono-hundrodths (01-100) of an acre on the north-oast side of the public road conveyed to Rachel Mooro, and also ten-hundredtbs i 10-100) of an ncre horetolore conveyed to EH atton, which Is described as follows: Be ginning four and ton-hundred ths il 10-100) chains south of the north enst corner of said lot number nine (9), thence south sixty- threo and one-half WA) degrees west, ono nnd sixty-five hundredths (1 65-100) chnlns, thenco north twenty-eight and ono-hnlf (28J4) degrees west, seventy (70) chains, thence north forty-live (45) degrees, east one and lUty-elRht hundredths (1 to-100) chains, thence south thirty-three and ono-half (Kii degrees, east ono and twenty hundredths (1 20-100) chains to the place of beginning, containing seventy-live (76; acres, more or less, subject to tho mortgage or Oliver T. Betliol lor soven hundred '$700 00) dollars, dated July 8, 1890 and bearing lntorest at tho rate of eight per cent, per utiuutn since snld July 3, 1890, which snld mortgage Is recorded In volume IB, reoords of mortgages of Hock ing county. To bo sold for not less than twenty-seven huudrod and forty-tight 1 $.'7 -18. 00) dollars the minimum prlco for which It can bo sold, as llxed by tho court. Terms of Sale Cash. Given under my hnnd at Logan, Hocking county, Ohio, this 2"th, day of May A, 1). 1909. GlEOItaE B. WILLIAMSON. SherifT ot Hocking County. It. A. Wllber. WrlKht and Pottlt.Attvs. for nlnlntlfT. juay zi, o-w Di R E. Campbell Physician and Surgeon Ollloe on West Main Street, posite Opera House. Op Both Phones in Ofiioe and Residence. Allen R. McBroom Of Logan, Ohio, Will do On Your Bond. The Empire State Surety Company has executed to Allen R. McBroom a power of attorney to do ageneral bonding business and Issue acci dent policies. Ofllce in COURT HOUSB, LOQAN, OHIO Wm. E. Eisele Oealeb in Granite and --Marble Honunents. Rock Plaster, Plastering, and Plaster of Paris Main Bt opposite Koohbstbk'b Btobb CHICHESTER SPILLS BRAND DIAMOND OO' ' ov A ' ','!"' -,"", LADIES I Jttk jour DruRcht for Cni-CHUS-TBR'3 uM.wu uiuu riM.3 11 Gold metallic boxes, sealed Ribbon. TACn NO otukh. 1 DrUMlit and aalc Ur III.UlIEH.TH-a SUJIUJiU HIliNIl I'll, LB, lor twentT-HTO I-CIIUS-T8R'3 A .3 iu Rkd aadA iled with Blue(0) 1. Bur r Ty II-UUEB.TB'a V years regarded as Best. Safest, Always Reliable. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE $25$. TIMK TMI8U THE NATIONAL BANK OF LOGAN OFFICE HOURS 9 TO S Paid in Cash Capital $30,000 C. E. BOWEN, President, H. R. HARRINGTON, Vice Prei. F. MEADE BOWEN, Cashir. Does a General Banking Busi ness, Receives Deposits, Discounts Puper and Buys and Sells .Exchange. apr 6-ly Bank in James Block Gompf's Acme Green Houses Chris H. Gompf, Manager Florists and Gardeners Floral Designs and Cut Flowers for Funeral Occasions All Kinds of Vegetables ia Season Sets and Plants for Gardening Both Phones 107 LEGAL NOTICE. LEGAL NOTICE. Soaled bids will borecolvcd by the Coun cil ot tbu Vlllugo of Logan, Stato of Ohio, nt tlio otllco of tho Vllltige Ulork, until twelvo o'clock noon, June Wild., 1MJ, tor furnishing tlio nocosHary labor mid materials for tho Improvement of Mound street from tlmeast Une ot Spring streot to tlio west lino of Lot specifications rlclc, according to tbu plans und tiie oiuco 01 sum on 11 lo In and ease during the heaviest of rains and he as dry as it Iu the ilnest thea ter in the country. This is only ono of the many novelties that have been added to these shows this season. It Is respectfully suifgested tliat tho children attend the afternoon exhibi tion, where ample time Is tflven to view the larjje menagerie, likewise avoiding the night crowds. Uni formed ushers will attend every