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&w&frfm0W!w: ygy ts'-!p.,-' vfn1) """.' 1 -. ,?. '"'" " f TT 1 rc n-r ,, ,,,, IT - Bargain Oxfords We have two lots une JLot at yoc. a rair. One Lot at $1.19 a Pair. These Oxfords originally sold $1.25 to $2.50 a pair. Come now while we have your size. STEDEM & CO. Xocal anb tJM tJM n v JV 7b JFi J"l Jv Jj Jv Jv iffe J Auditor J. L. Vinton, Sunday. Martin was in Mr. Charles Frasure was in Co- lunibiiB, Monday. y'N Mr. Sam Green was a visitor in Columbus, Tuesday. Mrs. J. F. White was a sliopper in Columbus, Monday. Mr. Jake Miller, of Columbus, was in Logan over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs.-E, B Coinly wore Columbus visitors, Monday. Mr. James Grigsby was in Col- umbtiB, Monday on business. Mr. John Smith wan a business visitor in LauoaBter, Monday. Attorney y. U, Lowry, was a Capital City visitor, Monday. Mr. Charley Yontz was in Co lumbus, Tuesday, on business. Miss Maud Runnels is spending a few days in Canal Winchester. Mrs. George Hengst went to Washington, C. II., Tuesday morn ing. Mr. and Mrs. John Timberlake were visitors in Columbus, Tues day. Mr. and Mrs. J?.E. Johnson were Saturday visitois in the Capital City. Mr. Noah Friend, of Rookbridge, was a business visitor in Logan, Tuesday. Mr. Walter Becker was over from New Lexington to spend Sunday here With his family. x Mr. Fred Collins, who is working in Columbns, was in Logan over Sunday visiting his parents. Mrs. Fred Deishlie went to Co lumbus, Tuesday, to visit her sister at the Grant Hospital. Col. Joe Bright, of Columbus, was in Logan, Sunday, visiting his daughter, Mrs. Henry Smith. Mr. W. P. Miller, of Union Fur nace, was in Logun, Monday and made our olllce a pleasant call. Mr. Otto Vollenweider, of Mo Arthur, was in Logan, Tuesday morning, enroute to Columbus. Mrs. Julia Waguor and daugh ter Maud, of Baltimore, are visit ing lie family of Mr. J. W. Prlco, Mr, John Engle und the Misses Beatrice und Maria Mathews, of Vinton, were in Logan Sunday, enroute to Columbus to visit friends. Sswmmmnimmmmimmiwmniminmmmmmmmnis e Hot Weather is upon us. Are you going to stand ever that hot cook stovo when for little co3t wo can provide you with a labor saving, gas saving and sweat saving tr B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B HOT PLATE, GAS RANGE OR Lot us show you those goods, You will live longer by thoir uso; at least more com fortable whilo you do livo, WORK BROS. Hardware, Tinware and Stoves. Main Street, Logan, Ohio uiuiuuauuiiiiitiiutiiuiuiuiuuuuauuiuiUiUitiiiiiiiair of Womens Oxfords personal IIIJli b m & vv iu Jl &j Jb Jw tlv Logan Lodge of Maccabees went to Nelsonvilio Sunday, to attend Memoriul' city. services held in that Captain and Mrs. J. S. Chor rington, of Bldwell, woro Sunday guests of the Drs. Cherrington in Logan. Mr, and Mrs. Johnny Hudson were in Lancaster, Sunday, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Karnes. Mrs. Noah Cook and Mrs. L. Conrad were Sunday visitors with the ittiuily ot l.on btougiuon in Lancaster. Dr. H. C. McManigal and wife went to Columbus, Tuesday morn ing to visit their daughter, Mrs. Dr. HotThines. Attorney Tom Dolaon, of Lan caster, was in Logan, Monday nifeht returning to that city, Tues day morning. Mrs. James Barthlow weut to the Grant Hospital last Thursday for an operation and is doing nicely at present. Miss Ruth Henderson, who has been visiting relatives in Logan for several days, returned Monday to her home in Newark. Mr. Karl Kuntz and Kobe Felp- man, of Vinton, passed through Logon, Sunday, enroute to Colum bus to see the ball game. Father Richards is taking a three week's vacation. He left Monday for Stubenviile, thence to Philadelphia-and New York. WANTED Family washing do at home. Inquire at Allen to Wright's Feed Store. Mns. Now'ak. Messrs. W. A. Henderson and TidJ Houston are in Lancaster this week, where they have secured a contract for putting in sewers. The new residence of tlio Misses Noble on North Spring street at the Hill Apr. roach is about com pleted, and they will get into it this week. Mr. George Krinn went to Dud ley, Noble County, Ohio, Tuesday morning, called thero by tlio seri ous Illness of hie daughter, Mrs E. J. Tilden. Mrs. W. II, Dovoro and Mrs. II, D. Devore and children, have re turned to their homo at Vint in, after a woek's visit with Mrs, Bruce Dollisou. 3 3 3 3 3 3 OIL STOVE. I 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 we are closing out M Flag Day was roinombered in Lo gan by many merchants swinging Old Glory to the broezo, and many residences wore decorated with national colors. Mr. Ed Savey, of Alliance wore in Logan u few days lastweok vis iting his parents, Mr, and Mrs. John Savoy, Sr. IHb wife and child accompanied him. NOTICE The party that took the package out of Post olllce box 614 is known. If package is not returned to tlio post-olllce at once, party will be prosecuted. Captain Larimer, John L, Youn ker, John Storling and Sam St. Clair, all old soldiers, went to Newark, Tuesday, to spond a few days at the State Encampment. Mr. Frank Brown is breaking ground for the erection of a new home on the beautiful sito of his old residence, The old house is sold and is being moved to Glenova. Messrs. John Canty and George Shorr went to Cedar Point, Satur day, and Messrs. Ed Lecrone and Joe Schrader, Tuesday. They are in attendance at the Knights of St. John outing. Rev. J. C. Jackson, editor of the "American Issue," the Anti saloon paper, died on Saturduy June 5, and his funeral was held Monday, Juno 7. Tlio causo of his death was apoplexy. Mr. Harry Blosser, who was painfully hurt some time ago at Columbus on the Hocking Valley Ry., returned to work, Tuesday, after spending seven weeks here in Logan with his purents. Mr. W, II. Roush returned Sun day evening to his home in Fuir mont, W. Va. He had been in Logan several days, because of the sickneEs of his wife, who is con fined at the Cherrington Hospital Ladios of the Third Ward look after the Market, Saturday, June 10, on the Court House Park, The committee have an accumula tion of dishes on hand whicli the owners may have by calling for them. Mrs, S. M. Woolson and child ren, of Mt. Vernon, were guests last week ot Mrs. Frank Ackets. Mrs. AVoolson was raised in Lo gan, her maiden name being Miss Ida Palmer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Palmer. We are sorry to learn that Dr. Graoy has determined to leave our town and looate in Cleveland. He has been a courteous und gentlo manly oitizon whilo hero, and mado many frionds. His home is at Uhricksville, Ohio, and he will stop thore for a vaoation. The Woman's Homo Missionary Sooioty, will hold thoir regular monthly mooting on Wednesday, Juno 23, instoud of Tuesday, June 22, at the homo of Mrs. Rug Han sel. As the program for tlio yoar is to be arratigodat this meeting, is is hopod that thoro will lie n good attendant of the member ship. The Nelsonvilio and Murray City Telephone Co. hud a mooting of their stnok-holders at Nelsonvilio, Monday, Those of tlio company attending the mooting from horo woro; Mossrs. Jtihn Uokor, John Wellman, John Collins, Charles Yontz, II. G, Hansel, John HaiiBel, II, E, Sparnon, John Jones und E, 0. Pettit. Gormley Wants a Job, The Ohio State Journal of Tues day morning says that Hugh Uormley demooratio mayor of Gloustor wus presented to Govor nor Harmon Monday by senators Gillett and MoKeo, of the 0-11 dis trict as a candidate for appoint ment aa deputy state lire marshal, What A Woman Will Not Do Thme Is nothing woman would not do to raanln her lotl benuty. HIib oiiRht to bo fully ns aenlous In pronervlng tier good lookn. Tlio liorliilrinlc cnllod (.nun's t'Hiit lly Medlclno