want of tho little folks, and tho care and attention paid to ladles and children Is tho Hist consideration of the man agement. Tho only big circus that will visit hero thlsyear Is Howe's Great London Shows, and the date is Tuesday, Juno the necessary labor nnd muteilals for the improvement ot 11111 nt. (roni tuoeust tine of Lot No, TilU to the west Hue of Cherry Avenue, hy grading, curbing and paving I ho i-aini) with brick, according to the plant) 01 HUld No, 7T8, by grading, curbing nnd paving tho name wun o specll Olerk Each bid must contain tho full namo of ovory person, partnership or corporation interested In the same, and bo ucconipanled by a bond In the sum of tl,00OO3, to the satis faction of the Council, or ncertllleil check on somo solvent bank, as a guaranty that If tho bid 1h accoptod, 11 contract will bo onter ed Into and Its performance properly se cured. Hliould any bid bo rejected such check will be forthwith returned to tho bidder, and should any bid bo accepted such check will bo ro turned upon tho proper execution und ueourlng of the contract. juo rigiu is resorveu 10 reject any ituu an bids, Hy order of llio Councilor the Vlllaea of Logon. Ohio. F.O. ailOVK, ifuted May 33, 1609. Olork, May IT, t-w LEGAL NOTICE. The Rempel National Bank of Logan Successor to the Rempel Banking Co. Capital 9 Gu.000.00 r,. - . r-r ,, w.i ! ZZ. eujcK noiuers Xjiamuty 5U,uoo.ou Responsibility of Directors. 250,000.00 Total Responsibility... 350,000.00 John F. Rkmpkl, President. E. E. Stiverson, Cashier. Meggied & Yenkin Pay the highest price for Old Iron, Metal, Rubbers, Hides, Fur, Etc. und soooltlpittlons on llln in ibu otllon uirrK. Hach bid mllut nniilnln Ihn full nutuo nf every person, purtunrshlp or corporation 1 1W3, Jutiiea 1) Interested In theuaiuo, und be accompanied J,'10 c',uri. P uy a ijuiiu 111 me Hum ni iiAwiAj 10 uie satis faction of tho Council, or a curtllliii chnnk on dome solvent bank, as u guaranty that If iiiu uiu isuuuepiuu, u couiiaci, win ne enter ed Into mid Its performance secured. Hliould any bid bo rejected such check will be forthwith returned to the bidder, and should any bid be 11 ceo pled such check will be returned u pou the proper execution and securing of tho contract, Tho right Is reserved to reject any and all bids. lly order of tlio Council of the Vlllaueof Logau.Ohlo. K. o. (JUOV10. Dated May 23,190!). Clerk, MaySJT.l-w Itnlpb J. Carlisle residing In Missouri Vol y. iioirisou uouuiy. Mini take notice that on theilu day of January ite of Iowa, will Probate N0U110 Ohio Educutor Benefited. Dr. Clutrles W. Super.of Atlibns lms received word that ho had been made a benefloiary of the re tiring fund of the Carnegie foun dation, The allowance is $1450 a year. Ut, Super was president of Ohio university nearly 20 years, com ing hero from Dickinson college, in Pennsylvania. Children's Day Service. We are asked to announce that the Children's Day service of the Uethany M. E. Churoli, Laurel ville, will be held Saturday night, June 10, instead of Runday ulght, June 20, as flret announced, Notice K Uh re by given that the following Accounts and Vouchers have been died In tho Probate Court of 11 jcklugUouuty. Ohio,! iu, rifamim riuai Buiuuiliuilli til William Wniiar, Administrator of the estate nf Wil llaui J.Hayey, deceuneil, und the same will route on for bearing out health, day of June A. 1). ICODat 10 o'clock A, M..or soon there utter uf may bocouveulot. J. O. Btoughton, June,3-wks, l'robate Judge, Notice of Dissolution. Notloo Is hereby given that tho partner ship lately existing between lerome A. jviino uiiu ueo. w. jitine, 01 enterprise, Ohio, under the firm of Kline llros. was dis solved on the 5th. day