or r.nno'flTon U thn most mil plontnld In preaorvliiR rv lionittlfill nklti, utid will do moni tlinn nny tlilny elftt) to rostoro tlio rote!) to fndodcliuekH. At nil ilruguMtft' nnd dealers', Vbu, Rockbridge, Henry Aug erected a now house near Itockbrldgo. Mrs. Moses Woltz was in Logan, Saturday. Davis Smith and daughter Edna, were Logan shoppers one day last week. Lizzie Ellck was seen on our streets Saturday. Phopa Walkor called on Mrs. Gotlclb Uailey, Saturday evening. Tena Inboden visited her sister, Mrs. Joseph Marshall, of Sugar Grove, last week. Mrs. Goss Inboden called on Ahneda Bailey, Thursday. Noah Yond moved his family back to Rockbridge last week. Mrs. Menervla Martin, of Logan, Is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Clint IIuls at present. John Dupler, of W. Va., has moved his family back to Lancaster. Miss Cora, Sarah and Emma Dupler, of Lancaster, visited their grandma, ounuay. Rev. M. R. White addressed a large crowd at the U. B. Church, Sunday evening. Mrs. Geo. Cohl called on Mrs Lonzo Stoughton, of Lancaster. Bluk Bonnkt. Newtown Mo. As it has been one year since I have written a letter to my old friend in old Hocking, I will try and drop a few lines from old Mercer Coun ty, Mo. Health in this part of Mis souri Is good; crops look fine. The acreage of corn planted Is larger here than common. Grass is good as we have had plenty of rain and Is very warm now; corn needs work but the ground is too wet at present. Garden truck looks well, potatoes promise a line crop; small fruit not more than half crop except grapes and blackber ries. Good crop of peaches nearly all killed. Apples prospect for a good crop. Wheat and rye fair prospect, oats and speltzs look fine, cattle and horses are looking fine and are bringing good prices. Sheep are high, their are a great many sheep In Mercer County. People for the last three years brought in great flocks of sheep. Hogs are not plenty" rather a short crop. Not many Angora goats, here they don't appear to take well. I do think the people of Hocking County are in earnest in regard to gas and oil. Success to them is the writers wishes. ...There is.some.excite ment in our county near Calnsvllle, in regard to coal. They report a fine vain of good coal. We need it badly as we are taxed very high for what coal we use; as much as 13 cents a bushel and very poor quality. Tim ber is getting scarser every year. There are lots of large farms here that have no timber, and the farmers that have timber, don't want to dis pose of it. Railroads have gotten a great lot of the best timber for piling and paid a good price for it but not enough to justify present prices. Have to close my letter, and if this escapes the waste basket I will try and come again, my best wishes to all my old friends of Hocking County Ohio. Yours truly MiciiAKt. Bowk us. Brier Hollow Will Ellck and wife called on their daughter Clara Jackson, Wednesday. Ed Engle called on Amos Carpen ter, Wednesday. Alice Ellck made a business trip to Rockbridge, Tuesday. Mrs. Alice Dupler and mother call ed on Mrs. Fanny Dupler, Thursday of last week. Alice Ellck and Mrs. Lizzie Ed- 'wards called on Amos Ellck, Thurs day. Christian Shull made a business trip to Rockbridge, Wednesday. A Dainty Dessert ia mado with individual dishes of Post Toasties, Ripe or Stewed Fruit, and Whipped Cream. Try this for a sturtor. Your own ingonuity will soon "create" others. This dainty food is made of White Corn, has a delicate "toasty" flavour which en hances many other ohoico dishes, The Taste Lingers" Directions in the little hook. "Tid-Bils made with Toasties" a copy in ovory pkg, Popular pkg. 10c; large Family size 15c. Madeaj (lie Pure pood factories of POSTUM CEREAL CO., LTD., Battle Creek, Midi. Amos Carpenter matt u a Hying trip to Rockbridge, Thursday. Earnest Shull mado a business trip to .Sugar Grove, Thursday. The great monster death called at Mrs. Peter Daubonmlor, and took away a beloved wife and mother. Amos Carpenter has purchased a line cement mixer. Lewis Ellck, the Brier Hollow Jock ey has excepted a job, breaking Earn est Shull's colt In the saddle. Leo Shull made a business trip to Rockbridge, Monday. Charles Carpenter and family call ed on Wm. Dupler and family, Sun day. Mrs. Clarence Conrad called on Mr. Ellck and family, Monday evening. Mrs. Magdallna Carpenter and grand-daughter, of Tattle Ridge, are visiting her children, of Canal Win chester. Benjamin Carpenter and family called on his father, Sunday. Clarence Carpenter mado a Hying trip to Logan, Saturday. Cleveland .lacksonand family called on Wm. Ellck and family, Sunday. Win. Edwards was seen on our streots, Sunday. Fanny Dupler was seen out driving for her health, Monday morning. Frank Johnston and wife called on John Carpenter and family, Sunday. Well, Old Crupper, you was lucky when you was fishing, not to break your nose Instead of the hook. Busv Bkk. Black Jack Quite a large crowd attended church at new ZIon, Sunday evening. Mrs. Susan Stlveson and daughters visited Mrs. John Culbertson, Satur day afternoon. Henry Keck yas a caller In this valley, one day last week. Susan ICuIiti visited Mrs. Zurlah Keck, one day last week. Allen Reichley and Minnie Stlve son, of Logan, were the guests of Susan Stlveson and family. Delia ICeclc visited her sister Mrs. Jennie Heigle, one day last week. Harley Emmons and wife made a Hying trip to Logan, last Tuesday. Ilarley Kalklosch and wife, of Lo gan, visited the former's parents, Henry Kalklosch and wife, over Sun day. Mrs. Ella Emmons called on Susan Stlveson, one day last week. Edwin lies, of Logan, was in this valley, one day last week. Charles Heigle and family made a Hying trip to Logan, last Saturday. Charles Thompson and Anna Stive son attended Memorial day at South Bloomingville. Allen Reichley and Minnie Stlveson attended the show at So. Blooming ville, last Saturday evening. Ben Morse, of Orland, was the Sun day guest of his parents. Susan Stlveson and daughters visit ed Zuriah Keck, last Friday afternoon. JIaiiey Emmons and wife called at the home of Susan Stlveson, Sunday evening. Frank Allen and wife, of Jlesboro, visited Clint Keck and wife, Sunday. Vince Morse and son were the over Sunday guests of Henry Keck and wife. George Morse is on the sick list. A social at St. John, June the li). Tuuti.k Dovk. So. Bloomingville and Yiclnity John Starkey received a severe shock from lightning, while plowing on Wednesday last. The horse was struck and Instantly killed, and Mr. Starkey was rendered unconscious for several hours. The little son of Rufus Johnson met with a painful accident on last week by running a needlo to the bone just below the knee. Dr. Uenniger, of Adelphi, was called and investigat ing, found the needlo broken in sev eral pieces. The little follow bore his sufferings patiently and is doing line. E.E. Chllcote Is still getting better, we will be glad to see Elze up again, as he has surely had his share of sick ness. Howard North Is also improv ing. John D. Mount and wife, of Logan, spent a few days visiting the latter's parents, John Hamilton and wife, re cently. Cleo Cooper returned home, aftor spending a few weeks at Logan. Mrs. Fred Cody, of Clrclovillc, is visiting relatives at this place, B. M. Shaw was a Logan visitor on Friday. John Huffman and wife, of Logan, returned homo, after a two weeks vis- It witli relatives and frionds hero. Mona Chllcoto, of Whlsler, has been the guest of Mrs. W. 0, Denton and Cleo Cooper, the past week. Born to Wm, Mattox and wlfe.Juno 15, a daughter. Mrs. W. 0. Denton and Mona Chll coto were victims of a runaway, onu day last week; the lattor escaped in jury, but Mrs. Denton recoived sever al bruises and a