of J uno by mutual con sent all debts owing to said partnership aro tobe received by said Ueo. W, Kline, who is authorized to settle ullucoounts and notes of the Klriu, and nil demands 011 said partnership are to bo presented to Jerome A.KIIuoforpjymont, who is uutborlzed to settle all debts by the firm. JKKOMK A.Kl.INK, Geo W.KLIMIE, 1), l'ostou tiled Ills petition In if common uleas of lloukluu County. Ohio. In Case No. 4009 aualnst the saldltalph J, Carlisle and others, the object and prayer of which Is to securo the parti tion uuioiiKSt.Iuines 1), l'ostou, Webstor W, l'ostou, Minerva J, Locke, Itulpli .1, Carlisle und Huth Carlisle ns owners In fun simple and tenants In common us the only heirs ut law of Ida M Collins, deceased, In the pro portion of tho undivided one-fourth each to tho said James 1), l'ostou, Webster W, l'ostou mid Minerva J. Loclcu mid tho un divided one-eighth ouch to Itnlph J, Carlisle and Ituth Carlisle of the following premlbOH situate In the Township ot Kulls, In tho County of Hocking nnd Htato of Ohio und descrluod usfol ows, to-wlt: Ilelng all that part of Kruotlonal Lot No, Two In Hoctlou No. Two, Township No. Fourteen of ltango No. Hoventeen, lying and being west nf tlio couutv road running through said Lot from Loguu, Ohio, In u northerly direction, containing forty three nores more or less, reference beliix hud to new I'lut liook A, I'ago VI of the I'lats of Kractlouul Lots of llookluu Couutv. Ohio. for a more particular description. Bald lUiljili J. Carlisle Is required to nil. swerou or before tlio of July.lWJ. JAMKHll.l'OHTON. lly John A, Hmltli atid V.O. I.owry, his attorneys. May lH.U-w Located at John delger's Machine Shop in West Logan. Nov. 10, 0S tf Citizens Phone 180 Notice to Teachers. The Hoard of School Examiners of Hook Inn County will moot at the School Building Hi Logan, Ohio, at 8:30 a. in., on the First Haturday of eaoh month, for the examina tion ofnppllcants forTeucher's Klementary Oortliicutt-s and 011 tho first Saturday of September, December, March and J une for theexamlnation of applicants for Teacher's High Hohoolaud Hptolul Certificates ' Kx. niuinattoiiH for pupils desiring to enter high schools will be held 011 the Third Saturday of April und tho Hecond Saturday of May. Holland lliaouT.l'resldunt 1). K. II aiihu, Olork Kohk Wiiitk Logan Ohio, March 1, 1607 tf Legal Notice Lucliidu Hllsher. residing In M uncle, In. dlana, Mary Lloyd, residing lu Hi, Louis, Missouri, the unknown heirs of Lucy A. Hortmiiii, und the unknown heirs of Mury -ui kiiuii,i.iu uiu Miihiiumi ueiro uj omry Cohen, will take notice that on the 2nd day Div H.G. Campbell Otllco and Residence, Main Street, Logan, Ohio. All oa'ls answer ed day or night. Speoial atten tion given to Surgery, Bell and Oltreus Phoue No. a. of June, 1U01), J.N.Shorr, Administrator of Mary Kost.deooiiBed. Illed his petition In iuo rruuiuu uouri, lionising uomuy, ()ul(i. In case Nn. Sill, against tho uhoye named partus and others, praying that the peti tioner in 11 y bo authorized and ordered lo sell the Heal Estate hereluafterdoscrlbed to w'ij iuu uduiq ui .uiu mury jxosi, lu-wltl LJl,.in,a In ,,.,...-.... . ... . of Ohio Six 10), euteen Said parties are required to answer on or before the Hist dy of July. WW. JuueD.D-W ft. B. HfAHNOK, .u urn uiiuiii; uiiiuusiugouu MllilO ; Ilelng the Kust purtof Lot Number , Township Fourteen 111), Haugo Hov (IT). Section Twelve list' ,woor Aiiy,iurj.j.Hiiori'. Admin- i , W M . HAt once The Cincinnati Weekly Enquirer and the DemocratSentinel one year for only $1,50. Send in Your order ""ttft-ja i am mmriii twyri mum A, I 1 winona , iiT3 r.ii ! .1 i h. i nfflr i.i i, r Minil Bill t mnillliil uii