sprained back, The little sister of Eniinit Clark, of Gllsplovllle, Is visiting horo at pres ent. John Starkey, Chas. Oldilold, Lyna Eveland and Cleo Cooper spent Sun day at Taiiton. Mrs. A, M, Thomas and Mrs. How ard North spent Sunday afternoon at tlio Kitchen farm. Chas. Myers, of Logan, visited with E. E. Cooper, recently, John Hamilton and wife spent Sim diy with Lesley Lemeii and family, Mrs. Catherine Lower has recontly purchased the Walton property at this place and is comfortably located In Iter new home. A. M. Thomas was a business visi tor to Laurolvillo, on Saturday last. Mrs. Cora Thomas and mother, Mrs. Oldilold were to the reunion at Tail ton, Sunday, Mrs. Nora Chllcote and children K mwim CENTRAL UNION spent Sunday with J. C. Chllcote and family. Edward Shaw and wife were visi tors to Logan, on Thursday last. Quarterly meeting at the M. E. church, next Sunday evening. Pre siding Elder Dr. Cherrington will be present. I'ncu.k Jim. Oil Valley George Kessler spent Saturday eve ning In Logan. Lost recently, two Golden hours; a reward Is olfered to anyone who finds and returns them to the "Bell of Oil Valley." I am also in favor of having a cor respondent reunion. There Is going to be an Ice cream social at Webbs Chapel, Saturday evening. Mae IIockman,of Delaware College, Is spending her vacation with her brother, Edward Jlockman, of near this place. The Bethany Sunday school Is busy preparing for Children's service. "Sport" Fickel seems to be the champion bicycle rider In this viclni- i ty: we presume he is waiting for a prize race on the new pike. The oil business in this valley is booming. I. M. Fickel resigned culinary work in Logan and returned to her home, recently. Three men, a barber, a baldhcaded man and an Irishman, were traveling together; not liking the looks of the place where they were to rest over night, they decided that one should keep watch while the other two slept. The barber was to take the first watch, the Irishman the second and the baldheaded man the third or last. Jestingly the barber amused himself by shaving the head of the sleeping Irishman, and promptly on the stroke of twelve, said, "Pat wake up;" Pat half awake yawned, and passing his hand over his head said: "Holy Moses, he's waked up the baldheaded man when lie should have waked up me." Cute Topsy. "Hesboro Quite a large crowd attended preaching at this place, Sunday evening. Arthur Hankison and sister Eunice, called on Miss Myrtle Van cureu, Sunday evening. Darlov West made a business trip to Logan, Tuesday. Elsie Lindsay was seen on our streets, Monday. Wm. Vancuren and daughter, were Logan shoppers, Thursday. Neut Primmer passed through this place Saturday, with a load of corn. James Lindsoy, wife and daugh ters wore the the guests of Wm. Vancuren and family. Vornon Walker, of Mt. Pleasant, was the Sunday afternoon guest of his cousin Ivor Engle. James Nimon, of Ewing, was seen on our pike Thursday. Quite a large crowd attended the sale of Mrs. Murgarot Byers, Sat urday afternoon. D. W. West was soon on our streets Sunday. Henry lies and wife were Logan shoppers Saturduy. Willoughby Iluggine lost n valuable horao Friday. Hi.ub liKi.r.. Governor Is Still House Clean ing. Whon John W, .uher, the new fire marshal, took possession he found six "secret service" men on the pay roll, Rogers refused to toll who these six political pets were, hut it developed subsequent ly that ono of them wbb his own brother, who claimed to bo "u sleuth from the Atlantic to the Pacific," ut $75 por month and expenses, The salary of tlio chief deputy had been boosted to $2100 and the salary of the regular at torney for the olllce had been in orousod from $ 1800 to $2100, In addition "special counsel" had been employed, among thorn being Hy Davis, lire marshal during the Horriok administration, who was paid $2100 in salary and $1,100 traveling expenses from July 1008 to June mOO. This is the same Hy Davis who was known in the campaign last fall as organizer of Republican clubs and wus recontly recommend ed by President Tuft to the United States senate for U, S, Marshal in Northern Ohio. BELL Long Distance Service IS THE BEST New Rates to Many Points For information regarding rates or service, call LONG DISTANCE, or communicate with our local Manager. TELEPHONE CO. HOCKING VALLBY BULLETIN Of Low Rate Excursions Sunday Excursions to Columbus every Sunday; to Pomerov, Jackson and Intermediate points, June I.V27. Homeseekcrs Excursions to Western and Southern points, 1st and .'id Tuesday each month. Twin Tickets to Columbus every day, $l.f!0. Summer Tours to the Resorts of the United States and Canada dally. G. A. I!. Encampment, Newark, O., June 14-18. Daily Excursions to New York in July. Knights of St. John Encamp ment, Cedar Point, June 1.120. Lake Chautauqua Excursions, July 2 and 'J.'i. Fourth ot July Excursions. National Educational Associa tion, Denver, Col,, July. li-'J. Christian Endeavor ITnlon, Kenton, O., June 22-25, Elks' Reunion, Los Angeles, Cal., July 11-17. Nat'I Gymnastic Union, Cincin nati, June 10-27. Dally Excursions to Pacific Coast and Far West. Pull information will be fur nished on application to C. V. Schwenke, Ant. 11. V. Iy. Logan Not a word have Republican papers which raise the cry of "lust for olllce" to say about the lust for spoils so liberally doled out by Rogers during the year he served as fire marshal. Besides cutting of the six "sleuths," the new fire marshal lias put back salaries to the amounts paid when D. S. Creamer was fire marshal. It has been stated that he "cut down saluries." This is true in a sense. The whole truth is thut he cut out the "graft and corruption" and restored the pay roll as it was when the office was under Democratic control. During the two years D. S. Creamer wus fire marshal, there were more convictions for arson than during any preceding two year period, and Mr. Creamer turned into the stato treasury over $11,000 balance above expenses from the receipts of the olllce. So that there is Democratic precedent for the salary basis fixed by the new fire murshal as well as economy in the conduct of that department. Why are those rapid Republican editors who accuse the governor of partisanship so silent about these details? It miiBt be because tlioy feel that they dure not tell their readers the whole truth. Governor Harmon has "culled their blull'." Ho wus put thore to turn the rascals out, and lie is doing it. Men Psist Fifiy in Danger. Men past middle life have found comfort und relief in Foley's Kid ney Itemed', especiully for en lurged prostate gland, which is very common among elderly men. L. K. Morris, Dexter, Ky., writes: "Up to a year ago my futlior sut furud from kidnoy and bladder trouble and several physicians pro nounced it enlargomout of the prostute gland and advised an operation. On account of his age wo were afraid lie could not stand it und I recommonded Foley's Kid ney Remedy, nnd tlio first bottle, relieved him, and aftor taking tiio second bottle ho was no longer troubled with this complaint." Bort ik Co. The Best Dank Account Is one that docs not need a government guarantee, We are under stato supervision and our books and securities are subject to state inspection, but that is not what makes an account with us desirable. For eighteen years wo have loaned all our receipts only on first mortgages on Insured homes with values suillcieutly In excess of our claim to maintain security under any conditions. You got f per cent, and withdraw your money WIIKN YOU WANT IT. We do business on thosiiuaro and deliver the goods. That's Safety, The Columbian tiuildiug & Loan Co., Rjggery Bldg., 22 Kast Gay st, Columbus, Ohio. Write for liooklet. 51 rtrtf "yw.